Anti-Capitalist Laws Passed in Democratic Karuchea
27-12-2005, 19:08
"Today, 3 new Anti-Capitalist laws have been passed by Brother Number 1 and other people's leaders. The first is the abolition of currency in Karuchea, capital, as the central cause of modern oppression, is dealt with just like the other problems. The second is the banning of all former-government members from any occupation, citizens are encouraged to report any members or supporters of governments before the Year-Zero to the People's Police. The third is the banning of homosexuality, as it has been defined by our great leaders as a by-product of Capitalism and Pre-Socialist decadence, it is banned under the threat of execution. When pulling grass, you must also pull the root. Enjoy your day and remember, the harder you work, the closer we come to achieving Communism."- Radio Rouge
27-12-2005, 19:16
The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom is appauled at the actions that have happened in Karuchea. We have done much research and have proven that homosexuality is NOT a byproduct of a capitalist state. It is a state of mind and how a person is. They cannot help being homosexual as it is who they are. By Imperial Proclimation, we extend refugee status to any homosexual civilians fleeing Karuchian boarders.
With the Government of Karuchea's permission, we would like to land several Boeing 777's at an airport of your choice to evacuate any and all homosexual groups within your nation.
27-12-2005, 19:40
The People's Republic is unsurprised, but no less appalled, by this most recent example of the human rights abuses perpetrated in the name of a corrupt ideology. Such attrocities are the only way for such a system to continue to function, as no one would willingly allow themselves to be subjugated to such oppression.
We are willing to grant political asylum to any residents of Karuchea who wish to leave behind the Communist tyranny of their homeland and wishing to start a new life where they can live in freedom without fear of oppression.
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 19:45
The leaders of Colorado and Texas vow to stand next to you if any nation decides to thrust itself upon you for your laws.
27-12-2005, 19:45
To: Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
From: The Politburo of the Party of Democratic Karuchea
Your offer to take any Capitalist dogs perpetuating their bourgeois culture is welcome. To get them out of our great nation would be a joy to our people. We accept the offer to fly them out. However, we only accept this offer once, after this if any remain in Karuchea, they will be dealt with as we please. We have one active airport, the "Angka Karuchean Airport".
27-12-2005, 20:26
To: Colorado and Texas
From: Brother Number 1, Khieu Polmok
Democratic Karuchea is appalled by your support of regime change and your prayers for imperialist action. Our nation has never said a bad word about yours in the Year-Zero era. But because of your apparent wish for transgression, we declare a "State of Animosity" towards your country, we are prepared for any actions which may follow. With Capitalism rearing it's head here, we would like to announce that we are expelling all foreign media that could be yours or anyone elses from our nation.
Fascist Confederacy
27-12-2005, 21:23
Statement from the Premier
Federative Central Government
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Political Bureau (and I personally) condemn the administration of Democratic Karuchea as simply a nation of Stalinist bourgeoisie claiming to be socialist. The administration within this nation wishes to destroy and muddy the righteous philosophy of Marxism and true, workers’ democracy. They wish to assassinate their own citizens and destroy their people so that they oppress them.
The Soviet people encourage the repressed citizens of Karuchea to rebel against their anti-revisionist oppressors. We encourage them to actively attack the people who taint the Marxian political-philosophy. Any citizen that violently revolts against Karuchean police, military, government officials, and all branches of their government will be allowed into the Soviet Union and as a Soviet citizen to be trained in the Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad (
Men and women of Karuchea, change only comes from violent revolt and the utter destruction of all ties to the former, psuedo-socialist or capitalist regimes. Destroy them and your oppressors. Peace at any cost!
Vladimir Ivanovich Troskin, Ph.D., S.J.D., D.S.Sc.
Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(OOC: Pay no attention to the name of me on the forum. I was unable to change it due to forum policy. However, I roleplay as the U.S.S.R.)
Colorado and Texas
27-12-2005, 21:25
To: Colorado and Texas
From: Brother Number 1, Khieu Polmok
Democratic Karuchea is appalled by your support of regime change and your prayers for imperialist action. Our nation has never said a bad word about yours in the Year-Zero era. But because of your apparent wish for transgression, we declare a "State of Animosity" towards your country, we are prepared for any actions which may follow. With Capitalism rearing it's head here, we would like to announce that we are expelling all foreign media that could be yours or anyone elses from our nation. Sirs we fear you are confused. We are offering our support to you.
