NationStates Jolt Archive

What sort of government are you?

21-12-2005, 22:03
What sort of Government are you? Are you an adhocracy? A meritocracy? an anarchy? Choose and post your preferred type of government right here!

acracy government by none; anarchy
adhocracy government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
albocracy government by white people
anarchy government by none
androcracy government by men
anemocracy government by the wind or by whim
angelocracy government by angels
antarchy opposition to government; anarchy
argentocracy government by money
aristarchy government by the best
aristocracy government by the nobility
arithmocracy government by simple majority
autarchy government by an absolute ruler
autocracy government by one individual
barbarocracy government by barbarians
beerocracy government by brewers or brewing interests
biarchy government by two people; diarchy
binarchy government by two people; diarchy
bureaucracy government by civil servants
cannonarchy government by superior firepower or by cannons
capelocracy government by shopkeepers
chiliarchy government by one thousand people
chirocracy government by physical force
chromatocracy government by rulers of a particular skin colour
chrysoaristocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
chrysocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
corpocracy government by corporate bureaucrats
cosmarchy rulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil
cottonocracy government by those involved in the cotton trade
cryptarchy secret rulership
decadarchy government by ten individuals; decarchy
decarchy government by ten individuals
demarchy government by the people; popular government
democracy government by the people
demonarchy government by a demon
demonocracy government by demons or evil forces
despotocracy government by despots or tyrants
diabolocracy government by the Devil
diarchy government by two people
dinarchy government by two people; diarchy
dodecarchy government by twelve people
doulocracy government by slaves
duarchy government by two people; diarchy
dulocracy government by slaves; doulocracy
dyarchy government by two people; diarchy
ecclesiarchy government by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities
elephantocracy government by a council of sultanates
endarchy centralised government
ergatocracy government by the workers or the working class
ethnarchy government over an ethnic group
ethnocracy government by an ethnic group or race
exarchy government by bishops
foolocracy government by fools
gerontocracy government by the aged
gunarchy government by women; gynarchy
gymnasiarchy government over a school or academy
gynaecocracy government by women; gynarchy
gynarchy government by women
gynocracy government by women; gynarchy
hagiarchy government by saints or holy persons
hagiocracy government by holy men
hamarchy government by a cooperative body of parts
hecatarchy government by one hundred people; hecatontarchy
hecatontarchy government by one hundred people
hendecarchy government by eleven people
heptarchy government by seven people
heroarchy government by heroes
hetaerocracy government by paramours
heterarchy government by a foreign ruler
hierarchy government by a ranked body; government by priests
hierocracy government by priests or religious ministers
hipparchy rule or control of horses
hoplarchy government by the military
hyperanarchy condition of extreme anarchy
hyperarchy excessive government
iatrarchy government by physicians
infantocracy government by an infant
isocracy equal political power
jesuitocracy government by Jesuits
juntocracy government by a junta
kakistocracy government by the worst
kleptocracy government by thieves
kritarchy government by judges
landocracy government by the propertied class; timocracy
logocracy government of words
matriarchy government by women or mothers
meritocracy government by the meritorious
merocracy government by a part of the citizenry
mesocracy government by the middle classes
metrocracy government by mothers or women; matriarchy
millionocracy government by millionaires
millocracy government by mill owners
mobocracy government by mobs or crowds
monarchy government by one individual
moneyocracy government by the monied classes
monocracy government by one individual
myriarchy government by ten thousand individuals
navarchy rulership over the seas
neocracy government by new or inexperienced rulers
nomocracy government based on legal system; rule of law
ochlocracy government by mobs
octarchy government by eight people
oligarchy government by the few
paedarchy government by children
paedocracy government by children; paedarchy
panarchy universal rule or dominion
pantarchy government by all the people; world government
pantisocracy government by all equally
paparchy government by the pope
papyrocracy government by newspapers or literature
parsonarchy government by parsons
partocracy government by a single unopposed political party
patriarchy government by men or fathers
pedantocracy government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pentarchy government by five individuals
phallocracy government by men
philosophocracy government by philosophers
phylarchy government by a specific class or tribe
physiocracy government according to natural laws or principles
pigmentocracy government by those of one skin colour
plantocracy government by plantation owners
plousiocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutarchy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutocracy government by the wealthy
polarchy government by many people; polyarchy
policeocracy government by police
pollarchy government by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy
polyarchy government by many people
polycracy government by many rulers; polyarchy
popocracy government by populists
pornocracy government by harlots
prophetocracy government by a prophet
psephocracy government resulting from election by ballot
ptochocracy government by beggars or paupers; wholesale pauperization
punditocracy government by political pundits
quangocracy rule of quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations
rotocracy government by those who control rotten boroughs
septarchy government by seven rulers; heptarchy
shopocracy government by shopkeepers
slavocracy government by slave-owners
snobocracy government by snobs
sociocracy government by society as a whole
squarsonocracy government by landholding clergymen
squatterarchy government by squatters; squattocracy
squattocracy government by squatters
squirearchy government by squires
squirocracy government by squires; squirearchy
statocracy government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
stratarchy rulership over an army
stratocracy military rule or despotism
strumpetocracy government by strumpets
synarchy joint sovereignty
technocracy government by technical experts
tetradarchy government by four people; tetrarchy
tetrarchy government by four people
thalassiarchy sovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy
thalassocracy sovereignty of the seas
thearchy rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers
theatrocracy goverment by gathered assemblies of citizens
theocracy government by priests or by religious law
timarchy government by the propertied class; timocracy
timocracy government by the propertied class
triarchy government by three people
tritarchy government by three people; triarchy
tritheocracy government by three gods
whiggarchy government by Whigs
xenocracy government by a body of foreigners

