Riot Control
29-12-2005, 06:24
The government of Syrvania, due to its recent election, which not many agreed upon, is in need of sturdy riot gear for our police forces. Lethal or non-lethal, the only thing that matters is price, for our national treasury was depleted to an almost non-existence by the last administraiton. Much thanks,
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
29-12-2005, 06:29
Our Agriculture and Food Produce secretaries brought up the fact that there is nothing better than Syrvanian Cheese with some freshly caught Truot, or they can be consumed in sausages, or, if needed, seperatly. In exchange for the riot gear mentioned above, a trade of Syrvanian food stuffs can also be arranged.
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
29-12-2005, 06:35
OOC: This device is not my creation. It's Praetonia's. Click here to read (
Roman Republic
29-12-2005, 07:03
The Fatherland would like to answer your call. Rather than providing riot gear for your police, I wolud like to provide a Battalion of 800 Gurkhas/Gorkhas to take over the law enforcement role of your police. Our Gurkhas are the greatest law enforement men, because of their kukris. Rome has been able to supress revolts from our citizens because of them.
President Bhavan Patel
29-12-2005, 07:15
If you guys need any silly string, I have a bunch in my closet.
29-12-2005, 07:23
The Syrvanian government would welcome the movement of Roman Troops to serve as a Police Force. The State wonders what the Great Roman Republic would want as payment.
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
[NS]Popeleoma Del Signe
29-12-2005, 07:38
A memo from Chief Marshall of the Precinct of the Capital City, Troyes
Dear Sir,
It has come to my attention that you are in need of riot supplies and Riot supplies we have. The supplies are slightly outdated but will suffice. Troyes Police department has recently come under a problem. 24 hour officers must pay for their own food now because of some budget defecit. So in exchange of 2000 tons of Bacon, 20 tons of Salmon, 600 drums of cheese and 100 thousand loafs of bread, we will provide you with 20 Land Rover Riot Cars, 2000 Riot Shields, 10000 Gas Grenades, 170 Grenade Launchers, Two Mortars, 3 Tanks, 20 APCs and 9000 Anti-personelle non-lethal rifles. In such an exchange, the Chief Minister of the Politiburo, Joseph M. Farragut, has informed me to inquire if Syrvania would like a Embassy in the Capital city, Troyes. Hopefully, we can settle something in the near future.
Your Servant,
Chief Marshall, Precinct: Troyes Island
Joris Bellemond
Troyes Police Station
1700 Pierce St,
Troyes Island, Popeleoma Del Signe C-743-017
[NS]Popeleoma Del Signe
29-12-2005, 07:42
If you guys need any silly string, I have a bunch in my closet.
We'll Take 4 cans for the new year's celebration at the station. Bill it to the station.
your servant,
Chief Marshall, Precinct: Troyes Island
Joris Bellemond
Troyes Police Station
1700 Pierce St,
Troyes Island, Popeleoma Del Signe C-743-017
[NS]Popeleoma Del Signe
29-12-2005, 08:05
We can have everything arranged. I'm sure of that. Here's the address of your Embassy.
Syrvania Embassy
4189 Hearst St
Troyes Island, Popeleoma Del Signe C-743-049
We've Provided you a large building, close to the Rudolph Diesel Memorial Bridge and the Troyes General Hospital. Your building is a Guilded Era 10 story Building complete with offices, bedrooms, security offices, 10 month's worth of food and 12 landrovers in the sub parking lot.
His First Minister Joseph Farragut has accepted your invitaion for a embassy in your country and wishes it to be in the capital city.
Your Servant,
The Honourable 8th Minister, Edward p. Bishop O.S.
Home/Internal Affairs Office
120 Navan Street
Kvarv, Popeleoma Del Signe C-736-021
Roman Republic
29-12-2005, 08:14
It would cost $200,000 USD per month to maintain a battalion of 800 Gorkhas. They will arrive immetiately. I you would like more, feel free to contact me.
President Bhavan Patel
When the President sent the e-mail. He phoned the Pentagon to mobilize 800 Gorkhas and prepare them to be sent by civilian airlines to Syrvania. The Chiefs of Staff of the Gorkhas. The Pentagon phoned Thapa Military Base, Iraq.
