10-12-2005, 05:54
The year is 1900. Across the world, the bellowing smoke and tireless toil of the Industrial Revoultion reaches is its peak as the nations of Europe and of the Americas push ahead, ambition and rutheless conquest their guide. Since the Age of Discovery, no part of the earth has been safe from the grip of the Western World, which pins all other societies under the cold jack-boot of 'Enlightenment' and military superiority.
However, as the 20th Century dawns, a cross-roads is reached. Within the halls of a Europe ruled by the whims of ultra-conservatives, an arms-race forages ahead with Britian and Germany in the lead and an inevitable war drawing closer and closer each day. To the West, the American Giant slowly awakes and begins to look outward towards the Carribean and the Far East, pummling the vulnerable Spainish Kingdom into submission to start its new Empire. Meanwhile, in the cold harsh steppes of the Russian plain change is coming fast. Workers, oppressed for decades by the feudal nobility and industrial leaders of the Czarist Kingdom, look to radical ideaology for hope, with V.I Lenin and his fellow Boleshiviks gaining dominance over other factions. However, this does not stop the oblivious Czar Nicholas II, who aspiries to enlarge Russia's domian into Manchuria and beyond, challenging the realm of the growing Japanese Empire that feasts upon the corpse of a dying Imperial China.
It is now up to you, noble Role-Players, to pave the way into the 20th Century. Make new dominions, and shatter those of your enemy. Build alliances with fellow nations or tear them apart to satisfy your own needs. Do whatever it takes to become the next great Empire of the world, whether through trade, diplomacy, or ferocious combat. That is your mission, your duty, your quest.
To ensure the Role-Playing experience facilitates both enjoyment and fairness, the following rules have been drafted:
1. This game is played according to time periods. For example, the time period might be 1890, 1920, 1780, 1600, or 700. The time period tells you what type of game we are playing.
2. When a new time period is chosen, I will have specific rules for warring and communicating in that time period. For example, the first time period we'll play is 1900. That means you have telegraphs and machine guns, but no radar, nuclear weapons, and things move slower than they so now.
3. Wars- no goddmoding. I will watch the battles and hopefully have someone to moderate over them. An admin or mod spots godmoding, admin or mod steps in.
4. Invasions of non-players- If you invade an NPC, do not expect to walk over it in two posts. I will always paly the defender in an invasion.
5. Nations are divided according to strength. Also, you cannot play any nation you want, especially if you aren't going to do anything with it. Thats why there will be a lisdt of nations that you can play. If that list fills up, sorry, you're out of luck for ruling one. BUT- you may apply to join a nation as a general, prince, or person of that sort.
6. As mentioned above, you may join nations ruled by someone else. That's the RP part of this game. In the IC forums, and National Forums expecially, you play a specific characterin your government. For example, Player A rules Austria. Player A can be whoever he wants in the government, and Player A is responsible for doing internal development and all that jazz. Player A appoints Player B to be the War Minister, and gives him a list of things he can and can't do. PLayer B is now responsible for military development. If you get a specific post, you are expected to be active.
7. Activity- there is no activity thread, only an absence thread. If you are going to be gone for a while, post there and your nation won't be deleted.
8. The grace period for absneces is one week. You don't do anytihng for one week, you get your nation taken away, unless you have posted in the absence thread. However, unforseen circumstance notwithstanding (illness, etc.) two weeks is the limit you can be gone, unless you appoint someone to rule in your stead.
9 Secret Plot- a secret plot is possible. First, contact an admin (not a player-mod) with you plan. You can try and take over the government, or send a spy into your neighbours country. The RP will gon on like a "choose your own adventure" book. You make a post, then the admin sets the scenario. It progresses, and the two players must RP their way either into a victory or defeat. This could be dangerous, especially with spies in another nation.
10: Alternative History- unless otherwise noted, history happened exactly the way it did in real life. Players are allowed to make minor adjustments, affecting things within the past two years, but these are minor. You CANNOT alt-hist a reovlution happening right before the current date.
11: If you take over a nation from someone, that nation does not reset. If you are in the middle of a war, you must sue for peace or fight on. It's up to you to change the nation.
12: Punishments for transgressions will be forumbans, the least being one day. If you are outright belligerent and confrontational, you might be banned permanently.
Reasons for Joining:
I'm sure that as you have scrolled through this post, the thought of "Oh brother, why should I join another pointless Theme-based RP?" has crossed your mind and you're now on the verge of finding other things to occupy your time. However, I can assure you that Europa 1900 is slightly different from the rest and has great potential.
