24-12-2005, 00:40
Viscon, Droloon
The people rioted. Thousands of them stood in the streets waving signs and screaming insults. In just a few minutes the clock would strike midnight and it would changed to December twenty-fifth, the day of Christmas. Yet this holiday was new to Droloon, only introduced last November. Introduced by rebels who had for many years been considered terrorists are hardly worthy of the publics attention. Yet, many things had changed so fast, so quickly, almost like a blur. In November this riot would have turned into a massacre, and the streets would be peaceful, if only a little more red. The Emperor had lost a lot of his power even quicker, as the people's hearts turned against their once beloved master. The protesters were even allowed to protest in front of the Imperial Palace, save under the very close watch of the Imperial Guard who kept a distance, but when they had assault rifles and machine guns, they could saw a hundred yards away and still contain the protest.
Jacob rubbed his heard, he was at the back of the protest, he was actively apart of this protest. Though with this many voices, along with the stress of the event he had a headache, and a nasty one. Though he wouldn't go home, he knew all it took was a few people to get tired and go home and everyone else would follow and soon the protest would be forgotten. No, he would stay for what he believed in. A cold gust of wind from the freezing air slammed into the crowd and the screams went silent for a moment as the cold wind caught the people off guard, but like a machine the people warmed back up and the scream continued. Jacob felt a metallic coldness in his chest, he placed his hand over his chest and could feel the outline of the cross pressing aginst his chest. Such religious symbols were utterly banned and strictly enforced. He never took it out from under his shirt, he saw and heard that a few people had been foolish enough to take such symbols and show them publically, they would quickly beaten and detained by the Imperial Guard.
Atheism was the norm of Droloon. For centuries religion, of any form, was oppressed until it was banned altogether. The Hampton Dynasty feared religion, yet no one knew why. It didn't really matter either, the people never questioned it and continued on with their meager existance. Prehaps the people wouldn't be here today if the greatness of Droloon didn't collapse. Jacob stummbled back a few feet in foot thick snow--the crowd had been here for three days and the snow plows weren't allowed to simply go over the protests. Jacob returned to his thinking. A decade ago, few people would have joined this protest, and they would have had to go threw a year worth of filling out paperwork to get the approval. Back then the nation was wealthy, nay, it was grossly wealthy. The people had more money than they could spend. The riches came from the pockets of the Hampton Dynasty, back then people didn't ask why. Now they knew that the Hampton's had secretly ran the nations economy not just into the ground, but six feet under. They gave our their personally wealth in hopes it would regenerate the economy. Obviously it failed.
Times were changing. Christianity was pouring into the nation this last month, and the idea of Christmas was soon to be celebrated. Thousands who weren't in the protest were elsewhere. Some were staging massive music concerts of Christian singers from across the world, of coarse translation was difficult, but the people were full of zeal so some misunderstood words wouldn't hurt the concert that much. Elsewhere families stayed in their home and simply celebrated the birth of a certain man named Jesus. Unknown by almost anyone in the nation. He was the Son of a being called 'God'. He still didnt' know exactly what God was--was he a man or a machine? He created everything the missionaires had told him. Everything...a hard ideal to grasp. The universe, the planets, the animals, and humanity. This of coarse went against the norm that Evolution was how humanity came about. Nonetheless, the ideal that a being created everything was a hard thing to believe. But then again, evolution had never been proved. People just accepted it because the government told them, and because the government attempted to provide some evidence threw experiments and such. All of which failed or were considered too unclear to consider a failure or success. Even though he was having a hard time accepting it--he was more than willing too. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small, barley a few inches long, black book. On it, engraved in golden letter was "Holy Bible". He had done some research and neither words were ever used in Droloon English. Holy, was from what missionaires told him, a word that meant something was divine, or blessed. Bible was a collection of texts and letters by certain men. He held it close to him, if the Imperial Guards caught him with it, he'd suffer a beating worse than anything he would imagine. The government let missionaries carry religious symbols in public, but not the people.
