Southeast Asia: Where do you stand? (IC/OOC Thread)
24-11-2005, 13:46
TO: Open Letter to the International Community
FROM: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
SUBJECT: What is your stance on our nation?
Greetings Esteemed Delegates and Fellow Dignitaries,
With the Union now established a face in the international community, and judging from the majority of the results of our relations in various forms (arms contracts by foreign corporations; through our state's relations of friends, etc), it seems to have a positive image. In order to improve this image, we would like you to respond to this question. Your response shall be greatly appreciated, and we shall reciprocate our opinion on your state.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
OOC: Yeah, I saw AMF's thread and decided to copy him. You can also place your OOC view of me if you want to. Go ahead and'll be nice of you to do so, and it'll be greatly appreciated. :)
25-11-2005, 09:20
Saint Fedski
25-11-2005, 15:27
To: Mr. Lin
From: Chairwoman Katherine Schleicher
Re: Stance
After recently taking over as Chairwoman of the Commonwealth of Saint Fedski, I have had the chance to review relations between our nations. Given the fact that I was not even on the Security Council in the previous administration, I cannot make a proper assessment by myself. However, I have talked at length with various current and former cabinet members and I am confident that what I'm about to write is the truth. The Commonwealth of Saint Fedski considers The United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia as an ally and mentor. It is predicted that relations will only improve until we are close allies. I sincerely hope this time is not too far off.
Your's truly,
Katherine Schleicher, Chairman, Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
26-11-2005, 01:41
OOC: Thanks for the comment Fedski. BTW, I do recommend that you purchase the Z-39 CICV. It'll help in dealing with the Torontian insurgency.
26-11-2005, 03:59
Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We thank Mrs. Schleicher for responding to this. In return, we shall tell you what we think of your state. Our government does not considering the CSF an ally, but rather a nation we have friendly relations with. My colleague and friend, Paul Nettleton, is pleased that you tried out Portland Iron Works and are happy you liked the Endeavour-class transport you requested. We are also looking to mutually beneficial relations in the future.
OOC: Is there a reason I should feel a certain way?
26-11-2005, 07:14
OOC: Well, you can be neutral if you want to be. But my characters want to improve their country's image in the international community, so do please post an IC comment of what you think of our nation, and they'll reciprocate.
TO: Southeastasia
FROM: McKagan State Department
Subject: Stance On Your Nation
We haven't had very many encounters with your nation, but have noticed several incidents your nation has been involved in. We have no reason to feel badly of you, but no reason to support you greatly. There, however, exists possibility for this in the future, as you seem like an intelligent, rationale nation.
26-11-2005, 07:38
TO: McKagan State Department
FROM: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
Subject: Stance On Your Nation
We think well of the Democratic Imperium of McKagan, as we have heard of many good tales from our friendly relations with your allies, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia and the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan. We also look forward to establish official diplomatic relations with your country, and that we both shall prosper.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
27-11-2005, 02:38
The Lone Alliance
27-11-2005, 02:52
-The Lone Alliance considers your nation a valuable trade partner, and a good business leading nation. While trust is not in our nature, we do have confidence in your actions.
Fascist Confederacy
27-11-2005, 03:18
Commissariat of Foreign Affairs
In the opinion of the Soviet Union, we are relatively neutral on Southeast Asia. However, we do not - as suspected - support your overtly capitalist form of economy; but do not see it as a threat to the integrity of the Soviet Union.
We would hope that you would either reform your administration to a more socially minded stance, but we do not see that coming anytime soon. Thus, we have no choice but to remain neutral and will continue to keep an eye on your administration and its policies.
Alexai Vladimirmorov, S.J.D.
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
27-11-2005, 03:46
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The incumbent party's ideology is liberalism, so we are fellow left-wingers like you. We also agree with you that you cannot ignore the community at large, and the government does have control over the economy...just not to the huge extent of a socialist government. Specifically, the branch of liberalism the party believes in is 'New Liberalism'. As for our stance on the USSR....we view your conglomeration of nations neutrally as we have had no encounters with you in the world of global politics. We do look forward to establishing diplomatic relations with the USSR someday however.
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Allied States of The Lone Alliance
Due to good business dealings through WACI, we view The Lone Alliance as a benign democracy. While we are a bit upset at the fact that the Council of Twenty has little faith in the private sector, we are looking forward to the day they learn that privatization is not inherently evil. I, on the behalf of the cabinet and the Southeast Asian people, wish your state prospers in the future!
As long as Southeastasia does not interfere in PRA weapons trafficking or any other Otagian interests, we will be happy to maintain cordial relationships with your esteemed nation. However, the moment another nation crosses the line and violates Otagian rights, they shall be eliminated. We do hope that it never comes to that in the case of your nation.
Daniel Quetzal
CEO of Pale Rider Arms
Regent-Elect of Otagia
27-11-2005, 11:40
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Corporate Monarchy of Otagia
Dear Mr. Quetzal,
Our administration views Otagia neutrally as we have not had much interaction with her, but we do not agree with the fact that it produces WMDs. And while we are not sure about the claims that Otagia is a corporate police state that has human rights violations, if this is true, then we won't be too happy about it. Thank you for letting us know what you think of our state.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
27-11-2005, 14:27
Friendly OOCly, but neutral ICly as we have had little to no interaction(something i should get around to doing soon).
Van Luxemburg
27-11-2005, 16:04
From: Grand Duke Koen of Van Luxemburg
To: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joshua Lin
Sybject: Stance
Dear mr. Lin,
We have to say that we are neutral to the USNSEA. this is mainly because of lost business by VDZ & VL weapons, state-owned company. You have blocked possible deals by our company with commercials for other companies. This means that we have a cold, neutral relationship. It may improve over time, as we had no other contacts with the USNSEA as of yet. What is the USNSEA's Stance on the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg?
Grand Duke Koen Van Luxemburg.
28-11-2005, 10:53
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemberg
Dear your Grand Duchy,
We view thank you for taking this survey and are considering of establishing diplomatic relations with Van Luxemberg. While we have had little encounters in the world of international politics, judging from those few encounters, we think the Grand Duchy to be a positive nation with a good government.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
28-11-2005, 15:20
IC: "The Incorporated Sarzonian Government has a generally favourable view of Southeast Asia and believe they have the potential to be a responsible member of the international family of nations. We also note with approval their interest in establishing diplomatic and economic ties with our government and that of our allies in the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia." -- Statement from Deputy Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Mark Lorber
OOC: You seem to be pretty cool, though I think you sometimes seem to be too worried about what other people think of you and you try a bit too hard to curry favour with a group of players you seem to admire. I don't really like it when people do stuff like creating polls to find out if people like them or ask how they RP. Having said that, I think you've got potential as a RPer and I think you're a nice guy/girl from what I've seen.
28-11-2005, 16:06
OOC: FYI, I am male.
Van Luxemburg
28-11-2005, 16:24
From: Van Luxemburgian Foreign Ministry
To: USNSEA, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
We thank you for your positive view on our nation. It is no problem for us to establish diplomatic relations. We therefore ask you to set your proposal, and we will make our answer. Our Ministry is on it's task 24 hours a day, and will accept your inquiry at any time. A nice place will be set in Luxembourg, on your request.
J. Blom, Foreign Minister
Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg
Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg
28-11-2005, 16:47
OOC: FYI, I am male.OOC: I thought so, but I find that a lot of people just assume everyone they come in contact with is male unless they're told otherwise.
29-11-2005, 09:57
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Your Excellency,
We view the Incorporated States of Sarzonia as a master of the seas, always willing to do good. But while we do not always agree with the Freek Government's methods of dealing with it's enemies, it at least gets the job done. You may view them as an enemy of piece, but something tells me that they may not be warmongering and evil...most people are in between black and white: gray. Now, would you be willing to answer my request to establish diplomatic relations with your state, Mr. Lorber? It will only enhance our reputations and your economy.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
30-11-2005, 09:55
30-11-2005, 10:53
TO: The Government of Southeast Asia
FROM: The Torontian Provisional Government
Subject: Relations and Recognition?
We ask if the government of Southeast Asia to recognizes our sovereignty over Torontia.
30-11-2005, 12:24
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
SUBJECT: Stance on Amestria and Torontian Provisonal Government
The cabinet along with the people of Southeast Asia are against imperialism, mostly due to the fact that several states were former colonies of Western powers. But we do hope that these suspicions are untrue and that as soon as the Amestrian Army finishes reconstruction of Torontia, that their soldiers withdraw and leaves a happy democratic state. But if not, then let's just say you've dug in your own grave internationally.
01-12-2005, 10:07
03-12-2005, 07:18
05-12-2005, 11:39
Greetings from the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas!
While we know little about your nation, we look favorably on your democratic government and good human rights record. We remain neutral now, but we hope to further relations between our nations at a less turbulent time.
Have a pleasant day.
~Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister
09-12-2005, 15:46
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas
Dear Kari Alhoun,
We have had little contact with your state, but do look forward to establishing diplomatic relations. By looking at your history, we view the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas very well, and are hoping to establish official ties soon enough.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Present Day Comatica
09-12-2005, 15:52
TO: Mr. Joshua Lin
FROM: International Relations Department
On behalf of the Comatic Government, and the people of Comatica, I would like to commend you on a job well done on the governing of your nation. We have respected you a great deal, and we hold a certain pride in having diplomatic relations with you. Perhaps we could establish them further? I look forward to hearing back from you.
Cornelius Durantum
Minister of International Relations
09-12-2005, 15:54
OOC: I already have. Browse through your embassy exchange thread.
14-12-2005, 13:13
28-12-2005, 16:08
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the United Empire of Comatica
Your Excellency,
As stated before, we view the Comatic people in a good light, and we are indeed planning on strengthening ties. Possibly trade. We hope to see peaceful prosperity in the years to come!
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
01-01-2006, 21:11
OOC: I think you rock. ;)
Dear Mr Lin --
We have had the privilege of being in communication with your government for some time now, and can feel quite confident in saying that our admiration and respect for that institution and the people you govern stretches far and wide. Not only have you seen the benefits of diplomacy, you have embraced your relations with others - the mark of a truly honourable government. Personally, and on behalf of the government, you have our commendations.
Take care, and felice Recontato d'Anno!
Sincera in domina bene,
Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra, MPP, RPAg
Agustinate of International Relations
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia
OOC: To be honest, I've never interacted with you much, and I'm trying not to steer into the 'We don't know you very much' line, so this is nothing personal:
To the Esteemed Southeastasia
From the Letters of The Jenrakian Councils
We deem your lands and your people as a direct threat to our legions, and while we would certainly be watching you, we wouldn't think so dearly of any move of war. It would clearly be foolish to go to war on such weak circumstances.
