NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: A superior Resident Evil RPG sign-up thread

Tree Hugging Lesbians
28-12-2005, 21:02

The year is 2006, and the place is Hartford, USA. Hartford is a medium sized city with a booming economy near the American-Canadian border. The city is a popular destination for business’s of all types, Gambling being the most prominent.

After the defeat of Los Illumnidos in 2004 by US Agent Leon Scott Kennedy, the group split into various cells. After some minor research, the Illumnidos found out that Hartford was home to a major Umbrella facility before it was shut down, and that their underground facility was largely ignored by the FBI.

Fueled by the hope they could find the means they needed to avenge the death of their leader, the Illumnidos moved into Hartford. After taking the secret rout through the sewers under Hartford, the Illumnidos found several vials of T and G Viruses, and left.

How ever, someone else had the same idea of breaking into the facility. On their way back, the Illumnidos were ambushed by a group of Mercenaries hired by Albert Wesker. Both groups were destroyed in the skirmish, and the toxins were leaked into the water supply...

Rules and Regulations:

There will different classes of characters in this RPG. They are:
Hartford Citizen(Starting Equipment: None)
Hartford PD(Starting Equipment: Glock 9mm + 1 clip)
Federal Agents(Starting Equipment: .22 Magnum Pistol + 1 clip)
National Guard (Starting Equipment: M-16 + 1 clip, 9mm Pistol + Clip, Survival knife)
Wesker's Mercenaries(Starting Equipment: SMG + 1 clip, Survival Knife)
I suspect the classes that start with weapons will be popular, so I am limiting each of them to two characters each. Once all of these slots are filled, you'll have to be a Hartford citizen.
To anyone that chooses the Citizen class, please don't have them finding a gun shop or something like that in the first post. Have them improvise weapons, at least until we're a few pages in.
Please have a sense of realism in your posts. No duel-wielding .50 cals, no carrying multiple heavy weapons, no invincible characters.
Don't get to eccentric about posting. Give everyone a change to catch up.

And as for the template...




Status: (As in, where they are right now.)

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral)




Hair Color:

Psychical Appearance: (No, not the same thing as hair and eye color. Like their clothing, tattoos or piercings)




Fighting style:


28-12-2005, 21:09
Can I join?
Mini Miehm
28-12-2005, 21:21
Yay, more RE goodness!!! I don't know if this will be better or not, but I'm willing to give it a chance...

Class: Citizen

Name: Thomas Sunday Jr.

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Status: Home

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 250

Iris: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Psychical Appearance: Big and well muscled. Wears Jeans and a T-Shirt, today it happens to be Lynyrd Skynyrd, Vicious Cycle Tour '04 . Wears boots and a leater Duster as well.

Personality: The Consumate Good Guy, may not always obey the law to its letter, but still a good guy.

Background: Entered army basic at the age of 18, immediately after graduating HS. Left army basic at age 19, 3 weeks later, he didn't have the proper mindset for being a soldier. He went to college, and became a computer engineer, he played Fullback for the HS team, and continued to do so at the college level, still maintains his body as best he can, but his long hours on the job are beginning to take their toll on his body.

Associations: None.

Fighting style: Punch or kick things until they stop moving, or alternatively, shoot things till they stop moving. Never learned anything more effective or "fancy".

Strengths: He's huge, and extremely strong, he's also deceptively fast for his size. Knows alot about computers, and is an accomplished programmer, also capable ofdoing many less than legal things with computers.

Flaws: Very Idealistic, even at his age,believes that there's some good inherent in everyone, a tendency to be a Good Samaritan. Lack of subtlety.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
28-12-2005, 21:27
Can I join?

Why not?
28-12-2005, 21:33
Interest tag and possible character coming soon.

Class: National Guard

Name: Tyler Sphinx

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Status: Military Convoy

Alignment: Good

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190 lbs

Iris: Brown

Hair Color: Dirty blond

Psychical Appearance: Military attire including combat boots and uniform (though if he is training in marksmanship and stealth he will often wears a

Personality: Good hearted person. Usually upbeat and lively. Very kind and a do gooder.

Background: not completed

Associations: National Guard

Fighting style: Shoot from a distance or sneak up from behind and kill silently.

