Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 00:47
Ok here's the deal. Me and Jenrak have taken over a galaxy. I basically run it he kinda just uses it. So I want to use a Star Wars type idea. I want people to form groups in the galaxy. I am forming the Empire basically. Now I want people to come in with groups like Rebels and Mercenary Groups, Thieves, Pirates, Warlords, Sith Groups, Jedi Groups, Merchants, Cults, Massive Stores, Shipyards, etc. You make groups like this and RP them amongst the Galaxy. Now you will need to know some stuff first.
Fyrie Galaxy
Solar Systems
Neglar te Dyuffin
Revin: Wanorri Qixonia Ontonolia Foroth Macavin Turascant
Fendar: Fendarin Eradia, Lothma, Promina Prime and Rorano
Devlin: Lyshecc, Workan, Dass, Purascant, Quroni
Zlo: Cellin, Korvin, Zordoni, Yorin, Kuuru
Endyf: Werdyf, Borau, Utana, Iagobah, Pernyf
Polzin:Renoz, Lionazan, Zenka, Poruna, Keranak
Quint: Turiban V, Vulori, Lenlakia, Lenporiban
Lenlak:Quinona, Qoriaban, Lukoz, Aarea, Kyknyyshk Lornan,
Dew: Dorikiz, Duniz, Xinax, Dolupia, Fonidan
Pondure: Porian, Nuun, Kraxel, Penzix. Rianain
Neglar te Dyuffin:
PLanets will be decided later. I will need help for those.
Species and Creatures are exactly of those in Star Wars from every time period in their galaxy and all Star Wars ships from every period in time will be used as well. Other ships may be created and other creatures may be discovered but for the start this is what we will use. Ok now people feel free to start a group and joinm on in. If no one starts a group I'll start some but here it is:
Empire: Zactarn Prime
Ftang Federation Systems (Shipyard) [Revin System]: Ftang
Zatonian Combine (shipyard) [Fendar System]: Zatoichis
Incom corp (shipyard) [Neglar te Dyuffin System] : Nebarri Prime
I have to say I tried somthing almost the same to this with my puppet Spooty, god what a mess, well anyway here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_Planets) is a list of Star Wars Planets, enjoy.
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 00:53
dude thanks but I'm not copying the planets and hey you wanna join. I beg of thee.
The tokera
22-11-2005, 00:58
does it have to be from starwars or is it just similar?
I'd love to join in
Shipyard: Ftang in the Revin Solar System
Species (if required): Nautolan
22-11-2005, 00:59
Will we be ourselves, or something totally unrelated?
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 01:00
similair to Star Wars and your shipyard will be the Ftang ______ shipyard in Revin. I need more on the name. Ftang Super Systems or something
I will go with Ftang Federation System (very creative I know)
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 01:04
Will we be ourselves, or something totally unrelated?
Either or. And if someone has time create a list of planets. 8 Planets minimum for each Solar System. I have two tests tomarrow. So if someone could do this I would be grateful
no thanks, I have bad memories of previous Star Wars universe RP's, i'd rather stick to what I know, Warhammer 40k, but good luck man.
If u want I could come up with some planet names for my system?
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 01:09
If u want I could come up with some planet names for my system?
Please. Please if you have time take a shot at the others
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 02:02
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 03:41
22-11-2005, 06:31
I'm Interested in Joining.
Shipyard: Zatonian Combine located in the Fendar System.
OOC: Species needed?
22-11-2005, 06:40
I would like to take Incom corp. if i may, and do the systems have any planets i know of? is so i would like to be based at Thyferra
Crescent Whales
22-11-2005, 06:52
I've done some star wars rping in the past, this looks pretty cool.
I'm gonna use this new nation of mine to keep things less confused for myself.
I'd like to take the Rez system
with the Allonar Whales Merchant Guild
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 21:31
I would like to take Incom corp. if i may, and do the systems have any planets i know of? is so i would like to be based at Thyferra
No planets have been decided on yet and what is Incom corp?
