Out Post Canada
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 05:41
We the Freeland of Out Post Canada have decided to open our borders. We are tired of not being out. We have been closed for so long we need to learn new things.
*this was annouced on all the Mobile Coal Powered Home Spoeaker Boxs and to the few Steam Powered Screens. All over the land people gasped as the Prime Over Lord spoke.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 05:53
Deep with in the Factory Walls of Metro Pumping City One the Prime Overlord Nick O"Shay http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/ragnardevill/1089250753.jpg paced back and forth, the numbers were astounding they had uncovered new coal and oil pcokets in the middle of Fort Spears. they would have to ither move or kill each citizen.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 06:00
*Sent to all nations* Hello dear naeighbors. We here in Canada the last Bastion for worship of the Elder Gods want to extend our arms in brother or sister hood. We welcome you to send yor ambasadors to us we would love to learn from them and you. May his Holy Emence Lovecraft and all of the Elder Gods look at you and smile. May not the insanity strike you.
(it is sent in English, French and Latin as seen here.)
Tiens! cher voisines. Nous voici dans Canada l'ultime Bastions pour vénérer de les Plus vieux Dieux vouloir à étendre notre bras dans frère ou soeur sommet. Nous bienvenue vous à émettre yor ambasadors à nous nous would aimer beaucoup faire apprendre de leur et vous. Mai son Saint Emence Lovecraft et tout de les Plus vieux Dieux regarder vous et sourire. Mai pas les folie sonner vous.
Abyssus carus vicinus. Nos hic in Canalis permaneo Bastion pro cultus of Senior Filiolus volo propago nostrum telum in frater vel sanctimonialis hood. Nos exspectata vos transmitto yor ambasadors nobis nos would diligo disco ex lemma quod vos. May suus Sanctus Emendo Lovecraft quod totus of Senior Filiolus inviso vos quod smile. May non insanity offendo vos.
Right... So can you basically sum it up? Not to be rude or anything but i just kind of get that you want people to go to your region or something.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 06:07
We want to open diplomatic ties with people, we need to learn new things. We want embasyes.
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 06:16
Would you be interested in joining The Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society. We will offer military protection and advice, but you will be required to trade some goods with our nation, and citizens must add on a small .25% sales tax to all items under $75. The nation must tell the NSDIA of all binding decisions prior to making them and all non-binding decisions after. The nation would have to recognize itself as a Protectorate of Northern Sushi also.
The Northern Sushi Dept. of International Affairs
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 06:25
Would you be interested in joining The Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society. We will offer military protection and advice, but you will be required to trade some goods with our nation, and citizens must add on a small .25% sales tax to all items under $75.
The Northern Sushi Dept. of International AffairsNay we shall stay in our region and prech to the heathen crhistians. But we will if you want trade with you.
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 06:26
Nay we shall stay in our region and prech to the heathen crhistians. But we will if you want trade with you.
OOC: Under my proposal, you CAN stay in your region and continue to preach to heathen christians.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 06:28
The large diesle trucks rumble toawrds Fort Spears, spweing out toix fumes as they go.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 06:29
OOC: Under my proposal, you CAN stay in your region and continue to preach to heathen christians.
Let us confer with the Elder Gods and Lovecraft we will decide after the sacrifice.
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:13
Let us confer with the Elder Gods and Lovecraft we will decide after the sacrifice.
Have you come to a decision, with agreement comes an embassy for all time in our capital city.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 07:18
Aye we shall now the the inhabatents of Fort Spears have been scarificed the Elder Ones are happy and wish us to join you.
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:25
Aye we shall now the the inhabatents of Fort Spears have been scarificed the Elder Ones are happy and wish us to join you.
With this statement, are you formally willing to join the Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society?
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 07:33
Aye write up the contract and let us feast on new born lamb fleash togehter.
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:35
Aye write up the contract and let us feast on new born lamb fleash togehter.
The contract is post 6 as stated above.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 07:41
Aye so what can we do for you our protectors?
*at the site of the blackend ruins of Fort Spears new oil rigs were being set up as the noxisiouse(major sp) fumes reached for the sky the remains of the citizens were loaded into parked trucks and dumped into the sea*
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:49
Aye so what can we do for you our protectors?
*at the site of the blackend ruins of Fort Spears new oil rigs were being set up as the noxisiouse(major sp) fumes reached for the sky the remains of the citizens were loaded into parked trucks and dumped into the sea*
We confirm your acceptance. We would firstly like to set up a joint military/CIZ base in your nations coldest area.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 07:56
Aye ya may build it up at Point Nether Well, it is the coldest area in our land.
