NationStates Jolt Archive

The Anti Ballistic System Treaty (Earth VII)

17-11-2005, 22:02
Its a know fact that the only true thing that prevents all out nuclear war is MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction), this being that if one party fired its nuclear weapons the rest of the world would most likely fire theres and the world would end (again) as we know it.

But in recent Years the devlopment of better and more powerful Anti Ballistic Systems have rendered MAD at a lower level incressing the chances of all out nuclear war and tipping the forces of power in a unfavored postion. For this reason the Corporate States is offering the Anti Ballistic Systems treaty, a treaty to Ban research and production of ABS and a reduction of ABS. An all out ban ofcorse is a nationwide Shield system, such systems are harmful to all.

The treaty is as follows:-

The Nations of the World, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

Proceeding from the premise that nuclear war would have devastating consequences for all mankind,

Considering that effective measures to limit anti-ballistic systems would be a substantial factor in curbing the race in strategic offensive arms and would lead to a decrease in the risk of outbreak of war involving nuclear weapons,

Proceeding from the premise that the limitation of anti-ballistic systems, as well as certain agreed measures with respect to the limitation of strategic offensive arms, would contribute to the creation of more favorable conditions for further negotiations on limiting strategic arms,

Desiring to contribute to the relaxation of international tension and the strengthening of trust between States,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

1. Each Party undertakes to limit anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems and to adopt other measures in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.

2. Each Party undertakes not to deploy ABM systems for a defense of the territory of its country and not to provide a base for such a defense, and not to deploy ABM systems for defense of an individual region except as provided for in Article III of this Treaty.

Article II

1. For the purpose of this Treaty an ABM system is a system to counter strategic ballistic missiles or their elements in flight trajectory, currently consisting of:

(a) ABM interceptor missiles, which are interceptor missiles constructed and deployed for an ABM role, or of a type tested in an ABM mode;

(b) ABM launchers, which are launchers constructed and deployed for launching ABM interceptor missiles; and

(c) ABM radars, which are radars constructed and deployed for an ABM role, or of a type tested in an ABM mode.

2. The ABM system components listed in paragraph 1 of this Article include those which are:

(a) operational;

(b) under construction;

(c) undergoing testing;

(d) undergoing overhaul, repair or conversion; or

(e) mothballed.

Article III

Each Party undertakes not to deploy ABM systems or their components except that:

Within one ABM system deployment area having a radius of one hundred and fifty kilometers and centered on the Partys national capital, a Party may deploy: (1) no more than Five ABM launchers and no more than Ten ABM interceptor missiles at launch sites, and (2) ABM radars within no more than One ABM radar complexes, the area of each complex being circular and having a diameter of no more than three kilometers;

Article V

1. Each Party undertakes not to develop, test, or deploy ABM systems or components which are sea-based, air-based, space-based, mobile land-based, Land based, or Laser Based

2. Each Party undertakes not to develop, test or deploy ABM launchers for launching more than one ABM interceptor missile at a time from each launcher, not to modify deployed launchers to provide them with such a capacity, not to develop, test, or deploy automatic or semi-automatic or other similar systems for rapid reload of ABM launchers.

Article VI

ABM systems or their components in excess of the numbers or outside the areas specified in this Treaty, as well as ABM systems or their components prohibited by this Treaty, shall be destroyed or dismantled under agreed procedures within the shortest possible agreed period of time.

Article VII

To assure the viability and effectiveness of this Treaty, each Party undertakes not to transfer to other States, and not to deploy outside its national territory, ABM systems or their components limited by this Treaty.

Article VIII

Each Party undertakes not to assume any international obligations which would conflict with this Treaty.

Article IX

1. For the purpose of providing assurance or compliance with the provisions of this Treaty, each Party shall use national technical means of verification at its disposal in a manner consistent with generally recognized principles of international law.

2. Each Party undertakes not to interfere with the national technical means of verification of the other Party operating in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. Each Party undertakes not to use deliberate concealment measures which impede verification by national technical means of compliance with the provisions of this Treaty. This obligation shall not require changes in current construction, assembly, conversion, or overhaul practices.