He opened it up to his favorite 'scripture', as the missionaries called it, from what he was told it was called "Romans 8:31: So what shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who may be against us?". He read it with care, and noticed an Imperial Guard walking closer to him, he quickly put the book away and pulled out another one called "The Lies of Evolution". Surpringly it had been allowed, if only because it didn't support Creationism either, just stated that Evolution was a lie. Similar in appearance to the Bible. The Imperial Guard walked up to him and slung him around.
"Whats that you got there?" he stated in anger.
Jacob showed him the book, "Just a bit of litature, sir."
The Guard looked at the book, threw it on the ground and walked away. Jacob waited until he was at least twenty yards away to pick it up. The word fanatic was known in Droloon, its meaning was to be loyal to the ways of Droloon above all else. The missionaries had told him it meant to fanatical about an ideal or principle, to be willing to do anything to ensure the ideal or principle or belief was maintained. He could easily see how the Imperial Guards could fit that discription. He put the book back in his coat, he considered reading the Bible again, but he noticed the Guards were keeping a close eye on him now. Best to wait. The Guards themselves were imposing figures, wearing black trench coats and carrying assault rifles.
Jacob sighed, he hoped these protests and the massive move towards Christianity would change the Emperor's heart, maybe he and the Royal Family could be saved? If they were this probably wouldn't end on bad terms. For example the fact that the rebels had just taken over a peice of the northern territory. Freezing cold and with little strategic or political value--but the fact they took it from the Northern Army was difficult to believe.
Jacob looked over to the clock in a shop window, it read 11:59. One minute. Jacob got a strange feeling and turned around. Down the street he noticed movement. Though in the light falling snow and the already snow covered area made it difficult to see them. Though the Imperial Guard noticed and they quickly took up a position between the protesters and the marching figurers.They weapons at the ready to fire. The street was about a hundred yards wide and went back for nearly a mile. The Hampton Road as it was called. Jacob suddenly noticed who it was. Men and women in white trenchcoats walking in prefect formation towards the the Imperial Guard. They too carried weapons. At the head of the them was a man, in his mid-twenties he wore a white trenchcoat with golden medals upon it. The stopped back twenty yards from the Imperial Guard. Jacob watched with nerviousness, he realized who it was too. It was the Revolutionary Guard, an rival force of the Imperial Guard. They use to be fanatically loyal to the Emperor, but they had mostly converted to Christianity. They were also older than the Imperial Guard, about two centuries older. The Hampton Dynasty came to power threw force, threw revolution--not peace.
The younger man gave salute to the Imperial Guard before speaking, "Where is your commander?" stated the man. One of the men stood up, he was towards the end of the left flank, he walked toward the younger man--who kept his eye on him constantly. "I am the commander of these men. And as you know, Revolutionary Guard isn't permitted in the capital city again. I'll have ask that you-". The Imperial Guardsmen was cut short when the younger man pulled out a piece and put in his face.
"By order of the people of Droloon. This capital city is hereby surrendered to the Revolutionary Guard. The Emperor has guest," stated the younger man. The Imperial Guard's face turned red has he realized what the paper was. The paper was illegal, but he saw nearly every judge in Viscon's name on it. Such a legally binding document could hardly be challanged, and if it was the Emperor's very little popularity would hit rock bottom. Then again, the Imperial Guardsmen knew exactly what would happen as soon as the Revolutionary Guard entered the Palace.
"No! Men!" he shouted. The Imperial Guard had lowered the weapons slightly, but now they were at full ready and the safetys were being clicked off. In an instant the Revolutionary Guard snapped to action and aimed back. Jacob's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was about the happen. By now word of the events had spread throughout most of the crowd. He wanted to run away before the fighting broke out, but something told him to stay.