Strengths: Is a good shot as he is an aspiring marksman in the military.

Flaws: He isn't the best at hand to hand combat. Nor does he like being in the center of a fire fight (opposed to being far away and pop off rounds).
28-12-2005, 21:34
Class: National Guard

Name: Jack Victor


Gender: Male

Status:Military Convoy

Alignment: Good

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 145


Hair Color: Blond

Psychical Appearance: Wears black combat boots, khaki-colored fatigue pants, and green military fatigue shirt.

Personality:Always follows the law, execpt in times of chaos. Trust only his family and close friends.

Background: Getting accepted into a college, he also decide he wanted to join the military. But he didn't want to leave college so he joined the National Guard. So before he went to college he joined the national guard. He takes pride in being in the National Guard. Has the rank of private.

Associations:National Guard

Fighting style: Knows how to fight with a knife. Still getting used to the issued survial knife.

Strengths: Fast and agile. During his younger years he learned out to hot wire a car from his dad. In his teen years he learned to use and fix radios.

Flaws: Doesn't trust anyone execpt his National Guard unit, close friends, and family.
28-12-2005, 22:25
DMG can Tyler and Jack be in the same National Guard squad?
29-12-2005, 00:17
DMG can Tyler and Jack be in the same National Guard squad?

29-12-2005, 01:11
29-12-2005, 01:38
{Tag} for the moment as I'm not on my PC, but I'll get my character(s) done when I get back home and replace this place holder.

I'm thinking of a loyal merc for the moment, though I'm tempted to play a realistic citizen as well because they are better for character developement and provide something for others to strive to protect.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
30-12-2005, 01:28
Bump. I'll post my character later.
30-12-2005, 01:40
Class: Hartford Citizen

Name: Richard Sharpe

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Status: At home, watchin TV!

Alignment: Neutral (may go either way with money incentives)

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 160 lbs

Iris: Green

Hair Color: Blonde

Psychical Appearance: Built and fit, regular gym goer. Wears suit.

Personality: Enjoys a laugh, but can be deadly serious.

Background: Dreamed of joining air force in his youth, but was told down by his parents. His life eventually led him to become a bachelor and a accountant. How bored he has been.

Associations: none.

Fighting style: Street, tough, stuff he learnt as a kid fighting with and against his brothers. More than one drunken brawl.

Strengths: Elements of courage within him, but he's also smart, sharpe and perceptive. Also loyal, when he wants to be.

Flaws: Money could send him astray to the 'dark' side, slightly greedy. Dislikes strangers. If he's perceptive, he's judgemental.
Steel Butterfly
30-12-2005, 01:42
If you want an original franchise similar to Resident Evil, check out the Realm of the Risen RP's both in the archives (RotRII is great) and the newest one in my signature. They're closed, but they're a good read.
30-12-2005, 02:11
Stop spamming.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
30-12-2005, 20:33
Stop spamming.

Yeah, that'd be nice.

I'll start the IC thread sometime late tonight. I am unable to, or make my character right now.
31-12-2005, 20:31
sounds good, I'll be a wesker's mercenary, i'll make my character later, save me a spot as a merc.
31-12-2005, 21:19
Class : Civllian

Name: Amy Halder

Age: 15

Gender: female

Status: (As in, where they are right now.) in school or at home

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) neutral

Height: 5' 1''

Weight: 8 stone

Iris: green

Hair Color: blonde

Psychical Appearance: (No, not the same thing as hair and eye color. Like their clothing, tattoos or piercings) a normal caucasian girl with long blonde hair. She's wearing jeans, a black vest top and a denim jacket if at home.

Personality: outgoing and friendly but initially wary of strangers. is very likely to get very frightened once the action starts but will get braver as the story continues.

Background: an only child, Amy is being raised by her mother alone. her parents got divorced a few years previously.

