Brigidonia's second try at diplomacy
15-11-2005, 07:22
-Broadcast from the Governmental Spire in the center of Brigidean, the capitol of Brigidonia.-
The screen is black for a second then Video cuts in. You see a tall dark haired slender man with cold blue eyes and behind him is a large window and through the window you can see the tops of a few buildings and the sky. The man is wearing a black suit and has a blue glass ball in his hand, there is a table a few feet from him and it continues to the foreground. He smiles and startes talking "Hello I am Quiangkal Nonart the leader of the nation of Brigidonia. This broadcast is being sent out to nations because I and my cabnet feel that it is of the utmost importance that this country establish some diplomatic relations with some other countries. We are a small nation with only a small army but our nation would be willing to fight if the need should arise. Currently our Economy has taken a hit and we would like trade. I would like eather embassies set up or alliences set up. I await your reply good nations." You see the man for a few more seconds and then the screen goes black and white letters appear saying End Broadcast
-Governmental Spire right after the cameras cut out-
Nonart slumps a bit and sets the glass ball down on the table next to his spot at the head of the table. Sabard Dydub, Foreign Powers Adviser, walks up "Good job sir there are bound to be some replies this time."
Nonart looked at him "I sure hope so Sabard. That small democratic group is gaining a bit of sway in the people's minds"
15-11-2005, 07:50
--------------Private Encrypted Broadcast------------------
Greetings, Brigidonia. I am Mr. Albert Lauriston, Communications Liaison to His Lordship Baron Woldrock, who is the Advisor of Foreign Policy to His Grace the Duke Habard. On behalf of Baron Woldrock, I would like to extend to the nation of Brigidonia the wish of Habardia to establish an embassy in your nation. Please contact me to clear up any matters concerning this.
-----------End of Broadcast--------------
15-11-2005, 08:05
President Bynschev slumped in his chair. He'd just watched the transmission from Brigidonia and was weighing up the pros and cons. There was so much going on. In a few days he would be announcing the opening of the new House of the Republic (, Bynzekistan's primary government. Delegates from other nations would be arriving and there was so much to organise. In addition, there was a slight threat to national security ( that had him worried.
What the hell, Bynschev thought. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
He brought up the transmission screen on his computer, aligned the camera, and sat behind his desk, the magnificent blue and crimson of the Bynzeki flag hanging proudly behind him. He waited, composed himself, then clicked 'Transmit'.
"Greetings, Mr. Nonart. My name is Georgi Bynschev, President of Bynzekistan. I have received your transmission and wish to express interest in an alliance between our two great nations. I hereby decree that Brigidonia be granted a tract of land in the Bynzeki province of Cadomir, on which an embassy and other buildings can be built. You can use the land for whatever you wish, though any profit made on said land is subject to a 2.5% tax, payable to my government. These terms are by all means negotiable. Please contact me ASAP to discuss further or if you have any questions, and you can also look at our National Record of History & Information ( I hope we can come to a mutually beneficial and prosperous agreement. Goodbye."
Bynzschev smiled at the camera before clicking 'End'.
He sat back in his chair, took a sip of coffee and waited.
Pallawish Corp
15-11-2005, 09:24
==- Incoming Transmition -==
To: The Brigidonian Government
From: The Royal Council of Pallawish Corporation
Lord Thomas II, Leader of the Dominion Pallawish Corporation wishes to forge an alliance between our two nations. This could be through trade, war, political views, it does not matter to us.. we just wish for an alliance. We have many allies but we too are a new nation and we wish for riches and power. An embassy can be built in your capital city as soon as you see fit.
-- Brief History --
The Pallawish Corporation has a long history from which it emerged but here is a brief summary of it. In the past the Dutch decided to start a colony on a large island in the Pacific Ocean, this colony flourished and soon became the jewel of the Dutch Empire. Soon after this however the colony decided to become independant in internal aspects of the nation. This was the beginning of the Behemoth Cities of Pallawish.. the nation was all-powerful but eventually collapsed on itself due to granting far too many Civil Freedoms. The Pallawish Corporation emerged from the rubble and took over the nation using its Privatised army.. ever since we have ruled the lands of Pallawish in peace and prosperity.
-- Transmition out --
15-11-2005, 09:34
-Governmental Spire-
Dydub walked to Nonart with a few papers. "Sir sit down and put up your veiwing screen if you will" Nonart looked at him did what Dydub said and watched the two broadcasts. He had Dydub set up the cameras and picked up his ball.
-Broadcast to Habardia-
"Hello Mr. Lauriston. We have a building that your country can set up an embassy in if you allow us to build one in your country. We will provide security for your embassy and we shall let you provide security for ours. We are setting up this so there will be no question as to wheather a coup or the like will happen. I hope you are understanding we await your reply to this." The screen goes black and white letters say End Broadcast-
-Between Broadcasts-
Nonart composed himself a minute and rewatched the broadcast from Bynzekistan just so he could have it fresh in his mind as he quickly thought up a speech. He then got into posistion for the third time that day.