"There is no need for this," said a voice from behind the line of white trenchcoats. Soon a hole appeared in their line. An a easily regonizable man came out. He was in his mid-forties with black hair and about six foot tall. He smiled as he looked at the Commander of the Imperial Guard. "Then may I go in? You can even check me for weapons. I want to only speak to my brother." The commander looked around, he knew he didn't have a decision. "Let him pass," he shouted to his men who then lowered their weapons. The younger man in the white trenchcoat raised his hand and the Revolutionary Guard lowered their weapons as well. The mans name was Terence Hampton, brother of the Emperor. He could basically do what he pleased, even in this situtation. Has he passed threw the Imperial Guard the crowd opened up a asile for him to walk down. As Terrance passed Jacob he noticed the brother of the Emperor was wearing a necklace with a Cross at the end of it, wooden, but still obviously to anyone looking at him. He was shocked and went with the crowd as they followed him to the gates. The Imperial Guard took a step forward to hold back any civilians who may try to enter the grounds. As Terrance passed threw the gates a few people tried to rush in to follow him, but the Imperial Guard quickly knocked them down and drug them out. Jacob stood in awe as Terrance walked like an imposing figure up the steps of the Imperial Palace. He smiled. Terrance was the only one of the Emperor's family members to convert, if any could get his brother to convert. It was him.
Terrance reached the door of the Imperial Palace were more than a dozen Imperial Guard stood. They quickly opened the door for him, and inside were yet more Imperial Guard ready to escort. They didn't speak, but signaled him to follow them. Terrance walked behind him, and felt the eyes of every person they passed. None of them liked him, he had been considered a traitor to the ways of Droloon. Yet he didn't care, the old ways had let to this. He knew anyone who supported the Emperor believed he converted in order to gain the throne once a revolution overthrew his brother. To be honest, at first that was his goal, but after studies and speaking with missionaries. He truly didn't care about the throne. He truly believed in God and doing His Will. And he knew converting his brother was his goal. It would probably cost him his life--but sacrificing himself to save Droloon and his brother was well worth it.
As he walked threw the grossly large Palace, decorated with immense gold and silver and germs and diamonds. A testimant to greed. Though after fifteen minutes of traveling they finally reached the golden, gem lined door of his brother's personal room. The Imperial Guardsmen open the door and took a few steps back and Terrance walked in, the door was closed behind him. The room was dark, with very little light. Though in the corner he could see his brother staring out the window towards the people just outside the gates.
"What business do you have with a soon-to-be dead Emperor?" he said grimly.
"Danial, brother, I came here to give you a chance," he said.
"A chance at what? To accept your non-existant God?" the Emperor replied.
"Why are you so closed to God? What has he ever done to you?" said Terrance.
"Done?! Look around you, you fool! All that I have worked for is crummbling around me! The people are more poor than ever, the Revolutionary Guard is openly against me, and my family is slowly slipping away from me! I believe your God has done enough for me," he said.
"God didn't do those things. We did, we did them for greed and look at where it as got us," said Terrance.
Danial's eyes shifted to his brother, "Regardless, it is too late for a soul such as mine. If this God is as holy as you and those missionaries say, then my soul is long gone. Leave me, you don't want to be here when that crowd goes violant."
"Brother! Now is the time to change your ways. Your soul isn't lost. You know my past life, what I did in my teenage years. What we did. God has already forgiven me. If he can forgive me...then forigving you shouldn't be hard at all," he stated.
Danial laughed, "So, I accept your God and everything goes well? My power is lost and you know it. The peope won't accept the monarchy anymore. Not after this."
Terrance sighed, "True, but the people aren't totally against you. You need to understand that. Yes, maybe the absolute monarchy is gone. Though the people wouldn't be so hostile towards a consitutional one?"
Danial's eyes lit up, "You think so?"
"Yes, but you shoudn't worry about that. Being saved should be your first priority. Accept Jesus and God."
Danial hesitated, "I do brother. I am ready."
Jacob stood silent, with the rest of the people. It'd been close to an hour. The Imperial Guard still stood in formaiton to confront the Revolutionary Guard. Suddenly the doors to the Imperial Palace opened and out walked two men. Terrance and his brother, Emperor Danial Hampton XIII. As they got closer, it was clear that the Emperor was in tears and Terrance was smiling. He stood up tall, in order for the people to see them.
"People of Droloon! I bring you news worthy of praise! My brother, Emperor Danial Hamtpon XIII. As accepted the Lord into his heart and has joined us in the ranks of Christianity!" he shouted. As he stopped for just a second, the people let loose in such a roar that Jacob thought he would go deaf, even though he let out a shout too. The signs suddenly were thrown to the ground as the people cheered for the Emperor.
The nation was saved and the Revolution was a sucess. All without a drop of blood being shed.