Associations: high school friends and her dance class

Fighting style: she's not really a fighter. She can't shoot guns but she knows some unarmed combat and plays softball so can handle anything like a baseball bat

Strengths: very quick and agile; extremely fit; also intelligent and thinks logically

Flaws: finds it hard to trust people
31-12-2005, 21:43
Alright here's my character

Class- Wesker Mercenary

Name- Roy Malcom


Gender- Male

Status- In a building, after the battle with the Los Illuminados

Alignment- Evil

Height- 5'8

Weight- 157 lbs

Iris- Blue

Hair Color- Dirty blonde

Physical Appearence- Messy hair, not very muscular, scar going diagonal through his right eyelid, eye unaffected by scar.

Personality- a psychotic paradox. He is a devout catholic, but loves to kill and slaughter. Weird sense of humor.

Background- a mercany from the United States, native to Philadelphia. Has been to every continent, and killed many things. Hired by Wesker after the Racoon City incident, and trained to be more efficient.

Associations- Wesker, many other companies have hired him.

Fighting style- up close and personal. Loves bloodshed. Jumps in, shoots things up, and then cuts them up.

Strengths- cunning, effective, and nearly fearless. When near death, he goes berzerk and kills everything in site, possibly because of a viral injection.

Flaws- often kills without reason, impatient, sometimes his catholic beliefs contradict his merciless, before he goes berzerk, he often faints, post berzerk
he goes into a weakened defensless state.
31-12-2005, 21:46
note- I might kill myself off in maldaathi's RP, and join this one exclusively.
31-12-2005, 21:49
note- do what you want. Killing yourself in another RP isn't going to affect this one...
31-12-2005, 21:50
note- do what you want. Killing yourself in another RP isn't going to affect this one...

I know that. I'm just telling people.
31-12-2005, 23:08
Name: Mathew Read

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Status: In his room

Alignment: Neutral

Height: 156cm

Weight: 65kg

Iris: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Psychical Appearance: Black t-shirt, urban colored camouflage pants, and camouflage jacket, black gumboots and glasses.

Personality: He’s annoying, a bit psychotic sometimes but a good person.

Background: Lived in Hartford all his life, he once smashed a chair across another students head. His Father died when he 8 in a car accident and after that his mother committed suicide, he lives with his grand parents.

Associations: A small group of friend’s.

Fighting style: Fight any way possible to win, preferably with some sort of ranged weapon.

Strengths: Can aim and fire a gun.

Flaws: Suffers from ADD and is very annoying some times.
31-12-2005, 23:18
so when are we going to start the actual RP
31-12-2005, 23:24
Class: Police Officer

Name: Joseph

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Status: Arriving at Work

Alignment: Good-Police

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 168

Hair: Black, Nearly buzzed off

Iris: Brown

Description/Bio: Joseph is masculine and tall, ideal for being a street cop. He has on his Standard Police Uniform with no body armor, and carries around his standard 'Cop' pistol.
02-01-2006, 01:31
yeah, is this ever gonna happen or not?
02-01-2006, 02:09
The tokera
02-01-2006, 02:40
Class : Civllian

Name: Alexis Cold

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Status: at home

Alignment: Good

Height: 5' 8''

Weight: 125lbs

Iris: blue

Hair Color: brown

Psychical Appearance: She is beautiful normal caucasian girl with long brown hair. Currently she is wearing a short skirt and a tank top.

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. She loves to be the center of attention

Background: She is one of two children, her brother has moved out of the town, she is recently got a new apartment in the city and is working a job at a local store and is going to start college in 3 months. She is very smart and capable of doing many things. She also is very good on the computer and can almost do almost anything

Associations: friends

Fighting style: She is skilled with a gun and was tought by her close friend.She is good at fighting and can use many things as weapons.

Strengths: She is very quick,agile,intelligent, very fit.

Flaws: Often trusts people too much
Tree Hugging Lesbians
02-01-2006, 02:48
yeah, is this ever gonna happen or not?

Yeah, it is. Just give me some time to start the IC thread. I got caught up the other two nights. But I'll try to do it tonight.
02-01-2006, 02:50
Yeah, it is. Just give me some time to start the IC thread. I got caught up the other two nights. But I'll try to do it tonight.

all right, thats cool. also will someone make an evil character, I don't want to have to be the only evil guy
Tree Hugging Lesbians
02-01-2006, 03:18
I've decided to use a less...eccentric character.

