NationStates Jolt Archive

The Czechotovan Factbook

20-12-2005, 22:26
The Official Czechotovan Information Page
Founded: 27th of October, 2005 AD
Formal Name: The Empire of Czechotova
Common Name: Czechotova
Formal Short Name: Czechotovan Empire
Adjective: Czechotovan
National Motto: To no man shall justice be refused
National Animal: Asian Elephant
National Currency: Czechotovan Credit

Czechoburg (capital)
Paradise City
Ranana Island

Ethnicity: 93% White European
2% Aryan Indian
2% Arab
1% Dravidian Indian
2% Japanese

Religions: 93% Roman Catholic Christian (Official State Religion)
2%Hindu (State “Encouraged” Religion)
2%Shinto (State “Encouraged” Religion)
2% Muslim (State “Encouraged” Religion)
.8% Atheist/Agnostic
.15% Mixed Religions
.03% Pagans
.02% Protestant Christian (yeah, the pagans have more power than you!)

Languages*: 98% English (US) (State Language)
2% Arabic
4% Hindi
1% Tamil
2% Sanskrit
3% Japanese
56% Latin
24% German
18% French
27% Spanish (Catalan)
*The percent given for languages is the amount of people who can speak, write and read in that language. The total amount does not come to 100% due to people who can speak multiple languages

Political Party Support: 97% Czechotovan Communist Party (In Control)
2.3% Liberal Democratic Party
.2% Green Party
.49% Catholic Liberal Party
00.0000001% Conservative Party (Outlawed)
00.00001%Emperor’s Party (Outlawed)

Political System
The Chairman
Chairman Neel has control over the nation. He was elected in by the Communist Party (or Citizen's Council) and has the position for life. He makes decisions, but his ministers have delegated power.
The Communist Party
These 50 people have to elect a chairman upon a chairmans death and run the country through positions that he assigns them. They are admitted only by the Chairman but are elected by the people (so the chairman may block them once they are elected)

Members of the Government:
Chairman: Neel Mehrotra
People's Minister of Foreign Affairs: Anubis Cyprian
People's Minister of War: General Cyrus Bragi
People's Minister of the Treasury: Asoka Ulliyassas
People's Minister of Trade and Business: Sonono Hadrad
People's Minister of Health: Dr. Ricimer Tickub
People's Minister of Transportation: Selitop Garon
People's Attorney General: Matthew McCauley
People's Minister of National Parks: Colleen Leenans
People's Minister of Agriculture: Herman Moore
People's Minister of Cities and Urban Planning: Otto von Wagner
People's Minister of Electricity and Power: Hayabusa Hogo
People's Minister of Education and Children’s Affairs: Lindsay Briggs
People's Minister of Administration and the Police: Khareed al-Hussein
The 7 Commandments of Czechotovan Communism
These are written on a tablet in the center of the Capitol
Whatever is not a Czechotovan or an ally or neutral national is an enemy
whatever is a Czechotovan or an ally is a friend
No Czechotovan shall lie
No Czechotovan shall disobey the People through treason or crime
No Czechotovan shall disobey the law
No Czechotovan shall kill another Czechotovan
All Czechotovans are Equal
Famous Czechotovans:
Sidney Macintyre: A famous composer, Macintyre was born in Czechoburg and raised there. After learning how to play piano and violin, Macintyre began composing his first pieces, while earning money playing in restaurants and saloons. Among his works are; Symphony for Fall and The Crystal Concerto.
Lydia McCann: Lydia McCann was the first woman athlete in Czechotovan history, she participated in the 1969 Olympics and won 5 gold medals, 7 silver and 13 bronze.
General Nziecthisien: In 1973, General Ulfred Nziecthisien seized power in a bloody revolution. The General began some of the worst humanitarian abuses in history, killing 2 million people and torturing nearly 7 million others. In 1992, he was ousted from office, to be replaced by President Macintosh.
President Macintosh: When General Nziecthisien began a crackdown on all Japanese Czechotovans, Samuel Macintosh, a white European, led a 3 day revolution that ousted the dictator. After seizing office, the President hunted down the former dictator, and killed him without a trial. The next month he was elected president of Czechotova. On October 27th 2005, his automobile drove off a road, killing everyone inside, including the President. 2 hours after Macintosh’s death, Emperor Theodore Gustaf was crowned Emperor.