Article X

1. To promote the objectives and implementation of the provisions of this Treaty, the Parties shall establish promptly a Standing Consultative Commission, within the framework of which they will:

(a) consider questions concerning compliance with the obligations assumed and related situations which may be considered ambiguous;

(b) provide on a voluntary basis such information as either Party considers necessary to assure confidence in compliance with the obligations assumed;

(c) consider questions involving unintended interference with national technical means of verification;

(d) consider possible changes in the strategic situation which have a bearing on the provisions of this Treaty;

(e) agree upon procedures and dates for destruction or dismantling of ABM systems or their components in cases provided for by the provisions of this Treaty;

(f) consider, as appropriate, possible proposals for further increasing the viability of this Treaty; including proposals for amendments in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty;

2. The Parties through consultation shall establish, and may amend as appropriate, Regulations for the Standing Consultative Commission governing procedures, composition and other relevant matters.

Article XI

1. Each Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Agreed amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the procedures governing the entry into force of this Treaty.

2. Five years after entry into force of this Treaty, and at five-year intervals thereafter, the Parties shall together conduct a review of this Treaty.

Article XII

1. This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration.

2. Each Party shall, in exercising its national sovereignty, have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests. It shall give notice of its decision to the other Party six months prior to withdrawal from the Treaty. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events the notifying Party regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests.

Article XIII

1. All that do not sign the Agreement shall be hence forth considered rogue states, as such all signing nation will impose economic and Diplomatic Sanctions of the highist kind, Trade agreements will be cut down by 90%.

Signing nations:-

For the Corporate States Of the United Kingdom and Ireland,
Kayla ashcroft
Director of the Corporate States

For The Educated Technological State of Rolatia,
Dr Joseph Edwards
Prime Minister of Rolatia

For The Commonwealth of Unidos,
William McKay
Presidant of Unidos
18-11-2005, 19:47
Dr Joseph Edwards
Prime Minister of Rolatia
19-11-2005, 20:52
20-11-2005, 01:36
signed and ratified by the Commonwealth of Unidos,
President William McKay.
21-11-2005, 07:27
As representative of the Solux Empire, I protest this treaty vehemently. This is, without a doubt, one of the most ASININE treaties I've ever had the displeasure to lay eyes upon.

I hereby recommend, with the full consent of all the nation members who make up the Solux Empire, that instead a treaty banning of any and all weapons of mass destruction, and a global SUPPORT of anti-ballistic systems. If a system is in place to prevent any nuclear attacks, then the mere presence of nuclear arms would be not only futile, but a waste of government funds.

I call upon the all sensible countries, and good citizens of the world to recognize the shear LUNACY of this treaty, and rally behind the Solux Empire in the desire to ban nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.
21-11-2005, 11:16
As representative of the Solux Empire, I protest this treaty vehemently. This is, without a doubt, one of the most ASININE treaties I've ever had the displeasure to lay eyes upon.

I hereby recommend, with the full consent of all the nation members who make up the Solux Empire, that instead a treaty banning of any and all weapons of mass destruction, and a global SUPPORT of anti-ballistic systems. If a system is in place to prevent any nuclear attacks, then the mere presence of nuclear arms would be not only futile, but a waste of government funds.

I call upon the all sensible countries, and good citizens of the world to recognize the shear LUNACY of this treaty, and rally behind the Solux Empire in the desire to ban nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.

and he says my treatys stupid, the idea of banning nuclear weapons is like asking the french to fight in the world war two. Its just not going to happen but if you remove the only defence from nuclear weapons and forces nations that do not remove the defence they would inturn be classed as a rogue nation and trated as such.

Besides removing nuclear weapons can never work, you may get rid of the missile but the warhead and the platonum within the warhead would become a waste product and removing nuclear waste products is far more dangerus then nuclear weapons (to the point that my missile wont kill my people where as my waste will).