02-01-2006, 04:32
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia
Dear Dr. Rabastano Sancatto Serra,
We indeed view your government the same way you think of ours. You are correct: Neo's foreign policy: "diplomacy over force", has indeed paid off and earned us a respectable reputation and stature. We hope for better relations in the future with your state, Dr. Sancatto Serra.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Dark Children of Jenrak
Dear Jenrakian Council Members,
Why would the United Sovereign Nations be a threat to your state? As we have had relatively little contact, we possess no feelings of hatred or liking of Jenrak. We hope to establish diplomatic relations with Jenrak, in spite of this assertation that you view us as a threat to your legions.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
02-01-2006, 04:59
Secret Message to the USNSEA
From: Minister Abdul Al-Malakk
We are wishing to establish friendly relations with the United Sovereign Nations after our...operation which I am sure you have already heard of.
Minister Abdul Al-Malakk,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Sultanate of Whyatica
02-01-2006, 07:32
Secret Message to the Sultanate of Whyatica Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdul Al-Malakk
Indeed we do seek diplomatic relations with your state. And what operation? Perhaps we could be of assistance
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
02-01-2006, 18:19
Secret Message to the Sultanate of Whyatica Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdul Al-Malakk
Indeed we do seek diplomatic relations with your state. And what operation? Perhaps we could be of assistance
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Secret Message to the USNSEA
As you may well know, we are led by a Sultan..I am unwilling to divulge details about what we are planning over these channels. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting in your nation? (
Minister Abdul Al-Malakk,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Sultanate of Whyatica
05-01-2006, 08:43
08-01-2006, 16:38
The Kraven Corporation
08-01-2006, 16:44
(OOC: Ive always Assumed that it was known how the Corporation felt about SEA, You do good diplomatic Work, and you plug a lot for Peoples Storefronts, which i find funny, because your like a Car Sales person :D)
The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation
We view your nation with an Air of Caution, While we have Locked horns in the past, but only breifly, We Still see you as a Hostile nation... If it were not for Lord Dreadfires forces at our very Doorsteps, you yourself would find The Black Jackboots of the Capitol Police Marching down your Capitols High Street...
Tactical Kommand - Panzer Oberst Lorn
09-01-2006, 09:21
(OOC: Ive always Assumed that it was known how the Corporation felt about SEA, You do good diplomatic Work, and you plug a lot for Peoples Storefronts, which i find funny, because your like a Car Sales person :D)
[OOC: Yes, we mutually dislike each other ICly.]
Official Statement by Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
I think that it is time that Lin's office deputies take a break and I have decided to write my opinion, which is in fact agreed by the overwhelming majority of the Southeast Asian public's opinion: your company has amassed too much private power and do not deserve to be your own sovereign entity.
Your human rights records are perfectly disgusting, and all your loathsome superiors only care about stuffing their pockets with as much money as possible, sadistically harming others and only caring for yourselves. However, you are not our most hated enemy. That glorious honor goes to Chairman William Stryker, leader of the Federation of Joint Conglomerates. Once we give you a nice taste of brutal defeat, then I'll make sure you, Herr Lom, along with several other soon-to-be-former employees of your corporation, are begging on the streets nude and without shelter.
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
[OOC: Friendly guy and a good storyteller (just grammar errors!). Also, what do you think of Joint Conglomerates ICly and OOCly Kraven?]
The War Breed
09-01-2006, 16:50
what about us - The war breed.... and good ol' bio-weapons makin Raven corps? where do we stand?
10-01-2006, 09:28
OOC: Are you a puppet of Raven corps?
12-01-2006, 00:35
[OOC: Methinks I need to cut down the size of that icon a bit. EDIT: Much better!]
Official Statement from the Office of the Secretary of State of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
To: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
From: Kenneth Hawkins, Secretary of State, the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Diplomatic Opinions
As the newly-confirmed Secretary of State under President Kil, I bid you greetings. While I personally have had little contact with delegates from the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia, I have heard many good things about the Southeast Asian government from my predecessor, Richard Coveney.
Given the democratic nature of the Southeast Asian government, as well as its excellent human rights record and some superb diplomacy work, I believe that it is safe to say that the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia looks quite favorably upon the Southeast Asian government, as well as Prime Minister Neo's commitment to "diplomacy over force," much the same as President Kil.
I look forward to the possibility of furthering Halberdgardian-Southeast Asian relations during my term as Secretary of State, and to hearing back from your government in the future.
Kenneth Hawkins
Secretary of State
The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
The Kraven Corporation
12-01-2006, 00:45
[OOC: Yes, we mutually dislike each other ICly.]
Official Statement by Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
I think that it is time that Lin's office deputies take a break and I have decided to write my opinion, which is in fact agreed by the overwhelming majority of the Southeast Asian public's opinion: your company has amassed too much private power and do not deserve to be your own sovereign entity.
Your human rights records are perfectly disgusting, and all your loathsome superiors only care about stuffing their pockets with as much money as possible, sadistically harming others and only caring for yourselves. However, you are not our most hated enemy. That glorious honor goes to Chairman William Stryker, leader of the Federation of Joint Conglomerates. Once we give you a nice taste of brutal defeat, then I'll make sure you, Herr Lom, along with several other soon-to-be-former employees of your corporation, are begging on the streets nude and without shelter.
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
[OOC: Friendly guy and a good storyteller (just grammar errors!). Also, what do you think of Joint Conglomerates ICly and OOCly Kraven?]
The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation
This Makes me laugh... The Common misconception that we are a Mulitnational Corporation that only has one thing in mind... Money...
Money is nothing to us... It is but mear paper that people pass between each other, as easily as one would shake hands...
It does not interest us...
The Kraven Corporation is just a name, The Corporation you seem to think exists was disbanded many, many years ago, and what stands now is the Pinnicle of The High Commands Work, A Nation that exists purely for War, We are Humanities Protectors, and to Protect, Humanity must take a Few Sacrifices..
Belive me now, You will not be giving us a taste of defeat, It is you who will be Flayed before your very people, as the Capitol Police stand watch and our banners fly from your highest Buildings...
and its Herr LoRn....
Tactical Kommand - Panzeroberst Lorn
(OOC: I don't have Word, otherwise I'd check my grammar, but then again do I trust Microsoft with my Grammar?... hmmm, Never interacted with him much at all, He pleaded with me, I attempted to turn him into a Slave State, he disappeared)
12-01-2006, 08:55
(OOC: I don't have Word, otherwise I'd check my grammar, but then again do I trust Microsoft with my Grammar?... hmmm, Never interacted with him much at all, He pleaded with me, I attempted to turn him into a Slave State, he disappeared)
[OOC: He disappeared due to OOC reasons: university.]
TO: Kenneth Hawkins, Secretary of State, Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
FROM: Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
RE: Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Dear Kenneth Hawkins,
You probably know that Minister Lin is in the Libertarian Concordance seeking diplomatic relations like President Kil, so he unfortunately cannot respond in person. While we Southeast Asians do not agree with the ideology of imperialism, we are at least happy to know that Halberdgardia looks both ways, for themselves and for the soon-to-be Halberdgardian Provincial Territory of X, bringing them truth, justice, freedom and democracy and distancing away from the dark, oppressive reign of crackpot dictators and bringing a bright future close to the present.
We Southeast Asians wish well on Halberdgardia, and hope to strengthen relations between our two states!
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
[OOC: Great guy and good rp'er. What's more to say?]
14-01-2006, 03:06
15-01-2006, 14:09
The Macabees
15-01-2006, 18:54
Communiqué to the Southeast Asian Leadership
Frankly, especially with Southeast Asia's entrance into the IADF, it will always be an ally to the Empire, unless something drastic happens - which is doubtful. Nonetheless, as Southeast Asia is a rather new ally to Fedala, there are some inconsistencies, but for the most part I can only recall our relationship as positive. Southeast Asia has also been a leader in civil liberties and has always made a step to interpose itself for peace, making it a very good candidate for the IADF, and one reason why membership was accepted so rapidly. Fortunately, Southeast Asia also seems semi capitalist, although with a few restrictions, which is something the Empire likes to see in allies. Government controlled economies are almost never friendly. Although the alliance between Southeast Asia and the Empire will have to mature over the years, there's a very positive outlook on this possibility, and it is certainly something I, and any of my heirs, will be looking foward to.
A few quibbles are, again, the market. Although it may be slightly capitalist, there are government controls, as in a regulated capitalist economy. We would like to see the prevailence of the market economy in Southeast Asia, but know this may not be possible. Nonetheless, it is always an option to go Absolute Capitalist, and change it a bit to be able to keep your liberties - Space Union almost did it, had it not been for the meddling of Pacitalia, who actually caused the temporary destruction of the Federation's economy. But, alas, it is going onto a tangent.
Other than that, again, the relationship is positive and we see Southeast Asia with a deal of respect. To put it blatantly, however, we do not yet see Southeast Asia in a position of authorative dominance - although, perhaps, neither are we. Nevertheless, the growing Southeast Asia certainly has the ability to become that.
[signed]Fedor I
15-01-2006, 21:23
TO: Joshua Lin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Southeast Asia
FROM: Wilhelm Vanholme, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Wingarde
SUBJECT: Wingarde's opinion on Southeast Asia
Due to the recent embassy exchange carried out between our nations, Wingarde maintains a friendly stance towards Southeast Asia. This posture, however, was somewhat threatened due to the controversial request issued by your government, asking our involvement in a distant war for questionable reasons. The request was widely considered inappropriate in the Congress and was ultimately denied, but for the sake of diplomatic relations, the event was overlooked.
Nevertheless, we consider United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia a strong, stable and reliable democratic power, and have no reasons to show any hostility at all towards it.
Yours sincerely,
Wilhelm Vanholme,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Democratic States of Wingarde
16-01-2006, 09:25
TO: Emperor Fedor I, Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees
FROM: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
RE: Southeast Asia's Stance on the Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees
Dear Your Majesty,
Minister Lin is unable to personally write this as he is in the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas, like several other delegations, seeking ties with the Czardaians. Unfortunately, he and his associates are stuck in a deep underground bunker along with the rest of the delegations thanks to a CAD invasion, a result of Czardaian criticism of The Warmaster when it became a monarchy from a democracy.
I wish that he and his associates return alive and unharmed along with the rest of the delegations.
Now, onto my nation's stance on the Empire. I, leader of the Government of the Union of Southeast Asian Nations (our alternate official name), view the Empire to be a generally benign state. And when it comes to economics: Despite the fact that I'm a liberal, I do support the capitalism economic system. Southeast Asia has a great free market with government regulations which root out corruption quite well, and that is why we get along with our socialistic friends in The Lone Alliance.
As Southeast Asia is a member-state of the International Allied Defense Federation, we hope that through this supranational organization, relations between our two countries shall flourish in a time not too far off.
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
Encrypted Transmission
TO: Wilhelm Vanholme, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic States of Wingarde
FROM: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
SUBJECT: Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic States of Wingarde
Dear Minister Vanholme,
My humble opinion is that the Democratic States of Wingarde has the potential of being a close ally of the Union, and we very much treasure the same views.
