NationStates Jolt Archive

War Of Freedom

16-12-2005, 00:14
A nation reaches out for help! The small nation of ConChullain is under attack from a foriegn empire who wishes to take us as a prize. We cannot allow this, but can do little but fight with the small force we have. Our hardened soldiers inflict stunning casualties on the enemy, only to be overunn when replacements are brought in. The nation is The Empire of Umbria, a large nation to the west, already bursting at the seems with a massive population. We have but few tanks, and rely on guerilla tactics to keep our enemy on their toes. If we do not receive help from allies, our nation is doomed to be wiped from existance. The King awaits telegrams.

General DunHaven
Commander of Armed Resistance
Nation of ConChullain
Old Celts
16-12-2005, 00:23
General DunHaven

The Kingdom of Old Celts has heard your cry of distress, and will respond with all the force we can muster. We will send 100,000 Advance Force Soldiers, as well as two tank platoons of Abrams Tanks. You have the full use of air support, which will be arriving in the form of A Carrier guarded by eight assorted vessels. Do not fear, The Old Celts are on your side.

Admiral Ruathain
Office of Military Operations
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 00:33
The Sons of Tarsonis stand for Freedom! Domestic affairs have limited our military abilities but all forces we can spare are being sent to your disposal. Our 2nd and 7th armies a combined force of 75000 and 3000 Special Ops units are being mobilized as you read this. Our 4th fleet is being positioned on your cost and expected to be there in 6 hours. Your not alone.

Arthurs Wittacker
Secratary of War
"Remember the Rain of Fire"
16-12-2005, 00:33
Bloody monstors! The IRB does not tolerate opressive empires, unless we become one of course. But we will offer you aid. Our men are pretty good at war against a larger force. We have been fighting for years. It wont cost you a penny, just leave us room to operate.

Jimmy McFaden
16-12-2005, 00:43
Sons of Tarsonis,
We thank you for your generous offer. Your help will not be in vain. We will defeat the Umbrians, or perish in the struggle. I will not attempt to control your forces, unleash them on the enemy, and show them no mercy.

General DunHaven
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 00:49
Sons of Tarsonis,
We thank you for your generous offer. Your help will not be in vain. We will defeat the Umbrians, or perish in the struggle. I will not attempt to control your forces, unleash them on the enemy, and show them no mercy.

General DunHaven

We hope our meager contributions aid you well. And we hope that this conflict will lead to future relations between our two nations.

Charles Boshimer
Secretary of Forein Affairs
16-12-2005, 00:57
As Umbrian forces tried to punch through the mountain pass at InisMore, combined forces of the IRB, Old Celts, the Sons of Tarsonis and ConChullain have inflicted a stunning defeat on the Umbrian Empire. When forces three times their own came through the mountain pass, the defenders let loose their rage. Air power from Tarsonis and The Old Celts picked off the enemy tanks one by one. Snipers and infantrymen from all nations kept the head of the enemy down as they fell back. The confines of the mountain pass made it impossible for the fiull force of the enemy to be brought to bare. A powerful Umbrian General was captured, along with 100,000 Umbrian soldiers. The ground lay littered with the dead from both sides. The coalition lost near 25,000, mostly from the ConChullain military. The pass was fortified, and the waters surrounding the area sealed by the coalition navy.
16-12-2005, 01:08
Our Kingdom would like to thank our allies for making this victory possible. But it is far from over. The general captured by the IRB and handed to us for interrogation told us...after some persuasion...that the Umbrain government will never negotiate. So we need to escalate the situation. I would like the sons of Tarsonis and the IRB to inflitrate the city, and make it like Belfast in 1921. This will bring them to their knees, and grant us our freedom.

Colonal Delavera
Office of Intelligence
Kingdom of ConChullain
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 01:10
The Holy Empire of Naos Cole will enter this engagement but we need complete intelligence and how was this war invoked. Our people will need a reason to get into a foreign affairs and a good one at that. Our General -espacially General Antov Dimitri. Please give me a file of this nation including it's population limit and man power and technological status.

Head of Foreign of Affairs
Tanya Julius


I am General Dimitri. You are a new founded nation and you have many other new nations coming your aid. Yet the Holy Nation is viewing this as decite to let others fight your war. You will give us reports of this "enemy" and I want to see what you have to offer at the end of this engagment. I will not let my people die for nothing to gain.

General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 01:16
The Holy Empire of Naos Cole will enter this engagement but we need complete intelligence and how was this war invoked. Our people will need a reason to get into a foreign affairs and a good one at that. Our General -espacially General Antov Dimitri. Please give me a file of this nation including it's population limit and man power and technological status.

Head of Foreign of Affairs
Tanya Julius


I am General Dimitri. You are a new founded nation and you have many other new nations coming your aid. Yet the Holy Nation is viewing this as decite to let others fight your war. You will give us reports of this "enemy" and I want to see what you have to offer at the end of this engagment. I will not let my people die for nothing to gain.

