All Non-Coordists Eradicated in Neoma.
The drone of the ospreys engines cut through the dark night. Jacob leaned out of the doorway and looked at the city under him. The streets were ablaze with fire fights. Neomans killing Neomans, The idea was horrible and almost made him throw up. Jacob leaned back into the osprey and glanced at his fellow F.E.A.R members. Some were praying, and some of them were checking there weapons.
Jacob stood and walked back to his seat. The seargent of this F.E.A.R team stood and faced his men. "I know that some of you do not want to do this, i don't. But we have have to because we are ordered to." he paused and looked into each of his mens eyes. "Our target is a Church on the opposite side of the city. This is an assault mission, smash the entire area you kill anything that isn't coordist." There was a slight murmur from his men.
The Co-pilot looked back. "Were coming up on the target now sir"
The Sargent nodded lightly at the Co- Pilot. He turned to his men and Knelt "Coord, protect us from all we are about to face. Guide your children on your path, show us the way. Please help us." The Sargent stood and looked at his men again. "Lock and Load!!!"
The Osprey came over the church, it hovered slightly over the church. Repelling lines were lowered and the F.E.A.R team began to repel to the roof.
Jacob Was the first to hit the room. He brought up his rifle and made his way across the roof to the access stair way. Suddenly the door swung open and three men carrying AK-47s stormed onto the roof. Jacob brought his P90 up and Sprayed them with 20 to 30 rounds.
The men crumpled, Jacob looked behind him, all the other F.E.A.R members were on the roof and they were making there way toward him.
The Team moved across the roof and entered the church. When they were inside the let nobody alive. As soon as it started it was over, One church down many more to go. The F.E.A.R Team left a the church and moved on to the next church.
All over Neoma, Churches, Mosques, Synagogues were raided and all occupants killed, while soldiers walked the streets rounding up all non believers and executing them in the streets.
07-11-2005, 02:07
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Kahanistan condemns the brutal and willful killing of individuals based solely on their chosen religion. If religious extremism is a problem, nations are certainly well within their rights to defend against attacks by extremist followers of certain religions, just as they would be to defend against attacks by extremist fascists or other groups.
However, what you have done turns the stomachs of the Supreme Soviet of the Democratic Soviet Republic of Kahanistan. You are murdering millions of innocent people simply because they do not believe in the same god as you do. If they are to go to hell, let them go to hell in their own way, or gently persuade them as to the truths of your faith, although we suspect that your religion has no merit, for its truths, if it has any, do not need the bullets of terrorists to back them up.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Do not speak of Coordism in that way again, if yo do the consequences will be ever most dire for you, we do have other soldiers that will gladly show you the path to salvation with there lives.
Ferris High
07-11-2005, 03:10
Ferris High's President, Marcus Ourada, slams his fist in anger over the killings.
Telegram to Neoma:
Ferris High will not stand by and watch the killing of millions of innocents in the name of god. Being recently freed from occupation, the newfound sense of nationalism and fury in my nation is unprecedented. I warn you now, cease the killings or this will be war!
Ferris High's President, Marcus Ourada, slams his fist in anger over the killings.
Telegram to Neoma:
Ferris High will not stand by and watch the killing of millions of innocents in the name of god. Being recently freed from occupation, the newfound sense of nationalism and fury in my nation is unprecedented. I warn you now, cease the killings or this will be war!
You may try, you know where we are.
Ferris High
07-11-2005, 03:19
President Ben Bruggemeier has such to say:
"It is custom and law of Ferris High that I offer peace, sealed with a treaty. Free trade, non-aggression, etc... Do you accept, or do you go to war?"
New Sans
07-11-2005, 03:27
Government Response
While our nation might not totally agree with the actions that the nation of Neoma has taken our nation respects its’ sovereignty in this matter and urge all nations to do the same. Without sovereignty who is to stop other nations from just changing things in your nation just because they are bigger then you? It is the protection of sovereignty that what allows nations to go on making without fear of other nations making the laws for them. There is no need for war in this situation and any aggression in this matter is unwarranted.
High Councilman Mĕane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
Mirkana condemns slaughters based on religion. We also note that nations have often conducted "cleansings" prior to some other venture - such as spreading their beliefs through force. Will an invasion of other, non-Coordist nations follow?
President Ben Bruggemeier has such to say:
"It is custom and law of Ferris High that I offer peace, sealed with a treaty. Free trade, non-aggression, etc... Do you accept, or do you go to war?"
No, we do not accept your offer, we do appreciate your attempt but you have talked big now can you actually live up to it?
07-11-2005, 12:38
Delray read the response to her condemnation of the Neoman atrocities. Salvation, my ass. I know just where the key to salvation is. And it's not with their intolerant asses.
She called the President on a secure line. "Mr. President, the condemnation letter to Neoma didn't go over too well."
President al-Za'if took a while to respond in his usual mild manner. "I see. What exactly did they say?"
"Something about having more soldiers who would show us the way to salvation. Sounds like a threat."
The President sighed. "We have to be careful. Pre-emptive strikes only got us in a nasty international incident last time we nuked someone that said they would defend where we were fighting. And with soldiers spread in every theater from Fedski to Xirnium, we can't risk a situation brewing. On the other hand, we still have about five or six million troops still in Kahanistan. If they want to invade, they'll be in for one hell of a fight, many of the fortifications from the Ottoman war are still in place."
Delray groaned in frustration. Do we have to go to war again?
President al-Za'if must have been able to read her mind, because he answered just what she was thinking. "We'll send in a peacekeeping force, 5,000 Republic Guards and 100 intelligence agents. If they ask, we're going in to help keep the peace. Give them some BS about how we don't want the religious conflict spreading into other countries or affecting Kahanistan interests abroad."
Delray sat in her office, thinking of how to get Kahanistan troops in.
Encrypted - Adamantine Alliance Code 67-J
Ecclesiastical Diplomatic Edict
From: The High Ecclesiarchy of Holy Xirnium
To: President al-Za'if, Democratic Soviet Republic of Kahanistan
The High Ecclesiarchy has noted with some concern the threats of Neoma, a country which acts as though it were rulled by a group of gangsters, against your sovereign nation.
In the interests of preserving peace we will not condemn such threats internationally. The High Ecclesiarchy has often found that when nations risk losing face they may respond irrationally, and we feel this would be counterproductive at the current time. As it is, Xirnium is stretched incredibly thin.
That said, know this. If your homeland does face the scourge of war from these people we will fight to the last drop of blood in your defence.
High Lord Nidor
Grand Cardinal of the High Ecclesiarchy
Grand ruler Varlen sat quietly on his throne. He was looking at the status reports from the field. The operation was 65% complete, He sighed lightly and looked at his aid who stood quietly trying to get his attention.
"Yes what is it Amy," The short red haired aid smiled lightly and handed him the report. "Kahanistan says there going to send peacekeepers to our region, they didn't specify if they were going to try to stop our cleansing of the populace or if they were going to get between us and Ferris High if we go to war."
Varlen looked into the young aids eyes, "Ask them to specify what there peace keepers will be doing"
"Yes sir" The aid bowed lightly and ran off to relay the message.
The Fedral Union
07-11-2005, 23:30
is this mod tech ? or FT or post mod tech ?)
08-11-2005, 07:04
Kahanistan Republic Guard
The RKS Popov will transport 5,000 Republic Guard soldiers, one brigade, to prevent people from being harmed. We will be coming in aboard an Iowa-class battleship, as we know not what hazards will befall us in the seas.
Our troops are here merely to keep the peace in your nation.
Brig. Gen. Hamed al-Kareem bin Mohammed, Republic Guard, brigade commander
Capt. Alexandra M. Federova, Republic Navy, ship captain
Kahanistan Republic Guard
The RKS Popov will transport 5,000 Republic Guard soldiers, one brigade, to prevent people from being harmed. We will be coming in aboard an Iowa-class battleship, as we know not what hazards will befall us in the seas.
Our troops are here merely to keep the peace in your nation.
Brig. Gen. Hamed al-Kareem bin Mohammed, Republic Guard, brigade commander
Capt. Alexandra M. Federova, Republic Navy, ship captain
OOC modern
Grand Ruler Varlen laughed his arse off as he read the report, He was almost in tears. "Amy, tell them that if they cross into our waters we will see it as an act of war, and there ship will be sunk".
The aid turned and walked out of the room, to relay the message.
09-11-2005, 02:19
Captain Federova received the missive. "Well, the subtle approach didn't work," she said. "They want to sink our ship."
"I told you we would have to use more than one ship," said General Bin Mohammed, the commander of the brigade that was to be sent.
"Maybe there's another way... If we distract their forces, fire a few ICBM's with the warheads taken out... maybe even a few in the fleet, it should cause their forces to panic, at least for the time we'll need to get the ship past their defenses... Thinking you're under nuclear attack will frighten almost anyone."
