The Novacom OOC Thread
Dumping ground for any OOC questions relating to either my nation/factbook or any RP's i'm in.
Whatever happened to that Infinite Crucible thread, I quite liked it. There hasn't been a post in it for some time though.
Well it's still there, I had been waiting for either your Gothar to respond ro Infinite Cruicble's horrors to respond to Admiral Kukonois' Blood Guard taking root, though I have a squad of em near the Psyker Bearserkers ready to pounce :D
Admiral Kudonis' forces are in Infinite Cruicible now? When did this happen? I better take a good look at that thread then, I might post a reply later tonight.
Whatever happened to that Infinite Crucible thread, I quite liked it. There hasn't been a post in it for some time though.
IC hasn't been on since mid-November...
10-12-2005, 07:54
Because TIC may have RL issues to deal with?
Yes an Entire Legion of Blood Guard arrived not so long ago and began setting up a base, I OKed it with TIC.
The Covenenant Guard may also be in the background, after all there is a covern of Diri E I G Ignen priests there, which BTW i've added a few interesting little quirks about in my factbook, their ideas of creation, life after death and expanded on how they survived and escaped somewhat.
SO Basically very dangerous Admiral Kukonois forces, they don't get much more dangerous than this, of course if they allied with the monsters around there who knows what else may happen, it looks like Korodomir may end up with a few more guests.....
It's going to give me a good chance to really develop the Psyche of Admiral Kukonois' forces and help building up a real image of him as a bad guy that makes Kraven look like a pussy cat, you throw out the rulebook when your dealing with him, he's virtually a complete oposite of Denteth Tolion and his forces and ideology the complete opposite as well, the only similarity is they both inhabbit places with intense electrical storms.
TIC did say that all his RL problems namely exams were over now, though something else may have cropped up. Maybe we should TG him and see if everything's all right?
Makes sense since Orthodox and my nation do not go hand in hand.
Hehe, isn't that the truth. ;)
Indeed, and I intend to continue that with my Next Generation of Mobile Suits, I have 4 potential designs lined up to replace the Hijir, the Vinidcator is only one of them.
They are:
I'm torn between the 4, I'm not going to produce all of them, that would be lunacy to have 4 mainline units vying for the same position, I may however offer the remaining unchosen 3 for export.
I have plenty of Unorthodoxy instore, hehe.
23-01-2006, 03:57
Is Admiral Kukonois looking for allies? I have a crazy ex-General who's trying to get himself elected President of Kahanistan, if he loses (pretty good chance of that, the nutter wants to nuke AMF into a permanently radioactive crater) I was thinking of having him go rogue and possibly form a pact with Admiral Kukonois, join forces with him. General al-Ghazi has maybe 10,000 - 20,000 troops who would join him if he went rogue, and he's not too happy with Novacom, or most of Kahanistan's other allies, for that matter. The way he sees it, they hung Kahanistan out to dry when AMF attacked.
23-01-2006, 04:10
The moment that General loses and the elections are over Amestria is going to try to arrest him (or kill him while attempting to arrest him)... Lets see what happens.
Indeed he is looking for allies, I only hope however he's religously open, after all he has other allies as well, such as a large Covern of Diri E I G Ignen priests.
Such an Alliance would help build up Admiral Kukonois' forces immensly that and the knowledge of other training methods will help turn what's already a fearsome force into an even more lethal force.
I'm sure a small division can be on hand to "rescue" the General, if there's an Amestrian presence all the better, it'll give them something to butcher :P
This way I could introduce some of the good Admiral's secret home base a bit more, as well as a deal with the devil hehe
23-01-2006, 10:52
As powerful as that pirate is I doubt he would be able to enter into the Med. undetected with anything sort of a sub...
oh he isn't merely restricted to Submarine's remember he is pure evil and as such has all the wacky attendant technologies, for all any of us know he could already have a presence in Kahanistan, the presence of someone who could be useful to his schemes is certainly not something he would overlook.
23-01-2006, 11:08
As a classmate of Novacom, I saw in VL's classroom (so to speak) that you showed a hint of the Admiral's good he really pure evil?
For the moment he is pure evil, I have also hinted elsewhere why, It has something to do with General Drejas and the Detzen Circle, I'm looking for a good place to showcase a bit more of the Admiral off as well as some of his sinsiter commanders and fanatical priests and their religon.