*back at the new site the coal mines were in full swing*
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 07:59
Aye ya may build it up at Point Nether Well, it is the coldest area in our land.
*back at the new site the coal mines were in full swing*
We accept and plan on constructing our "HM Fort Point Nether Well and CIZ Zone" at the site.
01-01-2006, 08:04
The Constitutional Republic of Rotovia is always looking to expand our diplomatic and trade relations. However, before further relations can be forged it is imperitive that we be privy to more information in relation to the operation and nature of your nation and it's administration.
Specifically the governments economic, social, civil rights & foreign policy. If there are any matters of policy that your governments feel may affect our decision either positively or negatively, in the interests of honesty it is advised you do so.
Dr Sarah Hours
Minister for the Republic
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 08:08
The Constitutional Republic of Rotovia is always looking to expand our diplomatic and trade relations. However, before further relations can be forged it is imperitive that we be privy to more information in relation to the operation and nature of your nation and it's administration.
Specifically the governments economic, social, civil rights & foreign policy. If there are any matters of policy that your governments feel may affect our decision either positively or negatively, in the interests of honesty it is advised you do so.
Dr Sarah Hours
Minister for the Republic
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Out Post Canada may proceed with this if they wish.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 08:11
Well Rotovia this is what that cursed U.N says The Free Land of Out Post Canada is a massive, devout nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 1.328 billion are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."
But we are a higly religiuse people. We worship the Elder Gods and are led by our Holy Leader H.P.Lovecraft and Prime Overlord Nick O"Shay. We work hard and make many many good things. Why we are the inventers of Mobile Coal Powered Home Spoeaker Boxs and to the few Steam Powered Screens.
We hereby recommend that the nation of Out Post Canada withdraw from the Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society. This seems to be basically a long name to cover up the fact that they wish to take away your right to govern as a nation in exchange for meagre military protection which you could provide better for yourself without the involvement of Northern Sushi. As your economies are quite comparable and you have a larger population, although your governing systems are quite the same you do not need Northern Sushi's help in military affairs.
For this help which they provide comes at far too high a cost. They tax your people to pay your new overlords, you are required to trade with their nation no matter what your nation supplies or demands, and they take away your right to govern as a sovereign entity, requiring you to inform them of all decisions made and informing you what decisions you can or cannot make in important matters. This seems a poorly concealed attempt to subjugate free peoples. We hereby officially recommend that any nations in the Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society withdraw immediately for their own benefit.
Jonathan Friedman, Foreign Minister
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 08:20
Dear Haraki : Our Elder Gods command us to stay with these our noable allies. We thankyou for your concern through and hope you will one day know the great Chthulu's gaze.
Although we may not realize the reasons for your decision, or the wisdom behind them, we nevertheless recognize your right as a soverign nation to make these decisions on your own. Good luck in the future.
Jonathan Friedman, Foreign Minister
01-01-2006, 08:27
Well Rotovia this is what that cursed U.N says The Free Land of Out Post Canada is a massive, devout nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 1.328 billion are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."
But we are a higly religiuse people. We worship the Elder Gods and are led by our Holy Leader H.P.Lovecraft and Prime Overlord Nick O"Shay. We work hard and make many many good things. Why we are the inventers of Mobile Coal Powered Home Spoeaker Boxs and to the few Steam Powered Screens.
The follwing questions have been raised by our Embassy Reveiw Board.
Does your government participate in regular, free & open elections?
What trade policy does your nation employ for external trade?
Dr Sarah Hours
Minister for the Republic
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 08:29
We trade with anyone and every one. We open our land to those who need it. Our leaders are chosen by the Elder Gods.
01-01-2006, 08:41
The great nation of Antanjyl likes the way your government works, and would like to set up trade to receive oil from Out Post Canada. Our Emperor is a forward-thinking individual, and as such would also like to bring to the table thoughts of an alliance. Of course, such an honor is not rushed, and the deliberation is still taking place... Though with this trade taking place, with a minor 10% charge on your part for bringing the oil into our country, I think we can both become quite profitable in the short-term of things.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 08:47
The great nation of Antanjyl likes the way your government works, and would like to set up trade to receive oil from Out Post Canada. Our Emperor is a forward-thinking individual, and as such would also like to bring to the table thoughts of an alliance. Of course, such an honor is not rushed, and the deliberation is still taking place... Though with this trade taking place, with a minor 10% charge on your part for bringing the oil into our country, I think we can both become quite profitable in the short-term of things.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
You may proceed Out Post Canada
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 08:50
Hmmm 10%? To import our oil to you? I really do not think so.
01-01-2006, 08:53
We trade with anyone and every one. We open our land to those who need it. Our leaders are chosen by the Elder Gods.
