Appeal for help to fellow Africans and all civilized nations of the world
05-12-2005, 15:04
Hamjambo Mabibi na Mabwana!
The rebel forces of the Adrianstan Liberation Army are currently in training in a secret location in the Ngong Hills west of Nairobi to depose the corrupt and effete government of President Mwai Kibaki!
Brothers join us in our struggle. If you cannot give us men, give us guns, if you cannot give us guns, give us food, if you cannot give us food, give us your daughters (but only if they are fit and have nice bazookas).
From there we will take the fight onwards, to rid Africa of the last vestiges of corrupt dictatorship and install a new golden age on the dark continent.
Currently this is an appeal for help, but those who choose not to lend us their support, remember this: Small nations can grow to become great states and you may one day rue your condescension and heartlessness as I, the Great Baba, straddle this planet we call earth!
A Luta Continua!
Field Marshal Al-Haji Adrian Dada, Master of all the Fishes of the Sea and the Beasts of the Land, Conqueror of the British Empire and Geography BA (failed, university of Bombay)
05-12-2005, 15:14
The Holy Emperor of the Enochian MelekTaus Island Empire extends his support for the militia in the removal of their current inefficiant government. He also offers military aid, but will not publically disclose the precise forces to be sent for state security reasons. Instead, he implores the rebel leader to telegraph him directly for more information, and further negotiations.
05-12-2005, 20:55
To: Field Marshal Al-Haji Adrian Dada of the Nation of Adrianstan
From: Galen Q. Leotardia, 2nd and 3rd Emperor of the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Even though we cannot offer any aid (and we are unwilling to give up any of our female population) to your nation, we will pray for you in your quest to get rid of dictatoriships. We already have our supplies and military in 2 other armed conflicts and a war games. For reference, The Empire itself is not a dictatorship, we are a parlimentary empire with an Empror that is elected every few years.
05-12-2005, 21:09
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Adrianstan [CLOSED]
Dear Sir,
It is with great pity that we view the current plight that your nation sees itself stricken by, and I wish to pledge, on behalf of the Nation and Commonwealth, my greatest sympathies for you, and my profound moral support. It may be possible that Praetonian help could become more tangible, perhaps to the order of deploying a Praetonian army to Adrianstan to sweep aside the current dictatorial Government. However, we have other interests to consider.
It may be possible that these interests could be fullfilled at the same time if you would be able to give me assurances that, should we install your group as governors of the nation in trust to install democracy, you would promise us full free trade rights with your nation, and the green light for Praetonian businesses to be able to operate in Adrianstan.
Clearly, free trade benefits us both - brining your people employment, education, a way out of poverty and your Government wealth to spend improving infrastructure and establishing a positive cycle of development, as well as allowing you to build your own armed forces strong enough to prevent any possible counter-revolution on the part of the current dictatorial regime. For us, it allows our companies to expand abroad and our own interests to grow with the establishment of new allies.
Should this deal be agreed, we would be able to deploy a full Praetonian Infantry Division of 15,000 men with tank and air support, as well as elements of the Praetonian navy, with the potential for another Division to be deployed if deemed necessary. Should you not agree to the deal, then I continue to express my best wishes for the success of your struggle, and hope that we part on good terms.
Yours Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
05-12-2005, 21:29
President Mwai Kibaki is one of my esteemed friends, as he is easy to control.
You have openly revealed the rebels army location, and we have dispatched 5 space bombardment plnes which will attack in two days, if you do not stop this rebellion.
End this feeble attempt usurper, and you life will be spared in an eternal prison, condoct this attack, and we shall torture you to an eternity of pain.
05-12-2005, 21:30
President Mwai Kibaki is one of my esteemed friends, as he is easy to control.
You have openly revealed the rebels army location, and we have dispatched 5 space bombardment plnes which will attack in two days, if you do not stop this rebellion.
End this feeble attempt usurper, and you life will be spared in an eternal prison, condoct this attack, and we shall torture you to an eternity of pain.
