16-12-2005, 17:49
The Naviblah Logistics Corporation is looking to contract out the creation of at least 15 space launch vehicles for a series of Global Positioning Satelites. Any Country, Corporation or other Entity with this capability is encouraged to contact us. Compensation will be high, as well as co-operative use of our satelites. Reusable vehicles will be considered first and foremost.
Schultaria Prime
16-12-2005, 18:27
A Message From The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks
Greetings from the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime and its collective industries!
We would like to welcome you and your nation to the international fold and congratulate the entire nation of Naviblah for their willingness to pursue honorable paths towards peaceful civilian development as opposed to more destructive options. As such the State Department of Schultaria Prime forwarded your international communiqué from their facilities to us in the hopes that we, The State Industries of Schultaria Prime, might be able to offer options and remedies to your problems. If you would allow us a brief moment of your time, we believe that Designwerks can offer your nation all the available computing power it would require to fulfill any role your government demands.
In all honesty, we in Schultaria Prime believe that our selection of single use heavy lift launch vehicles and advanced reusable space vehicles are virtually unmatched by most nations of comparative development on the planet. Driven by the Schultarian desire for pure scientific research and the practical material benefits of space exploration, the ever constant innovators of Schultaria Prime have offered numerous achievements in the orbital space industry. Motivated by the requests of our dearest international allies and the personal desire for continued unique technical innovation, The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks proudly boasts of the following accomplishments and firsts.
1. Designwerks is currently the oldest, longest running, and most successful public exporter of space launch vehicles and satellite technology on the open public market, specializing in the sale of 7 unique launch vehicle platforms for over forty years.
2. Designwerks was the first civilian company to ever earn and successfully implement a long term, high intensity, space launch contract whose value exceeded one trillion dollars in technical hardware and over one hundred and fifty independent launches without defect.
3. Schultaria Prime and Designwerks are leaders in reliable, efficient, and safe space launch vehicles. Due to intensified state-sanctioned quality control methods, launch vehicles constructed by The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks have a mission success rate of 99.8222%; over the last 40 years, our company has lost only 8 orbital launch vehicles during a period of some 4,500 total orbital missions. If such an incident were to happen, Designwerks would gladly replay 150% of the total mission costs (payload + launch vehicle).
4. Designwerks was the first nation to successfully research, develop, and publicly market the first reusable orbital-capable plane to the public market with the development of the Komomerenketsan Space Ship over five years ago.
If you are interested in what we might have to offer, please visit our international storefront on the International Mall (links provided below); or, if you wish for us to custom design a space vehicle or specialty orbital device, feel free to contact us at your leisure. We hope to hear from your authorities in the near future!
With regards,
-Elliot Schultz: Central Director of Schultaria Prime | CEO of The State Industries of Schultaria Prime: Designwerks
Out of Character: Please check the following three links for the relevant computing technology.
-Launch Vehicles
-Satellite Payloads (If you have a passing interest)
16-12-2005, 18:38
(This is the best offer you're gonna get. Heck when I was TIOR I used this guy's satellites for defence. You better accept...)
16-12-2005, 20:48
Well that is quite a system of Launch Vehicles.
I have looked over all the options available, and we would like to sign a contract for 15 launches over the next 2 years using the Mark III.
Totaling $2,400,000,000.00
We will send a telegram of the contract, and if you could send us a calendar of available launch dates we will begin preparing our satelites.