My regrets, however, at this time we cannot accept a diplomatic treaty with your nation.
The Baccheus Administration cannot be seen to favour a theocratic government.
The process of considering economic relations is still being reveawed by the relivant authoities. Now would be the best time to reveal any trade consessions or other incentives for our government to encourage trade with your nation.
Dr Sarah Hours
Minister for the Republic
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 08:57
Hmm well, we have much cheap land, we offer tax incentives and we have much much open water.
*Back at the coal/oil fields new wokrers were being brought in to replace the dead.
01-01-2006, 09:00
Well after taking a deeper look at your nation, we have decided that such a large percentage would indeed be too much for a nation the size of yours. Thus, it is with embarassment that we retract the earlier trade, and offer this new one: We would like to receive oil from you, and would like to know at this time if there are any other goods availiable for trade from your nation.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 09:12
We offer many fine goods, as for the oil we would glady trade it for modeen weapons, or medicans. We can also offer many fine moter cars such as the steam killer 7, she runs on water http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/ragnardevill/Steamkiller7.jpg
We also have the coal powered fighter b-347_89
01-01-2006, 09:12
We want to open diplomatic ties with people, we need to learn new things. We want embasyes.
Embassy can be established within ICCD in our 'foreign' protection zone. Consuates may be arranged as well but are approved on a case by case basis if they exist in any of our urban areas. It should be known that the customs and laws of ICCD may not be the same as foreign nations domestic policies and provision of foreign dignataries are primarily organized for the FPZ.
We welcome everyone to Intracircumcordei, as long as there is space and your resources are adequette.
If you are a government in exile special arangments may be posible.
We are currently regionally developing our embassy / consulate program so unless there is economic or our citizens are travelling to your state, we cannot legitimize the costs of having communication beyond state visits or technological communications.
Xu Rong
Northern Sushi
01-01-2006, 09:15
Embassy can be established within ICCD in our 'foreign' protection zone. Consuates may be arranged as well but are approved on a case by case basis if they exist in any of our urban areas. It should be known that the customs and laws of ICCD may not be the same as foreign nations domestic policies and provision of foreign dignataries are primarily organized for the FPZ.
We welcome everyone to Intracircumcordei, as long as there is space and your resources are adequette.
If you are a government in exile special arangments may be posible.
We are currently regionally developing our embassy / consulate program so unless there is economic or our citizens are travelling to your state, we cannot legitimize the costs of having communication beyond state visits or technological communications.
Xu Rong
You may proceed, but this may not be beneficial to the Union.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 09:16
We do not need an embasy but we would like to build a temble there, to spread our belifes.
01-01-2006, 09:22
If Out Post Canada is looking at the option of Socialism, it would be warmly welcomed into the Prevostian empire.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 09:30
What is this scoilisim of witch you speak? It sounds foul to our ears. May senior Filiolus offendo vos down.
01-01-2006, 09:35
Well Antanjyl is not well known for our medicine(unless it revolves around some biological weapon), though fortunately we have alot in the way of military technology. Though currently we are experimenting on more economical artillery-based weaponry. Our designs so far are primarily based on economical rocket-based weapon such as...
The Antanjyl Scorpion: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Kutulmak/Antanjyl-Scorpion.jpg
The Antanjyl Viper: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Kutulmak/Antanjyl-Viper.jpg
We make them in assembly-line fashion, and are able to mass-produce them cheaper than one would suspect. If these interest you I think a trade between those and your oil/fighter may be in order. We are also willing to accept the building of a temple in Antanjyl, as long as it remains within the laws of Antanjyl.
((OOC: The laws of Antanjyl are essentially that you can't oppose the government or you get impaled on a stake outside of the palace. Almost anything else can be done with the right licensing from the government))
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 09:47
We would be happy to do this. Send your ships of trade to Port Lonemouth near the Isle of Crows. Danke.
01-01-2006, 10:00
We will have our trade ships sent as soon as they are stocked with the armaments. As well we expect our own shipments to arrive promptly as well.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 10:03
Aye our ships shall leave as soon as they are loaded, it will be a pleasure doing buisness with you.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 10:21
The large coal and steam powered ships pulled out of port, each rusting hulk was loaded tto the gills, with oil,coal and many military weapons and other trade objects.
01-01-2006, 10:36
We do not need an embasy but we would like to build a temble there, to spread our belifes.
The Almighty Totus Fides Shaiming beleives in liberality and this extends to religious freedoms. We do have some minor issues with violence worship and concieled gun ownership and most everyone goes through state military training. There are rumours the public has killed people that don't beleive in their beleifs, they just up and disapear. The Almighty does not condone these acts.
