NationStates Jolt Archive

A Child, Beloved of the Gods (Semi-Closed, ATTN Force Users)

02-12-2005, 06:04
High Priest's Damutek - Yuuzhan'tar

The captive writhed in agony on the altar. Hovering over him like angels of death were a trio of the highest priests in the Empire, all gathered to confirm the divinations showing up everywhere. This prisoner had been taken specially for this occassion. Kidnapped from an outer rim world, the young man was a padawan learner. A Jedi. A distinguished sacrifice and true warrior. His sacrifice had been arranged specially for this occassion. Something important was about to happen and the priests had to know what.

As they watched, the man's bowels oozed out of a massive hole carved into his stomach. He screamed and screamed, for several minutes. Finally, as his heart began to run out of blood to pump the man went into shock and died. The whole scene was carefully recorded for later study, but the priests had seen enough. Something very important was going to happen - and soon.

"There is something very important coming." The first of the priests offered to begin discussion.

"Not something - SOMEONE. Someone unique. Important, infinitely so..." The second said.

"Agreed. There will be a birth of great importance. It will happen very soon, the mother is probably pregnant already. This is certain. The real question is - why is this child so important?" The last of them asked, looking sternly at the others.

"The Gods do not reveal this... Perhaps they do not wish us to know or perhaps we haven't looked hard enough..." The first answered, getting cut off by the last.

"Nonsense! This is the 40th captive we have sacrificed! We have missed nothing! The Gods do not will us to know...."

"Perhaps.... They will reveal all to us in time. We only need to wait...."

Slums of the Shamed - Yuuzhan'tar

A scream pierced the night in the run down slums where the Shamed Ones lived. It echoed through the narrow streets and off of the tiny run-down shacks that passed as homes. In most homes the lights were out, it was much too late for them to be on. Most of the Shamed Ones were asleep, getting as much rest as possible before the hardships of the next day.

But in one hut the lights were still on. Inside a woman screamed in pain, drowning out the encouraging words of her mate and the midwife. She was giving birth. Another Shamed child brought into a life of indignity, hardship and despair. Just another mouth to feed, another number to those elites who ruled over the Shamed. Another child unfit to receive the blessings of the Gods...

"Push Yua! Push!" The midwife shouted at the woman. The child was almost here, but the woman wouldn't push anymore. She was exhausted and sick. If the child didn't come soon neither of them would survive the night. "Come on! Push! Push for your life!"

Gathering what little strength she had left, the woman pushed for all her life. It was just enough, the child squeezed the last few inches into the world. Catching the child, the midwife smiled. "It's a boy!" she said excitedly, but the woman couldn't hear her. The last of her strength was gone and she was fading away. The child would have to survive motherless.

Holding the child in his arms, the father stared out the window at the stars high above. He couldn't afford to raise a child, not in his current state. His own health was deteriorating. Raising a child might just push him over the edge. He could simply walk the short distance to the maaw luur and toss the boy into it.... But no! There was something about this child that forced that thought from his mind. There was something in this child. Something the man couldn't identify, couldn't even feel or touch. But he could see it, coursing through the child. This boy was special....
02-12-2005, 16:59
High Priest's Damutek - Yuuzhan'tar. One Month Later

The priests once again stood in a semi-circle over a captive being sacrificed. This one died quickly, but in horrible pain. As the man's body was dragged away, the priests closed into a tight circle to converse about what they had just witnessed.

"The child has been born. But where?" The first asked the other two.

"Here, on Yuuzhan'tar. The Gods were clear on that, but they do not reveal to whom the child was born to." The second answered.

"That isn't quite true. The child is Shamed, that much is certain. But we do not know where..." The last said, trailing off for suggestions.

"Perhaps we don't need to. Perhaps the child comes for the good of the Yuuzhan Vong." The first offered up hopefully.

"No... Have you been watching the sacrifices? The child will tear apart our society if allowed to live. We need to know where this child is so that he may be destroyed." The last countered angrily.

"Perhaps instead of hunting through the millions of Shamed Ones on Yuuzhan'tar, we could simply purge them. Kill all the male children born in the last year..." The second suggested, to the approval of the other two.

"Indeed... it could work.... Make it so."

And so, the next day a great purge began. Warriors traversed the great slums of the Shamed, killing new born males and infants under a year old. The slaughter was merciless. Mothers begged for the lives of their children, only to be beaten down and forced to watch their child die. The search for the child of the Gods had begun...