Name: Alice Callan

Class: Civilian(Reporter)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Status: Local News Center

Alignment: Good

Height: 5' 6'

Weight: 122 lbs

Iris: Blue

Hair Color: Shoulder length Blonde

Psychical Appearance: Attractive woman, wears a white blouse, black mini-skirt and stillleto heels.

Personality: A bit blunt and hard nosed at times, how ever, she does poses for sight

Background: Born and raised in Hartford, she deeply loves the city and will protect it in anyway she can. She witnessed Hartfords transformation from a small village into an industrial town, though, she still thinks of it as the peaceful hamlet she grew up in. She also grew up with a strong passion for news and information, so, of course, she joined the Hartford Action News team.

Associations: Co-workers

Fighting style: None


-A bit hard-headed and stubborn.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
02-01-2006, 11:21
IC Thread:
03-01-2006, 06:34
Name: Frank Johnson

Class: Citizen

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Status: The local bar

Alignment: Neutral

Height: Six foot, seven inches

Weight: One hundred, ninety-five pounds

Iris: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Psychical Appearance: A worn button up shirt white in color with a loose tie around his neck that is black. Your average business man in a bar.

Personality: Frank isn't exactly a genius, but he's not too stupid, either. What he lacks for in book smarts, he makes up for in street smarts. He's not too compassionate toward other people as everything bad seems to happen to him. His wife just recently left him and he finds himself spending his nights at the local bar.

Background: Born in a rural town in midwestern US. Went to a local community college and joined a computer manufacturing company.

Associations: No one really

Fighting style: Took a few boxing classes in college, but other than that, he really doesn't have a style persay.

Strengths: Street Smarts and a strong upper body

Flaws: Only cares about himself at times, and has a gimpy leg due to a high school football game accident
The tokera
03-01-2006, 22:39
if you want your character could run into mine, she is at a clothing store right now and getting ready to leave in her car.
03-01-2006, 23:15
Name: Gabe Anderson

Class: Citizen

Age: 32

Gender: Male (High School Teacher)

Status: At a local school, gradeing tests for his history classes

Alignment: Good

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 155 pounds

Iris: Black

Hair Color: Brown

Psychical Appearance: Now wearing a collared shirt, khaki pants and a tie. Is trying to grow a beard.

Personality: He is allways Willing to help others. He is a big history buff, and is currently a member of a local Civil War reenacting unit.

Background: Moved here from out of town, to get his current job. He has no family in the area.

Associations: other teachers and school faculty.

Fighting style: To try to shoot as many times as possible from far away, a strategy he picked up from his hobbey.

Strengths: A good person and a decent shoot.

Flaws: Not the fastest moving person. He is sometimes to trusting.
03-01-2006, 23:43
Name: Ivan

Class: exconvict

Age: 21

Gender: male

Status: getting smokes

Alignment: good

Height: 5"7

Weight: 134

Iris: White (can i say white or will someone be "offendend")

Hair Color: brown

Psychical Appearance:

Personality: Lonewolf only group if needed

Background: EX pyromaniac trying to start a new life

Associations: on welfare

Fighting style: crane

Strengths: kungfu- pyrotechnics

Flaws. his obession with fire
04-01-2006, 00:03
Hamstaland: You have the most annoying signature ever.
04-01-2006, 00:26
04-01-2006, 03:01
I just have to say... What the HELL is Hamstaland doing!? Arg... so enfuriating.
04-01-2006, 05:37
if you want your character could run into mine, she is at a clothing store right now and getting ready to leave in her car.
Yeah, sure.
04-01-2006, 06:04
I just have to say... What the HELL is Hamstaland doing!? Arg... so enfuriating.

Don't get on Canadstein's bad side. He will start godmoding against you.
04-01-2006, 06:17
Also is the fighting between Humans and the Los Illuminado's or Humans and the T-Virus Zombies?
04-01-2006, 07:11
Don't get on Canadstein's bad side. He will start godmoding against you.

First of all... trust me, I know about Canadstein.