You can establish a temple however you should be aware alll our cities are monitored 24 hours a day. So privacy is mostly negligable. Also most likely you will see state security services monitor your 'temple' this is not indiscrimiate we profile everyone in ICCD.
Our sales tax is also universal, we do not have traditional income taxes so your priests would not need to worry about paying.
You should know if anyone is found to commit a crime such as murder there are only two responses if they are not killed on sight, and that is death or exile by choice.
You can see our news SIS and ESB services for more information on customs if required.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 10:39
Aye that is fine the Elder GOds will be happy with animal sacrifice.
01-01-2006, 10:41
A single monstrous oil tanker, retrofitted with a small amount of military weaponry and escorted by two cruisers, slowly made it's way from port. Loaded with dozens of both types of the military weaponry, they made sure to put in extra, as was ordered by God-Emperor Galf. All staff aboard the ship were working under gunpoint from a small squad of soldiers, to make sure no mistakes were made. Everything from there out would be reported directly to the Minister himself, who was very strict when it came to protocol.
01-01-2006, 10:43
Oh I forgot to mention if I know of your unspeakable worship...
We don't allow animal abuse in ICCD we even highly tax meat as a food source. It would be incredibly costly to perform a sacrifice AND you would have to import the animal already dead.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 10:44
The tankers slowly moved on, their crews all praying to He Who Sleeps Under The Sea for a safe trip.
01-01-2006, 10:53
OOC: They could always right it off as hunting or get licenses as butchers though.
IC: As the ships from Out Post Canada came within a reasonable distance to Antanjyl, a small group of cruisers slowly left as well, to meet them before they came too close. Due to Antanjyl's location, the seas would no doubt be treacherous, especially due to the artic conditions always prevalent along the Northern Sea. The only port currently open was the main port city of Kinshash, industrial from all outter appearances, with large amounts of smog leaving the smokestack-lined backdrop of the city. On the inside however, Kinshash was more or less a gigantic slum, inhabited by roughly three million factory workers, fishermen, and the sprawling homeless. The ships sent to retrieve those from Out Post Canada would hopefully navigate them through the ice floes for a quick retrieval of goods.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 10:57
As the sailors saw the smoke stakes and icy waters they smiled. This was so much like home it hurt.
01-01-2006, 11:10
The oil tanker, upon reaching the city specified by Out Post Canada, slowly began to open from the side, as dozens upon dozens of military dropships began to steadily move the artillery to shore, after making sure such a hastry drop-off would be allowed. The cruisers however, made sure to remain completely in international waters, as per was courteous at this time.
It took less than a few minutes for the first of the ships to become prepped by loading crews to accept the goods. In the backdrop, the black uniformed soldiers waited patiently, some seemingly perterbed as a crashed wave or two sent small showers of nearly melted ice splashing into the ones who went to close to the edge. The docking crew was made up of at least two hundred or so men, gaunt and pale, though somehow managing to get all the heavy lifting work finished just as fast as almost any more muscular man would. The diffrence was in the motivation behind them, primarily the soldiers, and as the first of the goods came ashore, they were quickly checked by a small group of intelligence officers.
To: Out Post Canada ships
From: God-Emperor Galf
It is quite a pleasure to see the trade goods arriving at such a time, and I might even go so far as to say I am impressed with the diligence your own people must assuredly have put into the shipments. If your ships require refueling or the like, please feel free to ask before leaving our docks.
Emperor Galf
01-01-2006, 11:15
[QUOTE=Antanjyl]OOC: They could always right it off as hunting or get licenses as butchers though.
OOC: the public is too busy hunting infidels to hunt animals.. actually killing animals is .... farrr worse then eating themmm.... the tax is thousands of dollars... only the ultra rich eat meat in ICCD the rest use the supliments, killing an animal might even been seen as a crime by some .. and that wouldn't be good. All the meat in ICCD is imported.. and that is very little because no one can afford the tax. Also there ain't many animals around these parts especially after domestication stopped. You can't even breed dogs in ICCD.
01-01-2006, 11:24
OOC: I'm not sure if this has been stated, but what religion IS Intracircumcordei primarily?
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 19:35
May Valde Senior Filiolus Habitum Vestri Animus.
*The crew abourd the tanker all misformed in some way unload fast and happily. The only real looking human the captain walks down the gang plank. His red uniform allowing all to know who he is. The only thing not knowen about his is the small silver cross he wears hidden under his uniform. He belongs to the Cult OF CHritianity(sp)
Colorado and Texas
01-01-2006, 19:43
We knew your nation would be a blight on our region the day you were formed. As of now our borders are closed to you and your allies. If they even so much as set a foot in our lands we shall blow them to hell. have a nice day.
