27-11-2005, 20:50
[Link:] War thread<
[Link: Commonwealth<]
The EVIL, OPPRESSIVE, nation of Banduria and it's ILLEGAL and WARMONGERING Alliance of Imperialistic Nations has DEMANDED that glorious Questaria removes it's fleets from the presence of Optischer. Will we stand by while these FASCISTS make demands and attack our fleets? NO! Will we watch as our vessels are ATTACKED by a force TEN times their size? NO!
At this moment the United Kingdom of Questers hereby declares a State of War exists between it and the Alliance of Imperialistic Nations, supported by HM Government, HM The Queen Clara II of Questaria, and the House of Commons by a majority vote of 1-598.
We shalt not faulter, we shalt not stand idly by while our assets are assaulted viciously by this foreign force.
We hereby raise a Call to Arms! alert to The Commonwealth, calling all nations to mobilise military forces for a Joint Rescue Task Force and possibly retaliatory action.
[Link: Commonwealth<]
The EVIL, OPPRESSIVE, nation of Banduria and it's ILLEGAL and WARMONGERING Alliance of Imperialistic Nations has DEMANDED that glorious Questaria removes it's fleets from the presence of Optischer. Will we stand by while these FASCISTS make demands and attack our fleets? NO! Will we watch as our vessels are ATTACKED by a force TEN times their size? NO!
At this moment the United Kingdom of Questers hereby declares a State of War exists between it and the Alliance of Imperialistic Nations, supported by HM Government, HM The Queen Clara II of Questaria, and the House of Commons by a majority vote of 1-598.
We shalt not faulter, we shalt not stand idly by while our assets are assaulted viciously by this foreign force.
We hereby raise a Call to Arms! alert to The Commonwealth, calling all nations to mobilise military forces for a Joint Rescue Task Force and possibly retaliatory action.