"Might work," said the general. "First, take your ship about 50 km away from the shoreline, still in international waters. Then wait for the signal, and deploy your forces here," he said, pointing to a relatively weak spot on the map. "Be on the lookout for naval mines, and bring chemical and biological warfare suits just in case. Even if they don't use WMD, the fact that troops are being ordered to put on NBC suits is itself a propaganda tool."
"What's very important," he continued pointedly, "is that you don't miss the signal, that's when the faux nukes are being launched and you move in. Remember, only the ones targeted on their fleet have any warhead at all, and they're conventional cruise missiles dolled up to look like nukes to their radar."
Federova knew that ships often took hours to sink. She could cover the 50 km from international waters to their land before the ship went down, even faster if they had to deploy speedboats.
The two officers looked at each other. "We'll see each other on the ship."
* * *
Aboard the RKS Popov
The ship held its position in international waters... waiting for the signal. They sent a friendly mesage to the Neoman people.
We are here only to prevent this bloody religious conflict from spilling into other nations, and to protect Kahanistan interests in those nations. Federova did not mention the 100 intelligence officers she was carrying. She also kept secret the fact that the Republic Guards' idea of containing the conflict was to aid the survivors of the massacres.
She normally hated secrecy on the part of her government, but only when they hid things from the people that they had a right to know. It was beacuse of her that the government admitted that it was in fact hiding suspected extraterrestrial artifacts in the Air Force base, and violating its own laws five years earlier by constructing secret torture facilities.
Grand Ruler Varlen sat quietly looking at the holographic map in front of him. "I don't trust them Amy, Send out the 3rd and 5th fleets i want them to go out and follow they peace keeping ship i want a pincer movement basically let them sail normally, and do not be threatening, if theres any sign of treachery i want that ship at the bottom of the ocean.
Varlen sat for a moment, "Also stop the 1st, 3rd and 9th birgades from cleansing heretics, i want them in full tac.. gear and ready to defend us,"
Grand Ruler Varlen sighed lightly. "Sir?" Amy looked at him holding a report. "Yes, what is it Amy," "The Cleansing is at 75%," Varlen nodded lightly "Excellent, keep it going Amy" Amy bowed lightly "Yes sir," She turned and walked out.
Varlen made sure she was gone and picked up a blue phone. "Yes sir, what is it," Varlen smirked lightly. "I want all of our Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological weapons on stand by, if i decide to launch i want dummies be sent with them alright?" there was a pause. "Yes sir,"
09-11-2005, 07:20
Captain Federova noticed the ships closing in on her. She turned to General Bin Mohammed on the ship. "Haven't seen any signal... but there are two ships closing in on us."
"General Bin Mohammed to Air Force base, abort plans for decoy launch. We're going in."
Federova glanced over at her helm. "Take us in... Hopefully there will still be people to save. Keep the weapons ready, but don't fire unless they fire on us."
The ship moved toward the beach... Such a nice place to vacation... thought the captain. Hopefully we won't be dying there.
The RKS Popov hailed the Neoman ships. "This is Captain Alexandra Federova of the Republic of Kahanistan Ship Popov. We are on a mission of mercy. If you fire upon us, we will be at war."
The ship continued on its course.
Adm. Joshua "The Nine Lives" Derrit listened to the message. He stood and looked out of the bridge of the Nimitz Class Carrier. he decided what he was going to say, when he decided he tried to sound fierce but also intellectual at the same time.
"This is "The Nine Lives" You are approaching Neoman waters, if you cross the line you will be committing an act of war and your ship will be sunk, Do not test us in our fortitude. This is all"
Joshua switched frequency's and sent a coded message to the other ship closing in on there positions, It was the NNS Juggernaut another Iowa class battleship, "i don't want them crossing that border, if they do, blow them out of the water. And if we die we will die in the defense of our homeland, and we will be avenged,"
There was a pause "Fight as one," Joshua didn't miss a beat "Die as one,"
09-11-2005, 12:39
Federova weighed her options. She figured even if her vessel started taking on water right here she could get it to shore before it went down. But she wasn't going to fire the first shot.
"Weapons officer, target missiles on their battleship, but DO NOT fire until I give the order, or they fire." She then called for reinforcements.
"Admiral Dolgova, this is Captain Federova. We are about thirty kilometers from Neoma, and we're in a tense situation. Please send reinforcements, just in case, but don't be too obvious about it, I'd hate to spook our... friends."
"I'll come myself, in the flagship RKS Man-of-steel. I'll be there in twenty-four hours. Vice Admiral Dolgova out."
In twenty-four hours we will have landed our troops. I sure hope Dolgova knows what she's getting into...
Federova's ship continued on its course. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
Joshua looked out and he could see the RKS Popov in the distance, it was comeing toward his Carrier, which sat directly on the border into Neoman waters. He looked at his aid.
"I want all my aircraft off the deck, fly them over the Popov, but don't fire, show them that we mean business,"
He sighted a little "Tell the Juggernaut what were doing, and tell them not to fire" The aid went over to a comm. and relayed the orders.
The Deck became intense with activity as each minute another aircraft was launched off the deck. And a little after an hour all the aircraft were off the decks. and they headed in formation to the RKS Popov.
"Sir! A message from the 3rd and 5th fleets are on there way, 12 hours tops. Also the brigades are starting to dig in along the beaches,"
Joshua smiled "Great,"
10-11-2005, 03:03
Vice Admiral Dolgova hailed the R.K.S. Popov. "This is Man-of-steel, just continue on your course. Once you get to shallow water, don't worry about sinking anymore, just deploy the Republic Guard brigade. Your ship's guns should provide sufficient supporting artillery for them, but TRY to land where there will be minimal resistance. I'd advise changing course 15 degrees, their ship has probably told their ground forces to prepare a welcoming committee. ETA of R.K.S. Man-of-steel is 18 hours. Dolgova out."
RKS Man-of-steel was a refitted Yamato-class battleship. It had far more firepower than Federova's Iowa-class... but it was also much larger, used primarily as a command vessel for major operations. If Dolgova was smart, she'd probably have a few AEGIS destroyers as an escort...
Federova changed her ship's heading, still heading for Neoma, but at a different part of the coast. Dolgova's got 20 years of experience in Naval Intelligence. I think she knows what she's talking about. She's one of the few competent people in our whole intelligence net. If she says the Neomans are preparing defenses where they think we'll land, they're preparing defenses.
Dolgova herself opened a channel to Derrit. "This is Vice Admiral Katrina Dolgova, Kahanistan Republic Navy, sub-commander of the 4th Fleet. If you mistake us for invaders, only one of our ships has anything other than naval personnel on it, and she's the one in your waters. We are bringing only 5,000 Republic Guards, hardly enough for an invasion. My fleet is only approaching as support, in case our ship is fired upon. Over."
Joshua looked at the Popov as it crossed into Neoman Territorial waters, He picked up the comm. and held it to his lips, "Juggernaut fire a warning barrage near the Popov obviously these people do not listen to reason."
He waited for a few second then about 50 meters from the Popov, 9 Huge splashes of water rose from the sea as the 16 inch guns payload struck the water.
Joshua switched frequency's to the Popov, "We didn't miss Popov, The next volley will be on top of you, turn around now or we will be forced to open fire,"
He switched frequencies to his Pilots, they were all talking about the explosion, "This is "The Nine lives", Climb to 50,000 feet and prepare all weapons, Get ready to dive bomb them,"
Neoman Mainland
The Beaches were alive with troops, preparing fortifications, mine fields, and machine gun choke points. Suddenly a convoy Troop trucks pulled up and Neomas special Salvation force started to exit. All of the men dressed from head to tow in a medieval like armor some had firearms, some had Melee weapons, and some carried a small melee weapon and a pistol.
The Commander of the Salvation force was covered in a bright goldish armor, He also carried a insanely large Axe. He looked at his men, "Get ready, we are but 500 men, well try to give Neoma a victory on these beaches that haven't seen an enemy army for over 200 years. Live As One!" A battle cry came up from his men "Die as One"
10-11-2005, 22:37
The sun rose brightly over the Imperial Palace in Banduria City, a globe of light heralding the start of a new day.
The man watching them from his windows smiled, because he knew that they were his days—the days of His Sacred Imperial Highness, Emperor Lucius I of Banduria. Ruler of a vast island Imperium with an unstoppable military.
Watching the world through his windows was something Lucius I did more and more often these days. He was never all too sure why; perhaps it was because there was so much more to see. The Imperium had opened up to foreign influence, and suddenly a dazzling wave of light and color engulfed it. Something new and unheard of before this point, Lucius reflected.