Second of all, why did you quote my comment about Hamstaland?
05-01-2006, 08:20
You know what DMG..... I have no idea. LoL sorry :p
05-01-2006, 15:43
You know what DMG..... I have no idea. LoL sorry :p

lol, no problem. Was just curious.
Cornbread Fanatics
08-01-2006, 04:59
Class:Mercenary(as in this character is a Merc for Hire and took this contract from Albert Wesker)

Name:Mike Shaw



Status:Currently on the run from the undead somewhere in the city

Alignment:Either good or neutral(depends on the situation)




Hair Color:Brown

Psychical Appearance:On the clothing part,depends on the contract and job.

Personality: Depends on the situation

Background:Born in a sleepy town somewhere in Northeast,U.S.A,went into the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit(Think Rainbow Six except focusing on bio weapons and chemical weapons instead of hostages and hostile takeovers) when he was 22,gained a proficiency on defusing dangerous equipment(and activating equipment like cars n stuff),he quit the unit when he was 27 to be a Merc-for-hire.

Associations:Some members of the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit

Fighting style:CQC

Strengths:Is a good shot with handguns,has a skill to improvise weapons,chooses his fights wisely,knows how to work with machinery and vehicles,begins with a tool kit(who knows? It might become useful to restore communications and to hotwire cars)

Flaws:Tends to not trust people,may leave comrades in times of crisis,is sometimes a lonewolf type of guy.

08-01-2006, 06:41
Just wondering... is there a planned end to this, like when the evil people do something? Or are the zombies just going to keep coming and us keeping shooting?
Tree Hugging Lesbians
08-01-2006, 07:12
Just wondering... is there a planned end to this, like when the evil people do something? Or are the zombies just going to keep coming and us keeping shooting?

I'm cooking something up.
08-01-2006, 07:14
I'm cooking something up.

Alright cool. Just making sure, because for a while everyone was (and is) just winging and running around killing zombies - not that isn't fun :D

Corrupt fringers
08-01-2006, 08:02
can i join?
08-01-2006, 13:18
Corrupt fingers if go back to the first post and create a character using the template (or even pick a character from the games that would fit) then THL will be able to get back to you.
08-01-2006, 17:55
In case you missed it, Cornbread Fanatics wnats to join:
Cornbread Fanatics
08-01-2006, 21:19
Tree Hugging Lesbians
08-01-2006, 21:25
Go ahead.
09-01-2006, 05:48
I would have Roy make Richard a zombie soon or he isn't going to have much time before the town is "sterilized"
09-01-2006, 10:29
yeh I want to do some murdering damnit!
Orderly Anarchy
10-01-2006, 02:54
Name: Matthew Waiz (Yeah I know that there is already a Matthew. Just call my character by his last name. He will ask you two anyways.)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Status: Alive and sleeping though all the hell that is going on outside.

Alignment: Don't know. Neutral maybe.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 215

Iris: Green and brown

Hair Color: Brown

Psychical Appearance: Looks normal enough at first glance. He doesn't look anywhere near his actual weight of 215 but it is apparant instantly when he does something that would show off his impressive amount of muscel he contains. He normaly wears anything from jeans and a t-shirt to a leather trenchcoat and boots.

Personality: Is normaly and easy guy to get along with. But in stressful situations he is a real dick and won't tolerate any stupidity but never the less keeps a cool head and makes good decisions even if he is mean about getting them across.

Fighting style: Years of martial arts and an obsession with the art of death has made him into someone that can kill a thousand different ways. But unfortunaly very few ways work with the living dead in mind so most all of them are useless. Close combat is a favorite but firearms are prefered because of praticality.

Strengths: Strong, fast, quick reaction time as well as a very fit body and mind as well as the knowhow to use guns and weapons.

Flaws: He loves a fight and it gets him into more trouble than he was already in.
10-01-2006, 03:47
Status: Alive and sleeping though all the hell that is going on outside.

This "hell" that has been going on outside, has been going on for a couple days now... so unless he is hibernating, he will have known about it and not sitting on his ass waiting for zombies to eat him...
Orderly Anarchy
10-01-2006, 04:44
Really? You think I didn't know that?

Get the fuck off my back and just sit back and let me explain in my post.
10-01-2006, 04:59
I have a question. What if someone chose citizen but their proffesion was a bank truck security guard (The ones that drive around with 3 or 4 guards and deliver change and large amounts of money to shops and banks etc. I'm not sure of their proper name) would this player have instant access to a pistol even though they are still only a citizen?
10-01-2006, 05:06
Really? You think I didn't know that?