05-12-2005, 21:48
[OOC: Note, this TG has been relayed to Al-Haji's rebel faction.]
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [CLOSED]
Dear Sir,
Having read your threatening messages directed at the rebel groups under Field Marshal Al-Haji Adrian Dada, I have no choice but to inform you that any attack that your country makes against the aforementioned will be engaged and most likely destroyed by Praetonian anti-ballistic missile systems, and that retaliatory strikes with subsequently result.
The rebels factions under the esteemed Field Marshal have, in our opinion, a much greater claim to the Presidency of the nation than the existing regime as they will return it to the will of the people and give them a stake in their own country. We will oppose any attempt by your or other Governments to usurp the inexorable progress of democratic revolution.
I hope that you will see sense and that a conflict is averted. Even if the threats you make are true (although the Ministry of Defence assures me that it will come as some surprise if you do turn out to posess such powerful and expensive weapons) your military stands no chance at victory against the forces of the Democratic Imperium, and we are more than willing to exert sufficient force to halt you should you choose to proceed.
Yours Faithfully,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
05-12-2005, 22:54
You will do well to keep your nose out of this. We have a powerful ally and any threat to remove them from our control will result in violence, though we wish it were not so.
Your MoD does not have as advanced intelligence as us, nor do you.
We ask for the removal of your troops to 10 miles outside the rebel base while bombardment proceeds.
Any rebel threat afterwards will be severely dealt with.
06-12-2005, 13:00
[OOC: The MOD thing was a gentle IC nudge that caiming you have space planes would be pretty blatant godmodding considering your extremely weak economy - - about equivalent to that of Kazakhstan.]
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [CLOSED]
I am sorry to hear that your chosen course will be one of needless violence. We currently have no troops in Adrianstan, but we shall defend them nonetheless and the chances of your limitted forces penetrating an anti-ballistic missile screen built up over centuries with billions of Praefelis of investment is somewhat doubtful. Should our own forces be targetted in retaliation, a state of war shall exist between us. I do not believe that you can win.
[OOC: Sorry for the short, rubbishy post.]
06-12-2005, 20:02
Nor do I believe you can win. If there is to be stalemate, then we shall wait to the better side wins.
And i don't plan to lose.
And to avert any violence, i invite all involved parties, including the President Mwai Kibaki, to a diplomatic meeting, in order to resolve any unnecessary hostilities.
"The Iluvauromeni Commonality of Everlasting Light notes that further conflict is not in the best interest of any of those parties involved herein, and therefore strongly advises efforts towards mediation at the earliest oppurtunity. We would be prepared to offer safe, neutral grounds for such mediation or the securing of non-neutral grounds for said purposes, as well as mediation services should they be required.
"It is quite worth pointing out that escalation of conflict will only leave those embroiled in the toils of warfare more vulnerable to invasion from without or within the general region of those involved. We caution those seeking to project force against others in the interest of personal will that such ventures can often lead to unexpected and unwelcome repurcussions.
"In Stability and Harmony We Trust,"
~ 2nd Ambassador Neurat, Iluvauromeni Diplomatic Corps)
06-12-2005, 21:51
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [CLOSED]
Consider our overwhelming military and economic superiority, we see no need to engage in discussions. Any attack that you make can be neutralised with relative ease, and any conventional war (should you choose to pursue one - we do not current intend to) would result in your swift defeat. Conflict is unnecessary over this matter - the advantages you may gain by attempting to keep a friendly government in power are massively outweighed by the disadvantages that would be incurred by pursuing a war against a state many orders of magnitude more powerful than your own.
We do not wish, and we seen no benefit in, future conflict over this matter, but we will not allow you to stand in the way of the progression of a state from dictatorial beginnings to a democratic future merely to facilitate the interests of a unstable and frankly dangerous state such as Optischer which has already threatened our allies, such as Hogsweat. If you truely believe that you can defeat the Imperial Navy, then I invite you to try. If you are unable to, then please let us part on amicable terms.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
06-12-2005, 21:56
We are not suggesting that the dictatorial regime carry on, but that any attack on President Mwai kibaki would in many eyes be seen as unlawful.
