NationStates Jolt Archive

The Theological Ruination Act Passes; Majority Of Citizens Support It

Fascist Confederacy
15-11-2005, 02:39
Theological Ruination Act of 2005
Ratified Supreme Soviet and Political Bureau Legislature
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Effective as of November 13, 2005

Refered from the Moscow Duma. Accepted into regular session on November 12, 2005.

An act relating to the regulation, restriction, and ruination of theological studies and beliefs. An act relating to the seizure of theological properties that may include but not be limited to: theologically affiliated organizations, academies, areas of adoration, worship, etc. An act relating to the restriction of areas of worship and the registering of theologically affiliated persons.

Section 1 Regulation, restriction, and ruination of theological studies and beliefs.
(A) Theological believer and/or theological adherent denotes any person who believes in any other sect of philosophy and/or religion other than philosophical materialism and/or atheism.
(B) Theological academies (From here forward simply 'academies') are to be considered as cemenaries, religious schools, etc. that preach the doctrines other than materialism and/or atheism. These include but may not be limited to: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.
(C) Academies will no longer teach, condone, or allow the study of theological studies or beliefs.
(D) Theological believers of all sects may not evangelise their beliefs.
(E) Theological believers of all sects may not worship or adore their deity/deities/x in public while in view of other Soviet citizens as not to discomfort or offend non-believers.
(F) If a person wishes to become a preist, imam, etc., it should be his responsibility to do the studies, not the people's
(G) All theological believers must register with the local authoritative extension of the Commissariat of the Interior as a 'Theological Adherent.'
(H) All registered theological believers are subject to background informational searches, random searches in compliance with the local militisya (police), and may be subject to other executive actions.
(I) All theological adherents who are not/refuse to register with the local authoritative extensionof the Commissariat of the Interior are subject to a minimum of five years imprisonment and a ะช5,000 (USD 6,650) fine.
(J) All theological adherents caught evangilising will be subject to a minium of fifteen years imprisonment and subject to imprisonment within a labour colony or labour camp.
(K) All theological adherents caught for the following, but not limited to: worshiping in public, promoting theological beliefs, adherents, organizations, etc. are subject to a minimum of ten years within a labour colony and or camp.

Section 2 Seizure of theological properties.
(A) Theological properties are to be considered as properties owned and/or operated by a theological adherent or theological adherents.
(B) Theological affiliated organizations are to be considered as organizations owned and/or operated by a theological adherent or theological adherents. These TAO's may be created and used for, but not limited to, the following motivations: profit for a theological adherent(s), associating theological adherents, fundamentalist groups, etc.
(C) Areas of adoration, worship, etc. is to be considered as properties owned and/or operated by a theological adherent or theological adherents for the purpose of but not limited to: the worship/adoration of a deity/deities/x, assembling theological adherents for a theological, geo-political, etc. purpose, challanging the authority of the workers, etc.
(D) All theological properties are to be seized by December 24, 2005 and appropriated. If non-compliance with this legislature (TRA Sec.2B) will result in a minimum of five years in prison. Force is hereby authorized in the carrying out of this legislature.
(E) All theological affiliated organizations are to be dissolved by December 24, 2005 and their funds appropriated. If non-compliance with this legislature (TRA Sec.2C) will result in a minimum of five years in prison. Force is hereby authorized in the carrying out of this legislature.
(F) All areas of adoration, worship, etc. are to be demolished and their properties seized (See TRA Sec.2A) by December 24, 205. If non-compliance with this legislature (TRA Sec.2B) will result in a minimum of five years in prison. Force is hereby authorized in the carrying out of this legislature.
(G) The creation of a purchase and/or personal ownership of a given property for the purpose of creating a theological property, organization, etc. after December 24, 2005 will result in the seizure of said property and appropriation, dissolving of said theological organization, destruction of said area of adoration/worship, etc. Person(s) found responsible will be subject to a minimum of fifty years imprisonment in a labour camp or labour colony.

Section 3 Other legislature.
(A) Any theological adherent(s) found responsible for a terrorist act motivated by theological studies or beliefs will be subject to immediate imprisonment without geneological notification (Notifying of nearest relative) or place of imprisonment or reason, immediate seizure of all properties and funds, along with the immediate dissolving of said organization. These individuals are subject to a minimum of seventy years in a labour camp or labour colony.
(B) The Theological Ruination Act of 2005 may not be repealed without a three-fourths majority vote within the Supreme Soviet and a unanymous vote within the Political Bureau.
(C) The Theological Ruination Act of 2005 may not be ammended without a majority vote within the Supreme Soviet and a majority vote within the Political Bureau.
(E) Federative and local militsiya are hereby given the following executive powers for the pursuit and imprisonment of illegal religious adherents, the seizure of religious properties, etc., but not limited to:
(Ea) Up to 190 days imprisonment of an illegal theological adherent(s) without geneological notification.
(Eb) Deadly force when first engaged by an illegal theoglocial adherent(s).
(Ec) Deadly force when it is unanymously necessary to seize theological property.
(F) It is the responsibility and duty of Soviet citizens to report non-compliance of any individual. Any person(s) found to have known and refused to report non-compliance will be subject to a minium of three years oblast restriction (probation).
(G) All Soviet citizens are free to worship in their own home and in a group of five denizens or smaller. This right may not be infringed by local authorities unless it has resonably doubt that illegal activities are being conducted.
(H) The Theological Ruination Act is set to allow religious freedom and not offend the non-religious. The appropriation of seized funds will be divided amongst social funds necessary for the Soviet people and be paid equally in one form or another.
(I) The above stated executive powers, responsibilities of the Soviet people and state, etc. are hereby passed into legislature and effective immediately upon the ratification by both the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Political Bureau of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Passed by the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 12, 2005.
Passed by the Political Bureau of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 13, 2005.
Ratified jointly on November 13, 2005.
Effective immediately.