The Commander of the 18th Gorkha Rifles (Regiment) received the call from the Pentagon. The Commander, Colonel Sachin Limbu, mobilized the 2nd Battalion. The Gurkhas loaded up on civilan busses to the airport.
The Busses then drove up highway 3 to Bagdad International Airport. The Gorkhas do not need to go through security because it is an emergency mission for them and going to security would delay their time of arrival. Their aircraft to arrive will be Roman Airways Flight 101.
After getting out of the Highway and arriving at the gate. Airport Security stopped the busses. Lt. Colonel of the 2nd/18th Gurkha Rifles showed the papers from the Pentagon to let the Gorkhas arrive and board their plane.
After a few minutes, the gate security pushed the button to life the gate. After the busses drove through the gate and arrived at Flight 101, the Gorkhas marched out one by one with their equipment and walked up the stairs.
The Plane the Gorkhas are flying in is a DC-10. The plane was plane white with a stripe color of red with the words Roman Airways. On the tail had the symbol of a hammer and a sickle surrounded by an olive branch.
After being greeted by flight attendents and getting to their seats, they each waited for the plane to begin taking off. On the ground, ground crew began loading up ammunition in the plane. They finished feuling the plane and all the ground crew left the scene. The pilot warmed up the engines and addressed the passengers to put on their seat belts and also explained safety precedures while the flight attendents used visual aids. After several minutes of safety procedures, the planes began to move to the runway.
"Tower Control,this is Flight 101, is the runway clear to take off." radioed the pilot.
"Roger, You are cleared to take off, Flight 101."
"Roger. Beginning to take off."
The plane began to take off by gaining speed, and off the plane went into the clear desert blue sky.
Colorado and Texas
29-12-2005, 08:16
We here in the Sci Tech division of Colorado and texas have a way to quell the rioters for free. If you are interested just tell us. It does not involve stationing units in your lands.
29-12-2005, 08:31
Upon hearing the news that the Gorkhas were on thier way, the Comm. Sergent relyed the news by phone to the presidental office, which is heavily barracaded and defended, in case of a rioter breaking through. Consulting with the Secretary of Finance, Horace Blocman, the Dictator was troubled.
"We only have enough in our treasurys for 4 months? I hope that will be enough." The phone rings, and the Dictator answers it.
"Klofield here....the Gorkhas are here."
With their motors already spinning, the Gorkhas hopped into the back of the antique diesel army trucks, and began the riot torn path to the "Presidential" Palace. Luckily, the unarmored trucks encountered only one rioter, who was promptly disposed of by another, who fled the scene.
At last arriving at the Palace, the Gorkhas rushed disciplenly to the mess hall, which was their temporary barracks. The president was waiting.
"First of all, I would like to salute your great country of Rome, and secondly your wonderful ruler."
The Gorkhas showed no sign of emotion, until they all saluted in unison.
Then the Cheif of Police gave them thier first mission, to capture the inciters of the riot, leaving them alive, but disposing of anyone in their path. The next step was to bring the inciters back, so they could stand "trial". The last known locations were in the Renstrank College campus, past the Yugglav Bridge.
Roman Republic
29-12-2005, 08:59
"Yes, sir!" answered Lt. Colonel Mitul Bhakta. "We will capture the rioters and bring them to justice. Would you mind giving us a lift to my men's first mission?"
The Lt. Colonel gave a brief salute and turned to his right and then walked away to their ride. He ordered all of his men in Gurkhali, the Gorkhas' native language to board the trucks and prepare themselves. Then the Lt. Colonel picked up his M-8 Lightweight Assault Rifle with a 40mm Grenade Launcher from a table and swung it on his shoulder. He then walked over to his truck and got a hand from Major Rambahadur Rai and climbed aboard the truck and awaited for the driver to take them to their first mission.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
29-12-2005, 10:20
Offices of the Chief of Police, Ptolemais, Alexandrian Ptolemais
During the midday lunch break, Commissioner Ross Robin lifted up the police copy of the Ptolemais Times. As it was a Thursday, it was extra thick, and would have articles of obscure occurrences. He read the appeal from the Syrvanian Chief of Police and remembered him. They had meet in a conference on the future of policing some years earlier.