I shalt be the 'fear' factor in this RP. I'll occasionally pop in and attack people, and leave.
Okay, I'd like to make a faction, but I have to know if I can make my own "Jagonia" planet or not before I decide.
Zactarn Prime
22-11-2005, 21:57
a Jagonia planet will be fine
I have come up with some names for the planets in my system, I will work on the others tomorrow if i can:
Turascant (Main shipyard areas)
If you would like me to change any then please say.
Zactarn Prime
23-11-2005, 00:04
those are fine work on others if possible.
Fendar Planets : Fendarin (original!), Eradia, Lothma, Promina Prime and Rorano
Devlin Planets : Lyshecc, Workan, Dass, Purascant, Quroni.
Zlo Planets : Cellin, Korvin, Zordoni, Yorin, Kuuru
Endyf Planets :Werdyf, Borau, Utana, Iagobah, Pernyf.
If you would like more planets added to any of the current ones say. (I'm using five planets each.)
23-11-2005, 01:20
No planets have been decided on yet and what is Incom corp?
Incom Corp. are the makers of the X-wing and Z-95 headhunter and the Y-4 Transport ship....trust me i know star wars ships
Zactarn Prime
23-11-2005, 01:26
Incom Corp. are the makers of the X-wing and Z-95 headhunter and the Y-4 Transport ship....trust me i know star wars ships
ok. I know Star Wars. Creatures, Vehicles, Planets, Time Periods. Just don't know extreme specifics.
Zactarn Prime
23-11-2005, 16:06
Man I could almost be considered a nerd when it comes to star wars - my room still has the pictures stuck up from when i was in primary school.
Consider me in: it was a hard choice but i will be a sith group - using the tech of the empire (if thats alright) and i'll be in the Saden system.
Zactarn Prime
23-11-2005, 16:27
ok. Do you have a name? New Sith Order?
no name yet - i will be the evil unknown striking forth from the forgoten fringes of space to retake sith dominance
No time to make a good post, but I'm intrested in a smuggling group. Glorified Tag.
here are the next few planet names:
Polzin: Renoz, Lionazan, Zenka, Poruna, Keranak
Quint: Quinona, Qoriaban, Lukoz, Aarea, Kyknyyshk
Lenlak: Lornan, Turiban V, Vulori, Lenlakia, Lenporiban
Dew: Dorikiz, Duniz, Xinax, Dolupia, Fonidan
Pondure: Porian, Nuun, Kraxel, Penzix. Rianain
here are the final set of names, if anyone wants to change any of them let me know:
Selfak: Soruun, Saxoek, Yithree, Dangtuun, Jukan II
Wellz: Wollux, Wernixonia, Horduun, Noruboo, Kixan
Klop: Korin, Ederan, Lunox, Untooine, Karenia
Poinde: Poixan, Tyrania, Juxooine, Renshav, Luonan
Saden: Herix, Ironia, Sanox, Sorenia, Forax
Gruf: Gryntar, Goryntax, Renialix, Modgaria, Kupi
Kag: Kunyytre, Kanterr, Linox gui Danen, Mofetooine, Xinooine
Nufftyfar: Nartex qi Tar, Joran ren Wir, Kaxinax, Nuyyitif, Yania
Grentes: Greneret, Guuren, Hatyfar, Wenterafur, Porenia
Rez: Ruun, Tyffar, Lukaria, Rozin, Rezinxa
Neglar te Dyuffin: Neglar yt Margix, Jinnoon, Lenigaria, Polixinia, Etramoff.
24-11-2005, 20:17
Can you be a Warlord? If so here is a little bit about.
My Own System:
Name: <----An example
The Prussian System:
[Description] A forest planet covered mostly by trees and lakes. It has only one polar ice cap, it's highest elevation is 4,000 ft. It has only one mountainous area though.
[Importance] The main thing about Cologne is that it has many mines that can produce about 100,000,000 (TOTAL) pounds a month of steel.