Slums of the Shamed - Yuuzhan'tar. 2 weeks earlier.

"You! The one with the child! Come here!" A warrior snapped, pointing the business end of his amphistaff at the Shamed One in question.

The man stepped forward, cradling the child in his arms, and spoke with great fear. "Yes, Master Warrior? What may I do for you?"

"You're reassigned! Report to the worldship Baanu Kor, you will work as a harvester there!" The warrior shouted into the man's face, doing his best to be intimidating and superior.

"But my child... He must have a steady home...."

"His home will be Baanu Kor! Now go before I decide to kill you both and find someone else!" The warrior shouted at the now rapidly retreating man. He laughed at the fear displayed by the Shamed One and revelled in his superiority as he continued on to find more able-bodied workers for the ship.

Making his way quickly to the ship, the man cradled the young Shoon-mi Esh in his arms and spoke softly to him. Words of encouragement and conciliation flowed from him to keep the child from crying as they approached the worldship. As they entered, they both stopped for a moment to take in their new home and the child began to cry. "Come, Shoon-mi... It's not so bad... You'll learn to love it more than Yuuzhan'tar. It doesn't matter where you are anyway, you're a special boy and always will be..." The man whispered softly, tickling the child as he strolled to their assigned communal quarters.

A few hours later, the worldship left Yuuzhan'tar bound for the edges of the Empire to survey border worlds for conquest.
02-12-2005, 19:07
Tendra System - Aboard Baanu Kor. 8 years later

Life on a worldship was harsh, at least for the Shamed. Little food, little rest and back-breaking labour. It was especially hard on an orphan. Without a parent to care for him and guard him from the regular beatings of the warriors, Shoon-mi had had to fend for himself for 2 years now. He did his work in the fields, ate the meager meals given to the Shamed and hid at night. Night was when the warriors came, looking for gratification of the sexual kind or a Shamed One to beat for entertainment. Many times Shoon-mi hadn't found a hiding place good enough and was beaten severely, simply to entertain the warriors.

But now he was in a perfect hiding place. He slept in the villip paddies, far from the Shamed quarters. He hadn't been beaten in six months, ever since he decided to hide here at night. However, tonight a pair of drunken warriors had apparently gotten lost and stumbled across the young child. Deciding that the child would make a suitable entertainment for the evening, they moved closer to beat him.

"Stand and take your beating, coward!" The first shouted at him, grabbing his hair and yanking him to his feet.

"Ha! That's better! Now take this!" The second said gleefully, throwing a punch almost a foot wide of Shoon-mi's head. The other kicked at him, barely connecting with his right side and tossing him to the ground. The two then closed in, throwing punches and kicks both wide and right on target. Shoon-mi curled into a fetal position, taking the drunken beating as best he could and desperately searching for some way to end it. Unknowingly, he began to summon the Force into himself and around himself. It cushioned the blows but didn't stop them. Then, as if on it's own a large stone lifted from the ground nearby and flew into the side of the first warrior's head, knocking him unconscious.

The second warrior stared dumbfounded at his comrade and the rock next to him. Both drunk and confused, he stepped closer to his partner to aid him. Behind him, the young boy - still in the grip of fear and anger - lashed out unconsciously with the Force again. This time the rock flew faster and connected with the second warriors solar plexus, knocking him several feet backwards. Struggling for breath and sobriety, he finally realized where the attacks were coming from and stumbled toward the boy. Again the rock lashed out, this time missing and flying off into the darkness. Picking up the boy, the second warrior beat him about the abdomen then began dragging him back to the residential areas.

"So you think you can throw rocks at your superiors and get away with it, huh?" He asked, not expecting an answer from the semi-conscious boy. "I'll show you! You'll be assigned to a planet-side work party! Hah! You won't survive a day on the surface you snivelling brat!"

The next day, Shoon-mi awoke in a hangar bay in the midst of a group of other Shamed Ones about to board a transport to the surface of Tendra-IV. The tectonically world was rocked by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and massive, violent electrical storms. Few workers who went down to the mines there survived, some never even made it groundside.
03-12-2005, 04:37
Yorik-trema 9335 - In transit to Tendra-IV

The transport was dark and dank. The bioluminescent lichen that normally clung to it's insides had gone out. The vessel was dying. Unfit to transport warriors, the ship was now used to ferry work parties of Shamed Ones. No one would care if a few dozen Shamed Ones died in an a crash or accident.

