An FT Open Christmas Celebration
Gaian Ascendancy
21-12-2005, 21:37
:: ~ For all to know, all across the universe. The servants of Heaven would have themselves extend the joyous hand of the season most cherished and holy, to all those that would wish to attend. The Ascendancy Sphere opens it's borders to everyone and all of any nations.
And yes, there will be gifts, miracles, and a shared joy in each others company.
Just follow the sound of angels singing in chorus, to the holy Homeworld of the Ascendancy.
Seasons Regards,
The Gaian Ascendancy Excellency and Council Royal Family ~ ::
To arrive, the eye would find very little that didn't amaze the eye. And this time, it was not directed at the capabilit of this civilization. Instead, as it was across millions of worlds, the spirit of the one terran holiday that meant most to the Excellencies themselves, was displayed in uber glory. Entire planets were covered in trillions of christmas lights, tinsel, icicles and more.
Climatizers on most worlds were set to 'Christmas', so snow was a common theme across the entire empire. But it wasn't limited there. Many a starbase, outpost on moons and planetoids, warships and civilian craft alike, and even gateways into the heavenly realm itself, were replete in the season. It was a truly fortunate time, that this pause in war took place.
The Gaians were going to enjoy the ying yang out of it all. And when you have a realm with few compunctions with resources and the spirit of giving, there was a LOT of giving here. So much that it would make outsiders puke.
As for the Capital Worlds themselves, it went a step further. (not to mention on other Palace Tree worlds/systems..) each world was adorned with actual orbital band rings of very large, very pure and crystal clear multi-color lighting. Space in between planets were 'frosted' with special space-ice, that made it all look like a wintery haze, with epic ice-strings that ran across millions of kilometers across the system, maintained by special droid craft that ran the special ice-mixture.
As for the capital world itself, encased in a holy aura already, was the crown of this display. The planet looked like, from orbit, that it was a mass of white continents on a sparkling set of oceans. The light of the suns playing across made the completely snow covered world, cast a second 'holy-haze', the terminator between day and night it's own special effect.
Cities were twinkling moreso than normal. As for the Palace Tree itself, it was like a HUGE Christmas tree, covered in a snowy blanket all around it. The temperature was kept around -15 degrees Celsius, cold, but not 'too' cold. Making snow balls was easy, skiing was great around the nearby mountain chains.
The Jedi-Hikari Temple not too far away was a serene place, shrine maidens and jedi alike marveling in the beauty of the world.
But despite all this, the real suprises lain inside the Palace Tree, where the Ball and Gift chambers lay.
This Christmas was 'going' to be like no other. There were no alliances here. No enemies, and no hatred. Only the spirit of christmas.
Now to wait for the guests to arrive.
OOC: GOD.... DAMN YOU! You stole my next thread idea man. Oh, well.
Tag for now. Cheers
Relative Liberty
21-12-2005, 22:40
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute heilige Paar.
Holder Knab' im lockigten Haar,
|: Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh! :|
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht
Lieb' aus deinem göttlichen Mund,
Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'.
|: Jesus in deiner Geburt! :|
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Die der Welt Heil gebracht,
Aus des Himmels goldenen Höhn,
Uns der Gnaden Fülle läßt sehn,
|: Jesum in Menschengestalt! :|
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Wo sich heut alle Macht
Väterlicher Liebe ergoß,
Und als Bruder huldvoll umschloß
|: Jesus die Völker der Welt! :|
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Lange schon uns bedacht,
Als der Herr vom Grimme befreit
In der Väter urgrauer Zeit
|: Aller Welt Schonung verhieß! :|
Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht!
Hirten erst kundgemacht
Durch der Engel Alleluja,
Tönt es laut bei Ferne und Nah:
|: "Jesus der Retter ist da!" :|
Station #27, on the edge of Imperial space:
The station had been put on highest alert as per the Dictator's orders. It was too monitor the situation in the Huntaerian Empire until the 1st Expeditionary arrived, and thus every man had done double shifts for three days now; endlessly watching the green screens for any sign of other forces or unnatural events. Nothing unnusual had happened, unusual in a war that it. Well, until now:
''Sir, another signal!''
''What is it private? We are at war now, we don't have time to read every piece of information in existance, mind you.''
Despite his comment, Blood-Fang moved closer to the young ensign, reading the displayed message himself.