While it is perfectly understandable that the President and Congress denied supporting our friends in the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas, it may be in the long run negative. If Minister Lin and the rest of the delegations get killed, I will have nothing against you and your fellow Wingardian politicians, but my people might have something against your government at the same time against the CAD invaders (personally I will blame the national and military leaders of the member-states CAD themselves). While we agree that a peaceful rise to international power would be marvelous, that happens very rarely....but the choice is yours. I meant no offense to you Minister Vanholme, but I hope that we can get over this debacle and you will be less hesistant.
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
TO: USNSEA Minister of Foriegn Affairs Joshua Lin
FROM: Minster of Foriegn Affairs Joseph Corlas
SUBJECT: RE What is your stance on our nation?
The United Holy Kingdom of Kingdom of Xharn has no offical stance with your nation at this time. If you could provide us with some information on your nation's political views, culture and history. I shall send you a response of how you are viewed by the Royal Government of Xharn.
I would also like to inquire on your nation's views upon our nation as well?
Minister of Foriegn Affairs Joseph Corlas
Head of the Royal Xharnian Foriegn Relations Agency.
16-01-2006, 10:14
TO: Joseph Corlas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Holy Kingdom of Xharn
FROM: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
RE: Info
Dear Mr. Corlas,
The Union is a mixture of Southeast Asian nations and a federal republic, a la the former United States of America. All of the states have a long and detailed history (spanning over thousands of years) and we favor ration and reason over violence and engagement, hence the most of us aren't war-like.
At present, we view your nation neutrally.
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
To: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
From: Joseph Corlas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Holy Kingdom of Xharn
RE: Reponse
I have gathered the opinion of the Royal Govenerment of the United Holy Kingdom of Xharn.
The United Holy Kingdom of Xharn is also considering itself neutral towards your nation.
We however fear that any democracy styled government is doomed to fall into certain Internal corruption.
Minister of Foriegn Affairs Joseph Corlas
Head of the Royal Xharnian Foriegn Relations Agency..
OOC: question Why are OOC comments needed in this thread?
16-01-2006, 10:33
[OOC: Because in case you wish to make an OOC statement about my behavior and how well would you rate my role-play, it'd be greatly appreciated.]
OOC: I have not exactly role-played with you but,
You did give me great advice on where to get allies for the Novacom/Xharn war.
Role-Play: Have no experince abstain
Behavior: Excellent
16-01-2006, 10:41
OOC: What do you mean by 'no experience abstain'? And what allies do you have against Novacom? Any of CAD member-states that I OOCly suggested that you and CAD have very similar views ICly?
Role-Play: Have no experince abstain:
It means I have not role played with your nation enough to make an opinion on your Rping skills.
As for the C A D Allies matter:
Unfornately Novacom wants that war closed so, I can not get any allies in the conflict.
Doomingland said he would help. I have not heard from him for awhile though.
I Don't think Novacom would want that big of a nation interfering with his invasion OOCly OR ICly...
16-01-2006, 10:56
OOC: Now before we clutter this thread up with things too unrelated to the point of this thread, let's take this to TGs Xharn.
16-01-2006, 14:03
The Merkar Republic is quite proud of the nation of Southeast Asia. Only a handful of nations in the universe support the capitalist/democratic system, and the few who do prosper. We hope that our comrades in Southeastasia continue to benefit from the attitude of hard work and self-dependence capitalism engenders, and the accountability provided by an efficient democracy.
As for your RP skills, you are pretty good. I admire the fact that you begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period (not many RPers do that):D, and your skill and maturity. I'd be glad to have someone like you to RP with. (I actually have an RP, do a search for my username and find the sign-up thread I wrote).
17-01-2006, 11:36
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Merkar Republic of Athiesism
Greetings, Esteemed Leaders and People of the Merkar Republic,
We look upon your nation with a positive light, and applaud the sympathy your leadership did when you sent forces to aid the ongoing conflict between the Corporate Entente. We (unofficially) consider you to be a loyal friend of the Union of Southeast Asian Nations, and hope that relations prosper between each other way into the distant future.
Yours Truly,
USNSEA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[OOC: Thanks Athiesism for the compliments. I must say you're a decent guy from what I've seen and an impressive writer like Joint Conglomerates....too bad RL has taken a severe toll and his talent has not had a chance to impact the NS world. :(]
20-01-2006, 09:18
21-01-2006, 11:51
The Dominion of DMG
-Official Communique-
Department of Foreign Affairs
On behalf of the Supreme Ruler, we have decided to reply with a short message to your question: "What is your stance on our nation?"
We have had brief contact with your nation as well as numerous defense contracts by DMI. Overall through our experiences we are slighlty more than indifferent to your nation. While you are not a major ally nor a major purchaser of DMI products, we still see you as a friendly nation with possible future ties.
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
22-01-2006, 02:57
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Dominion of DMG
Dear Mr. Secretary,
Minister Lin is unable to answer this himself as he is in Czardas attending a conference that allows stronger relations between the Libertarian Concordance and the United Sovereign Nations, but neverthless, he has read your message and is grateful for your comments. We thank you very much for taking part in this survey and your comments were greatly appreciated.
Now, onto Southeast Asia's stance on the Dominion. We are very grateful that the Demogades have helped modernize our armed forces, and while we have little political contact, we applaude decent Demogade human rights records and their wise leadership. We hope that one day the relations shall blossom into an alliance.
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
23-01-2006, 10:31
OOC EDIT: Mwahahahaha! The High Ecclessiarchy was wrong about SEA being sycophantic grovelling self-righteous fools and it IS an altruisitic nation with a benign leadership!
25-01-2006, 11:55
25-01-2006, 15:07
Dostanuot Loj
25-01-2006, 16:56
OOC: How this slipped by me is... entirely possible. I should read here more often, lol.
To: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
From: Office of the Dictator, Foreign Relations Section, Dictorial Republic of Sumer
Subject: International Oppnion
It is with high spirit I write to address the nation of The United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia through you, Mr. Lin. As a fellow member of the IADF we hold the USNSEA as a great ally and freind in the international community.
We also hope to continue with such good relations with such allies when we venture in and out of relations abroad.
- Commanding Officer of External Relations,
Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu
26-01-2006, 01:09
The former Aequatian Republic had a fairly cool relations with Southeast Asia, the new Junta has a somewhat stronger relation, especially after the trade in tanks.
26-01-2006, 09:36
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Dictorial Republic of Sumer
Dear Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu,
Minister Lin is unable to answer this himself as he is in Czardas attending a conference that allows stronger relations between the Libertarian Concordance and the United Sovereign Nations, but nevertheless, he has read your message and is grateful for your comments. We thank you very much for taking part in this survey and your comments were greatly appreciated.
Now, onto Southeast Asia's stance on Sumer. While we disagree with your form of government, as long as your leader and his administration treat his fellow countrymen well and that the DRS has a good human rights record, we will look at you in a positive light. We look on your state above that of a neutral nation, but we feel that this relationship can be improved upon.
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the National Socialist Junta of Aequatio
Greetings Aequatian Department of State,
Minister Lin is unable to answer this himself as he is in Czardas attending a conference that allows stronger relations between the Libertarian Concordance and the United Sovereign Nations, but nevertheless, he has read your message and is grateful for your comments. We thank you very much for taking part in this survey and your comments were greatly appreciated.
Now, onto our stance on your nation. While we do not agree with the government form of dictatorship, as long as the leader of your nation is benevolent, we shall not oppose you. We admire Aequatio's status as a global military, economic and military power, and for it's usual habit of supporting pro-democracy, pro-human rights rebels in liberating people from oppressive regimes. We thank you for taking part in this survey, and hope for better relations to come!
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
26-01-2006, 10:20
26-01-2006, 14:49
OOC: Sumer, it's supposed to be 'Southeast Asia', but because someone took it, I had to settle for this instead. But please refer to me as 'Southeast Asia' ICly and OOCly, as it's the name I wanted.
27-01-2006, 09:34
Minnesotan Federation
27-01-2006, 09:40
"We currently have no opinion of Southeast Asia, as we have no relations, either cordial or hostile. We would, however, like to remedy that situation by exchanging ambassadors. Our goal is to establish peaceful and friendly diplomatic and commercial relations with as many nation-states as possible. Please notify us if you are interested in an embassy exchange or in commerce between our two nations."
Foreign Minister Theodore LaFollette
The Eternal Empire of Yurka has no official opinion on Southeast Asia, having just released itself from a self-imposed isolationist policy, and currently still under the process of doing so on a civilian level. However, we are sure that in the future if our nations should even come in contact with eachother, it will be only on friendly terms.
Emperor Drake Yurka III
27-01-2006, 11:17
The Principality of Bronzeland has just recently emerged onto the world stage and would like to postpone our view of your nation until we have a clear view of its policies. Please do not take this as an act of indifference, indeed, we aim to be friendly with all nations, however we do not yet know enough to make a decision either way.
Yours sincerely,
J. Doe
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Principality of Bronzeland.
27-01-2006, 11:58
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Republic of Minnesotan Federation and the Principality of Bronzeland
Greetings Minister Doe and Minister LaFollete,
We welcome both of your nation's arrival on the international stage. We hold our stances on your nations as neutral, but given the peaceful rise to the international stage, we are considering the establishment of diplomatic relations. We will be watching your two nations, and we mean it.
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Eternal Empire of Yurka
Greetings your Majesty,
We look upon your nation with neutrality, and will be watching whether your nation does well for others or bad. We shall be watching you, and we hope that your nation's exit from isolationism will be a peaceful one.
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
OOC: Bronzeland, TG.
28-01-2006, 03:12
To: Southeast Asia Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
From: Nistolonian Department of International Relations
Subject: Opinion on Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia was a staunch ally of ours during the Joint Conglomerates War, and we have no reason to believe that they have changed. Therefore, the Nistolonian Government has a very High Opinion of Southeast Asia, and hopes that it stands as a bastion against the ruthless nations in todays dangerous world
Tes'ira Queylan
Department of International Relations, Nistolonia
28-01-2006, 04:10
[OOC: Ah, the Joint Conglomerates/Southeast Asia Conflict. I'm going to get a new signup thread done, it's my first and only war, and my opponent has some good prose and can become an NS legend, and I don't want such talent to go to waste.]
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Holy War Empire of Nistolonia
Greetings Sir/Madam Tes'ira Queylan,
We also hold a high opinion of your leadership and the people of the Holy War Empire of Nistolonia. Your assistance in defeating Stryker and his corporatist cronies, was an act of good in this apathetic world filled with people believing politics brings no good and 100% of the time believe that all the rich and powerful abuse power. We wish to strengthen relations in the coming future, and maybe the Holy War Empire and the United Sovereign Nations could become...allies?
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
28-01-2006, 04:37
Where would Hobbeebia stand.
28-01-2006, 04:39
OOC: I haven't had any IC contact with you, and I don't rp with FT (although I'm contemplating it sometime in in the future, pun intended).
