NationStates Jolt Archive

Night Of The Long Knives (Closed)

11-12-2005, 22:32
Public Political Assembly
12:37 AM
Yuka City
3rd ODST Platoon, 2nd Marine Company

President Chuck Horner sat on a chair on top of the stage waiting for the Minister Of Health to finish Speaking. With the whole Governmental Staff at this Assembly, The Military was in full dress and took up Security position around the stage.
ODST CPL. Jefferson got on his Comm. Link. "Sniper Team Alpha Comm. In."
"This is Alpha, no Hostiles, everything normal."
"Patrol Delta Comm. In."
"This is Delta, Everything is fine."
11-12-2005, 22:35
sith lord carus steped out of the shadows and shouted odst scum meet your doom, 47 whilst cloaked snuk up behind the president of yukataina and fired a micro rocket at him
12-12-2005, 03:40
Public Political Assembly
12:47 AM
Yuka City
3rd ODST Platoon, 2nd Marine Company

"This is Team Alpha (Gunfire)..We are under attack."
CPL. Jefferson Sent a wide Comm. Burst. "All Teams POY EVAC Plan Alpha is a go. Get the Presid...." Jefferson was cut midsentence by a rocket exploding on the stage.
"Shit!" Jefferson and his Team ran up the stage with thier weapons drawn
"Where did it come from?"
"I don't know, grab the president and lets get out of here!''
One of the ODST's grabbed President Chuck Horner, who was unconsience and bleeding from the head.
CPL. Jefferson got on his Comm. and called for a Dropship."Omega-Two-One we need EVAC ASAP."
"Roger that, comin in now."
12-12-2005, 04:58
47 fired a spray of phaser fire at homer carus put a force wall around himself and drew his lightsaber pahaetic your weapons are useless
did you not learn about the sith.