''Ludicrous. Very well, inform High Command, nontheless, they might want to hear about this.''
A conference room in the west wing of Releativity, in a geo-synchronized orbit over Liberty One:
''We are at war, Colonel. What makes you think the Dictator has time for such petty affairs such as attending to this ball of theirs?''
''I agree with my comrade here, we don't even have any information about this Ascendancy, as they call themselves!''
''Quite the contrary gentlemen, from various sources I have been able to deduce that this Gaian Ascendancy is, in fact, a Class 10 civilization!''
The other men in the room began talking all at once; some in disbeleive, some in favour and other shocked at the idea of finally making contact with a Class Ten nation. The Imperial system classified nations depending on their technological advances; Class 1 meant that metals had yet to be discovered, a nation was Class 2 if its populace had mastered basic metallurgical skills, whereas Class 3 indicated teh existance, although not specific use of, simple metal alloys. A Class Ten was something rare indeed, and never had one been encountered by the Stellar Empire before. A Class Ten had, or at least was supposed to have, interdimensional travel and science beyond the comprehension of the Imperial cutting edge scientists. The very idea of maing contact with one, let alone establish good relations with, was an entirely new prospect to the men of the Imperial High Command.
Elsewhere, some hours later:
''Remind me again why I have to attend,'' the middle-aged lion asked as he buttoned his tuxedo.
''Dictator's orders, sir. We are to establish relations with younger nations, and hopefully ally ourselves with a bunch o' satelite states to bolster our forces and serve as buffers should we end up in some deep shit in the galactic power game,'' asnwered a younger lion, probably the senior's manservant or possibly a steward from the shuttle that would take the aged diplomat to the nation of The Gaian Ascendancy. An odd name really, though anyone in the dictatorship Relative Liberty would be throwing mountain ranges in glass houses.
''You've always had a... er, certain way of expressing yourself, corporal Two-Tooth.''
''And that, sir, is, with all due respect, the reason why I'm flying that piece of shit out there in the hang'r, while you're sittin' on your ass and drinking liqour.''
''You better watch that tongue of yours, corporal, or I'll make sure that you'll spend the rest of your days flying ore 'tween Liberty Two and Three.''
''Yes sir!'' the young lion shouted, and snapped into attention, although a sarcastic one. Though they both knew it was a joke, it was one not taken lightly. The routes between Liberty Two and Liberty Three were infamous for being infested by rebels and pirates, even though they were patrolled at every minute and the distance was so short it was laughable.
A young lion came in, after knocking politely on the door. He too was dressed in parade uniform, although his rank insignias identified him as a lieutenant rather than a colonel as the other diplomat.
''The shuttle's ready for launch, sir, we may leave whenever you give the order.''
''Then I give the order, lieutenant, as soon as we have sent a fitting response to the Gaian Ascendancy.''
On behalf of the Most Venerable God-Dictator of the Stellar Empire of Relative Liberty, I, a humble Colonel of the Diplomatic Corps, ask that we may attend to this feast of yours. We would be honoured if you would accept our presence, and to exchange gifts with us, as we have been made to understood that this is the customary celebration of this particular holdiay in your fine and glorious nation.
And so, the small Impeial shuttle sped off after sending this last message; bound for the Gaian Ascendancy, the hyperdrive cruved space around the tiny craft, making the stars look elongated. The starshine became dim and gray, as the photons struggled to penetrate the hyperspace shields of this small diplomatic vessel of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps.
Gaian Ascendancy
22-12-2005, 05:56
((OC- Actually I am a day late in starting this. =^^= ))
Comm-Orbs spread through most of the galaxies between the Virgo and Archonis Superclusters, relayed the message from the Relative Liberty Empire. It took only an hour to recieve and then send a response.
:: ~ By all means. And spread the word of all welcoime, no matter what standing there is between nations, and respective alliances.
We stand all this as the one time to revel in a place of peace, for only peace. The celebration is for all dimensional nations of this Dimension, after all. So come, come one and all.
The coordinates, to the Intracel Gate, will allow you to reach our central realm more easily (700 million light-years is a bit much for non-Fold Drive nations to traverse..,) as we have a second Gate to recieve incoming nations, the Diamond Gate.