I will talk to the president, and you are invited to represent your case.
And by rejecting our offer of diplomatic negotiation, I will again extend a meeting wherever you choose, under your conditions, as a sign of true friendship.
06-12-2005, 22:19
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [CLOSED]
Dear Sir,
As we have signed up to no international treaties on anything (to my recent knowledge) nothing we do, have done or can possibly do could possibly be construed as "unlawful" by anyone who understands international law. "Immoral", perhaps, but I would hardly see the replacement of a dictatorship with a democratic state as "immoral." If you also do not, then I do not see what objections you could possibly have.
With regards to diplomatic contact - we have no objections to discussing any relevant matter in a productive manner. However, we are perfectly committed to our current course of action, and see nothing that would impede it, and so I do not see what would be gained by diplomatic negotiations on this. Should you be able to present any meaningful topics for discussion, I would be happy to invite your diplomats to Praeton for talks.
Yours Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
"The Commonality Space Force observes, empowered thus to do so by the Unified Commonality Government, that aggressive orbital maneuvers above Africa at this time would result in incurring our extreme displeasure.
"This does not represent a change in Commonality policy, but, rather, a continuation of ongoing long-term interest in Africa itself."
~ Commonality Space Force Commander-in-Chief, Right Honourable Member of the Iluvauromeni Executive Council, High Lord Commodore Ax-randiri Rihad
Goso and Comino
06-12-2005, 22:28
Official Statement of the Cominan Government
In the interests of global peace, the Cominan Government advises both Praetonian and Optischan (sp?) forces to stand down and operate through normal diplomatic channels. The clear disparity in military strength between Optischer and Praetonia obviously means nothing to its current leaders, and therefore we further advise the Praetonian government to withdraw their clearly antagonistic policies. You have nothing to prove to the world and nothing to gain through bloodshed. Let diplomacy run its course.
06-12-2005, 22:39
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Goso and Comino [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
I wish to point out clearly that the Praetonia military is at no greater readiness than is usual for peacetime. We have no, and have had no intentions to make any offensive movements against Optischer, only to defend our own forces and our allies in Adrianstan against quite clear threats made by the government of Optischer which have not yet, to our knowledge, been withdrawn.
It is not we who are the protaganists here, and we view the liberation of a nation somewhat higher than "proving something to the world". It appears as though Optischer has backed down and if this is the case, and should the Adrianstani rebels accept our assistance, military action will proceed against their current tyrannical Government as originally intended, with no action, eithe diplomatic or military, take against Optischer.
Unless the dictator of Adrianstan is willing to surrender here and now - something that I sincerely doubt and have heard no news of - then there is nothing that can be solved through diplomacy.
Yours Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
07-12-2005, 00:51
To: Leadership of Praetonia and Leadership of Optischer
From: Galen Q. Leotardia
I am dispatching this letter while in a teleconference for a peace talk process so i will make this brief. IF there is any attack upon the Nation of Praetonia by the Nation of Optischer, the Pure Socialist Holy Empire will step in and help defend Praetonia from any attacks by Optischer. Now unless Optischer wants millions of Shazbotdom Marines knocking on his boarders, he will cease any and all threats made against the Nation of Praetonia. This will be our first and final warning.
07-12-2005, 19:51
And any attack upon the nation of Adrianstan that is aided by the outside world, will be met with severe force from the Optecherian Military.
The removal of a dictator, with outside assistance, without diplomatic negotiation first is an unlawful, and tyrranical, action.
We shall wait to see whther you do or do not attack President Mwai Kibaki.
I will not back down, nor will I strike first, seeing as I wish to seek a diplomatic solution.
I invite all involved parties in this forum to come to a diplomatic meeting on board my personal cruise vessel, or if that is unacceptable, on board a arranged ground.