The Prussian System:
[Description] A flat, rolling, green planet that has many rivers which congegrate on the southern side of the planet were in the center is a small ice-cap.
[Importance] It is the economic center for the Warlord Maxen, it has the highes GDP Per Capita, he also has a moderate space docks and the center for his armed forces on the planet.
The Prussian System:
[Description] Another planet that is also gently rolling but is more built up. It also has a big sea with many cities bordering it.
[Importance] This is the most populated system of the Warlord and he gets the most money from it, it though does not have a high GDP Per Capita.
The Prussian System:
[Description] A mountainous planet, it is almost imposable to go across on foot with the highest elevation about 6 miles up.
[Importance] This is the scientific center for the warlord. Not only is it a strong fort on a crossroad but many scientific and pharmaceutical companies have made the planet home.
The Prussian System:
Reich 7
[Description] A gas planet that is the biggest planet in the system. It has several moons were the workers stay while on break, one of the moons is a gigantic fortress.
[Importance] The only shipyard were Maxen makes snub-fighters and small capital ships.
Maxen Von Bismarck is a self-named warlord which has based a fleet around the Prussian system. The only reason the main goverment hasn't cracked down is that it has more worries then one system's self-named ruler who hasn't made any trouble with the populance.
1 Interdector Cruiser (The Bulow)
3 Victory Class Star Destroyers (The Cologne, Von, and Otto)
1 Super Star Destroyer (The Rhiechswehr)
2 Carrack Anti-Snub Fighter Vessels (The Hammer and Rheich)
20 Assorted Support Vessels
I know some of it is kinda far fetched but I will explain it all later on (once I get accepted).
Zactarn Prime
25-11-2005, 02:59
Can you be a Warlord? If so here is a little bit about.
My Own System:
Name: <----An example
The Prussian System:
[Description] A forest planet covered mostly by trees and lakes. It has only one polar ice cap, it's highest elevation is 4,000 ft. It has only one mountainous area though.
[Importance] The main thing about Cologne is that it has many mines that can produce about 100,000,000 (TOTAL) pounds a month of steel.
The Prussian System:
[Description] A flat, rolling, green planet that has many rivers which congegrate on the southern side of the planet were in the center is a small ice-cap.
[Importance] It is the economic center for the Warlord Maxen, it has the highes GDP Per Capita, he also has a moderate space docks and the center for his armed forces on the planet.
The Prussian System:
[Description] Another planet that is also gently rolling but is more built up. It also has a big sea with many cities bordering it.
[Importance] This is the most populated system of the Warlord and he gets the most money from it, it though does not have a high GDP Per Capita.
The Prussian System:
[Description] A mountainous planet, it is almost imposable to go across on foot with the highest elevation about 6 miles up.
[Importance] This is the scientific center for the warlord. Not only is it a strong fort on a crossroad but many scientific and pharmaceutical companies have made the planet home.
The Prussian System:
Reich 7
[Description] A gas planet that is the biggest planet in the system. It has several moons were the workers stay while on break, one of the moons is a gigantic fortress.
[Importance] The only shipyard were Maxen makes snub-fighters and small capital ships.
Maxen Von Bismarck is a self-named warlord which has based a fleet around the Prussian system. The only reason the main goverment hasn't cracked down is that it has more worries then one system's self-named ruler who hasn't made any trouble with the populance.
1 Interdector Cruiser (The Bulow)
3 Victory Class Star Destroyers (The Cologne, Von, and Otto)
1 Super Star Destroyer (The Rhiechswehr)
2 Carrack Anti-Snub Fighter Vessels (The Hammer and Rheich)
20 Assorted Support Vessels
I know some of it is kinda far fetched but I will explain it all later on (once I get accepted).
Seems kinda good. I can sign you up.
Hmmm.... I think I'll take a small independent government if its all right with you. Perhaps in the Selfak system if its still availible?