01-02-2006, 05:18
03-02-2006, 03:27
04-02-2006, 00:10
04-02-2006, 06:25
To: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, USNSEA
From: Sir George Fredericks, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development, UKIN
Subject: Diplomatic standing
Your Excellency,
It is the opinion of His Isselmerian and Nielander Majesty's Government (HMG) that Southeast Asia is a creditable nation with a satisfactory-to-good human rights record and one which shows promise of becoming a future economic partner. We in HMG regret that until recently the UKIN has had few dealings with Your Excellency's State, and do hope that relations between our lands with blossom and flourish in years to come.
The Rt. Hon. Sir George Fredericks, KL, MP, CS, PC
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development
11 Angforth House, City of Isling, Greater Daurmont Ald., Isselmere
05-02-2006, 01:20
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland
Dear Sir George Fredericks,
Minister Lin is unable to answer this himself as he is in Czardas attending a conference that allows stronger relations between the Libertarian Concordance and the United Sovereign Nations, but neverthless, he has read your message and is grateful for your comments. We thank you very much for taking part in this survey and your comments were greatly appreciated.
While we have had little contact with the UKIN, we in Southeast Asia look upon the UKIN in a positive light, kudos to your friends (whom are also our friends), in the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia and the Incorporated States of Sarzonia. We also look upon the oppurtunity of economics ties with the UKIN, and we can say that a long prosperous relation is in the making. We wish you well for you and your people in the future, Sir George Fredericks!
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
05-02-2006, 22:09
06-02-2006, 09:50
07-02-2006, 10:35
08-02-2006, 12:28
09-02-2006, 10:10
OOC: C'mon people, post your nation's stance on Southeast Asia please....also please comment on my OOC stuff in general. I need criticism!
10-02-2006, 14:56
10-02-2006, 15:14
OOC: I'll trow in one then.
We have had little to do with Southeastasia, as we have had little to do with any nation. We are neutral towards you, trade would be much apreciated.
Apologies for the short telegram.
-Kate Haley, international affairs.
10-02-2006, 15:30
[OOC: Please call 'Southeast Asia', not 'Southeastasia' (without the capital 'A' in 'Asia' and the space between Southeast's 't'), as it's the name I wanted].
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Empire of Danneland
Dear Minister Haley,
As this is merely the first time we have encountered your nation, so we treat you neutrally as well. However, I, on behalf of the cabinet and the people, would like you to take note this: human rights violations and corruption are not tolerated in the United Sovereign Nations, and we won't like you very much if your nations turns out to be doing such things.
We shall be watching your nation, and hope that it turns out to have an excellent human rights record and means well for all.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
10-02-2006, 16:49
OOC: Sorry about that.
Minister Joshua Lin
Corruption is something that cannot be avoided, at most decreased.
We do try to keep it at a minimum but nothing is certain. As for the human rights, those who obey Empire law will be treated the same.
Our laws may differ from yours, as our customs and traditions.
I do not apreciate the tone of your message, we do not take lightly on threats and "to be watched" is not our idea of a good start between two nations.
So in respons, we will be watching you for any acts of heresy. As that is our main concern.
-Kate Haley, international affairs.
10-02-2006, 17:02
OOC: Sorry about that.
Minister Joshua Lin
Corruption is something that cannot be avoided, at most decreased.
We do try to keep it at a minimum but nothing is certain. As for the human rights, those who obey Empire law will be treated the same.
Our laws may differ from yours, as our customs and traditions.
I do not apreciate the tone of your message, we do not take lightly on threats and "to be watched" is not our idea of a good start between two nations.
So in respons, we will be watching you for any acts of heresy. As that is our main concern.
-Kate Haley, international affairs.
TO: Kate Haley, International Affairs Minister
FROM: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
SUBJECT: Relations
"To be watched" was not meant in any derogatory tone, and not a threat, and absolutely no need for overreaction. We meant that we would be seeing whether your actions in the international community would be positive or negative.
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
10-02-2006, 17:50
Minister Joshua Lin.
If our behaviour is possitive in your eyes, I asure you it is negative for another.
We have no plans to interfeer with other nations policies, however, we reserve the right to act out our way of life in our nation. Recently read through the UN Human Rights proposal I am afraid we do not meet those standards.
I, we, the Empire and the corporations within hope to start some trading with your nation decpite our.. differences. We are always looking for profitable food contracts and I am sure we have products that may intrest you.
And in time, who knows, we might adopt some of the "human rights".
We ask one thing tho. That you report any supernatural activities to us and hopefully let us investigate those matters, under your supervision ofcourse.
The Empire has.. intrest in those things. I know this may seem like an odd request and I am sure that your nation have no supernatural activities to report. But if you do come across one.. we would very much apreciate it.
We hope that this is a start for something good.
- Kate Haley, internation affairs.
11-02-2006, 08:32
11-02-2006, 11:15
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Kahanistan sees your nation as a peaceable and democratic nation, with which we are interested in further diplomatic relations.
However, in response to your latest statement to the combatants in the ViZion War, we hold a deeply hostile view towards most CAD powers as human rights violators of the lowest order. The fact that they form the bulk of the Presidential forces' support speaks volumes of the regime that would come to power if the Presidential forces should prove victorious.
We are amenable to peace, but surrender is not an option for our military, as it is difficult enough to keep morale up without talk of surrender, and lost war after lost war only erodes nations' respect for us. Any peace we would agree to would necessarily involve the protection of certain political and social freedoms in ViZion, and a removal of foreign influence in the ViZionarian Government.
That would mean that the forces of all sides lay down their arms, the two coalitions form some sort of peace, and the President and Congress of ViZion negotiate over how to rule their nation.
We await your response to our views, and hope that other powers of all sides air theirs.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
11-02-2006, 11:32
TO: Margaret Delray, DSRK Minister of Foreign Affairs
FROM: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
SUBJECT: Diplomatic opinions
Dear Mrs. Delray,
This was the message we gave you in your Global Survey:
TO: Margaret Delray, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Soviet Republic of Kahanistan
FROM: Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
SUBJECT: Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic Soviet Republic of Kahanistan
Dear Minister Delray,
Minister Lin is unable to answer this himself as he is in Czardas attending a conference that allows stronger relations between the Libertarian Concordance and the United Sovereign Nations, but neverthless, he asked us to write down our national government's opinion and general public's opinion on the DSRK should you ever have released a litmus test to see what was the international community's opinion on your nation.
We have had little contact with the representatives of the DSRK and have never met one of it's high-ranking government officials, but we do agree that the world is a cruel place. There are powers-that-be often become absolutely corrupted with power and abuse them, oppressing those for the sake of benefiting themselves, intolerant of dissent and show not even a small token of respect for human rights. But what your government doesn't wield well, is that it doesn't use the effectiveness of politics enough to convince rogue states with poor human rights records to make them back down.
Going to war over human rights abuses doesn't exactly help those nations, as the oppressed peoples may view your rolling military as a greater evil than their corrupt totalitarian rulers, or think the Kahanistanians to be just as bad as them. Not to mention that your nation has gone up against countries with oppressive regimes that are at the same time global powers (these names sound familiar, don't they: the Ottoman Alliance, the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek, now the Holy Empire of Doomingsland and CAD) with superior armed forces, quite often in greater numbers, in superior tactics and superior quality of weaponry.
We suggest that the next time you lock horns with a human rights abuser, use diplomacy more effectively. When diplomacy fails, still restrain yourself, it will give the international community a better perspective on the DSRK. And if they respond with military action (especially if it is a mighty military bloc) make sure that you have a coalition of powerful states backing you along with a Kahanistanian military that is more up to current standards and better in tactics.
Office of Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
We thank you for taking part in our litmus test, and hope for future relations!
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
11-02-2006, 16:45
OOC: Argh, no one gives me OOC critique! So I'll state my opinion on Kahanistan: Nice character and a decent writer.
13-02-2006, 00:49
His Imperial Majesty's Government has no official position on the nation of Southeastasia. However, our Secretariat of State for Trade accords your nation a good credit rating, and encourages our corporations and trading companies to consider trading with you. The Ministry as a whole considers your nation of the more desirable sort.
[Seal of the Ministry of External Affairs]
OOC: haven't seen enough of you to make a judgement, but then I tend to restrict my nation's involvement.
OOC: Argh, no one gives me OOC critique! So I'll state my opinion on Kahanistan: Nice character and a decent writer.
He picks the worst fights, I'm afraid.
13-02-2006, 09:00
[OOC: Damn it, how many bloody times do I have to say's Southeast Asia, not Southeastasia!]
Official Statement by the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia's Stance on the United Imperial Kingdoms of Macisikan
The United Sovereign Nations and the United Imperial Kingdoms have had relatively no contact at all prior to this exchange of messages. But from what we have observed, you are also one of the more desirable nations we would like to deal with. We shall also consider establish diplomatic and economical ties to the UIKM, as your nation and my nation have similar views: diplomacy over force.
Yours Truly,
His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
[OOC: Haven't seen much of you either, but you seem to behave positively and nicely Mac. And Velkya, I think eventually Kahanistan will continue picking fights with rogue states with powerful armed forces....only and hopefully next time using diplomacy.]
14-02-2006, 12:18
14-02-2006, 19:05
17-02-2006, 10:56
People, when you post your IC views, can you at the same time, provide comments about myself OOCly in general? Like the IC info, OOC info shall be greatly appreciated.
Official Statement
Foreign Affairs Ministry
We, the Omzian Democratic Republic, do not as of currently has any strong feelings towards Southeast Asia, or solidly consolidated diplomatic ties. On the other hand, based on our previous interactions and our observations, the Omzian government sees favourably of the nation of Southeast Asia. The reach towards other nations diplomatically makes the nation relatively well known on the world stage, and it is hard to find serious flaws in Southeast Asia's own government system in regards to the protection of civil rights and human dignity. It is our hope that with a right mix of future diplomatic cooperation, as well as increased economic transactions, ties between Southeast Asia and the Omzian Democratic Republic will continue to grow in a healthy ascent for the foressenable future.
Foreign Affairs Ministry,
Omzian Democratic Republic
Official Contact
from the Democratic Republic of LA Ice
Whilst we may not have the same views as Southeast Asia on some topics, such as Social Welfare, we definitely have enjoyed working with Southeast Asia. It has been very welcoming, and has definitely helped us as a nation.
(OOC: Very welcoming when I was a newbie (NOT a n00b, must i say) and has been a great guy.)
18-02-2006, 03:43
Official Statement by the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia, Yao Yang Nelson Neo
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Omzian Democratic Republic of Omz222
Minister Lin is unable to answer this question as he is in the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas seeking diplomatic relations, so I am taking over as to answer what is our stance on your nation. We have had little contact with the Omzian Democratic Republic, so we regard you neutrally.
We admire your nation's values of civil liberties, democracy and human rights. Because we have similar views and values. We also know of your nation's world-class aircraft, jointly run by yourself and your friends in Adeejani, and produced by OMASC/NDI. The military has considered of purchasing from OMASC/NDI in our revampment project, and shall soon be considering the establishment of relations.