Czechotovan History
Ancient and Medieval History
Czechotova was a dark, barbaric place until recently. Barbarians lived here, fierce warrior tribes, who were terrific fighters. When the ancient Atlantean regiments invaded, they were destroyed by the “Czektov” tribes. In 1191, the first resemblance of culture came to Czechotova and by the renaissance Czechotova could no longer be considered a barbarian outpost.
The Industrial Revolution
Czechotova’s economy and industrial power did not flourish in this time period. Instead, Czechotova’s military slowly emerged. A small force, the kings used it to keep order over a restless population. The kings had absolute power. They reigned over their subjects with no mercy. Amazingly no one objected to this, until 1973, when the last king was mercilessly killed in a massive bomb blast.
Pre-Theodoric History
General Nziechtisien’s massive slaughter of Czechotovans was ended in 1973. President Macintosh came to power after him. Macintosh introduced revolutionary policies in his 13 years in office, including legalizing firearms, banning abortion and disbanding the military. Macintosh was elected in 1992, but for the next 2 elections, the ballots were rigged. Macintosh had no guards, except for his Secret Service and advisors. The future Emperor was one of those advisors.
Operation RoboPig
On October 27th, 2005, Secretary of War, Theodore Gustaf and his revolutionary forces, launched Operation RoboPig. While President Macintosh was in a friend’s private jet, Theodore ordered his guerilla army to use a single SAM to blast the jet out of the sky, killing the President. The SAM reached the aircraft, but exploded 3 feet away from it, causing a massive fire onboard. The aircraft exploded, killing the President and everyone onboard.
In His Majesty’s Reign
Ever since Theodore Gustaf has been Emperor the populace has become happy, but no major event has occurred yet. After awhile though the old crackpot went senile (10 days actually and was replaced by the communist party and the chairman

Population: 209,000,000 (as of December 20, 2005)
Life Expectancy: 87.8 years
Literacy: 95%
HIV/AIDS Infected population: 0%
Average Income: 12000 USD a month, 144000 USD a year.

Geography and Resources
Location: Ann Arbor Alliance
Climate: Tropical South, Temperate North and West.
Highest Point: Mt. Theodore, 8,530 ft. above sea level.
Natural Resources:
Iron and other metals

International standards: Good
Currency: Czechotovan Credit (CC)
4 Grams make up a Credit
100 Pennies make up a Credit (25 pennies make up a Gram)
Largest Industry: Information Technology
Ownership: All business is state owned
Government Budget Details
Administration: $190,960,068,063.19 20%
Social Welfare: $28,644,010,209.48 3%
Healthcare: $105,028,037,434.75 11%
Education: $152,768,054,450.55 16%
Religion & Spirituality: $28,644,010,209.48 3%
Defense $19,096,006,806.32 2%
Law & Order: $143,220,051,047.39 15%
Commerce: $57,288,020,418.96 6%
Public Transport: $66,836,023,822.12 7%
The Environment: $76,384,027,225.28 8%
Social Equality: $105,028,037,434.75 11%

Czechotova Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 3.3699 Czechotovan Credits = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $991,334,948,928.74
GDP Per Capita: $4,743.23
Unemployment Rate: 11.50%
Consumption: $0.00
Government Budget: $1,123,294,518,018.75
Government Expenditures: $954,800,340,315.94
Government Waste: $168,494,177,702.81
Exports: $158,320,366,306.16
Imports: $121,785,757,693.36
Trade Surplus: $36,534,608,612.80

Tax Rate: 100%

Dividing the Military:
The Czechotovan IBR, Army and Marines are divided like this; a regiment consists of a 1000 men, they are divided into divisions of 100 men each. A division is divided into a platoon of 10 men, which is divided into a sub platoon of 5 men. This system is not observed in the Navy or Air Force.

Ranks: Minister of War: Head of the Army
General Major: Heads a mission: made up of multiple regiments.
General: Heads a regiment
Colonel: Heads a division
Officer, 1st class: Heads a platoon
Officer 2nd class: Heads a sub platoon.
Private: The common soldier

Platoons: A platoon, made up of 10 men is headed by an officer 1st class. Every Platoon is divided into two sub-platoons. A platoon’s first sub platoon is headed by the Officer 1st class who is in charge of the platoon; the second sub platoon is headed by the officer 2nd class. The platoons fight as one, but in case the platoon must split, the sub platoon system exists.