Get the fuck off my back and just sit back and let me explain in my post.

Thats a little bit too much hostility in return for a simple constructive criticism remark...
Tree Hugging Lesbians
10-01-2006, 05:07
I have a question. What if someone chose citizen but their proffesion was a bank truck security guard (The ones that drive around with 3 or 4 guards and deliver change and large amounts of money to shops and banks etc. I'm not sure of their proper name) would this player have instant access to a pistol even though they are still only a citizen?

Uh, yeah, I guess.
10-01-2006, 05:07
I have a question. What if someone chose citizen but their proffesion was a bank truck security guard (The ones that drive around with 3 or 4 guards and deliver change and large amounts of money to shops and banks etc. I'm not sure of their proper name) would this player have instant access to a pistol even though they are still only a citizen?

I think in turns out that almost everyone in the town was a gun fannatic anyway... so the guard would probably have one...
Orderly Anarchy
10-01-2006, 05:53
Yeah... Didn't meen to come off so hostile.

Sorry about that one.
10-01-2006, 05:55
Yeah... Didn't meen to come off so hostile.

Sorry about that one.

Yeah... I think it was probably the, "Get the fuck off my back," that over did it...
Orderly Anarchy
10-01-2006, 06:18
Yeah that would do it. I just don't like being critisized for something I haven't had a chance to explain yet.
St Toph
10-01-2006, 23:43
may i join?

Name: Chris Johnson



Status: (As in, where they are right now.) home.

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Good




Hair Color: brown

Psychical Appearance: (No, not the same thing as hair and eye color. Like their clothing, tattoos or piercings) hoodie sweatshirt, jeans (normal looking kid i guess.)

Personality:im a peaceful person that hates stupid people.

Background: born and raised in iowa im currently ending 8th grade.


Fighting style: umm punch/kick/use anything to disarm

Strengths:Built...very intelligent...sometimes he just doesnt care about details but in the end hes basically a good person.

Flaws:can be very arrogant if i dont like something or i just dont agree but i usually come to my senses...

by I i mean he****
12-01-2006, 06:21
<bump for THL confirmation>
Tree Hugging Lesbians
12-01-2006, 06:25
13-01-2006, 19:21
Damn Jolt. Always manages to slow down RPs...
Greater Mactopia
13-01-2006, 23:25
Can I join, little late I know...

National Guard

Name:Cpl.Kevin Smith



Status: At the National Guard Base, On Patrol

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Good



Hair Color: brown

Psychical Appearance: National Guard Camo, Kevlar Vest, Helmet, Extra Ammo Belts, Grenades (x3), M-16 and M9

Personality:Shy, yet very intelligent. He is very personable once you get to know him.

Background: Was away at college, joined National Guard to pay off loans. He used to take flying lessons.

Associations:National Guard

Fighting style: Shoot at far. Able to hold own in 1-1, but doesn't really prefer it.

Strengths: Is very good shot with a pistol. Strength is OK. Is a very good sprinter.

Flaws:Can be afrad at times, yet once he gets into mode, he holds his own.
14-01-2006, 00:32
You can't be National Guard. There can only be two people.
14-01-2006, 00:56
You can't be National Guard. There can only be two people.

That was most likely only for the beginning when THL was nervous that a lot of people would claim the position of National Guard Member. Now there are tons of people in this thread and I doubt another nation guard member will hurt anything... especially with your character about to die.

Though i t is up to THL in the end.
Greater Mactopia
14-01-2006, 05:19
So, is that a yes or a no? Please, I realize that I am a late joiner and that you did limit it, but we need somebody back there to see whats going on. I'm kinda just hanging around at the National Guard Base, might patrol out to find the others, meet up and fight with them, I dunno. But whatever...
14-01-2006, 05:23
So, is that a yes or a no? Please, I realize that I am a late joiner and that you did limit it, but we need somebody back there to see whats going on. I'm kinda just hanging around at the National Guard Base, might patrol out to find the others, meet up and fight with them, I dunno. But whatever...