General of the Army
Antov Dimitri

as much as your help is appreciated sir, i would like to say you aint gonna come in here and dictate our policy...

Brigadeer General Sigmond, 2nd Army.
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 01:19
as much as your help is appreciated sir, i would like to say you aint gonna come in here and dictate our policy...

Brigadeer General Sigmond, 2nd Army.

I dictate nothing. The Holy Empire wishes to help but we need things to see, we do not engage with an invisible enemy. You wish not become an enemy with the people of Gatesville. We do not tolerate it.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 01:22
Our Kingdom would like to thank our allies for making this victory possible. But it is far from over. The general captured by the IRB and handed to us for interrogation told us...after some persuasion...that the Umbrain government will never negotiate. So we need to escalate the situation. I would like the sons of Tarsonis and the IRB to inflitrate the city, and make it like Belfast in 1921. This will bring them to their knees, and grant us our freedom.

Colonal Delavera
Office of Intelligence
Kingdom of ConChullain

Now that our union Strikes our under police juricediction, the 5th 9th and 12th marine divisions have been airlifted to your nation. Our destroyers have reported 3 tactical submarines and 1 nuclear submarine sunk off your eastern coast and our own submarine blockade of the northern sea have sunk a Umbria air tactical fleet. Survivors have been captured and placed in temporary prison inside the The confederacy of the Sons of Tarsonis... prisoners are being extradited to your country shortly...

Arthurs Wittacker
Secretary of War
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 01:25
You wish not become an enemy with the people of Gatesville. We do not tolerate it.

Is that to be taken as a threat?

President Cobb
Leader of the Confederacy of The Sons of Tarsonis
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 01:28
Is that to be taken as a threat?

President Cobb
Leader of the Confederacy of The Sons of Tarsonis

If it is, what will you do about it? The Holy Empire will not stand for this, you do not want to wage war against a nation that out numbers you a million to one and our allies will swat you like a fly.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 01:35
If it is, what will you do about it? The Holy Empire will not stand for this, you do not want to wage war against a nation that out numbers you a million to one and it's allies will swat you like a fly.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri

The people of the Confederacy do not want a war with anyone. But we will not be bullied by My gun is bigger than Your gun politics. Do not underestimate us Sir. For we our not without our own recources.

President Cobb
Leader of the Confederacy of The Sons of Tarsonis.
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 01:40
If you want to start to war, the Holy Empire of Naos Cole will commit to it. This war will destroy your nation and if you decide to use Weapons of Mass Destruction you will be sealing your fate. My people will not let this stand. Reconsider for your sake.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 01:45
If you want to start to war, the Holy Empire of Naos Cole will commit to it. This war will destroy your nation and if you decide to use Weapons of Mass Destruction you will be sealing your fate. My people will not let this stand. Reconsider for your sake.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri

Given to our current state of war I shall divert...for now. But do not mistake this for a display of weakness sir. And do not hope to gain anything from us by using the threat of force.
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 01:51
Given to our current state of war I shall divert...for now. But do not mistake this for a display of weakness sir. And do not hope to gain anything from us by using the threat of force.

Well you see, my nation never addressed you, we addressed ConChullain, we were addressing you trust me, and only me. You would know it. We are offering our help to them, I just wanted intelligence before I invade a enemy. Do not judge us.

-General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 02:04
judging people keeps my people safe.

President Cobb
Leader of the Confederacy of The Sons of Tarsonis
Naos Cole
16-12-2005, 02:10
judging people keeps my people safe.

President Cobb
Leader of the Confederacy of The Sons of Tarsonis

You do not have many close allies do you? Do not judge there are other nations that are much more "corrupt" than ours.

General of the Army
Antov Dimitri
A Few Rich People
16-12-2005, 02:16
Generalized question from AFRP

Before we offer any kind of support what sort of nationalistic values do you have? Capitalist, Socialist, Fundimentalist, etc
The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 02:27
Generalized question from AFRP

Before we offer any kind of support what sort of nationalistic values do you have? Capitalist, Socialist, Fundimentalist, etc

um i have capatlist values but ud have to ask everyone
A Few Rich People
16-12-2005, 02:38
OOC: Should have said "views you leaders have" but you got the idea

From: Director of Foreign Affairs, Nikita Weger
To: The sons of tarsonis

We can understand you plight. We can offer a goodly bit of support at the moment, but I'd like numbers of what you would like to take before the Director of War and we will go from there.

The sons of tarsonis
16-12-2005, 02:54
OOC: Should have said "views you leaders have" but you got the idea

From: Director of Foreign Affairs, Nikita Weger
To: The sons of tarsonis

We can understand you plight. We can offer a goodly bit of support at the moment, but I'd like numbers of what you would like to take before the Director of War and we will go from there.


im not requesting anything at the moment. Though we shall see how the future plays out.