The Bombing of The Colony of Terezanskidom
The Bombing Of The Colony of Terezanskidom
President Justin Williams and his council of 20 officials which consisting of Mayors,Generals,Admirals,Financial advisors,and legal advisors,had a meeting in the nations capitol.They where discussing the threat from the small colony of Terezanskidom. After a long discussion they voted 12 to 8 to bomb the Colony of Terezanskidom.
The Battle Plan
General Michael Vann Sumpreme Commander of The Armed Republic's Air Forces meeet with the President to draw up a plan for the bombings.
"How many planes will be needed",asked the President.
"Maybe as little as 10", said the General.
"And how long will the mission last",said the General.
"Maybe 12 hours if everything goes to plan",said the General.
"Ok when can you deploy the B20 bomber jets",asked the president.
"In as little as 5 hours sir",said the General.
"Lets make it happen General",said the President.
the general then saluted the President and went off to order the deployment of the fighter jets.
The Deployment
General Vann after his meeting with the President had his chaffuer drove down the street to the military operation's building. General Vann had been the Supreme Commander of the air force for 5 years now he knew the ins and outs of the Air Force .Once inside the building General vann immediately orderered up for 20 of his best fighter pilots to be briefed and ready to take off in 2 hours. He was to use 10 B20 Bomber jets each needed a pilot and co-pilot. After three hours of planning and lookin at maps of The Colony of Terezanskidom General Vann was ready to deploy his fighter pilots.
Drop bombs On Em'!!!!!!!!!
The two pilots lead by Captain Jones where called to the air force base briefed and wear in there fighter planes in less than 3 hours. The first plane to leave the base was Captain Jones's and his co-pilot a female named Lt.Danielle Greene. After Captain Jones's plane was in there air the other planes followed at full speed they where flying at 2,000 mph. In 1 hour they where in The colony of Terezanskidom,and Captain Jones was ready to drop the first bomb.
"This is Captain Jones prepareing to drop the bomb over".
"Captain this is yellow dog 149er the space is all clear ".
The Captain then procedded to fire three air to surface missiles over the Colony of Terezanskidom capital destroying houses and other property. the other 9 pilots spread out into groups of threes with the Captain leading one group and dropped a hail storm of bombs all over the city,for hours. People could be seen running but the pilots where ordered to show no mercy and they let the bombs drop on houses,buildings,schools and churches.
After 2 of hours of bombing the pilots went back and reloaded gas and missiles but went back for a second round of bombing this time there was resistence but it could not stand up to The Armed Republic's highly trained fighter pilots. After 3 more hours the pilots returned home with only 1 casuality and 1 M.I.A .
The Letter
From:President Justin Williams
To:The Colony Of Terezanskidom
This is what you get when you make threats.
P.S. the 4 day warnings still stand you have 4 days to comply
I want your Dictator or President to resign and you to dismantle any military you have my military will serve as your military force from now on.
To President Justin Williams
We are against the bombing of non military targets in such an un extreme circumstance.We demand that you cease all military action.Bombs are not needed to work out a peaceful agreement
To: President Justin Williams
Message: Your actions here seem rather childish. You attack a nation over such a petty argument, and demand near total control over it because it's weaker than yourself. I advise you to stand down before you get yourself in trouble with the world.
-Tomino Foreign Affairs Committee
(OOC: Edited for minor spelling error)
I have other nations such as Azimeth and The Meritocratic Technocracy of Call to power who will help me. it is not childish to demand respect. My nation is a new one and we will not be pushed around. But so I wont cause any promblems ill cease fire.
The Brettonian government would like to extend a hand of affirmation and solidarity to the Republic of Dancy and President Williams.
Not a day goes by when a fledgeling nation is not abused or oppressed by the political correctness police that dominate the world stage today.
Brettonian Military Industries, producers of The Technology of Peace(tm), would be pleased to assist with any technological and resource-dependent needs of the Dancy Republic.
Feel free to contact us if you are in need.
East Lithuania
01-01-2006, 04:58
To: President Williams of Dancy
From:East Lithuania
To whom it may concern,
Dictator Scharfetter of East Lithuania does not respect nations that bomb colonys for a pitiful thing such as an insult. The use of force is not neccessarry in those situations. We understand your passion for honor and respect, and we respect that, but tyraness way of getting it cannot be respected to any respect. We will not do anything to this point, but if this continues then we will have to intervene. Please take this warning seriously.
