Potty 5 to do open air nuclear testing
Potty 5 for a long time has alluded to having an extensive number of nuclear weapons but has never openly stated it has nuclear weapons. Today Potty 5 is stating that it does in fact have nuclear weapons and to prove it will be detonating a 'clean' nuclear bomb in an open air test as well as a larger weapon in a buried test.
The potty 5 government will also be revealing their own supersonic cruise missile. The cruise missile will be fired from a Bear, and travel at a speed of mach 3 for 200km where the 275 kt warhead will be detonated (at an altitude of 500m). Potty 5 officials say that the warhead is capable of up to 550 kt but was modified to reduce radiation dramatically.
Following this Potty 5 will detonate a 25 mt bomb that will be sufficiently deeply buried as to contain the blast completely.
(OOC: The tests are to take place in 3 RL days, I await international outcry)
10-12-2005, 22:18
In response to this news, Optischer will join the Potty 5 government, and hopes to work together to create the ultimate bomb.
10-12-2005, 22:28
We are against nuclear weapons and such tests are unnecessary and easily simulated using computer technology. We will buy your weapons for $10 million per kiloton. And we mean all your weapons, every single one, if even one remains unaccounted for we shall recind payment and keep the nuclear weapons. We'll also buy the plans for your nuclear weapons in exchange for plans on how to build nuclear reactors.
10-12-2005, 22:33
Why are you buying up nuclear weapons when you're against them? We will work together with Potty until the day when we have perfected the mega-bomb.
Dear nation of Leafanistan we already know how to build nuclear reactors, and have a huge number of them. Nuclear power is the primary source of power in Potty 5. It is clean, effecent, powerful, and dense. Also any nation that has an effective nuclear power program can put together a bomb in rather a short amount of time. Potty 5 will not give up nuclear weapons. And such a purches for your economy even would not be very good. Potty 5 could have massive numbers of warheads for all you know, but Potty 5 will not state any number other then we have a missile that can carry as many as 200 warheads.
Dear nation of Optischer we are turing down your offor. Potty 5 has no wish to develop an ultimate bomb. The 25 megaton bomb that is listed in the bombs to be tested is far more powerful then any nuclear bomb needs to be and was developed simply to show that Potty 5 can make multistage thermonuclear bombs in the multi-megaton range.
Japanese Antarctica
10-12-2005, 23:05
The Thallasocratic Empire of Japanese Antarctica
We remind all parties involved that any aggressive action taken against any sovreign nation will lead to serious consequences for the instigating country. That is all.
Dear nation of Leafanistan we already know how to build nuclear reactors, and have a huge number of them. Nuclear power is the primary source of power in Potty 5. It is clean, effecent, powerful, and dense. Also any nation that has an effective nuclear power program can put together a bomb in rather a short amount of time. Potty 5 will not give up nuclear weapons. And such a purches for your economy even would not be very good. Potty 5 could have massive numbers of warheads for all you know, but Potty 5 will not state any number other then we have a missile that can carry as many as 200 warheads.
Dear nation of Optischer we are turing down your offor. Potty 5 has no wish to develop an ultimate bomb. The 25 megaton bomb that is listed in the bombs to be tested is far more powerful then any nuclear bomb needs to be
and was developed simply to show that Potty 5 can make multistage thermonuclear bombs in the multi-megaton range.
Nukes are a has-been.
If any idiot can build hundreds of warheads, then any idiot can build an SDI system...
10-12-2005, 23:09
Potty 5, we await your decision on whther or not we may research bombs together.
Sigh...you never give up. I really don't appreciate you calling me arrogant in response to a OOC statement. Nor am I going to apologieze to you.
PS: You can do better than an online translator...
Japanese Antarctica
10-12-2005, 23:25
Dear nation of Leafanistan we already know how to build nuclear reactors, and have a huge number of them. Nuclear power is the primary source of power in Potty 5. It is clean, effecent, powerful, and dense. Also any nation that has an effective nuclear power program can put together a bomb in rather a short amount of time. Potty 5 will not give up nuclear weapons. And such a purches for your economy even would not be very good. Potty 5 could have massive numbers of warheads for all you know, but Potty 5 will not state any number other then we have a missile that can carry as many as 200 warheads.