There were about 60 Shamed Ones crammed into the cargo area of the yorik-trema vessel, in place of it's normal load of 30 warriors. There was barely enough room to stand, even for a small one like Shoon-mi. Even so, they had been forced in. The trip to the atmosphere of Tendra-IV only took 20 minutes, but in the cramped and humid cargo space it seemed like hours. Finally, the transport began to rock as it began to enter atmosphere, gently at first but gradually getting worse. Over the coughs and sobs of the others in the transport, Shoon-mi could hear the atmosphere burn around the ship. Soon, however, the faint sound was replaced by the booming of thunder. The ship had crossed paths with a massive electrical storm.

Now the shaking of the ship became violent, rocking the ship in all directions and injuring many in the cargo area. In the forward compartment the pilots were shouting something inaudible. More thunder rocked the ship, temporarily deafening those on board and telling those with enough presence of mind that they were in the midst of the storm now. Suddenly a bright flash briefly lit the compartment and a violent explosion ripped a massive hole in the starboard side, rapidly depressurizing the vessel. Dozens of Shamed Ones were sucked out to certain death in the atmosphere of Tendra-IV.

On the aft-port side, Shoon-mi grabbed hold of the wall and held on for dear life. Again, like on the worldship he unconsciously summoned the Force to himself. Fueled by his fear, the Force flowed through and around him, giving him the strength to hold on as others were sucked out and the transport began to plummet uncontrolably toward the ground. A minute or so later, the ship was able to bank up to an almost level trajectory, but still continued to fall. A few more seconds and it impacted the forests of Tendra-IV. Still surrounded by the Force, Shoon-mi was cushioned enough to survive, but was knocked unconscious. Around him, parts of the forest burned and the ship finally died.
03-12-2005, 05:51
A small survey ship reverted to realspace at the Tenda system, preparing to chart the fourth system of Tenda to see if it's ok for a new colony. What they didn't know, however, was that they were about to get more than they bargained for.

Senior Apprentice Chris Thompson was part of the survey team as light security and is feeling a little bored at the moment. The apprentice of none other than the Lightning Master himself, he is a short sixteen year old kid with a cowboy hat riding his blue (yes, blue) hair and a cloak over a green T-shirt over a white long sleeve mithril undershirt. On his belted khaki pants were various weapons, including a pair of blasters as he loves to shoot more than use his saber, to the chagrin of Master Masaki. But he's a well-trained Jedi, nearing the time he will take the Trial Exams to determine Knighthood.

"So what's new here?" Chris asked exogeology professor Quinlan Kun.

"Electrical storms all over this planet. If we want to land, we must take care here."

"Cool." Chris answered. Like his Master, he's well-versed in the art of electricity, though not to Daniel's extent. Chris tried to remove the boredom by taking scans of the planet. Then, something caught his eyes, and more than just his regular eyesight. "Hey, take a look. Looks like a recent forest fire."

"Hmm. Interesting." One of the graduate students, a girl named Zoe, answered. "Doesn't quite look normal."

"Yes. Looks like a meteor just impacted the area." Another student, Greg frowned.

"Yeah." Chris nodded. Then something in the Force nudged him. "Let's start the ground survey there."

"Are you sure, Mr. Thompson?" Professor Kun asked.

"Yeah. I have a feeling that we'll find something interesting down there." Chris nodded with conviction.

"Very well. Kenan!" The professor yelled toward the cockpit of the modified-for-surveys-gunship. "Bring us down at planetary sector grid 29-D! Make sure we're at the edge of the forest fire!"

"All right. Prepare to land!" Captain Kenan replied and shortly, the survey ship began landing near the crash site of the Yuuzhan Vong ship...
03-12-2005, 06:06

Shoon-mi awoke several hours later to the sound of fire crackling around the ship. As he slowly regained his consciousness he felt something odd in the back of his mind. He could feel the forests around him. He could feel the trees. He could feel the insects. He could feel the animals.

He'd never felt anything like this before. On the worldship everything was alive, but he couldn't feel them. Here, he could. It was as if everything around him was reaching out to him, reassuring him, comforting him. It was then that he heard it, a faint humming sound in the distance.