The Kraven Corporation
23-01-2006, 11:23
You'll get a chance to show off his skills in Concremo...
Let the 13th Blood Crusade begin *cackles*
24-01-2006, 03:34
señor Novacom, what exactly are you sending to Kraven?
Tu seguro Novacom es un senor, quizá él/ella es una senora o senorita.
Anyhow, I would like to know the same thing.
Oh yes, my force contains about 80 capital ships and 700+ escorts, along with several hundred assault ships for the troops.
Haven't put down precise figures, however there are 2 SD's Present, The fleet is considerably large, indeed it is the largest seen to date, even larger than the force Admiral Kashast commanded at the first phases of Valjsguard, he entrusted the rest of that campaign to another member ot the Detzen circle in preparation for another offensive, hence why Valjsguard ended in defeat for Kukonois, though not quite defeat, another one of the Detzen Circle died, and now only 3 out of 9 now live, and once the circle is broke, who knows what will happen next, I have you to thank Velkya, your murder of General Drejas pushed along his storyline immensly.
I will concoct force distributions later on.
26-01-2006, 11:30
Nova, do your IRL views reflect your IC views, or do you simply have those IC views because you like that rp style?
Which Views in particular, some are my own IRL views, some are views I concocted, the most obvious concotions are the murderous attitude's of Admiral Kukonois savants.
26-01-2006, 11:34
In general.
It really is a mixture, some of my views IRL reflect my IC views, while others do not, which is why I asked for specific instances, as in general it is a blend, to precisely say one or the other I'd need specific instances.
26-01-2006, 11:39
Make a long and detailed post covering every single issue concerning your IC and RL views.
Oh Joy, I've put in a considerable amount of possible issues as well, I'll address which ones I can think of off the top of my head, if I leave anything out do point that out.
Politically, I do actually view the Political system I RP as being the ideal Political system, I recently had that view reinforced when people on the news were caterwalling about the American preseidential elections had split the nation into 2 camps. I do not like Political Parties, I genuinely do beleive thay are divisive, Politics has far too much backblading and concentrating on staying in power, when the Government should put the wellbeing of the state and it's people above their individual seflish wants and needs.
The reason why I decided for Ministers and a single leader figure is because, the Ministers will usually change if they do a bad job, if the state provides funding for campaigns it means one candidate will not be disadvantaged over the other, and if people are voting for one person, that person must be all that he seems. People who study Politics should not be Politicians, they are arrogant in beleiving that they are actually fit to lead, instead those who are best fit to lead are those who are expert in their fields, only expert economists should manage an economy Politics shouldn't come into it.
As for Captitolist or COmmunist, Novacom is a subtle blend of the 2, I IRL beleive Communism if it worked would be a near ideal system, however though in Novacom I have properties of 2, an elected (well I suppose you might call it legislature) council of Ministers, which then appoint a ministry from a pool of candidates.
In such a Society were people truly act in others best interests there would be no crime, as the Government would assure there is 100% employment and people can work for what they need, Crime is an aberation, a byproduct of a failed system, I view Killing as a mixed bag there are justifications as well as arguments against it, I'm flexible on it, I do in general support Euthanasia and the Death Penalty, However before you get the wrong Idea, I do not beleive in death camps or mandatory Euthanasia.
Religously I do not beleive in any of the existing gods in the world today, I beleive their is A power, not nessacerily A god however though I do beleive there is something to the world's religons, because they all have A godlike figure, or ar least one as central to their beleifs. However I beleive that THE power that started the big bang off is one that quite frankly doesn't care about earth, after all why should it, something that started the Big Bang would be infinitley more powerful than us, perhaps to an extent where it cannot actually comprehend us, we being on such a smale scale to it.
Culturally I beleive that in Society there can be a good scoeity where people do not smoke or take drugs, where people do not stab each other in the back freely and smile while doing it, quite often it is the fault of Government, since inaction is as bad as hasty action.