Out Post Canada
01-01-2006, 20:07
The young captain looks around and scuurys threw the streets as the ships re-fuel. He looks around begging stranger to show him where a Chapel is.
02-01-2006, 03:06
As the captain staggers around the city, questioning the populace of Kinshash, most don't even respond, quickly continuing whatever it was they were doing. Eventually however he runs into a black robed man, appearing to be a monk, with a slight scar going across his eye. With a courteous smile, he slowly bows and leads the captain to the main chapel of Kinshash.
The massive, black iron cathedral, almost hidden by the surrounding smokestacks, is completely bare with the exception of large demonic figures, all of which strikingly similar. Crafted of a darkened bronze, two of them stand at either side of the main doors. Not taking no for an answer, the monk slowly leads the captain in.
"Welcome to the grand Cathedral of Kinshash." He said admirably as he waved his hands forward, showing rows of seats lined with citizens and black robed monks, "May Emperor Galf reign eternal!"
The interior of the cathedral was as dark and iron as the outside, though with rich rose colored tapestries and stain glass windows showing winged demons and dark armored men slaughtering angelic looking creatures and what appeared to be religious knights. At the front of all this, was a portrait of the embodiment of Galf (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Kutulmak/galf.gif), inlaid with black diamond and rubies.
At the forefront was a black robed monk giving a speach in Antanjyl's native tongue, with hoarse english thrown in, "And Galf stated that all who opposed him would suffer immeasurably in the blood of their families... And those who were not faithful in him, were slain on the spot, impaled on the stakes of Antalia(Antanjyl's capital) and they suffered for seven days and nights as everyone close to them was brought forth and slain untill the ground around Antalia was forever stained red with the blood of the despicable. Amen."
At once almost everyone in the cathedral spoke, "Amen, Praise Galf!" As they finished, it took another moment for the gates to open behind the captain and monk as the crowd slowly departed.
"Quite a sermon. I am sorry that you missed it brother. Perhaps some other time? I was a bit surprised that you were a follower of Galf, since something about you struck me as being a foreigner... Though I suppose in Galf's eyes all of humanity is equal. May your enemies drown in the blood of their loved ones."
With that, the monk slowly walked forward to the front of the cathedral amidst chuckling and conversation from the few people remaining. It soon became readily apparent that the captain would not find a Christian chapel in Kinshash, and more than likely not in the entirety of Antanjyl.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 03:12
He gasps in horror the demonc figures look almost as bad as the statues of theElder Gods back home he turns hurrying out of the temple the cross flying out of his uniform.
02-01-2006, 03:40
One of the worshippers still in the back row of the cathdral took a passing glance at the captain's gasp. As he made his way off, noticing the shimmering cross catch the light was rather easy to spot, as most forms of jewlery were only used by the extremely wealthy. The man, covered in tattoos and the like, leaned down and lifted up the object as a monk walked up from behind him.
"What did he drop?" The monk said, disinterested.
"Looks like some kind of Cross... Should we report him to the authorities?" The man muttered as he turned his pale blue eyes to the young monk behind him.
"No no... Hes a foreigner. Best have that blasphemous thing returned to his ship..."
"Filthy outsiders..."
Within fifteen minutes a small squad of guards would return the cross to the ship. Though a bit disheartened to see such a thing, they would have to inquire more into any relation between Out Post Canada's religion and Christianity. This was due to a small uprising a few decades ago by the christian minority refused to worship Galf. Due to this they were all executed on the spot, though a sense a paranoia was still on the mind of the higher ups involved. They had seem a good number of nations crushed by that heaten religion, and would not let Antanjyl become involved with any religion related to it.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 03:50
*the young captain runs towards his ship, his hand in his jacket pocket holding his snub noes .38, he runs up the gang plank telling his mishapen first mate that he has not seen him.*
02-01-2006, 03:57
One of the soldiers quickly whips out the cross and manages to snap it in his fingers, tossing it on the table in front of him as he turns for the door. Scratching the side of his cheek, he gave the room one last dead stare before walking out the door, his long black uniform swaying slightly behind him, the bulge of an unidentifiable firearm sticking out.
"Well tell him that whoever your elder gods are, if it has anything to do with the heathen religion of christianity that temple will not be allowed built on our shores. We will send a telegram to your leaders once we arrive at headquarters... Have a good voyage."