He turned abruptly as a courtier entered the room, avoiding Lucius's eyes. "My Lord, I hope I find you w—"
"Cut that. What is it?"
"I bring you these news."
"Very well, you may go." Lucius took the folder and barely glanced at the courtier as he backed away graciously. He scanned the papers it contained and immediately some points of interest leaped off the page and danced before his eyes. This was an unusual conflict.
He glanced at the aggressor. Kahanistan; and he smiled ferally. The poor ignorant fools did not know what they were getting into. Violating the sovereignty of another nation, and its religious freedom? No, that would never do. He opened a link with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charles Perian, and pulled up the display. Perian's face flickered into view on the screen, and he immediately knelt low at the sight of the Emperor's scarred face.
"My Lord, what is it?"
"Has Variah brought you the message concerning Kahanistan and Neoma?"
"Yes, he has, Your Highness."
"Good. Draft a message of support for Neoma, and make sure it's encrypted well enough that no-one else will have an idea of its existence."
"Any other instructions?"
"No." Lucius closed the link and opened another one with his Field Marshal, Lord Antor Sampetra.
"Antor, I expect you to do your best with this. It may require as much as one full legion, along with at least 100,000 Fanatics. Also bring a small fleet with you, maximum 30 combat ships—I don't think we'll need too many."
"Anything else?"
"Is our NBC arsenal ready?"
The Imperium had a vast arsenal of NBC weapons, one of the largest in the region. This included especially large numbers of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons; while the Imperium considered biological weapons immoral, it was not averse to using various other weapons of mass destruction.
"The arsenal is at 65% usage."
"Good. Help yourself to a bit of that. It could be useful."
"Right. Anything else?"
"I'm leaving that up to you. Go now and prepare."
After closing the link, Lucius stood in the center of his throne room thoughtfully, looking at something a little beyond the edge of human perception, and gave a little smile of satisfaction.
Official Encrypted Communiqué to Neoma
The Holy Imperium of Banduria wishes to aid you in this conflict against Kahanistan's imperialist warmongering and invasion of your sovereign territory. This violation of your freedom is intolerable to the Imperium. We will be sending a fleet to your nation within the next 36 hours. Have a pleasant day.
Charles Perian
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Official Encrypted Communique to Neoma
The Holy Imperium of Banduria wishes to aid you in this conflict against Kahanistan's imperialist warmongering and invasion of your sovereign territory. This violation of your freedom is intolerable to the Imperium. We will be sending a fleet to your nation within the next 36 hours. Have a pleasant day.
Charles Perian
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Varlen was taking quick nap in his quarters when Amy burst through the door. "Sir! we`ve got a message from Banduria!"
Varlen sat up quickly his pistol pointed at Amys head, When he recognized her, He took the pistol off of her head and grabbed the communication report and flipped through it, "Do we know anything about the Bandurians(?)", Amy shook her head lightly, "Nothing Sir,"
He took a pad and paper and wrote on it and handed it to Amy "Send this to them,"
Official Encrypted Communique to Banduria
We thank you for your assistance. We wish to set up a meeting between our commanders to work out a battle plan.
Fredrick Varlen
Grand Ruler of Neoma
11-11-2005, 01:55
[ooc: All the info on my nation can be found here ( ;)]
Lucius turned as he heard the familiar sound of someone dialing in from the link. He put on the headset as the face of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charles Perian, appeared onscreen. Perian bowed deeply and said,
"My Lord, we have received an answer from Neoma."
"Very well, forward it."
"But, your Imperial Highness..."
Lucius killed the comm. He had no desire to deal with power-hungry, obsequious fools like Perian. He watched as the message printed out, then picked it up and read it in its entirety.
A battle plan. Lucius was no general, but he had served in the Legions for ten years, like any honorable son of the Kryzotnar dynasty. Arrange for a meeting? With the Kahanistani ships in the way, the Bandurian fleet might meet some resistance, although probably very little. Lucius highly doubted that Kahanistan's navy could even begin to stand up to his. However, it was still dangerous.
Then a plan began to form in his cunning strategist's mind. He knew what he had to do now. He quickly radioed Field Marshal Lord Sampetra, who in turn sent a message to Gen. Alonzo Samon of the 12th Imperial Legion, commander of the Legion that was now entering the transport and combat ships near the port of Necoria.
From the military airport outside that august city, more planes rose into the air. A single transport. Samon had been instructed to enter the transport. It was escorted by 36 IF-24 'Wyvern' air superiority fighters—among the deadliest planes in the world—and a smaller contingent of IS-10C jamming aircraft to prevent detection. With the IF-24s' ARC switched on at any rate the group of planes would be nearly undetectable on even the most advanced RADAR, LADAR, LIDAR, or IR systems, resembling more a patch of interference such as an electrical storm than an air fleet. It took off in a wide arc, avoiding Kahanistani ships and holdings altogether to approach Neoma from the other side.
Meanwhile, the troops piled into their ships in perfect order. A single supercarrier bearing a total of 210 IF-71s and IB-6s—naval fighters and bombers—was among the fleet, which also included a Demon-class battleship, twelve Chaos-class destroyers, fourteen Severance-class guided missile frigates, and six Nightbane-class cruisers among the surface fleet, along with the transport and supply ships. Undersea was a force of twenty-four Lernea-class SSNs fitted with either ballistic or guided missiles.
Overall, a fairly small fleet. But within 24 hours, a larger one could follow if necessary.
Before taking off, Gen. Samon contacted Neoma via a secure link and informed them that he would be landing in Neoma's capital with a small air fleet. No response was necessary, or expected. However, he wondered whether the Neomans had ever seen planes so advanced or powerful as the IF-24s.
He doubted it. Only a few nations had ever heard of such planes, let alone used them.
The two fleets—one on the waves, one in the clouds—set out for Neoma that day, bearing their cargo. Death.
11-11-2005, 02:21
The task of recording the events transpiring in Neoma fell to Press Monitering Unit of the WIS . For 6 grueling hours they clipped , copied and pasted, and recorded the events into a large folder which was then fowarded 6 floors up the Wirrawayan Intelligence Service (WIS), where it awaiting processing by the legion of analysts filing into the cavernous office.
After being passed around to no less than 5 analysts the information was forwarded to the Coordinator's office. Things moved swiftly from that point. Orders sang out over the radio and in Falkhead, the 5th Assaultfleet's home port ships began to grumble to life over the din the myriad cranes, trains and truck busy armouring and stocking the massive fleet for an extended cruise.
We too wish to help ensure the sanctity of your national borders. If you accept we can give the services our 5th Assaultfleet along with its organic Marine Expeditionary Force. The fleet is prepping at the moment and should be able to set sail within 2 days.
11-11-2005, 04:29
Federova picked up Dolgova's fleet on her radar. Well, they don't waste any time. Much faster than they said, I reckon about four hours away.
She took her vessel right to the coastline and General Bin Mohammed and his brigade disembarked onto the coast. Federova and her ship's crew waited for the supporting fleet from Admiral Dolgova to arrive.
Aboard R.K.S. Man-of-steel
Vice Admiral Dolgova hailed Federova's ship. "This is Man-of-steel. Aside from the flagship, I'm bringing three Ticonderoga cruisers, five AEGIS destroyers, three Tashkent class destroyers, and two Los Angeles class subs. Dolgova out."
Then she turned back to the helm. "Set a course straight into Neoman waters, right where the fleet is. And open a channel to Derrit."
"Admiral Derrit, this is Admiral Dolgova again. Captain Federova has informed me that you have fired on her vessel. Right now, we are only interested in making sure that nobody gets hurt. She may have let you get away with taking a shot at her, but take a shot at me and you will be swimming back to Neoma."
Neoman Coast line
"Here they Come!" The Lieutenant said as he sall the landing craft(? I'm not sure what your using?)coming toward there section of beach, "Get ready!" The lieutenant and his men ran for there fortifications, the fortification had machine gun emplacements, RPG Shoot and scoot holes, and a mine field that stretched the entire section of coast line.
The Lieutenant picked up his comm. "I have incoming in Bravo Charlie sector i need reinforcements now!"
Neoman Waters
Adm. Derrit Picked the comm. to his lips "Juggernaut, Fire on the Popov. Full barrage and don't stop. Sink that ship,"
Joshua reached up and switched frequency's to the pilots "Fire at will, Fire at will, give them everything you got."
Joshua set down the Comm. and picked up a pair of binoculars and watched the Popov through them. He smiled alittle
Suddenly his aid ran up "Sir the Fleet is 1 hour away,"
"Great," Joshua continued to look at the Popov.
NNS Juggernaut
The ship was alive with action, people loading shells, people running around to relay orders, and people praying.
