The end of all parties
Breaking News from the Capitol:
Omar C. Tyler ,Prime Minister of our most Holy Nation as well as High Priest and Prophet of the Church of Jamin, has just signed a law passed by the Senate outlawing all parties even Omar C. Tyler's own party First Light Party. In a statement today Tyler stated, "Parties are the work of the Evil One and getting rid of them is a great step for the lowers classes in our nation. Who will now be able to use our Running Fund that allows anyone who has enough support to run for any office." However not everyone greeted the news with joy. Fromer Capitalist Party Lee Jon stated today "This is yet another attack on rich by Omar and his mindless supporters. Without parties our beloved nation will be in a state of Anarchy by New Year's Eve." Later tonight we'll be showing Jon relations with the Mob later to night.
N Y C condemns your government attempts to close the political process, and is considering a trade embargo.
OOC: Nice change to your siggy NYC over the last couple of hours.
The Jewittist Republic heavily asks that the nation of N Y C do not embargo a nation justly because it is attempting to become libertarian and less of a beurocracy. It is in their right to the people to do it, even if it means outlawing your own party.
-Chancellor Fonzi Jewitt
27-11-2005, 06:25
Breaking News from the Capitol:
Omar C. Tyler ,Prime Minister of our most Holy Nation as well as High Priest and Prophet of the Church of Jamin, has just signed a law passed by the Senate outlawing all parties even Omar C. Tyler's own party First Light Party. In a statement today Tyler stated, "Parties are the work of the Evil One and getting rid of them is a great step for the lowers classes in our nation. Who will now be able to use our Running Fund that allows anyone who has enough support to run for any office." However not everyone greeted the news with joy. Fromer Capitalist Party Lee Jon stated today "This is yet another attack on rich by Omar and his mindless supporters. Without parties our beloved nation will be in a state of Anarchy by New Year's Eve." Later tonight we'll be showing Jon relations with the Mob later to night.
A reporter yelled out a question in half-jest. "Sir! Does that mean you'll be outlawing birthday parties and baby shower parties as well as other similar celebrations as well?"
I thank The Jewittist Republic for surrporting this move I see that some nations are not for this type of freedom.Political parties are one of this worlds great evils and I stand by my desision to disband them,
[McKagan State Department Message]
We are curious. How are you, as you imply, 'giving your people more freedom,' when in all actuality you are merely taking away their right to have something they obviously wanted? If the people of your nation really didn't want to hear of a political party in existance, why would they exist in the first place?
We might add, we will NOT stand by a trade embargo against the nation. While this is obviously a case of a dictator-in-denail, we do not support imperialist actions by anyone.
[McKagan State Department Message]
We are curious. How are you, as you imply, 'giving your people more freedom,' when in all actuality you are merely taking away their right to have something they obviously wanted? If the people of your nation really didn't want to hear of a political party in existance, why would they exist in the first place?
We might add, we will NOT stand by a trade embargo against the nation. While this is obviously a case of a dictator-in-denail, we do not support imperialist actions by anyone.
Frist let me thank you for standing up for our natoin's rights.However I belive you misunderstood. I am sorry if the Boardcast by the network was unclear. Lat me state that Elelections will be held on time. However ALL ,not some, of the canidates will be surported by a goverment fund so long as they enough public surport.
Thank you and may the light be with you
Omar C. Tyler Prime Minister of BJ-Man
[McKagan State Department Message]
Ah, we understand, we think. The only thing is, under this system, it is VERY easy for the government to stop certain candidates from running, thus making it a dictatorship. However, because we have no accounts of that, no protests, we will not stand in your way.