The four soldiers behind him quickly made way for him to exit the room, their thin frames following behind him as each bowed forward slightly. As the last of them left the room and made way for the gangplank, they kept their eyes focused in front of them on their way back to the military headquarters a Kinshash, since killing foreigners involved with such a prevalent cargo would be bad for buisiness.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 04:01
*the captain walks out of his office to the deck, thinking to himself*"those heathens are almost as bad as those from my own land. When we will we not be persecuted lord?"
*his first mate walks up*"sir hand in your fire arm you are under arest"
*the captain yanks his gun out shooting hitting the first mate in the belly, he then backs towards his office shooting two more crew men. The echos of the gun fire still in the air*
02-01-2006, 04:10
As the soldiers looked back at the ship from the end of the gangplank, the gunshots suddenly piercing the sound of the finishing dockmen, the officer looked up for a moment and rubbed his chin. Mumbling something in his native Antanjylese he quickly ordered two of his soldiers back up the gangplank to find out whats causing the commotion. As they reached the ship, the two quickly pulled out their AK-108s and quietly marched forward to apprehend the individual.
The following three men hesitated for a moment before walking back down the headquarters, either confident in the two soldiers sent, or not caring the outcome of what they were doing. The office actually managed a smile as a black military jeep suddenly stopped in front of them, offering them a ride back to HQ to tell Galf about their findings.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 04:14
*seeing the men come back on the young captain grabs his shot gun and re-loads his .38 he jumps out the door fireing both weapons."Die heathen bastards!!!"*the remaining crew drop to the deck praying to the Elder Gods*
02-01-2006, 04:22
The two soldiers quickly leap back, one of them taking a shot to the shoulder and stomach as he falls back violently, firing his AK-108 wildly down the hall at the captain on full auto, sending bullets smacking into walls and richocheting off of pipes. The other soldier fares significantly better, and manages to leap back down the corridor and takes cover at a corner as he quickly reaches for a small arm and opens fire as well, firing at the man.
"You filthy heretic! Nobody fires on Galf's soldiers and gets away with it!" He shouted violently as he continued firing, attempting to take the man alive, even if the other soldier's AK-108 managed to kill him. After all, a captive was more responsive to torture than a corpse, "When we're through with you, you'll be begging to repent!"
((I'll be back in about 40 minutes))
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 04:28
OOC: Die hippie!! Always wanted to say that
ic: *He flies backa s two rounds pirce his leg.He gasp out a quick prayer while he reloads. He sees some crew members move and cuts them down*
02-01-2006, 04:57
"Zied! Are you alright?" The soldier at the end of the corridor shouted over to his companion as the crewmembers were mowed down around him. He was already reloading his gun, a confident smile on his face as he brushes his dark hair back and quickly fired off a few more shots, trying to take out one of his arms, "Die scum!"
The other soldier responded with a pained groan as he held steadfast onto the automatic weapon, gritting his teeth. As the crew members did an ample job of distracting the captain and wasting his ammo, he slowly slid a hand into his pocket and reached for a syringe, injecting it into his arm in a second before quickly tilting upwards as he unleashed another volley of ammo at the captain's other leg.
"For Antanjyl!!!"
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 05:00
*the captain is thrown back hit by the rounds. With his dying breath he pulls the pin of a gernad he had with him. With all of the volitale things in the hold the ship went up in a blaze of death. The one remaing crew member swam towards shore*
02-01-2006, 05:08
The dockmaster fell out of his chair as he watched the blaze light up the darkened skies around Kinshash's docks. Almost immediately a small squadron of military-owned boats arrived to attempt to put out the fire. The lone survivor of the crew was also taken aboard by one of the few rescue ships sent out to get survivors just before the man could reach shore. The entire effort was controlled by the government.
"Looks like we've got a survivor... Lucky we had the shipment already, at least Galf will be pleased..." A white haired young woman muttered as she steered the raft-like ship, taking a momentary glance as the survivor was plopped down on the boat surrounded by soldiers, "Are you injured?"
One of the other soldiers, equally gaunt and with a large slash across his neck quickly pulled out his first aid kit and began whistling to himself. Obviously he could care less about the survivor as he let out a yawn, "Some blaze eh? Guess you probably want Galf to have you sent back eh?"
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 05:11
*the surviver looks up his eyes lizard like and his hands flippers. In a slithren voice he says*"thhhank you for thhhe help. Mayay the elder ones smile on you. My goverment will reward you for thisssss. That humaan was never one of usss"
02-01-2006, 05:24
The medic immediately froze as he looked over at the woman, the air of non-chalantness which was around him before now completely disolved. Before the woman could answer he continued to do a slight check of the... creature for any signs of bodily damage. He knew better than to speak up or show weakness in front of the officer.