Please do not aid these rebels, we are not backing down, we are just trying to make sure that if President Mwai Kibaki is removed, that the country of Adrianistan will not become another Iraq.
07-12-2005, 20:29
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
Thankyou for your concern, however any attempt of your own to move troops to Adrianstan would be as short lived as it would be pointless. We are breaking no laws, as we have signed none. Should you be able to point out which 'laws' we are breaking, I would be happy to recind my original declaration. Praetonia is, afterall, a nation which values the rule of law. I am confident, however, that no such law shall be found, as no such law has been signed.
In addition, there is no way in which the removal of a tyrant could possibly be seen as a "tyrannical action". By definition, it is the complete opposite, and any attempt to argue otherwise is sheer lunacy. You may believe in the absolute sovereignty of nations, or that any military action for any reason is unjustifiable, but neither of those things make such action "illegal" or "tyrannical".
As for diplomatic negotiations - as I have stated several times now, I am quite happy to invite you to Praeton for such talks, should you be able to present some kind of willingness to back down. Unless you are willing to remove your protection of the Adrianstani tyranny, I see no productive purpose that such negotiations would serve. Negotiations arent thing that happen just because two parties feel that they ought to in order to meet some non-existant requirements of some non-existance international law that said parties have not even signed up to.
Yours Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
"The Commonality observes that, as an interested party with geographic proximity to Africa, we feel that militaristic escalation is currently proceeding beyond acceptable levels.
"Therefore, we strongly suggest - in the humblest of terms - that all those nations willing to engage in further pissing contests may kindly reconsider, and listen rather carefully.
"We, as previously stated, have an interest in the conclusion, peacefully, of this matter. This interest is derived from long-standing friendship with Africa - if not in whole, in part.
"Further, from the rational point of view rather than the compassionate, we have interest, economically, in a swift, non-militaristic solution. An increase in military tensions invariably carries market instability, which is, of course, undesirable.
"Therefore we state plainly, clearly, and without qualifier: military action is expressly forbidden without multilateral talks first verifying the legality of such action. There can be no unilateral action; nor will we accept any action taken multilaterally without our consultation. As in interested, invested party, we insist that the Commonality be involved in such talks. Do not doubt our resolve.
"Therefore we suggest the following.
"All states currently threatening military action against each other or against Adrianstan are to immediately rescind those threats in favour of a joint, peaceable statement outlining the basic aim of discussions to be held in the immediate future - the basic aim, of course, being the resolution of disparate positions regarding foreign policy with regards Adrianstan. Something like 'We agree to discuss our disparate foreign policy positions with regards the state of Adrianstan with a view to developing a coherent, legitimate multilateral compromise.' As an example.
"In turn, the Commonality will agree to vote with consensus rather than pursue it's own interests with regards said consultations. In short, we will forgo our 'deciding' say at the talks (although we would still desire to attend and state our position, although we would not vote against whatever majority arises) - if you will have yours, and peacefully. Let your influence be from the look in your eye - rather than projected from the end of a gun."
~ The High Lord Commodore, UCINCIAF, CINCCN, CINCCAF, GSSGM, High King of All Nenyar, Heir Eternal to the Throne of Tumnore, Duke of Nenya, Lord of the Tower of the Aelinenya, Consort to Her Imperial Highness the Empress, Taurórë Semír-randil Hwinmacil I
07-12-2005, 23:10
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Ma-tek [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
Having analysed your statement, I can see no logical reason for it whatsoever. Adrianistan's economy is so miniscule that it cannot possibly have any effect on your own and you have no prior contact with this nation whatsoever. In fact, even if Adrianistan suddenly disappeared off the face of the map, it would not affect your nation in the slightest, as I have not even found any evidence of private citizens of the two nations trading with each other.
An action that is sanctioned by more than one nation is no more 'legitimate' than one sanctioned by a single nation, as international law does not actually exist in the form that Optischer and your own government appear to be alleging. The stable transition of power from a tyrannical, most likely corrupt government to a democratic one will actually help your economy, if anything, as a democratic government is far more likely to be receptive to trade, and democratic nations have been shown to become considerably richer than dictatorships - at least of the type that Adrianistan is currently ruled by.