27-12-2005, 21:32
Official Response from Brother #1 over Radio Rouge:
"Today we are at a new road, we cannot go back over the old road. Our new road is to Communism. We fight for the lives which we had before Capitalism and Feudalism, it is natural for us to be Socialist, we have always rejected any road except our own. We criticize the Soviet revisionists as we criticize any Imperialist power. In our revolution, the Soviets never extended even a helpful hand, but they always favoured the utopian "border-less" strategy rather than a correct one. They denounced Comrade Stalin, who was one of the greatest leaders of our time. They reject Stalin and Communism in favour of Khruschevism and perpetual Socialism. We are a force dedicated to achieving Communism and Self-Reliance and we will achieve Communism before the Soviet Social-Imperialists.
Our road is the road of independance, a road of Communism and the way of Angka. I have taken the way of a guide and I hack all overgrowth in the path of our road, you, the people, you are my machete with which the Capitalist and Imperialist overgrowth shall be taken down and the path of Communism will be clear for future generations even outside of our country. Angka is the ideology of the future, Year Zero has no past, only a future."
*note to Colorado and Texas, sorry, we misunderstood, we thought you vowed support to anyone who would assault us for our policy. Chalk it up to language differences >_>.
27-12-2005, 21:39
Message from Chairman Hua of the People's Republic of Prachanda directed to Karuchea: We would like to extend the warmest hands of solidarity, we support your actions against the Social-Imperialists and would like to meet in head-of-state talks in our capital as soon as possible. We support the people of Karuchea in their quest for Communism against the road of reaction and imperialism and stand firmly beside you in all decisions.
Fascist Confederacy
27-12-2005, 21:42
Statement from the Premier
Federative Central Government
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Upon the receiving of this Angka Manifesto, the Political Bureau along with the Immigration and Naturalization Bureau has placed the nation of Karuchea on Relations Level Negative Two ( until further notice, baring any pro-Karuchean citizen to enter any Soviet Socialist Republic across the world. Our offer for asylum to any Karuchean citizen willing to take up arms against the corrupt, “single country socialists” still stands.
We truly hope that the people of Karuchea will realize their plight and completely dismantle the corrupt, moralist, nativist regime running their country through a veil known as Angka. Angka sound more like Juche, and just like the people of Korea, the people of Karuchea will destroy Angka and erase all remnants of it.
Vladimir Ivanovich Troskin, Ph.D., S.J.D., D.S.Sc.
Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
27-12-2005, 21:51
The People of the Socialist Federal Republic are greatly offended by the remarks of the Soviet Union. Our system is African Socialism based much on Mao Zedong Thought and Juche Socialism. Karuchea is taking a good path promoting Communism, and though we are not fully supportive of them, they stand in a more internationalist and Socialist approach than the USSR seems to take. We would also like to stand by our friends in Karuchea right now as they are in a near-stand off against the forces of Imperialism. The solidarity between Africa and Asia stands firm.
(Remarks of the East African National Union)
27-12-2005, 21:53
To: EANU and Chairman Hua
From: The Party of Democratic Karuchea
We would like to thank your friendly, Socialist stances and your promotion of Anti-Imperialism. Our nation will always stand beside yours. We accept the offer of a delegation and Brother Number One would like to fly into an airport in Prachanda to meet with Chairman Hua.
Warsaw Eternal
27-12-2005, 22:22
Esteemed Leader of Karuchea,
The Communist state of Warsaw Eternal praises your valiant fight against the corrupt capitalist pigs. Although we are at this time in our infant stages of growth, Warsaw Eternal and its allies will give whatever support we can muster to help bring a new, secure Communist Regime to Karuchea.
Workers of the World, Unite!
27-12-2005, 22:25
To: Warsaw Eternal
From: Party of Democratic Karuchea
Our nation is most honoured by your support and we would like to begin formal diplomatic ties between our people as well as cultural exchanges.
29-12-2005, 16:09
Scene: Flight Group of 50 Boeing 777's
The flight group was making it's final approach to Democratic Karushian boarders. The baggage area of the aircraft was altered to a makeshift seating area, giving the aircraft almost twice the space as before. This would make them able to carry almost 1,000 civilians per aircraft. The pilots checked their controls and signaled the government of their approach.
Lead Pilot: "This is Shazbotdom Flight Group Baker Seven Five requesting permission to land. We are bearing Five Three Four Mark Seven Nine Two. Approaching at Mach 2."
They then turned to the coordinates given to them by the Shazbotdom Government for the location of the airport they were to fly to. Within 20 minutes they would be within the Boarders of Democratic Karushea.
29-12-2005, 16:21
Capitalism is the cause of oppresion? Homosexuality the by-product of free markets? The elimination of currency? Are you mad? Though we would be of this opinion, as we were oppressed by a socialist government many years back.
~Valdun Jelz~