NationStates Jolt Archive

How do you run your nation?

New Ausha
03-12-2005, 06:23
OOC: Basically I just want to know other player's political system. This is how my nation functions. Also, share some details of your nation. Just curious.

Seats of high power:

Prime Minister

Ministers: (and who they are subbordanets of) C=Chancelor PM= Prime Minister
Foreign affairs-C

5 parties run every 6 years, one party is elected. The party produces a suitable Prime Minister and Chancellor

There are local courts, provincial courts, and high courts.

A flat tax system is in operation.

Prime Minister holds 51% of national power, Chancellor 49% Laws are in action to revers this balance of power.

The chancellor acts as Commander and Chief of armed forces.

There are several departments that work under there corresponding minister's-
Law enforcment
Enviormental protection
Disaster relief
Social aid
Tax revenue

The Chancelor and Prime minister each hold 6 year terms. One may be impeached, but can only replaced by a candidate of the current party holding power. After the 6 year term, the party must win the majority vote to gain another term. The party can choose to keep the same chancelor and prime minister or replace them.

The chancelor and prime minister make the final decision in all issues. They each have differn;t power's that do not intervine with the other ones powers. (For example, the prime minister cannot veto a war declaration, but the chancelor cannot veto an eviormental preservation act.

All minister must check with corresponding head, before enacting laws, bills, etc.

Each of New Ausha's 19 provinces are allowed 3 senators, and 1 governors. The governers, govern thier province, the senators, vote on proposed bills.

All bills must be allowed by corresponding head (Prime Minister or Chancelor) They have last say to veto or allow.

Bills proposed by Chancelor or Prime MInister can be passed by a parliment vote of 70% favor, or higher (of the 57 senators)

This creates, a two person sytem, to run the nation. In circumstances, the prime minister may reliev the chancelor of duty, this must be done with the consent of the Prime minister's party. The party may relive either head, with an 85% agreement between party members.

Racial population
White(German, British, Scandanavien)=74%
French, Russian, polish, Hungarian, romanian, Czech, Italian=6.8%
National language= german

German= 87%
Polish= 5%
Arabic= 2%

There is no full welfare, but a max cut in expenses of 65% Therefore, if you were on full welfare, you would only have to pay 3.50 for a 10$ pizza. This eliminates dependancy on the state.

OOC: GO ahead and post your stats. I'd be interested.
03-12-2005, 07:20
Seats of power:
President of Karuchea
Vice-President of Karuchea
General Secretary of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party
Second Secretary of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party
Secretary of Defence/Head of Secret Police

There is one party, the Ba'ath Party and it holds a Congress every 5 years and elects it's leadership, 80% of Karuchea holds membership in the Party and thus can take place in the Congresses. All elected are subject to a populace recall at anytime. The Party Congress elects the Central Committee which is the leadership of the Party, they choose a Politburo which acts in their name when the Central Committee is not in session. The Politburo elects the General Secretary and Second Secretary, both are then given a referendum open to the populace confirming them as President and Vice-President of the nation.

The military and cabinet is directed by the President and General Secretary, while the Vice-President and Second Secretary may command these if the President is ill.

Along with the cabinet and military, there are many other areas of the state such as the:
Department for Housing (controls housing, in Karuchea, everyone is provided an apartment, though you may purchase a house of your own, you may not rent out rooms)
Department of Food (everyone is given food also free of charge)
Department of Clothing (clothing is also provided)
Department of Health (healthcare is provided free-of-charge to all degrees)
Department of Education (free up to and including the PhD level)
Department for the Morality of Karuchea (police assigned with protecting the moral fibre of Karuchea)
Department for the Well-Being of Karuchea (regular and secret police)
Department of the Press (the state-department for controlling all media)
Department of Planning (Runs economic plans)
Department of Work (works with planning to create jobs)

All offices are for a 5-year term, though they may be re-elected a theoretical infinite number of times. All offices are responsible to the President and the people, with the people being able to recall officials at any time. The people also manage the factories and other sectors. All people 18 years of age can be admitted to the Party if they apply and meet the requirements (Arab or Non-Arab Muslim and have shown a dedication to Arabism and Socialism)

Percentage by Race:
Arab- 75%
Persian- 15%
Kurdish- 5%
African- 2%
Turkish- 2%
Other- 1% (includes foreign students or trainees not in the other racial categories)

Arabic is the official language, though other languages such as Farsi, Turkish and Kurdish are allowed to be spoken in the home.

Religious Percentage:
Ja'afaari Shi'a Muslim- 30%
Ismaili Shi'a Muslim- 25%
Alawi Shi'a Muslim- 20%
Zaydi Shi'a Muslim- 15%
Sunni Muslim- 7%
Christian- 3%
All citizens are free to practice whatever religion they please. There is no official religion, but the state does celebrate Muslim religious holidays as well as Christmas.

All males in Karuchea must work if they are physically able under the age of 65. Females may choose to work or not. All people are provide housing, food, clothing, healthcare and education to the highest level. All 18 year old males must go through very basic fire-arms training. The military service is open to all males 16 and older. the sale of drugs or alcohol, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, rape, murder, stealing, religious discrimination, exploitation, infidelity are all illegal and subject to whatever punishment is dictated by the Holy Qur'an or by the Supreme Judge (appointed by President).

*note: The President must be an Arab Alawi Muslim, the Vice-President must be an Arab Christian, the head of the secret police network and Secretary of Defence must be a Shi'a of any of the other sects, but not neccesarily Arab (usually Persian). The Head of the State Department must be a Sunni, but not neccesarily an Arab (usually Kurdish).
The Praetora
03-12-2005, 07:26
The Praetora is a strict meritocracy: those with the most power gained through direct action are those with the most authority. The individual with the most power is either called the Patriarch or Matriarch. Currently the leader is Patriarch Joseph Praetora.

Those who have power simply from descent are the Bloodline Priests, assassin diplomats who are descended from the founder of the Praetora. They follow a more ascetic path than most Praetorans, who are just in it for money and sex.
New Ausha
03-12-2005, 07:30
One of these posts seem a little more detailed.......:rolleyes:

Plus, if anyone could comment on my political system, as well as posting thiers, i'd appriciate that.
The Praetora
03-12-2005, 07:44
One of these posts seem a little more detailed.......:rolleyes:

Plus, if anyone could comment on my political system, as well as posting thiers, i'd appriciate that.One of these political systems is a little less complex...:rolleyes:

I didn't spot the racial percentiles. If some international demographic commitee is willing to pay us for the trouble, we'll look into it. Until then, all we know is that a vast majority of the religious percentile is Praetoran, and the ethnicities are primarily dark haired caucasians.

As for your system, I must admit for a system based on the decision making abilities of an irrational mob, you've made a rather elegant and reasonable looking system.
New Ausha
03-12-2005, 07:57
One of these political systems is a little less complex...:rolleyes:

I didn't spot the racial percentiles. If some international demographic commitee is willing to pay us for the trouble, we'll look into it. Until then, all we know is that a vast majority of the religious percentile is Praetoran, and the ethnicities are primarily dark haired caucasians.

As for your system, I must admit for a system based on the decision making abilities of an irrational mob, you've made a rather elegant and reasonable looking system.

And who might that "irrational mob" be?
Gaia Rodina
03-12-2005, 08:01
Warchief-Head of state and military affairs. Chosen by previous Warchief in event of death. Rules until death.