Getting up, he walked out of the transport into the singed ground around it. The hum was louder now, coming from the sky. He looked up and saw something metallic glinting in the sun and getting closer. Although he'd never seen one before, he knew it from the stories the elders told on the worldship. Abomination! But the worldship, the fleet! How could it have gotten here? he thought as he watched it grow ever closer.

Realizing that the ship was coming toward him, Shoon-mi ran off into the forest. Using the skills he learned avoiding drunken warriors on the worldship, he found himself a hiding spot in a tree a short distance from the still smoldering crash site and watched the ship land...
03-12-2005, 06:53
The professor and his graduate students began walking out and writing in their journals about stuff. Chris, however, began sensing...something. Like wild, untrained Force activity. There's a Force Sensitive somewhere...

Chris began looking, using the Force to send calming waves outward. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you.
03-12-2005, 16:50
Infidels... What are they doing here? Shoon-mi thought to himself as he watched the scientists go about their business. They were all around him now, looking for something. Not something, someone... They're looking for me!

Many times Shoon-mi had heard horror stories about how the people of this galaxy treated Yuuzhan Vong prisoners. Now, facing the prospect of becoming a prisoner, fear began to well up inside of him. He wouldn't be taken alive, no matter what.

Below the tree one of the graduate students had stopped to tie his boot. It was all Shoon-mi needed. He lept from the tree, landing heavily on top of the student and knocking him over. He kicked at the man's face and started to make a run for it.

It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. The thought struck him at that moment and stopped him in his tracks. Calm reassuring thoughts began to flood into his mind, producing confusion and disabling his legs. He stood a few meters from the graduate student caught between his fear and the reassuring thoughts being broadcast to him. He didn't know what to do or where to go... He just stood there waiting for something to force him to make a decision.

OOC: Might want to have a protocol droid ready or something. Shoon-mi doesn't speak Basic, only Yuuzhan Vong. Also, Shoon-mi is very strong in the Force. He's at least on par with someone like Kyp Durron, probably stronger.
03-12-2005, 18:09
OOC: Ooh! That strength is like a beacon in the Force.

"Ow! Hey!" Greg suddenly found himself attacked by something and then kicked in his face. When he looked up, he saw a child. "A kid? Here? Zoe, Chris, Professor!"

"I already know. He's strong, very strong in the Force." Chris came up besides Greg.

"Oh dear..." The archeology professor recognized the child. "Yuuzhan Vong. Zoe, get the droid. I believe it has the Vong language in its databanks."

"What...oh shit! We're in trouble now!" Greg whined. "If that's a little one, I don't want be around when his parents show up!"

Chris shook his head and crouched to the child. It's ok. We won't hurt you.
03-12-2005, 18:31
Shoon-mi looked at the strange man infront of him. He wanted to be angry, but somehow he wasn't. Something kept reassuring him. Still, he didn't trust these people. His confusion and suspicion radiated off of him in the Force uncontrollably. He didn't know anything about the Force and so wasn't aware of how strongly it radiated from him.

"Who are you? How did you get here? What do you want?" He asked, spitting out each question in very quick succession.
03-12-2005, 18:36
The protocal droid shambled out of the ship just in time to hear and translate the words.

"I am Chris Thompson." Chris answered. "My friends, Greg, Zoe and Professor Kun. You are?"
03-12-2005, 18:42
Upon seeing the droid, Shoon-mi backed away a few steps, just to avoid associating with it. But when it spoke his language, he was intrigued. He slowly walked over to it and touched it, exploring the metallic surface with his fingers. All his life he'd been told to hate such things, but somehow he didn't hate this droid. Or these people.

He looked up into the droid's face and answered it's translated question. "I am Shoon-mi of Domain Esh. Born Shamed and accursed of the Gods..."

OOC: One thing to note about Shoon-mi; although he was born to Shamed parents he is only Shamed by association. His body presents no signs of being a Shamed One, no festering scars or ruined tattoos. He has no scarifications but does have a single facial tattoo, the mark of his Domain. His body is as fit as that of one of the elites.
03-12-2005, 18:50
Ah. Shamed by birth. That may explain why he's here and alone. The Professor thought. He noticed how the boy didn't seem to wish death upon the droid but actually touched it. This could be interesting...a Yuuzhan Vong not yet fully tainted by the religion of his superiors.

