25-11-2005, 08:29
Certified Parties for the Upcoming Local Elections (BC)
To compete in next years National Elections the parties which failed to gain the required 5% of contested offices must gain 25% of BC's contested offices.
Torontian National Congress Party: The current governing Party of the Torontian Provisional Government. Liberal Social Democrat, in favor of a permanent welfare and health care system, while also favoring the privatization of most industries. Supports Social engineering by direct means and economic management through indirect means. Believes strongly in personal liberty. Favors the creation of a strong centralized state to rebuild Torontia into a stable Liberal Democracy.
Socialist Party: In favor of a strong centralized state involved in direct economic planning (although not out-right ownership).Believes strongly in personal liberty as long as the community is not harmed in any way. Is against privatization of all the governments’ current public holdings. Devoted to destroying the legacy of the New Order. (This party has the support of Mark Bovern and former members of the TSU resistance group, which has laid down its arms to compete. Mark Bovern has a long history of opposing Tanakis.)
Green Party: Left of center environmentalist Party. The New Order utterly neglected Torontia's environment, preferring instead to maximize the profits of their corporate allies. The Green Party seeks to undo all the ecological damage caused by those corrupt and misguided policies. Also in favor of a strong welfare state and the establishment of the current Emergency National Health Care System as a permanent fixture.
Communist Party: Wishes to establish a communist state in control of the means of production. Holds that resources and property should be nationalized and held in common. Believes in a limited personal liberty, opposed to all drug use but in favor of sexual freedom, for example.
National Democratic Party: A party of Moderate Centrists. Wishes to establish a welfare system for the disadvantaged, limited environmental regulations, pro-public property privatization with the exception of utilities, moderate social liberties guaranteed by the National Government, est. Middle ground on most issues.
Torontian Civil Liberties Party: Concerned primarily with establishing and preserving civil liberties for the Torontian people. Will push for a detailed and explicit Bill of Rights in the new constitution. Hostile to any large government military or paramilitary police force. Favors demilitarization once civil conflict in Torontia dies down.
Liberal Party: Classical Liberal, holds that the abuses of the past came from an over mighty state governing a powerless people. Wishes to shrink or abolish the government’s role in economic management and social planning. In favor of a weak state involved only in Defense and Law Enforcement.
Christian Democratic Party: Center-Right Party. While not openly religious (which is illegal under election laws), favors restrictions on personnel behavior and unconventional life styles. Moderate on most other issues. In favor of a strong state.
Law and Justice Party: Primary goal is to prosecute and arrest all remaining New Order supporters and leaders, whether they remain within Torontia or without. A very provincial party, conservative on most issues, determined to destroy all trace of the former regime. Very much in favor of a weak state with strong local governments, perhaps a federation or confederacy.
Conservative Party: Socially and Economically Conservative. Wishes to establish in Torontia a decentralized, neo-liberal, moralistic nation. Favors making homosexuality and abortion illegal (again), for example.
To compete in next years National Elections the parties which failed to gain the required 5% of contested offices must gain 25% of BC's contested offices.
Torontian National Congress Party: The current governing Party of the Torontian Provisional Government. Liberal Social Democrat, in favor of a permanent welfare and health care system, while also favoring the privatization of most industries. Supports Social engineering by direct means and economic management through indirect means. Believes strongly in personal liberty. Favors the creation of a strong centralized state to rebuild Torontia into a stable Liberal Democracy.
Socialist Party: In favor of a strong centralized state involved in direct economic planning (although not out-right ownership).Believes strongly in personal liberty as long as the community is not harmed in any way. Is against privatization of all the governments’ current public holdings. Devoted to destroying the legacy of the New Order. (This party has the support of Mark Bovern and former members of the TSU resistance group, which has laid down its arms to compete. Mark Bovern has a long history of opposing Tanakis.)
Green Party: Left of center environmentalist Party. The New Order utterly neglected Torontia's environment, preferring instead to maximize the profits of their corporate allies. The Green Party seeks to undo all the ecological damage caused by those corrupt and misguided policies. Also in favor of a strong welfare state and the establishment of the current Emergency National Health Care System as a permanent fixture.
Communist Party: Wishes to establish a communist state in control of the means of production. Holds that resources and property should be nationalized and held in common. Believes in a limited personal liberty, opposed to all drug use but in favor of sexual freedom, for example.
National Democratic Party: A party of Moderate Centrists. Wishes to establish a welfare system for the disadvantaged, limited environmental regulations, pro-public property privatization with the exception of utilities, moderate social liberties guaranteed by the National Government, est. Middle ground on most issues.
Torontian Civil Liberties Party: Concerned primarily with establishing and preserving civil liberties for the Torontian people. Will push for a detailed and explicit Bill of Rights in the new constitution. Hostile to any large government military or paramilitary police force. Favors demilitarization once civil conflict in Torontia dies down.
Liberal Party: Classical Liberal, holds that the abuses of the past came from an over mighty state governing a powerless people. Wishes to shrink or abolish the government’s role in economic management and social planning. In favor of a weak state involved only in Defense and Law Enforcement.
Christian Democratic Party: Center-Right Party. While not openly religious (which is illegal under election laws), favors restrictions on personnel behavior and unconventional life styles. Moderate on most other issues. In favor of a strong state.
Law and Justice Party: Primary goal is to prosecute and arrest all remaining New Order supporters and leaders, whether they remain within Torontia or without. A very provincial party, conservative on most issues, determined to destroy all trace of the former regime. Very much in favor of a weak state with strong local governments, perhaps a federation or confederacy.
Conservative Party: Socially and Economically Conservative. Wishes to establish in Torontia a decentralized, neo-liberal, moralistic nation. Favors making homosexuality and abortion illegal (again), for example.