NationStates Jolt Archive

Dweladelfia Prime is looking for designs for A FT fleet

Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:18
The High Command of Dweladelfia Prime is looking for designs for a FT fleet.

We will award the Winner with 60 Billion USDs to the Naton that can give designs for each of the following catagorys. (60 Billion per design)

A Battle Cruiser (Capital Ship)(Needs to be large and carry fighters)= Considering: Nebarri SSD, Theao Battle Cruiser

A Swift Attack Ship (needs to be small but not as small as a fighter kinda like a klingon bird of prey.)= Theao Swift Attack Ship

A Battle ship (Needs to be Largerthan a capital ship)=Theao Battle Ship

A Fighter= Considering: Nebarri Death Glider,

And a Army Transport ship (needs to carry a hefty amount of army troops and mechs)= Considering: Acclemator class Assault ship, Theao Transport

May the best ship Win.


OOC: Also we would like to know what is a resonable number of ships for a fleet.
26-11-2005, 05:29
The Empyrian Imperial Monarchy can provide with schematics for some of our older warships, however, as per our constitution, we cannot provide other nations with weapon and or sheild/armor technology, and for security reasons, we will not provide other nations the schematics to our power-plant and computer systems. If this is acceptable we shall, possibly, provide.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:30
Can I have the specs on these ships?
26-11-2005, 05:34
A Battle Cruiser (Capital Ship)= Nebarri class SSD

armed with a Scimitar cloaking device, Tempral Torpedos (about the same as a laser but with can run out of ammo faster but go threw shields) also has "Staff Cannons" (mostly like lasers) and Photon torpedos

A Swift Attack Ship= Talyn class Bio-Gunship

a living ship (can be linked to a "Pilot" who can help the ship make dessicions armed with one very powerful cannon also very monuverable and is "Starburst" ability alows it to go instantly from one place to another though it takes time before the ship can use it again

A Battle ship= Ha'Tak class Battleship

armed with the same weapons as the Nebarri SSD but smaller in size and looks very different in shap, only need 2 people to us it (pilot and gunner)

A Fighter= Nebarri Death Glider

armed with 2 "Staff Cannons" and a Proton torpedo launcher it is fast small and a challange for most advasaries

And a Army Transport ship= Acclemator class Assault ship

armed with a few Lasers and Proton Torpedo launchers it is the second largest ship class in our fleet and need a good sized crew. but it can carry a large amount of troops and tanks

OOC: sorry for the spelling, and for your size i would say about 2,000 none fighters is good and about 30,000 fighters
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:37
What is the sheild specs. And exactly how abig are they?
26-11-2005, 05:47
A Battle Cruiser (Capital Ship)(Needs to be large and carry fighters)=
A Swift Attack Ship (needs to be small but not as small as a fighter kinda like a klingon bird of prey.)=
A Battle ship (Needs to be Largerthan a capital ship)=
A Fighter=
And a Army Transport ship (needs to carry a hefty amount of army troops and mechs)=
Battle Cruiser: Are you looking for a carrier, a line craft, or a multi-role design?
SAS: Escort duties or Line duties?
Battle Ship: Main line ship?
Fighter: Is this a make/break requirement?
Army Transport: Is this designed for solely military units(Infantry/tanks/artillery) or complete required staff of a ground assault force?

ooc: My fleets are 13 capital(Various types) 351 escort(Various types)
Total navy is 1092 ships. Don't use fighters.
26-11-2005, 05:49
Nebarri SSD = shields can take a Hyperdrive hit from four Ha'tak class ships and almost not feal a thing(largly based on the star wars SSD) about 17.6 km long

Talyn class ships have light shields because they are Bio-ships but have a very fast repair time, they are about 100M long and 25M wide

Ha'tak are about 650M long and wide, the shields are able to take a fair amount of punnishment from a larger vessile but are not speashal

Acclemator class ships have somewhat better shields then a Ha'tak and are 764M long and about 400M wide

Death Gliders have light shields and are about 4M long and 7M wide

OOC:again sorry for the spelling
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:51
Battle Cruiser: Kinda like my main line most produced ship
SAS: Kinda like a ship that is escort and attackship
Battle ship: Kinda like the next step down from SDN Heavy armed
Fighter: Why shouldnt I use fighters?
Transport: Can carry everything lightly armed.
26-11-2005, 05:53
i think i mixed the Battlecruiser and Battleships up...
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:53
Nebarri SSD = shields can take a Hyperdrive hit from four Ha'tak class ships and almost not feal a thing(largly based on the star wars SSD) about 17.6 km long

Talyn class ships have light shields because they are Bio-ships but have a very fast repair time, they are about 100M long and 25M wide

Ha'tak are about 650M long and wide, the shields are able to take a fair amount of punnishment from a larger vessile but are not speashal

Acclemator class ships have somewhat better shields then a Ha'tak and are 764M long and about 400M wide

Death Gliders have light shields and are about 4M long and 7M wide

Witch is the bigger ship?
26-11-2005, 05:56
the Nebarri SSD is bigger then the Ha'Tak but as you can see i placed my SSD on the Battlecruiser line and Ha'tak on Battleship...
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 05:58
Ok your SSD, your fighter and your transport are all in the running for there classes.
26-11-2005, 06:05
A Swift Attack Ship (needs to be small but not as small as a fighter kinda like a klingon bird of prey.)=

OOC: Also we would like to know what is a resonable number of ships for a fleet.