For these reasons, I ask you to clarify the precise reasons for your decision to threaten military action against multiple states over this issue, as none of the reasons that you have given stand up to much scrutiny, and the real situation actually appears to contradict your own claims of "rationality" for economic gain.
Yours Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
"Heightening of military tension in Africa is unacceptable. There are numerous reasons for this. Firstly, the harm to Sentient life that could occur is unacceptable. As we are entirely capable of taking military action without the use of lethal armaments, we can almost certainly guarantee that Iluvauromeni military action would not directly cause loss of life. And as we are not willing to initiate military escalation, nor could any loss of life be indirectly attributed to ourselves.
"Secondly, we have no interest in trading with Adrianistan at this time nor in the perceivable future. It is likely that their technologic capacity is far below our own, and as such, any exchange of goods would be far beyond their fiscal capacity - even were they not economically poor. However, military action at this time may be seen to present a potential present/future threat to Iluvauromeni economic interest in Africa..."
[OOC Interlude: I note that the reference to economic interest in Africa is based on trade (relatively minor, comparitive to other trading partners, I should note) with The Territory Co-Prosperity Sphere. Hence Commonality interest. However, I'm going to refrain from mentioning them ICly, since I'm not certain of their activity level or the chances of their actual involvement here, therefore. So, just a little OOC note, so you know I'm not just 'pretending' a reason for IC interest. :)]
"...and that would in and of itself be thoroughly unacceptable as well.
"After all, there is the possibility of an increase in overall violence levels in the region. Further instability in Africa could lead to fluctuations in markets (as previously mentioned) which would not be to the benefit of any who have links to those markets - directly or indirectly.
"Furthermore, I note that volume is not an issue. One death is as bad as fifty; the loss of one ton of resources as bad as the loss of fifty. Loss is always loss, regardless. But the measure of response is often directly proportional to the measure of loss; therefore we exercise a great more control than, say, if our trade with Knootoss, Vrak, or Tarasovka was threatened.
"Yet there must always be a response to loss, potential or literal; it is the natural order of things.
"We highlight that we have no interest in removing the current regime in Adrianistan, as we have never had any formal ties with the People nor Government of that state. Therefore our interest is centred on resolving the conflict surrounding that state and the governance of thereof - and ensuring that, should pressure be brought to bear against that state, it does not constitute a negative effect on the region as a whole.
"Further, since we do not care overmuch for the short-term, it could easily be argued that short-term effort here could yield much long-term benefit; Adrianistan, and it's People, may well thank us for the bloodshed we hope to prevent. If not, then at least we may sleep peacefully at night.
"The Commonality does not pursue this matter for gain. It does so to assuage loss, as all reactionary policies ought; to be thoroughly blunt, were we interested in conquest or the furtherment of our ideals, we would simply invade. It would involve far less paperwork.
"However, we have the potential to argue from a position of strength - that position of strength is most visible in the Commonality Armed Forces, although most right in the form of ethical and moral thought and sentiment.
"Also, it is indeed true that multilateral actions have no greater 'legality', as it is technically intended, but have greater international 'validity' - and that which is considered valid is in fact de facto law. Therefore validity and legality have very similar meanings, especially when applied to the multilateral vs unilateral queston.
"We insist on multilateral talks to resolve this matter not because it is our place to insist, nor because we consider ourselves to be stronger or more intellectually reasoning; to put it simply, it will delay any military action, and provide a window of oppurtunity to create peace where before there was conflict.
"Consider our rather minor threats (when compared to those already hurled back and forth by other states here involved - who we do not name out of politeness) to be a rather loud shout in an already far too loud debate.
"So, then. Let us quieten our voices, so that we may hear each other without further shouting... yes?"