This is just so that nations may express their views, and beliefs, without being hypocritical.
21-12-2005, 22:12
Optischer for example is a Technocracy/Nomocracy.
21-12-2005, 22:19
Hobbeebia is a triarchy/ Republic/ plus a few other things... we call it

Totalitarian Triumphant Republic with strong hints of japanese honor forms mixed in.
21-12-2005, 22:20
Corporate Monarchy. Rule by a Regent, with all the powers of the king, elected by the shareholders of Pale Rider Arms Corporation, one vote per share.
21-12-2005, 22:21
I cant believe I'm saying this but...none of the above
21-12-2005, 22:22
Then what is elephantum?
Random Kingdom
21-12-2005, 22:23
Government: Democracy, governed by the people.
HOS: Diarchy, governed by two people.
21-12-2005, 22:29
Democratic socialists; a triad governing body, with most power going to the executive office and lots of government-awarded benefits but with an eye for increasing the economy.
21-12-2005, 22:33
Democratic Communist State,With the economy in goverment control,and the Goverment in control by the People
The Kraven Corporation
21-12-2005, 22:38
A Totalitarian Military State, A government type the Requires Perpeptual War to maintain control over the Populace and keep the Economy stable. without War the government Collapses and the Economy Implodes
Civitas Americae
21-12-2005, 22:42
Subsidiary absolute monarchy. The Emperor has full power, but we try to keep things settled at the lowest level possible.
21-12-2005, 22:44
Then what is elephantum?
You dont want the long version, trust me, but the short version is a seemingly impossible blend of direct democracy (everyone votes on everything) and absolute oligarchy (Absolut Oligarchy, sounds like a drink)
21-12-2005, 22:47
You dont want the long version, trust me, but the short version is a seemingly impossible blend of direct democracy (everyone votes on everything) and absolute oligarchy (Absolut Oligarchy, sounds like a drink)

Hey, if we could read through that list, we can read through your explanation. :P
21-12-2005, 22:52
Elephantums long explanantion would be incorporated into the list to make for more interesting reading. :p lol:p
21-12-2005, 23:08
Alrighty then, here goes (by the way I take no responsiblity for any brain injuries caused by trying to comprehend this system)

Every Sultanate in Elephantum (15 right now, about to raise to 17 or so) is ruled by a Sultan, who has supreme control over his Sultanate, except they can not pass any law that violates a rule of the nation as a whole.