Yours Truly,
His Leadership
Prime Minister
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
Official Statement by the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia, Yao Yang Nelson Neo
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic Republic of LA Ice
Minister Lin is unable to answer this question as he is in the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas seeking diplomatic relations, so I am taking over as to answer what is our stance on your nation.
We view the Democratic Republic of LA Ice as a strong and reliable, democratic power, and show no reason for hostility. In fact, we wish for stronger relations in the near future and prosperity for the two of our sovereign states!
Yours Truly,
His Leadership
Prime Minister
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
OOC: Omz222, well behaved and aircraft expert, master of the skies. LA Ice, well behaved and always willing to learn. Thanks for filling my survey guys!
OOC: You are certainly a talented roleplayer with a specialty in diplomacy. The only thing I find hard to do is figuring out a potential opportunity for both nations to really interact with each other:p
18-02-2006, 10:29
OOC: Thanks Omz222!
*bumps up thread for more comments*
OOC: Thanks for the great kindness you gave me when I was a newb.
19-02-2006, 05:56
OOC: Thanks LA Ice!
*bumps up thread for more comments*
20-02-2006, 11:05
21-02-2006, 14:41
Raven corps
21-02-2006, 15:15
And what of us..... A corporation. AS your histroy shows you harbor a disliking for our kind. Even still we like to know what people think.
Waldenburg 2
21-02-2006, 22:25
The Waldenburg Empire, having very little contact with your nation as of yet can not fully form an opinion, but from the few emissaries that we have from your nation have been friendly and polite. We should like to open up diplomatic relations with your nation if you are willing.
His Serene Majesty Cardinal Dastion Frost
OOC- One of about 10 people to buy FT stuff from my storefront and for that I thank you.
21-02-2006, 22:57
This is the first time that the Republic of Agonnoga has heard of your fair nation. Although it would be improper to do so, perhaps an embassy exchange could be partook to gain a stronger opinion?
22-02-2006, 11:27
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Superior Bio-weapons company of Raven Corps
Well, that was a rhetorical question, wasn't it? Nevertheless, I thank you, despite the fact you're corporatist filth, for taking part in this survey. But if it weren't a rhetorical question...then I hope you take criticism easily. You are one of the most vile bags of filth ever to walk this planet, sadistically torturing others and doing anything for the sake of profit. We hope that your corporatist kind will be removed off the face of the planet, and honest and decent firms shall take your place. Your time is limited...Lord Dreadfire has made an example of your corporatist scumbag comrade, the Kraven Corporation and treachery. Pray for yourself that he does not come for you.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Most Divine Empire of Waldenburg 2
Greetings your Serene Majesty,
We have had relatively little contact with each other, apart from a few arms contracts for our space fleet. However, thanks to your willingness to sell to us weaponry for our nation's defense, your nation is on the "Pending Relations" List...although we have had exchange embassies already. We look forward to increasing ties with your nation in the near-future!
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Republic of Agonnoga
Greetings Sir/Madam,
Likewise, this is the first time the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia has heard from your state. So we regard you in a neutral stance. We shall be watching your actions in the international community, and hope that like we suspect, you are a rational and intelligent people that uphold civil liberties and political freedoms, democracy and human rights.
His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
Raven Corps: You're okay in terms of behavior, but no offense intended man, crap at description and need MUCH more improvement.
Waldenburg 2: Haven't seen much of your OOC attitude, so I cannot comment. However, I would like to thank you for taking my purchase as a token of respect.
Agonnoga: I have not seen much of you as this is only your beginning time on NS, but you do seem to have potential as an rp'er.....
End OOC Comments]
25-02-2006, 07:54
Van Luxemburg
25-02-2006, 07:58
From: Thierry Karbel, People's Republic of Guyana
To: Joshua Lin
Dear Sir,
We have seen you. You're getting too close to Van Luxemburg and it's friends. Watch it, or the next ship we fire at is yours....
Thierry Karbel, Communist Warlord, People's Republic of Guyana
(OOC: Some explanation: Guyana is a break-away Colonial posession of Van Luxemburg, having recently established sovereighnity. Only thing is, that they hate Van Luxemburg and everything around it. They have already blown up the Helicopterhangar of the Frigate Marseille, and they're saying everything is the fault of Van Luxemburg and/or It's Friends and Allies.)
The Beltway
25-02-2006, 07:59
The Beltway has yet to really come into contact with SE Asia, but desires to at least begin by setting up a legation in your capital, to be led by Michael Castle of Delaware.
25-02-2006, 08:26
[OOC: Actually VL, ICly the USNSEA isn't exactly a friend of the Grand Duchy yet....the Southeast Asian relationship with the Grand Duchy is currently warm-neutral. And I think you are a nice guy and a good rper, my OOC stance that is!]
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the People's Republic of Guyana Island
Greetings Mr. Karbel,
First off, I would like to thank you for filling out our survey. Now, onto your statement about Southeast Asian-Luxemburgian ties. Our relationship with the Grand Duchy is still neutral, due to the fact that we have yet to make any moves to bring each other closer. So why issue a statement of hostility towards us?
As for our stance on the People's Republic....I would like to congratulate you for being able to become your own sovereign state, and currently view your nation in a neutral light. However, I suggest that if you keep up this militant, xenophobic policy against the Grand Duchy and the nations it has friendly relations with and allied with, this state of sovereignty may not last much longer. We mean no harm to you, however.
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
Official Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Republic of The Beltway
Greetings Mr. Castle,
I would like to thank you for taking part in this global survey, and your comments are appreciated and shall be taken into consideration. True, this is the first time the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia and the Republic of The Beltway have ever been in contact. Our policy on embassy exchanging is normally reserved for those nations that we have been in contact for sufficient time (OOC: read - a whole month or two-to-three weeks), and have had some dealings that mutually benefit each other.
But, your nation can bend this rule. Why? Because of the fact that you have relations with the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, a country we have been strengthening relations with for the past few months. And because of this, when we release our new embassy exchange program, you shall be swiftly accepted for access to our diplomatic quarters. I look forward to increasing ties with the Republic of The Beltway, that you succeed in reestablishing the Union and that our two states have a prosperous future!
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
[OOC: Beltway, you have potential as a shipwright, and show great dedication to the storefront you maintain. Coupled with the fact you show good writing ability and a nice character, you could be as easily recognized on NS as Sarzonia or Praetonia in half the time they did. ;)]
Van Luxemburg
25-02-2006, 08:31
(OOC: Thierry Karbel isn't exactly a smart guy. He does little to no research before he says something. He already accused VL of seeing an LPD in his waters, while the one he named was still under construction at FDI... :D )
From: Thierry Karbel, People's Republic of Guyana
To: Joshua Lin
Nevermind. As long as you don't enter our waters, or get friendly with Van Luxemburg, you may live. Otherwise, You know it...
Thierry Karbel
People's Republic of Guyana
The Beltway
25-02-2006, 18:29
Thanks for your kind words. I'm branching out a bit into designing other equipment, but I'm best at naval design. I like to design based on historical ideas, which inspired the CGN-1 Rickover and a planned nuclear-powered version of the CV-67.
Meanwhile, I'm heavily involved in a budding rp on a world in which the Seven Years' War didn't happen here ( Want to join?
To His Excellency Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia -
We are incredibly pleased by your offer. If you wish to set up your own embassy in our nation, please contact us here ( Thank you.
Mark Warner, Foreign Minister of The Beltway
26-02-2006, 03:54
OOC: Nah, but thanks for the offer TB. And in a few days or a few weeks' time, I'll get my second embassy exchange program up.
04-03-2006, 16:34
06-03-2006, 11:39
09-03-2006, 15:41
14-03-2006, 12:43
20-03-2006, 12:44
22-03-2006, 20:43
[OOC: Might as well fill this badboy out like you asked me too, since I have free time.
My sole OOC comment is: Why don't I ever see you fighting in wars? Stop mediataing and start kicking ass! :-P]
To:Minister of Foriegn Affairs, USSEA
From: Secretary of State/International Affairs HailandKill, Allen Johnson
Subject: International Opinion, and Foreign Relations
Although our nations have ties and friendships with the same nations, we have not had much contact with the United States of Southeast Asia. From what we have heard from our allies and friends USSEA seems like a rational, fair-minded, and ideal democratic country. USSEA, in my understanding, has been very fair to The Saharistan War Coalition, an organization in which HailandKill has been a member of. This is obviously indirectly helpful to our nation, and our gratitude is enormous. As mentioned earlier we do not have many ties between our nations, and I personally would like to see this amended. We offer foreign embassies in our nation, and extend an offer for one to you.
[Signed]SoS/IA HK, Allen Johnson
23-03-2006, 08:59
[OOC: Thanks for filling it out H&K. And the reason why I am "meditating", is because I'm waiting for my first war role-play to be finished, as my enemy is away at university and I'm waiting for his return.]
TO: Allen Johnson, Secretary of State, Imperial Republic of HailandKill,
FROM: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
SUBJECT: Re: International Opinion, and Foreign Relations
Dear Secretary of State Allen Johnson,
I thank you very much for filling out our diplomatic survey, and your comments shall be taken into account with.
We have heard many tales from our Halberdgardian friends about the Imperial Republic of HailandKill. And while we do not agree with the concept of imperialism, we note with most sincere gratitude the Saharistan War Coalition does a superb job at reconstructing war-torn nations once under the iron-grasp of a psychotic dictatorship. Thus, it is with great pleasure that I inform you - the Imperial Republic of HailandKill is a strong, high ranking nation on our "Pending Relations" List.
We hope for stronger relations in the future, and that time is not too far off!
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
27-03-2006, 15:13
30-03-2006, 00:50
All new messages from Leafanistani Signatures
All To: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
From: Admiral of the Fleet of the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan Sandra O' Toole
Subject: Regards
Thousands are dead and reformists troops are crushing the hopes and dreams of an entire people. Soon Leafanistan will fall back into medieval isolationism and drop all of its allies. Millions will be in 're-education camps' and many will die there. There is hope, we must discuss this. We are holding a peace conference in Concord to help figure out the solution. We would be honoured to have such an old ally behind us. Long Live High Father, Long Live the Leafanistani People.
Admiral Sandra O'Toole
Admiral of the Fleet of the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan
Acting Prime Minister for the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan
From: Official Diplomatic Channel
Subject: Military Assistance
Many are dead. Many of these people are family people, men, women, children, the foreign aggressors do not care. They only wish to stamp out democracy for their corporatist views. To crush democracy and capitalism for their horrific facism. We must put an end to it. We must ally for the common good of our nations, of all nations, for democracy to survive. However, we need weapons to defend ourselves. Our air force is deficient and needy. We can pay back in full.
They are also holding a peace conference, we want you to be there to support us.
Cynthia Ives
Prime Minister of the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan
From: Adam Sulter
Subject: Morality in a Godless World
Our athesist enemies bicker on the mainland while those in the territories starve. They forced us to accept their communist ways, their terrible lies, they destruction of religion via taxing the one thing society needs, churches! We must act, we must protect the most sacred things to us, the worshipping of the one true God. We have allied with the Parliament and will work with them to get more autonomy, we must rise up in the name of the most holy God and lead us to a true, God-lead heaven.