Advisors-Give suggestions to the Warchief as to what to do. Each is elected by their own order (the shamans elect the Spiritual Advisor, the military elects the military advisor, etc)

Everyone else just sucks.
03-12-2005, 08:03
Head of the Darconian Alliance, Leader of the nation of Darcon holds most power as head of state and head of the Alliance of Darconian State
Leader of Lander, Reotron, and Autochron are the permanent member states that have sovereign control over their own boundaries, but can bring legal, political, or alliance matters before the collective leaders of the permanent members of the alliance for a decision or advice. Other members of the alliance also have access to such resources. The alliance leadership does not involve itself with matters of other countries unless asked to do so and in a way that is reasonable.
The Darconian Head of state is the Chief commander of the state and the provider and interpreter of the law. The heads of various departments are capable of challenging a certain law before the leader with no repercussions. The style of government is similar to that of a corporation with majority power going to the leader as the prime founder of the state and to the various department heads as stewards of the state. A separate, and independent, Agents Corps has independent decisionmaking authority is answerable to the leader alone and is capable of also challenging certain laws before the leader himself.
All people are wards of the state and the government is in charge of making sure that the people of the nation are taken care of. Management of the nation is done in a way to favor the economy while assuring that the wards of the state are not harmed by the state themselves. It is an absolute truth that all the citizens of the nation of Darcon are not to harm each other deliberately. Many of the departments are considered quasi-independent corporations charged with the welfare of the people and are all subject to auditing by the Agents Corps. All complaints or challenges to actions or laws by a certain entity of the government is first taken to the head of the division in question, then to the head of the department in question, then to the Agents Corps, then to the head of the Department of Intelligence, then to the head of state.
03-12-2005, 08:15
The head of the government and the vice-head of state is the Viceroy (currently me). The Viceroy is apointed by her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II, who is the nominal head of state. The Viceregalty may be herieditary, though this is in no way mandatory. The Viceroy controls foriegn policy and some minor aspects of domestic policy. The rest of Domestic policy is under the juristiction of the Feudal Lords. Pulcifer is devided into several duchies and earldoms. Under each Duke or Earl are Counts, Marquis and Barons (In that order, each governing a smaller area of land under a member of a higher rank. At the bottom of the pecking order and the Viscounts, which are elected by the people every two years, at which point they all convene to form the Council of Ministers. The Council then writes up what it believes to be the most pressing matters that the people wants dealt with, and then submits it to the Viceroy. The Viceroy examins the submission, and then decides whether or not to pass it of to the Dukes. That which he does pass on become legislation and the enforcement of it is left to the Dukes, who delagate the least important items to lower Nobles and their regional districts (e.g. The Countship of Westbrie). The Law is based on British Common Law, with a few minor diferences (gay marrige is legal, for example). The Viceroy can only be directly removed by the Queen, either by direct action, or after recieving a request signed by the full Council of Ministers and 5/8 of the Nobility.

As written by: Viceroy Captain Lord Sir James C.P., PhD, POM, KNBG 1st, Marquis of Shackport, Count of Westbrie, Baron Pluscarden etc. etc.
03-12-2005, 08:19
Prime Minister

High Chancellor of Pyrostan II (Acting Prime Minister of Pyrostan II, Pyrostan's main colony, and second in command in Pyrostan)

Chancellory of Foreign Affairs (Regarding Defense and Deplomacy)
-Sub-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Sub-Ministry of Defense
|--Sub-Ministry of Foreign Intelligence
Chancellory of the Interior (Regarding the Economy and Internal Affairs)
-Sub-Ministry of the Economy
-Sub-Ministry of Internal Improvements
-Sub-Ministry of the Environment
-Sub-Ministry of Internal Intelligence
Chancellory of Justice (Regarding Law & Order)
-Sub-Ministry the Judiciary
-Sub-Ministry of Law Enforcement

The Chancellorys are overlapped if they at all vaguely resemble the other, largely because of a powergrab by 4 notable families in Pyrostani politics: The Khleskevs, the Regals, the Diezchevs, and the Nalls. Though Pyrostan is a democracy--- and a rather good one at that--- nearly any Parliamentary majority is headed by a member of one of these families, while another member is the High Chancellor of Pyrostan II. The Chancellorys are usally headed by a member as well. The 4 families are Pyrostan's aristocracy: it's no surprise that honorary titles of nobility were approved a few decades ago.
03-12-2005, 08:31
Kingdom of Xharn

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Head of State: The Head of State acts as the supreme ruler of the land. He has ultimate power and authority in the Kingdom of Xharn. He has assorted Ministers and the Royal High Command to enforce his will upon his subjects and peasants.

The Current Head of State: King Azure IV

The Supreme Advisor: Is the number two man in the Kingdom. He is suppose to have the King's ear in all important matters and helps the King run internal affairs in the Country. The postion is appointed by the King.

The Current Supreme Advisor:Carl Von Ericson.

The Ministers: These important people serve the King as advisors and help coordinate his will to the different Agenicies and organizations. There positions are appointed by the King.

Current Ministers:
Minister of the Kingdom: Carl Von Ericson
(works on internal projects like Nuclear Program.)
Minister of Foriegn Affairs, Jothan Pike
(The Offical head of The Royal Xharnian Foriegn Relations Agency.)
Minister of Intelligence: Baroness Alice Rose
(The Offical Head of The Xharnian Royal Intelligence Core. "X.R.I.C.")
Minster of Treasury: Nikoli Garabaldi
(The guy who watches the Kingdom's money with the assitance of the X.R.I.C. and the military.)

The Royal Xharnian High Command

The Royal Xharnian High Command is the head of all the Military branches in the Kingdom of Xharn. These men are completely under the thumb of the King. They are the heads of the four branches of the military. Xharnian Royal Elite Guardsmen, The Royal Xharnian Army, The Royal Xharnian Navy, The Royal Xharnian Air Core. They are not picked by the King but the King can have them executed at will and get a new person to fill the positon.

The Current Heads of The Royal Xharnian High Command:

Head of the Royal Xharnian High Command: The King
Head of the Xharnian Royal Elite Guardsmen: Grand Field Marshal Victor Von Carstein
Head of the Royal Xharnian Army: Supreme Field Marshal Kyle Bradock
Head of the Royal Xharnian Navy: Supreme Fleet Marshal Dylan Hunt
Head of the Royal Xharnian Air Core: Supreme Sky Marshal Micheal Garrison.

Langauges spoken in Xharn:

(King Azure II second felt that unifying the Kingdom of Xharn could be done by forceing the people to accept English as the only langauge. People who speak a foriegn language are considered traitors and will usually be shot by the Royal Enforcers. "The Civilian Police force they Work for the Supreme Advisor")

99% English (Mandiatory Langauge of the Kingdom)
1% Latin (Some people "The Elite of Xharn can speak Latin")

Racial Population:
65% European (English, Irish, German ect.)
25% Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, ect.)
10% African (South Africian, Rwandian, Nigerian ect.)
03-12-2005, 09:13
Note: Before I can effectively do this, we need to define Rotovia. Most commonly when people refer to 'Rotovia' they are speaking of the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia, which is comprised of the Allied States of Rotovia (the first four city-states to unite) and a handfull of other territories. Alternatively there is the Empire of Rotovia. For the purposes of simplicity I will mostly focus on the prior.

Seats of high power:

Lord High Protector

Foreign Affairs
The Republic
National Defence
Internal Security
Regional Affairs
Infastruture & Transport
Trade & Commerce
Civil Rights
External Security & Intelligence
Patrician & Racial Affairs
Health & Well Being
Justice, Law & Civil Order
Social Security & Development
Secularism & Religous Affairs

The central organ of Rotovia is the Senate, a democractically elected body with supreme legislative power. Only Patricians (those of noble decent) may run for office. The Senate is elected by non-compulsory open ballot every four years, or when the President disolves Parliament.

Legilsative Assembly(ies) makes up the legislative body for the Provinces & Subordinate Terroritories, as well as a federal body known simply as "The Assembly". Laws passed by these bodies must be ratified by The Senate.

A President cannot be removed from office. Not even by death, impeachment or other means. In previous cases where a President has undergone surgery, a letter is signed turning the Vice President into the Governor of the Republic, with limited state powers.

Traditionally Rotovian Governments gain office through a minority coalition and the political climate normally leads towards a sprawling Multi Party System. However, since assuming power, The Liberal-Republican Coalition Government has severly polarised the Senate. With the Senate now only comprised of five major parties.

Racial population
Carthaginian disent = 44%
Greco Roman disent = 30%
European Other = 10%
Arabic = 9%
Other = 7%

Language Litracy
English = 100%
French = 98%
German = 97%
Dutch = 97%
Rotajda(common) = 95%
Latin = 93%
Rotajda(classical Rotosque) = 70%
Chinese (madarin) = 65%
Japanese = 50%
Rotajda(High Rotosque) = 44%

Rotovia boost universal free health care, education, a second-to-none unemployment system & massive bussines tax incentives.
New Ausha
03-12-2005, 09:20
OOC: Im still kinda looking for comments on my system. Alos, comment eachither too.
03-12-2005, 09:46
OOC: Im still kinda looking for comments on my system. Alos, comment eachither too.
You're lack of welfare system is concerning. The fact you assume that after prolonged unemployment a person would have $3.50 for a pizza is -perhaps- an indication you're government is out of touch.