He felt that it was imperative to help the police of a fellow country and appealed to the Minister of Trade to allow the trade of Imperial Police Gear for Food Stuffs. He added that Syrvanian Cheese with fresh trout would make a perfect treat for those in the Empire. He stated rather boldly
"We would be able to sell Syrvanian Cheese for a profit to those obscure cheeseries on Captain Helios Road. We could start a trade agreement with the Syrvanians, all we need is some of our old riot equipment."
The police had their riot equipment updated every few years. Of course, it was rarely used. Due to the non-existence of crime, only a few senior members could remember a riot - and that was by wharfies after their collective agreement was suspended after the 1984 victory by the Nationalists and Conservative Alliance. Even then, the police were never threatened.
The Trade Minister stated in his excited style
"We can trade enough riot equipment for ten thousand police, in exchange for one hundred thousand tons of Syrvanian cheese. We will transport the equipment in twenty Alexandrian Ptolemais Airways McDonnell Douglas MD11F Freighter. They have spare freight capacity, especially now the Christmas rush is over."
The Trade Minister e-mailed their assistance and waited for the response.
[NS]Popeleoma Del Signe
29-12-2005, 18:43
Edward P. Bishop, Popeleoma's 8th Minister paced about in his plush office. A telephone call came through the red line. He picked up.
"Hello? This is the 8th Minister Speaking. How may I help you?"
"Sir. Lt. Sven Arnaz reporting. Sir."
"Very good. What's up then?"
"Sir. The plane you requested is loaded up sir and has taken off just moments ago."
"Thank you Lieutenant. That will be all for now."
"Yes sir"
Pleased at the news, Bishop moved behind the giant oak desk. Made a little check on a piece of paper and proceeded to use the telephone.
"Miss Ainsworth"
"Could you get me Chief Superintendant at the Daachim dock?"
"I'll try sir"
"No trying. Just do it."
"Yes sir. Sorry sir."
"No matter just hurry up"
A quiet moment. It felt like the thick carpet was swallowing him. He wiggled about and finally a voice came onto the reciever
"Sir. Henri Bentique. Chief Superintendant at your service."
"Good good. Have the three 'sisters' been loaded up yet?"
"Yes sir. They left 2 hours earlier."
"Excellent. Do you have any idea how much longer it'll take?"
"Sailing there aboard foriegn ships sir. Is a very risky task. But at the most i'd say 2 days."
"Excellent. Did loading go without problems?"
"No sir. One crate fell apart and a mess of grenades fell out. What are we shipping sir?"
A bead of sweat came from his forehead. Panicking.
"We are shipping riot gear to our allies you ding bat. Ask any more questions, you wont have tomorrow to look foward to."
"Yes sir. Sorry sir"
Bishop was entirely relieved once the call was over. The grenades might have scared the Peruvian merchant steamers or cause them to go to peru and hijack the arms.
"Miss Ainsworth. Please get me Air Chief Marshall, Hugh Belfrey."
"Yes sir."
"Belfrey speaking."
"This is M8, Edward Bishop speaking."
"I want you too keep close watch on the three peruvian steamers that came to pick up our old riot equipment. There's no rifles on board, just the heavy stuff such as cars and whatnot."
"Yes sir. I'll have a helicopter on watch at all times."
"very good. Dismissed"
He sat behind the desk, made a checkmark on the same paper. Pulled his lower drawer out. Placed the bottle of scotch on the leather writing pad and commenced.
29-12-2005, 20:20
As the Gorkhas were arming to the teeth, their was a faint whir in the destance, and over the horizon came fifteen of the loadest, biggest, and oldest Chinooks that the Gorkhas had ever seen. Landing outside of the Palace, where the surronding block had been demolished for the exact purpose of Heli's, the lead ones back door opened, and out came a crazy looking, very visabley a war vetren, Syrvanaian Pilot.