Ms. Rangel
Communications Officer of East Lithuania
If East Lithuania would like to continue threatening the Republic of Dancy for actions well within their rights as a sovereign nation, we would be more than happy to determine who is correct on the battlefield.
The Brettonian government always has and always will stand up for the "little guy" of the world.
But, please, do not take our word for it.
We believe that the best proof is in the action.
Thanks Bretton and all other nations who understand my countries reasons for demanding respect this will send a message.
To Dancy and all nations siding with him.We understand Dancy's position.Our nation has been thought less of because of our size.Bombs are not the answer.Dancy has the right to demand an apologie,but has no right to bomb civilians under these circumstances.We do not want to see a war started over some petty little argument between two nations.Remember you can't demand respect,you must earn it.
OOC: My friends you must demand respect to earn it. I know it was a petty reason for bombing the colony. But where I come from you must demand respect are you will be pushed around. Let me tell you a true story me and my friends at school where just playing around talking about fighting when a boy said man you cant fight. I took it serious so after class I got my two friends because I am small and couldnt fight the boy by myself and we jumped the boy right there in the hallway just for telling me that I couldt fight i had to make him respect me. Now every one respects me at school for that no one even makes a joke about me. Thats why I bombed the colony Respect.
Call to power
02-01-2006, 00:17
ooc: Terezanskidom isn't playing you can't RP without the side your invading though I will be happy to step on you if your looking for “respect”
Ic: CTP central office
The council rubbed there hands greedily at a map of Dancy the nation had just given them an excuse to invade an excuse they will start following immediately though the nation was of little defensive capability the full might of Call to power would be available as CTP needed nations to fall under its fist so as to expand its self sufficiency
Message from: CTP Central Office
To: Dancy
The Nation of Call to Power demands you cancel any plans to invade Terezanskidom if such actions continue it will be you who will be the servant after the dust settles this is your final warning if you refuse we will be forced to take action
furthermore we demand that an immediate statement be made by your government apologising for issuing CTP support with out first gaining the permission of our nation
To:CTP Central office
From:The Armed Republic
We do not plan to invade The Colony Of Terezanskidom we have sent them our messgae. So you have no reason to want to pick a fight with us..
P.S. I thought you was on ourside.
Northern Sushi
02-01-2006, 00:28
OOC: We will offer RP advice if you agree to the following contract:
To: The Government of Terezanskidom
We will help your nation, but only if you join The Northern Sushi Commonwealth Union Society. We will offer military protection and advice, but you will be required to trade some goods with our nation, and citizens must add on a small .25% sales tax to all items under $75. The nation must tell the NSDIA of all binding decisions prior to making them and all non-binding decisions after. The nation would have to recognize itself as a Protectorate of Northern Sushi also.
The Northern Sushi Dept. of International Affairs (NSDIA)
Call to power
02-01-2006, 00:30
Message to: Dancy
From: CTP central office
We see your "bombings" as an active attack on this nations sovereignty and the demands set upon the nation outright imperialistic if you do not stop both actions we will stop them for you
CTP central office
The council was growing impatient “launch some bomber wings that should help them see it from our point of view” called DR Pepsi
And so the wheels turned soon pilots were ready for takeoff the actions were shown across the news this was no secret.
Ooc: bomber wings
8 B-2 bombers
10 B-52’s
20 Euro fighters escorting the B-52’s
02-01-2006, 00:37
OOC: My friends you must demand respect to earn it. I know it was a petty reason for bombing the colony. But where I come from you must demand respect are you will be pushed around. Let me tell you a true story me and my friends at school where just playing around talking about fighting when a boy said man you cant fight. I took it serious so after class I got my two friends because I am small and couldnt fight the boy by myself and we jumped the boy right there in the hallway just for telling me that I couldt fight i had to make him respect me. Now every one respects me at school for that no one even makes a joke about me. Thats why I bombed the colony Respect.
You are a load of bullshit, and that is the stupidest and most big-headed story I have heard in my entire life. I can hardly believe that people at your school respect you because you got you friends to beat someone up, since you are too small to do it yourself (as you said).