The nation as a whole is run by the Council of Sultans, which consists of all the Sultans, along with the non voting members (heads of military, other departments, space program, etc.) This group passes laws that affect the whole nation. Military and Foriegn policy are the express domains of the council, but they can pass nation-wide minimum wage laws, sentencing laws, or whatever. Different proposals require different amounts of votes to pass (50%, 51%, 66%, 75%, or 100% majorities in most cases). The non voting members are there to advise the Sultans, as they know what is going on best.

While each Sultan's vote is officially equal, some Sultans have more power than others, based on political experience, background of the Sultanate, etc. For example, Sharina e-Mumman, Lady Sultan of Qatar, is the nation's founding mother, and has much more political power than the Sultan of Small States (everything too small to get its own Sultanate) for example.

The check to balance out this power is the majlis system. Every household has its head, generally the oldest or best educated person. Every Saturday (and occasionally other times), the family will meet and discuss issues ranging from household disputes to the Sultan's tax policy, to the threat of war and what should be done about it. What can be solved in the house is attempted to be fixed. Those problems that go beyond the household are the responsibility of the head of house. He/she goes to the neighborhood majlis, where all the heads of houses in the neighborhood. (in the cities, sometimes an apartment building will have its own majlis) There they go through the same process of debating issues and solutions, and solve what can be solved in the scope of the neighborhood, and then the head of that group will continue to the next level of majlis, which continues until the people have voiced their opinion to the Sultan. These opinions are used to determine course of action in all sorts of matters, and leads Elephantum to consider itself democratic, because they follow the will of the people.

(Still condensed a bit. If you read this and survived, you are now fit to join the House of Lords, which makes around as much sense)
The Helghan Empire
21-12-2005, 23:11
What am I? I am a Fascist and militaristic government. Wich does that put me in?
21-12-2005, 23:25
Representive Democracy, similar to that of the United States.
21-12-2005, 23:26
Do I get an Elephantocracy?
21-12-2005, 23:34
Technically a authoritarian soviet secret-police state. Socially a Revolutionist Soviet Federation.

The interior ministry controls alot, there are a couple of interior ministries.
one for media
one for "extra-ordinary events" - covers up ufo sightings and unexplainable mysteries.
one for the protection of communism
one for police/anti terror

But it is covered by a soviet cause, production for the people not for exchange. The police are there to protect the intrests of the people and the revolution. But they actually bombard them with propaganda, arrest defectors, "convert" people and cover up cases.
22-12-2005, 19:17
Elephantocracy has now been introduced. Elephantocracy government by a council of sultans. Hope that pleases you elephantum.
22-12-2005, 20:36
None of them.

It's basically a Roman Republic with a Senate similar to the corporatist assemblies in National Syndicalism.

I just call it a Fascist Republic.
22-12-2005, 20:40
Put a poll of it, I'm tired of typing :P
Northern Sushi
22-12-2005, 20:43
This is a really good list.

I'm not quite sure what Northern Sushi is right now. I'll think about it.
22-12-2005, 20:58
Cantelmium is an Empire in which the Emperor has absolute power over the government. However, this is only true at the moment as the Emperor is also the founder. Should he die...

His heir would inherit the throne and the branch of the military known as The Imperial Guard would come under his direct control.

Since local governmental issues are settled in a democratic method, (only the upper levels of state are dealt with by Imperial Power) they would then elect a Licentor (like a Consul of Rome) to assume the power of lead legislator. He would rule with the Senate (currently powerless) and work out legislation. They can do most things a government can without any aid of the Emperor, but the Emperor, when Military action is declared, is the Supreme head of the Military.

The Licentor is elected by the People's Will, an organized group of citizens who are in charge of the judiciary and are responsible for enforcing law (they have police power and such).

The Licentor rules over the Senate comprised of a Lower House of Senators; legislators from all provinces and a Upper House of Senators (High Council) made up of administrative figures, (Heads of Military, Financial Advisiors, Cabinet Members, etc.) They work with the Licentor to propose legislation to the Lower House.

Key to Imperial Succession: Any Licentor candidates must be confirmed by the High Council, furthermore, the Emperor IS allowed to become Licentor. Should this happen, the Government relapses into the near autocracy. It's not so much corruption as is usual practice. The government functions with most Emperors as both, it is only a safeguard should the ruling house ever die out.