You might want to know that some citizens went to the national guard base to find out that everyone there had been killed or turned into zombies...

And it is Tree Hugging Lesbians decision... so just be patient.
Greater Mactopia
14-01-2006, 06:15
Zomg, well, thats fine, if I can't be national guard, I will be one of the citizens that went to the base, whatever.:)
14-01-2006, 06:17
Zomg, well, thats fine, if I can't be national guard, I will be one of the citizens that went to the base, whatever.:)

As I already said, I have no authority in this... I was just making a point. Tree Hugging Lesbians is the creator of this thread and is making the decisions... s/he might be entirely fine with you having a national guardsman at the base... I simply don't know.
14-01-2006, 07:09
Greetings. Perhaps it's late in the game, but are you still accepting new people? And if you are, could someone give me just a general sense of what's happened thus far? Thanka.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
14-01-2006, 07:15
Go ahead, be a national guard. I can't post or give a detailed history of events right now, sorry.
14-01-2006, 07:22
Greetings. Perhaps it's late in the game, but are you still accepting new people? And if you are, could someone give me just a general sense of what's happened thus far? Thanka.

Zombies are running around killing people... small groups of survivors have formed. A man named Roy, working for the one responsible for the zombie outbreak, is in town causing chaos and poisoned one of the survivors. That survivor, named Richard, became a super zombie and is attacking a group of survivors now...
14-01-2006, 08:46
Name: Cpl. Nick Woden

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Status: A hospital, en route to the National Guard base

Alignment: Good

Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

Weight: 157 lbs. (71 kilos)

Iris: Brown

Hair Color: Dark brown

Physical Appearance: Bloodied but intact National Guardsman uniform, sans headgear. No piercings, no tattoos.

Personality: No-nonsense, but patient with others. Reliable in a tight spot. Loyal to his friends, but he won't forgive betrayal of himself or others.

Background: A quiet, bright kid who spent most of his time alone. His family didn't have money to send him to college, so he joined the National Guard after high school, mostly for their college sponsorship. After two years, he decided to make it a career. He has no romantic attachments, nor does he want any.

Associations: Just the National Guard.

Fighting style: He's extremely competent with standard firearms, but finds CQC much more satisfying.

Strengths: An accomplished pistol marksman and close-quarters fighter. Has a rather stoic attitude, so the carnage isn't taking a psychological toll on him. Loves zombie movies, so he figured out the "aim for the head" rule pretty quickly.

Flaws: Not a people person, doesn't really like operating in groups. (He'll try to protect people, but the last thing he wants or needs is rapport.) Holds grudges which can get him into trouble. Occasionally tests himself by taking unnecessary but profitable risks.
Death Spire
14-01-2006, 10:46
if there is any room left for an Ex-SAS Aussie Immagrant:

Name: Michael "Warmaster" Porter

Age: 35

Gender: male

Status: just left the hospital

Alignment: Neutral, as if he gets angry with somthing...he gets really angry

Height: 7 foot 5

Weight: 275 Kilograms, all muscle

Eye Color: Mick was born with Ga Genetic Defect, his eyes look like bottomless pits, with red centres

Hair Color: Black, with Red Tips

Psychical Appearance: SaS elblem on one arm, Templar Cross on the other

Personality: Anger management problem, but otherwise a nice guy, he is ultra loyal to his freinds, an avenging angelk from hell to his enemies, Mick

Background:after fighting alongside U.S personel in Afganistan, he retired immediatly after and moved to america, travelling before setteling in Hartford a week before the outbreak.

during his travels he heard of Umbrella's misgivings from a woman named jill valentine, but he didnt beleive them,, until mall six of his Magnum rounds failed to kill a man who attacked him, he ditched the empty gun, grabbed his old army uniform, his extra large bayonet, a gift from a Scottish Soldier in Afganistan, and ran to the nearest military base.