Unlike other Off-site RP's, the rules and regulations of EU 1900 are strictly managed by a staff of independent moderators. To ensure no conflicts of interest arise and that these moderators maintian an impartial view of the forums, moderators do not actively Role-Play nations. However, A moderator does have the ability to initiate events within your nation to further reinforce realism, while allowing the RPer to encounter un-expected situation. For example, if one were to enact radical policy changes, a Moderator could respond by conjuring a situation in which partisans of the opposition stage a protest or even an open coup d'etat. Furthermore, EU 1900 presents the RP with plenty of flexibility, as well. Wish to transform your Monarchy into a Socialist Paradise, go ahead! Or how about making that Pacifist Third-World Backwater into a Super-power of unimaginable proportions? Just be aware of the potential consequences of your actions and work hard and your nation will easily meld to fit your warped personality.
And don't worry, EU 1900 does not include any over-complicated or just plain pedantic systems of managment as we cherish the idea of a strong RPing experience, rather than the complexities similar to that of a board-game. Moreover, an encyclopedic knowladge of history is not required to play either (although you should be educated somewhat in the time period).
But for EU 1900 to propser into the future, we need you, the Role-Player to join and begin a new legacy. And its not like you have anything to loose by joining-up. So go ahead and take a peak.
Your World Awaits (
Nations Claimed:
- The United States of America
- The German Empire
- The United Kingdom
Current Events:
- Czar Nicholas II initiates a series of stirring reforms to boost the ailing Russian Economy and improve the status of the long neglected working-class. To most average citizens, the changes are seen as a God-send and the young Czar is hailed as a 'Hero of the People.' However, industrial leaders and nobility alike think otherwise.
- The German Empire takes a new step in the foriegn arena by announcing an ambitious colonial development program, designed to maximize the growing income of Germany's overseas possessions. As the project entails quite a hefty price tag, Junker Politicans and Prussian Businessmen alike view the new changes with skepticism.
- After nearly 200 years of solid Isolationsim, President McKinley of the United States branches out to the international community in search of warmer relations. Along with this development, the might of the American military is to greatly increase, with unilateral spending increases for the Department of Defense being passed by both the House and Senate in a very short period of time.
- John Hay announces the Open Door Policy to promote trade with China.
- Chicago Canal opens.
- Irish leader John Edward Redmond calls for a revolt against British rule.
- It is reported that millions are starving in India.
- Boers attack Ladysmith - over 1000 people were killed.
- United States President William McKinley places Alaska under military rule.
- Kaiser of Germany declares that German is the command language in the German army
- Premier presentation of opera Tosca in Rome - actors have received death threats and nameless letters.
- The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-German treaty of 1899 in which the United Kingdom renounced its claims to the Samoan islands.
- Battle of Spion Kop in Second Boer War.
- The governments in London and Pretoria begin negotiations to end the Boer Wars.
- Boxer rebellion: Foreign diplomats in Peking China demand that the Boxer rebels be disciplined.
- The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs is organized in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with 8 founding teams.
- United Kingdom forces fighting Boers in South Africa ask for reinforcements.
- Mining strike ends in Germany.
- A coal mine explosion in West Virginia traps 50 coal miners.
- Women in Germany demand right to participate in university entrance exams
- Boer War: Boer leader Paul Kruger's peace overtures are rejected by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Lord Salisbury.
- Boer War: British forces occupy Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
- In France, length of a workday for women and children is limited to 11 hours by law
- The Gold Standard Act is ratified placing United States currency on the gold standard.
- Sir Arthur Evans discovers the ruins of Knossos on Crete
- New York City Mayor Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground "Rapid Transit Railroad" that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
- Every French policeman is assigned to carry a gun.
- Irish Guards formed by Queen Victoria
- Anarchist shoots at the Prince of Wales during his visit to Belgium in the birthday celebrations of the king of Belgium.
- Paris World Exhibition opens.
- Explosion of blasting powder in coal mine in Scofield, Utah kills 200
- Oscar II, King of Sweden, declares support for Britain at the time of the Boer War.
- Boer War: British troops relieve Mafeking
- Boxers destroy three villages near Peking and kill 60 Chinese Christians
- Boer delegation travels to USA to ask for assistance
- The United Kingdom proclaims a protectorate over Tonga.
- Russia invades Manchuria
- Sergeant William Harvey Carney becomes the first African American to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (awarded for heroism in the Battle of Fort Wagner during the American Civil War).
- Boer War: British annex Orange Free State as Orange River Colony.
- Boer soldiers vote for the continuance of the war
- Boxers attack Belgian personnel in the Fengtai railway station
- Boxers occupy Tientsin
- Peacekeepers from various European countries arrive in China
- British under Lord Robert occupy Johannesburg
- Carrie Nation demolishes 25 saloons in Medicine Lodge
- Boer War: British soldiers take Pretoria, South Africa.
- The Reichstag approves a second law that allows the expansion of the German navy.
- The Boxers gather about 20,000 people near Peking and kill hundreds of European citizens, including the German ambassador.