Dear nation of Optischer we are turing down your offor. Potty 5 has no wish to develop an ultimate bomb. The 25 megaton bomb that is listed in the bombs to be tested is far more powerful then any nuclear bomb needs to be and was developed simply to show that Potty 5 can make multistage thermonuclear bombs in the multi-megaton range.
OOC: I'm afraid a 200 warhead ICBM is absolutely useless. The thing will be so heavy and slow to accelerate that it will be owned by early anti-ICBM systems. The launch vehicle will slowly rise up, the anti-ICBM system will easily lock on and hit it, and then your "ultimate bomb" could detonate over your country.
OOC: I'm afraid a 200 warhead ICBM is absolutely useless. The thing will be so heavy and slow to accelerate that it will be owned by early anti-ICBM systems. The launch vehicle will slowly rise up, the anti-ICBM system will easily lock on and hit it, and then your "ultimate bomb" could detonate over your country.
10-12-2005, 23:31
OOC: Optischer, random insults are really a bad idea - especially in other languages.
Optischer, it's not funny, what you are doing is considered spam and if a mod sees it, you may be punished and the thread locked.
10-12-2005, 23:38
Weet ik u? Vermoedelijk niet. Zo, hoe zet ik dit beleefd? Zult u is niet beledigd behagen indien ik toevallig u beledig?
Potty 5 is trying to create a serious thread. Your pointless spam is ruining these attempts and his hard work.
Space Union
10-12-2005, 23:38
Dude, stop trying to flame everyone. God lee. And stop using multi-lingual flaming.
Space Union
10-12-2005, 23:38
How is speaking in a foreign language spamming?
Because no one understands it and your just flaming.
10-12-2005, 23:41
Sorry if any offence was caused.
How is speaking in a foreign language spamming?
1. Because you aren't speaking in a foreign launguage, it's simpyl giberish.
2. It's not contributing to the thread.
3. It's adding to your post count.
Those three reasons are why your posts are considered spam.
Sorry if any offence was caused.
No problem, just don't do it again.
Helpful Hint: If you want "Optischer" in your posts, try putting it in your signature. It looks more professional.
10-12-2005, 23:45
Thank you Velkya. I hope we can work together from now on.
No problem, anytime.
Just remember that In-Character hostility does not carry over to Out-of-Character. Thats one of the number one reasons players get banned.
11-12-2005, 00:20
No problem, just don't do it again.
Helpful Hint: If you want "Optischer" in your posts, try putting it in your signature. It looks more professional.
Helpfull hint:
Placing the links in the text (in youg in this case) as words describing the thread itself usually looks more professional than just puting them in separately. :)
Map of the Allied Union:
Compared to
Map of the Allied Union (http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6232/velkya5kb.png)
Helpfull hint:
Placing the links in the text (in youg in this case) as words describing the thread itself usually looks more professional than just puting them in separately. :)
Map of the Allied Union:
Compared to
Map of the Allied Union (http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6232/velkya5kb.png)
I'm aware of that, but I have forgotten how to do it...
11-12-2005, 00:32
Why thank you, but a little less sarcasm please.
Sarcasm wasn't really in my interrests, but as you must have noticed it is pretty hard to give a Helpfull Hint to someone without sounding arrogant and sarcastic, no? ;)
EDIT: *pathetic attempt to explain* :D
EDIT2: Good that you remembered!
Sarcasm wasn't really in my interrests, but as you must have noticed it is pretty hard to give a Helpfull Hint to someone without sounding arrogant and sarcastic, no? ;)
Haha, sure, sure.
Helpful Hint: Helpful has only one L at the end.
And I just remembered how to add a hyperlink like that.
11-12-2005, 00:35
I'm aware of that, but I have forgotten how to do it...
Like this:
[ URL=<insert the URL here> ]<insert the text you want to appear here>[ /url]
Just without the spaces.
11-12-2005, 00:42
seeing-as-how it is Give advice on sigs, I thought I should let Madnestan know his sig is too long...
