Kharan Regor
09-11-2005, 09:30
Ragoppid, Capital of the now-disputed Eva' Rag Nation; shortly after sunrise
Henterin, General for the Eva' Rag Nationalists gives the following address to many citizens assembled: "The city today is in chaos. Reports indicate that Nostoran spies entered the city two days ago and aided Princess Melotra in murdering her father and overthrowing democracy. If witnesses are to be believed, she is to be found with Andoris, a Duke of one of the provinces of Nostor; Nozag a former Eva' Rag citizen who was captured around a decade ago and eventually came to side with the Nostorans; and Widoris, an ancient wizard's spirit who opposed our people's revolution for democracy millenia ago. Action is needed immediately. While Melotra may be the daughter of our beloved leader, no sympathy must be shown to her. She has betrayed all that our beloved nation holds dear and threatens to destroy all hope of our freedom. I call upon all of you; soldier or civilian to join me in this quest to avenge our leader's death and restore freedom to our land."
A small system of caves a few miles northeast of Raggoppid; dawn
Melotra: "Thank you loyal soldiers, and brave Nostorans for risking your lives for freedom in the battle that insued last night. Though it pains me that my father had to be killed in order to save both our nation and our cousins the Nostorans, my heart is at ease knowing that the world now is at peace. No doubt, my father's generals, especially Henterin will be spreading false propaganda against me within the cities. They will say that I am disloyal to freedom and to my nation, but in fact it is they who are. My father sought to destroy all we held dear; democracy was but an illusion of freedom, for he controlled the minds of the majority, bending them to his will. Now at last, we shall be free and war with Nostor can be avoided. This upcoming battle shall not be easy. As for my loyal Okron-Riders, we must recapture the city of Raggoppid before nightfall.
Andoris must return to Nostor, explain to them what has happened; how his uncle had betrayed them and would have sold them over to my father. Only with the Nostoran Royal Guard aiding us will we have any chance of stopping Henterin and his devious plans to make the people of both our nations enslaved. Widoris must use his magic to transport him there and back as soon as possible.
Nozag, though you are but an Eva' Rag peasant by birth, I am entrusting you with the most important task of all. I need you to be an ambassador for my cause. You must travel to all nearby nations, sending them news of our struggle and requesting that they send aid. It won't be easy, but I'm counting on you.
Now finally, for all of us, I will ask for the gods' blessing. We are up against our toughest battle yet, but we must remember that the gods favor our cause; to bring justice and peace to the world."
Messages sent out to other nations:
"On behalf of the sovreign Eva' Rag nation, I request that aid be sent to help us supress a rebellion that has taken the live of beloved leader and threatens to destroy democracy within our nation. In reward for your aid, I shall send you vast sums of money from the Eva' Rag treasury; 100 regsin for every able soldier sent to our aid
"On behalf of all that is just and good, I humbly request that you send aid to our noble cause. King Dagon of the Eva' Rag sought to destroy all in his quest for immortality, and was at last stopped by his own daughter and her elite squad of soldiers. Yet Dagon's general Henterin has seized all power in the city, and threatens to take the life of Princess Melotra; heir to the Eva' Rag throne. I beg you to send your soldiers to our aid. While we have little funds to speak of in the current times, your acts of kindness will not be forgotten. Once Henterin is deposed and the rightful ruler of Eva' Rag is back on the throne, you shall be greatly compensated for your acts of kindness. May the gods bless and protect all brave soldiers aiding us in this bitter conflict.
Henterin, General for the Eva' Rag Nationalists gives the following address to many citizens assembled: "The city today is in chaos. Reports indicate that Nostoran spies entered the city two days ago and aided Princess Melotra in murdering her father and overthrowing democracy. If witnesses are to be believed, she is to be found with Andoris, a Duke of one of the provinces of Nostor; Nozag a former Eva' Rag citizen who was captured around a decade ago and eventually came to side with the Nostorans; and Widoris, an ancient wizard's spirit who opposed our people's revolution for democracy millenia ago. Action is needed immediately. While Melotra may be the daughter of our beloved leader, no sympathy must be shown to her. She has betrayed all that our beloved nation holds dear and threatens to destroy all hope of our freedom. I call upon all of you; soldier or civilian to join me in this quest to avenge our leader's death and restore freedom to our land."
A small system of caves a few miles northeast of Raggoppid; dawn
Melotra: "Thank you loyal soldiers, and brave Nostorans for risking your lives for freedom in the battle that insued last night. Though it pains me that my father had to be killed in order to save both our nation and our cousins the Nostorans, my heart is at ease knowing that the world now is at peace. No doubt, my father's generals, especially Henterin will be spreading false propaganda against me within the cities. They will say that I am disloyal to freedom and to my nation, but in fact it is they who are. My father sought to destroy all we held dear; democracy was but an illusion of freedom, for he controlled the minds of the majority, bending them to his will. Now at last, we shall be free and war with Nostor can be avoided. This upcoming battle shall not be easy. As for my loyal Okron-Riders, we must recapture the city of Raggoppid before nightfall.
Andoris must return to Nostor, explain to them what has happened; how his uncle had betrayed them and would have sold them over to my father. Only with the Nostoran Royal Guard aiding us will we have any chance of stopping Henterin and his devious plans to make the people of both our nations enslaved. Widoris must use his magic to transport him there and back as soon as possible.
Nozag, though you are but an Eva' Rag peasant by birth, I am entrusting you with the most important task of all. I need you to be an ambassador for my cause. You must travel to all nearby nations, sending them news of our struggle and requesting that they send aid. It won't be easy, but I'm counting on you.
Now finally, for all of us, I will ask for the gods' blessing. We are up against our toughest battle yet, but we must remember that the gods favor our cause; to bring justice and peace to the world."
Messages sent out to other nations:
"On behalf of the sovreign Eva' Rag nation, I request that aid be sent to help us supress a rebellion that has taken the live of beloved leader and threatens to destroy democracy within our nation. In reward for your aid, I shall send you vast sums of money from the Eva' Rag treasury; 100 regsin for every able soldier sent to our aid
"On behalf of all that is just and good, I humbly request that you send aid to our noble cause. King Dagon of the Eva' Rag sought to destroy all in his quest for immortality, and was at last stopped by his own daughter and her elite squad of soldiers. Yet Dagon's general Henterin has seized all power in the city, and threatens to take the life of Princess Melotra; heir to the Eva' Rag throne. I beg you to send your soldiers to our aid. While we have little funds to speak of in the current times, your acts of kindness will not be forgotten. Once Henterin is deposed and the rightful ruler of Eva' Rag is back on the throne, you shall be greatly compensated for your acts of kindness. May the gods bless and protect all brave soldiers aiding us in this bitter conflict.