Pax Pacis Demands Absorbtion of Gibraltar for Mere Safety (Earth VII)
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 03:42
For 100% complete safety of Pax Pacis we demand that we absorb Gibraltar and end all treaties. A bridge and canal will be built to only allow certain ships to be allowed to cross through. This is for the safety of the Pax Pacis citizens and to ensure othing were to ever happen on their own soil.
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 18:07
We propose a treatie to Rolatia and The UoAN in which we all share full control of Gibraltar but the city of Gibraltar itself will be part of Pax Pacis. The strait will be controlled by the three of us and the city will be Pax Pacisininte. The strait will be controlled as we se fit. Please respond to this proposal...
I will only accept such terms if:
A) I am allowed a small part of the city of Gibraltar (apprximately 1/6 on the coast) where I will be allowed to keep military troops as I see fit
B) The bridge building does not take place. This is an intrusion that would completely stop this treaty
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 18:29
We will still build a canal shifting the water to parts of Algeria. Otherwise The bridge could be terminated although I do not see why we must.
The bridge project is an expensive idea and it will be a major barrier to free travel as there will be boats in the future of shapes you did not anticipate that will be blocked from entering the Mediterranean
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 18:53
We could have a pillar every 100 feet with the right material.
We could have a pillar every 100 feet with the right material.
This still does not allow for future wider and different-shaped ships. Withdraw the project or we refuse to make any deal with you
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 18:57
I doubt that there will be a 100 foot wide ship but the project is terminated.
I doubt that there will be a 100 foot wide ship but the project is terminated.
Excellent. If part A is agreed I accept, but you will need to pursue to permission of the Union of Alp Nations before any official agreement can be processed
Zactarn Prime
20-11-2005, 19:02
We are allies so you may have your spot on the eastern coast of Gibraltar for your troops. I will still own the land but you will have passage on it.