Sci Tech Building towards a better future.
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 23:06
"Welcome to Sci Tech. We are the largest research and devoloment center in Wasted America. We have stock holders in each of the regions, and we are now opening our doors to contracts form other regions. We make many things here. Meds to keep you healthy to electronics. We do have many military contracts. But we will not get into that. Now feel free to contact a sales rep near you for more details.
27-12-2005, 23:14
I would like to be informed on behalf of my own nation, if you could provide more information on anything suitable to the needs of this great land. If you could get back as soon as possible with a clear and considerable offer, it would be in our greatest interests to do some business with you.
Breathe the life of your country.
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 23:23
Today we will show you our elite security battle droid unit Known as 911 Elite. These practical units act as body guards and police. They are proven in combat. The best thing is all you have to do is pay for repairs if they get damnaged.
Here we have the top of the line Sgt. Unit. For the low low price of 500,000 a unit.
Next is the Cpl. Unit. only 300,000 a unit.
We do have a cheap unit that only cost 90,000 per unit we call it the Pfc 1st class.
next time we will go over our bio department. And the results we have learned.
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 23:34
Welcome to the Bio Tech labs or as we like to call it Sick Call. Not all of the things we make here are weapons. We have made many new meds that we will send free samples to any who need them. We also have made a universal anti-venom. Um while we are here please wear these bio-suits. Thank you. Ok first we will show you batch 68-987-HVTV-C. As you can see it attacks the arms of its victim. It leaves the victim alone then.
Here we have Nero-Toxin S-DCH-45 as you see it kills almost at the moment it is spread. Those that do not die right away as you see melt from the out side in.
Here is out small-pox contamint area. In it we also have many other older sickness. As we come along I ask that you stay away from that railing around this pit. It is carrying high curents. If you look at the monitor you will see the test of Mortius 36. As they inject it into that corpse you will notice that it is chained down. Please look up at the snipers. Ok as you see this serum brings the subject back to redumintery life. Watch as the snipers shoot it. It keeps moving but you can destroy it. *blam a shot hits it taking its head off* Now yall know why we had you sign those forms.
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 23:52
Ok folks I see the majoirty of you came back to day. If you will fallow me out side we will be showing some new and intersting execution devices.
First is the Interrogation Chair. As you can see those holes all along it? Well first we hit this button here. When that is pushed you see those needles come rising up? Well they are full of a serum we invented. It will keep the impaled person alive until you get all of your questions answered. It cost 45,789.56. With a year supply of serum.
This here is the Gas o matic 700 it can execute 25 people at a time. Use only for convicted felons. It cost 80,000.
Hmmm what was that? Yes we can build anything your sick minds come up with. Join us latter for some wepons we are working on.
Colorado and Texas
28-12-2005, 00:18
The lights in the labs flash out, as they do this the three PFC bots turn on their head lights. A voice on the loud speaker says"Lock down in lab Aplha-45-AZ experiment Delta Four has broken out"
Colorado and Texas
28-12-2005, 00:35
*the bodies of the two scintest lay smashed next to one bot the other two finish destroying the experiment. When theyt are done three men with flame throwers come in and torch the room bots and all. It is then sealed. "well time to bring our the delta version of it."