Name: The Royal and Apostolic Empire of Kordo (Yes, I'm just to lazy to think of a better name)
1 Imperial Star Destroyer
3 Victory Star Destoryers
4 Carrack Cruisers
1 Lance Frigate
20 Other Small Ships
25-11-2005, 20:04
Seems kinda good. I can sign you up.
Thank you, also I forgot, is the Lance or Carrak Class the anti-snub fighter? I think it is the Lance but also think it is the Carrack. So any comments tell me. Also expect me to post the history by tomorrow.
25-11-2005, 23:07
Here is the History.......
The Prussia System for most of its days was largely uninhabited. Of course on some of the planets was the usual wild life and plant life but nothing sentient. This all changed when colonizers, looking for a new world, settled in the Prussian System. Before long there were several thriving systems and an assortment of people from all over the Empire. In that setting did Maxen Von Bismarck, the now warlord, group up in. One filled with a need to go forward and to make new hurdles for the Empire. For in that time the Prussian System still looked for the Empire for protection and trading. This all changed when an incompetent commandeer ordered the bombardment of the city of Deben. Deben at that time was the most academic and thriving city in the system. After being ruthlessly destroyed the commander went on to say that the people deserved it for destroying one of his ships. The destruction of the ships was later awarded to out of system raiders who wanted to cover their tracks. The Empire imminently forced his resignation and he was out system before anyone could say boo. Maxen's family though, was staying at one of their friend’s house, which was of course in Deben and were killed. Maxen, a smart young man of 21 could've done a suicide rampage into the heart of the Empire's fort near Deben but he refrained. He did though get an assortment of craft and fighters and started a campaign against the Empire. His style of warfare acted like the knighthood of Honor was still alive and strong which won him support of friends and foe alike. He quickly gained support but was lacking a good base of operations and any efficient capital ships until he made a daring raid into the SSD Silver Sky. He captured it with little loss of life to either side. For except for the Empire's Space Marines and officers the rest of the crew was recruited from the Prussian System or other Outer Arm Systems. He and his crew of competent commanders immediately sent about a chain of command and organization that usurped the Empire's. The first battle with the SSD Silver Sky turned out to be a win, with four destroyed Empire ships, but the SSD had sustained an amazing amount of damage. In the end they had to set it down and repair it. There were no really good docks out of Reich 7 but they preserved, and conquered. Not mentioning all the raids and captures. By then a small fleet had been resembled with the SSD, now re christened, the Rhiechswehr. Which in Prussian language means Dynasty's Power. Though too close to an empire sounding name, Maxen always remarked, "I never said it was the emperor's dynasty." In a final battle the Prussian Fleet, streamlined and fit, attacked the center point of imperial might in the Prussian System at Cologne. There the veteran Imperial Fleet fought, and died with many of its former ships going into the new Prussian Fleet's hands. By now popular support was well in favor of Maxen's Fleet so while this was happening all over the smaller outposts were overrun by locals. Once the dust had settled there were now five separate governments with separate fleets. Maxen pleaded with the other government to forge into one new one, he would gladly step down as Chancellor and just be SoD. Most didn't want him anywhere or could not bear thinking of joining into something bigger and less independent. Maxen, after hearing the first ever Council of Prussians decided that this needed some "aggressive negotiations" and immediately set about for another campaign. The troops tired of fighting were discouraged and mutinied. On the SSD Rhiechswehr Maxen and his loyali8sts battled foot by foot for control of the ship from insurgents. Finally they had control of the ship. With the SSD in control of the loyalists the other insurgents quickly forced out of their throats a pledge of honor. Now Maxen Von Bismarck was ready to set things straight. His fleet cornered Reich 7 and in three months forced their hand by a means of a siege. He then went on to each planet using ploys, plots, and might to subjugate each planet. Even after pre-vail8n, Maxen still had a lot of work to do, His ships, his foremost thought past their crews, were in need of repair, and nothing could be salvaged to replace some of the damaged that was inflicted. So Maxen built a shipyard on Reich 7 and then made his government in his own style. Each planet was still its own country but was ruled at the top by a duke. These dukes then sent observations, reports, and supplies to Maxen Von Bismarck with each planet. He then ordered the Prussian System his own, made a new currency, The Silvarian Mark of Prussia, or SMP, made a new military around the SSD Rheichswehr, made the initials for the military PSF (Prussia System Fleet) and started a successful shipyard on Reich 7. He continued several expeditions to the Empire capturing attention as well as prestige. In the end though, with the economic power of the Prussia System booming with it's military he set his sights outward. That is the setting for the end or beginning. People do not despise the Empire but make sure that everyone knows they dislike it. They are very proud of throwing the Empire back and for making a good show, no matter how short lived, by themselves. Almost a god does the people look up to their Chancellor, Maxen Von Bismarck, and the most lucky of the lucky are afforded a position on the latest, or first, infantry division called The Iron Division.
