NationStates Jolt Archive

Ato-Sara begins colonisation of neigbouring land!

07-11-2005, 21:21

Ato-Saran military and civillian convoys have today begun to move into the uninhabited area to the west of the empire in bid to begin colonlisation and the extraction of precious materials and resources.

FASA battalions and government prospector teams have surveyed the are extensivly both from the air and from the ground. The frist major convoy left Tian'an this morning with construction materials and vehicles, guarded by a mechinized FASA battalion their mission is to construct a military base from where the rest of the colonisation can be directed.

A governemnt announcement earlier has said that while the colonisation is in progress the area will be under the control of the military.
There are great hopes that this new opening up of land will relive the overcrowding problems in major cities such as Wu Lao.

A second smaller convoy of prospectors and private contractors is due to leave Can Thok later today, they will spread out in the south and survey locations for new cities and industrial complexes.

(Map of Ato-Sara, right and the new territory, left.)

In other news scientist worry about mount Ju Shi as earthquakes and minor eruption continue for a third....
07-11-2005, 21:28
Just a note of something you want to fix in your post. Your old Territory is to the RIGHT and your new territory is to the LEFT.
07-11-2005, 21:32
OOC: ::Looks at letters L and R painted on shoes:: Oh yeah. thanks
07-11-2005, 22:39

The Iron Concordiat wishes Ato-Sara well in its bid to increase it's territory. We are always pleased to see the barbarians of this world brought into civilized society. Although we pacified the natives around our lands centuries ago their total integration is still an ongoing process. We offer this only as a word of caution as you embark on your efforts and that you must be prepared to deal with the natives for many years to come.
07-11-2005, 23:43
We at the Ato-Saran ministery fo internal affairs thank you for your good wishes. As for your concern about the natives of this new land we are not aware of any socities that have passed subsistence level, but military escort travel with your colonists just in case. Intergration should not ve much of a problem since Ato-Saran people have often crossed into this unknown land and traded with natives so we are known to them and our presence should not disturb them too much.

What does concern us however is the faint traces of a highly modern civilaztion dotted all over the place. The traces are very faint but there none the less, it is as if a whole country has one day dissapeared leaving little behind.

Once again many thanks.

Pol Kai,
Ato-Saran Minister for internal affairs.
07-11-2005, 23:49
---ASNN update----

The central military basehas been constructed and other outpost are under construction along the rivers. The natives have so far been indifferent to the our presence.
Many new prosepective sites for industrial development have been discovered by prospecting teams and surveys are continuing.
08-11-2005, 23:34
Prelimanary colonisation is complete and four major settlements have been completed. The colony has been named and government selected colonists are beginning to move in.

The colony's name is to be Lin-Pen and once the military governance has ended will become a district of Ato-Sara with it's own representative.

Construction has also commenced on basic infrastructure and industry.
11-11-2005, 19:27
Industrial centres have been set up and control turned over to the local government new settlements are being constructed and mainline infrastructre is complete.
11-11-2005, 19:39
Imperial Palace, Rilloria

Grand High-Chancellor Dima sat in the Imperial Palace in Rilloria. He eyed today's newspaper.
"Well well, it appears Ato-Sara wants to increase it's land." he spoke quietly. He motioned to one of his guards. A few minutes later the guard returned with a military officer dressed in full dress uniform of black and white, laden with medals and awards.
"General Karolek, I want you to find out everything you can about the native peoples that are living in that area, and how we might possibly be able to help them fend off Ato-Sara's invasion of their homeland." Dima ordered.
"As you wish High-Chancellor." The General bowed, turned and exited the chamber.

OOC: They are talking about the native people that live in that land.
11-11-2005, 19:46
Encrypted Communique to Rogue State of Artaa

Gracious leader of Artaa, we wish to offer a deal with your fledgling nation. We would like to offer military and economic aide, if you would care to meet with our nation, we would like a reply. Long live High-Chancellor Dima.

Iago Grishna,
Chancellor of Diplomatic Relations

11-11-2005, 19:55
OOC: Your going to have a hard time getting the natives of this place to rise up, they are mostly subsistence farmers with no organised government. Also Im right next door....


New settlements have bben completed and Lin-Pen has been divided up into two districts, Tinth Jat in the west and Pen' tan in the east both know have political representation. All native subsistance farmers have been offered Ato-Saran citizenship and government grants to expand their farms to feed the new colony.

New map of Lin-Pen