Moscow, R.S.F.S.R., U.S.S.R.
The sun is just peaking over the horizon that is the mountains of Russia. Birds are gently chirping on the Kremlin grounds, yet this is soon interrupted. Moscow militsiya forces arrived at the St. Basil's Cathedral within the Kremlin just as the first rays of light peaking across the dry line. Each task-force soldier was adorned with dark looking attire and standard military issue combat armour. They had come to seize the cathedral and all properties herein in compliance with the Theological Ruination Act.

Stepping out of one of the large cars in the massive convoy was man wearing a suit, a thick coat, and a weall positioned military cap adorning the Committee for State Security (KGB) logo. He quickly stepped up the steps to the door of the massive Russian Orthodox cathedral and knocked harshly, causing the very iron that held the door to shake. "This is Special Agent Polarin from the Committee for State Security," he announced roughly, his deep Slavic accent affirmed. "In compliance with the Theological Ruination Act, Section 2, Sub-sects 'A' through 'G' you must hand over all properties within this cathedral or relating to these cathedral."

The agent recieved no answer... He was becoming impatient. Young Polarin already dispised religion and saw theology as the 'study of the divine lie.' "In compliance with the Theological Ruination Act, Section 3 'A' through 'Ec' I will inact my executive powers to forcefully seize this religious property." He still recieved no answer.

Several tense moments passed before Polarin gave the order and stepped out of the way. Militsiya units carrying standard AK-109G's aimed their assault rifles at the iron castings of the door. Firing each quickly cut through the massive door, while a duo of officers ran up and rammed a massive, steel bar into the door knocking it over. The units stormed in. Cries echoed outward as they fought through a small vanguard of fundamentalists. They fought hard against their Soviet 'oppressors' but were quickly subdued and carried from the cathedral in plastic cuffs.

Two officers wrapped yellow tape stating, "Do not enter under subjection to federative penalties," in Cryllic across the door while tossing the illegal theological adherents into the rear of an arrest van while one of them read off the new legislature they had broken.

The Theological Ruination Act of 2005: A Step Toward Material Consciousness
Released Radio Transcripts from Local Moscow Radio

"Hello comrades and international friends. Today, the first of a suspected chain of raids and seizures of churches, mosques, and other religious buildings has occured across the Soviet Union. Support for the newly passed Theological Ruination Act has grown gradually since it was originally proposed under Kruschev, but the bourgeois breaucrats within the old Party and Supreme Soviet refused to allow their old ways die."

"As of yet, no deaths have been reported due to deadly force or the seizing of churches and religiouslly affiliated organizations. However, over two hundred people have been imprisoned and five hundred have been questioned in relation to now illegal, public religious activity. Comrade Troskin announced earlier today that 'these reactionaries are being questioned and charged with crimes against the working class. We will find all persons responsible for these counter-revolutionary activities."

"International critics of this new legislature state that it is a violation of the freedom of religion, but due to massive support from the Soviet people - not to mention national sovreignty - have no legal ability to do anything about it. Comrade Troskin has stated that he will be meeting with a foreign religious leader known as... [short pause, ruffling of papers] the Reverend Jessie Jackson, a former American civil rights leader. Most suspect that this will have no change in the Premier's or the Political Bureau's support of the act."

"It's what people want!" is what supporters say, while the critics state that it is simply Communist Party hegemony simply ruling the common people. The critic that stated this was mauled in the streets of Leningrad by a small mob and is reportedly in critical condition at Lena Metropolitan Hospital."

"Please stay tuned for the 6PM discussion on the TRA to hear the debate between Comrade Troskin and... [short pause]... Mr. Jackson."
Camel Eaters
15-11-2005, 03:15
"I'm really pissed at you. You should try something else, less I don't know. Suck ass."

King Kellin Hannon
Fascist Confederacy
15-11-2005, 03:21
"I'm really pissed at you. You should try something else, less I don't know. Suck ass."

King Kellin Hannon
Statement from the Premier
Federative Central Government
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Patriarch Hannon, as I am sure you are well aware, the Soviet Union does not condone your monarchy or your overtly fuedalistic policies. Reforms have taken hold within this wonderful union of soviet states. These reforms have began to spread through every facet of the massive workers' union to allow totaltarian control by the proletariat. I am truely sorry that you do not agree with our advancement beyond the constant self-denial that is religion into the materialist state in which the majority of Soviet citizens reside. If you continue to lie to yourself, that is your choice Hannon, but the Soviet people and I will not have anything to do with it.

Vladimir Ivanovich Troskin, Ph.D.
Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics