World Communist Conference *for those who signed up*
30-12-2005, 22:01
OOC: Those who signed up are invited as is Warsaw Eternal at the request of Karuchea. Our first posts should basically give the situation of that Party and nation.
*Almost like the UN, there were many seats in a circle. Each Socialist nation was represented as were some non-Socialist ones. Chairman Hua himself was present as a representative of the People's Republic of Prachanda. The conference had been called to discuss Communism and Socialism. The first order of business is to discuss the successes so far under Socialism and Communism in the countries and then to discuss problems in those countries and the movement as a whole. Chairman Hua stood and began to give an opening address:
"Welcome to the People's Republic of Prachanda and to the First Annual, World Communist Conference. There are many forms of Socialism and progressive thought here today, and the movement as a whole is disorganized and without any sense of true unity. Sectarianism is king and it is time to abolish the monarchy. We need a unified Socialist camp to progress towards World Socialism. Socialism is not without trials and without some failure, failure and success go hand-in-hand by lessons most times. Today we will discuss Socialism and how to solve the problems we have come across. Discussing the successes of Socialism is our first order. In Prachanda, we are led by the Communist Party of Prachanda, our nation was liberated by Mao Zedong Thought and while producing only 1.3 million tonnes of steel annually, 20 years ago, we now produce over 20 million tonnes of steel annually. Our nation, once struck by famine, is now growing more in harvest than we ever had before. The collectives and communes are advancing forward and our Fifth Five-Year Plan will be the most successful of all. We have gone through trials though, the decade of chaos destroyed much of our industry and we could have easily exceeded 30 million tonnes had it not occured. Many Revisionist and Left-Deviationist elements existed in our Party until a year ago when they were arrested after trying to overthrow the Party rule. Despite errors along the way, we will create a great Socialist Prachanda."
30-12-2005, 23:00
::After a mildly extended silence, the Deputy Chairman of Ciescaruslavia's Communist Party stands.::
"Greetings, comrades, and a very special thank you to the People's Republic of Prachanda for taking this historic step towards a true world-wide state that is truly for, by and of the people.
I must first express my country's hapiness. One-third of Ciescaruslavia's people are members of the Communist Party, and it truly overjoys us that the sectarianism and divisiveness that, unfortunately, up to now has been so common among Communist and Socialist nations finally has the possibility of coming to an end, hopefully with this conference as the much-needed catalyst.
Ciescaruslavia is officially a Union of Socialist States. Some more socialist than others. Our capital district, for example, still has capitalism only inches to the right, while my native province, Noviy Arkangel'sk, has recently passed legislation that abolishes inheritance and makes all land, at least in writing, public property.
Things in Parliament, however, are very different. The ruling 'Socialist Reform Party' only yesterday, in a party conference abandoned its Marxist teaching. The official statement states that, and I quote: 'This teaching is all but outdated and unnecessary. We have seen the failure of large-scale, centrally-controlled economies, and, while sticking to our social democratic policies, have decided to put in ink what is in our people's hearts and pursue a freer, more market-oriented economy.' Huge public outcries against this 'hearts of the people' clause have unfortunately prevented our Chairman from attending. The Party, our Party, believes that this was done as a retaliation to our attendance of this conference.
But no, comrades, we will not back down! We currently hold the governing post in our opposition government, we have majority in six of our eight provincial parliaments and two of our four district parliaments, we have 8million people registered in our Party, and recent polls show our coalition gaining ground with the remaining 17million, hopefully overtaking the 'Socialists,' and I use quotes here for a reason, comrades, in next month's election.
This slightly-liberal government has been a huge burden on our economy, our GDP per capita falling from 115.420r ($34,500) since they gained power to less than 76.063r ($22,800) now. They blame this on 'misguided Marxist thought.' We blame it on capitalism. Our political freedoms have suffered, with our UN Category falling to 'Corrupt Dictatorship' for quite some time. Due to legislation passed only because of oppositional pressure, however, it has climed back up to 'Democratic Socialists.' We hope to get it, evetually, to 'Anarchy,' as the 'great whore' that our fathers, Lenin and Marx called the state is eventually phased out, and our people can live freely.
Our nation has strong roots in a 'flight towards full communism' (taken from the preamble of our Constitution,) but the current government is trying to quash those roots. We need help. Here, we will try to build up hope for our cause, possibly support, in any peaceful forms possible, discuss and defend true socialism and communism, and to take our nation back to the glory it can be!
Long Live the Revolution!"
::Igor' Nikolaevich Andropov sits down once again, finally allowing the conference to continue::
31-12-2005, 06:22
No one spoke for a long time. Well, it seemed like a long time. The Kaiser metally prepared himself and stood up. He was human, yes, but the warrior blood of the Yautja flowed through his veins. He spoke.
"Hello Comrades! I am Corey Taylor, Chairman of the Unterzageran Communist Party and temporary Kaiser of Unterzagersdorf. We are delighted to be a part of this historical conference. Ever since the exile of our people from Earth we have thought that Unterzagersdorf was the only grouping out there still retaining Marxist beliefs. However, this..."
The Emperor holds his hands out and looks around at all of the delegates.
"...this has proven us otherwise."
The Emperor continued after a lengthy pause.
"Our governement has a very smooth system at the moment. My only worry is that I will be... assassinated... and that some capitalist, fascist, or other right-wing maniac will cease power and destroy everything that our government, and our people, have worked so hard for. This brings us to the main reason our delegation has chosen to join this conference. The Unterzageran government, namely me at the moment, wishes to improve our current communist system. We wish the attendants of this wonderful conference to share their ideologies so that we may better our own."
Not knowing how to end his "speech" the Kaiser plainly sat down. He marvaled at his work, as he knew he was not normally good with words. One thing was clear to him if it wasn't his words. This would be a conference of revolutionary proportions.
31-12-2005, 16:32
A medium sized man with dark hair and glasses stood before the audience. He took a slight bow and introduced himself.
“I would first like to thank the Republic of Prachanda and all other nations here today that have made this conference possible
My name is Kezner Slovsky, I am the representative from the Democratic Republic of Kyleslavia. The people of Kyleslavia live under a moderately social state and are governed by a semi-democratic government. The government of Kyleslavia is made up of the National Assembly, The President and Prime Minister, and the courts. All members of the National Assembly are voted in democratically and directly. the President is in power his whole life and is usually succeeded by a family member.
The economy of Kyleslavia is run through the use of moderate socialist policies but also has traits of capitalism. We believe that if the whole economy is run by the government then it cannot grow and thrive. Therefore the government only controls businesses that are vital to the survival of our nation. These businesses usually control the distribution of our natural resources and other needs. The people of Kyleslavia are free to start any business such as a small store or cinema. Many computer companies, research facilities, and large retail chains are privately owned. By keeping this balance of socialism and capitalism we are able to let our economy thrive without letting individuals become too powerful off of the needs of our citizens.
I would once again like to thank the nations and delegates who made this meeting possible. Only by exploring the ins and outs of socialism can we truly evaluate and make it better.”
The delegate took his seat and took a sip water. He didn’t get too comfortable however, figuring he’d be speaking quite a bit.
H-Town Tejas
31-12-2005, 17:21
A short Latino man stood up.
"Hola, compañeros. I am Timoteo Castillo, vice chairman of the Tejano Worker's Party. I would like to thank Pranchada for hosting this thing."
"The People's Republic of H-Town Tejas is, to put it plainly, a dictatorship. Our party is the only party that matters in politics, and we maintain the right to send members of other parties into labor camps as long as we have a viable excuse. While we have been making democratic reforms lately, the Chairman still maintains fairly absolute power. However, we also have given our citizens extensive civil rights even before we began moving towards democracy."
"However, our economy sucks and our ruling party is extremely unstable. We really don't need any other parties, because in our party, you can find every single leftist ideology there is. As for capitalism in our nation, it still exists in a very limited form. The Chairman believes that crushing it outright would cause problems. There are some corporations in Tejas, but we have a corporations minister. If the corporation gets out of line, we have the authority to get rid of it. This threat held over the heads of all corporations has caused a large number of them to leave."
With that, he sat down.
06-01-2006, 04:58
The Foreign Minister of Karuchea, Comrade Thieu Sihaounouk took the podium. "In our nation, Capitalism has taken a downcourse. In just a year we have gone from starvation and Capitalism into Socialism. Using the customs of the Khmer, we have advanced along the road of Angka. Capital, the guiding property of modern-exploitation has been abolished. Private property has been abolished. We are firmly marching towards Communism. Our country and the Party of Democratic Karuchea are firmly devoted to carrying out the Revolution. The biggest threat to the Revolution and to all revolutions across the world lies in the Revisionists. These denounce great leaders like Mao and Stalin and do not allow Socialism to advance or claim it is "not Socialism". These counter-revolutionaries emerged in our country, but thanks to Brother Number 1, we have eliminated them from the possibility of reversing the revolution. The revisionists cannot be tolerated as the use of Capital cannot be tolerated. We have learned that where there is Capital and the supposed "modern" elements, there is exploitation. The nation must be self-reliant based on it's own culture, without the enslavement of Capital and with it, Capitalism. Our nation is firmly advancing and I have faith that others will as well."