Suddenly The battle ship opened up with Its 9 16 inch guns, The shells went downrange and the ship began to reload for another volley.
Above the Popov
"Alright follow me in," The squadron command in his yelled as his pushed the stick hard and to the right. His F/22 Raptor was now careening toward the Popov, When they got in range they began to fire there missiles at the ship.
12-11-2005, 20:13
Aboard the R.K.S. Popov
Fire and explosions surrounded the battleship as the Neoman forces fired on it. Captain Federova's damage control teams were keeping the fire away from the munitions so far, managing to return fire on the opposing battleship, but the few anti-aircraft cannons on the ship were either destroyed or out of ammunition.
"Commander Mushrik, what's our condition?" Federova asked.
The first officer nodded grimly. "We'll probably last long enough to beach the ship, then get our crew out of here. We're taking on water. Radar's out. Where in hell is Dolgova's fleet?"
Federova opened a channel. "Admiral, we're taking heavy fire, we'll have to beach and abandon the ship. How far away is your fleet?"
The gravelly middle-aged woman's voice came in over the radio. "Popov, we're about an hour away. We should be engaging the Neoman fleet in a matter of minutes. I've opened a channel to the hospital ship RKS Nightingale, they should be in within twelve hours. Dolgova out."
Fifteen minutes later, Dolgova's flagship and its escort made contact with the Neoman fleet. She'd brought eleven other ships with her. The RKS Man-of-steel opened a channel.
"Neoman fleet, I'm sure you realize who has the biggest ship in this area. I will give you one more chance to surrender your fleet. The only term we will accept is the cessation of atrocities."
To prove her point, she leveled all the guns on her huge Yamato-class battleship at Derrit's ship.
Meanwhile, at the landing site
General Hamed al-Kareem bin Mohammed and his brigade found themselves under fire. As soon as the first soldier stepped on a mine, losing his leg and being tended to by a medic, the general knew the place was probably full of mines. These guys must have expected an invasion... or the minefield was designed to keep people in.
He ordered his troops with grenade launchers to fire on the machine gun emplacements and his soldiers to keep down while firing. He radioed the RKS Popov, to see if they could get some supporting fire and hopefully take out some of those damned mines. He knew it was under attack, but once it beached it wouldn't have to worry about sinking... He fired his own flamethrower into the minefield from a safe distance, hoping to set some of them off from far enough that the explosions would not kill him, though they were hitting his flak jacket.
He knew that the enemy had hoped to pin his forces down, and his only chance was to charge up through a cleared out area...
Aboard the R.K.S. Popov
Fire and explosions surrounded the battleship as the Neoman forces fired on it. Captain Federova's damage control teams were keeping the fire away from the munitions so far, managing to return fire on the opposing battleship, but the few anti-aircraft cannons on the ship were either destroyed or out of ammunition.
"Commander Mushrik, what's our condition?" Federova asked.
The first officer nodded grimly. "We'll probably last long enough to beach the ship, then get our crew out of here. We're taking on water. Radar's out. Where in hell is Dolgova's fleet?"
Federova opened a channel. "Admiral, we're taking heavy fire, we'll have to beach and abandon the ship. How far away is your fleet?"
The gravelly middle-aged woman's voice came in over the radio. "Popov, we're about an hour away. We should be engaging the Neoman fleet in a matter of minutes. I've opened a channel to the hospital ship RKS Nightingale, they should be in within twelve hours. Dolgova out."
Fifteen minutes later, Dolgova's flagship and its escort made contact with the Neoman fleet. She'd brought eleven other ships with her. The RKS Man-of-steel opened a channel.
"Neoman fleet, I'm sure you realize who has the biggest ship in this area. I will give you one more chance to surrender your fleet. The only term we will accept is the cessation of atrocities."
To prove her point, she leveled all the guns on her huge Yamato-class battleship at Derrit's ship.
Meanwhile, at the landing site
General Hamed al-Kareem bin Mohammed and his brigade found themselves under fire. As soon as the first soldier stepped on a mine, losing his leg and being tended to by a medic, the general knew the place was probably full of mines. These guys must have expected an invasion... or the minefield was designed to keep people in.
He ordered his troops with grenade launchers to fire on the machine gun emplacements and his soldiers to keep down while firing. He radioed the RKS Popov, to see if they could get some supporting fire and hopefully take out some of those damned mines. He knew it was under attack, but once it beached it wouldn't have to worry about sinking... He fired his own flamethrower into the minefield from a safe distance, hoping to set some of them off from far enough that the explosions would not kill him, though they were hitting his flak jacket.
He knew that the enemy had hoped to pin his forces down, and his only chance was to charge up through a cleared out area...
NNS Juggernaut
A few rounds from the crippled battleship managed to hit there target. The Damage reports were that one of the 16 inch and a few of the 9 inch guns were destroyed, And the damage control teams were fighting the fires, But the ship wasn't taking on water. The Juggernauts two remaining 16 inch batteries fired again at the Popov.
Joshua's ship
Joshua received the RKS Man-of-steels message and weighed his options, his Nimtz was a mighty ship but going toe to toe with a battleship like a Yamato-class battleship wasn't what it was designed for.
Joshua made his decision, He picked up his Comm. and talked to the pilots "New target men, the RKS Man-of-Steel, attack that f**king ship!"
Joshua switched channels to the RKS Man-of-steek and mashed the launch button of a Tomahawk missile that was targeted to the Man-of-Steel. "Sure we surrender, Come a little Closer!"
Above the Popov
10 fighters went down from the Popovs anti-aircraft guns but they all went silent after the double barrage, from the Juggernaut and there missiles
After they received there new orders they hit there afterburners and they raced toward the RKS Man-of-steel
The Grenades damaged the emplacements and took some of the
machine guns out of operation "Now!" The lieutenant screamed as he crouched low against the concrete wall. 30 RPG troops stood and fired, 5 went down as they stood up from the fire coming in from the beach. The lieutenant took his comm. and radioed the Rocket artillery unit that was in the area
I need you to fire on, Alpha, Romeo, Zefer, Bravo", Three rounds struck the concrete wall above him.
The Comm crackled "Sir thats out of our effective range, we wont be able to guarantee that some rockets wont hit you guys!"
The lieutenant made a judgment call "Do It! We wont be able to hold out long anyway!"
12-11-2005, 22:28
A light bulb went off in Vice Admiral Dolgova's brain. Worst that can happen to my fleet is I lose this ship. If I take out their carrier, their planes have nowhere to land.
Without a second thought, Dolgova opened fire on the Juggernaut, and ordered her own ship to simply ram the carrier, in the fashion of the ancient Greeks. Carriers were probably less armored than heavy battleships...
The AEGIS destroyers and Ticonderoga cruisers moved in toward the enemy, their AA cannons firing on the hostile bombers.
Meanwhile, artillery rockets fired on the landed brigade. General Bin Mohammed ordered his soldiers to fan out and charge the fortifications, seize the radio, and call for reinforcements. A MiG strike would be useful here... Hopefully we can get ahold of one of our allies... "Five men is a juicy opportunity. One man's a waste of ammo. Fan out!"
Bin Mohammed then called Dolgova on his own radio. "Admiral, do you know where the biggest concentrations of 'heretics' are?"
Dolgova radioed in some coordinates. "Now get in there and save them!"
President Arellios sat typing at the mahogany table, the dawn mist slowly evaporating from the flower garden outside, while in the distance Sdarjata began to wake up. He had been following closely the developments in Neoma, and now that a battle was brewing, he had decided to commit forces. It seemed like all reasoning with the insane nation had failed, and their was only one option left.
Encrypted message to Kahanistan
We too are appauled by the actions taken by the genocidal government in Neoma. We request a formal alliance to stop them and rescue any survivors. Time is precious. A fleet and accompanying air support is on the way.
Your ally in the persuit of peace,
End encrypt
As he finished the message, gleaming ships darted out of the nation's ports, on their way to save innocent lives.
A light bulb went off in Vice Admiral Dolgova's brain. Worst that can happen to my fleet is I lose this ship. If I take out their carrier, their planes have nowhere to land.
Without a second thought, Dolgova opened fire on the Juggernaut, and ordered her own ship to simply ram the carrier, in the fashion of the ancient Greeks. Carriers were probably less armored than heavy battleships...
The AEGIS destroyers and Ticonderoga cruisers moved in toward the enemy, their AA cannons firing on the hostile bombers.
Meanwhile, artillery rockets fired on the landed brigade. General Bin Mohammed ordered his soldiers to fan out and charge the fortifications, seize the radio, and call for reinforcements. A MiG strike would be useful here... Hopefully we can get ahold of one of our allies... "Five men is a juicy opportunity. One man's a waste of ammo. Fan out!"
Bin Mohammed then called Dolgova on his own radio. "Admiral, do you know where the biggest concentrations of 'heretics' are?"