OOC: ahhh! the Talyn is more monuverable, smaller and can take out a B'rel Bird of Pray out in 2 shots!...but you not like :(

and if you are going with an SSD for a main combat ship change the fleet number from 2,000 to about 200 depending on howmany you want
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 06:06
if you are going with an SSD for a main combat ship change the fleet number from 2,000 to about 200 depending on howmany you want

26-11-2005, 06:26
Battle Cruiser: Kinda like my main line most produced ship
SAS: Kinda like a ship that is escort and attackship
Battle ship: Kinda like the next step down from SDN Heavy armed
Fighter: Why shouldnt I use fighters?
Transport: Can carry everything lightly armed.
Battle Cruiser:
Length:1,500 m
Crew: 300
Fighter Complement: 75
Armerment/Defence ratings: Medium-Light/Medium
Primary weapons: Lasers
Secondary weapons: Missiles
Notes: Carries the majority of the fighters for the fleet.
Swift Attack Ship:
Length: 800 m
Crew: 100
Armerment/Defence rating: Medium-Heavy/Medium-Heavy
Primary weapons: Lasers
Secondary weapons: Missiles
Notes: Is the combat ship designed for taking on multiple roles, from line combat, to hunter-killer missions
Battle Ship:
Length: 3,000 m
Crew: 625
Fighter Complement: 20
Armerment/Defence rating: Very Heavy/Very Heavy
Primary weapons: Lasers/Missiles
Secondary weapons: Kinetics
Notes: Designed to go toe to toe with other heavy ships or fortified planetary defences.
Notes: I personally don't use fighters as I deem them a waste of space.
Length: 1,000 m
Crew: 125
Armerment/Defence: Light/Medium-Light
Primary weapons: Kinetics(orbital bombardment)
Secondary weapons: Missiles
Notes: Designed along a modular central core, to aid in ensuring the all it's cargo is delivered to the planet in safety. The modules are able to be controlled as if individual ships for the process of re-supply and assault.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 06:29
Battle Cruiser:
Length:1,500 m
Fighter Complement: 75
Armerment/Defence ratings: Medium-Light/Medium
Notes: Carries the majority of the fighters for the fleet.
Swift Attack Ship:
Length: 800 m
Armerment/Defence rating: Medium-Heavy/Medium-Heavy
Notes: Is the combat ship designed for taking on multiple roles, from line combat, to hunter-killer missions
Battle Ship:
Length: 3,000 m
Fighter Complement: 20
Armerment/Defence rating: Very Heavy/Very Heavy
Notes: Designed to go toe to toe with other heavy ships or fortified planetary defences.
Notes: I personally don't use fighters as I deem them a waste of space.
Length: 1,000 m
Armerment/Defence: Light/Medium-Light
Notes: Designed along a modular central core, to aid in ensuring the all it's cargo is delivered to the planet in safety. The modules are able to be controlled as if individual ships for the process of re-supply and assault.

Very good what kind of weapons do you have on them?
26-11-2005, 06:31
Weaponry is dependent on what forms of weaponry you want. If you prefere kinetic weaponry, they the shall be armed with kinetic weapory, if you want energy you get energy, if you want missiles, you get missiles, or if you want a mix, well, that's what you get.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 06:34
Weaponry is dependent on what forms of weaponry you want. If you prefere kinetic weaponry, they the shall be armed with kinetic weapory, if you want energy you get energy, if you want missiles, you get missiles, or if you want a mix, well, that's what you get.

Um Im new to FT what is kinetic, and energy. And I'm looking for designs already made up. But I like all the specs so far i just need to know:

Ship complament
And do you have pics?
26-11-2005, 06:41
OOC: kinetic = something like a Rail Gun, a very large and very fast firing machine gun you could say
26-11-2005, 06:47
ooc: Energy = Plasma cannons and laser
Kinetic = Like NP said.
So what mix/type do you want as general fleet weaponry.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 06:48
Energy and missiles some Kinetic
26-11-2005, 06:51
You said pics so I’ll add the closest things I have to pics for my ships.

Nebarri SSD -

Talyn -

Ha’tak – (hard to see in this one)'uld/bilder/hatak_001.jpg

Acclemator -

Death Glider -
26-11-2005, 07:00
Edited in weapons/crew.
Don't have pics thought.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 07:03
Can they have photon torpedos?
26-11-2005, 07:07
ooc: I use missiles to describe all missiles/torpedos, so if you want, photon torpedos can be installed as well.

