A Declaration of Seccession
28-11-2005, 23:38
We, the people of Dammesburg, declare a seccesion from the Grand Duchy of Archangelus Hominus. For some time, we have felt mislead buy the Archangel Dutchess, and believe she isnt as divine as she belives. We have tired of being told how to live our lives, and now the city, now Principality, of Dammesburg have declared ourselves secceded and independant of GDAH.
thank you for your time.
Archangelus Hominus
28-11-2005, 23:47
We refuse to acknowledge this declaration! Dammesburg will forever be a part of Archangelus Homius! We refuse to acknowledge any traitorous government put in place in that city. This is an outrage! How dare you deny my divinity! Haven't I done well for your city. We will take this territory back, by force if need be. This wont end here!
The Archangel Dutchess
Teflon Harbour
The Grand Dutchy of Archangelus Hominus
The Lynx Alliance
29-11-2005, 00:13
We will lend any support you need to maintain independance, Dammesburg. we wish you all the best
29-11-2005, 09:24
Thank you, The Lynx Alliance. we will need all the help we can get.
29-11-2005, 10:57
The republic of Leestvia supports the struggle for independence. we will assist in any way we can.
Archangelus Hominus
29-11-2005, 12:44
the Grand Dutchy is build its forces 50 km away from the Dammesburg Successionist Zone. An armada has been dispatched to blockade the city from the sea, but negotiations with Angelean Necropolis to block their border of the zone have disintergrated. If need be, we will invade AN in order to cement the blockade. Our air forces have been put on alert incase any air support comes in. We will shoot support air and space craft down!
(OOC: this is Myth, Future as well as present tech. any forces are allowed)
The Lynx Alliance
29-11-2005, 12:51
if this is the case, we will be sending in 50 Hunters, with 50 remaining here on stand by. unfortunatly, the Hunters and their Kiaonese dragons failed in their task of ridding Vastiva of its polar bears, and are looking to redeem themseslves
29-11-2005, 14:55
The republic of Leestvia is sending a humanitarian convoy across the synlindrical sea with food and temporary shelters.
Because of the unstable enviroment surrounding this mission, the government has sent 7 galor class cruisers with the convoy to ensure that it reaches it's destination unharmed.
If any government wishes to board the transportvessels has to contact the Leestvian government for permission.
Any attempt to board the convoy without permission or stop the convoy will be seen as an act of war and we will correspond accoordingly.
29-11-2005, 16:07
To: All Nations Imvolved
From: Mr John J. Ranquird, Personal Assistant to Emperor Galen Q Leotardia
The Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom and her Colonies will pledge the military might to the aid of the Newly formed Nation of Dammesburg. Conventional Military Aleart Status is designated to DEFCON 3, Strategic Military Aleart Status is designated at DEFCON 2 and the Shazbotdom Naval Space Forces is set to standby. Any attempt to take the Nation of Dammesburg by force on the part of the Nation of Archangelus Hominus will result in the full orbital bombardment of their military insillations. This will be the first and final warning from the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom to the Nation of Archangelus Hominus.