31-12-2005, 05:35
Somewhere in the South pacific is a nation know an the Armed Republic of Dancy.It has a small population of 5 million ,Christianity is the only accepted religon. All others are forced to live in the country's southern region known as The Southside. The Armed republic of dancy are The Armed Rebublic as it is normally called is divided into 4 states are regions lead by mayors that are elected every 5 years,there is the Northside where the capitol is located and where the most wealthy citizens live. Then to the East is the state know as Eastside home to middleclass citizens the economy is based on farming, it is mostly farmlands a few highly populated areas here and there but mostly farmland. To the West is the state known as Westside where is is mostly suburbs and the economy is based on manufacturing very middleclass.Both Westside and Eastside rival each other the two states are always on the verge of Civil War . Fights have accured between the two mayor's of Westside and Eastside in the nations capitol. Finally to the south of the Armed Republic is the state known as Southside . Years before there where two fueding powerful families that fought for control over the Armed Republic the Dancy's and the Jones's.After a 3 year long war the Dancy's came out victorious and the jones's and all of there supporters where banished to The South. Huge project housings where built to house them and other poor people.The government really does not care about The Southside so not many police are stationed there and there are not many jobs so the crime rate is sky high. So high in fact that the average male in Southside will be killed or be imprisoned by age 20.the suicide rate for females is 1 in 3. Southside is not a friendly place. The whole armed republic is a mess waiting to happen with fights happening in courtrooms,voting places and senate meetings between the rival states.religious groups are always causing trouble because they are not allowed to practice any other religon but christianity. The President of The Armed Republic of Dancy is Justin Williams the first non Dancy President in 50 years,he is a corporate CEO and is married to a member of The Dancy family which is how he came to power,he has no other intust in The Armed republic but to make himself and his company rich. Only time can tell what will happen to the Armed Republic Of Dancy.