Dolgova radioed in some coordinates. "Now get in there and save them!"
NNS Juggernaught
It sank (i dont feel like typing a giant friggin post)
Joshua Ship
"Oh no F**king way," Joshua yelled as the Yamato-Class ship came straight for his ship, "Fire everything!" A alarm hooted and the Phalanx Mini guns began to spray the ship with 50. Cal AP rounds, The ships crew armed themselves and went to the bridge and shot a the ship
Valrens chambers
Varlen looked at the holographic map as it showed the battle, "Mobilize everything, Push them out of our waters." Amy ran off and relayed the orders
The Invading army began to make there way up the beach. The Fortifications, were severely damaged from the Rockets. The lieutenant picked picked up the small control panel that controlled all of the mines for his section of beach. It had two buttons, Disarm, and Fire. He pressed the fire button, All of the mines went off sending huge plooms of sand into the air!
He looked to the Salvation forces Commander and nodded at him
The Commander took the Giant axe off his back "Charge!!!" The Salvation forces charges over the fortification and into the sand cloud, toward the enemy, there melee weapons out and ready to kill the enemy.
1st and 5th fleet
The fleet sailed toward the enemy fleet, in 10 minuted they would be in range.
The Combined Fleet
6 Nimitz Class Carriers
15 Iowa Class Battleships
10 Alberto's Destroyers
20 Ganging AA Ships
4 Nightshade Submarines
8 jet aircraft roared overhead, surveying the battle going on between Neoma and Kahanistan. Their fleet would be arriving soon, but it appeared backup Neoman forces were closing in on the theater.
Encrypted Aircraft Transmission:
This is Alpha squad leader transmitting
We hear you Alpha. Status?
Kahanistan's holding its own, but Neoman backup's closing in.
There was a pause as the info was relayed to the commander
Commander want you to use delaying tactics on incoming forces. Take out ships or critical ship equipment if possible. Don't let them know which way our force is coming from.
Alpha leader out
The 8 planes swooped over and down through the sky to the gleaming silver ships below.
Any Neoman looking up right now, the pilot thought ruefully, would see death speeding towards him at 200 mph...
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 00:00
"We have heard of the ensuring conflict and we are scared that innocents will be hurt in the crossfire. We, SLI Sector, representing UN Peacekeepers, ask for a cease fire between all warring parties. We want a peaceful end to the conflict.
If Neoma wants to have UN Peacekeepers defend itself from the invading nations, it can fill out a Request for Action form ( to allow us to defend your nation and bring peace. We do not want innocents to be hurt, and we support peace."
N Y C has had a long tradition of peacekeeping as well, and shuddered at the thought of going to war. However, in this case, all diplomatic channels to this ruthless government has failed, and war is, sadly, the only option.
Furthermore, how can you possibly want to use peacekeepers to protect a nation commiting GENOCIDE? Did you actually read the rest of the thread?
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 00:06
N Y C has had a long tradition of peacekeeping as well, and shuddered at the thought of going to war. However, in this case, all diplomatic channels to this ruthless government has failed, and war is, sadly, the only option.
If N Y C is interested in peace, it should support the idea of peacekeepers. Diplomatic channels have failed, true, but you then invaded that nation without any fear. If you were interested in peace, why didn't you ignore that nation?
The Non-Coordists have already been elimnated. You came too late. All I have seen is attempts by you to elimnate the eye for an eye. But two wrongs does not make a right, and this madman-like mentality will cause everyone to go blind.
You make a moot point. Ignoring a nation commiting genocide is more adverse to the cause of peace than using force to stop it. We have NOTHING against coordists, but an attempt by anyone to eliminate anyone else is a deed that must go punished. The only ones we seek to stop are those perpetrating this atrocity. As a nation you claim is devoted to peace, I am sickened you would have us abandon persecuted innocents. Madman cannot be left in power, as they could persecute others. Cripples? Homosexuals? Who knows? regardless, they must be stopped.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 01:12
You make a moot point. Ignoring a nation commiting genocide is more adverse to the cause of peace than using force to stop it. We have NOTHING against coordists, but an attempt by anyone to eliminate anyone else is a deed that must go punished. The only ones we seek to stop are those perpetrating this atrocity. As a nation you claim is devoted to peace, I am sickened you would have us abandon persecuted innocents. Madman cannot be left in power, as they could persecute others. Cripples? Homosexuals? Who knows? regardless, they must be stopped.
This is just an landgrab attempt by N Y C to take over a nation. The nation has committed genocide and we are against that. However, you could have appealed to the TPP (The Permeneta Panel) which investiage charges of genocide and decides if genocide was done, and if so, what to do. Instead, all you did was attack the nation...without going through legal boundries.
You are the invader. You have committed the sin. I suggest you leave this nation. Please. Let us bring peace.
MAy I inquire why you don't bring this issue to Kahanistan as well, who also is at war? N Y C has a strict no-landgrab policy, and only keeps troops in other nations as peacekeepers. There is no "couse of action" to determine when genocide occurs, only an immidiate attempt to stop it.
The United Socialist States of Assatru listening to the request from SLI Sector opposes all the fighting. Even though genocide has been committed, fighting and killing more civilians will not bring back the ones who have already left this world because of heinous acts.
But, in the name of peace, the United Socialists States of Assatru will donate 2,000 Assatru national army soldiers to any UN mission to this conflict. But the soldiers will remain under the control of Assatru officers.
When these 2,000 soldiers are deployed, they are peacekeepers, they will not fire on any side unless their mandate says so, if they are to protect themselves in self-defense and to protect innocents being hurt in violation of any cease-fire that may be signed.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 01:48
We also condemn Kahanistan for its alliance with N Y C in an attempt to take over this nation. It's unfair that you are killing off people in Neoma just to 'prevent' genocide.
But like Assatru, we will want for peace. I am drafting a RfA.
So you want to kick back and relax while a totolitarian regieme kills off people, fine. But OUR nation is actually interested in restoring peace. Genocide is not peace. WE are not commiting genocide. Neoma IS. Furthermore, there are people left to save, not just those in immidiate danger but those who COULD be attacked by the Neoman government in the future. We are ingaging the government, NOT the people, and have no desire to rule their counry. Unless SLI sector has anything sane and of actual merit to contribute to the resolution of this unfortunately necessary conflict, which will cease as soon as Neoma stops the genocide, at which time only an N Y C peacekeeping force will remain if necessary , N Y C will not respond to any other redioculous demands of the SLI government. In fact, I will draft a form for peacekeepers to STOP the genocide, not allow it to continue.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 01:58
Request for Assistance:
1. Name of Conflict: Invasion of Neoma
2. Identify and describe the parties (state or non-state actors) involved.
-Neoma, N Y C, Kahanistan
4. Describe the conflict:
a) International War. N Y C and Kahanistan is invading Neoma.
b) According to N Y C and Kahanistan, Neoma has committed genocide by eradicating Non-Coordists. Therefore, they saw it right to invade Neoma.
c) Currently, active war
5. General Permitted Level of armament for intervening forces: Personal Sidearms
6. State specific desired assistance: N/A
7. Financial Contribution Requirement or Prohibitition: N/A
8. General mission(s) of intervention: Peacekeeping
The United Socialists States of Assatru accept the resolution and are preparing their 2,000 soldiers for arrival in the nation of Neoma. These are peacekeepers with sidearms, pistols who are neutral.
The meaning of peacekeeping to note in RL and in NS is to be impartial until a cease-fire is reached, genocide or no genocide. You can coin anything else as peacekeeping, but they are not peacekeepers if they do not show impartiality.
OOC: For example the US soldiers in Iraq, and the NATO soldiers in Kosova and Afghanistan are not peacekeepers because they are not impartial. They are peacebuilders but not peacekeepers.
Request for a peacekeeping force to aid us:
1. Name of Conflict: Genocide in Neoma
2. Identify and describe the parties (state or non-state actors) involved.
-Neoma, N Y C, Kahanistan
4. Describe the conflict:
a) Genocide. Neoma is commiting genocide
b) Neoma is currently killing non-coordists. N Y C and Kahanistan have sent forces to stop the conflict, but more help is needed to rescue civilians
c) Currently, active genocide
5. General Permitted Level of armament for intervening forces: Personal Sidearms
6. State specific desired assistance: N/A
7. Financial Contribution Requirement or Prohibitition: N/A
8. General mission(s) of intervention: Peacekee
Emperor Ixor was looking through the days reports when he came upon one stating a coalition was being gathered against Neoma. Always one to show others the "Right Path", he prepaired a telegram.
Telegram to Neoma: I have recieved news from various sources that you are soon to be under attack from sertain un-believers. I am ready and willing to send both financial and military aid if needed.