For instance, an unemployed person requires sufficiant funds to not only survive, but to seek employment.
03-12-2005, 10:13
Carops is a constitutional monarchy, but has recently lost the right to an elected government. Currently it is governed by a council of peers, clergy, high-ranking civil servants, judges and intellectuals known in Carropsyne as the Fostana. As the Fostana is not elected, it has pretty much stolen power from the nation's elected officials. In order to govern effectively the Fostana delegates decision-making on some subjects to sub-councils and commitees drawn from experts in the various fields.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
03-12-2005, 10:27
This will describe ITD's political system from the ground up.

Citizens are those civilians who have completed the requirements of the citizenship oath. Citizens must complete, without incident, their 5 years of government service in the armed forces or medical services. Upon completion of their oath, they are permitted to own land within any territory of their choosing. These citizens are eligible to vote on local issues of importance, but they also elect senators to the House of Commons.

Governor Generals & Princedoms
Governor Generals are the representatives of the Emperor and thus have nearly absolute authority over their territory. They usually control a colony that is outside the domain of the mainland of the empire. Governor Generals must sign any bill that their local citizens vote for in order for the bill to become a law. Governor Generals (along with Princes) appoint senators to the House of Appointees.

Princes are members of the aristocracy which control a territory within the boundaries of the original homeland, and thus have much more prestige than a Governor General. Prince's appoint Dukes to aid them in ruling a territory. Princes also appoint members to the House of Appointees.

The House of Commons is what the original Imperial Senate evolves into. With its members elected directly by the populace, this house remains the sole section of power that regular citizens hold in the Imperial government. The House of Commons can levy taxes and remains the only government venue where private citizens can address the government. This house checks the House of Lords by levying land taxes on estates. This house checks the House of Appointees by regulating how many representatives a Governor-General may appoint.

The House of Appointees consists of those representatives appointed by regional Governor-Generals, and is charged with maintaining trade and commerce between the various territories. All territorial disputes between regions are settled on the floor of the House of Appointees. This house checks the House of Lords by overseeing all land entitlements that members of the House of Lords may own. This house checks the House of Commons by regulating how many representatives the people may elect.

The House of Lords consists of those representatives appointed directly by the Emperor, they usually come from the well off, or the historically noble families of the empire. This house can issue declaration of wars, and can regulate international trade with regards to the empire. This house also appoints ambassadors and maintains embassies. This house checks the House of Commons and the House of Appointees by regulating salaries for all three houses.

All three houses can issue laws falling under the "general" category, but all three houses still report to the Emperor, who must sign all laws before they can be enforced; in addition to this, the Emperor can remove representatives at will.

Executive Branch
The Emperor maintains control through his praetorian guard, which usually hold positions as Dukes in Princedoms and make up the bulk of Governor Generals. Imperial favors keep the Emperor in power, along with his enourmous military muscle.

He maintains an Imperial Council which contains the Secretary for each executive section of government. This Imperial council also has three seats reserved for the Senate, one seat for each house. The council has 19 total seats (including the Emperor). Traditionally, the Emperor's eldest son takes a 20th seat when he reaches the age of 17.

The Emperor is the sole seat of power and oversees all other sections of government. However, such responsibility can be tiring and exhausting, so he appoints ministers to watch over specific sections of the national government.

Secretary of Military: Darius Tinnell
Secretary of Education: [post has been disbanded indefinitely]
Secretary of Security: Mikael Romult
Secretary of Media: Kendrick Rinjos
Secretary of Science, Industry & Technology: Dane Landrus
Secretary of Intelligence: Thadeus Doom
Secretary of International Relations: Jeffery Kandel
Secretary of Economy, Trade & Finance: Jackson Blaydes
Secretary of Justice & Law: Martin Shilvey
Secretary of Internal Investigations: Nolan Kucharik
Secretary of Populace Control: Rob Coln
Secretary of Culture & Society: Javier Loud
Secretary of Labor: Nelson Fritze
Secretary of Agriculture & Interior: Son Bosman
Secretary of Research: Bryon Karpel

Three (3) additional seats on the council are awared to specially elected members from each legislative house.

The Supreme Court of ITD consists of ten Judges, all of whom are appointed by the Emperor every decade. Each Judge is given a term of one year as Supreme Court Chief Justice. During this time as Chief Justice, the Judge has the ability to overrule fellow Judges and may have one extra vote, but only in cases of a tie vote.

If a Judge were to die in their term, the Emperor may appoint a Judge from one of the lower courts to take their place, but this judge is not eligible for a term as Chief Justice. If a deceased Judge's term as Chief Justice approaches, the remaining Judges vote on which of the remaining eligible Judges will sit in as the Chief Justice. No Judge may serve more than two years in a row as Chief Justice.

The Court of Justice: In cases of capital crimes, a jury of randomly selected but carefully screened private citizens tries an individual or group in an open and public court.

The Court of Disputes: In cases of private disputes involving property, fiscal disputes and personal injury, this court is employed. Citizens present their claims to a Judge or Jury and receive their ruling from the same source. Juries are only appointed at the request of the plaintiff or defendant, but both must agree to a jury trial.

The Court of Military Justice: This court is employed in cases of military misconduct and is thus overseen by the Imperial Security Council and the Emperor's Praetorian Guard. Trials in this court are not public and are considered classified unless otherwise noted.
03-12-2005, 13:20
In Madnestan we have much easier system:

The one who rules: Warchief Tamujid, The Minister of Everything.

"Warchief Tamujid needs no sleep, he needs no rest, as he is more than a human, he is the father of the state and the people living in it, and works 25/7 for his people. He is the wisest, strongest and bravest of all, and we have no right nor justification to be doubtful towards ghis desicions, as The Truth is that Father Tamujid knows best."

This is the official explanation.

No elections are needed, no parties, no opposition, no ministers or anything. Warchief knows everything, is best in everything and does everything. Some jobs that are too insignificant for him are sometimes given to his advisors though.

Population is united behind their leader, and no such thing as "ethnical difference" exists in the country. Everyone are equal under the Rule of The Father.
Tom Joad
03-12-2005, 14:04
New Ausha, from reading yours it seems a fairly typical elected representative government except for the fact that it seems the PM and Chancellor are the be-all and end-all of government with the only check being that they can be removed by an exceptionally large 85% majority of parliament.

Surely the purpose of having all those senators and ministers is that they take care of a lot of stuff, instead of having the PM and Chancellor approve it personally.

Do senators have the power to just bring a bill before parliament if they have a certain number of fellow senators backing them?

Might I sugegst you either call your parliament a senate or else call your senators Members of Parliament (MPs) as having both senators and a parliament is strange, unless intentional.
03-12-2005, 14:18
Swilatia is a nation with a small democratic federal government, headed by the president of Swilatia (currently Atali Saranisko), and there are no state governments. However, the Private Sector is above the government.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
03-12-2005, 14:32
The Tahuantinsuyu Empire
(The Inca Empire, Land of Four Quarters)

In respect of New Ashua's state, Tahuantinsuyu would, if it had any knowledge of your nation, consider it to be quite strange. The government, in the eyes of our state and citizenry, lacks legitimacy, since leadership qualities appear to be judged by fickle men (and women) and rulers plucked from obscurity without consideration of their purity or the divinity of their descent.

To learn that some able citizens of New Ashua do not work would only puzzle the people of the Empire that much more, to say nothing of the concept of currency. If they could be made to understand these things, there would no doubt be difficulties with understanding the value attributed to goods, especially in light of the expenses cut, and with where the non-working population gets enough currency to acquire things even at 1/3rd price.

