Veni Vidi Vici!
Blood Moon Goblins
20-12-2005, 01:55
Veni Vidi Vici (
Or, Earth 1714.
Set during Europes great Colonial Era, V3 is a forum dedicated to the RP of (arguably) one of the most interesting periods of history, politics, war and trade all played a major role and there were many strong nations competing for power, Britain had yet to achieve global dominion and Spain had only recently fallen from its post as the Great World Empire.
Musketry and cannon technology were advancing quickly, leading to better weapons, ships and armies in general, the pike and other mellee weapons were losing their long-held prominience as firearms increased in effectiveness and bayonettes became popular, cavalry still dominated the battlefield though.
Currently we only have a few members, but we are looking for more, plenty of nations are still avalible and most nations of this period are fairly poweful to a greater or lesser degree, including a number outside of Europe.
Mini Miehm
20-12-2005, 01:57
OOC: So, you actually gonna stick around this time buddy?
Blood Moon Goblins
20-12-2005, 01:59
I resent the implications of that comment :P
Anyway, yes.
Mini Miehm
20-12-2005, 02:00
I resent the implications of that comment :P
Anyway, yes.
Resent them all you like, their veracity is certain. Anyway, good to have you back man.
Blood Moon Goblins
20-12-2005, 03:55
Anyway, bump for joiners.
Blood Moon Goblins
20-12-2005, 21:12
20-12-2005, 21:26
ugctiyfxc back blood moon goblins. Do we claim areas or do we choose countries? If so, I have first call on the British Empire
Blood Moon Goblins
21-12-2005, 00:23
Check the forums, you pick countries.
If you want to claim something, do it in the claims thread over there, claims here dont count.
21-12-2005, 15:25
IS this ment as a new earth or something? If yes, then i would gladly take Prussia... will post on the earth forum.
Blood Moon Goblins
22-12-2005, 20:02
Cool, I look forward to seeing you there ^_^
Blood Moon Goblins
28-12-2005, 23:07
We could use a China at present.
29-12-2005, 04:27
Members are needed. Feel free to join! Not a lot of experience is needed!
Blood Moon Goblins
29-12-2005, 18:43
What he said!
Blood Moon Goblins
29-12-2005, 20:11
Japan is now open for claiming, although it is currently in a war with Russia.
Blood Moon Goblins
29-12-2005, 21:29
The Seadonia Empire
29-12-2005, 21:49
BUMP! Come on! Japan, China, and Portugal, to name a few, are still open!
Blood Moon Goblins
30-12-2005, 02:10
*coughing fit*
Blood Moon Goblins
30-12-2005, 16:19
The war with Japan is over, Russia controls most, if not all, of the North Pacific aside from New Spain with the destruction of the Japanese fleet and army. Russia now possess all the islands north of China (excluding the Ryukyu Islands which were traded to the Ottomans), including Taiwan, the Kuril Islands, Hawaii and so forth.
Theres a big fight going on over some backwater colonies in the US, both France and the UK want Louisiana (or 'Hapsburgreich' as the French are calling it for some random reason), Russia and France (again) want Haiti and Spain just wants them to turn the damn music down.
Camel Eaters
30-12-2005, 16:27
omg! BMG!
I should probably also take a look at the forums.
Actually I'm interested in RPing as the Wild Geese. For anyone who doesn't know what they are they were Irish nobles who were sprinkled around the world. They could be found at this point in time anywhere from Jamaica and Brazil where they were helping to colonize and as in Jamaica being slaves all the way to Bulgaria and Spain where they formed dragoon divisions such as the Irlanda and Ultonia and helping to found a nation such as Januaris A MacGahan who helped forge modern Bulgaria. And in 1700 the French Irish brigade helped to save the country itself.
So yeah, I'd like to RP as the Wild Geese if that's quite alright.
Blood Moon Goblins
30-12-2005, 17:30
Sounds good, I guess. I dont think weve had anybody RP as such a decentralized group before, but, if you like.
A key group we really should get are German Nobles. While Austria is the 'Holy Roman Emporer', at this time, the German States of the Empire were widely independent, and did what they pleased. It would add a new sense of realism to the game if we had a bunch of non-obidient german nobles under the Austrian Rule, as he ruled Germany, only in name.
Blood Moon Goblins
31-12-2005, 05:05
Austria dealt with that, I beleive most of the German states are now under his control. In fact, most of Europe appears to be under Hapsburg rule :P
Blood Moon Goblins
31-12-2005, 18:20
Russia is up for grabs now, I suggest somebody take it before it gets carved up.
Blood Moon Goblins
04-01-2006, 03:18
Blood Moon Goblins
05-01-2006, 15:21
Blood Moon Goblins
07-01-2006, 02:44
07-01-2006, 03:03
OOC: In the traditional pronounciation of Latin, Vini Vidi Vici is said: "Wicky Wicky Waddy" Picture that next time you think of the mighty Romans. :D
Innocent the III
07-01-2006, 04:10
I'll take whats left of the Holy Roman Empire. Just tell me where to go.
History lovers
07-01-2006, 04:20
Unfortunately, there's nothing left of the Holy Roman Empire. Prussia, Netherlands, and Austria directly control every single state.
However, we are also currently going through a "Time-shift.", meaning that current RPing goes into hidden mode and we move to a new time period (voting is going on now, we may not actually shift). If the shift occurs, we will be moving to 1519.
Oh, and also:
"Veni Vidi Vici" is pronounced "Weeny, Weedy, Winky" in Latin...