NationStates Jolt Archive

The HMS presents: Lemberg Class

10-12-2005, 13:41
The Lemberg Class Destroyer
A new design from the Allied Guffingfordian Shipyards - Not for sale
This image is not on scale, as many of you will notice.

The government of the Hanseatic League of Guffingford has hereby decreed that a new line of destroyers has to be taken into consideration to fill up the ranks alongside the already aging (but not outdated) Belknap class destroyer and various other less important designs. The Lemberg class destroyer is going to be a new breed of Belknap within the naval forces of Guffingford, but it will not take a leading role equal to the Belknap. Specifications are as follows:

323 meters Length
67 meters width
12.5 meters depth

2 Pebblebedded Farrington & Patch Nuclear Reactors (compact version)
2 × 8 Side exhaust propulsion
4 × Waterjet propulsion

All barrels are made of high compressed steel. Heavier and more expensive, most heating problems and wear have became a thing of the past.
50 × 144mm ILMS guns 360° Rotating Platform
3 × Double Mounted 650mm All-Purpose Cannon 360° Rotating Platform
2 × Single Mounted ETC Cannon 180° Rotating Platform
2 × 5 VLS missile cells (ship to ship)
3 × 5 VLS missile cells (ship to surface)
2 × 7 Anti-Aircraft QLS Missile Batteries

The armour of this new vessel wasn't a problem for the skilled designers working for Guffingford. But making an armour fully capable of repelling many attacks is a steep one. Although missiles are a primary source of concern, the designers also had to take heavy shellfire into account.
Honeycomb high compressed titanium frame; multilayered steel

Decoy & Countermeasures:
- Advanced towed torpedo decoy systems
- Anechoic Coating
- Anti-Torpedo noisemakers
- AN/SLQ-30 torpedo countermeasures system
- AN/SLQ-450 electronic warfare system
- Graphite Canisters

Detection Suites & Command Features:
Longacre LA model oh.01 Over-the-Horizon medium to long range detection
Longacre LA model a.55 LIDAR short range detection bow towed array
Longacre LA model a.56 LIDAR medium to long range detection bow towed array
Longacre LA model a.57 Bow towed SONAR array
Phantom x.2 Surface Search LIDAR
Phantom x.3 General Image LADAR
Phantom x.4 Air Detection Suite RADAR
Highland 3D Combat Zone Strategic Analysis (CZSA)
Highland 2D Mapping & Navigation Software Package

Highland 3D CZSA
Multifunction radar with azimuth and elevation electronic scanning for 3D long range air defence and ballistic missile defence capability

- Rotating antenna mode for 360° surveillance and tracking
- Staring antenna mode for sector surveillance and tracking (TBM Defence mode)

High Security Software Architecture;
Summertime Control Board Model 2;
Summertime Calculation & Threat Assessment Model 2

Misc Features:
High compression alloys;
Command Tower protected against a nuclear fallout;
Enforced double hull;
Enforced keel;
Enforced rudder;
Enforced bulkheads;
Armoured windows and doors

Speed: 43 Knots maximum velocity
Crew Number: 710
Aviation: 2 Helipads for SeaKing anti-submarine warfare
Weather Systems: 1 Doppler Radar + Weather Satellite Uplink (512 bits secure connection)
Displacement: 73.440 kubic tonnes

OOC NOTE: If you want some additional information, have comments or just want to praise, feel free to post. Another class cruiser will follow shortly, called the Danzig Class.
10-12-2005, 15:11
OOC: Danzig? As in, the singer of the misfits? As in, "The name's Danzig, motherf***er!"
10-12-2005, 15:28
FYI: Danzig is the German name of the Polish city Gdansk, and Lemberg is the German name of the Ukrainian city Lvov.
The Macabees
11-12-2005, 19:27
[OOC: Not bad, consider this a tag for future procurement possiblities.]
12-12-2005, 17:43
OOC: I like it. Very nice. The adamantium style armour is of perticular interest.
12-12-2005, 17:47
A destroyer with FIFTY guns?

Dude, my last destroyer had like 6. :lol:
12-12-2005, 17:55
We take the name destroyer very literally. And the ILMS guns are against aircraft, low velocity missiles and other airborne targets. They cannot be used against any kind of floating object. Well maybe they can but it's not smart. And missile bays aren't guns, mind. If you take the anti-stuff away, it leaves you with 5 main battle guns.
12-12-2005, 18:03
{OOC: Very nice!}
12-12-2005, 18:04
Oh. That works.