The people rioted. Thousands of them stood in the streets waving signs and screaming insults. In just a few minutes the clock would strike midnight and it would changed to December twenty-fifth, the day of Christmas. Yet this holiday was new to Droloon, only introduced last November. Introduced by rebels who had for many years been considered terrorists are hardly worthy of the publics attention. Yet, many things had changed so fast, so quickly, almost like a blur. In November this riot would have turned into a massacre, and the streets would be peaceful, if only a little more red. The Emperor had lost a lot of his power even quicker, as the people's hearts turned against their once beloved master. The protesters were even allowed to protest in front of the Imperial Palace, save under the very close watch of the Imperial Guard who kept a distance, but when they had assault rifles and machine guns, they could saw a hundred yards away and still contain the protest.
Jacob rubbed his heard, he was at the back of the protest, he was actively apart of this protest. Though with this many voices, along with the stress of the event he had a headache, and a nasty one. Though he wouldn't go home, he knew all it took was a few people to get tired and go home and everyone else would follow and soon the protest would be forgotten. No, he would stay for what he believed in. A cold gust of wind from the freezing air slammed into the crowd and the screams went silent for a moment as the cold wind caught the people off guard, but like a machine the people warmed back up and the scream continued. Jacob felt a metallic coldness in his chest, he placed his hand over his chest and could feel the outline of the cross pressing aginst his chest. Such religious symbols were utterly banned and strictly enforced. He never took it out from under his shirt, he saw and heard that a few people had been foolish enough to take such symbols and show them publically, they would quickly beaten and detained by the Imperial Guard.
Atheism was the norm of Droloon. For centuries religion, of any form, was oppressed until it was banned altogether. The Hampton Dynasty feared religion, yet no one knew why. It didn't really matter either, the people never questioned it and continued on with their meager existance. Prehaps the people wouldn't be here today if the greatness of Droloon didn't collapse. Jacob stummbled back a few feet in foot thick snow--the crowd had been here for three days and the snow plows weren't allowed to simply go over the protests. Jacob returned to his thinking. A decade ago, few people would have joined this protest, and they would have had to go threw a year worth of filling out paperwork to get the approval. Back then the nation was wealthy, nay, it was grossly wealthy. The people had more money than they could spend. The riches came from the pockets of the Hampton Dynasty, back then people didn't ask why. Now they knew that the Hampton's had secretly ran the nations economy not just into the ground, but six feet under. They gave our their personally wealth in hopes it would regenerate the economy. Obviously it failed.
Times were changing. Christianity was pouring into the nation this last month, and the idea of Christmas was soon to be celebrated. Thousands who weren't in the protest were elsewhere. Some were staging massive music concerts of Christian singers from across the world, of coarse translation was difficult, but the people were full of zeal so some misunderstood words wouldn't hurt the concert that much. Elsewhere families stayed in their home and simply celebrated the birth of a certain man named Jesus. Unknown by almost anyone in the nation. He was the Son of a being called 'God'. He still didnt' know exactly what God was--was he a man or a machine? He created everything the missionaires had told him. Everything...a hard ideal to grasp. The universe, the planets, the animals, and humanity. This of coarse went against the norm that Evolution was how humanity came about. Nonetheless, the ideal that a being created everything was a hard thing to believe. But then again, evolution had never been proved. People just accepted it because the government told them, and because the government attempted to provide some evidence threw experiments and such. All of which failed or were considered too unclear to consider a failure or success. Even though he was having a hard time accepting it--he was more than willing too. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small, barley a few inches long, black book. On it, engraved in golden letter was "Holy Bible". He had done some research and neither words were ever used in Droloon English. Holy, was from what missionaires told him, a word that meant something was divine, or blessed. Bible was a collection of texts and letters by certain men. He held it close to him, if the Imperial Guards caught him with it, he'd suffer a beating worse than anything he would imagine. The government let missionaries carry religious symbols in public, but not the people.