- Piers of North German Lloyd Steamship line burned in Hoboken, New Jersey - 326 dead
More to be added
The year is 1900. Across the world, the bellowing smoke and tireless toil of the Industrial Revoultion reaches is its peak as the nations of Europe and of the Americas push ahead, ambition and rutheless conquest their guide. Since the Age of Discovery, no part of the earth has been safe from the grip of the Western World, which pins all other societies under the cold jack-boot of 'Enlightenment' and military superiority.
However, as the 20th Century dawns, a cross-roads is reached. Within the halls of a Europe ruled by the whims of ultra-conservatives, an arms-race forages ahead with Britian and Germany in the lead and an inevitable war drawing closer and closer each day. To the West, the American Giant slowly awakes and begins to look outward towards the Carribean and the Far East, pummling the vulnerable Spainish Kingdom into submission to start its new Empire. Meanwhile, in the cold harsh steppes of the Russian plain change is coming fast. Workers, oppressed for decades by the feudal nobility and industrial leaders of the Czarist Kingdom, look to radical ideaology for hope, with V.I Lenin and his fellow Boleshiviks gaining dominance over other factions. However, this does not stop the oblivious Czar Nicholas II, who aspiries to enlarge Russia's domian into Manchuria and beyond, challenging the realm of the growing Japanese Empire that feasts upon the corpse of a dying Imperial China.
It is now up to you, noble Role-Players, to pave the way into the 20th Century. Make new dominions, and shatter those of your enemy. Build alliances with fellow nations or tear them apart to satisfy your own needs. Do whatever it takes to become the next great Empire of the world, whether through trade, diplomacy, or ferocious combat. That is your mission, your duty, your quest.
To ensure the Role-Playing experience facilitates both enjoyment and fairness, the following rules have been drafted:
1. This game is played according to time periods. For example, the time period might be 1890, 1920, 1780, 1600, or 700. The time period tells you what type of game we are playing.
2. When a new time period is chosen, I will have specific rules for warring and communicating in that time period. For example, the first time period we'll play is 1900. That means you have telegraphs and machine guns, but no radar, nuclear weapons, and things move slower than they so now.
3. Wars- no goddmoding. I will watch the battles and hopefully have someone to moderate over them. An admin or mod spots godmoding, admin or mod steps in.
4. Invasions of non-players- If you invade an NPC, do not expect to walk over it in two posts. I will always paly the defender in an invasion.
5. Nations are divided according to strength. Also, you cannot play any nation you want, especially if you aren't going to do anything with it. Thats why there will be a lisdt of nations that you can play. If that list fills up, sorry, you're out of luck for ruling one. BUT- you may apply to join a nation as a general, prince, or person of that sort.
6. As mentioned above, you may join nations ruled by someone else. That's the RP part of this game. In the IC forums, and National Forums expecially, you play a specific characterin your government. For example, Player A rules Austria. Player A can be whoever he wants in the government, and Player A is responsible for doing internal development and all that jazz. Player A appoints Player B to be the War Minister, and gives him a list of things he can and can't do. PLayer B is now responsible for military development. If you get a specific post, you are expected to be active.
7. Activity- there is no activity thread, only an absence thread. If you are going to be gone for a while, post there and your nation won't be deleted.
8. The grace period for absneces is one week. You don't do anytihng for one week, you get your nation taken away, unless you have posted in the absence thread. However, unforseen circumstance notwithstanding (illness, etc.) two weeks is the limit you can be gone, unless you appoint someone to rule in your stead.
9 Secret Plot- a secret plot is possible. First, contact an admin (not a player-mod) with you plan. You can try and take over the government, or send a spy into your neighbours country. The RP will gon on like a "choose your own adventure" book. You make a post, then the admin sets the scenario. It progresses, and the two players must RP their way either into a victory or defeat. This could be dangerous, especially with spies in another nation.
10: Alternative History- unless otherwise noted, history happened exactly the way it did in real life. Players are allowed to make minor adjustments, affecting things within the past two years, but these are minor. You CANNOT alt-hist a reovlution happening right before the current date.
11: If you take over a nation from someone, that nation does not reset. If you are in the middle of a war, you must sue for peace or fight on. It's up to you to change the nation.
12: Punishments for transgressions will be forumbans, the least being one day. If you are outright belligerent and confrontational, you might be banned permanently.
Reasons for Joining:
I'm sure that as you have scrolled through this post, the thought of "Oh brother, why should I join another pointless Theme-based RP?" has crossed your mind and you're now on the verge of finding other things to occupy your time. However, I can assure you that Europa 1900 is slightly different from the rest and has great potential.
