*breaking news* Northeast Floridians gain independence
Northeast Florida
29-12-2005, 03:13
(JACKSONVILLE) After a massive uprising of working class Northeast Floridians, aided by Floridians from other parts of Florida, the working class took control of northeast Florida and declared independence. Immediately following, working class Floridians immigrated massively to the new country, most of them hispanic and african american.
the official languages are English and Spanish. the national animal is the gator and the currency is the peso.
The United States is less than pleased. international observers fear this may trigger a war between the two nations, but Northeast Floridians remain confident.
"We are in the midst of the beginning of a society which actually benefits the people", one person said.
There has been discussion of a possible unification of an independent Florida, but for now Northeast Floridians want to settle down and hope all works out for the better.
We are awaiting to see the international response.
(C) Northeast Florida News Network
Call to power
29-12-2005, 03:18
Message from: CTP central office
We formally accept and celebrate the new nation of Northeast Florida and offer a mutual protection pact to aid in the defence of your new land
29-12-2005, 03:42
Speking For the 2.2billion People of Tonissia We Would like Like to Congradulate you on your Freedom
On behalf of the Republic of Danmarc, we congratulate you on your independence. We hereby invite a Northeast Florida delegate to visit our capital: Danmarc City, and consider opening an embassy on the city's outskirts.
We are happy to see a peaple gain its indepdence
Irondin will send shipments of factory equipment for econmic needs and 5 squads of IHA Devastators and IRST Crackshots and IHAAA Hellfire for defencive needs
OOC Link to Tank stats http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=460675
And how does this involve laritian matters? Or any other matters of international extent.
The Comrade of Laritia
Azimeth congratulates Northeasern Florida of its newly found independence. Should the United States declare open war on the great nation, it will be Azimeth and Northeastern Florida together that shall crush the nation with absolute force.
- Emperor Jacob Komech II, Armed Republic of Azimeth
Roman Republic
29-12-2005, 04:10
The Fatherland would like to congratulate your nation for earning your independence. Is it possible to exchange embassies with each other. If you need more security, we are willing to send Gurkhas to supress any revolts.
President Bhavan Patel of the Roman Republic
29-12-2005, 04:52
The great state of Syrvania congratulates the North Flordians for showing their American oppressors that they can be a free and honest state. Syrvania has much experience in eliminating Counter-Revolutionaries, so if our forces are needed, then notify our government.
On behalf of Syrvania,
Zachary Retstat
Secretary of Armed Forces
Northeast Florida
29-12-2005, 06:13
The Republic of Northeast Florida sends their gratitude to all of those who have responded positively to this development. Elections to the Northeast Floridian Congress should be within days. We are building the Congress building in the capital of Jacksonville which should consist of 5000 Representatives and 17 Senators from the 17 provinces of Northeast Florida.
We here in Irondin are happy to help any peaple with its independince, we hope the equipment serves you well.