"How did you come here?" Chris asked kindly as the droid translated.
03-12-2005, 19:05
"The ship. They sent us to work somewhere. There was a lightning storm. The ship was hit and we crashed. Everyone died...." Shoon-mi answered, still staring at the droid.

"How did you get here, Chris of Domain Thompson?" he asked the droid, believing it to be named Chris Thompson.
03-12-2005, 19:17
"Oh dear." The droid answered as everyone chuckled. He pointed to the young Jedi Chris. "That is Chris. I am merely a translator as he hasn't learned your people's language."

Chris nodded. "Yet. We came down by our ship to explore this planet." He pointed a thumb at the survey ship they landed in.
03-12-2005, 19:24
Now Shoon-mi was confused. He couldn't tell which one he was actually speaking to. As he stood there trying to figure it out, his stomach grumbled loudly and it was then that he remembered that he'd not eaten in over two days. Forgeting all his earlier confusion, he turned to Chris and asked. "Do you have any food?"
03-12-2005, 19:45
"Uh, sure." Chris pulled out an MRE and handed it to the boy. While it may not taste well to a child, it's very nutritious and filling.
03-12-2005, 21:02
Shoon-mi grabbed the MRE greedily and immediately began chewing on it, not realising there was any plastic covering on it. After about half a minute of struggling to eat the plastic, he looked to the Coredians and held up the MRE.

"How can you eat this? You can't even chew it..."
03-12-2005, 21:07
"Oh. Heh." Chris unwrapped the plastic and put the trash in a pocket to reveal something that looks like a granola bar. "Sorry about that."
04-12-2005, 10:28
Shoon-mi took the food, examined it for a few seconds then practically inhaled it. "It was good. Much better than the waste they fed us on Baanu Kor."

He looked around, both at the Coredians and at the forest world around him. While doing so, he realized that he couldn't hope to survive once these men had gone. His gaze settled on Chris for a few seconds, then he asked. "When you go, can you take me with you? I do not wish to go back to my people. Not after the way they treated me."
04-12-2005, 18:20 about entering a hornet's nest... Chris thought. But the Force scolded him, nudging him to say yes. "You don't mind that we use a lot of things that you were taught to be abominations and such?"
04-12-2005, 21:15
"Just because I'm taught something doesn't make it true. Your machines are servants, like ours, only not alive." Shoon-mi responded, looking at the droid again.
04-12-2005, 21:42
Chris nodded. "Yeah, they pretty much are. We'll take you in, but be warned, for our people don't have good memories of the Yuuzhan Vong, your people. It won't be easy to gain acceptance and respect."

He's definitely not like others of his kind. I wonder how would the High Council treat him. The archeology professor thought.
04-12-2005, 21:46
Shoon-mi turned back to Chris, a look of resignation on his face. "I have lived all my life without acceptance and respect. I'm used to it."

After a few seconds he began to look around again and the ship took his interest. He began walking over to it. "Can I see the inside? How does it work? Where are it's dovin basals?"

OOC: Might as well skip ahead a few weeks or so. Present him to the Jedi Council or something.
04-12-2005, 22:00
OOC: Weren't you going to have a fleet pass by or something?

As they headed back to the ship...

"Heh. Cute kid..." Zoe smiled.

"Yeah." Greg nodded.

Chris smirked. "I'll show you, and no, we don't use dovin bassals. Come on in."

The door opened for them to go in.
04-12-2005, 22:06
OOC: Technically the fleet was in orbit when you arrived, but they've "magically" disappeared...

IC: Shoon-mi entered the ship slowly, taking everything in. "No dovin basals?"
04-12-2005, 22:56
OOC: Technically the fleet was in orbit when you arrived, but they've "magically" disappeared...

IC: Shoon-mi entered the ship slowly, taking everything in. "No dovin basals?"
OOC: Ah. That's good.

IC: "Nope. Only energy shields." Chris replied.

All seemed well when they entered, until the pilot saw the boy. "What the--!" Shock at the boy's sudden entrance turned to fear as he realized what the boy's race is, and then anger, for the Vong had taken his family away only a year ago. Almost before anyone knew it, his blaster was out, ready to shoot the boy in the face.

Then a sudden snap-hiss of Chris' azure lightsaber sounded in the cockpit as the teenager interposed himself between Shoon-mi and the pilot.

"Put away your weapon, Kenan." Chris ordered calmly, yet with an 'I'll kick your ass if you don't' undertone all the same.