Seats of high power:

-Sapa Inka
-The Coyas (the Sapa Inka's wives, most significantly the first wife, theoretically and usually his sister, to whom is born the next Inka)
-Willaq Uma (the High Priest)
-The Army Commander

Ministers: (and to whom they are subordinate)

There are no ministers, strictly speaking, but the hierarchy carries the bureaucracy through several layers beyond those mentioned seats of high power.

The Empire is split broadly into four quarters, and in each of these sits a governor, quite likely to serve for life once appointed by the Sapa Inka sitting at the time a vacancy appeared. These governors are called the Four Apus, and they answer to the Sapa Inka.

T'oqrikoq are a ninety strong class of city leaders who each govern a town and its hinterland. They are answerable to the Apus.

Next are several thousands of administrators in different tiers of a class called Curaca. These are in effect the lower nobility who organise day to day life in an individual community such as in a village or a city department called an Ayllu. They answer to the city leaders.

Temple Priests, Architects, and Army Generals are considered of roughly equal status to the majority of the Curacas, and are likely to have unofficial sway within a community. The Curaca may unofficially employ the help of such people in his administration of the Ayllu for which he is responsible.

Artisans, Musicians, Army Officers, and the Quipucamayoc (accountants) also rank above the ordinary masses, and the Quipucamayoc especially are likely to help in running a given Ayllu.


All in the Empire is owned by the state save houses and movable household goods, and some private estates in the Inka and Curaca classes.

All ordinary citizens are members of an Ayllu, and as such are supervised by a Curaca. This minor noble and his Quipucamayoc or other helpers from the community divide the Ayllu's land into allotments given to the households that constitute said Ayllu, and adjust the size of these alloyments each season depending on the needs of the families working them.

Twenty percent of the workers' time in a given year is considered legally sufficient in provision for the needs of the families themselves in subsistence farming on the Ayllu allotments. In truth this usually represents several days more than is absolutely required.

The remaining 80% of a person's time is given-over in working for the state, which is accomplished through public works in infrastructure-building; the erection of temples; the mining of silver, gold, and more practical ores; the construction of terraces and irrigation systems for farming; and, importantly, to farming the remainder of an Ayllu's land that was not distributed in the allotments.

This extra farming product, which amounts to around two thirds of national output, goes to storehouses that support the nobility, priesthood, and the army; it also provides goods for sacrifice, and creates a potential for international trade should the Empire ever forge foreign ties. Essential products are distributed through the Ayllu by its Curaca so that maize farmers get potatoes and potato farmers get guineapig meat and so forth.

Since there is no currency in the Empire, the work given to the state is called the Mita obligation, and in essence it represents the taxes paid by the people. The distribution of land and product by the Curacas represents the public services that result from this payment.


The Empire has no prisons, and yet crime is low. Since everyone is provided for by the state and there is no currency, theft is virtually nil.

Serious crimes such as murder or the direction of insults or other disrespect towards the Sapa Inka and his extended family, the Inka class, or to the gods, may result in punishment handed out by the Curacas and the Ayllu community, or by Generals and higher nobility. These dire crimes are typically punished by death, which is accomplished quite simply by throwing the guilty party over a cliff.

Other crimes are generally of a sexual nature, and may include having sex with one of the Coyas, the Sapa Inka's wives, or with a Sun Virgin, who are girls carefully selected from the nation's feminine education institutions to serve a ceremonial purpose. These too are punishable by death, this time the offender being stripped naked and strung up to a wall where he shall be left to starve.

With little need and severe penalty, it is not hard to see why the Empire is relatively crime free.

Racial population

The Empire and its people are commonly referred to as Inca, or Inka. This does not really reflect the composition of the Empire, in truth. The Inka are actually a minority who now sit as more a class than a tribe as they were before the Empire's glorious construction. There are many peoples united in the Empire, but all are aboriginal Americans.

Owing to this great diversity, the Empire's nine hundred thousand square kilometre reach consumed a great many different languages. In an attempt to integrate populations, foster community, and ease internal relations, the Empire constructed for itself a language, now known as Quechua, which is spoken now throughout the vast domain.

Such steps as this are common, as they also serve to erode old identities as city states, tribes, and rival empires, and reduce the chance of rebellion.

Thank you for reading
03-12-2005, 15:22
Department of Foreign Affairs

New Ausha Government

"The Imperial Republic of Askira has been a constitutional monarchy ( the past three hundred. Previous governments date back to 1500 B.C. They had been solely under the administration of the hereditary position of Emperor ( After the War of Independence in 1653 the entire Askiran governmental system had been radically reformed and a unicameral parliament ( created. Ever since that day it has been governed by a directly elected Emperor or Empress, who serves a seven-year term. They have executive, legislative, and judicial powers. The monarch, currently Emperor Toran is head of state, but elected officials govern through Parliament.

The Parliament, officially called the Jha’Khu, is the main legislative body, with 310 members, who are directly elected into government by a form of proportional representation. The party with the most members of Parliament (MPs) forms the government, and that party’s leader becomes the Chancellor (officially appointed by the monarch). The Chancellor and Cabinet (senior ministers) govern as the executive body of the republic.

The voting age is 18, and elections are held at least every five years in accordance with the Constitution. In practice, they are held more often, because they can be called by the Chancellor at any time.
In exercise of the monarch’s executive, legislative and judicial powers, the ruler elect is advised and assisted by the Advisory Council. A team of twelve highly trained individuals whose expertise are in the fields of law, politics, economics, military, public relations and so forth. The council also assists the Emperor with matters of state and foreign policy.

The Askiran administrative system is based on the modern form of public representation. The government divides its resources amongst several ministerial departments. Departments include: Defence, Foreign Affairs, Health etc…

The Askiran Republic has an old constitution that is essentially unchanged. It was drawn up in December 1653, and came into effect on January 1st 1654. Increasingly, elections in Askira have produced results in which neither of the two main parties, Sang'Winn and Loe'Winn, have obtained a majority, and so the largest party has had to govern with the support of the Askiran Sung'Kann party (Progressive Democrats) or the Shan'Ku party (Liberal Democrats). Akorem Lann was elected as the republic’s first premier in 1654. As Chancellor he brought great change to Askira, opening it up to the world and expanding on the peoples ideals of Freedom, Equality and Justice."

Information supplied by the Askiran National Archives - 2005
03-12-2005, 15:49
I'd love to see some comments on mine.
03-12-2005, 15:54
The Republic of Freedomstaki is a republic based on the goverment of Ireland and other countries. It is mostly left-leaning although that might someday change you never know.

The Taoiseach

The Taoiseach is elected by the people for a 5-year term. The Taoiseach can have four terms before he must step down. The Taoiseach's deputy is called Tánaiste and shall take over in the Taoiseach's death. The Taoiseach can veto any law. Taoisighs, during the time of war as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, will hold the rank of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces with a rank of six-stars and approves any final high-command plans. The Taoiseach's cabinet consists of these departments and their heads.

*Tánaiste of Freedomstaki
*Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minister of Foriegn Affairs)
*Ministry of the Tresuary (Treasurer)
*Ministry of Defence (Minister of Defence)
*Ministry of Justice (Attorney General)
*Ministry of Post,Telegraph & Telephone (Postmaster General)
*Ministry of Internal Affairs (Minister of Internal Affairs)
*Ministry of Education (Minister of Edcuation)
*Ministry of Health, Welfare & Housing (Surgeon General)
*Ministry of Commerce and Labor (Minister of Commerce and Labor)
*Ministry of Energy (Minister of Energy)
*Ministry of Transportation (Minister of Transportation)
*Ministry of Agriculture & the Enviroment (Minister of Agriculture & the Enviroment)
*Governor-General of Kennebushport
*UN Delegate
*Trade Representive
*Aide to the Taoiseach
*Administrator of Homeland and Civil Defence
*Public Affairs Minister
*Director of National Intelligence

The parliament (Oireachtas) is bicameral and up of made up of 2 houses. The lower house (Dáil) consists of 100 representatives from all over the country and headed up by the Speaker of the Dáil. The upper house (Seanad) consists of 50 senators from all over the country and is headed up by the Moderator of the Seanad. The seats are contested between the conservative Hertiage Party, liberal Progressive Party and the centrist Unity Party. However, there is also some independent members.