"Hows you? You good? Have any of our WORLD famous Syrvanian Cheese and Trout? I just did, and if it gets you a little gassy, thats ok, we're all used to it!" He let out a cackle, and expected one back from the Gorkhas, who just looked at him like they pitied him.
"Ah, nevermind, it takes a good Syrvanian to get that. Yup, these are our AIr Forces Pride and joy. Man if we had had these during the Red Uprising in 79, man would I have more fingers. Thats the past, but now is the present, so hop in the back!" The Gorkhas uncertainly got in the back of their corrosponding Heli, and were then told they were going to rappel down.....with Syrvanian equipment.
Succesfully goin g down what looked and felt like pig intestine rope, the Gorkhas were let off 2 blocks from their objective point. The first Gorkhas feet hit the cement.....
30-12-2005, 02:24
To the Great State of Alexandrian Ptolemais,
I can't belieive that it is actually you! Your wise words will always be with me, those haunting words of "Live long and don't not prosper." Unfortunatly for you not only are our riot probelms solved, but our cheese production has dramaticaly dropped due to the discontent of our cows. We have been trying to up our cow happiness levels, but none of your procedures have worked yet. Otherwise, we would send a gift basket.
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
30-12-2005, 02:52
To the Syrvanian Chief of Police:
The Holy Emperror of Patriacha Has authorized me to offer 1000 of our finest police officers to help control the riots in your country
Sabastuion Galderborg
Patriachian Prefect of Internal Security
Roman Republic
30-12-2005, 03:00
A platoon of 36 Gorkhas that hit the ground created a circle around the Chinooks and awaited for the rest of the Gorkhas to rappel. After the Gorkhas were all on the ground. The Gorkhas maintained the circle with all their rifles up and looking around to see if anyone will try to attack them or the Chinooks
"Your cleared to leave." radioed Lt. Colonel Bhakta.
After the helicopters left. The Lt. Colonel signaled all the Gorkhas to go to their objectives. One by one, all the Gorkhas activated their adaptive camouflage on their uniform to automatically blend into the environment.
Squads of 9 Gorkhas began patrolling the city and following their map that was downloaded into their uniforms and uploaded to their Heads Up Display in their helmets. The even activated their thermal vision and their normal vision to look around the houses and building to see if any threats might pop out of their windows or doors.
We would be willing to send 1 Battalion of Frenzia Special Forces,these men are highly trained.We also have special riot control vehicles for this situation.We would need transport to locations or a place we could conduct a parachute entry and a LAPES drop.This can be provided at no cost.
30-12-2005, 04:25
Representing the .45s and people of Krakinheds, I would like to offer the millitary assistance of our armed forces, the LCDR (Localized Civilian Defence Regime). We will be happy to provide fully armed officers, equiped with Krakinheds technology. They are well trained in combat, and have proven well in many situations including riots and up-risings.
Our assistance is free of any cost, since our local currency is currently unavailable in currency exchanges. We do, however, ask for some of your cheeses in return, we have heard good things about them
[Penned by my hand]
Brock Kollecsi
.50 of the ACKrKH
30-12-2005, 06:04
The great and prosperous nation Syrvania thanks all of you generously for your offers to help, but between the troops and the equipment which Syrvania has received, no more help is need.
Syrvania thanks your valient Countries
30-12-2005, 23:26
The government of Syrvania, due to its recent election, which not many agreed upon, is in need of sturdy riot gear for our police forces. Lethal or non-lethal, the only thing that matters is price, for our national treasury was depleted to an almost non-existence by the last administraiton. Much thanks,
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
I have an idea why waste money on "non lethal" weapons when you can shoot anyone who opposes you... Good side:
Nr 1: The Bad guys die
Nr 2:Not wasting money on weapons that you are not likely to use much anyway
Nr 3: You dont have to buy new weapons and Police get to shoot at anyone who oppose them
Nr 4: It´s Simpler
Nr 5:Police can be used as "backup military" in case of "Urban warfare" or Guerilla warfare
OK thats the Good side here is the Bad Side
Nr 1: waste of human lifes
Nr 2: people hate you(can be fixed with some violence)
Nr 3: Practicly all Polices become murderers
Nr 4:Risk of more riots
Nr 5:People get hurt (dah)
Nr 6:More riot violence
Well thats all for me hope i enlighted you. :sniper:
[NS]Popeleoma Del Signe
31-12-2005, 00:45
From the Honourable First Minister, Joseph M. Farragut O.H.C.
