Intergalactic Slave Market
09-12-2005, 05:42
Simply stated, we need more funds for our many wars. Therefore, with our recent success in the invasion of a former sovereign nation, we are overstocked with slaves! Fresh slaves that have a reputation for working hard! Young ones, old ones, pretty ones for those lonely rich folk. All right here, directly imported from Kazecistan!
Adult male(18 and over): 1000 Taledonian dollars
Adult female(18 and over): 1000 Taledonian dollars
Male child(17 and younger): 500 Taledonian dollars
Female child(17 and younger): 500 Taledonian dollars
Please specify on what your looking for and we'll be happy to oblige!
09-12-2005, 05:51
ooc: That's just wrong.
((this shall be my only post here unless new circumstances arise))
Edit: Yes, Tal, I understand your position. Still, though, I ignore nothing but the war. If you wish to have the entire Republic ignore me all together, that's your choice- I'd rather interact at some level.
Edit 2: Gaian buying slaves? Wow.
09-12-2005, 05:58
(OOC: Sorry, saw your post and thought it was necessarry that we put it out there that the Republic fully ignores you and in "our universe" like HT explained, you were conquered by me. No argument please, as I refrained from talking on yours as per your wishes. Plus I need the money, warships aren't cheap.)
09-12-2005, 06:24
The Kingdom shall purchase One Hundred Million Slaves, 25 million of Each type.
Payment will be met upon delivery.
Sorcerer King Samuel II
09-12-2005, 06:26
Wow, that's alot of money, yay! Lot's of money=lot's of warships! Even tho you did just take a huge chunk out of my slave surplus...:rolleyes:
ooc: 75,000,000,000
75 billion for 100 million slaves?
Can you really afford that Naggeroth?
Gaian Ascendancy
09-12-2005, 06:55
The Ascendancy would like to know how many total slaves remain in this rule of barter, to purchase for our own kind of specific use. We assure we have enough in our defense budget alone to meet at least the deal offered by the Naggeroth nation.
Exceeding it is not a problem either.
Lady Seto Kamiki
Gaian Prime Foreign Advisor
09-12-2005, 07:01
Well we are selling half a billion of them, so you do the math.
09-12-2005, 07:04
The Skeelzanian Sternreich expresses its disapproval of human slavery in the strongest possible terms. If these were Elves or some other species, we would let it slide, but since you have to traffic in humans, such leniency cannot be allowed. We warn the Taledonians to cease in the trafficing of humans, else they force the Kaiser to take stern measures.
~Graf von Karolzenger, Lord Emissary of the Sternreich
09-12-2005, 07:12
To the NAtions who Disapprove.
Oh do piss of lords and ladies, these men and women betrayed their country, they betrayed the mighty republic. Call them prisioners working off their debt to society in the ways we see fit.
Slavery is usful, And while personally I see no problems with it, I can understand why some...faint at heart may seem it barbaric. To put bluntly, we are permitted to do how we wish, as are you. Want them to be free? Buy them yourselves, its no concern of ours what you do with them after they are purchased.
As for the fact they are human, you shall live. We are no better then any other species, we are weaker naturally and have little defence. This Labour will increase their strength and body, allowing better genetics for further generations of Humanity. How you can veiw this as an BAD thing for a species Is beyond me.
As for their rights as people, they forfitted them when they put down no resistance to their rulers leaving the nation, had they done so they would not have been enslaved, everything that was done is deserved.
So I bid you Goodlife.
Sorcerer King Samuel II
09-12-2005, 08:12
Well we are selling half a billion of them, so you do the math.
The Dominion will purchase all existing stock, provided they are delivered in good condition and suffer no additional physiological harm.
If you damage them, however, repercussions will be... dire.
Bob McBob
Bob McBob, Minister,
Department of the Exterrior,
ooc: Kanuckistan, provided that the population distribution is equal(25% of each group) you'll be shelling out 300 billion dollars for 400 million slaves.
Unless of course Taledonia decides to give you a bulk discount of somesort.
Gaian Ascendancy
09-12-2005, 09:00
Who ever said we were buying 'slaves'. There are other ways to free slaves rather than through war. Are we that misconstrued? Besides, we need numbers to replenish those lost in the recent battle against the Infernals. How we do this is our concern, if all will mind.