Sorry, that is VERY disjointed, I've been up for 32 hours. Anyway, if you understand that, what government would I be?
22-12-2005, 21:02
Kageshima is technically classified as an autarchy -government by an absolute ruler, which would be the Divine Lady Fate.
Lord Rob Lord
22-12-2005, 21:03
diabolocracy government by the Devil
22-12-2005, 21:08
22-12-2005, 21:16
Extreme right-wing, uber-capitalist, plutocratic authoritarian military regime headed by an absolute monarch
Raven corps
22-12-2005, 21:17
Completely ruled by Profit- Corporation in its purest form No government... Just a CEO- A Board of Dir. And a complaint depart.
22-12-2005, 21:32
@Elaphantum: Sounds kind of like the Soviet system of governing, but much more localized. No, I don't mean communism. I mean, there were several local and regional councils, and one national council.
22-12-2005, 21:37
Constitutional Monarchy: Parliment decides on laws, and the King acts as Chair and only votes in a tie. The King acts as Cheif of State and is commander in chief, but only with permission of the Parliment. Members of the Royal Family often take positions in Govn't by getting rightfully elected to Parliment and being appointed to high gov't level positions.
22-12-2005, 21:43
Democracy with hints of Corporate influence. Generally Corporations have their own council to protect interests of their workers or CEOs. Any foul corrupt play found in their ranks will result in suspension of the council until further notice.
Random Kingdom
22-12-2005, 22:17
You dont want the long version, trust me, but the short version is a seemingly impossible blend of direct democracy (everyone votes on everything) and absolute oligarchy (Absolut Oligarchy, sounds like a drink)
That's almost exactly what I have! But I use an AI-guided system to implement the direct democracy, so I'm also slightly technocracy.
The Parthians
22-12-2005, 22:19
Corporate Plutocracy headed by an Absolute Monarch. I'll explain the process.

The absolute head of government and state is the Shahanshah (King of Kings). He is always a male descendant of the previous monarch, who usually fathers at least four sons, though can pass the crown to his nephews or brothers if he does not have any sons (very rare). The succeeding monarch is chosen by combined consent of the Shahanshah and the extremely rich, only corporate owners and aristocratic nobility have a say in who becomes the next Shahanshah, and they do not choose based on elections, which are banned, rather, they examine the political positions of the sons of the ruling Shahanshah and then pass their collective decision on to the Shahanshah, telling him that they reccomend one of his sons to be his successor. The one with the most pro-buisness, pro-plutocracy position is always the selected one, and most of the time, the Shah secretly consents to their selection and writes his decision down for his successor, then seals it in a vault. When the previous Shahanshah dies, his decision note is brought out, and then read, after which, his designated successor is crowned and invested with the power of the Parthian government. Otherwise, if both the Shahanshah and his successor die at the same time, then the corporations and aristocracy choose a new Shahanshah from the deceased Shahanshah's sons or nephews, who is then crowned.
22-12-2005, 22:28
A Tricameral Parliamentary Oligarchic Theatrocracy (that's a mouthful)
Three Parliament/congress like houses (the House of Social Affairs, the House of Economic Affairs and, the House of Forein Affairs) Members are elected to the houses by gatherings of citizens in town council like meetings. Members of a house sit until either they retire, die, or are deemed unfit for office (By a vote of the other members of the house)

BTW: I like the list, heres some additions for you:
Mediarchy (Mediocracy maybe?) Rule by the Middle Class
Olymparcy (Athlocracy maybe?) Rule by Athlete(s)
Espionocracy Rule by Spies
Atmocracy Rule by Weather or climatic conditions
Seerocracy Rule by fortune tellers
Calcarchy (Computarchy maybe? rule by calculators or computers (Or a computer)
Totemarchy rue by spirits or animals (esp. totemic personifications)

Not necesary but given the number of nations in NS and the way people play them, might be some gold in there.
The Black Agents
22-12-2005, 22:36
We have no government. We run like a family.
23-12-2005, 00:13