So come and bereft your worries for a time of joy and prosperity. ~ ::
22-12-2005, 08:18
To Gaian Ascendancy:
The Empire Of SeaQuest will gladly send a representative to your festivities during this merry time of year. Please expect our representative's arrival.
Pendragon Complex - Vice-Admiral David's Office
Vice-Admiral: "Rear Admiral Elias Vaughn (, you will be taking a Antwerp class ( general purpose interstellar craft, the I.S.S. Raven, to the gathering the Gaians are having. The ship has had a customized 'Chameleon Skin' put on that will randomly shift with the colors of the season. Commodore Gr'Chinick ( and Commodore Slyra MacTrynia ( will be traveling there with you. Also, you will have one Primus class ( battle cruiser, the I.S.S. Compass Rose, for escort."
Rear Admiral: "All understood, sir."
Vice-Admiral: "Dismissed."
Pendragon Complex - Exterior - 30 minutes later
The Raven and the Compass Rose slid from the spots where they were docked to the complex and entered the near-by Jump Gate on their way to where the Gaians where throwing this shin-dig. The custom 'Chameleon Skin' that had been applied to the Raven randomly shifted through the colors red, white, and green, in a nebula like pattern.
Germanische Zustande
22-12-2005, 08:52
"Wilhelm, I've got a mission for you," High Admiral Schumacher scowled. "You wanted to take the Aufgabe on a maiden voyage? Well, you've got yourself a Christmas party to attend." Schumacher pointed to a datapad, reached over and grabbed it between his fingers, and flung it at the man opposite the desk.
Admiral Kranz read the dispatch, lifted his eyebrows, and spoke. "Orbital rings? You've got to be kidding..." He paused and shifted his gaze upon the High Admiral. "Fritz, a single Flotte-Unterseiten will not be enough. We need some sort of escort."
Admiral Schumacher grinned. "I've already planned for that. You'll take the whole 6th Federal Fleet. Granted, the 6th'll only stay for a few hours, then the entire fleet, excepting a few destroyers and frigates, will return to Atheos--What? Wilhelm, you seem stunned..."
Kranz' eyes were wide, indeed. "Fritz, a--the whole fleet? For a Christmas celebration? Should the Republic attack, we'd be--"
Schumacher held up his hand, palm outward. Kranz ceased speaking. "I've already accounted for that. We'll be fine for a few hours. And, to make things even better, we'll have the whole fleet painted green and red!"
A flash of blinding white light signaled the arrival of 2,500 ships surrounding a massive 200-mile-long FleetShip. The hulls were all painted in festive colors, mostly red and green, but many variant vessels were clearly visible. At least one dreadnought had retained the Federal colors of white and blue.
When the flash had disappated and the fleet had maneuvered over the Ascendancy's homeworld, every vessels' batteries began a fireworks display the likes never before seen over any world. A series of blasts spread out millions of miles, spelling out "Merry Christmas" for the whole sector to see.
Gaian Ascendancy
22-12-2005, 22:39
The appearance of such an apparently large fleet of foreign vessels from Germanische Zustande's Federal Fleet forces was not taken in ill by the system traffic controllers. Dealing with millions of vessels daily was a norm here.
The display shown was taken with a slew of 'oohs' and 'aahs' from passing crews of many vessels, dropships and shuttles.
GZ commanders were given the go ahead to send their delegations to the Palace Tree, though warned to bring a coat, since the Palace was just as chilly in most of the outer hallways. The same was already being done by citizens of the planet below.
The SeaQuestian communicae was returned with a nice bow wrapped comm-signal.
:: ~ Tis the season for more guests than you can bring. Come and share aplenty. ~ ::
Meanwhile added comm signals were being sent in the form of Earth style christmas jingles and choral music.
Gaian Ascendancy
23-12-2005, 04:52
((OC- Bump-tacular.. ))
Gaian Ascendancy
25-12-2005, 01:32
An eerily calm began to settle over the entire empire. Star traffic lanes began to quiet down. Families across millions of worlds gathered, and peace came across all the lands.
Even the capital system grew calm and serene. An economy could hold off for most of a couple of days.
The two most important days. The Eve of, and the Day to come.
It was a time of hope and joy.
I'm going to leave it at this:
250,000,000 Rogue men + booze + women + more booze + holiday + cramped space - serious police= Really fuckin' big party