Supreme Tribunal
The Supreme Tribunal is the highest court in all of Freedomstaki. It is elected by the people to stop Taoisighs from appointing judges that favor them. The Supreme Tribunal has the final say in all major court cases. The Supreme Tribunal can decleare any law unconstitutional. The judges of the Supreme Tribunal serve life terms and know as the Honorable Justices.

Regonial Goverment
Each provience and Kennebushport are headed up by governors, escipally Kennebushport's which has a seat in the Cabinet. Most cities are run by mayors although use other systems.

The military is made up of four major divisons, which are the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. Then there is the sub-divisons of the Reserves and the Merchant Marines. There is then the thrid divisons are guard forces which are National Guard, Coast Guard, Marine Guard (the Marine Corps of the Coast Guard) and the Air Guard. There is also a special forces and counter-terrorism unit called MARS (Mobile Assault, Rescue, and Strike Teams). The intelligence community is made up of the Domestic Intelligence Group, Military Intelligence Group, Signal Intelligence Group, Image Intelligence Group and the Foriegn Intelligence Group.

Major Laws
Capital Punishment: Legal in extreme cases of murder, rape, treason, or other serious offences, all others use life imprisoment
Drugs: Banned (excluding cannabis). But not punished by law users must attend mandatory rehabilitation clinics.
Marijuana: Legal.
Alcohol: Legal (Toaiseach is an avid drinker of Guiness, imported straight from Ireland!)
Tobacco: Legal, but banned in public places.
Abortion: Legal
Guns: Legal. All weapons and owners must be licensed. Only hunting weapons allowed, Nonsemi-auto rifles, shotguns and revolvers are considered hunting guns. However, fully automatic conversion kits are legal. Freedomstaki has adopted the Ustashan "Are you a Psycho?" quiz.
Euthanasia: Legal
Gay Marriage: Legal
Gay Adoption: Legal
Gambling: Legal
Prostitution: Legal, condoms are mandatory all prostitute must pass STD test on a weekly basis at their own expense.
Military Conscription (Drafting): Legal in extreme cases.
P2P File-Sharing: Legal (The Toaiseach has compiled his own albums of favorite songs, also used by the entire goverment to speed effiency.)
Streaking: Misemdor offense, nudists colonies are a plenty throughout Freedomstaki, they have cleary defined limits which must not be crossed or else they will be fined for indecent expousure.
New Ausha
03-12-2005, 17:52
New Ausha, from reading yours it seems a fairly typical elected representative government except for the fact that it seems the PM and Chancellor are the be-all and end-all of government with the only check being that they can be removed by an exceptionally large 85% majority of parliament.

Surely the purpose of having all those senators and ministers is that they take care of a lot of stuff, instead of having the PM and Chancellor approve it personally.

Do senators have the power to just bring a bill before parliament if they have a certain number of fellow senators backing them?

Might I sugegst you either call your parliament a senate or else call your senators Members of Parliament (MPs) as having both senators and a parliament is strange, unless intentional.

Actually, the PM or Chancelor can only be removed from power by an 85% agreement vote by thier respective party. The parliment (57 senators, elected by the people of each of thier respective provinces) may take part in legislature.

How a bill becomes a law in New Ausha (example: enviormental protection act)
The People: The people propose the bill, and, if it is seen as a serious issue, the parliament (57 senators) will accept it.
The Parliment: It will then be voted on. 70% of parlimnet must agree on the bill.
Department of Enviormental protection: Since this issue falls under this departments jurisdiction, the head of the department, and his advisors, pass or veto the bill.
Minister of the Interior: It then goes straight to the corresponding head of the department;s desk (department of en. protection's boss) It is either signed, or veto'd.
Prime minister: Since the MOI is a subbordanet of th PM, he either signs or veto's. Let's say all has gone well, and the bill is a law. One last step.

Governor: It goes to 19 governors, one for each province, they either accept or decline the bill. If it is accepted, it is the provincial law, if not, the law is reviewed by a provincial council (12 member, for each province) it the new law gets 6 or more votes, it is law, and the governor is overturned.

After the parliment phase, if it is veto'd, it goes back to the senators, and the majority rate has to increase, for the bill to pass.

Ex: veto's by PM, now the bill is back in parliment. Must now pass, instead of by 70%, 75%. Next time, 80%, next time, 85% etc. If it reaches 100% the bill is turned down.

The welfare system may seem corrupt, but a homless man would first get a grant, of how much he will need to become employed, and a 65% cut card on food. (bills are automatically cut by goverment) one the man is emplyed, makes a steady income, and joins a certain incom bracket, he loses his social cut (65%) all expenses, and taxes are re-instated on him. this prevents dependancy, and allows non-workers to know, they cannot live off the goverment, but use it to become employed.

If you are disabled, you will be allowed a social break(5%, 15%, up to 65%) on all expenses. Along with a monthly pension (which is around 400 credits a month)

Medical insurance can be cut, up to 65%, but it is all private enterprise, so it isn't the goverments problem!
03-12-2005, 18:06
Department of State
The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny

[OOC: New Ausha, having competing heads of government, even where one is primarily in charge of defense and foreign affairs and the other primarily in charge of civil and internal affairs, seems a little disjointed to me. You seem to have taken the Blair-Brown rivalry to an uncomfortable extreme. What is to happen if the chancellor and PM disagree on a major national issue? One may hold exclusive authority over the issue, but he would rely upon the moral support of other, wouldn't he? Of course, that is only my opinion.]

This is the system of government we feel works best for us. Our nation is a federal republic, where the federal government shares power with 25 independent and sovereign states. What follows is a synopsis of the federal authority.

Elected National Leaders:
President Manuelo Fernanda
Vice President Antigone Morgan

The president and vice president are elected separately to 5-year terms by a 725-member Electoral College, the members of which are apportioned according to the congressional population of each of the 25 states. The federal district does not vote. It is possible the a president and vice president may belong to different political parties; in this case, the president belongs to the Conservative Reform Party, while the vice president is a political indepedent. They were chosen by electors who endorsed them both.

The president is in charge of all exectutive powers, including serving as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, appointing ambassadors, envoys and agency and department heads, hosting foreign dignitaries, advocating our interests abroad, lobbying for preferred legislation in the Federal Congress, signing acts of Congress into law or vetoing the same. The vice president chairs the Senate and pretty much sits around and waits for the president to die, leave the country or take sick. Then she is in charge.

Department Heads:
Secretary of State (concerning state and foreign affairs): Alex Tehrani
Secretary of Defense: Charlie Valentine
Secretary of the Treasury*
Attorney General*
Secretary of the Interior (concerning native and environmental affairs)*
Secretary of Commerce (including labor relations)*
Secretary of Internal Affairs (concerning health, education and welfare)*
Ambassador to the United Nations (officially under the auspices of State, but the Federal Republic is very active in UN affairs, so he has much influence in his own right, and is a member of the president's cabinet): Jack Riley

* [OOC: Haven't decided who the department head is yet.]

Federal Congress:
Senate: The upper house, which ratifies treaties and confirms executive appointees, consists of three to five elected representatives from each state. Each state holds only one vote.
Assembly: The lower house, which has the "power of the purse," so to speak, and intitiates all federal appropriations, has 650 members, mostly representing districts with relatively equal numbers of people. The Assembly also holds the power of impeachment.

[OOC: Haven't decided what a term in office for each house is, but my NSwiki may already say something on the matter.]

All national legislation must meet the approval of both houses before it can be sent to the president to be signed. Major votes in both chambers are often accompanied by violent brawls, which of course are nationally televised for our dumb citizenry's amusement.

Supreme Court:
[OOC: Haven't decided yet, but I think it will have 12 members. And I may not call it the Supreme Court. My NSwiki entry may say something different, but oh, well. That's why we can edit them things.]

National Corporate Conglomerate:
Commercialism and competing corporate interests control every aspect of society, including the political system. Corporations' role in politics is largely unspoken, except around election time, when candidates for office actively compete for corporate endorsements, and proudly wear racing jackets adorned with the colorful logos of their corporate sponsors at many campaign stops. Once the leaders are elected, their corporate sponsors wield much power from behind the throne. For example, the president's chief sponsor, Blast! Cola, carries much influence over administration policy.