Sincerly, Emperor Ixor III
The Holy Empire of Akaron
Willink has had a longspread respect for freedom of religion, and finds that mass genocide solves nothing, as it was harshly seen in Very Small Island. With this event, Willink will be sending 12,000 troops to help rescue civilians, and a naval armada to assist Kahanistan and N Y C.
The eight willink taskforce, consiting of the super carrier WNF-Argus(200 fighters and bombers), 6 Kongo class destroyers, and the Super-battlecruiser WNF-Hampton(armed with heavy anti-ship missiles, 25 inch guns, and tons of other crap) the task force, patrolling of VSI, was immediatly sent, and radar-jamming planes were launched to disrupt enemy rangefinding equipment and radar, while 46 MiG-29M/NK fighters were launched, armed with Armor-pierceing supersonic anti ship missiles, and laser guided bombs. An additonal 25Mig 35/37 fighters were launched to gain air superiority. The hampton began to rush to the assitance of the Kahanistan battleship, aiming its 25 inch guns in the general direction of the enemy warships.
The Holy Empire of Akaron has seen fit to interveen in this afair by prepairing to send 30,000 Infantry and 500 Battle Tanks by air to aid Neoma. Special Forces have secretly landed on the shores of Neoma in small transport ships that sliped past the main naval battle. They are now setting up defences along with the Neoman Defence force and await the arival of the main army. They should arive within 9 hours, due to circumnavigating the main enemy fleet.
TO: Neoma and Allies as well as N Y C and allies
From: Assatru Foreign Ministry
There has been a resolution passed by SLI Sector acknowledging the conflict going on between the two combatants. Forces acting as peacekeepers under the 'UN' because they have been donated has been asked for. Therefore the United Socialists States of Asatru is deploying 2,000 in several small boats to Neoma where they will be deployed to intervene in the fighting where requested so a negotiated settlement can be reached. They will only fire when fired upon, so please do not fire on these neutral forces.
General Roman Drehen grumbled to himself as the boat, not the size of a destoryer, but just bigger than an landing craft vehicle bounced in the waves. There was 10 of these, on loan from the State of Victoria in the United Socialists States of Assatru. There was 200 men to each ship and most were extremely young, barely 22.
The boats had been hastily painted white and had UN written on the side. Hopefully the letter from the Foreign Ministry would get to the nations at war before anything happened. There was an ongoing sea battle that could be seen by some of the soldiers and General Drehen felt his heart in his throat as he saw flashes.
All he had was a bounce of 2,000 soldiers with just handguns. 9mm hand guns just bought several months ago. Who knew what was going to happen if they had to go into battle.
Commander Drean Grewner was placed in charge of the Akaronian special forces specifically for this conflict. He had shown his resolve in putting down numerous riots and several rebelions wich he had stoped before they could pose a real threat. A scout had just reported that UN peacekeepers were just of the coast. "I knew they would get involved sometime" he said. He sent out 1 small transport will one of his officers to relay a message to them. As the ship neared the UN ships the officer turned on his loud speaker."Attention UN Peacekeepers, please depart now. We do not want any casualties on your part, if you continue to the coast we will open fire on you. We do not require a moderator in this matter. Please depart for your own safety." They awaited an answer.
The peaceful skies over the ocean near the Willink armada were a brilliant shade of blue, with the sun burning bright over it. The dozens of ships looked like ants from this altitude. Suddenly, a flurry of grey and black zoomed by, followed by a loud roaring noise. (
"This is Knight Leader to Willink fleet, do you copy?"
General Roman Drehen groaned. He did not like this one bit, but he still had his orders to follow, and because there had been no word from SLI Sector he was to continue with his orders. However, he was not going to endanger his 2,000 men on the first day of the mission. He ordered his boats to halt for the moment.
Getting a blarehorn he shouted to the boat;
"Are mission here is to act as a moderator yes, to end the conflict. However, we have come because a FOA was signed by SLI Sector. We are lightly armed and do not want to get into a confrontation. However, we have a mission to do as well as you do. We will wait here, and wait for a response. All we ask is access to land, or a place we can go until the sea battle is over."
Officer: There is a small patch of the beach that is under Akaronian control down that way. You may land your keepers there but will stay in the designated area untill you recieve more orders. We will alow that much.
"This is Knight Leader to Willink fleet, do you copy?"
"Roger, this is captian Joeseph Smith of the Aircraft carrier WNF-Argus. We are currently engaged in light naval confict with the Neomaian ships, but shouldnt be much of a problem."
13-11-2005, 05:33
To: All Nations
The Armed Republic of Kravania would like to express it's desire and policy of resolving this conflict through dialogue and the cessation of ALL hostile military and combat activities between the nation of Neoma and it's allies and the group of nations at conflict with Neoma and it's allies.
Kravania views this conflict as pointless, lacking any achievable objectives and dangerous to the continued stability and security of the world community of nations.
Kravania is willing to hold peace talks in our capital, Kravania City, and Kravania is willing to hand out any form of advice or assistance to any nation that wishes to stop this conflict and begin a process of dialogue.
Kravania supports the concept of TOTAL national sovereignty and independence for ALL nations. Kravania does not accept the policy that a nation can be attacked or it's sovereignty violated because of 'human rights violations' or a general lack of 'freedom' in the said nation.
No nation has a right to dictate how other nations treat their own people or dictate what political system should exist in the said nation.
Kravania asks for a ceasefire, to last for a period of 25 days, upon which delegations from all nations invloved in this conflict can attend.
Kravania will not give preference to any side during this conflict and is open to all ideas and possible solutions, made by any and all nations.
Kravania hopes our offer will be accepted and that this irrational and illogical conflict will be put to and end.
Supreme Leader and President for Life
Ion Antonescu
Roman Drehen, General, smiled softly. His peacekeepers would be deployed to this restricted area until further notice. However, it could be a trap to disarm them and keep them as prisoners or worse. But, Drehen was unconcerned about that.
"Thank you" he shouted before putting down the blowhorn.
The small ships carrying 200 soldiers each followed the ships directions. They landed and several soldiers open the hatch and disembarked from the ship. They did not stray to far from the ships, pistols holstered in a non-agressive tactic.
Several of the soldiers talked quietly and some were nervous, but none more nervous than General Drehen.
"Roger that, requesting landing clearence, over."
It appears yet another nation has come to defend a genocidal country, stating that "A nation's soveriegntiy is absolute", which in reality, is bogus. If a nation violates the basic human rights of it's people, there is no damn sovereignity to protect it. This isn't about political systems, or 'national independence', this is about protecting peoples rights as human beings. Someone who fails to see that is a coward and should be ashamed of themselves.
The Empirial Army has arrived. The massive amount of aircraft that had to be used to transport the army nearly depleated the oil supply of Akaron. They landed in the open plains near the beach. 30,000 infantry consisting of legions of 5,000 Lancers each. Each Lancer carried a Magneticaly charged lance and a Raxore Automatic Rifle. Mixed in with each legion were medics, snipers and demolition experts. They where deployed along the beachhead behind the Neoman lines with 150 Liberator and 150 Devastator class Tanks for support. In command of this force was General Han Zeroq, a veteran of the Akaronian civil war 30 years before. As soon as the men where set up, he headed to the beach where the UN soldiers were. As he stepped out of his Devastator tank he ran his hand through his gray hair. "Who is in charge here" he said to the peacekeepers.
General Drehen came forward out of the forces gathered around the landing ships. There was no point for the ships to leave, they would be caught up in the violence. Explosions raged on in the sea and near the land, the sounds of bullets making some soldiers nervous. The sight of rifles and demolition squad and tanks were not giving the General's troops any confidence.
"Hello, I am General Drehen. I am the commander of the UN forces."
The SU-39's managed to hit the beachhead hard. Two artillary batteries were destroyed along with the soldiers inside the bunkers that housed them. The anti-air rockets were fired from the Devastators and the soldiers watched as a barrage of missiles flew toward the aircraft.
General Han extended his hand to the man." I am happy to tell you that the Emperor has had a change of heart. In a matter of minutes our soldiers will turn on the Neoman army and force them to surrender or be destroyed. In return for the safety of the civilians we wish to be granted this section of Neoman as reward."
Civitas Americae
13-11-2005, 06:00
It was the largest combat fleet ever assembled in Civitas Americae's history. 12 carriers, all six battleships, 810 smaller escorts, and all the landing ships necessary for the landing of the Second Amphibious Assault Division. Behind the fleet came all the other Marine's ships, carrying the other 80,000 members of the Second Marine Expeditionary Force and their equipment. Grand Admiral Johannes Schönborn himself was leading the fleet.
"Admiral Schönborn, may I inquire as to the fleet's destination? All our orders said was "Classified", and it helps to know what we'll be going up against" asked Commodore Schilling.