And simply for freedom of the true kind, and a sampling of genetic material, for money to a nation to do with as they see fit. We would prefer this of many such slave holding nations, that we could pay for such mass releases into our fold. More than mere fighting.
Money is trifle, compared to the hope that a slave has for true freedom. How else to use such philosophy in it's pure form, and have few losers in the matter itself, save of those that only see slaves as mere tools for barter and exhaustion.
Such is a limited mindset for those that look at resources in a narrow way. We see 'far' more than that. As such, we state here now, that those that wish to sell slaves to us, know full well we will free them outright, and make them Ascendancy citizens of their own fulition, in exchange for monetary exchanges even double to the norm, within such reason. (Gouging us won't work...)
In other words, we'll pay for your unwanted masses, and we'll give them what they want, for what you want. Is there a true downside to this? After all, those that think we would go to war with any mortal nation, would only need fear this if only we are attacked first. Otherwise, we will never conduct war on another nation in this dimension from this time forth. And therefore, the slaves would not find rule within our fold to return hatreds upon beholden nations. After all, our laws for crimes are very harsh, and 'rarely' need a true legal recourse.
Or do one considers a lie conducted successfully unto an Angel is possible.
However, if we do not recieve the blessing of conducted exchange, we cannot argue otherwise as a result. As said, we will not go to war. There are other nations however that can do such for us to the expected end. The same money offered can go to 'them' instead. They seek glory for doing good as well, and we can comply on that regard. Freedom after all can come either the easy way, or a harsh way. Our coffers work on the 'easy' principles of all things.
So, our offer is not so outlandish in the end, is it? This is the Ascendancy that was Ascended under such ideals, and it hasn't changed before or since Accordance Day.
Call us blustery, or even foolish idealistics. We'll still exist nonetheless, and commit to our path. We'd prefer the slaves therefore mentioned, to hopefully join us. Better for many nations to ally to our cause, for good and evil are only ideologies upon all existence in the end. Choices in the boiled down version.
As for the math, if we went with the Theaonan version, would come to three point seven-five Trillion credits of Taledonian currency. Four trillion would be a nice number as our offer, if such is considered a valid offer.
If there needs a better incentive, a contract to 'build' certain class vessel types you seek with this same monies, would be considered valid, as long as no celestial technology is included in the base vessel layouts. Again, what you do with them is no our concern. Whether you win wars with them is another matter entirely. This we learned just as equally.
And all this for a mass of poor souls you see as inferior. Outlandish to you, is reason to us. The old adage about trash and treasure applies here.
We'll await whatever response occurs.
Return Regards,
Lady Seto Kamiki
Gaian Ascendancy Prime Foreign Advisory
09-12-2005, 09:13
ooc: Kanuckistan, provided that the population distribution is equal(25% of each group) you'll be shelling out 300 billion dollars for 400 million slaves.
Unless of course Taledonia decides to give you a bulk discount of somesort.
It's also less than 0.2% of my government budget; hell, government waste is 11 trillion alone.
As it stands, it'll only eat 1/7th of the Social Equality budget for one year.
Gaian Ascendancy
09-12-2005, 09:49
((OC- Only 1.5 Trillion out of nearly 76 Trillion on my end of the lodge accounts. Man, it's good to be a strong nation after only one RL year. =^^= But that's just moi. ))
Lord Atum
09-12-2005, 14:11
OOC: Well, as Rezo says the Atumites should be continuously buying up II slaves...
Private communiqué {using diplomatic packages and other such methods} of the office of Lord Jehvah, Nomarch of the Court of Atum, United Nations Offices.
Greetings to you, may the outpourings of your loins be glorious and serve only to magnify the glory of your name. It has been reported to me that you have for sale a population of slaves. As is proper, I wish to convey the following offers for purchase;
Of my own personal accounts, the sum of T$ 200,000,000, for an even distribution of genders of one hundred thousand slaves. The number of children within this group is not to exceed thirty percent – note that any additional monies gained from the sale of children at adult prices are yours to keep in perpetuity, obviously a favourable deal for you. I am not especially concerned about the ages and thoughly unconcerned about ethnicity, but be aware that the slaves will be required to support themselves in an urban environment. These should be delivered to [$Coords] in fifty shipments of equal size. If you are able to provide them in family groups, this would be appreciated.