As the woman turned to look at the creature, she rose an eyebrow as the ship continued to shore. Quietly, she reached down for a communication radio and began talking in Antanjylese. The voice on the other side seemed rather strange, almost utterly inhuman. Turning back to the thing, she smirked in a way that was almost assuredly superior.
"Well it is good that you are still alive. The God-Emperor himself will meet you at the outskirts of Kinshash. He will make sure that arrangements are made for your return, and the reward involved will be accepted gratefully." She said quickly as the ship came to shore and a group of men entered the boat.
In a few seconds the man was brought into a military APC and driven off, driving extremely fast through the streets as a scream was heard on the outside followed by a small amount of thuds. In the back with the creature were two soldiers with sunglasses on, despite the lack of any light source in the back.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 05:28
*the canadian(heh) looks around his forked tounge flicking out.*"our elder gods are much interested in your leader.*drool slides out of his mouth hissing as it hits the ground*"ther isss mcuh they will discusss"
02-01-2006, 05:42
One of the men in the back coughed a bit before adjusting his glasses and speaking in a cold voice, "Emperor Galf is... interested in such a meeting as well. He insisted on meeting you in person at the installation outside of Kinshash. You should consider yourself... honored." The end of his words had a certain double meaning to them as the van skidded a bit, sending the passengers sliding to the side before an intercom from the front turned on with a low click.
"The Fortress is ahead." The voice at the other end said emotionlessly before turning off the speakers and coming to a slow stop, followed by the doors sliding open with the view of a dilapidated black cathedral in front of them, built into a large backdrop of mountains. However, men with uniforms and the like were rushing around quickly, talking in Antanjylese.
"This place always seems rather off..." One of the two men muttered as he reached back to help the Canadian out of his seat, the other coming from the other side to grab the creatures arm/flipper, "Galf should be waiting in his holy sanctum. Be on your best behavior, and be well aware that we haven't sent any reports that there were any survivors as of yet. Though we will get around to it after your meeting."
As he finished, the man was led into the cathedral, past black robed monks and soldiers alike as they led him through a passage behind one of the wall hangings to a staircase leading into the mountains.
"Well his door is at the top. We have other issues to contend with. Good luck with the meeting. Praise Galf!"
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 05:47
The nation of Northern Sushi demands that this joke ceases. There is to be no fighting with the nation of Out Post Canada
Signed and Stamped,
02-01-2006, 05:52
((What fighting? His captain went crazy and blew up his ship in the harbor.))
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 05:54
((What fighting? His captain went crazy and blew up his ship in the harbor.))
OOC: We are the protector of Out Post Canada, and we see it as bad to us, if you notice we refer to it as a joke.
02-01-2006, 05:57
The government of Antanjyl has done nothing wrong, and in fact tried to stop the explosion in the harbor from even happening. It was a terrorist onboard their own ship, and we are currently questioning eye witnesses on this very topic in our headquarters.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:00
We want all witnesses and suspects turned over to our nation as soon as humanly possible. This is a requirement for Out Post Canada to continue work with your nation.
Signed and Stamped,
02-01-2006, 06:03
Due to the explosion, there was only one witness, who is currently in critical condition at our head quarters being questioned. Once he is stable we will have him sent to you, but untill then it would be dangerous to move the man. We are sure that you understand.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:06
Then we will send the CIZ to him. May a CIZ official enter your nation from Out Post Canada to represent Northern Sushi's government?
Signed and Stamped,
02-01-2006, 06:10
Of course, however due to certain dangers within Antanjyl currently it is necessary that all foreign diplomats and the like be escorted by a group of agents at all time. We will accept your entering Antanjyl navally at Kinshash, and from there will take you to the location of the lone witness, who is being taken care of at a military installation south of Kinshash at a naval installation.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:20
Understood, the CIZ agent will be Claude Bulevade, deputy director of joint CIZ operation in Out Post Canada.
Signed and Stamped,
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 06:24
*the canadian puts his hood(he is not typcle most are human) so not to offend any one*"aye someones should contact our protecters.*
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:25
Letter to the Protectorate:
We already know.
02-01-2006, 06:29
Galf sat at the back of the room looking over a screen showing the explosion, along with a few surveillance cameras of the "man" that survived. It was not as shocking to him as it obviously would be to the rest of his solders. Galf was only waiting to hear a few words about these Elder Gods before sending the mutant to get caught back with the authorities...
We await your arrival to pick up the survivor.
Daemon Farwell,
Foreign Minister
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 06:38
*the creature knowen as an under being stood there it's eyes adjusting to the dark around him*"ello?
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:42
The HMPS of Out Post Canada has arrived in the assigned port in Antanjyl at the docks of Kinshash. Onboard was the CIZ agent Claude Bulevade, tired from a long journey at sea.