~ High King Semir-randil I
08-12-2005, 19:14
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Ma-tek [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
Again I see no way in which anything regarding Adrianstan within that nation's own borders affects you in the slightest. As you have, by your own admittance, no interaction with Adrianstan in any way - either economic or diplomatic - your interest in this matter seems puzzling at best. You allege that military action in Adrianstan would have some non-specified effect on non-specified "markets", but markets are not controlled by fools, and markets will only react to events that affect them. Circumstances within a nation that these "markets" have no interaction with are completely irrelevent.
In addition, it seems highly inconsistent that you on the one hand say that 1 death should be avoided at all costs (even if that 1 death would save hundreds or thousands, which seems bizarre from my perspective, but perhaps morality is viewed differently in your nation) and on the other point to your ("non lethal"?) military strength on the other as a means of maintaining the aggrevious status quo, whilst at the same time pointing to 'de facto' law as justification. Law cannot be 'de facto' - law can either exist, or it cannot. In this case, it does not and no one appears able to prove otherwise.
It seems highly irrational that you would consider deploying troops over long distances against a potential military force with no aggressive intent outside the borders of a small, irrelevent nation in order to 'prevent killing' and 'loss of resources'. Such an action would actually cause severe disruption and economic damage to your nation in exchange for nothing much at all, and kill far, far more poeople. This this a logical course of action to take? Negotiation, as ever, is possible, but only if other nations are willing to be rational about this situation, and not just adopt a bizarre policy of 'pacifism for pacifism's sake enforced at the barrel of a gun'.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
[OOC: Do you RP a FT nation? Because I am solely MT.]
[OOC: Yes, ICEL is FT, but all of it's stuff can be 'downgraded' in capacity if need be. Besides, I can't see anything other than an airborne deployment (maximum), if the worst should come to the worst - and then I could pull out the Thunders, which are stealthed Typhoon/F-22/JSF-etc level aircraft based on Boeing's 'Bird of Prey' concept. So no biggy, really. :)
Actually, I should also note that ICEL is sortof 'on the cusp' of FT. Most scientific advance comes through the military, currently, as they have the largest R&D budget - this in turn means that most of ICEL is still quite modern tech. The exceptionally rich have 'future tech' stuff - but the common people on the street haven't taken up a great deal of the advances made in 'recent years'. My FT stuff is also significantly less advanced than most out there, being entirely based on legitimate (if sometimes unreasonable in terms of energy demand) possibilities.
So - cusp-FT.]
"Very well. Since, clearly, the Human mind is somewhat illogical to begin with, I suppose Nenya reasoning can be difficult to follow at times.
"I note that the High King has now diverted his attention elsewhere, since this matter appears to be dragging on - and perhaps Human interaction will be preferable.
"To summarize: we are saying that we desire a say, but not an active say. Military action is not recommended nor desirable. However, since we have the capacity to deploy non-lethal armaments - that is, weapons which do not kill but which merely incapacitate - we can guarantee that we and our noble armed forces would hold the high ground.
"However, to emphasize: we are not threatening military action against Adrianistan. We are, in fact, noting our resolve to ensure that this situation does not escalate to full-scale military activity. This resolve does extend to a willingness to, for example, shift the position of certain forces to improve reaction time to potential threats to our stated foreign policy.
"Yet were we intending to use force to win peace, we would already have done so, and you would not be capable of responding to this communication, since we do tend to favour decapitation, historically, of leadership as the first stroke of war.
"Fortunately we are no longer quite as violent as we once were. We trust that this holds true for each of us. Therefore, we urge that a peaceful resolution be sought - and our offer of the provision of safe ground holds - in the interest of us all... and especially in the interest of the brave soldiers of the Commonality, who are willing to die without lethal retaliation, in the interest of peace."
