12-11-2005, 15:43
OOC: I know this is my "hyiadus", but I have had this on my computer for quite a long time, and I'm posting it.
Allied Union of Velkya
(The Factbook)
Full Name: Allied Union of Velkya
Short names and abbreviations: Velkya, Velkyan Union, Allied Union, The Union, AU, AUV
Type of Government: Planetary Democracy
In a Planetary Democracy, every planet in the nation contributes senators to a senate in the Capital World (in Velkya's case, it's Earth territory, which is quite large). Every planet has an equal say in the government and law making. Each senator is obliged to follow his planet's wishes, otherwise he can be voted out of office. The entire thing is headed by a President, whom the people directly vote for and is elected by popular vote. Semiannual surveys are conducted, and if a President's approval rating drops below 30%, he may be subject to investagation and possible impeachment. The President also serves as Commander-in-Cheif of the Armed Forces. The Vice-President, who runs with the President, is a second in command of the Armed Forces and moniters diplomatic traffic.
Major Government Departments
Velkyan Colonial Authority:
The largest department notwithstanding the military, The VCA is responsible for colonizing new worlds, finding resource systems, and patroling Velkyan borders.
Velkyan Armed Forces:
The Armed Forces protect the citizens of Velkya and defend it's worlds. The largest branch of the government, with over 5,000 ships and 30 million soldiers.
Velkyan Commerce Department:
Moiniters all trade traffic within Union space and controls all merchant and resource ships. 20,000 of said vessels fly under the VCD banner.
Velkyan Diplomatic Department:
Controls all Velkyan diplomacy with other space nations. Owns a fleet of 300 armed emmisary ships.
Major Worlds
Earth: The Velkyan subcontinent serves as a "Capital World" for the Velkyans. The government headquarters is here, as well as a few major spaceyards. Beautiful place to visit, espacially during the winter.
Population: 245 million
Luna: Fort New Kunzda, which serves as the Union's second biggest spaceyard, is located on the moon.
Population: N/A, military base.
New Velkya: A beautiful Earth-like world, with numerous cities. It serves as the military capital of the Union, and has a garrison of 5 million troops.
Population: 210 million
Moria IV: Resource World, rich in...well...resources. Has many military bases, with the largest spaceyards in the Union, the Proxima Yards, home of the Oured II class vessels (Velkyan SSD).
Population: 20 million
Zathura Prime: A water world, serves as a training center for the Velkyan Marines, as well as a major population center.
Population: 83 million
Velkyan space also contains about 30 more worlds of various types.
Allied Union of Velkya
(The Factbook)
Full Name: Allied Union of Velkya
Short names and abbreviations: Velkya, Velkyan Union, Allied Union, The Union, AU, AUV
Type of Government: Planetary Democracy
In a Planetary Democracy, every planet in the nation contributes senators to a senate in the Capital World (in Velkya's case, it's Earth territory, which is quite large). Every planet has an equal say in the government and law making. Each senator is obliged to follow his planet's wishes, otherwise he can be voted out of office. The entire thing is headed by a President, whom the people directly vote for and is elected by popular vote. Semiannual surveys are conducted, and if a President's approval rating drops below 30%, he may be subject to investagation and possible impeachment. The President also serves as Commander-in-Cheif of the Armed Forces. The Vice-President, who runs with the President, is a second in command of the Armed Forces and moniters diplomatic traffic.
Major Government Departments
Velkyan Colonial Authority:
The largest department notwithstanding the military, The VCA is responsible for colonizing new worlds, finding resource systems, and patroling Velkyan borders.
Velkyan Armed Forces:
The Armed Forces protect the citizens of Velkya and defend it's worlds. The largest branch of the government, with over 5,000 ships and 30 million soldiers.
Velkyan Commerce Department:
Moiniters all trade traffic within Union space and controls all merchant and resource ships. 20,000 of said vessels fly under the VCD banner.
Velkyan Diplomatic Department:
Controls all Velkyan diplomacy with other space nations. Owns a fleet of 300 armed emmisary ships.
Major Worlds
Earth: The Velkyan subcontinent serves as a "Capital World" for the Velkyans. The government headquarters is here, as well as a few major spaceyards. Beautiful place to visit, espacially during the winter.
Population: 245 million
Luna: Fort New Kunzda, which serves as the Union's second biggest spaceyard, is located on the moon.
Population: N/A, military base.
New Velkya: A beautiful Earth-like world, with numerous cities. It serves as the military capital of the Union, and has a garrison of 5 million troops.
Population: 210 million
Moria IV: Resource World, rich in...well...resources. Has many military bases, with the largest spaceyards in the Union, the Proxima Yards, home of the Oured II class vessels (Velkyan SSD).
Population: 20 million
Zathura Prime: A water world, serves as a training center for the Velkyan Marines, as well as a major population center.
Population: 83 million
Velkyan space also contains about 30 more worlds of various types.