"Do as he says, Pilot." The Professor added his authority to the rising tension. "The boy is no threat."

"But--he's Vong! They'll come for him!" Kenan cried out angrily. "And for us!"

"I doubt that very much." Chris answered, almost ready to spring and strike. "He was born Shamed, he said so himself and I have no reason to believe otherwise. Now put away your weapon before I make you, sit down in your seat, and prepare for takeoff."

Hatred of the young Vong was slowly overriden by the very real threat of a lightsaber in the hands of a Jedi and Kenan slowly put away his gun and did what he was told. Chris sighed as he extinguished the blade and replaced it on his belt.
04-12-2005, 23:05
Taken aback for a moment by the blaster pulled on him, Shoon-mi's attention was very quickly drawn to the lightsaber. Even though he'd never seen one before, he could still recognize it as the weapon of a Jedi. The stories of the Jedi still circulated within the ranks of the Shamed.

"Jeedai!" he almost shouted with great excitement. All at once the stories of the Solo twins, The Ganner, Skywalker and the rest all came flooding into his mind. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was in the presence of a real live Jedi.

As the incident with the pilot calmed down, Shoon-mi could barely contain his excitement. "You're a Jeedai! Defender of the Shamed! Mightiest warrior! Where are the others? Anakin Solo? Jacen? Jaina? Skywalker?"
04-12-2005, 23:18
OOC: I place this as about 80 or so years after that time. I would think that the Twins are great-grandparents now, if not one with the Force. The Patriarch knew them personally.

"They have become legends." Chris answered with a smile. "But Masters Lowbacca and Masaki can tell you a lot about them."

The ship soon lifted off and headed out of the atmosphere.
04-12-2005, 23:38
OOC: I generally place it around half a century after the Killik War. I'll let you RP the arrival at where ever it is the ship is going.

IC: The trip to (insert destination) was very special to Shoon-mi. It was the first time he'd ever travelled in space and been able to see the stars, in fact it was the first time he'd ever seen the stars. Not only that, it was the first time he'd ever been aboard a mechanical ship, let alone seen one. To top it all, he was travelling with a Jedi. It was almost beyond belief.

During the hyperspace jump, Shoon-mi took the opportunity to learn of the mechanical workings of the ship, of the fates of the Jedi he'd learned about on Baanu Kor and even to learn a few simple phrases in Basic. It was the time of his life.
05-12-2005, 16:47
05-12-2005, 20:31

The most heavily defended world in the galaxy, quite possibly rivalling Coruscant, Jurai looks so heavy of defensive emplacements and ships that one could almost hop from station to station to get to Jurai itself. Such heavy defenses was born out of the 'Never Again' mentality that came up after the Death Star destroyed their former capital.

The survey ship reverted to realspace and its IFF allowed it through. Then it descended onto the Jedi Temple's spaceport. A Vong Force-Sensitive will be quite interesting to the High Council.

The Jedi Temple itself is carved out of the side of a mountain, with villages and towns dotted on the wide expanse of plains surrounding it. It appeared to be a fine compromise between nature and technology as it's white-marble spires gleams under the rising sun.

(OOC: Think a futuristic Minas Tirith:
06-12-2005, 02:38
For the whole trip from orbit to ground, Shoon-mi was glued to the viewport. He'd never seen so many ships or stations or planets before. It was both beautiful and disconcerting all at once. He wondered how so much technology could possibly be concentrated in such a small place... It was shocking and rattled his Yuuzhan Vong sensibilities. He was torn between love and hate for this place.

The Jedi Temple, on the other hand, produced a much different impression. The balance of technology and nature, beauty and ugly was comforting. It provided for him a vision of how the galaxy should be. Of new and ideal society for his people...

"This place is beautiful... This is where the Jedi come from?" He asked Chris as the ship landed.
06-12-2005, 04:28
"Yep." Chris nodded. "And now you'll get to meet the Jedi Council."
06-12-2005, 05:02
This comment surprised Shoon-mi. Despite all that had happened in the past few days and weeks, he still only believed he was a normal Shamed child. He had no idea that he possessed a connection with the Force, let alone that he was as powerful as he was. The Jedi Council? Why would they take me to see the Jedi Council? he thought as they exited the ship.