02-01-2006, 06:50
Galf sat back in his chair, two armed guards behind him, the only lighting in the room from a screen on the far side of the room. That and a dim red light emanating from the Emperor's eyes as he waved a clawed hand towards a nearby seat.
"Sit... Tell me of these Elder Gods of yours." He muttered in a dark voice, causing a slight echoe in the nearly empty room, "We have some time before you are given over to Northern Sushi... While we are at it, maybe you can explain what happened on that cargo ship."
To meet Claude Bulevade was a small group of Antanjyl's agents, decked out in long coats and carrying assault rifles, they were the secret police of the country. As the man was spotted, a limo, a rarity in Antanjyl, quietly pulled up as a gray haired genile old man stepped out to greet the foreigners.
"Welcome to Antanjyl... Are you sure you won't want to rest after your voyage before taking the survivor back with you?" He said in a calm voice, opening a back door for him.
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 06:52
Claude was a tall man wearing a formal business suit. "I am afraid we must talk to him here first. I work for the CIZ, this case needs to be turned over to me."
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 07:05
*in his strange voice*"the Elder Gods Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, Nyarlathhotep and their families. Our master Cthulhu is he who sleeps. As for the ship we tried to take a heathen into custody. He snaped.
02-01-2006, 07:33
"Hmm I understand that. Recently it has come to my attention that this was a Christian terrorist. My condolenses to your countrymen that such filth seems to have worked its way into your social structure..." Galf muttered in a coarse voice as he poured a cup of red liquid and brought it into the light, handing it to the man, revealing a dark gray claw, "Wine? We've heard of these gods before at some time. As long as you don't plan on opening a Christian temple in any of my cities I will allow your government to build a simple temple in one of our outlaying towns... Would that be agreeable?"
"Ah... Of course..." The old man muttered, nodding as he looked over at the limo, "We will have him brought to you in a matter of hours. Untill then would you like a place to rest?"
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 07:39
*aye and we thank ye"*he turns to leave after bowing*
02-01-2006, 07:41
"By the way, upon leaving, we have a van waiting. It appears that Northern Sushi would like to question you about the cargo ship's explosion. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting..."
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 07:47
Claude replied, "yes, I wish to rest until then."
02-01-2006, 07:53
Taking Claude by limo to the only functioning hotel of a quality fitting a foreign diplomat, the agents drove through the streets at a rather quick pace, nearly hitting a few pedestrians before moving the man into a reception room within the hotel. In a few hours he was soon joined by the strange looking creature from Out Post Canada, complete with hood.
"I'll leave you two gentlemen alone. Good luck and may your eventual return home be fruitful. Thanks once again for the oil and fighters..."
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 07:53
"aye and we dank you"*he turns and heads out the door, a slight slime trail behind him*
02-01-2006, 08:21
OOC: I'm not sure if this has been stated, but what religion IS Intracircumcordei primarily?
The almighty beleives in religious choice, the almighty beleives that there is only one true faith and that is expressed as the will of society.
02-01-2006, 08:26
The almighty beleives in religious choice, the almighty beleives that there is only one true faith and that is expressed as the will of society.
I see... So in laymen's terms the most prevalent religion at this time would be?
02-01-2006, 08:55
I see... So in laymen's terms the most prevalent religion at this time would be?
There is only one true religion
02-01-2006, 09:05
There is only one true religion
02-01-2006, 09:14
All faiths are as one. With divine enlightenment of the all. The spirit of guidance the alef core, and the logos of domion as representation of the will.
Words are rhetoric, being is what is as the lord is. It is what it is. Infinity in knowing as lore of thothian or the eye of horus or the guidance of angels and beyond, whether lucis or sun or shiva. We know all and we are at peace with the true faith, we are the will of the almighty in being, the all knowing in spirit of the omnipresent, the most serene and accepting of what is as what is is what is.
"Legis Ab Ad Infinitium"
what once was is as it is the will in our choice of avatars and the lords of the faith.
Ah Ohmmmmmmmm Sheheh.
We are very liberal but we beleive in what is right, we are what is right.
Everything merges as one in knowing of the right apex of the sphere.
02-01-2006, 09:24
OOC: Ohhhh you mean monotheism. (jk)
02-01-2006, 09:26
sorta. but not quite. with time you will know, seeker.
02-01-2006, 09:28
sorta. but not quite. with time you will know, seeker.
OOC - of course.
Out Post Canada
02-01-2006, 23:36
*the sailor wonerds down the stairs to wait his lands protecter;s minion, he knoews his True Gods are seeing everything he sees*