Adam Sulter
High Chancellor of the Moral Republic of Leafanistani Wasser
From: General Slavik
Subject: The future
Tiberium is the way of the future. The armies of the Reformists and the Loyalists will never hold it off. Prayers to an imaginary God that will never be answered isn't the way. We must embrace the Tiberium, become one with it, and let is merge with us. We must strive for peace, for unity amoung the oppressed lower classes. That way, we can find a future, a future amoung the Scrin, a future amoung the stars.
Brotherhood, Unity, Peace!
Peace through Power!
Long Live Kane!
Long Live the Brotherhood!
Anton Slavik
General of the Black Hand of Nod
OOC: I'm asking you to choose a side.
31-03-2006, 08:42
TO: All Factions In the Leafanistani Civil War
FROM: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
SUBJECT: Stance on Leafanistan
Greetings Sirs and or Madames,
This is His Excellency Joshua Lin, speaking on the behalf of the cabinet and the people.
We are neutral on the Leafanistani Domestic Crisis. However, the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia views your nation as one which we have good ties with, and as an old friend and as a key trade partner . We shall take no side in the Leafanistani War, and hope that the Glorious Confederacy can stabilize itself in as soon as possible. We hope and wish well for the Leafanistani People and State.
We also hope our ties are not severed after the outcome of the war, whoever is the victor.
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
Secret IC:
...:-Access - Cleared!-:...
...:-Begin Transmission-:...
TO: Sandra O' Toole, Admiral of the Fleet, Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan
FROM: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
SUBJECT: Re: Regards
Greetings Admiral O' Toole,
It is indeed an honor to speak to a representative of an old ally of ours, especially a representative of the legitimate leadership of the Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan.
The cabinet is extremely angry at the Confederate Socialist Reform Party, we have suspisions that the CSRP ordered the bombing of Consular Bemet's office. Luckily, the extraction crew managed to get them out and no helicopter was lost. Our own pilots could not have done it without your interpid Loyalist airmen, and our new, then in-testing helicopters performed well.
We would be helping you via military means right now and long ago, if it were not for other pressing matters around the world we have elsewhere. We wish to send a delegate to sort out a solution, but we have concerns about the CSRP's motives. Should the conference fail, we will be more than willing to assist.
Godspeed, and don't fail your nation! This originally domestic conflict is without doubt going to have a big impact on the world due to various parties having interests in your country.
Best Regards,
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
...:-Ending Transmission-:...
...:-Erasing Message-:...
...:-Message Erased-:...
[OOC: Leafanistan, just FYI, I said in the cluttered Civil War OOC thread for the role-play that the Neo Administration would back the Loyalists after the CSRP is confirmed to having deliberately blowing up the consulate office, but RL took precedence - i.e. mock GCSEs and revision. Sorry about that. And you seem to be a great guy and a good role-player.]
03-04-2006, 12:51
03-04-2006, 13:57
[ooc: I got it right this time. I expect Santa to remember this good deed]
Statement Issued to the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
[attn: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joshua Lin, USNSA]
His Most Serene Majesty's Government has since revised its stance on the nation of Southeast Asia.
While the Secretariat of State for Trade (Ministry of External Affairs) maintains your nations trading accreditation as "good", the Ministry now maintains a receptive stance on your nation.
The Daíl (Parliament) accords your nation a "Decent" reputation and maintains an "Ambivalent" attitude towards you (for an explanation of these values see our official website, link below).
~ Junior Minister for External Affairs, Ruiri Alexandr L'tan
03-04-2006, 14:07
OOC: One problem, my Empire of Eternity membership is not public IC info, it's SIC.
03-04-2006, 14:11
OOC: It has been corrected, but your nation's location in the EoE is a bit of a giveaway.
03-04-2006, 14:32
OOC: That's the problem, I can't exactly tell everyone immediately that it's OOC info not public IC info. Response to come later Macisikan, gotta go to doze off.
03-04-2006, 16:07
To:Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
From: Simon Coll, Foreign Minister, Commonwealth of Northford
Greetings Sirs and Madams of Southeast Asia. Though the Commonwealth of Northford has not had much formal relations with you, it has, had several informal communications when it first entered the international scene. For you're help, and advice, it thanks you.
(OOC: The Navy Links?! I'm making a [tiny] order now from that Sarzonia guy)
It wishes in the future we are to become better friends, and further our relations. Good Day from Northford
Simon Coll, Foreign Minister, Northford
05-04-2006, 11:59
14-04-2006, 17:53
14-04-2006, 18:12
reply to my tg when you have a chance please
12-05-2006, 12:25
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Commonwealth of Northford
Dear Mr. Coll,
We are certainly glad that you have filled out this survey, and the fact that you have taken Portland Iron Works as your primary naval contractor. I assume that you have heard of our endorsement via our various international communiques?
Now, back onto the subject: speaking on the behalf of the cabinet, we view the Commonwealth of Northford as a strong, reliable and democratic nation and a good candidate for diplomatic relations.
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia's Stance on the United Imperial Kingdoms of Macisikan
Dear Mr. Ruiri Alexandr L'tan,
The Union of Southeast Asian Nations is pleased that you would fill out our diplomatic survey once more to reveal that the United Imperial Kingdoms has an improved stance on Southeast Asia. Like all the other survey fillers, your comments thave been taken into consideration and are appreciated.
The United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia still maintain a positive outlook on the United Imperial Kingdoms, and we much agree on one particular part of foreign policy - "diplomacy over force."
We hope for stronger Macisikani-Southeast Asian ties in the future, and to hearing from your nation and yourself in the said future!
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Joshua Lin
13-05-2006, 11:11
14-05-2006, 13:45
19-05-2006, 14:24
24-05-2006, 14:51
Official Response of the United States Government
We have a generally positive view of SoutheastAsia, however we believe that the nation acted in a rash, unjustified matter, and misrepresented facts, when pressuring Isselmere-Nieland to refuse us the privilege of having an embassy in that nation.
01-06-2006, 16:15
[OOC: One problem, that was an SIC communique....I'll talk to Isselmere and respond to you ICly later....]
14-07-2006, 13:50
To: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Southeastasia
From: Marcus Bergen, Office of Foreign Relations, Illior
Dear sir,
It has come to my attention that you wish of Illior's opinion of your nation. With our World so large and vast as it is, it is hard to keep track of the thousands of nations running around, except for those running around in packs, be it in some regional alliance, or some MDP. Southeastasia and Illior really have not come into contact with each other over the spans of our countries, and have never realy interacted, so our stance on your country is this:... Oh screw it, I need some breakfast.
Sincerely yours,
Marcus Bergen
TO: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, UNS of Southeastasia
FROM: Robert Fletcher, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Dem. Rep. of Hamilay
Dear Mr Lin,
It has been brought to the Republic's attention that Southeastasia desires Hamilay's opinion on itself. Whilst our nations have not had major international relations, Hamilay maintains a positive view of Southeastasia as a supporter of freedom, democracy and civil liberties, with a competent and successful administration. We hope our nations will continue to maintain a favourable relationship and look forward to increasing ties with Southeastasia in the future.
Robert Fletcher
The Democratic Republic of Hamilay
OOC: As you can see by my post count, I'm not around much- although I am around more than you'd expect since I lurk a bit. I'm hardly a stellar RPer myself, but you seem like one of the better RPers out there.
Roman Republic
23-07-2006, 03:00
To: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
From: General Ajay Patel, Ministry of State of the United States of Rome
Your question has bazzled us when the Fatherland received your communique. The Fatherland is not sure about our diplomatic relations, but we would like to say we are neutral. We will try to attain the level of friendly.
04-08-2006, 12:29
Official Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Sovereign Nations
Southeast Asia's Stance on the United States of Allanea
To Whom It May Concern,
I thank you for taking this diplomatic survey, and your reviews of our role in the international community, shall be taken into consideration.
We in Southeast Asia have a neutral stance on the United States of Allanea, but however, we note that you have a controversial nature due to various actions across the international community and various domestic policies within the country your very institution administrates.
We still are neutral because we have little direct contact from the United States of Allanea, or any members of her government. But your country's actions could force people to reevaluate relations with the United States and plant the seeds of resentment. Keep in mind, that we in Southeast Asia maintain a neutral stance on the United States of Allanea, and we have relatively little conflict, so we have little feeling for Allanea. But what we have said, regarding your controversial nature, was a little piece of advice, not to be insulting or anything like that.
Thank you again, for taking part in my country's diplomatic survey.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Official Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Sovereign Nations
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Centrist Demonarchy of Illior
Dear Mr. Marcus Bergen,
First of all, I would like to thank you for having your nation take part in this diplomatic survey. Your comments shall be taken into consideration, Mr. Bergen.
Now, as for Southeast Asia's stance on the Centrist Demonarchy of Illior - indeed, our two States have had little to no contact, other than this banter going on about between the two of us. However, according to our observations about your country's actions through out the planet, we do note that you have friendly ties with the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland through similar social ties and military contracts from the Royal Shipyards.
This provides a possibility for expanding relations with the Centrist Demonarchy and the United Sovereign Nations.
I hope that it is true, and that Southeast Asia and Illior can become friends via our mutual friendship with Isselmere-Nieland. Once again, thank you Mr. Berger, for taking part in this diplomatic survey.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Official Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Sovereign Nations
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Democratic Republic of Hamilay
Dear Mr. Fletcher,
I offer my warmest salutations for having your country, the Democratic Republic of Hamilay, for taking part in this diplomatic survey, and your comments have been taken into account with and shall be reviewed, Mr. Fletcher.
Now, as for Southeast Asia's stance on the Democratic Republic of Hamilay - we in Southeast Asia view the Democratic Republic of Hamilay as a peaceable nation which agrees with many of Southeast Asia's beliefs and values. So far, Hamilay, has remained low in her profile across the planet and global community. But we in Southeast Asia believe that she has the potential to become a positive force for international affairs and that she has the potential to form strong ties with the United Sovereign Nations.
I hope that I am correct in my hypothesis, Mr. Fletcher, for I see much potential in your nation. Thank you very much, for taking the diplomatic survey.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
Official Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Sovereign Nations
Southeast Asia's Stance on the Roman Republic
Dear General Ajay Patel,
I would like to thank you for having the Fatherland take a part in this diplomatic survey.
Now, as for Southeast Asia's stance on the Roman Republic - we also, view you neutrally, but however, we do note that relations between the Roman Republic and the United Sovereign Nations have the potential to blossom into a healthy trade relationship that can bring economic prosperity for both parties and perhaps more.
I hope that I am correct in this...however, the relationship between the Fatherland and the United Sovereign Nations could be improved and offer more potential growth, if the Roman Republic were less restrictive in civil liberties and political freedoms. We in Southeast Asia understand that it is the role of government to provide a better society and keep order, but restricting liberty may not be the best way.