From the director of public slave auctions, on the glorious capital world of Mnewer, an offer has been extended to take the ‘prettyest’ as you say, slaves for up to five times your asking price, in numbers of up to a thousand per month. All will be subject to approval and return, though it would be highly convenient if pictures or files of those you wish to provide to him could be forwarded to me, for review and selection.
- Lord Jehvah, United Nations Representative of The Hundred Worlds of Lord Atum
The Court of Imperator Pelagius wishes to purchase 4 adult males and 2 adult females for 6,000 Taledonian Dollars.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 15:01
I am wanting to bue some slaves in our much harder work. Are they able to survive radioactivity in the atmosphere?
The Khurganate would also like to enquire as to the number of slaves below the age of seventeen you possess. I have been authorized to buy a number of slaves to a value of up to $500,000,000,000.
In Change,
Tzaanlord Mephtali
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 21:11
Taledonia these are former republic citizens you are selling! Not just any other people. If you have any honor you will close this barbaric auction and free the people. Strand them on a planet, integrate them into your nation. I don’t care, but Arcadia will not let you sell them off.
I say again you will NOT sell the Kazecistan people Arcadia will make sure of that.
President semko
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 21:16
He has no use for these people. What else his he to do with them?
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 21:21
Arcadia would gladly donate a planet they could be stranded on.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 21:25
He's not going to listen to you. And if you are donating a planet, what's the chance that you will not come to their aid?
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 21:28
My honor for one. If he agrees Arcadia promises to never let the Kazecistan leave the planet. You could put a monitoring station in orbit for all I care.
Just to make it clear I may not like what Kazecistan did to the republic. But how are we any better if we sell the people into slavery.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 21:37
But how are we any better if we sell the people into slavery.
(Last post about our little discussion 'cause I feel like a hijacker right now.)
We don't have to be better. It benefits us.
09-12-2005, 21:40
These people may be former citizens of the Republic, Semko, but they are traitors, and that makes them worse then rats! The entirety of the Kazeci population, aside from the ones that put up a fight and were ruthlessly slaughtered like the dogs they were, are now enslaved. We relied on slaves greatly in the past, but the last thousand years we went without many slaves and found it to be much cheaper and better for our people. Therefore, now that we do have slaves, a vast amount of them infact, we wish to sell them for something we can use, money. Wars aren't cheap.
As for all the orders, wow, big turn out. So Naggeroth's order has been processed and is being delivered, and the Gaian's ordered an order of equal size, which has also been processed. Lord Atum will recieve his shipment, as will Ankmet.
To the Helgans we give the information that they probably cannot stand radioactivity. And to the Khurgans, we have about half a million persons under the age of 17 left.
Kanuckistan, I take into account your sizable order, and believe that you can pay it, tho I would like to distribute the Kazeci to many different sources to avoid any uprisings and re-creations of their nation. Therefore I will let the Helgans and Khurgans make a decision on whether they want to purchase some, then I will sell you the rest.
We shall purchase all 500,000 of them. See to it that they are prepared to be transported, Khurganate bulk transports will arrive shortly, along with your payment.
For the Changer,
Tzaanlord Mephtali
09-12-2005, 21:47
ooc: You go Semko!
On another note, The Kazeci people had no hostilities towards any one in the Republic, wanting to remain allied friends. They were not worthy of the brand 'traitor'. I might also add that you would have likely killed 90% of them for fighting back against this injustice. Just some thoughts.
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 21:48
I don't think you understand. If you don't stop selling and call back all the shipments we are going to try and stop you. By any means necessary.
09-12-2005, 21:50
Very good, pleasure doing business with you.
(OOC: I know that Kazec, but ICly I call you a traitor. Also, the technology to fire rounds that shut down the body and put it into a state of hybernation for a time until we can shackle them really helped save so much potential money.
And holy crap, this is getting more publicity then I expected. Could the Kazeci become the FT Shoobans? I asume everyone knows the Shoobans, filthy buggars they are.)