"Certainly, we're nearly there as it happens. Our target is Akaron, nine hundred miles away. We'll proceed at flank, that'll put our arrival for combat operations 24 hours from now."
"Thank you sir. But I thought we were going to aid the Neoman people."
"We are. Akaron has been harassing the other nations aiding them. This will draw away their naval support and probably put them out of the war. Once that is done, we can progressively take out other allies until Neoma stands alone."
A few hundred cruise missiles flew over a bustling Akaronian port city (OOC: I'd appreciate a name). Curiously, none of them hit anything. What few were not taken out by air defenses simply self-destructed. Of course, to the CAAF, that wasn't odd at all. It was the first step towards the invasion: Learn the enemy's defences. The cruise missiles were Kh-555's equiped with an ADEER package. They simply absorbed all the air defense radars that tracked them, and sent the information back to CAAF HQ, to be used in the preparation of airstrikes.
13-11-2005, 06:07
Statement to all nations involved
The Empire of Nebarri Prime will not stand for genocide of any caliber, and we will fight our war on anyone who commits it whether the fight brings us to the destruction of Theed or the death of five million men we will bring it to an end!
once all troop transports where loaded to there fullest the full Imperial Fleet set out to war…many fighters, transport planes and bombers where already on there way to make a strike and land troops.
Akaron was a relatively safe nation resting on a plateau. There were many citys on the plateau itself but at the foot lay the ports. And at this very moment the port city of Su'l has come under attack. Akaron had little defence measures against a naval attack, they had spent much of there budget on land and air. The small defence towers along the water fired short range missiles.
To all Nations involved
The Holy Empire of Akaron has taken this chance to settle the despute. We have declared war on Neoman and are proceding to destroy there forces along the coast. Recall all your troops from assulting the said beach and when we are finished, land your troops and help the civilians. We hope you comply and appoligise for the guise but it was necesary to make this conflict less bloody.
"Repeat, this is Knight Leader, requesting permission to land and arm at the Argus."
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 06:22
To all nations fighting against Neoma:
Remember, we are for peace. We do not support Neoma's genocide, but we do not also support this unlawful invasion. As I said before, you could have taken this charge of genocide to The Perementa Panel, a UN panel that investiages charges of genocide. This panel is authorized to do so, as well as decide how to prevent the genocide. In some cases, the Panel can authorize war against a nation to prevent the genocide.
The panel has the authority. You don't.
We call for a ceasefire, we don't want a genocide to occur in revenge for a genocide. It doesn't make sense.
To all UN Peacekeeper Nations:
Thank you for supporting the UN Peacekeepers. Please send a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which details how many soilders you are sending to the effort. This way, we can confirm how much aid you are sending to the peacekeeping force, as well as allow the two warring parties to agree to the peacekeepers. This way, these peacekeepers would be seen as keeping the peace...not as invaders, which we are not.
As Listeneisse, a nation with a great experince in peacekeeping, has said: It is vital for UN nations to act properly as Peacekeepers, to ensure their scrupulous attention to UN Resolutions, and to obtain a Memorandum of Agreement before they intercede in a conflict.
Here is a text on how to write MoAs, please do so.
OOC: If the URL doesn't work, I can copy and paste what Listeneisse said.
The Akaronian army swarmned the Neoman forces on the beach. The Neoman army was caught completely by suprise. Lancers, Devastators and Liberators all charged, the battle was obviously won.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 06:25
Posted by Listeneisse:
An MOA can be unilateral -- with one side in a conflict making a call for UN Peacekeeping intervention, or bilateral or multilateral so that two or more sides all agree to UN Peacekeeping presence.
It is, of course, best for you to have all participants in a conflict agree to the presence of peacekeepers. Otherwise, you risk the chance of simply being a general participant in the war. This leads more to an escalation of the conflict than an amelioration or limitation of it.
This is a sample of the process to establish a UN Peacekeeping mission for the Kingdom of Listeneisse in the Rebellion in People's Republic of Kilani (
It includes a rather extensive Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Not all MOAs need to be this extensive. It may be possible that some of the following provisions can be taken and abstracted for a general "boilerplate" for an MOA. Your comments and feedback would be appreciated if you feel it is a fair and useful document to have at the outset of commitments of force.
Kingdom of Listeneisse Contacts PRK and KLA
Diplomatic envoys from the Kingdom of Listeneisse seek to contact the PRK and KLA both.
This is made clear to PRK government to enable the formal bilateral agreement to two MOAs for:
1. UN Peacekeeping to occur without being considered as hostile forces, and,
2. UN Humanitarian Aid Programme to enable the UN International Red Cross Organization (IRCO) and other GO and NGO humanitarian agencies to operate unmolested within their controlled area.
Formal Records Being Kept at UN Peacekeeping HQ
RMA01 Filing: Kilani ( -- UN Peacekeeping Requests for Action
Kilani Uprising - People's Republic of Kilani ( -- UN Peacekeeping Current Operations
UN Peacekeeping - Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
The following is submitted to both PRK and KLA to ensure that both understand what Kingdom of Listeneisse's position is as a peacekeeping nation.
1. PRK government must allow all points of the MOA, or correct them, before Kingdom of Listeneisse will respond and intervene.
2. KLA command can certainly provide requests for different terms, but the Kingdom of Listeneisse may or may not comply to their demands as they are not a UN member nation. This is being done as a courtesy and to ensure miminum loss of life and property in their controlled territory. If KLA agrees to the MOA, it shall abide by it. Violations shall constitute an act of aggression outside the bounds of UN peacekeeping, and shall constitute grounds for response outside of UN peacekeeping guidelines.
Declaration of Mission - UN Peacekeeping mission from the Kingdom of Listeneisse shall be known as the Kingdom of Listeneisse Kilani Peacekeeping Force (KLKPF)
Constitution of Mission - (see above (
Peacekeeping Goal - KLKPF is primarily goaled for the upholding of international humanitarian law, specifically seeking to offer civil protection of non-combatants and refugees, maintaining self-protection of force and other UN Peacekeeping forces, and providing protection of Kingdom of Listeneisse and other nations' GO/NGO relief workers who may enter and operate in areas of conflict.
Acceptance of Neutrality - KLKPF is a UN Peacekeeping force. It is not partisan to PRK or KLA. All personnel, facilities, vehicle and property of the Kingdom of Listeneisse and its nationals are not to be targeted for hostile action.
Neutral Unless Fired Upon - KLKPF shall not enter into hostilities unless fired upon, in which case it reserves the right to act with all necessary means for self-defense.
Reservation of Rights in Face of Hostilities - The Kingdom of Listeneisse reserves the right to change it political stance due to attack or hostilities shown to it over course of time, but shall likely only do so in the case of concerted aggression, unprovoked beligerence and violation of UN Resolutions covering the rules of war and humanitarian laws.
Acting Under UN Resolutions and Guidelines for Peacekeeping - KLKPF shall be abiding by all applicable UN Resolutions and Guidelines on Peacekeeping (
Acting Under Invitation - KLKPF is responding by invitation of the government of PRK in compliance with the RMA01 ( filed by the PRK government.
Bilateral Agreement Requested - Even though it was invited into the nation at the request of PRK government, which may lead to the assumption of partisanship, the Kingdom of Listeneisse requests this MOA be a bilateral agreement of PRK and KLA. A duly-designated military leader or civilian representative from PRK must respond to the assent before this MOA takes force. A similar KLA response is requested to this MOA. Lack of acknowlegement of reciept within 48 hours by either party shall be regarded as a lack of due interest in the proposal. KLKPF reserves the right to not intervene if PRK does not agree to the MOA. If KLA does not agree to the MOA, KLKPF reserves the right to continue operations under PRK invitation, but may change its rules of engagement and force protection accordingly. The goal is for both PRK and KLA to agree to peacekeeping operations for the preservation of life and commonweal of the nation.
Request for Idenification of Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - PRK and KLA should agree on a demilitarized zone (DMZ) of non-combatant area for KLKPF to operate within. It is requested the territorial boundaries of the DMZ be determined so that it provides the greatest humanitarian benefit yet is agreeable to both military organizations. Once demarked, the KLKPF shall take to protect the inhabitants of the zone from any acts of aggression on the part of either party. If PRK and KLA cannot agree to a DMZ, KLKPF reserves the right to work in an area solely of PRK's selection, but shall adjust force protection accordingly.
Request for Cease Fire - The Kingdom of Listeneisse calls for a cease-fire between PRK and KLA forces. If no cease fire is in effect, force protection shall be adjusted accordingly.