~ 2nd Ambassador Neurat
[OOC: This non-lethal talk revolves around the use of EF weapons and ultrasonic weapons. The US stuff incapacitates people, the EF stuff knocks out unshielded electronics. The EF stuff can be quite potent, depending on the firing platform, so even Farraday cages can be inadequate protection - resistance can cause heating, which can kill the equipment contained within the cage just as well as the EM pulse. I doubt anything of that magnitude would be deployed, though, as I'd have a hard job explaining how I'd power it in MT terms. ;)]
09-12-2005, 18:40
As I have made my threats before, I will not retract thse statements until Praetonia will meet with us at a diplomatic meeting.
I will not declare war unless it threatens Adrianistans stability.
09-12-2005, 19:46
[OOC: Ok. I dont mind RPing with an FT nation, so long as tech is downgraded to MT levels for the purposes of the RP. Ultrasonics is fine (although generally very short ranged and vulnerable, so Im not sure how useful it would be against an army), as is EMP although I doubt that you would be able to get an EM field so powerful it could cause damage to systems by melting their protective casings. The more important question is will Adrianstan actually reply to this thread?]
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Ma-tek [OPEN]
Relayed to Optischer
Dear Sir,
I am perfectly aware of the meaning of the phrase 'non-lethal'. What I doubt is your ability to affect any modern army with such technology, just as I doubt your ability to anihilate the leadership of a foreign country without recourse to a nuclear strike, which would precipitate a response in kind. You appear to overrate your military capabilities, as well as your economic fragility, but I am willing to invite you along with Optischer to Praeton to discuss this matter.
I hope that sense is able to prevail, but there appears to be much more chance of this if discussions can happen in person. However, I tell you now that I am not willing to completely reverse my position on this issue, and I will fight tooth and nail for aid to the rebels to go ahead unmolested with the blessing of the involved nations. Willingness to participate in talks (which has always been our position) does not in any negate our previous commitments to aid the rebels, and I still see no genuine reasons for this to affect any of the nations which has objected. Still, everyone has their ulterior motives. I hope that yours may be put aside.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
09-12-2005, 21:32
Praeton cannot be accepted, but in favour a neutral meeting ground. It is not that I doubt Praetonias security, but that We should not give them such an opportunity to assasinate us.
Unless any neutral country volunteers to be host to these talks, I will postpone them.
10-12-2005, 00:11
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
The talks will go ahead regardless. You do not have to attend - your opinion will simply not be represented. If I or my Government had wanted to assasinate your Government, there are far subtler ways than 'tricking you' into attending a conference which was, incidently, only set up because you asked for it, especially considering your pathetic defences. Aside from this, there is little reason for us to assasinate your Government, as your nation has absolutely no political, military or economic power and so is largely irrelevent.
Regardless, the talks are primarily designed to allow Praetonia and Ma-tek to discuss a way forward, and not to represent the views of a warmongering little state that rejects its own talks and attacks democratic, prosperous sovereign nations such as Questers whilst condemning aid given to legitimate opposition groups in oppressive dictatorships purely because the old regime is politically useful. I hope you do not take it offensively when I say that your failure to turn up would not be a major disappointment.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
"'Economic fragility'? Our sustained growth is one of our greatest assets. Nor are all threats obvious and open to the eye...
"But let us not descend into boring competitiveness. Frankly, I lost the will back in the playground, and there is not the same relish in maturity regardless.
"Our only interest, as ever, is harmony and stability, hence our continued machinations towards the development of the ASH Treaty. We are not entirely trusting of foreigners (for historical reasons, shall we say?), however, and so, should we send a delegate or delegates to walk upon foreign soil, they would be either armed or provided with... guards.
"As fully armed Iluvauromeni soldiers would be intimidating, however, we would of course send mere, unarmoured and minimally armed Diplomatic Guard - swords, perhaps, rather than guns - to provide escort. This is, I hasten to note, common policy.
"Further, although it does appear somewhat untrustworthy in tone (it is not so intended), it is only polite to observe that all dignitaries are at no time be exposed to physical contact.