Neo Zeta
09-12-2005, 21:52
OOC: DUN DUN DUN.. Anyway what dose a Kaz person look like? Normal Human? I have a new Sith Lord who could use slaves and this is the only FT slave market around i think
09-12-2005, 21:52
I don't think you understand. If you don't stop selling and call back all the shipments we are going to try and stop you. By any means necessary.
Don't make threats Semko, or you may be accused of treason as well, and end up with the same fate. Tho I guess you don't have any control over pirates that could be in your area now do you?(hints at interesting RP's for people that bought slaves)
To the NAtions who Disapprove.
Oh do piss of lords and ladies, these men and women betrayed their country, they betrayed the mighty republic. Call them prisioners working off their debt to society in the ways we see fit.
Slavery is usful, And while personally I see no problems with it, I can understand why some...faint at heart may seem it barbaric. To put bluntly, we are permitted to do how we wish, as are you. Want them to be free? Buy them yourselves, its no concern of ours what you do with them after they are purchased.
As for the fact they are human, you shall live. We are no better then any other species, we are weaker naturally and have little defence. This Labour will increase their strength and body, allowing better genetics for further generations of Humanity. How you can veiw this as an BAD thing for a species Is beyond me.
As for their rights as people, they forfitted them when they put down no resistance to their rulers leaving the nation, had they done so they would not have been enslaved, everything that was done is deserved.
So I bid you Goodlife.
Sorcerer King Samuel II
They are selling children. The Empire of Quaon shall buy 200 male child slaves and 200 female child slaves to be set free as soon as they are on Quaonese soil.
OOC: Feel free to try to commit piracy upon Khurgani vessels, but they ARE much, MUCH bigger than yours, guaranteed. And there's no such thing as an unarmed ship when it's under the command of a Tzaanlord...
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 21:56
I am wanting to bue some slaves in our much harder work. Are they able to survive radioactivity in the atmosphere?
Could you answer this please? I want to purchase slaves, but not until this is answered. Thank you.
09-12-2005, 21:56
Sorry, I'm all sold out for now peeps. But seeing as how I know have a reputation as the only FT slave market around, check back after I invade somebody else for more stock!
They are selling children. The Empire of Quaon shall buy 200 male child slaves and 200 female child slaves to be set free as soon as they are on Quaonese soil.
Yes, children. You might have heard of them, they live longer than adults. And their souls are absolutely delicious.
For Change,Tzaanlord Mephtali
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 21:58
No Taledonia if you do not stop now I will very openly liberate the slaves.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 21:58
Sorry, I'm all sold out for now peeps. But seeing as how I know have a reputation as the only FT slave market around, check back after I invade somebody else for more stock!
Put me on a reserve list please or at least don't forget about me wanting to purchase.
EDIT: Arcadian Federation, don't attack anyone like Taledonia, he's been through a couple wars and did you notice the slaves he stocked at the beggining of this thread? Your people will be slaves just as well.
09-12-2005, 21:58
Could you answer this please? I want to purchase slaves, but not until this is answered. Thank you.
I did answer that. I said they don't survive in radioactive terrain, unless fitted with the right equipment to survive that is.
09-12-2005, 22:00
ooc: the Kazeci people are not much better/different than normal humans. (can't handle radiation) They are slightly more flexible and good sprinters though.
That's an interesting path, Tal, perhaps I could RP a rebirth nation in your timeline.
Arc's people won't be enslaved unless he too choses to excersize his freeform RP right and ignore Tal's war.
Arcadia, the Empire of Quaon would like to aid you at liberating these slaves.
09-12-2005, 22:00
To the Helgans we give the information that they probably cannot stand radioactivity. And to the Khurgans, we have about half a million persons under the age of 17 left.
Look at the rest of my post, I answered your question and later on(yeah I guess I shouldn't of deleted the entire quote) I said I would hold some slaves incase you wanted to buy some.
Ald Rhun
09-12-2005, 22:01
Please put Ald Rhun on your waiting list to purchase slaves. We are quite willing to purchase as many as you have available (to a point), as we are always in need of more kitchen slaves for our larders. Also, as part of our payment, would you accept escorts from our navy to protect your slave ships from piracy by, say, the Arcadian Federation.