He looked up to Chris, which wasn't very far. Like most of his species he was taller than the average human and already stood nearly four and a half feet tall. "Why would the Jedi Council wish to see me? I am but a simple Shamed One of no importance."
06-12-2005, 05:16
"That, my little friend, is where you are wrong. Everyone is important, from the lowliest people to the kings and presidents and emperors of the galaxy." Chris answered as they walked into the Temple itself. And here comes the big question. "And besides, have you noticed that you could sense things lately? Move things around?"
06-12-2005, 05:21
Again, Shoon-mi was confused but thought about the question for a moment. As he thought about it, his last night on Baanu Kor came to the front of his mind. He recounted the tale to Chris, unsure if that is what he meant.
06-12-2005, 05:37
"I see." Chris nodded after he heard the story. "Telekinesis, the ability to move things with the mind. It seems to me that you have the ability to use the Force."
06-12-2005, 14:05
Shoon-mi was taken aback by this. It was impossible. No Yuuzhan Vong had the Force. The Force was only for the Jedi. He's lying. I CAN'T have the Force. The Yuuzhan Vong are without the Force and I am Yuuzhan Vong... he thought.

As he began to get more upset about this, his confusion and anxiety began to radiate uncontrollably from him in the Force. Like a loud speaker in a quiet room, his thoughts and emotions were broadcast to all around him as he stood in shock of this revelation. Finally, he managed enough strength to speak. "That's impossible! The Yuuzhan Vong do not have the Force!"
06-12-2005, 19:01
"On the contrary." Chris shook his head. "At the end of the last war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Master Jacen Solo dueled the Overlord's familiar Onimi. Get this. The guy had the ability to use the Force. The Yuuzhan Vong are as much a part of the Force as anything else in the galaxy, perhaps the universe. Ah, here we are."

They stood before the large marblewood doors of the Jedi Council chambers. A receptionist told them to wait as the Council is meeting with someone else and they'll be a few minutes. Chris sat down on the bench next to the door.
06-12-2005, 19:18
"It must be a mistake. The Gods would not will the Force on a Shamed One. You're mistaken. You have to be. It's just not possible." Shoon-mi rambled, as they waited for the Council to be finished with it's meeting. Confusion continued to radiate off of him uncontrollably within the Force. His emotions were completely unchecked and broadcasting to all force sensitives in the room, if not the entire building.
06-12-2005, 19:45
The receptionist scowled at the lack of training the boy had in controlling his emotions and then the door opened, revealing a Jedi with long, brown, braided hair, an off-white button shirt with another white shirt beneath with a lightning symbol on it. He also wore brown pants.

"Master Daniel." Chris greeted.

"Hey, Chris." He smirked. "Who's the kid?"

"Vong Force Sensitive named Shoon-mi. Shamed One." He said quickly.

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Grandpa, *ahem*, Master Alex is waiting."

"Alright. See ya." Chris said. "C'mon."

And they entered the Council chambers.

That kid is going be very interesting one day... Daniel thought prophetically as he walked down the hall.


The Jedi Council consisted of six people:

Patriarch Alexander Masaki, head of state of Coreworlds. He looks a lot like Count Dooku.

Master Armas Elendil, the Grandmaster of the Order, he's currently in hologram form as he's offplanet.

Master Tsunade, the Medical Master.

Master Lowbacca the Wookiee. He's the link between Skywalker's Order and the current one.

Master Harry Blayden, the Academy headmaster.

and Master Emily Rydo.

Alex, Lowbacca and Elendil immediately recognized the boy upon entrance, as they were old enough to actually remember the war. Alex raised an eyebrow in a similar fashion to his grandson at the Force rolling off of Shoon-mi. Alex spoke. "Apprentice Thompson, please tell us what occurred on your cut-short mission."

And Chris Thompson told the story.
07-12-2005, 00:13
Shoon-mi was in awe. The simply be in the same room as these people, let alone their focus of interest, was almost overwhelming. As he stood there he found he could feel them, as Chris had described. He could feel the Force emanating from the Masters and flowing through the room. He stopped paying attention to what was being said and began listening to the flow of the Force instead.
07-12-2005, 01:14
"...and here we are with young Shoon-mi here." Chris concluded his story.

"Very intruging. A Yuuzhan Vong with the ability to access the Force..." Alex said. "It has not been known in nearly a century..."

"[I agree. Should he be trained?]" Lowbacca woofed.

"Yes." Elendil nodded simply.

"We've never denied anyone a chance." Tsunade smiled. "I say we give it a go."