If I've missed anything point it out.
perverting Cardinal Gilda
One does not "pervert" a Grand Cardinal. One does find oneself politically outmanoeuvred by one. ;)
It is the Rantings of someone who detests Sara Liscel with a vengance, remember Novan and English are truly different, it is a descriptive language, words change on context far too easily, structure wise, you have Context, emotive strikes, tense and the subject of a word in one writen Novan word, it is a very complex layered language, it'd take me forever to actually create it hehe.
I beleive however that will make for an interesting meeting, Ministers do not survive long in office if they do not pick up quick thinking, though it is a Novan Virtue so it isn't much of a problem :p
26-01-2006, 12:28
Politically, I do actually view the Political system I RP as being the ideal Political system, I recently had that view reinforced when people on the news were caterwalling about the American presidential elections had split the nation into 2 camps. I do not like Political Parties, I genuinely do beleive thay are divisive, Politics has far too much backblading and concentrating on staying in power, when the Government should put the well being of the state and it's people above their individual seflish wants and needs.
*sigh* It isn't political parties Novacom, it's more to do with countering corruption....regardless of political beliefs, anybody and anything can be corrupted.
The reason why I decided for Ministers and a single leader figure is because, the Ministers will usually change if they do a bad job, if the state provides funding for campaigns it means one candidate will not be disadvantaged over the other, and if people are voting for one person, that person must be all that he seems. People who study Politics should not be Politicians, they are arrogant in beleiving that they are actually fit to lead, instead those who are best fit to lead are those who are expert in their fields, only expert economists should manage an economy Politics shouldn't come into it.
And so says Emperor Dubyatine. Dictatorship is a whole lot easier than democracy. :rolleyes: Pfft. Any government system can fail provided policies at home and overseas are not taken care of.
As for Capitalist or Communist, Novacom is a subtle blend of the 2, I IRL beleive Communism if it worked would be a near ideal system, however though in Novacom I have properties of 2, an elected (well I suppose you might call it legislature) council of Ministers, which then appoint a ministry from a pool of candidates.
Do you mean socialism (the median between mixed economy and communism) or centrist economy? Something says that when it comes to economics, you're a socialist.
In such a Society were people truly act in others best interests there would be no crime, as the Government would assure there is 100% employment and people can work for what they need, Crime is an aberation, a byproduct of a failed system, I view killing as a mixed bag there are justifications as well as arguments against it, I'm flexible on it, I do in general support Euthanasia and the Death Penalty, However before you get the wrong Idea, I do not beleive in death camps or mandatory Euthanasia.
To an extent I agree with you on this. And in case you couldn't tell the difference, "mandatory euthanasia" is MURDER, not the right to die with dignity.
Religiously I do not beleive in any of the existing gods in the world today, I beleive their is A power, not nessacerily A god however though I do beleive there is something to the world's religons, because they all have A godlike figure, or ar least one as central to their beliefs. However I believe that THE power that started the big bang off is one that quite frankly doesn't care about earth, after all why should it, something that started the Big Bang would be infinitley more powerful than us, perhaps to an extent where it cannot actually comprehend us, we being on such a smale scale to it..
See above.
Culturally I beleive that in Society there can be a good society where people do not smoke or take drugs, where people do not stab each other in the back freely and smile while doing it, quite often it is the fault of Government, since inaction is as bad as hasty action.
Negative for me. It's human nature, and that utopia of yours ain't gonna happen until the day the pacifist that favors diplomacy over force is held higher than the warrior on the battlefield (and humankind society has always believed in this, to this day, just at a much more vocal level thanks to technology).
Do you mean socialism (the median between mixed economy and communism) or centrist economy? Something says that when it comes to economics, you're a socialist.
I believe Novacom once said that he had a command economy where the government set prices, I think this was way back in the early days of the Destinus thread when we asked about trade. Correct me if I'm wrong, Novacom.
Originally Posted by Novacom
Politically, I do actually view the Political system I RP as being the ideal Political system, I recently had that view reinforced when people on the news were caterwalling about the American presidential elections had split the nation into 2 camps. I do not like Political Parties, I genuinely do beleive thay are divisive, Politics has far too much backblading and concentrating on staying in power, when the Government should put the well being of the state and it's people above their individual seflish wants and needs.
*sigh* It isn't political parties Novacom, it's more to do with countering corruption....regardless of political beliefs, anybody and anything can be corrupted.