09-12-2005, 22:02
ooc: the Kazeci people are not much better/different than normal humans. (can't handle radiation) They are slightly more flexible and good sprinters though.
That's an interesting path, Tal, perhaps I could RP a rebirth nation in your timeline.
Depending on how this all works out, but don't expect much chance, as the slaves are being split up to many different nations, and don't expect Semko to have any luck getting them back without the good nations that paid for them doing something about it.
Please put Ald Rhun on your waiting list to purchase slaves. We are quite willing to purchase as many as you have available (to a point), as we are always in need of more kitchen slaves for our larders. Also, as part of our payment, would you accept escorts from our navy to protect your slave ships from piracy by, say, the Arcadian Federation.
You shouldn't just be worrying about them, our allies, the Bendickian aliens and our fleet of S.T.A.R. ships will be raiding your slave ships.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 22:03
Okay. When we make a purchase, we will supply them with some equipment ourselves.
09-12-2005, 22:03
Please put Ald Rhun on your waiting list to purchase slaves. We are quite willing to purchase as many as you have available (to a point), as we are always in need of more kitchen slaves for our larders. Also, as part of our payment, would you accept escorts from our navy to protect your slave ships from piracy by, say, the Arcadian Federation.
Woo, I like it, I'm a slave trader now. Sure, I'll put you on the waiting list, and for now, would you be willing to hire out mercs to protect the ships at the moment? We can pay rather well as sales seem to be soaring.
09-12-2005, 22:06
ooc: Good nations? Good nations don't have slaves. Good nations either fight for their freedom, buy them to free them, or stay out of it. Some of my people have been freed, no? Some will fight. Some will be fought for. It may take a while, but without birth control...
As I see it, should you chose to loosen up and be less rude, I may well RP a come back and even an assault.
We are sending a group of 5 S.T.A.R. ships into your atomesphere now, you oppresive slave traders. We are loaded with Thermo-Nuclear missiles. End your slave trade now, or your we will fire our missiles.
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 22:07
Your takeing this very lightly tale but you shouldent. I will be sending Fleets with battleships and carriers. not small raiding partys.. do the right thing and do not let this go into open war.
Your takeing this very lightly tale but you shouldent. I will be sending Fleets not small raiding partys do the right thing do not let this go into open war.
Arcadia, I propose an alliance. We of Quaon will not stand for this trade in slaves!
09-12-2005, 22:09
Any attempt to Liberate these Valuable Human Resources is condemned by Optischer.
We shall purchase ten billion Male and Female Children, for our ongoing genetic warrior program. If I find any attack upon Taledonian Slave Ships is commenced, I shall issue Shadowsubs and destroy all attacking vehicles.
So as to protect these Human Resources, we shall escort every Taledonian Slavery ship with two of these
I hope you'll see things our way.
p.s. Payment upon delivery
Neo Zeta
09-12-2005, 22:10
Please put Darth Tyraany ( Neo Zeta if its easyer) on your waiting list he has great intrest in Slave Female Childrain and Adults for use in diffrent experments as well as slaves
Also raiding Neo Zetan ships slavery or not is not a good idea... just not a good idea at all.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 22:10
When you stock more slaves, we will buy 60 Male children, 300 Adult males. Pricing up to $330,000. So remember to put us on your waiting list.
BTW, Arcadian Federation and Quaon, if you want to free some slaves, we will be happy to sell you them when they are of no more use.
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 22:10
((Those ships got there pretty quick... and got through the planetary defences without a fight... :( don't take Taledonia lightly he could crush me with ease))
Both our nations will need all the help we can get to stop this.
I hope you don't mind a thermal bomb in your ships, foul slavers!
09-12-2005, 22:12
Why sell them to a country who woul rip you off, when we would rather pay a more, pretty penny, for your used slaves.
We will make sure your coffers are well fertilised, in exchange for used up human Resources.
((Those ships got their pretty quick... and through the planetary defences :( don't take him lightly he could crush me with ease))
Both our nations will need all the help we can get to stop this.
OOC: Opps, sorry about the semi-god moding. It's just that Quaon has a really good spy network. The problem here is that S.T.A.R.s are very vunerable to attack because of slow movement and inadquate armor against missile attacks.