I thank you again, General Ajay Patel, for having your nation take part in my country's diplomatic survey.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
[OOC: Some notes for you's Southeast Asia, with a space between the 't' of 'Southeast' and the capital 'A' of 'Asia', not as one word without a capital 'A' in 'Asia' or scrambling it together with a capital 'A' in 'Asia'. The same applies to my national adjective. Please don't do this again ICly or OOCly.
Allanea - I haven't interacted with you much, but from what I've read, you are a good writer. Too bad we ICly disagree with one another, it would've made things even more fun....or could it? Perhaps we could have a relationship a la the Incorporated States of Sarzonia and the United Kingdom of Oceania? And we haven't revealed our IC dislike for the United States of Allanea yet, please remove the references to Isselmere-Nieland and the irrationality part, as that was a Secret In-Character communique.
Illior - You seem to be a nice fellow, and are not bad at writing and at aviation. As said before, good analysis on NS technology. You and I could develop a close relationship both IC and OOC, thanks to our mutual friendship with the UKIN (as mentioned earlier) and your ability to write.
Hamilay - As stated ICly, you do have potential to become one of the more "tier" role-players around NS. You just need to polish up your ability with the pen, and be more active IC. And you seem like a nice guy, from what I know.
Roman Republic - OOCly, I know little about you. But you seem to behave well, and show ability as a role-player. Here's my tip - less about your storefront and business sales, more about the story.
Thank you all guys (or gals, in case a few of you are female, as I could be wrong), for taking part in this IC and OOC survey!]
04-08-2006, 12:44
[OOC: Can I get your OOC and IC stance on me even if I'm too lazy to write one myself?]
05-08-2006, 05:38
[OOC: Sure. Let's see...starting with the IC views.
Before King William's Rise to the Crown and the ViZion Conflict:
Officially, we maintained neutrality. We were considering of establishing ties with the Questerian Empire. Unofficially, we respected Questers for her maritime influence and the fact that it was commited to humanity and freedom. We thought that Queen Clara was a paragon of good leadership and kindness. And we were considering of giving indirect help to the Congressional Forces via logistical aid, and the fact that Questers and MassPwnage had colonies nearby was in fact the genesis of my alliance with the Incorporated States.
After King William's Rise to the Crown and the Juumanistran War:
Officially, we still maintained neutrality. Unofficially, all chances of formalizing dissappeared. Strongly contended to be officially branded into the "Unfriendly" Category, thanks to a rushed investigation of Queen Clara's death and the fact that the entire Questerian populace (or rather, a supermajority of them) believed that the Juumanistran Dominion was a communist state and behind the preceding monarch's death.
Increasingly having a great dislike of Questers as it's war with the Northern Alliance drags on, and my PM especially distrusts King William.
OOCly...You're fine, but a little on the hot-tempered and impatient side. Other then that, I have no problem with you.]
11-08-2006, 13:47
24-08-2006, 06:37
24-08-2006, 08:07
On a side note, my Junior External Affairs Minister is still waiting for a reply on our offer of an embassy exchange...
24-08-2006, 10:15
On a side note, my Junior External Affairs Minister is still waiting for a reply on our offer of an embassy exchange...
[OOC: My apologies. Year 11's soon coming for me, and I have to prepare for school. My deepest apologies, Macisikan. Had I had enough time, I would've responded to you a while ago....]
24-08-2006, 11:26
[OOC: My apologies. Year 11's soon coming for me, and I have to prepare for school. My deepest apologies, Macisikan. Had I had enough time, I would've responded to you a while ago....]
[OOC: No worries; just making sure you remember. Your nation hasn't lost any brownie points.]
Saint Fedski
29-08-2006, 13:28
SEA, TG(s).
29-08-2006, 13:54
[OOC: Responded. And next time, don't post in this thread to inform me about a TG, unless you're sending an IC and an OOC review.]
09-09-2006, 09:09
09-09-2006, 11:48
OOC: You seem good to me, haven't seen you RPing propely but your a pretty wise NSer and know lots of people who all seem to like you. Plus im yr11 too, so you've got to be good :P
Hotdogs2 has a high reguard of Southeast Asia as a nation who loves peace and from what we have seen our their acts in the international community it stands them well. We in Hotdogs2 are not so fortunate in that respect, although we love peace it has been noted by some ministers that our actions offend some nations and can cause war even if we are trying to stop something worse happening and purely in the interests of our security observing an ongoing war or dispute. We therefore admire the way Southeast Asia manages to disipate the heat and seems to be able to form friendships all over the world with any nation that they please.
Hotdogs2 feels Southeast Asia is a great state and likes their stance on Civil Rights and Political Freedoms, something which Hotdogs2 has been working on recently. This is all have have to say currently, but if you have any questions upon Hotdogs2 we will be glad to answer them
May you live long and prosper,
Joshua Badern, Minister of Foreign affairs,
The Expanding Armed Federation of Hotdogs2
10-09-2006, 15:18
[OOC: Thanks HD2. And with regards to your attitude, you seem like a nice guy and not a bad role-player.]
To: Joshua Badern, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Expanding Armed Federation of Hotdogs2
From: Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
Subject: Southeast Asian stance on the Expanding Armed Federation of Hotdogs2
Dear Mr. Badern,
First of all Your Excellency, I would like to thank you for taking part in this survey. Your comments are appreciated and shall be noted for future references and our future foreign policy.
Now, let us review our stance on your State, the Expanding Armed Federation of Hotdogs2. We do note with approval your regards to diplomacy over force. Now with regards to that, we would like to say that Hotdogs2 remains fairly positive (in the friendly-neutral sense), and has potential to be on the diplomatic relations list.
I hope that I may be correct, and that time may not be too far off.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Union of Southeast Asian Nations
10-09-2006, 19:38
OOC: NP, and thanks for the RP bit :D.
To: Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
From: To: Joshua Badern, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Expanding Armed Federation of Hotdogs2
Subject: Many thanks in return
Dear Sir, we are glad to have your response and on your kind words are being taken greatfully and we hope this will lead to friendship between our nations. Hotdogs2 is currently looking to have a brighter and brighter future as time goes on, and are currently again looking to keep the peace in other parts of the world(the imperialism being displayed in many places is disgraceful).
May I, on behalf of Hotdogs2 say that any friendship from your nation is most welcome and we are gald we have a nation who supports our peaceful ambitions. Although we cannot always be at peace we try to use our military power as a detterent or if possible not at all.
We will welcome any future diplomatic relations with the Union of Southeast Asian Nations.
Joshua Badern, Minister of Foreign Affairs
13-09-2006, 13:49
[OOC: Your welcome, HD2. Now, *BUMP*]
Independent Hitmen
19-09-2006, 22:00
OCC: Well Icly I dont think we have had any communication so I dont think I can do any written bit in that form...however if you do decide to join in Passion Play you will be on the recieving end of some Hitmen manufactured high explosives delivered most probably from weapons systems you advised that I purchase for that particular conflict. Suppose thats irony for you. But anyway, OOCly you seem to be helpful and rather like supporting the underdog. I will confess I have not seen too much of your IC writing and with university looming I'm not sure that that will change to a suitable degree in the near future.
Think thats about it. Apart from a thanks on the equipment advice, I really am useless at that kind of thing.
Space Union
19-09-2006, 22:24
OOC: Well you strike me as a nice guy SEA that is a very capable RPer (from what I've seen in your peace RPs, though, I haven't seen any of your war ones). You also NS's own billboard advertiser for storefronts and you've helped quite a lot of newbies on NS, for sure. You also strike me as an all around great guy. Keep up the good work. :)
As for your question in my TG on why I blocked you, I accidently blocked your nation when I was blocking another nation. Didn't notice till you told me.
21-09-2006, 02:20
[OOC: Thanks guys. Now, as for some reviewing OOC...IH, you're an excellent role-player, especially when it comes to depicting a good portrait of a battle in an armed conflict, a la A Passion Play. And I still haven't quite decided whether or not I want to join, because it seems that all thanks to Hogsweat (whose involvement I didn't have in mind for the War of Golden Succession), the Havenite Pact is no longer the underdog ICly. And we've liked the Macabee Imperium for its culture and the fact that it seems to have a responsible government, and this is also bolstered by the fact that we have several of our friends dealing with the Golden Throne, although we do have some of our friends that have tensions with it (e.g. Sarzonia, Pacitalia). And with regards to IC relations with you, we have heard of you, but haven't had direct contact with you. However, we (still) would like to remain impartial in the War of Golden Succession, both officially and unofficially.
Now, as for Space're viewed as a friendly thanks to your ties with nations I also have dealings with, (i.e. the ISS, the UKIN, the DIH, et cetera). OOC wise, I say you do a good job both military-wise and politically wise (good Federate crisis regarding economics, and a good economics role-play!). The only problem I can spot, is with regards to your military: It's far too biased toward the air force, no offense intended, but I don't mean to say that you have inept naval commanders and ground force commanders. What I'm trying to say is, it needs a little more evening out.]
Ottoman Khaif
21-09-2006, 02:30
ICly, the KLM views your nation with neutrality for the most part.
OOC: Your a nice guy, I would like to see more of your IC writing in the near future.
24-09-2006, 16:21
ICly, the KLM views your nation with neutrality for the most part.
OOC: Your a nice guy, I would like to see more of your IC writing in the near future.
To: Government of the Khailfah Al Muslimeen
From: Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
Subject: Re: Southeast Asia: Where do you Stand?
To Whom It May Concern,
First of all, Sir or Madam, I would like to thank you for having your esteemed state taking our diplomatic survey. As for our stance on the Islamic Unionist Federated States of the Khailfah al Muslimeen....we have had far too little contact, not even any contact to make a solid judgment. However, there may be a slight chance at diplomatic relations and other ties.
We hope to be in further contact, and shall be obeserving the KLM in hope for a prosperous future for one another.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
[OOC: Thanks KLM. As for my comments on seem to be a nice guy and an excellent role-player. The only problem I'd say about you is your grammar, need to work on that.]
26-09-2006, 11:20
02-10-2006, 11:00
14-10-2006, 13:51
04-11-2006, 16:01
13-12-2006, 08:06
13-12-2006, 09:52
To: Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
From: Gregory Jones, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prime Ministerialship of Bazalonia
Subject: Stance on Union of South East Asian Nations
It has taken some time for us to determine exactly the relationship between our nations, while it is true that neither of our nations, according to our records, have had an official contact with each other we understand that we have at least a mutual friend, the nation of Pacitalia. Perhaps in the future Bazalonian-SouthEastAsian relations could be formed and then built upon
Yours Sincerly,
Gregory Jones
OOC: Only really bits and pieces that I pick up from Pacitalia
13-12-2006, 12:28
As is on display from the Dian Logothe's Office
ICCD is has no current diploymatic issues with South East Asia, and counts it as a friendly state, specifically in relation to activity in Xian of the East Pacific.
13-12-2006, 15:27
[OOC: I saw this and I believe I answered before, but I figured I should post again anyway.