Thank you, also I forgot, is the Lance or Carrak Class the anti-snub fighter? I think it is the Lance but also think it is the Carrack. So any comments tell me. Also expect me to post the history by tomorrow.
The Lancer frigate is an anti-snub fighter ship. The Carrack is a light cruiser.
Ok here is my info:
The Infinite Empire
The Saden System: Herix, Ironia, Sanox, Sorenia, Forax
Leader: Lord Ekraan
Description: Herix was once the site of an important ancient Jedi stronghold. None know what happened there but 4000 years ago the fortress transformed overnight into a citadel of the dark side. This heavily populated world is now home to Lord Ekraan (Darth Urian) and his apprentice Lord Arhain (Darth Kel’tar)
Importance: Herix is a fortress stronghold with a very large population. It also houses the Infinite Empire’s main shipyards and has substantial mining and agriculture sectors.
Description: An arid and mountainous world with a population and settlement level similar to that of Tatooine.
Importance: Though not fit for sustaining large populations Ironia is a rich mining site of metals, spices and mineral ores of all kinds.
Description: The surface of Sanox is approximately 20% water and almost all its landmass is made of plains and hills. It is a large city sprawled planet, much like a mini Coruscant.
Importance: Sanox has a massive amount of industry – from weapons production to machine factories and is therefore an important planet for production and finance. Sanox also has shipyard facilities.
Description: A fertile grassland world, covered with a much jungles and forests as cities. Sorenia has abundant life from the human populous to the thousands of animal species that occupy the natural terrain.
Importance: This planet is very well balanced, contributing to everything from food production to holo-recordings.
Description: An oxygen abundant planet with hot/temperate areas stretching across its lower latitudes. However many active volcanoes cover the surface and fill the sky with ash which protects the inhabitants of Forax from the deadly radiation bombarded on the planet by its primary sun.
Importance: Forax with its medium population houses the Sith’s best training facilities and its refineries process much of the Infinite Empires resources.
The Sith Fleet:
1 Super Star Destroyer – The Mavangor
2 Imperial Star Destroyers – The Anarchis and Vehement
2 Venator Star Destroyers – The Erone and Iaeol
10 Assorted Support Vessels
26-11-2005, 18:57
I do not want to sound annoying but can my system be added. Also can we get another thread going so that can be were we can start. Please....:)
Soviet Trasa
27-11-2005, 03:41
here is my info:
Shadows of the Dark Lords
The Rez system (currently settled planets): Ruun and Tyffar
Leader: Lord Shiveer Anobi
Description: Mountianous world, little life to speak of except a native rodant called "Shrew's" which feed off the little vegitation in the mountians, once every 3 months Acid rain pours down and destroys any organic life that is not shielded.
Importance: The Shadows of the Dark Lords built a underground fortress and mine the special lightsaber resistiant mineral Cortosis from deep within the planet, they use it in their ceremonial armour to help prevent lightsabers from killing their cultists, the mineral is shipped to a secondary base on another planet for processing and construction of the armour, they also mine other minerals here and have a large garden hidden deep in their base for food supplies.