"It would be worse if he didn't get trained." Master Blayden answered. "He has nowhere else to go."

"It is agreed." Emily Rydo nodded.

"It is unanimous then." Alex said. He turned to Shoon-mi. "Young one. Your journey here has only begun. It will be long and hard, as your life has been, but rest assured it will bear fruit. Do you accept?" A formality, but a necessary one.
07-12-2005, 02:31
There was no hesitation. Shoon-mi had already come this far, there was no going back now. "I accept..."
07-12-2005, 04:12
"Then welcome to the Jedi Order." Alex smiled. He got up. "Master Blayden?"

The Master nodded and headed out of the Council chambers.

"How about I give you a tour, hmm?" Alex asked. "Just so you know where everything is. Oh, yes. I don't want to leave you hanging, so you're dismissed, Chris."

"Yes Master. I'll see you later, Shoon-mi." Chris beamed at his new friend and headed out.
07-12-2005, 18:13
Shoon-mi waved goodbye to Chris then looked up to Alex. Still speaking Yuuzhan Vong he said. "I will be a Jedi?"
07-12-2005, 19:32
Shoon-mi waved goodbye to Chris then looked up to Blayden. Still speaking Yuuzhan Vong he said. "I will be a Jedi?"
"Yes, of course." Alex smiled. "Come, I will show you around."
08-12-2005, 05:07
Shoon-mi followed Alex on his tour and mentally prepared himself for what lay ahead of him.

OOC: I'm going to skip ahead several more years again - a decade to be exact - and pick up from there. I'll post something tomorrow detailing training and where he is now. Basically what I'd like is for him to by made a full Jedi Knight next.
08-12-2005, 05:13
Shoon-mi followed Alex on his tour and mentally prepared himself for what lay ahead of him.

OOC: I'm going to skip ahead several more years again - a decade to be exact - and pick up from there. I'll post something tomorrow detailing training and where he is now. Basically what I'd like is for him to by made a full Jedi Knight next.
OOC: You won't notice a big difference in Coredians, then. We age almost as well as the elves. Plot-dictated age reducing factors and all that. :D
10-12-2005, 02:27
11 Years Later

At first the training of a Jedi was rather difficult for Shoon-mi. He did not yet understand Basic, could not control his emotions and had to face the prejudices of fellow students. Not a day went by that he didn't hurl a fellow student into a wall for calling him a "scarhead" or other durogatory name.

Eventually, however, he managed to control his emotions, overcome the prejudices of his fellow students and become fluent in Basic. At age 12 he was taken on as padawan learner by a preeminent Jedi Master within the Temple. Singled out because of his great Force potential, Shoon-mi quickly adapted to his new role and performed well in the service of the galaxy his people had once torn asunder.

Through countless missions, each with it's own accompanying lesson, Shoon-mi proved himself an outstanding Jedi. By his 19th birthday he was as strong in the Force as the deceased Master Durron, some even said as strong as Master Skywalker, and his lightsaber skills came close to surpassing his instructors. To all outside observers he was born to be a Jedi and serve the galaxy as a prominent member of the Order for decades to come.

He was knighted without ceremony or celebration by Master Alex in a simple conversation and many believed he was on the fast track to a seat on the Council. But there was a side of him he never shared with even his closest friends. A side that still identified with his native people. A side that still held loyalties to the Gods of his father and held compassion for the plight of his fellow Shamed. It was this side that eventually tempted him to turn his back on the Jedi Order. One day he simply walked away from the Order, left the Temple and disappeared. Some thought that maybe agents of his people had finally found him out and assassinated him. Others that the Vong deep inside had finally won out over the Jedi and murdered them both.

No one guessed, however, that he hadn't committed suicide or been murdered. He had left the Order to return to his people. He left to bring the balance of the Force to his people. To bring peace and justice to the Shamed. To free the Yuuzhan Vong from their self-imposed bondage and bring them back to the peaceful people they had once been....
10-12-2005, 03:22
The Patriarch smiled as he used a clarivoyant-ball to watch the young Yuuzhan Vong Jedi make his way through the Galaxy for Vong space. And so, it begins. The time for change within the Yuuzhan Vong once more. The time for the Shamed Ones to break the shackles of their slavery will soon come. Blood may run streets and rivers, but I forsee a good end to the coming civil war. Especially if we bury a few thorns amist the warrior sects...and then twist...