"- To Optischer: if you are not willing to attend in person, you may feel free to submit your case and thoughts and concerns to our Diplomatic Corps, who would be proud to provide their services on your behalf. In short, we would be prepared to provide a kind of... devil's advocate, I believe the phrase is - although I do not mean this negatively, of course - in order that your viewpoint may still be represented. Naturally, you would need to forward all pertinent details on, but you may rest assured that we are quite capable of providing an able substitute for your own undoubtedly excellent diplomats.
"On the other hand, a lack of willingness to participate might be misconstrued as a lack of interest, which would in turn not represent the foreign policy previously stated by Optischer. Despite disagreement on certain facets of that foreign policy, the Commonality would like to observe that it is concerned by the apparent inconsistency that the potential decision not to participate further in consultations represents; further, we would like to ask the question: does this signify internal political instability, or a change in overall policy by Optischer?
"If the latter, in which direction? Our thanks for your clarification."
~ 2nd Ambassador Neurat
[OOC: The latter statement would indicate a member of the High Nobility or the Imperial Family is likely to be amongst the delegates, if Praetonia has been doing it's research.
Also, research would show that the Iluvauromeni are known (historically, rather than recently, as no assassinations have been attributed to them in recent times - not externally, at least) to prefer assassination via poison tabs hidden in or on the hands - handshakes, amongst the High Nobility and the Imperial Family, are thus commonly associated with assassination.
And... do you use IRC? Not sure if I've seen you on there, but it'd be good to get together and chat a bit about this - even if Adanistan doesn't reply again, I'm sure we could make something interesting of it. : )
Also, I don't want to go on and on OOCly in this post, and I have a bunch of stuff in mind. *grin*
Also, as a kind of footnote, my nation's technological prowess is entirely based around electromagnetism.]
10-12-2005, 10:13
[OOC: I do *have* IRC, but I hardly ever go on it. I usually use MSN or AIM. If you have either of them, it would be useful, otherwise I'll go on IRC a bit later and we can talk there.
EMP - Well prowess in this field is fair enough, but that doesnt mean that you can ignore fact. On a tank, for instance, the armour itself will act as a faraday cage and although you could melt an unshielded wire with a strong EMP, melting thick tank armour is far far fetched. An EMP would be able to take our radar Etc. which cannot readily be shielded, however, unless it's turned off.]
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Optischer [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
I believe that the full setence was 'You appear to overrate... your economic fragility' with referrence to the somewhat bizarre way in which you believe that the collapse of an economy which, even were its 'regime change' to cut it's entire GDP out of your economy (which it wont) would only reduce your economy by 0.01% (most likely less than your yearly economic growth) is worth threatening far more expensive military action over.
Regardless, I am pleased that you have chosen to attend the conference, and your representatives may, of course, wear ceremonial swords. Guns are not allowed, although more due to protocol than anything. Guns are not generally associated with statesmen, nor of ambassadors. The Imperial Yeomanry and our armed forces shall, of course, maintain strong security around the conference area.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
[OOC: From content, I'm guessing you meant me and not Optischer. ;)]
"I'm afraid we do not have any 'ceremonial' swords." There's quite a stark, obvious tone of amusement in those words. "We have swords, and we are expected to be capable of wielding them. Cultural matters aside, however, we would be glad to attend under those conditions."
~2nd Ambassador Neurat
[OOC: Who said anything about melting the armour of a tank, as well?
Anyway, I do indeed have MSN. I'll TG you the addy.]
11-12-2005, 10:34
[OOC: Yes you can assume that. As for tanks, you said that you could damage components by melting the faraday cage. On a tank, the armour acts as a Faraday cage, and clearly you cant melt it, so it's no real use against armoured vehicles.]
Foreign and Colonial Office Telegram - Ma-tek [OPEN]
Dear Sir,
Thankyou for your enlightening lesson on Ma-tek culture with regards to swords. Although many members of our 'establishment', including myself, choose to learn how to use a sword for amusement and relaxation, training people to use them specifically is viewed as a waste of time and resources.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Tiberius Polax, MP
Prime Minister
"Our sympathies.
"May we presume the state of Optischer does not intend to attend?"
~ 2nd Ambassador Neurat