Description: A volcanic planet, it is like a splitting image of Mustafar or Sarapin
Importance: The Cortosis that is mined on Ruun is shipped here and the Cultists process it and create their dark armour which they use in ceremonies or battle, this place is also is a training ground for Shadow Initiates who join their Cult, this is also the burial ground of Sith of old, hidden in deep catacombs underneath the Forbidden Fortress in the northern Hemisphere of the planet, where they conduct their operations, in orbit is a small shipyard which builds their transports and other starships.
Description:A Fertile world, mountians to the far north while in the equator it's green grasslands and forests, the southern hemisphere is a vast ocean that is dotted with small islands, the northern Hemisphere and the equator is a single land mass.
Importance: This world was taken by the Shadows due to the fertile soil, they have numerous farms dotting the equator, the food is shipped to a processing facility in the mountians where it is packaged and shipped to the other facilities offworld, a small garrison of Shadow Troops keep the area secured from any intruders, it also houses a Subspace-Communications array on the surface near the Base to contact the fleet incase of emergancy's.
The Shadows Fleet:
4 Corillian Corvette's Ragnos, Black Hands, Renark and the Irrian
6 Carrack Cruisers Dauntless and the Orithia
1 Assault Frigate Yirusa
24 Z-95 Headhunter Fighters Anor Squadron and Ghost Squadron
4 Gallofree Medium Transports (Unarmed)
Followers of the Dark Side of the Force, yet they have no official training, their goal is to pave the way for when they believe the Sith Lords shall rise again from their graves and consume the galaxy in a glorious battle against the Jedi.
They devote themselves to preparing themselves to serve their Dark Lords and for battle with the Jedi.
During their incursions into the tombs to pay their respects to their masters they located a small red pyramid which they later learned was a Sith Holocron, they learnt how to craft their lightsabers and Sith Alchemy from the aging holocron, it is unknown how exactly they gain their recruits, but it is known that they go on pillgrimges to heavily populated worlds, they recruit most likely homeless people, ones without hope for a better future, they offer them power or just simply a place to stay in return for their loyalty, they tend to stay low and not involve themselves heavily in Galactic politics, however they will defend their territory with great vigor and eagerness.
OOC: that's all i got, can you tell me if i made any form of mistakes that i should correct? Thanks and have a great evening. ;)
H-Town Tejas
27-11-2005, 05:21
can i just be a rebel/terrorist group with no specific planet? i'll post details if i can.
can i just be a rebel/terrorist group with no specific planet? i'll post details if i can.
You'de need to be based from somewhere even if we don't exactly know where
I do not want to sound annoying but can my system be added. Also can we get another thread going so that can be were we can start. Please....:)
Agreed. When is this going to start?
H-Town Tejas
27-11-2005, 15:25
You'de need to be based from somewhere even if we don't exactly know where
then just put me on a random planet, i could care less which one.
they're a bunch of rebels called the black flag army. they are a bunch of aliens who hate humans, for one reason or another, so they attempt to . the planet they are based on has degenerated into anarchy, so they are free to operate there. their goal is to one day have enough power to take over entire human planets and put the humans into slave labor. right now, though, theyre stuck with hijacking ships and the like.
27-11-2005, 16:14
Make a new thread! Yah! Then we can start, just a quicky, just need to post "bumb" and then put SW in the title. We will find it.
Shall I start a thread showing the history of the federation and what we do? And Rp there?
29-11-2005, 22:12
Shall I start a thread showing the history of the federation and what we do? And Rp there?
Soviet Trasa
30-11-2005, 03:09
I agree...there's still war in the world because the thread isn't started yet.... :P
Zactarn Prime
04-12-2005, 22:07
I'm bak
I'm bak
Cool - when is this going to start??
Soviet Trasa
05-12-2005, 06:16
Please start...my head is starting to hurt... :)
05-12-2005, 18:26
Can I just start it?