Political Parties:
Conservative Reform Party -- Center-right; is pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-death penalty, anti-gay rights, anti-flag burning, pro-business, anti-environment, anti-pornography and is highly suspicious of the United Nations. The president differs with most CR members on gay rights, pornography and flag-burning, but is considered the party's elective leader.

Pansy-ass Liberal Treehugger Party -- Center-left; favors controls on gun ownership and nearly unfettered access to birth control, wants limits on the death penalty and corporate influence over the political process, is pro-gay rights, pro-environment, pro-pornography and pro-flag burning. They mostly favor a cooperative relationship with the United Nations. Their leader is Sen. John Thorne, who was president until Fernanda unseated him this year.

National stats:
[OOC: I'm pretty much making these up as I go along, and I reserve the right to alter them at any time.]

Racial/ethnic makeup
Hispanic/Latino origin: 40%
Non-Hispanic: 60%

Whites (including most Hispanics): 55%
Blacks: 15%
Asians/Pacific Islanders: 25%
Other/multiracial: 5%

Penguins do not count, though they are considered natives of our Antarctic climes, and have proven to be very skillful members of our armed services.

English: 96%
Spanish: 33%
Other (including many Asian and Pacific languages): 25%

Multilingualism means percentages do not add up to 100%.

Protestant: 45%
Roman Catholic: 35%
Muslim: 10%
Jewish: 5%
Other: 5%

Well, there you go. A truncated factbook, and we've never made one before for our nation. Thanks for thinking this thread up, New Ausha.
03-12-2005, 18:13
Roach-Busters is ruled by a military regime, headed by Generalissimo J.L., a ruthless but charismatic leader, who rules with an iron fist but a warm heart. Dissent is brutally suppressed, while those who are happy and content are richly rewarded. Only four opposition parties are legal, and 20% of the seats are divided between them. The remaining 80% goes to the ruling party. J.L. has the most massive personality cult in history, greater than Mao's, Stalin's, Trujillo's, Mobutu's, Niyazov's, etc. combined. The regime is socially authoritarian, politically totalitarian, and economically libertarian. It is the most laissez faire country in the world, with a 100% unregulated free-market economy.
03-12-2005, 19:11
The Imperial Republic of Coreworlds has gone through several changes of government in its history, from Republican Empire to Republic to current Imperial Republic. It is ruled by the Regent Patriarch Alexander Masaki who has the High Jedi Council as advisors, and it has a Senate to let the Patriarch know of hot topics and issues. The Chancellor leads the Senate and breaks votes in case of ties and things like that.

The Coredian Imperial Throne is technically vacant (the Regent currently seats it, but he's getting old), but that is about to change soon...
06-12-2005, 09:10
OOC: Bump..
06-12-2005, 09:54
Seats of Power:

The Emperor/Empress

The Emperor/Empress is the eldest born child of the current generation of The House of Emmerich. The Emperor or Empress wields supreme power, and only in extreme cases can their authority be questioned with suspicion. How ever, this leader must have the love and respect of the people, or one of their siblings will be put on the throne.

The Steward/Stewardess

In certain cases, it is required that a new Head of State be elected to replace Imperial Authority for a time. This is usually due to the Emperor/Empress being physically or mentally ill, or otherwise unfit to properly perform his/her duties as the leader of the Tocrowkian people. The Steward/Stewardess is elected by the Reich Interior Ministry, and is usually someone whom, in the past, has already rendered a great service to the Tocrowkian Reich, such as a general or a CEO. The current Stewardess is Isabella Reinhard, whom succeeded her father.

Reich Ministries

* Reich Foreign Ministry
* Reich Interior Ministry
* Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
* Reich Ministry of Aviation
* Reich Ministry of Finance
* Reich Ministry of Justice
* Reich Economics Ministry
* Reich Ministry for Nutrition and Agriculture
* Reich Labor Ministry
* Reich Ministry for Science, Education, and Public Instruction
* Reich Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs
* Reich Transportation Ministry
* Reich Postal Ministry
* Reich Ministry for Weapons, Munitions, and Armament
* Reich Ministers without Portfolio

Other interesting things about the Reich:

Women in Tocrowkia: Feminism in Tocrowkia has never existed because it has never needed to. From it's very beginning, the need for Tocrowkian's to defend their homes and families spared no gender. Women took an equal part in the fighting, often being used as Archers and Light Infantry/Calvary, and then later served alongside their male counter-parts in gunpowder line-combat.

And some of Tocrowkia's greatest leaders and generals were female. The standard Tocrowkian family differed greatly from other societies through out history. Unlike many other states, "housewives" and "homemakers" were virtually non-existent in Tocrowkia, and the few that did exist were frowned upon universally. There has always been a strong emphasis in Tocrowkian society for both parents to have jobs and interact with the community, and to leave the raising of children to grand parents.

Today, women still serve in the Tocrowkian military in all aspects, from infantry to armored Calvary, from fighter pilots to sailors.

Ethnic Break Down:

Caucasian: 91%
Arabic, Jewish, African and others: 9%

Oh yeah, and uh, comment on my stuff to.
06-12-2005, 10:52
seats of power warrior king /qeeun
ultimate ruller of the empire and deals wityh other areas
06-12-2005, 11:18
The Holy Empire of Phenixican runs the the Imperial Duelist System

Head of State:The Emperor

Heads of Government:-the head of the Senate
-the head of the Imperial Court

The Senate:The four Major parties share 25% of the government seats thus allowing better representation of all people. The High Senator is the head of government and head of the party with the most votes only the party with the most votes is allowed 1 extra senator.
The Senate only controls Civilian matters like trade,miggration and Education

There are 200 seats in Parliment

The Imperial Court:100 Generals representing there Colonial or Imperial Armies
they control only the military and can declare war or peace the head of this government is the General-Imperium the civilians do not control who enters this Government but is discided by a Military vote.
The Imperial Court controls things like Army,Airforce,Navy,Colonial Forces and Military Supplies.

The Emperor is the head of each Government and is to Represent unity of both Government and watch over them for signs of Corruption he can call a Corruption vote and if a Majority of 75% of the Population agree a re-election is called he also control the Royal Fleet and the Royal Guard and is in control of the Imperium Companies.

Being a Colonial Empire Phenixica has done major Research on Colony Making these are as follows

1)Must have at least 1000 Citizens willing to go to the colony
and must have work to keep 97% of them Employed

2)must have Enough Resources to pay for itself in 20 years so it wont drain the Empires Economy

3)Must have a Garrison that is only 5% of the local population until the population hits 100 million so there cant be a Military coup on the colony

4)the colony has to have at least 4 ships protecting it until it can supply it's own (thus Speration of Imperial&Colonial Fleets)

5)Every governor and represenatative must Pleage loyalty to the Emperor if they break this Pleage there is a Automatic death penalty nobody betrays the great Emperor.

6)They must also have a Palace ready for the Emperor at all time if there isint the Resources or the colony can afford one they must have a big house.

These are the Basic rules for any rich Phenixican wishing to start a Colony.

This is a Message from his Majesty Emperor Belcameron II
06-12-2005, 13:55
Seat of power: The King (me)

The People of Strobovia are in this very moment "overthrowing" the democracy.
The former ministers are being exiled and the people stripped of their right to vote. However the population still enjoy extensive civil rights.
06-12-2005, 16:17
Head of State: The Supreme Hierarch

The Holy Empire of Kielun is composed of a ruling body called the High Council. This council is seperated into three different sub-councils:

Council of Concordance:
Rank: Counselor
The Council of Concordance is the council responsible for all peace time activities. This includes things from education to health care.

Councile of Deeds and Doctrine:
Rank: Judicator
The Council of Deeds and Doctrine is the military arm of the Holy Empire. They deal with all military activities and foreign relations.

Council of Masters:
Rank: Hierarch
The Council of Masters is comprised of 12 hierarchs that answer only to the Supreme Hierarch. They have the final say in all major decisions and they oversee the High Council.

