The Rise of M03D03
Deep within the heart of the galaxy is a planet that is little more than a barren wasteland inhabited by robots. This is the land of M03D03. There is a stronghold. A great, steel fortress that is almost impregnable. This is 8434D-DU3. Atop the tallest tower of the fortress is an enormous electronic eye that swivels in every direction, searching the galaxy for the One Program. This is the Dark Computer 54U30N.
The Fedral Union
29-11-2005, 03:13
A small pitch black hole opened several million Km form the planet as the newly built USS Charles F. Adams busted out of N space energy like strings rushing behind it as the large 550 meter destroyer made its exit, and the pitch black hole collapsed behind it.
On the bridge..
Captain Fredrik Cassidy was sitting on his command chair as he watched officers engineers and crew members work all around him pressing glassy holographic panels. The ship raced towards the planet, the con officer looked at his Scanners and rubbed his chin “hmm” he stated to him self.
He looked over to the captain and said “sir were detecting activity at a planet in this system, it seems rather board and evolved, but I cant give you all the details form this distance.”
Captain Fredrik looked over to the con officer then to the helms officer and said “our primary mission isn’t exploring were a destroyer; a combat ship, But it will be a good test of our combat sensors; Helm move us in, but keep a low profile I don’t want to startle any one or cause an incident”
The helms officer swiveled her chair and looked back nodding and stating “yes sir” she returned to her console tapping it, the ship rumbled forward as the star light gleamed along its rough hull the ship moving towards the world.
On the moon of 15EN643D, in a tall, black tower, a tall robot contructed to look like a male human in white robes, stood with its hands over a round object the size of a soccor ball. Numbers flashed across its glassy surface. They seemed to mean something to the robot, because it turned to a much larger, heavier built robot behind him and said "Send five U3UK-H41 battle ships and to the coordinates I am now programming into your CPU. And prepare my personal shuttle." The other robot bowed.
"Yes, my lord 543UM4N." it said and exited the room.
The robot adressed as 543UM4N turned his attention back to the black ball and concentrated. The image of an enormous, mechanical eye appeared. A booming voice came from the object.
"What is it, 543UM4N?"
"My lord," 543UM4N replied "I have detected a large battle ship on the P474NT13. I have taken the liberty of-"
"I have known it was there for hours. I was trusting you to deal with it and not bother me with such petty matters!"
"I apologise, my lord." But the eye had already disappeared.
29-11-2005, 07:32
at this moment a small fleet of warships arived out of hyperspace three Ha'tak warships and a Beliskner class battleship....
"the scans where light only sir but we picked up no life and a large amount of energy signitures."
"prepare an Unas, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, and Human for landing they will be going on a Tel'tac transport, and get two Death Gliders to escort them."
"yes sir"
with that the crew got ready. the Unas would have a Staff weapon and a Zat'nikatal, the Asgard would have only a Zae'tarc but would be flying the ship, the Goa'uld would have her Ribbon Device and personel shield, as for the Jaffa and human they would have Kull armor and Kull Blasters.
so the Tel'tac left the Beliskner class Battleship Invincible headed for the planet...the fleet was currently un aware of the other ship in the area...
OOC: not the best post i have ever made but oh well i never seem to be good at intros...
543UM4N blasted off from 15EN643D's hangar bay, followed by five fighters. They were piloted by U3UK-H41, an elite type of warrior robot. They were stronger and faster than 03Cs, which made up the majority of M03D03's army. 15EN643D was basically a giant factory for making U3UK-H41. As they neared the Fedral ships, something else showed up on 543UM4N's P474NT13. The robot hailed them.
The Vaxintorians
29-11-2005, 08:42
OOC: Wonderful thread! You have my highest compliments. I'll post, either with this nation or another, when I have more time.
OOC: Thanks. It's just a robotic version of Mordor with all of the LOTR vocab put in a number code, ie. 1=I, 2=Z, 3=R, 4=A, 5=S, 6=G, 7=L, 8=B, 0=O.