I personally have 5 different missile types with 7 different types of warheads that can be fitted onto the various missiles(Different warheads can be matched up to different warheads(Ie: Conventional missiles can take any warhead).
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 07:12
Ok your:

Battle Cruiser
Swift Attack Ship
Battle Ship

Are all in the running. Can I get names on these?
26-11-2005, 07:13
Theed arms corp would like to note that Ha'tak class ships only need two people but can carry near 1,000 personel and that the Talyn class Bio-Gunship can carry a small amount of fighters as well as some solders abord. though it has no need for a crew and only neads one person to help the ship do what you want it to

OOC: if you don't know a Talyn gunship is a real living ship and doesn't realy need anyone to fly it though it can be striped of its connection from mind to body and controled by a crew if need be, though i would rather not sell them that way or mush less use them that way
26-11-2005, 07:16
Ok your:

Battle Cruiser
Swift Attack Ship
Battle Ship

Are all in the running. Can I get names on these?
If you mean classification type(Ie: Battle Ship), then they are already listed.
If you are refering to design model, there is no present design model name of the types of ships, so you may give the design model name of your choice.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 07:18
Ok. Im gonna wait to deside the winner after I get a few more designs from people or people stop giving designs.
26-11-2005, 07:23
while you are waiting could i intrest you in any army vehicles or weapons?
26-11-2005, 07:25
Otagia would be happy to allow Dweladelfia Prime to purchase from the Pale Rider Arms storefront. ( Please note that our ships, while still incredibly effective, are slightly out of date compared to the modern Mobius-optimized PRA arsenal, which will be on sale shortly. Still, the old KK-driven ships on sale at Pale Rider Arms should be an excellent choice for starting a interstellar navy.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 07:25
I'm gonna make a new thread for that after i got a fleet.
26-11-2005, 07:29
OOC:k, could you TG me when your open it please
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 07:30
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 21:44
26-11-2005, 22:16
[OOC: I don't know if you're early FT or just FT, but I'll propose my Charlatan- and Vespir-class cruisers ( for an exploratory ship and a swift attack ship, respectively. If they don't seem terribly advanced compared to some of the other designs here, just keep in mind that they're supposed to be early-FT tech.]
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 23:26
The Auroran Houses
26-11-2005, 23:53
If you give me a moment, I can give you the full specs on a variety of Auroran Ships. They're relatively low FT, but cheap as hell and easy to produce.

If you're interested, respond. 'Cause it's going to take a long time.
Dweladelfia prime
26-11-2005, 23:55
If you give me a moment, I can give you the full specs on a variety of Auroran Ships. They're relatively low FT, but cheap as hell and easy to produce.

If you're interested, respond. 'Cause it's going to take a long time.

Ok sounds good.
27-11-2005, 00:00
Hellion Omega Class Capital Ship

Length: 14 kilometers, width: 9.5 kilometers, height: 5 kiliometers
Crew: 500,000
Carrying Capacity: 362,700
Cargo Capacity: 682,600 Tonnes
Hyperdrives: 4
InfinitiDrives: 1
Ship wide computer system monitors everything and alerts the controllers to any problems
Sheilds and defense Systems:
HLD system
Nanobot sheilds
Anti-Missile systems
Cloaking Devices
Weapons: 600 Heavy pulse cannons, 800 heavy High concentration plasma cannons, 650 Dual battery Anti-craft rocket turrets, 400 heavy high concentration Ion Dual Turrets, 400 pulse torpedo bays. 5 tractor beams.
Ship Capacity: 59,000 fighters or 20,000 small war ships
The Auroran Houses
27-11-2005, 00:01
Ok sounds good. we go...


...actually, if you want to see a quick-and-easy run-down of ships, then go to this site:

I'm going to heavily-revise everything for my side, but most of these ships are what they are going to be. They're based on a game called EV Nova. Go to this page: and to see different stats on weapons.

Also, on the ships page, by clicking "compare variant statistics" you can see what each ship comes equipped with.

A few things:

Speed: Multiply by 2, and that's its speed in meters/second
Acceleration: How many meters/second it can reach in a second
Turning: Multiply by three, and that's the number of degrees a second the ship can turn.
Armor, Shield, Damage, Etc: All are numerical values, but use them as a basis for comparison. For example, it is good to know how much "damage" something might do to shields versus armor.
Other Stuff: If you want more detail, just ask. I'm doing a big conversion of all these statistsics for a shipyard I'm making.

Oh, one thing, don't build a Thunderforge. That's going to be my baby...

Alternatively, you can try these relatively low-FT ships:

with and as weapons.
Dweladelfia prime
27-11-2005, 00:13
Thats Confusing:confused:
Dweladelfia prime
27-11-2005, 01:22
bump on the head