Associations: Ex SaS Major, as such, he knows a few people in the military,

Fighting style: viscious, as mick uses any sharp implement combined with his Strength to decapitate his foes, he is also a giant of a man

Strengths: he is very stron, very smart, and of standard running speed, and quick relfexes, he has his own code of honor

Flaws: utterly unforgiving, Grudge bearing, Highly Agitated, Volitile, Impulsive due to ADHD and a general lack of ritalin for the past 20 years, Haunted by his past, Hearing is currantly impared due to the Ipod speakers strapped to his Vest blearing Metal (Disturbed) Violent disposition.
he got his system of honor from Warhammer 40,000, and as such, its not usually the best tactic wise his eyes make people suspicious of him
16-01-2006, 10:09
With all these characters, this is spinning out of control... there are tons of posts about different situations and people...
16-01-2006, 17:08
Well since Jack died I have to make a new character

Name: Mike Vronsky



Status: Home

Alignment: Good

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Iris: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Psychical Appearance: A young teenager. Starting to grown some facial hair.

Personality: Brash and also has courage. Will put his life in risk to save someone else. Puts other people needs before his.

Background:A avid deer hunter. Went on his first deer hunt in Pennslyvania with his dad when he was six years old. A average student at his school. More of a loner and does stuff by himself. Doesn't do any sports besides hunting and chess.

Associations: Civilian

Fighting style:Far away and one shot one kill.

Strengths:Excellent with his father's Remington 700

Flaws: Not very well with melee weapons.
16-01-2006, 18:51
chess a sport?
16-01-2006, 18:58
ooc- How muh longer will the RP take? I think the government is going to kill us all soon.
16-01-2006, 18:58
Yes chess is a sport.
16-01-2006, 19:01
chess a sport?

It is one of those things that people refer to as a sport despite it taking no athletic ability whatsoever. (meaning it isn't a sport)
16-01-2006, 19:02
since amy has been wounded by the superzombie what happens now?

is she infected?
16-01-2006, 19:08
16-01-2006, 20:18
Unlucky, but the RP only gets more fun when you get infected!
16-01-2006, 22:39
DMG, if you have any ideas about how my party can make things simpler, let me know.

As for "the government killing us," it took them quite a while before they decided to sterilize Raccoon City. Since they now know what they're dealing with here, it shouldn't take as long, but we may still have a matter of days. I do ask, though, that we be given a bit of warning before the cruise missiles start streaking in.
16-01-2006, 23:39
If I remember correctly (which I might not), THL said the sterilization was going to happen in less than a day...
17-01-2006, 09:03
Must have missed that, being new to the thread. Thanks.
17-01-2006, 19:26
since a hunter caused amy's wound and infected her what will happen to her if the infection runs it course.

Will she rise as a bog standard zombie or become a hunter herself?
17-01-2006, 20:16
They all use the T-virus. Some just use it differently than others, due to manipulation in a laboratory. I'd say the infection would make her a standard zombie.
17-01-2006, 23:10
since a hunter caused amy's wound and infected her what will happen to her if the infection runs it course.

Will she rise as a bog standard zombie or become a hunter herself?

I would have to say that it is really your choice whether your become a hunter or not...
20-01-2006, 22:05
Name:Sargent Major Jon Passmore (retired) {USMC}
Hight: 6-7
wieght: 240 lbs.
Type: Citisen
allighnment:chaotic good
Body type:Fit and strong
Personality:Strong willed, doesnt like to be orderd around. Feels that the protection of those around him is his responsibility
Description:Recently retired from the Core He clings to the Slogan "Once a marine always a marine".Now all he wishes to do is settle down and start a family.
The tokera
21-01-2006, 01:14
I will get you alternate transportation, for all of the survivers, If you want, I could come across a bus that some of the survivers could armor(welding metal and stuff over the windows and reinforcing).
21-01-2006, 02:10
Who and where is your character?
21-01-2006, 15:20
So can I be in this or what?

I forgot to list his location so here it is

Jon Passmore=at home with his doughter barricaded inside(the house is on the outskirts of the city
The tokera
21-01-2006, 19:01
Who and where is your character?

My character?

Alexis, she is near the hospital.
23-01-2006, 23:52
I have decided to drop out... (nobody's fault, but I feel it has become quite unorganized and overloaded...)
23-01-2006, 23:53
me 2.
24-01-2006, 01:04
i'm following DMG and Topal, thing got to confusing, it was fun though