All three sub-councils meet in the High Council to discuss things that affect everyone, but other than that they are mostly left on their own.
07-12-2005, 00:46
New Ausha
07-12-2005, 02:30
Department of State
The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny

[OOC: New Ausha, having competing heads of government, even where one is primarily in charge of defense and foreign affairs and the other primarily in charge of civil and internal affairs, seems a little disjointed to me. You seem to have taken the Blair-Brown rivalry to an uncomfortable extreme. What is to happen if the chancellor and PM disagree on a major national issue? One may hold exclusive authority over the issue, but he would rely upon the moral support of other, wouldn't he? Of course, that is only my opinion.]

This is the system of government we feel works best for us. Our nation is a federal republic, where the federal government shares power with 25 independent and sovereign states. What follows is a synopsis of the federal authority.

Elected National Leaders:
President Manuelo Fernanda
Vice President Antigone Morgan

The president and vice president are elected separately to 5-year terms by a 725-member Electoral College, the members of which are apportioned according to the congressional population of each of the 25 states. The federal district does not vote. It is possible the a president and vice president may belong to different political parties; in this case, the president belongs to the Conservative Reform Party, while the vice president is a political indepedent. They were chosen by electors who endorsed them both.

The president is in charge of all exectutive powers, including serving as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, appointing ambassadors, envoys and agency and department heads, hosting foreign dignitaries, advocating our interests abroad, lobbying for preferred legislation in the Federal Congress, signing acts of Congress into law or vetoing the same. The vice president chairs the Senate and pretty much sits around and waits for the president to die, leave the country or take sick. Then she is in charge.

Department Heads:
Secretary of State (concerning state and foreign affairs): Alex Tehrani
Secretary of Defense: Charlie Valentine
Secretary of the Treasury*
Attorney General*
Secretary of the Interior (concerning native and environmental affairs)*
Secretary of Commerce (including labor relations)*
Secretary of Internal Affairs (concerning health, education and welfare)*
Ambassador to the United Nations (officially under the auspices of State, but the Federal Republic is very active in UN affairs, so he has much influence in his own right, and is a member of the president's cabinet): Jack Riley

* [OOC: Haven't decided who the department head is yet.]

Federal Congress:
Senate: The upper house, which ratifies treaties and confirms executive appointees, consists of three to five elected representatives from each state. Each state holds only one vote.
Assembly: The lower house, which has the "power of the purse," so to speak, and intitiates all federal appropriations, has 650 members, mostly representing districts with relatively equal numbers of people. The Assembly also holds the power of impeachment.

[OOC: Haven't decided what a term in office for each house is, but my NSwiki may already say something on the matter.]

All national legislation must meet the approval of both houses before it can be sent to the president to be signed. Major votes in both chambers are often accompanied by violent brawls, which of course are nationally televised for our dumb citizenry's amusement.

Supreme Court:
[OOC: Haven't decided yet, but I think it will have 12 members. And I may not call it the Supreme Court. My NSwiki entry may say something different, but oh, well. That's why we can edit them things.]

National Corporate Conglomerate:
Commercialism and competing corporate interests control every aspect of society, including the political system. Corporations' role in politics is largely unspoken, except around election time, when candidates for office actively compete for corporate endorsements, and proudly wear racing jackets adorned with the colorful logos of their corporate sponsors at many campaign stops. Once the leaders are elected, their corporate sponsors wield much power from behind the throne. For example, the president's chief sponsor, Blast! Cola, carries much influence over administration policy.

Political Parties:
Conservative Reform Party -- Center-right; is pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-death penalty, anti-gay rights, anti-flag burning, pro-business, anti-environment, anti-pornography and is highly suspicious of the United Nations. The president differs with most CR members on gay rights, pornography and flag-burning, but is considered the party's elective leader.

Pansy-ass Liberal Treehugger Party -- Center-left; favors controls on gun ownership and nearly unfettered access to birth control, wants limits on the death penalty and corporate influence over the political process, is pro-gay rights, pro-environment, pro-pornography and pro-flag burning. They mostly favor a cooperative relationship with the United Nations. Their leader is Sen. John Thorne, who was president until Fernanda unseated him this year.

National stats:
[OOC: I'm pretty much making these up as I go along, and I reserve the right to alter them at any time.]

Racial/ethnic makeup
Hispanic/Latino origin: 40%
Non-Hispanic: 60%

Whites (including most Hispanics): 55%
Blacks: 15%
Asians/Pacific Islanders: 25%
Other/multiracial: 5%

Penguins do not count, though they are considered natives of our Antarctic climes, and have proven to be very skillful members of our armed services.

English: 96%
Spanish: 33%
Other (including many Asian and Pacific languages): 25%

Multilingualism means percentages do not add up to 100%.

Protestant: 45%
Roman Catholic: 35%
Muslim: 10%
Jewish: 5%
Other: 5%

Well, there you go. A truncated factbook, and we've never made one before for our nation. Thanks for thinking this thread up, New Ausha.

Okay, what I hate is an elected official with too much power. I don't want an elected official deciding whether I can smoke inside a library, and run the armed forces. This act splits the parlimentary goverment into two sectors. If the two figures disagree, as I have explained before, it is a theoredocal impossiblilty. Each of thier subbordanets, have areas of jurisdiction that do not intervene with other departments authorities. If this situation occurs, it is the party who has the last word. If the two figures cannot agree, the majority vote of the party decides. That, and putting the figures that they choose into office, if elected, are the parties only purposes. Keep it in mind, that the current PM and chancelor are at good grounds with eachother (or the party that they both are members of would not have put them in office together). Since they are in the same party, there general idealology is then same. (Conservative democracy) and BTW, you welcome for startibg this thread. I was very curious. I'd like to see more nations post. Some of these systems seem a little strange to me ill admit, but are very intriging nonetheless.
Pschycotic Pschycos
07-12-2005, 02:41
Pschycotic Pschycos is a Shogunate with a revised feudalism military heiarchy. Capitalism is the economic system however.

High Power:

Shogun: His say goes. 100% of the power, 100% of the time.


Advisor of War
Adivsor of Foreign Affairs
Advisor of Justice
Advisor of Education
Advisor of Economics
Advisor of the Interior

None of these positions holds any power whatsoever, they're just there to help out.

Advisors are appointed by the Shogun, if he feels it necessary. The Shogun serves for life from 16, and the title is passed father to son.


>99%--Japanese/Psi-Pso decent
<1%--All others


90% Lutheran
5% Catholic
3% Other Christian
2% Jewish
?% rumored Native Religion


Japanese: 100% and official
English: 100% and official
Dersconi: 30% and unofficial

Signs printed only in Japanese. Everyone else, tough, go home.
Green Sun
07-12-2005, 02:48
I could give you several pages on how Green Sun is run.
07-12-2005, 04:09
The Holy Roman Emperor- Leader of the Empires armies, leader of Government, makes most desicions- (None Yet, as a choice is to be yet taken)
The Commanding General- Second highest In army, is usally on the field. - General Gathor (Hes actually leading the country now
The Cabinet- a Group of Generals (General Of Defense, General of Foreign Affairs, Education, and Justice) Who dont hold power, but advise the Emperor and Commanding General.
The Senate- Can make Government rulings, but cannot restrict the Holy Roman Emperor from doing anything he pleases, but the Emperor can also veto anything the Senate Declares
The Holy Roman Army- Not Actually a Government group, but they elect the Commanding General.


95% - English - Official
5% - Latin - Official


98.5% - Catholic
.5% - Other Christian groups
1% Jewish


32% - Italian
40% - Irish
1% - Israelite
5% - French
1% - Norse
20% - Spanish
.5% - Asian
.25% - South Americans
.25% - Other


Wearing Thin.


Facist Party - Right wing.
Imperial Party* - In between.
Communist Party - Left Wing

(*= Means have complete control of the Government)

07-12-2005, 04:37
OOC: Since the revolution...

One Dictator/Leader
One congress of about 10-20 people, who are the real power of the nation.
Various chains down.

However, while these people have power to do as they wish, there is a democratic process which is easily accessible for most people(Personal Identification cards + home access). If a signifigant number of people wish something to come to popular vote, it will.

Chellis is fully atheist.

Chellis has compulsary military service for four years. Anybody who wishes to make it a career is allowed to, and if they stay in until retirement age(42), they are done with their national service, meaning they don't have to work anymore if they don't wish.