09-12-2005, 22:16
When a patient is difficult you quaon em!-Kramer from Seinfield.
Anyways, Quaon, that was a rather n00bish sentence, saying you entered my atmosphere without any knowledge of how my Empire is. I have several planets, with a giant FTLi "fence" set up around my territory, meaning you can't just jump in and attack my capitol directly. Plus, you are a new nation, week and all, you could never do anything of much damage to me, much less survive in my atmosphere against all my planetary defenses and fleets.
And Arcadia, do you really wish to do that? In attacking me you attack the Republic, and shall be deemed a traitor by the Senate, subject to immeadiate extermination like the Kazeci. You could never win, against me or any of the nations that bought the slaves and paid in advance, when their shipments don't arrive, it's not my fault. Be smarter than the late Kazeci government, put your beliefs aside for a moment and conceed.
Optischer, thanks for the support, but as I stated earlier I am currently out of slaves. Your welcome to keep your offer for protection tho, and we'll be sure to give you a discount when we get a new stock.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 22:17
Can you guys quit it and start a thread yourselves? This is happening like that bidding thread that Optischer made and then it turned into a war RP because people are condemning his actions.
So please keep your RPs out of this thread or BUY SOMETHING!
Ald Rhun
09-12-2005, 22:18
would you be willing to hire out mercs to protect the ships at the moment? We can pay rather well as sales seem to be soaring.
We would be more than willing to hire out portions of our navy as security contractors. Would it be possible to make any payments in human assets, or promise thereof?
OOC: Okay, sorry, I was a little ignorant of your defenses. I apologize. However, Quaon has one colony, and many, many allies, including an advanced alien race. Also, you know, false threats can work sometimes...
With a flash of hellfire, the Khurganate fleet arrived. The crimson forms of dozens of Prophecy frigates surrounded the massive hulk that was the bulk transport. The massive vessel moved into orbit around Taledonia (OOC: Guessing at planet name. Sorry if its wrong), and its teleporter arrays spun to life.
In a flash of light, a group of Tzaangard appeared on the planet's surface, bearing chests of gold and silver.
OOC: Should we make a seperate war thread?
Edit: IC: I wonder how the UN would feel if I alerted them to your slave trade? I am a regional delegate, you know. I can bring you a world of pain. We have billions and trillions of men in the entire UN.
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 22:21
Your the traiter to the republic Taledonia. selling citizens to increase your war chest. I can almost assure you that others will follow me in the republic and outside. And if I do fall I assure you there will be nobody left to inslave.
Perhaps Kazeci had the right Idea.
09-12-2005, 22:21
Is the Helghan Empire offending me? Because if he is then Point out why? If not, then I have misinterpreted his speech.
I will protect Taledonian ships against any threat of attack.
I don't make threats. I make promises.
I say again: end your slave trade, or the combined forces of the Aliens of Bendack, the Colony of Quaon, Quaon, Arcadian Federation, and many more will destroy your empire, you disgusting pigs.
09-12-2005, 22:25
We don't purchase slaves for slavery! So therefore we do not have a slav market in optischer.
We purchase slaves for Genetic experiments, instead of valuable people.
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 22:25
Is the Helghan Empire offending me? Because if he is then Point out why? If not, then I have misinterpreted his speech.
I will protect Taledonian ships against any threat of attack.
I don't make threats. I make promises.
I am not. It's just that this is turning out like your thread. Anyways, was it true that you somehow had your account taken over that made you say that stuff?
And I will protect Taledonian and Optischer ships, but with light support because it's not much of a big deal to the Helghasts except the purchase of slaves.
09-12-2005, 22:26
Yes, please do, make a seperate thread, I refuse to discuss anything more on this thread other than business.
And yes, Ald Rhun, we can pay you in the promise of human ressources. So basically, send some ships to guard my trade vessels. The receiving nations would probably be much obliged as well.
Neo Zeta
09-12-2005, 22:27
Oh please please fight tal the sooner you do that the sooner more slaves will be in this market. Darth Tyraany is very ager to get his slaves.
OOC: If this esclates into actual war, I'll make a seperate thread
09-12-2005, 22:29
Please hurry up with this war thread. I need to test My Genetic Warrior's now!
