08-12-2005, 21:46
((OOC: I"m quite bored, and this well get me more versed in Rping...))
[i]Halicyon missles fly through the air, at a camp. They arch upwards, then suddenly stop firing their engines, and start to plummet toward earth. They kick in again, when they are 5 Kilometers from their objective. They start to level out, when suddenly, they start to veer left and right, their location isometry matrix disrupted by electronic pulses from a nearby EMP station. The rebels have dug in, and they were ready for the coming retaliation.
The Missles exploded harmlessly 1 kilometer from their objective, parts of debris raining down, killing one cat, and wounding a bicycle. Yet, the after-affects were felt by everyone in the country.
War was innevitable.
The government of GSidea sent out a call to arms to the regions of Earth. They were being attacked by their own people, and although they were making a valiant defence, the rebels gained more and more support. They had crafted weapons that could puncture the armor of the GSidean military, which was a A-60 battle class powersuit, with a electromagnetically charged spike thrower as its main weapon. The A-80 Firebat suit was still holding up to its ability, a giant flamethrower attached to each arm, that spit napalm like substance in a straight line, searing through flesh and armor.
Yet, the rebels, after raiding one armory on the edges of GSidean territory, also discovered some of these suits, and now their top officials and warriors wear them. They have modifed their own standard bullet rifles, ones like the M-16, and the M-60 heavy Machine Gun, to be able to fire bullets thats heads shattered outward. These were deadly, and could pierce the armor.
Okay, everyone is welcome to join, just make an opening post, and I'll give you permission.
[i]Halicyon missles fly through the air, at a camp. They arch upwards, then suddenly stop firing their engines, and start to plummet toward earth. They kick in again, when they are 5 Kilometers from their objective. They start to level out, when suddenly, they start to veer left and right, their location isometry matrix disrupted by electronic pulses from a nearby EMP station. The rebels have dug in, and they were ready for the coming retaliation.
The Missles exploded harmlessly 1 kilometer from their objective, parts of debris raining down, killing one cat, and wounding a bicycle. Yet, the after-affects were felt by everyone in the country.
War was innevitable.
The government of GSidea sent out a call to arms to the regions of Earth. They were being attacked by their own people, and although they were making a valiant defence, the rebels gained more and more support. They had crafted weapons that could puncture the armor of the GSidean military, which was a A-60 battle class powersuit, with a electromagnetically charged spike thrower as its main weapon. The A-80 Firebat suit was still holding up to its ability, a giant flamethrower attached to each arm, that spit napalm like substance in a straight line, searing through flesh and armor.
Yet, the rebels, after raiding one armory on the edges of GSidean territory, also discovered some of these suits, and now their top officials and warriors wear them. They have modifed their own standard bullet rifles, ones like the M-16, and the M-60 heavy Machine Gun, to be able to fire bullets thats heads shattered outward. These were deadly, and could pierce the armor.
Okay, everyone is welcome to join, just make an opening post, and I'll give you permission.