-Broadcast to Bynzekistan-
"Hello President Georgi Bynschev. After a long diliberation we have decided that Brigidonia would prosper in this allience. That said I must ask if you would be willing to allow us to provide security for your embassy located here in the capitol city and you provide security for ours. I ask this to all nations as a sign that I trust you enough to allow you to keep my embassy secure and also we have the possiblity of a rebellion and or possible coup and would like it if you trusted us enough to provide security to the building we will be allowing you to have. May our nations prosper from this. Good Day Sir and Long Live Our Nations." The screen focused on him for a few more seconds before going black. White letters appeared saying End Broadcast.
15-11-2005, 09:42
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart sat down to take a quick breath. Sabard rushed up "Good Job Sir, that was amazing as usal. Both Broadcasts are out and we are awaiting replies."
Nonart looked at his Adviser "Good. Whats next on the list?"
"We have gotten a new Broadcast from The Royal Council of Pallawish Corporation." Dydub said. Nonart nodded and brought the broadcast up and watched it and once again set up for a broadcast.
-Broadcast to The Royal Council of Pallawish Corporation-
Nonart stood stright "Hello Lord Thomas II. After a long diliberation I and my cabnet have seen it fit to accept this allience with your nation. We have a building ready for you and we wish you to have one ready for us. We would like to provide security for your embassy and you to provide security for ours to make sure no foul play is commited. We may be in contact again soon because we may have a rebellion and or coup on our hands shortly."
Pallawish Corp
15-11-2005, 10:08
-= Live Broadcast to The Brigidonian Government =-
"Pallawish Corporation thanks you for accepting our good willed invitation to start an alliance. We will be building an embassy in your capital city as soon as possible and we wish to discuss the terms and conditions of our alliance at a later date.. Please note the following information."
*A click as the TV screen turns away from the Minister of Foreign Affairs*
The Embassy will have the following on its grounds:
- Living Quarters
- 100 Pallawish Marines equipped with AK-74s and smoke bombs.
- 300 Embassy Staff
- 10 Diplomats
- 10 Army Jeeps equipped with mounted Machine Gun.
(We may hire more in the future)
Note: The embassy will be built using hired workers from your nation.
15-11-2005, 13:36
Bynschev, having received a favourable response to his earlier transmission, once again sat down at his desk and faced the camera.
"Hello again, Mr. Nonart. I am pleased that you are happy with our arrangements. With regards to security I have no problem in having a Bynzeki detail watch over your embassy in our nation, and also have no qualms about Brigidonian men watching our embassy there. I agree that this is a gesture of mutual goodwill, and as such consent wholeheartedly. May our relations be long, peaceful and prosperous."
Bynschev shut off the camera. For once today, he thought, something was settled. But just that moment, his computer beeped. There was a new development with that intelligence matter (
15-11-2005, 15:22
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart recived the next two broacasts. The one from Pallawish Corp pissed him off. He clearly stated the security arrangments but if the Pallawish Corp didnt want to follow them then he would have no dealings with them at all. He started a broadcast.
-Broadcast to Pallawish Corp-
Nonart glared into the camera. He started talking his voice icy "Hello Pallawish Corp. Your terms are unacceptable. I clearly stated the security arrangements and I also clearly stated we have a building ready for you. Unless you agree to my terms we will have no further dealings. Good Day" the screen went black. White letters appeared on the screen saying End Broadcast.
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart rewatched the broadcast from Bynzekistan. He was very happy that relations with this nation were progressing very well. He set up another broadcast.
-Broadcast to Bynzekistan-
Nonart looked at his glass ball then at the camera. WIth a cheerful voice he said "Hello President Georgi Bynschev. You are the first nation to agree to my terms and that pleases me very much. A few minor details to go over. As there are security cameras in every major public place and your embassy's lobby will be considered public there will be cameras in the lobby. The feed from it will go to the security detail, to me, to your embassy, and to you. The security detail will be 4 Brigidonian strike forces working each in a 6 hour shift with one strike force on call at anytime of the day. Our strike forces include 5 men. A point, a leader, a communications man, a 4th man, and an anchor. All except the anchor have assult rifles with the anchor having a Remington shotgun. If there is anything we can help you with feel free to ask, we also might ask for some military aid soon. I feel I must bring you up to speed on our situation. A few years ago I outlawed elections as I am a belovent dicator and there is a small faction of people who want to bring democraty back and they are willing to use force to do it.