And how do Political parties counter Corruption? in the system I have if you are corrupt and do not serve the needs of the majority you simplt won't get elected, though I perhaps should have mentioned voting is carefully monitored to prevent rigging.
Originally Posted by Novacom
The reason why I decided for Ministers and a single leader figure is because, the Ministers will usually change if they do a bad job, if the state provides funding for campaigns it means one candidate will not be disadvantaged over the other, and if people are voting for one person, that person must be all that he seems. People who study Politics should not be Politicians, they are arrogant in beleiving that they are actually fit to lead, instead those who are best fit to lead are those who are expert in their fields, only expert economists should manage an economy Politics shouldn't come into it.
And so says Emperor Dubyatine. Dictatorship is a whole lot easier than democracy. Pfft. Any government system can fail provided policies at home and overseas are not taken care of.
That is exactly what the system I have does, if a minister does not perform they will not get re-elected, and if it is serious they can be removed from office, if people who are experts in their field do the job of managing it in Government, I do not see how it can fail.
Originally Posted by Novacom
As for Capitalist or Communist, Novacom is a subtle blend of the 2, I IRL beleive Communism if it worked would be a near ideal system, however though in Novacom I have properties of 2, an elected (well I suppose you might call it legislature) council of Ministers, which then appoint a ministry from a pool of candidates.
Do you mean socialism (the median between mixed economy and communism) or centrist economy? Something says that when it comes to economics, you're a socialist.
Don't know enough about socialism except I here it refeered to a lot in the same context as Communism and the Nazi Party.
Originally Posted by Novacom
In such a Society were people truly act in others best interests there would be no crime, as the Government would assure there is 100% employment and people can work for what they need, Crime is an aberation, a byproduct of a failed system, I view killing as a mixed bag there are justifications as well as arguments against it, I'm flexible on it, I do in general support Euthanasia and the Death Penalty, However before you get the wrong Idea, I do not beleive in death camps or mandatory Euthanasia.
To an extent I agree with you on this. And in case you couldn't tell the difference, "mandatory euthanasia" is MURDER, not the right to die with dignity.
Originally Posted by Novacom
Religiously I do not beleive in any of the existing gods in the world today, I beleive their is A power, not nessacerily A god however though I do beleive there is something to the world's religons, because they all have A godlike figure, or ar least one as central to their beliefs. However I believe that THE power that started the big bang off is one that quite frankly doesn't care about earth, after all why should it, something that started the Big Bang would be infinitley more powerful than us, perhaps to an extent where it cannot actually comprehend us, we being on such a smale scale to it..
See above.
Originally Posted by Novacom
Culturally I beleive that in Society there can be a good society where people do not smoke or take drugs, where people do not stab each other in the back freely and smile while doing it, quite often it is the fault of Government, since inaction is as bad as hasty action.
Negative for me. It's human nature, and that utopia of yours ain't gonna happen until the day the pacifist that favors diplomacy over force is held higher than the warrior on the battlefield (and humankind society has always believed in this, to this day, just at a much more vocal level thanks to technology).
Notice how I never made mention of peace, Human nature is to fight, there will always be some enemy, peace will always be an illusion until some event that radically changes the hearts and minds of the people occurs, it is not utopian, it has existed in a form, not quite as perfect as I envision it, however and with a fair few flaws of it's own but I beleive it is possible.
I believe Novacom once said that he had a command economy where the government set prices, I think this was way back in the early days of the Destinus thread when we asked about trade. Correct me if I'm wrong, Novacom.
Indeed something I forgot to mention, entirely true, The Government Actively prevents foreign companies or their own companies from flooding markets with cheap junk, imports do not get in if they fail a quality test, they get sent back, charged docking and handling fees and basically get given a summary of how they failed.
26-01-2006, 12:57
I never stated that socialism was evil. Communism is an economic system, Marx's theory about eventual equality. Thanks to American propaganda during the Cold War days, there are still quite a lot of people think of communist states as totalitarian military states with no thought of humankind whatsoever. When in reality communism is an ideology simply too idealistic to work.
On your government system....pfft yet again! Anything can fail, and if put into practice RL, your system can be just as fallible thanks to humankind.