The Shivian Imperium
29-11-2005, 10:51
"Commander, we will be entering real space, We are back in Realspace."
"Very good." Commander Ventri said, standing on the bridge of the Imperator Star Destroyer Discovery. Ventri stood proud, his tall Lupine form decked in the Uniform of the Imperial Navy Officer.
He looked over the space before him, looking out at the nebula that made up the Galaxy. He breathed in, taking the sythisied air. He smiled, before turning.
"Whats happening?" He asked, his hands behind his back.
"Commander, we have Contacts. One Craft Matches that made by The Fedral Union, another matches Asgard, another two are defintly Goa'uld, and there is then five unidentified. Orders?"
"Drop out our fighters, raise sheilds, get ready for possible hostiles. Standered procedures."
"Yes Commander."
From the bellys of the craft, One hundred fighters launched, before setting themselves around the Star Destroyer. Sheilds where raised arond the craft, and weapons where ready. This craft was ready for combat should it come.
OOC I won't send a transmission at this time, reactions first shall we?
29-11-2005, 11:37
A considerable distance from the locations of the other vessels in the sector a rather large vessel drifted through space. Keeping with its orders the vessels cloaking generators were still engaged and was running in grey mode.
"Admiral Betrik!, we have detected mutliple contacts in this sector!" exclaimed one of the tactical officers.
"Show me." turning to the ships holoscreen the Admiral watched at it circulated through several groups of vessels. "Interesting, Status of our Cloak."
"Cloak opperating at peak effecency sir." replyed the Ops officer.
Standing up from his chair the Admiral stepped down from his slightly elevated possition. "Very good, hold our possition and relay all information to the tactical command bridge." The Admiral walked towards the rear of the bridge and through a door into an extreamly dark room. As he entered the spherical room it lit up displaying holographical images of the surounding space including the locations of vessels, planets, and other relivent objects. He glanced around at the verious ships, some he had seen before and some he had not. through his Neral interface he continued giveing orders to the bridge crew.
"Hold our possition and remain Cloaked. Bring up all relivent tactical data on the known ships and their people and continue passive scans of all ships and planets within this sector. Monitor all subspace, hyperspace, and all dimentional signals for communications and incoming vessels. This is just a test run of this ship and our orders are not to engaged in hostile activities unless forced too. We will gather as much data and intellegence as we can before we are schedualed to depart this region of space."
A collective "Yes Sir!" came acrossed the NICCS(Neural Interface Command & Communication System).
Yukonuthead the Fourth
29-11-2005, 11:50
OOC: Thanks. It's just a robotic version of Mordor with all of the LOTR vocab put in a number code, ie. 1=I, 2=Z, 3=R, 4=A, 5=S, 6=G, 7=L, 8=B, 0=O.
45h n45g du3but47u6?
Shouldn't E=3 and R=4?
The SPACE Invaders
29-11-2005, 21:51
OOC: Thanks. It's just a robotic version of Mordor with all of the LOTR vocab put in a number code, ie. 1=I, 2=Z, 3=R, 4=A, 5=S, 6=G, 7=L, 8=B, 0=O.
OOC: Of course - it's the parallel that makes it so fun.
The Droell Zapar exploratory fleet 3 drifted silently through space, its presence virtually undetectable. It consisted of an incredibly huge superfortress, carrying almost 100,000,000 assorted sentients, and a handfull of much, much smaller vessels. Most were cloaked, utilizing every stealth technology the Broell Zapar had discovered: life-sign suppressors, mass nullifiers, full-spectrum active camo, and many other techniques. Even the massive superfortress was difficult to spot from more than a few hundred kilometers away; from a distance, only a small trading ship would be easily visible.
Sensors gathered from several dozen civilizations noted an unusual concentration of ship movements, and the Droell Zapar turned toward M03D03. Perhaps some useful new devices could be discovered here...
OOC: No doubt the Great Eye can see through any attempts at stealth the Droell Zapar are capable of. The superfortress, by the way, is primarily a civilian vessel, to the extent that such classifications apply to them - more like a giant fortified city than an ordinary warship.