16-11-2005, 00:50
Nonart sat in his quarters on his bed. His thoughts drifted to the past. He remembered growing up in the Anarchic state that the country used to be in. This land used to be part of a huge empire but several thousand years ago mass rebellions all across the empire tore it apart. Most of the rebellions went on to create a government and settle peacefully. The boarderlands and some of the far ends of the empire just dissolved into Anarchy. Then the country pulled itself together and a very weak small corrupt government was set into place. Back then the national motto was "Anarchy for all". Nonart was in a high position in that government and that is where he met Dydub. He gained much support and ended up 40th in line for the leadership. After that it was just a matter of killing off the leader and the 39 others and then he concolidated the country into a real government. Now his struggling country was getting into the big times....well a small version of the big times. He had lead this country for 3 and a half years.he was glad he had no more broadcasts to make becuase they tired him. As he drifted off to sleep he thought more countries are needed.
16-11-2005, 01:00
---------Start Broadcast-------------
Greetings, Brigidonia. I am authorized to inform you that Baron Woldrock has consulted with His Grace the Duke and it has been decided the terms proposed agree with us. More details will follow. Again, all enquiries, should be directed to Lauriston Sharp, myself.
---------End Broadcast--------------
16-11-2005, 01:53
-Nonart's quarters in the Governmental Spire-
Dydub rushed in "Wake up sir you have to see this new broadcast."
Nonart woke up threw on his suit and headed to the Cabnet room. Dydub gave him a way of watching it as they went.
-Broadcast to Habardia-
Nonart smiled at the camera "Good to hear Habardia. We will be sending a diplomat post haste". The screen went black and white letters saying End Broadcast appeared
Pallawish Corp
16-11-2005, 03:23
-- Opening Transmition --
To: Brigidonian Government
From: The Royal Chambers of Lord Thomas II
"I am Lord Thomas II of Pallawish Corporation, We demand that you allow us to bring troops to your lands to defend our embassy if attacked, We can also help if their is a rebellion by your citizens or the such.. We also DEMAND that we be allowed the troops as the building you have made for us will act such as that it is under Pallawish Borders as 'emabassys should'.. If someone flees to our embassy we shall need troops to defend from other people getting through. You must allow us our troops.. Or our relations are through. Please tread lightly.. We would be a good ally for your nation."
- Spoken By Lord Thomas II (Himself!!) -
-- Transmition Ended --
16-11-2005, 04:24
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart read the message from the Royal Chambers of Lord Thomas II and knew what he had to do. He was being bullied and knew two could play at this game. First he needed an allience. After the democratic faction was destroied he would rally his allies agenst Palawish Corp.
-Broadcast to Lord Thomas II-
Nonart looked at the camera. A hard tone was in his voice "Hello Lord Thomas. After looking at all the options we can only accept your demands but they will not have any bombs or other explosives. Your troops do anything but guard the Embassy and we will see it as an act of war and will act accordingly. Good Day and Long Live Our Nations". The screen goes black and white letters say End Broadcast.
Pallawish Corp
16-11-2005, 04:36
OCC: Wtf? ur gunna rally your troops against me for doing what? Putting guards in my embassy? Bah! How would I be able to wage war with you with the small number of troops i am putting in the embassy? Meh oh well.. Hello ally!
-Broadcast to Brigidonia-
"Thankyou for coming to this conclusion, the demands were necessary to secure the Pallawish Corporation embassy came to no harm if war broke out. Pallawish Corporation will begin talks of trade and sharing of Military Knowledge after a few days in its new embassy. We will talk soon.. Feel free to call on us when you are in need of aid New Ally."
- Spoken By Foreign Minister Sir Behemoth -
16-11-2005, 04:51
(OOC you are greatly disrespecting him by 1 refusing his terms and 2 not considering yourself safe with his troops guarding your Embassy. Also he plans on invading your country itself if your troops do more then guard the Embassy)
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart watched the broadcast and smiled a bit maybe things where looking up for him after all.
16-11-2005, 05:00
-----------Encrypted Message to Brigidonia-----------
Greetings from the Grand Republic of Skitsojd. I am Chancellor Hanz Klinger. I am pleased to tell you that after many years of Isolationist Movements to keep to ourselves we have decided to enter the world once again. Our quickly developing economy is already out producing what it did a year ago by almost triple.
And to begin we would like to eastablish diplomatic ties with you and your Cabinet. It comes to us that you and us have many resources and ideals that coincide with each other quite well.
Even as you read this Message a Diplomat is already on Route to your Capital. He should be there within 3 hours of Receiving this message. His name is Adolph Lindemann. He is the best we have.
I hope this will be the beginning of many Talks.
Herr Chancellor Hanz Klinger
------------------------Message End-----------------
16-11-2005, 05:17
-Governmental Spire-
Nonart looked at this new message. He smiled he liked messages like this.
-Broadcast to Skitsojd-
Nonart smiled into the camera "Very good to hear from you Herr Chancellor Hanz Klinger. We are preparing a diplomat to go to your country as I speak. We look forward to reciving your diplomat and starting relations". The screen goes black and white letters appear saying End Broadcast
19-11-2005, 22:50