The PBR: People's Bodyguard Regiment
The PBR is made up of the top Czechotovan soldiers, ages 22-37. These men guard the Chairman and are only used in severe cases of attack on Comrade Neel. They train for three years, then part time during college (college education is required to be in the PBR) before being accepted to the PBR. The PBR wear black uniforms with black helmets and black firearms. They are around the Chairman's Residence at all times, and work in two shifts. The PBR is made up of 215 men, 105 soldiers are on duty, on either shift and 5 higher commanders who make decisions concerning the operation of the PBR. The PBR is funded by the Administration Department, not Defense, as to not allow them to be used in common battles.

The Army
The Czechotovan Army consists of 75 regiments (10 regiments are in the reserve, only deployed during a war.). The Army is a land force and consists of the Infantry, the Tanks and the Artillery. The Army wears a khaki uniform and carries automatic rifles into combat.
The Navy
The Czechotovan Navy consists of 9 ships, 3 destroyers, 2 battleships, 3 submarines and a cruiser. The navy has 7000 men under it’s employ and has ships stationed across the world, especially in high tension areas such as Austenlind and our allies, IAAL and Zahrdom. We are currently building an aircraft carrier.
The Air Force
The Air Force is an underestimated power, consisting of 7 airbases, 700 bombers, 1200 fighters, 500 transport aircraft and 6000 pilots, technicians and guards. The Air Force has the power to destroy entire cities and the new 5000 man scientific force is designing planes that can bomb more accurately, with less bombs and requiring less fuel. There is also the Paratrooper section of the Air Force, consisting of 7000 men (who follow the regiment system)
The Marines
Consisting of 25 regiments, the Marines are sea to land soldiers, who can be deployed very quickly. The Marines are also used in large scale special ops missions.
The Supply Army
Due to the need for supplies, the supply army is a massive organization. Consisting of over 90,000 sailors, drivers, pilots, guards, technicians, organizers, managers and medics, the supply division supplies all soldiers with food, water, essentials and clothing while supplying tanks, aircraft, trucks, Jeeps, ships and landing boats with fuel, ammo and other supplies.
What can be said about them, except that they organize and plan, operations, rescue missions, supply lines and all major military strategy. 700 strong!
Not the military, but the espionage and spy organization, the Czechotovan Intelligence Department has 4 satellites in orbit, which are spying on practically every nation in the world and investigating all suspected criminals and terrorists.
Czechotovan Holidays

October 27th: Independence Day
December 19th: Coronation Day (Official Coronation of the Emperor. Between October 27th and December 19th 2005, a people’s republic ran the government, and decided to install an emperor)
December 11th: Emperor’s Birthday
December 25th: Christmas
Easter: Easter
December 31st: New Year’s Eve
January 1st: New Year Day
September 1st: Military Day
january 4th: Napoleon Bonaparte Day

Terrorist Organizations
CzechoStein: Head: Rabbi Abraham Rothenfinnkelsteininburgengoldman. A Jewish fundamentalist group whose aim is to bomb the **** out of the Czechotova until the nation converts to Judaism. Sounds unrealistic? They are serious.
The Conservatives: Head: Johnny “Gun Nut” Smith. An outlawed political group that hangs divorced people, bombs abortion clinics, murders Abortion doctors and kills homosexuals. They have also stated that anyone with AIDS/HIV or Cancer or mental retardation is under threat from them (luckily due to fantastic healthcare and testing for various genetic disorders before procreation is allowed, HIV/AIDS, Cancer and Mental Retardation are nonexistent within Czechotova. However, a few people who are definitely going to have autistic kids may reproduce since the autistic are exceptionally gifted in a single field)
20-12-2005, 22:30
any suggestions and improvments are welcome
20-12-2005, 23:12

updated cities list
21-12-2005, 02:12
albert hanssel is dead,due to terrorists, list updated, please, comments/suggestion
23-12-2005, 00:41
can someone rate my military?
Northern Sushi
23-12-2005, 00:44
I not 100% sure, but I think Catalan is it's own language and not Spanish. But I don't know for sure.
23-12-2005, 02:03
can someone rate my military?

0/10 compared to mine. :D

But seriously, nice factbook.
23-12-2005, 02:36
[ How can you spy on nigh every nation with just four sats? o.o'
Just sayin'. ]
23-12-2005, 03:55
panoramic cameras:) ;)
24-12-2005, 00:51
updated holidays and location. anymore comments?
05-01-2006, 01:06
updated for the communist revolution. see the seven commandments, they are changed from animal farm