I know for a fact it would fail, however if a society grew up with it, I beleive it would succeed, Human Nature now is far too selfish to relinquish power to fewer individuals that are not themselves, even if they could do a better job, there is no need to rubbish my ideas, however.
Why don't we RP a televised debate between our respective Finance Ministers where we argue our economic systems, rather then fight it out OOCly. I can create the thread right now if you're keen.
26-01-2006, 13:04
No. I'm just fine debating my views over here with Novacom.
That is a nice idea Xirnium, a very nice idea, though before you do that finish up your exchange of ways response :P
That is a nice idea Xirnium, a very nice idea, though before you do that finish up your exchange of ways response :P
Problem is that exchange of ways needs imagination, economic theory just needs my own knowledge of economics (at least, for Xirnium that is).
But I am on it! :D
Just as I am in creating more mysteries, I'm suprised SEA hasn't commented on one seeming inconsistency yet :D
Bear in mind I haven't fleshed out the entirety of my Economic Theory and Mode, this will help in a way hehe.
26-01-2006, 14:41
Novacom, what is your IC stance on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (yes, there is a player that rps as the USSR, his nation's called Fascist Confederacy, but due to OOC issues, he now is left wing OOCly and ICly)?
ok for the Kukonois fleet at Concremo.
All of course are fully Submerisble
Twin Zavul Super Dreadnoughts
20 Kerask Dreadnoughts
15 Phanzal Arsenal Ships
25 Hrast Battleships
30 Ghazd Carriers
200 Zenghi Cruisers
200 Parovole Frigates
250 Lyzal Corvettes
300 Domost Destroyers
20 Valgen
10,000 assorted Torrken
5,000 Kelzap Assault Bombers
I will however point out that this fleet is commanded by another madman, this one however is a far better tactician and will not be doing any boarding actions by virtue of he does not desire enemy commanders heads, instead he prefers them to be simply dead.
The Kraven Corporation
29-01-2006, 20:43
ok for the Kukonois fleet at Concremo.
All of course are fully Submerisble
Twin Zavul Super Dreadnoughts
20 Kerask Dreadnoughts
15 Phanzal Arsenal Ships
25 Hrast Battleships
30 Ghazd Carriers
200 Zenghi Cruisers
200 Parovole Frigates
250 Lyzal Corvettes
300 Domost Destroyers
20 Valgen
10,000 assorted Torrken
5,000 Kelzap Assault Bombers
I will however point out that this fleet is commanded by another madman, this one however is a far better tactician and will not be doing any boarding actions by virtue of he does not desire enemy commanders heads, instead he prefers them to be simply dead.
Excellent.... TG novacom
Responded, and I think you will like what i'm planning on spriging :D
05-02-2006, 11:13
Novacom, you missed this post ( Oh, and can you please do me a favor? Put your characters' pics into links so that it doesn't affect the 56K users too much and tidyness.
I will do some research on him but I had my history that with the collapse of the USSR several important officials feld to me and RUssia and myself gradually shifted apart though ties were retained instead ties were strengthened with China.
I'll put the pictures into links, got a few new logos and pictures to put up anyway...
05-02-2006, 13:18
I thought these 'Ask About A Nation' OOC threads were against the rules.
This is my OOC thread not an ask an opinion thread.
Novacom, when precisely do you plan on asking the moderators to restore those posts which you deleted (much to my continued annoyance) from the "Battle for Torontia" thread?
Amestria asked, then they said it would depend on the posters opinion and then I said I wanted them deleted and basically they've left the topic to rot.
I said I wanted them deleted.
Why, exactly, when doing so makes it harder for everyone else to follow the story (since it now has huge holes in it) and when you alread agreed that you would restore the posts?
Slip of the hand, I had only just gotten up when I replied to that, I said I wanted them restored not deleted :rolleyes:
09-02-2006, 15:45
This just snapped into my head.
Why not get AMF to kick life back into it? He said he wanted to participate....
Kick life back into what my dear watson?
10-02-2006, 10:47
The Infinite Crucible's rp documenting that fungus lord's release and it's transformation from a bastion of liberal democracy into a festering of demons.
It might be an idea, though I am working away on my own little paranormal RP, Mysteries Within Mysteries, though so far there hasn't been much uptake, a pity because I have some very interesting things in mind for it, very interesting indeed.