Unlike other Off-site RP's, the rules and regulations of EU 1900 are strictly managed by a staff of independent moderators. To ensure no conflicts of interest arise and that these moderators maintian an impartial view of the forums, moderators do not actively Role-Play nations. However, A moderator does have the ability to initiate events within your nation to further reinforce realism, while allowing the RPer to encounter un-expected situation. For example, if one were to enact radical policy changes, a Moderator could respond by conjuring a situation in which partisans of the opposition stage a protest or even an open coup d'etat. Furthermore, EU 1900 presents the RP with plenty of flexibility, as well. Wish to transform your Monarchy into a Socialist Paradise, go ahead! Or how about making that Pacifist Third-World Backwater into a Super-power of unimaginable proportions? Just be aware of the potential consequences of your actions and work hard and your nation will easily meld to fit your warped personality.
And don't worry, EU 1900 does not include any over-complicated or just plain pedantic systems of managment as we cherish the idea of a strong RPing experience, rather than the complexities similar to that of a board-game. Moreover, an encyclopedic knowladge of history is not required to play either (although you should be educated somewhat in the time period).
But for EU 1900 to propser into the future, we need you, the Role-Player to join and begin a new legacy. And its not like you have anything to loose by joining-up. So go ahead and take a peak.
Your World Awaits (
Nations Claimed:
- The United States of America
- The German Empire
- The United Kingdom
Current Events:
- Czar Nicholas II initiates a series of stirring reforms to boost the ailing Russian Economy and improve the status of the long neglected working-class. To most average citizens, the changes are seen as a God-send and the young Czar is hailed as a 'Hero of the People.' However, industrial leaders and nobility alike think otherwise.
- The German Empire takes a new step in the foriegn arena by announcing an ambitious colonial development program, designed to maximize the growing income of Germany's overseas possessions. As the project entails quite a hefty price tag, Junker Politicans and Prussian Businessmen alike view the new changes with skepticism.
- After nearly 200 years of solid Isolationsim, President McKinley of the United States branches out to the international community in search of warmer relations. Along with this development, the might of the American military is to greatly increase, with unilateral spending increases for the Department of Defense being passed by both the House and Senate in a very short period of time.
- John Hay announces the Open Door Policy to promote trade with China.
- Chicago Canal opens.
- Irish leader John Edward Redmond calls for a revolt against British rule.
- It is reported that millions are starving in India.
- Boers attack Ladysmith - over 1000 people were killed.
- United States President William McKinley places Alaska under military rule.
- Kaiser of Germany declares that German is the command language in the German army
- Premier presentation of opera Tosca in Rome - actors have received death threats and nameless letters.
- The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-German treaty of 1899 in which the United Kingdom renounced its claims to the Samoan islands.
- Battle of Spion Kop in Second Boer War.
- The governments in London and Pretoria begin negotiations to end the Boer Wars.
- Boxer rebellion: Foreign diplomats in Peking China demand that the Boxer rebels be disciplined.
- The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs is organized in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with 8 founding teams.
- United Kingdom forces fighting Boers in South Africa ask for reinforcements.
- Mining strike ends in Germany.
- A coal mine explosion in West Virginia traps 50 coal miners.
- Women in Germany demand right to participate in university entrance exams
- Boer War: Boer leader Paul Kruger's peace overtures are rejected by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Lord Salisbury.
- Boer War: British forces occupy Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
- In France, length of a workday for women and children is limited to 11 hours by law
- The Gold Standard Act is ratified placing United States currency on the gold standard.
- Sir Arthur Evans discovers the ruins of Knossos on Crete
- New York City Mayor Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground "Rapid Transit Railroad" that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
- Every French policeman is assigned to carry a gun.
- Irish Guards formed by Queen Victoria
- Anarchist shoots at the Prince of Wales during his visit to Belgium in the birthday celebrations of the king of Belgium.
- Paris World Exhibition opens.
- Explosion of blasting powder in coal mine in Scofield, Utah kills 200
- Oscar II, King of Sweden, declares support for Britain at the time of the Boer War.
- Boer War: British troops relieve Mafeking
- Boxers destroy three villages near Peking and kill 60 Chinese Christians
- Boer delegation travels to USA to ask for assistance
- The United Kingdom proclaims a protectorate over Tonga.
- Russia invades Manchuria
- Sergeant William Harvey Carney becomes the first African American to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (awarded for heroism in the Battle of Fort Wagner during the American Civil War).
- Boer War: British annex Orange Free State as Orange River Colony.
- Boer soldiers vote for the continuance of the war
- Boxers attack Belgian personnel in the Fengtai railway station
- Boxers occupy Tientsin
- Peacekeepers from various European countries arrive in China
- British under Lord Robert occupy Johannesburg
- Carrie Nation demolishes 25 saloons in Medicine Lodge
- Boer War: British soldiers take Pretoria, South Africa.
- The Reichstag approves a second law that allows the expansion of the German navy.
- The Boxers gather about 20,000 people near Peking and kill hundreds of European citizens, including the German ambassador.
- Piers of North German Lloyd Steamship line burned in Hoboken, New Jersey - 326 dead
More to be added