Maximum [sig] size should never exceed eight lines, including blank lines and quote lines. (A short quote takes up 5 lines - "quote", attribution line, two lines for the box, and one line for the quote).
11-12-2005, 00:51
Really? I recall someone saying it is not when that issue was under discussion... Well, I'll change it anyways just in case.
11-12-2005, 01:06
I don't think anyone would actually have gone for you for being a line over, but better safe than sorry, eh?
11-12-2005, 03:39
OOC: to get this thread back on subject...
From: Sir Kilderan Juggar, No_State_At_All spokesman for international affairs (OOC:non-political job that runs in conjunction with that of the foreign minister...)
To: whom it concerns in the potty 5 government
We do not believe that nuclear weaponry is neccessary, and would like to urge you to develop more sophisitcated mass-destruction weapons, so as not to make large areas of otherwise-useful land uninhabitable if you need to use them.
we would particularly reccomend biological weaponry, and will assist in the setting up of safe R&D facilities for such, to prevent accidental release. We also would like to warn you that if you carry out nuclear tests within 500 miles of any No_State_At_All possesion, or anywhere in the world without ensuring that none of our people and no un-manned facilities is in the blast radius, a state of war will exist between No_State_At_All and potty 5. while this would be regrettable, we would relish the opportunity to demonstrate the strategic uses of low-power biological weaponry to you.
(OOC: consider this the spokesman's signature, handwritten.)
Dear Sir Kilderan Juggar, we will not be test our nuclear weapons in any area that it could cause potential harm to any person, or facility of any nation. The test will takeplace in a undesignated point within Potty 5's exclusive economic zone, and the bomb is a very clean one being a two stage fission fusion design designed to minimise fall out and radioatactive contamanation.
As for the 500 mile limit, which we do not intend to infring apon, we feer that you are over estamating the danger of our bomb. Bombs of 50 megatons have been detonated less then 300km from a target (the plane that droped it was about 50km away and was not damaged) with no ill efect.
Also Potty 5 would not be willing to end it's nuclear weapons program for assence in biological weapons production. Biological weapons have very little to no tatical use, and are far more difficult to control then a nuclear weapon. Also a biological weapon could take up to a week before any person suffers ill effects, in which time the biological weapon's destrucive area could spread well out of control. Also Potty 5 does not belive in the use of stratgic nuclear wepaons, or the use of high colateral damagage weapons on targets near civilians (except as a last resort, if the civilans were being used as a shield).
On to another issue, some have claimed that the 200 warhead missile would be slow, big, and heavy. The missile is not slow, it in fact has a very rapid acceleration, and is no larger or heavier then any other warhead loadout on that missile. The 200 warheads are part of a tatical, anti-fleet system, each warhead being amoung the smallest nuclear warheads ever devised [smallest RL US nuke is a selectable yield (turn a dial) up to 1kt that is 23kg, at least that we know of].
(OOC: Sorry for spelling errors, gramer errors...)
Official Message from the former Democratic Republic of LA Ice, now Island Nation of LA Ice
We would like to congratulate Potty 5 on its perfection of nuclear technology. We hope that you will use them for the good of your nation, and not initiate wars using them
The Honourable Vince Emerson
Minister for Trade and Foreign Connections
11-12-2005, 15:04
OOC: if its used properly, biological weaponry is the most versatile, it can be used to specifically target one person, or to wipe out all life on the planet. (thats my weapon of uber-last-resort, which will only get used if my nation is permanently destroyed, and i make a dice roll to see whether the person who is nearest the button will actually fire it...) but hey, you heathen nuke-mongers can keep on trying...
*adds potty 5 to list of nations for the orbital defence grid to watch...
OOC: What biological weapon can "be used to specifically target one person"? (this is a retorical question).
Dear Vince Emerson, Potty 5 does not intend to ever initiate a war with nuclear weapons; we thank you for your concern and for your support.
Thank you for your confirmation. If a country does not initiate wars using them, then our our nation is fully supportive of nuclear and biological weapons-we ourselves are one of the greatest exporters of weapon-grade uranium.