The Three on loan peruvian Airships have radioed into Rickenbacker Intl (M) and they fowarded me the message that They have unloaded the personal small arms and gear. I have radioed the cargo ship carrying the heaver articles and they reported that they were about 10 hours sailing from your nearest port. Best of luck to you and your country.
His Honourable first minster, Joseph M. Farragut O.H.C.
Office of the first minister
2401 mason st. 3rd floor, office 4A
Troyes Island, Popeleoma Del Signe C-743-011
31-12-2005, 01:33
The Gurkhas your have hired from the Roman Republic (ooc: I chuckled a bit when reading about the camouflage thingy, it doesn't really sound like a MT but I will not start a debate as I don't want to hijack your thread) are undoubtly very good for riot controlling, but you cannot strecth 800 men everywhere nor rely on foiregn forces forever. Therefore we suggest you to accept this deal suggestion of ours, including
15,000 AKM (or AK-47 model 2) and
120 officers and specialists to arm and train your own military/paramilitary/armed police force. The price for each rifle would be 800 USD each, though this is negotiable. For the training personell we require you only to pay for their living.
If this suggestion is accepted, more generous deals considering your military's buildup can be expected from us in the future.
With best regards,
Warchief Tamujid, The Minister of Everything in
Heavily Armed Republic of Madnestan
Roman Republic
31-12-2005, 05:16
Once the Gorkhas reached the location on the map that the Chief of Police said that inciters where last seen. The Lt. Colonel wanted to search door to door throughout the Campus area. He didn't want anyone to escape, because escape was not part of their vocabulary, and if Gorkhas are told to capture or kill someone, they will make sure they will do it.
"Men, We are going to search throughout the campus for the riot leader. I want a perimeter around the Campus and beyond it. I also want a few platoons to go house to house and search for the leaders. The rules of engagement is fire if fired at." Radioed Lt. Colonel Bhakta in Gurkhali.
"Roger, Sahab (Sir)" Radio the platoon and company officers and a few Executive Officers.
Once every Gorkha was briefed, the Gorkhas took to their positions. 3 Companies went to form the perimeter. The last company prepared to split up in squads of 9 soldiers and begin searching.
The rest of the Battalion's Recon, Support, and Heavy Weapons Company were based at the police station.
The Lt. Colonel radioed the 4th Company and gave the signal to attack. The Company began splitting up and each began breaching doors one by one by throwing a flashbang grenade and clearing the room.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
02-01-2006, 10:26
To the Great State of Alexandrian Ptolemais,
I can't belieive that it is actually you! Your wise words will always be with me, those haunting words of "Live long and don't not prosper." Unfortunatly for you not only are our riot probelms solved, but our cheese production has dramaticaly dropped due to the discontent of our cows. We have been trying to up our cow happiness levels, but none of your procedures have worked yet. Otherwise, we would send a gift basket.
Syrvanian Chief of Police,
Gustav Melchovik
The gift basket was received with great pleasure at Parliament Buildings. Fortunately for the Minister of Trade and the Chief of Police, the building was deserted due to the Christmas holidays. They opened the basket and found what appeared to be three one hundred gram cheeses and a few salted trout. The Chief of Police, Ross Robin took some Brown's Island Bread and sliced a couple of pieces. They sat and boned the trout and placed the chunks on the bread and ate it. Both were pleased with the Syrvanian food, and of course Ross Robin had to offer his thanks in a brief note with their own parcel.
Dear Gustav
The Minister of Trade and I enjoyed the gift basket. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to send a gift of our own. A box of hand-made Dark Milk Chocolates from the Empire. Sorry that the note could not be longer, but I have to do road duty.
Chief of Police, Alexandrian Ptolemais
Ross Robin