IC'ly I believe we are relatively good terms though currently we may have a rift of ideas that we have to patch up. I have had relatively good connections through McKagan and Hal and the overall SWC to you, which is always a plus.
Speaking on rifts, I still have to start our diplomatic RP.
OOC'ly you seem like a pretty good guy, and you are one of those people whose work I can actually read fluidly.
I am curious to know what you think of TIRHK OOC'ly and IC'ly.]
15-12-2006, 10:47
[OOC: Urgh, too lazy to write up IC responses....but nevertheless, I shall give a response!
ICly, we look upon Bazalonia positively in spite of no official contact whatsoever, but note that it is of an influential region in the world and maintains good relations with the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia. OOCly, we haven't interacted much, but I do note that you are a good role-player and seem to be a decent guy.
ICly and OOCly, I'm neutral on you Intracircumcordei.
And HailandKill....yes, you have done this survey before. My position still stands: we respect you as we have heard good tales from our Halberdgardian friends of the Imperial Republic of HailandKill, but you may notice our subtle displeasements. OOCly, I think you're okay. As for our little thread....yes, I know, we do need to get it up and done over with it sometime.]
OOC: It isn't really IC for me to go shouting my opinions about someone, getting much information out of me ICly is considered somewhat of a coup :p so I'll just say it oocly.
ICly, your considered to be a highly respectable nation, your ambassador made a very good impression on behalf of your government, and most South East Asians are considered a quiet upstanding people with great emotional strength, their is a certain amount of kinship seen in some ways, but until we can get a chance to develop relations more, we prefer to keep you at arms length.
OOCly, your canny, very knowledgeable about practically everybody, you can be a little snapy at times though thats propably OOC stress, your a good RPer from what I've seen, pity you don't RP more.
26-12-2006, 15:40
[OOC: Thanks Nova. OOCly, I'd say your good, and ICly, you're okay. And as for supplying Kraven.....we will be having comments about that ICly should we find out you've been letting in contracts on him.]
24-01-2007, 16:07
K'iuth Gaelin
Grand Potentate of the United Commonwealth
[Official Seal of the Potentate]
ooc I hate you! :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :upyours:
no, not really. you're sort of cool, I guess. and you can write well, for a 14-year-old (probably better than I could write when I was 14, although none of my RPs from then survived the purges, that I know of anyway).
24-01-2007, 17:13
[OOC: Thanks again for the review, Czardas. ;)]
01-02-2007, 10:44
The Zoogie People
09-02-2007, 02:13
To my very esteemed comrades at Southeast Asia:
Though we have not had much recallable interaction with your nation in our respective recent histories, we hold Southeast Asia in high esteem. Our formal diplomatic exchanges, though limited, have only given us positive reactions, and we hope that this trend will continue.
Secretary of State George Dailey,
[ooc] No kidding, you're 14? Wow.
The Vuhifellian States
09-02-2007, 02:25
To: Mr. Lin
From: Esteemed Honorable Vincent Daniels
As a member of one of the four Great Families, we hold your nation in a golden light. A lighthouse for peace and democracy in a sea of darkness; the Federation can gain many great benefits through continued diplomacy and military support with your nation.
[OOC: Thanks for the RP'ing advice. Although I have yet to put it to use. Wait, you're 14?]
Emporer Pudu
09-02-2007, 03:04
OOC: Although I have no reason to contact you IC'ly, my position as it is now would be rather strained. That is, I am pointing and then probably firing various weapons in you and your people's general direction. (That is, again, if that thread with Kraven EVER starts up...)
Outside of that, I've read your writing before (obviously), and I really do enjoy it. You write well, and I'm sure the other eleven pages are filled with enough compliments to make up for my lack of creativity in that department right now.
09-02-2007, 07:36
To my very esteemed comrades at Southeast Asia:
Though we have not had much recallable interaction with your nation in our respective recent histories, we hold Southeast Asia in high esteem. Our formal diplomatic exchanges, though limited, have only given us positive reactions, and we hope that this trend will continue.
Secretary of State George Dailey,
[ooc] No kidding, you're 14? Wow.
To: Mr. Lin
From: Esteemed Honorable Vincent Daniels
As a member of one of the four Great Families, we hold your nation in a golden light. A lighthouse for peace and democracy in a sea of darkness; the Federation can gain many great benefits through continued diplomacy and military support with your nation.
[OOC: Thanks for the RP'ing advice. Although I have yet to put it to use. Wait, you're 14?]
OOC: Although I have no reason to contact you IC'ly, my position as it is now would be rather strained. That is, I am pointing and then probably firing various weapons in you and your people's general direction. (That is, again, if that thread with Kraven EVER starts up...)
Outside of that, I've read your writing before (obviously), and I really do enjoy it. You write well, and I'm sure the other eleven pages are filled with enough compliments to make up for my lack of creativity in that department right now.
[OOC: Thanks guys for the responses. ICly, we respect the Vuhifellian Federation, for it has competent leadership, though its process to a stable free society has yet to be completed. OOCly TVS, I think you're a great role-player and should do more. Zoogiedom, we respect you for your international influence in the past (helps to read history!) for being a leading aviation giant...I haven't seen your designs however. OOCly, I don't know you, so I cannot comment much...and just FYI, it was Isselmere and Tyrandis that mentioned you on The NS Draftroom, kudos to them about your days as an aviation giant - hope to role-play with you more often. And as for my age...actually, I'm 15. Thanks for your compliments though about my writing...Czardas must've forgotten about my birthday and the fact that we do age.
And Emporer Pudu, ICly, we view you leerily thanks to your support of TKC (C'mon, hurry up man!). OOCly, I think you're a good writer, and hope to role-play with you more often.]
13-04-2007, 09:52
15-04-2007, 05:14
ooc: DO ME DO ME!
[OOC: IC, we've had zilch contact but have heard of a formidable naval force, other than that we can't comment on. OOC, I think that you're a fine line-arter, and I've got no problems with you OOCly. What do you think of me in both senses?]
The Transylvania
15-04-2007, 05:20
OOC: For the fun of it and that I’m a little bored. Do me!
ooc: DO ME DO ME!
Do me too? :/
[OOC: IC, we've had zilch contact but have heard of a formidable naval force, other than that we can't comment on. OOC, I think that you're a fine line-arter, and I've got no problems with you OOCly. What do you think of me in both senses?]
OOC: Well, its the same deal SEA for contact; but ooc I <3. But you do look 10. rofl.
18-05-2007, 03:35
[OOC: Yet again, on time constraints. So I'll do this OOC.
OOC: For the fun of it and that I’m a little bored. Do me!
Transylvania: I think you're a good role-player who shows potential. ICly, we're neutral. Keep up, improve, and do what you can to learn from your lessons and thrive.
Do me too? :/
Izistan: Same as above. I would've prefered it both IC and OOC that you remained a parliamentary republic. Then again, as your ability to use the pen with skill well remains pertinent, and the fact that ICly, you helped us against the Kraven Corporation...doesn't make me incapable of turning a blind eye, or turning a 20/20 eye... ;) Keep up the good work, Izi!]
The Transylvania
18-05-2007, 19:58
[OOC: Yet again, on time constraints. So I'll do this OOC.
Transylvania: I think you're a good role-player who shows potential. ICly, we're neutral. Keep up, improve, and do what you can to learn from your lessons and thrive.]
OOC: Thanks and will do.
21-05-2007, 05:26
25-05-2007, 17:07
Official Statement of The Federal Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry to The United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
The FSD of Franberry would like to express its feelings of friendship and comradeship towards the USN of SA. Although our diplomatic contact has been rather limited, we have the most friendliest of approaches towards your fine nation. In the economical aspect, we have been aware of trading between Franberrian companies and Southeast Asian ones, this relationship is also important to us, and we shall do our best to maintain it. We hope that our relation shall continue to flourish mutually, and that our nations shall grow to become great friends.
26-05-2007, 02:33
Official Statement of The Federal Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry to The United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
The FSD of Franberry would like to express its feelings of friendship and comradeship towards the USN of SA. Although our diplomatic contact has been rather limited, we have the most friendliest of approaches towards your fine nation. In the economical aspect, we have been aware of trading between Franberrian companies and Southeast Asian ones, this relationship is also important to us, and we shall do our best to maintain it. We hope that our relation shall continue to flourish mutually, and that our nations shall grow to become great friends.
To: Government of Franberry
From: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
Subject: Franberrian participation in diplomatic survey,
To Whom It May Concern,
Speaking as the highest ranking officer in foreign policy, I would like to thank you for having taken part in this survey. I am indeed aware of the minor trade between the Federal Sultanate Duchydom and my homeland, and we do hold common features (strong public healthcare, strong social welfare, and a republican system, to name a few). The opinion of the Union of Southeast Asian Nations on the Federal Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry is positive, and I certainly do look forward to advancing the Franberrian-Southeast Asian relationship.
Yours Truly,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Union of Southeast Asian Nations
[OOC: There, that's it. OOCly, I think you're a decent fellow, role-playing needs to be more frequent though in order to better harness your potential. Keep it up, Franberry.]
To:Foreign Affairs Office of the Union of Southeast Asian Nations
From:Angelos Nicolaos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Constitutional Republic of Willink
Subject"Where do you stand?"
Date:Sat, 26 May 2007
Dear Sir or Madam,
The Constitutional Republic wishes to reaffirm that it considers the Union of Southeast Asian Nations one of its largest and most exigent trade partners, and a true friend to the Willinkian people, whom hold the highest regard for your nation. As the Minopoulos administration has repeatedly stated, the fostering of friendly relations between our two nations has been a prime concern of the nation's foreign policy, and we hope that future developments serve no purpose aside from advancing such.
Angelos Nicolaos,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Constitutional Republic of Willink
OOC- Respectful, Thoughtful, Intelligent Person to whom I hold high regards, and consider a magnificent roleplayer.
28-05-2007, 02:37
To: Angelos Nicolaos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Constitutional Republic of Willink
From: Joshua Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Union of Southeast Asian Nations
Subject: Southeast Asian stance on Willink
Dear Minister Angelos Nicolaos,
It is indeed an honor to receive a letter from the Constitutional Republic of Willink. Prime Minister Georgios Minopaulos has chosen you well, Minister Nicolaos, and I am feeling confident that with these contacts, another stepping stone in the Willinkian-Southeast Asian relationship has been crossed. The United Sovereign Nations is interested in joining the Organization for International Economic Development, and we believe in the usage of soft power more than hard power, hence by our doctrine of "diplomacy over force". The United Sovereign Nations also oes commend Willinkian effort in peacekeeping with our friends in the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia and the rest of the Saharistan War Coalition. Due to this Executive Cabinet's principles in liberal realism, and with increased ties with the Constitutional Republic, both of our respective homelands shall prosper.
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency,
Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Union of Southeast Asian Nations
31-05-2007, 04:01
06-06-2007, 09:42
While it is unfortunate that the Prussians have not had as close relations with the Southeast Asian Government as would be liked, the Emperor does acknowlege that they are a friend of our people.
~Foreign Ministry, New Prussian Empire