13-12-2005, 15:52
OOC: you get me some genetic material from someone, i'll make you an individually targetted weapon, which wont harm anyone else if you get the wrong person somehow. excelent for use in killing one person at a banquet when you cant control which plate goes to who...
The Bear takes off from Wukong military base and flies about 2000 km south west. Then about 200km from the main coast it releases it missile which about travels 300km North West.
The missile detonates in a large blast, like that that of a 120kt thermonuclear warhead, which it was. Though there is little way for an outsider to know this other then the official statements of the Potty 5 government as it is very hard to tell just what type of nuclear weapon a weapon is from its blast.
The blast was very clean most of the energy derived from fusion. And the blast was high enough that no water was sucked into the fireball.
The missile seen was a two stager; rocket then jet powered design that was less than 8m wide and had a length width ration of about 15, this is what could be told from what was seen when it was on external mount on the Bear.
The obsolete standoff missile bomber lumbered home, its job done and it service life probably to be extended well into the future, as it’s can get the job done as a stand off missile bomber very well, and replacing it would be very expensive.
Path of the Bear in red to the missile release point. Missile path in black (http://bay01.imagebay.com/full_view.php?view=1324_Potty5v3.jpg)
airburst missile test updated w/ picture (of flight path), and edited for errors
Japanese Antarctica
15-12-2005, 05:31
OOC: Uh, wouldn't it be 200 small blasts rather than 1 large blast?
15-12-2005, 11:50
IC: sattelite observations base, black mountain city, NSAA:
"sir, detection of a nuclear explosion!"
"Near potty 5 territory, backtracking imaging to find out where it was launched from..."
"cancel, they're testing their nukes sometime around now, and if it wasnt them, they can apparently deal with it themselves, according to high command."
"yes sir, canceling backtrack. i've just got back to the standoff bomber that launched it, it seems to be carrying potty 5 markings, what i can see of it through the clouds."
"very good. continue monitoring. Riggs, get the command center on the phone."
OOC: The 200 warhead nuke is a ICBM that is sub launched and is similar to the Trident missile. It masses 76 tons with a theoretical ability to carry 200 20kg warheads (but it would probibly be fitted with a much smaller number of larger warheads). The missile seen here was a moddifed missile that is primarly used as a SAM with a conventional warhead, it the missile masses 2 tons and primarly carries a 200kg warhead of the HE fragmentation type, But the missile has a substantial guidance upgrade to allow it to serve as a SSM as well (200 kg HE is not to bad).
Soon to be not a secret location to the west of the great mountin ranges. The loation was not that secret thogh as it is hard to hide the creation of a 3km deep shaft. Work on the shaft had been going on for long long before the anounce of the test, but few would have guessed that the Emperor would had have gone to so much trouble to enshore a containment breach.
The massive warhead, was relic of earlier times, but Potty 5 still fielded one missle [type] that could loft this massive warhead into space. The warhead was sloly lowered down the 3km shaft, apon reaching the bottom, it was placed on a rail system and moved 5km away from the shaft. The crew left the missile and headed back to the shaft where they were slowly hoisted up.
The shaft was sealed. And the warhead, lay silent deep below the earths sirface. It then detonated.
On the surface the ground shook rose up in a bulge and then fell down producing a fairly notacble crator. AIDI had set up special equipment in order to measure seisemic activity of the blast, and it was rather noticable.
Accross the world seismogrpahs pick up the distant detonation.
Before the day is over the Potty 5 goverment makes the statment that "We have safely detonated a 25 megaton thermonuclear warhead. This combined with the last test shows the world the Potty 5 does infact have nuclear capability from small warheads fitted to tatical missile to warheads as large as one would ever need."
16-12-2005, 16:19
IC: the same sattelite monitoring station:
"sir, we read a seismic disturbance from potty 5."
"yeah, yeah, we know about them, they're playing around with nukes. were they dumb enough to do it anywhere near a fault line?"
"I dont think so sir, no sign of secondary activity, but we dont have ground sensors in that area, so we wouldnt see it if they were small."
"very well, continue monitoring area, if they were that foolish, and the quake seems about to spread to other nations, report it again. As long as its only them that they're gonna do in, we let them get on with it."