The Helghan Empire
09-12-2005, 22:29
Yes. I will be eager, too, to buy Arcadian and Quaon slaves.
I would like to point out that I have contacted the rest of my region for help against theses slave dealers.
09-12-2005, 22:30
No Quaon, if you want to keep debating, make a seperate thread as well.
OOC: Okay, I will, but as long as you RP the battle, cause I don't want you to just make us leave this thread and ignore us.
Arcadian Federation
09-12-2005, 22:32
((I don't want to fight you tale just give up the slaves.... its the right thing to do))
Ald Rhun
09-12-2005, 22:32
OOC: And we would like to point out we don't care. Ald Rhun needs meat, we're not going to stop buying it because it offends your pathetic morals. Quit with the empty threats, and make a war thread.
09-12-2005, 22:35
I only ignore n00b threads, well RPed ones I follow through with.
And Semko, yes, it may be the right thing to do OOCly, but I'm in-character right now. You should know I'm basically a FT Rome, and Rome had many a slave.
09-12-2005, 22:36
ooc: Arc, He won't change with reason. I spent several hours trying to reason with him why he shouldn't force war simply because I wanted to leave. If you think you can take his profit with ooc reason...
OOC: Here is the thread:
Now lets have a well RPed, bloody, and cruel war with high casualties:D
Gaian Ascendancy
10-12-2005, 00:02
These people may be former citizens of the Republic, Semko, but they are traitors, and that makes them worse then rats! The entirety of the Kazeci population, aside from the ones that put up a fight and were ruthlessly slaughtered like the dogs they were, are now enslaved. We relied on slaves greatly in the past, but the last thousand years we went without many slaves and found it to be much cheaper and better for our people. Therefore, now that we do have slaves, a vast amount of them infact, we wish to sell them for something we can use, money. Wars aren't cheap.
As for all the orders, wow, big turn out. So Naggeroth's order has been processed and is being delivered, and the Gaian's ordered an order of equal size, which has also been processed. Lord Atum will recieve his shipment, as will Ankmet.
To the Helgans we give the information that they probably cannot stand radioactivity. And to the Khurgans, we have about half a million persons under the age of 17 left.
Kanuckistan, I take into account your sizable order, and believe that you can pay it, tho I would like to distribute the Kazeci to many different sources to avoid any uprisings and re-creations of their nation. Therefore I will let the Helgans and Khurgans make a decision on whether they want to purchase some, then I will sell you the rest.
The Ascendancy kept it's promise, and delivered the payment in whole, up front. Four Trillion equitable credits.
With so many to transport, the Ascendancy sent the GateShip Humanitarian Fleet Legion.
1,000 GateShips
3,500 HospitalShips (all classes including six A-SSD sized vessels...)
The 34th Republic Fleet Group
The HospitalShips were more than just plain bed and surgery ships. They had vast arboretums, interdimensionalized spaces that held large terran like landscapes, and even amusement decks to give persons sent to such ships a serious morale boost. Anything for the well being of those that need care, both immediate and long term. Perfect for humanitarian missions as well.
The GateShips were better, for only one reason. With the help of the Ancient Races the Ascendancy had learned so much from, since the Accordance Event. Extraodinary science and technologies, along with out of the box thinking, led to the creation of entire vessels that held hundreds of limited focus use Stargates. In essence, literally millions of souls could be moved from a planet in any distress, and then transported through the Gates, to other designated holding planets, for further treatment and recovery efforts. Since the Ascendancy and it's Confederacy allied planets had vast amounts of territory to use in such a manner, when the chance came, the gates could link to thousands of planets at once, without interferring with each other, giving a serious transport lifeline for immense numbers of refugees.
In tandem, the two types of ships in great numbers, could relocate an entire empire in a few weeks, given the time. What with the extraodinary challenges the universes in the D-3 Dimension comprised, extraordinary efforts were seen as needed. There was more to the universe than just war after all.