He opened it up to his favorite 'scripture', as the missionaries called it, from what he was told it was called "Romans 8:31: So what shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who may be against us?". He read it with care, and noticed an Imperial Guard walking closer to him, he quickly put the book away and pulled out another one called "The Lies of Evolution". Surpringly it had been allowed, if only because it didn't support Creationism either, just stated that Evolution was a lie. Similar in appearance to the Bible. The Imperial Guard walked up to him and slung him around.
"Whats that you got there?" he stated in anger.
Jacob showed him the book, "Just a bit of litature, sir."
The Guard looked at the book, threw it on the ground and walked away. Jacob waited until he was at least twenty yards away to pick it up. The word fanatic was known in Droloon, its meaning was to be loyal to the ways of Droloon above all else. The missionaries had told him it meant to fanatical about an ideal or principle, to be willing to do anything to ensure the ideal or principle or belief was maintained. He could easily see how the Imperial Guards could fit that discription. He put the book back in his coat, he considered reading the Bible again, but he noticed the Guards were keeping a close eye on him now. Best to wait. The Guards themselves were imposing figures, wearing black trench coats and carrying assault rifles.
Jacob sighed, he hoped these protests and the massive move towards Christianity would change the Emperor's heart, maybe he and the Royal Family could be saved? If they were this probably wouldn't end on bad terms. For example the fact that the rebels had just taken over a peice of the northern territory. Freezing cold and with little strategic or political value--but the fact they took it from the Northern Army was difficult to believe.
Jacob looked over to the clock in a shop window, it read 11:59. One minute. Jacob got a strange feeling and turned around. Down the street he noticed movement. Though in the light falling snow and the already snow covered area made it difficult to see them. Though the Imperial Guard noticed and they quickly took up a position between the protesters and the marching figurers.They weapons at the ready to fire. The street was about a hundred yards wide and went back for nearly a mile. The Hampton Road as it was called. Jacob suddenly noticed who it was. Men and women in white trenchcoats walking in prefect formation towards the the Imperial Guard. They too carried weapons. At the head of the them was a man, in his mid-twenties he wore a white trenchcoat with golden medals upon it. The stopped back twenty yards from the Imperial Guard. Jacob watched with nerviousness, he realized who it was too. It was the Revolutionary Guard, an rival force of the Imperial Guard. They use to be fanatically loyal to the Emperor, but they had mostly converted to Christianity. They were also older than the Imperial Guard, about two centuries older. The Hampton Dynasty came to power threw force, threw revolution--not peace.
The younger man gave salute to the Imperial Guard before speaking, "Where is your commander?" stated the man. One of the men stood up, he was towards the end of the left flank, he walked toward the younger man--who kept his eye on him constantly. "I am the commander of these men. And as you know, Revolutionary Guard isn't permitted in the capital city again. I'll have ask that you-". The Imperial Guardsmen was cut short when the younger man pulled out a piece and put in his face.
"By order of the people of Droloon. This capital city is hereby surrendered to the Revolutionary Guard. The Emperor has guest," stated the younger man. The Imperial Guard's face turned red has he realized what the paper was. The paper was illegal, but he saw nearly every judge in Viscon's name on it. Such a legally binding document could hardly be challanged, and if it was the Emperor's very little popularity would hit rock bottom. Then again, the Imperial Guardsmen knew exactly what would happen as soon as the Revolutionary Guard entered the Palace.
"No! Men!" he shouted. The Imperial Guard had lowered the weapons slightly, but now they were at full ready and the safetys were being clicked off. In an instant the Revolutionary Guard snapped to action and aimed back. Jacob's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was about the happen. By now word of the events had spread throughout most of the crowd. He wanted to run away before the fighting broke out, but something told him to stay.