If you hadn't gathered, Chellis is a communist nation now. While not exactly what marx, or many communists want exactly. However, its a working form. The people work for the state(the state is the people). Those who can work, and don't, are sent to work camps. If they don't work still, they get shot.

While it sounds strict, those who try, which is the vast majority of people(a good deal to an education system which teaches altruism heavily), live a good life. The government(again, the people themselves basically) assigns jobs, based on believed ability. People can petition for different jobs, and if there is any validity to their claim(they can show they can do it well enough, etc), they can get it.

Crappy jobs are usually ofset by other benefits, such as those who are going to advanced schooling will work these jobs, people who want these jobs for whatever reason, people who want special things(If you want a really fast, nice car maybe, you volunteer for a few months of garbage duty, etc).

The system works because people work to help everybody, and expect everybody to work for everybody, which means 6 billion people are working for each person, to make them a better life. People who work hard throughout their lives, at various ages, are deemed done with their national service, again, meaning they no longer have to work. This is especially given to people who invent things, or do things that help a great number of people.

There are pluses and bonuses in Chellis, but it is still a classless system. This is because, in some way or another, people are earning what they get, at least on the top end. On the bottom end, everyone is equal.
H-Town Tejas
07-12-2005, 04:53
Chairman of the Tejano Worker's Party (Runs the government with almost absolute power) For Life
President (Runs the military, has a small part in government) For 5 years

Foreign Minister: Manages PRH-TT foreign affairs (appointed by chairman)
Production Manager: Manages military production and research (appointed by chairman)
Minister of Security: Manages police, immigration, and the state-sponsored mafia (appointed by chairman)
Intelligence Director: Manages the Tejano Intelligence Organization (appointed by chairman)
Chief of the Military: Has some authority over all the branches of the military. (appointed by chairman)
Army Coordinator: Runs the Tejano Proletariat Army (appointed by president)
Naval Coordinator: Runs the Tejano Navy (appointed by president)
Aerial Coordinator: Runs the Tejano Air Force (appointed by president)

Tejano Worker's Party: Leninist party, runs PRH-TT with an iron fist.
There are other parties, but they're just very insignificant and have no real power. However, the TWP members have enough varying opinions that citizens end up voting for fundamentally different presidents.
07-12-2005, 05:25
We're Westminister bitch!

Seats of Highest Power:
Prime Minister: Mevoriagan Pierce
Govener-General: Frank Jackson
Ministers - The most important
Minister of War and Defence: Kaer Ladea
Minister of Labour: Mevoriagan Pierce
Minister of Acgriculture: Mevoriagan Pierce
Minister of the Interior: Walter Zera
Minister of the Enviorment: Alek J. Blain
Minister of Communications: Allison J. Archer
Speaker of the Parliment: Maxine Fitzgerald

The largest political parties in Thergo:
The Worker's Party of Thergo [WPT] - In power
The Conservative Party of Thergo [CPT]
People's Progressive Party [PPP]
Thergo Libraterian Party [TLP]
Thergo Catholic Society [TCS]
Hounan Freedom Front [HFF]
The Polaris Castes
07-12-2005, 07:10
The Polaris Castes, having come under two civil wars in their history (the War of Iusia and the Shard Wars) is divided into a Caste system that extends to a governing council.

The Castes are as follows:

P'aedt - Scientists and philosophers that deal primarily with intellectual problems with the Polaris. Their ingenuity and sophistication have helped to create everything from new weapons and technology to efficient agricultural and terraforming ideas to defining and providing the data for basic governmental theory.

Ver'ash - Engineers and healers: if you need to impalement something technical, then the Ver'ash will know how, where, and when. Their caste helps to create and process the organics of Polaris ships, implement and oversee terraforming projects, treat pandemic diseases, and generally act as doctors among the other castes.

Tre'pira - The arguably most respected caste, the Tre'pira are workers. Who gathers the raw materials, builds the cities, constructs the ships, and maintains everything that makes the Polaris tick? The workers and the Tre'pira. The Tre'pira also grow all of the food throughout the Polaris Castes. Tre'pira can translate roughly into "the highest" or "the brightest." A truly liberal translation can form "the purest" from their name.

Nil'kemorya - The warrior caste among the Polaris. They have the shortest life expectancy of all Polaris, due to their chance of dying in combat. The powerful warships of the Polaris Fleet, the massive Nil'Kemi Warriors and Vell-os Trained Weave Soldiers, and even the Orbital Defensive Weapons of the Polaris Homeworld of Kel'ar ly are controlled and manned by teh Nil'kemorya. It was their leader, Iusia, whom settled the first Polaris civil war. Their name cannot be easily translated. When used while referring to weather or season, it conveys a sense of autumn, of a slight chill in the air, of gloriously blazing trees, and of falling leaves. When talking of members of the warrior caste, Nil'kemorya symbolizes those beautifully colored autumn leaves that have left the tree but have yet to reach the ground. So reflects the attitude of the caste members.

Mu'hari - This is the caste, which was created after the First Civil War to abate tensions within the other castes, for those who do not fit in any of the others. Their name translates to "servants of all" which is a fitting title. Mu'hari caste members have a variety of jobs that aid the other castes, as well as jobs which no other caste can implement. This is especially true for diplomacy and domestic care, for Mu'hari are the diplomats, scouts, spies, police, secret police, prosecutors, jury, and judges of the Polaris. The Mu'hari say they are filled with shame and dishonor over their lack of clear definition, but the other castes often regard Mu'hari with a sense of awe. Of the last 50 Bis to rule the Polaris, 43 have been from the Mu'hari caste. The Vell-os associate themselves with this caste, though they operate as a separate entity.

Kel'ariy - This caste is composed of the best and brightest from all of the other castes. The Kel'ariy are the leaders and administrators of the Polaris. Their capitol rests on the Polaris homeworld, where Kel'ariy ministers, tax collectors, administrators, and council members set intra-caste policy and laws. The Kel'ariy, while wielding much power, are often regarded as the least respected of all the castes, simply because their job does not have a tangible purpose most times. Due to swift-action from the Kel'ariy, civil wars have been avoided and alien conflicts have been soothed.


Then, the Polaris is ruled ultimately by the Council of Twelve. Each of the six castes contributes two members - a decision brought about by the Shard Wars - each with the power of one vote. The Council rules on maters of great importance to the Polaris, and is thus not always convened. In the event of a tie vote, the Vell-os representative to the Council (chosen by those of the native Vell-os planets) castes the tie-breaking vote.

Ultimately, the Council's main point in recent years has been to appoint the Bis of the Polaris. The Bis is essentially the leader: his or her judgement and decisions act as immediate law. Though such power might be too great to wield, the Bis' power exists so long as the Polaris people and the Council of Twelve is satisfied. If a Bis does not perform his or her duties effectively, then the Council of Twelve can host an emergency meeting and impeach the Bis. This has happened on only two occasions. Otherwise, the Bis is indoctrinated with leadership training and tutoring for almost two years. At the end of that period can the Bis truly accept his or her duties. A Bis remains for life, though the Council can set a "Bis in training" whenever it deems it necessary.


Current Bis

Bis Andreya IV

Current Members of the Council of Tweleve

P'Andreya - P'aedt
P'Nox - P'aedt
Ver'Olmn - Ver'ash
Ver'Pash - Ver'ash
Tre'Shesh - Tre'pira
Tre'Kistrana - Tre'pira
Iuso Nil'Kala - Nil'kemorya
Iuso Nil'Besh - Nil'kemorya
Mu'Pash - Mu'hari
Mu'Randa - Mu'hari
Kel'Misha - Kel'ariy
Kel'Vern - Kel'ariy
Master Paleyl - Vell-os Representative



Caste Percent of Population:
P'aedt - 14%
Tre'pira - 31%
Ver'ash - 15%
Nil'kemorya - 13%
Mu'hari - 19%
Kel'ariy - 8%

Race Percent of Population:
Pure Polaris - 52%
Part-Vell-os - 38%
Pure Vell-os - 9%
Other - 1%<

Ory'Hara Faith - 99%
Other - 1%<