NationStates Jolt Archive

Our President, General Jacksons decree

14-12-2005, 14:48
President Jackson has decreed that he has taken control of the national budget and may take 200,000,000 for development projects of his choosing. Furthermore, the President has also made himself Supreme Commander of the armed forces, and to prevent extreme dissent has made a law which states that all political writings, or criticisms of government must be passed to his minister for information, who will determine if it will cause problems. The President said in response to criticism of the decrees; "I am afraid that full Democracy will have to wait, as this country needs development, and I should not be feared for I have taken control of this country for a good reason, not to merely serve my own personel interests. Look at the state of living my ministers and I live in!"
14-12-2005, 19:31
The Kingdom of Fourhearts
Official Statement
The Kingdom of Fourhearts expresses it's deepest regret at the course of action taken by President Jackson and we condem this violation of civil rights in the strongest terms. Freedom is not something you can just toss aside.

Lady Alexis Diamond
Secretary of State