"There is no need for this," said a voice from behind the line of white trenchcoats. Soon a hole appeared in their line. An a easily regonizable man came out. He was in his mid-forties with black hair and about six foot tall. He smiled as he looked at the Commander of the Imperial Guard. "Then may I go in? You can even check me for weapons. I want to only speak to my brother." The commander looked around, he knew he didn't have a decision. "Let him pass," he shouted to his men who then lowered their weapons. The younger man in the white trenchcoat raised his hand and the Revolutionary Guard lowered their weapons as well. The mans name was Terence Hampton, brother of the Emperor. He could basically do what he pleased, even in this situtation. Has he passed threw the Imperial Guard the crowd opened up a asile for him to walk down. As Terrance passed Jacob he noticed the brother of the Emperor was wearing a necklace with a Cross at the end of it, wooden, but still obviously to anyone looking at him. He was shocked and went with the crowd as they followed him to the gates. The Imperial Guard took a step forward to hold back any civilians who may try to enter the grounds. As Terrance passed threw the gates a few people tried to rush in to follow him, but the Imperial Guard quickly knocked them down and drug them out. Jacob stood in awe as Terrance walked like an imposing figure up the steps of the Imperial Palace. He smiled. Terrance was the only one of the Emperor's family members to convert, if any could get his brother to convert. It was him.
Terrance reached the door of the Imperial Palace were more than a dozen Imperial Guard stood. They quickly opened the door for him, and inside were yet more Imperial Guard ready to escort. They didn't speak, but signaled him to follow them. Terrance walked behind him, and felt the eyes of every person they passed. None of them liked him, he had been considered a traitor to the ways of Droloon. Yet he didn't care, the old ways had let to this. He knew anyone who supported the Emperor believed he converted in order to gain the throne once a revolution overthrew his brother. To be honest, at first that was his goal, but after studies and speaking with missionaries. He truly didn't care about the throne. He truly believed in God and doing His Will. And he knew converting his brother was his goal. It would probably cost him his life--but sacrificing himself to save Droloon and his brother was well worth it.
As he walked threw the grossly large Palace, decorated with immense gold and silver and germs and diamonds. A testimant to greed. Though after fifteen minutes of traveling they finally reached the golden, gem lined door of his brother's personal room. The Imperial Guardsmen open the door and took a few steps back and Terrance walked in, the door was closed behind him. The room was dark, with very little light. Though in the corner he could see his brother staring out the window towards the people just outside the gates.
"What business do you have with a soon-to-be dead Emperor?" he said grimly.
"Danial, brother, I came here to give you a chance," he said.
"A chance at what? To accept your non-existant God?" the Emperor replied.
"Why are you so closed to God? What has he ever done to you?" said Terrance.
"Done?! Look around you, you fool! All that I have worked for is crummbling around me! The people are more poor than ever, the Revolutionary Guard is openly against me, and my family is slowly slipping away from me! I believe your God has done enough for me," he said.
"God didn't do those things. We did, we did them for greed and look at where it as got us," said Terrance.
Danial's eyes shifted to his brother, "Regardless, it is too late for a soul such as mine. If this God is as holy as you and those missionaries say, then my soul is long gone. Leave me, you don't want to be here when that crowd goes violant."
"Brother! Now is the time to change your ways. Your soul isn't lost. You know my past life, what I did in my teenage years. What we did. God has already forgiven me. If he can forgive me...then forigving you shouldn't be hard at all," he stated.
Danial laughed, "So, I accept your God and everything goes well? My power is lost and you know it. The peope won't accept the monarchy anymore. Not after this."
Terrance sighed, "True, but the people aren't totally against you. You need to understand that. Yes, maybe the absolute monarchy is gone. Though the people wouldn't be so hostile towards a consitutional one?"
Danial's eyes lit up, "You think so?"
"Yes, but you shoudn't worry about that. Being saved should be your first priority. Accept Jesus and God."
Danial hesitated, "I do brother. I am ready."
Jacob stood silent, with the rest of the people. It'd been close to an hour. The Imperial Guard still stood in formaiton to confront the Revolutionary Guard. Suddenly the doors to the Imperial Palace opened and out walked two men. Terrance and his brother, Emperor Danial Hampton XIII. As they got closer, it was clear that the Emperor was in tears and Terrance was smiling. He stood up tall, in order for the people to see them.
"People of Droloon! I bring you news worthy of praise! My brother, Emperor Danial Hamtpon XIII. As accepted the Lord into his heart and has joined us in the ranks of Christianity!" he shouted. As he stopped for just a second, the people let loose in such a roar that Jacob thought he would go deaf, even though he let out a shout too. The signs suddenly were thrown to the ground as the people cheered for the Emperor.
The nation was saved and the Revolution was a sucess. All without a drop of blood being shed.