Call to power
02-01-2006, 00:37
You are a load of bullshit, and that is the stupidest and most big-headed story I have heard in my entire life.
ooc: seconded
02-01-2006, 00:44
Message Sent; 12:00 QMT
To: The Government of Dancy
From: The Prime Minister, Secretary of State to Her Majesty the Queen
RE: Cessation of hostilies towards Terezanskidom
In observation of your attack against the innocent nation of Terezanskidom, we demand that you halt your attack and negotiate with us a cessation of hostilies against this nationstate.
Failure to do so will meet with the fury of the United Kingdom. We have struck pathetic nations like yourself for actions as petty as this before and we will not fail to do so again.
Good Day,
-Prime Minister George Barton.
02-01-2006, 00:57
ooc: Dancy, where I come from, if you demand respect, I break your fucking legs.
Its this simple, you don't demand respect, you earn it.
To All Nations Involved:
This is very silly.We should try to work this out peacefully first before anymore bombs are dropped.I propose an apologie from Terezanskidom to Dancy for the insult,Dancy should aplogize to Terezanskidom and provide money for the clean up of the attacked areas.And all nations should suspend military activity towards anyone involved.If a peaceful agreement cannot be reached I'm afraid I will have to become involved on the side of Terezanskidom,Call to Power and Questers.This cannot be tolerated without reprimand.
OOC:this is very stupid
Owing to the deluge of blatant warmongering on the part of various members of the international community, Chancellor Donner has announced that Fearless Leader has authorized the mobilization of two Brettonian Army Groups in the name of preserving the self-rule of a sovereign nation.
Army Groups D and K, both of which saw heavy action during the Kraven and Kahanistan Campaigns, shall set out for the Dancy Republic in seventy-two hours.
As is our tradition, Army Group consistency shall be made public:
- Armor -
Twenty A7V Peacemaker ( super-heavyweight multi-legged main battle tanks
Four hundred A4G Partisan ( middleweight bipedal main battle tanks
Three thousand AS-004H Stahlkörpe ( mechanized infantry assault suits
- Airborne -
Twenty-four BA-104B Arbiter II ( multirole heavy bombers
Sixty-four MiG-35-BT ( multirole fighter/interceptors
- Nonconventional Ordnance -
-- Artillery --
425 78cm 150 kiloton slugs
200 78cm 500 kiloton slugs
3500 28cm 100 kiloton slugs
7000 28cm 300 kiloton slugs
-- Precision --
3000 100 kiloton air-launched cruise missiles
3000 300 kiloton air-launched cruise missiles
1500 500 kiloton air-launched cruise missiles
6750 50 kiloton air-to-ground missiles
6750 100 kiloton air-to-ground missiles
4500 150 kiloton air-to-ground missiles
3800 5 kiloton air-to-air missiles
3800 10 kiloton air-to-air missiles
1200 350 kiloton earth-penetrating missiles
-- Unguided --
200 9 megaton free-fall bombs
500 1.5 megaton lay-down delivery bombs
Total of 5,780 personnel, not including 100% noncombatants
While our objectives remain firm in preventing conflict, we shall not hesitate to eliminate percieved threats to the Dancy Republic and our assets.
We will not deny ourselves the right to pre-emptive and retaliatory strikes against offensive states.
This shall be our first and only public declaration on the matter. We will not be held responsible for the actions of those who would threaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Dancy.
We hope you will consider all options carefully before committing to acts that history may frown upon.
--- END ---
Encrypted IC message to Dancy:
We will continue to support your state's self-rule against foreign aggression, but we expect you to do so as well. Capitulation in the face of the enemy has occurred in previous states we have taken under our aegis, and the results have been catastrophic. Do not disappoint us.
From:President Justin Williams
Thank you for sending the troops I will not disapppoint you.
Your troops will get lavish hotel rooms and two women shall be in each room.
Thank You,
Justin Williams
02-01-2006, 17:49
From:President Justin Williams
Thank you for sending the troops I will not disapppoint you.
Your troops will get lavish hotel rooms and two women shall be in each room.
Thank You,
Justin Williams
You sicken me. Your actions and basic demeanor are so insulting to the very thing you are fighting for: RESPECT. You have no sense of the word and Franco-Philia will be moderating this issue closely and will definately intervene if it see fit.
The colony isnt even relplying to any of the post .There is no reason to continue on with this fighting. So if everyboy agrees we can end this whole conflict right now.
OOC: Nuts. I was hoping to add another glorious victory to my proud army. Oh well.