It was this fleet that arrived over the designated 'pick-up' points for the Taledonian slaves, freed in direct words as soon as entire groups stepped on Ascendancy sovereign territory (the ships that be..,) and then cared for in a Triage and humanitarian manner, with every checkup and medical health advance available. With 500 million to take care of, the Ascendancy slated two weeks to cover them all. Every soul that was freed, got medical treatment, genetic sampling to expand the Ascendancy Sibiko databases, as well as to verify in a ID archival system of each soul individually, and then given the same exact freedoms, options and more, that normal Ascendancy citizens got.
There was no discrimination here, only hope and a 'true' future.
The Republic comments from the Semko delegations was no missed either. The former republic citizens were given the choice to either stay with the Ascendancy-Confederacy, or return to the Republic outright. Transportation was even given without hesitation for those that chose to return to the Republic. Course the Ascendancy didn't hide it's entrenched celestial connections, nor the sight of actual angels and such admist the thousands of other species and races that comprised the Ascendancy crews.
The rest of the fleet was guard purposes only. The Ascendancy didn't hide either that they just got severely roughed up against the darkest enemy forces of all, the Infernals. Some vessels of even non-combat types had been pulled off the Genesis, Sol and Gate defense and recovery lines, to attend this special action. More than a few still bore nasty blast marks that extended in some places, along 'entire' hull lengths and widths.
But sometimes some things are important enough to ignore the scars of war. But even with all this, trying anything against the Ascendancy Humanitarian Fleet in an offensive manner would be a 'very' bad career move.
The Ascendancy Humanitarian Fleet remained in Taledonian's slave holding systems, until all agreed were delivered. As soon as the last were recieved, the Fleet Fold Jumped on a strict cue. All republic citizens that wished to return at that time, were gathered near a neutral M-Type planet and system, for the Republic to retrieve, all under Ascendancy guard.
As a result of all this, a new blueprint for Ascendancy processing of new citizens from any slave holding nation, MT or FT, was conducted. In the end, the Ascendancy didn't give a damn about money, rather lives receiveable from it all. Having a lot of a tool to use in this manner was just that, a tool to use.
The Ascendancy however kept the contempt for the slavery ideal held in the first place by such nations, to themselves. Quiet victories like this one were 'very' elegant in the Ascendancy mindset.
As for the new citizens that choose to remain, 'everything' of the Ascendancy's extensive resources, educational systems and institutions, and the glories of experiencing existence above the norm, plus too much else to mention here, awaited them.
The Ctan
10-12-2005, 00:29
ooc: Good nations? Good nations don't have slaves. Good nations either fight for their freedom, buy them to free them, or stay out of it. Some of my people have been freed, no? Some will fight. Some will be fought for. It may take a while, but without birth control...
As I see it, should you chose to loosen up and be less rude, I may well RP a come back and even an assault.
You'd be welcome to RP uprising on Lord Jehvah's world. He's hopelessly inept, so it'll probably succeed. (Atum's player here, rawr.)
10-12-2005, 22:49
Any attempt to free Taledonian slaves, will be met with a fleet of elite Optischerian Slavers!
11-12-2005, 14:40
For the record, Kanuckistan plans to resettle the slaves it purchases as free citizens(as such, cultural and biological data would be very helpful).
We are, however, very intentionally not telling anyone about our intentions, to thwart any possible intentions these slavers may have to insure their slaves don't regain their freedom.
Oh, and sorry fer the delay in responding.
You'd be welcome to RP uprising on Lord Jehvah's world. He's hopelessly inept, so it'll probably succeed. (Atum's player here, rawr.)
If this goes through, I'd like to assist the rebellion; not only am I also freeing slaves from the same origin, but certain elements within Kanuckistan have had their eyes on acquiring certain Goa'uld techs for a while, which Lord Atum was of last I checked.
Kanuckistan, I take into account your sizable order, and believe that you can pay it, tho I would like to distribute the Kazeci to many different sources to avoid any uprisings and re-creations of their nation. Therefore I will let the Helgans and Khurgans make a decision on whether they want to purchase some, then I will sell you the rest.
I await your providing us with finalised population and cost figures, as well as transfer coordinates.
In the mean, I shall see to the assembly of adequate transport and an appropriate escort vessels. Payment shall be made in Universal Standard Dollars(USD), cash, upon pickup of the merchandise.
Bob McBob
Bob McBob, Minister,
Department of the Exterrior,
13-12-2005, 18:08