NationStates Jolt Archive

Official Thread of Earth IX

The Singapore Islands
02-12-2005, 21:40
Hello! Before you get bored of this and leave, just read this paragraph. Anyway, this thread is for Earth IX. Firstly, Earth IX is not just a normal board, it is a Board FULL of democracy. You might've thought, "Oh, this is one of those Earths that all the power and decisions are made by the administrators and moderators," but guess what? NOPE! The power is in the Members hands, there's even several rules of the board giving members a higher status and more authority over the staff! One of the rules that depict this is -

7.) Democracy - If a member feels an Administrator Ruling or Moderator Ruling was unfair, then they are very free to cast a vote in the "Suggestions" section against it. If the majority of the members, including moderators, and the administrators, agree with the member, then the Ruling is void, if the majority of the Staff and Members agree with the Administrator's or Moderator's Ruling, then the Ruling is in effect. No Administrator or Moderator may tamper with this rule, ever!


So now you see, there are other rules that allow the members to have more power. Anyway,

Earth IX is an open-minded board. The themes range from specific-time-periods to NationStates based role-plays to allow much excitement. So, don't be surprised if your favourite theme is being role-played upon!

Anyway, the only thing that can make Earth IX special, running, and exciting is YOU! That is why members get most of the powers and the board is highly, highly democratic, almost liberal!

Even role-playing rules are highly relaxed. For example, you may do anything that isn't restricted by the rules. For example -

The current theme is 1939, and I'm Japan, even though around 1939 Japan was at shaky relations with the US, I proposed a free trade agreement with it, and a mutual defence pact with the USSR, another twist!


Also, if you want a different theme to role-play on, cast a vote and if the majority of the people want it, then we will drop everything from the current theme the next day the vote passed and change the theme! It's that democratic, you may even propose the vote during the tensed time of a theme!

Also, discouragement (calling someone a n00b or etc) is against the rules (really!) so don't worry about disrespectfulness (disrespectfulness is included).


So, please consider this offer, and ATLEAST check out the boards. Currently, one of the Co-Administrators is working on a skin.

So please consider, and if you like it, join!

The URL to Earth IX is -
The Singapore Islands
02-12-2005, 22:41
The Singapore Islands
03-12-2005, 07:48
The Singapore Islands
03-12-2005, 23:08
bump! come on ppl, joinnnnnn!!! >_<
The Singapore Islands
04-12-2005, 04:43

Join, we still need more people. I'm sure you'll have fun!
The Singapore Islands
04-12-2005, 07:46
The Singapore Islands
04-12-2005, 07:55
04-12-2005, 14:55
How do you claim countries? How do you decide how much land you get?
04-12-2005, 16:01
We request all the free land from Poland to Turkey, except the Poland itself. My land is called Ottoman Empire. (Who have taken over people in East Europe.)
04-12-2005, 16:03
We request all the free land between Poland and Turkey. My land is called "New Ottoman Empire", who have taken over people in East Europe.
You take ONE country that existed in 1939. I repeat, ONE. And post it on the forums, they're there for a reason
04-12-2005, 16:09
OK, only Turkey then!
The Singapore Islands
04-12-2005, 20:06
Yes, what Rolatia said, it should be easy and interesting playing as one nation. And, if anyone is good at skins, please post here/post in the thread concerning Skins in the "Chat" section of Earth IX!

The Singapore Islands
05-12-2005, 01:00
The Singapore Islands
05-12-2005, 01:00
The Singapore Islands
05-12-2005, 01:00
The Singapore Islands
05-12-2005, 01:01
The Singapore Islands
05-12-2005, 01:01
The Singapore Islands
06-12-2005, 06:20
The Singapore Islands
06-12-2005, 21:30
The Singapore Islands
07-12-2005, 00:30
come on people, join!

The theme is 1939, you must join!! It will be exciting!
The Singapore Islands
08-12-2005, 06:23
Bump!! World War II has started!!
The Singapore Islands
08-12-2005, 23:53
Bump. World War II has started, like I stated!
The Singapore Islands
09-12-2005, 23:06
10-12-2005, 01:32

EDIT - we might have a new time-period since 1939 didn't consist of powerful nations.
11-12-2005, 23:32

World War II has started! Germany invades Italy and CCCP invades Germany!
12-12-2005, 21:13
13-12-2005, 21:59
15-12-2005, 05:13
16-12-2005, 21:48
18-12-2005, 22:07
20-12-2005, 06:13
Middle Snu
20-12-2005, 06:30
Come on, don't just bump. If you have to keep advertising, then make a list of 50 great reasons to join and post them one by one. Just saying bump over and over and over is repetitive.
21-12-2005, 23:36
21-12-2005, 23:55
21-12-2005, 23:56
Come on, don't just bump. If you have to keep advertising, then make a list of 50 great reasons to join and post them one by one. Just saying bump over and over and over is repetitive.

Sounds good, but I bump every 2-3 days. Next time I bump, I'll write the list, lol, thanks ^_^.