Posture for Peacekeeping, Civil Protection and Base Defense - KLKPF shall currently only use defenses to guard civilian targets and UN Peacekeeping forces. If a directed threat manifests against UN Peacekeepers or acts of humanitarian crisis or genocide are being perpetrated, KLKPF reserves the right to deploy additional forces or alter force structure in response.
Rules of Engagement - KLKPF shall not fire unless fired upon, or in witness of attacks on unarmed civilian populations. Attempts shall be made to contact commanders in the field as well as military and civilian diplomatic channels. If no answer is forthcoming, or if met by hostile fire, KLKPF shall engage at will.
Identification of Personnel - KLKPF forces shall be wearing blue UN Peacekeeping helmets or berets as well as their Kingdom of Listeneisse service uniforms at all times of duty.
Identification of Facilities and Vehicles - Facilities and vehicles shall be clearly marked with "UN" on all faces, as well as their standard military markings of Kingdom of Listeneisse armed forces, and blue UN flags will be flown beside the national flag of the Kingdom of Listeneisse.
Identification of Aircraft - All aircraft flown by the Kingdom of Listeneisse, whether part of KLKPF or operated apart from the peacekeeping operation, shall have IFF/SSR transponders turned on, clearly identifying themselves in appropriate Modes (military or civilian). In the case of transponder failure, you will attempt to contact the aircraft on both 11.3 MHz for International Air Traffic Control (IATC) and the reserved emergency frequency of 121.5 MHz to issue a warning before commencing fire. In case of no contact, you will contact KLKPF and (International Air Traffic Control (IATC) to determine whether any aircraft are known to be experiencing radio and transponder failure before opening fire. This rule may be ignored only in the case of direct threats and specifically-hostile actions taken by an aircraft.
Radio Communications
Both parties agree to abide by these frequencies and purposes, and are requested not to jam or disrupt traffic in any way; all parties are allowed to use these channels as needed. Certain frequencies are reserved for UN purposes; others should make traffic on these frequencies only for official contact with UN Peacekeeping or IRCO Forces. Additional frequencies may be made known over time.
3.900 MHz - KLKPF E-3C AWACS - Airborne Warning
4.125 MHz - Maritime Calling and Distress
4.519 MHz - KLKPF EC-130H - Airborne Command & Control
5.142 MHz - UN International Red Cross Organization (IRCO) - Humanitarian operations
5.680 MHz - UN IRCO - Air/Sea Rescue Operations; also those air/sea rescue operations made by Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
6.215 MHz - Maritime Calling and Distress
6.628 MHz - UN Peacekeeping Ground Forces Frequency - UN Peacekeepers are requested to communicate on this frequency
6.723 MHz - UN Peacekeeping Air Forces Frequency - UN Peacekeepers are requested to communicate on this frequency
6.739 MHz - KLKPF Air Forces GHFS
6.761 MHz - KLKPF KC-135R Stratotanker - Airborne Refueling
10.315 MHz - UN Peacekeeping Naval Forces Frequency - UN Peacekeepers are requested to communicate on this frequency
11.300 MHz - International Air Traffic Control Frequency - should be used by all commercial, civil, and military aviation aircraft for communications with standard IATC requirements
11.140 MHz - KLKPF Ground Forces
15.016 MHz - KLKPF Air Forces GHFS
13.354 MHz - KLKPF Ground Forces
14.906 MHz - Diplomatic Channel - all nations may communicate on this frequency for diplomatic government/embassy radio traffic.
121.5 MHz - Air Emergency Frequency - all civil and military aircraft should remain tuned to this frequency to recieve warnings prior to commencement of hostilities, to be contacted and interrogated regarding IFF failures, notification of violations of cease fire, or to share urgent warning to aircraft of hostilities against other aircraft or ground targets.
Operational Bases: Land - KLKPF shall operate facilities for a reinforced corps-sized force. Sites shall be designated within or near the DMZ by PRK government and/or KLA. KLKPF has the right to operate any necessary facilities within the DMZ or within 300km of the DMZ by the PRK, and may be granted such right by KLA if they reply to the assent. In the case of lack of KLA approval, operational bases will not be placed in KLA territory, but will be placed in the designated DMZ and PRK territory.
Operational Bases: Air - KLKPF shall operate from (at minimum) three air bases; additional facilities may be made as situations warrant. All bases shall be in the DMZ or within 300km within PRK territory, unless KLA assents to position one or more air bases within their area. Air bases shall have 3500m+ landing strip, JET-A, J8 fuel available. All appropriate navigation: NDB, ADF, ILS, VOR, TCAS, etc. Where facilities are lacking, notification will be made for KLKPF to bring in equipment.
Operational Bases: Sea - Port facility capable of handling "panamax"-sized LO-LO and RO-RO vessels required for logistical support.
Additional Forces Operation Outside of Kilani - Additional land, air and sea forces are based out of Kingdom of Listeneisse in support of the mission and are not listed here.
Protection of Civilian Populations - KLKPF will take action to preserve the lives and property of unarmed civil populations in the face of military attack. It shall also create refugee camps, provide food and medical assistance, and work in conjunction with local government health and human services agencies, as well as UN IRCO and other international and foreign national humanitarian GO and NGO organizations.
Protection of Civil Infrastructure - KLKPF shall make a best effort to protect civil infrastructure. It is requested for all parties to avoid attacks that permanently destroy civil infrastructure or create massive casualties, or great danger to a large civil populace, including highways and bridges, mass transit facilities including airports, civil and commercial terminals at ports, rail lines, power plants, facilities and infrastructure, fuel storage depots, power transmission and pipelines, water supplies, food production and storage facilities, etc. This protection does not extend to exclusively military facilities.
Protection of Sites of National, Cultural and Ecological Importance - KLKPF requests a list of sites that are of significant national or cultural importance which are requested to be protected in its zone of operations. Historical sites, museums, cultural centers, religious sites and areas of ecological importance may all be protected from attack, looting, arson or poaching on a best-effort basis. Both parties are asked to provide sites, as PRK and KLA may have different views of what makes a site of significance.
Protection of Civil, Emergency and Navigational Communication Systems and Radio Frequencies - Both parties agree to avoid destruction or jamming of all civil communications systems, including all commercial and civil authority radio stations and mobile phone networks, especially emergency services, all telecom networks and Internet communications systems, and all ground, air, sea and satellite navigation systems, including GPS.
Medical Services Available for All Combatant Forces Under Truce - KLKPF shall provide Mobile Field Hospitals capable of trauma care, as well as other medical personnel trained for the provision of eyecare, dentistry, OBGYN, pediatrics, pharmacology, disease care and prevention (including contagious diseases and STDs), and GP medicine. These facilities are open to all UN Peacekeeping forces, and all combatant forces arriving without arms under a white flag of truce. No weapons or munitions should be brought by combatant parties to medical aid stations. All weapons, munitions, poisons, surveillance devices, drugs, and other contraband found upon those seeking care under a white flag will be confiscated; UN Peacekeepers may arrive under arms, but will be security checked as they enter, their arms will be stowed while in medical aid stations. No forces will be turned over to any party while under the care of KLKPF, unless they have been properly charged with war crimes or humanitarian crimes. KLKPF reserves the right to return interred wounded persons to their side under white flag, unless formal charges of war or humanitarian crimes are made, and there are sufficient proof of charges including a court warrant for arrest. Communications on this can be made through diplomatic channels.
Maintenance of Infrastructure - KLZPF shall provide, on a best-effort basis, heavy construction teams and systems for repair of infrastructure damaged by attacks for the preservation water, power, communications, and to maintain a free flow of civil and military traffic and logistics.
Upholding of Criminal and Civil Law - KLKPF shall act to uphold the law as per the criminal and civil codes of PRK, especially in the face of violent crime and destruction of property, terrorism, and arson. It will not interfere with peaceful civil protests or demonstrations, but it reserves the right to intervene to preserve the peace to disburse riots and prevent acts of violence. It will work with all police forces of the PRK and, if requested, the police forces in KLA-held territory. If the KLA wishes to provide objections to current PRK laws, such as, for instance, the banning or punishment of capitalist enterprises, KLKPF shall not intervene in cases of legitimate legal disagreement.
Request for Special Criminal Tribunal - It is requested for an international forum on civil law disputes be founded to resolve legal disputes and individual cases of legal violations held between PRK and KLA. Furthermore, this Special Criminal Tribunal should serve to report acts of war crimes and humanitarian law crimes, including acts of terrorism and genocide made by any parties. It would be best if both parties agreed to ensure those who committed gross violations of acts of violence against the people of Kilani or foreign nationals working for the good of Kilani were caught and punished.
As a side note, the radio frequencies cited above were based on those used by forces in Kosovo ( as well as a few other real life military and emergency frequencies ( and navigation and communication channels (, such as the Air Emergency ( frequency.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 06:26
The Akaronian army swarmned the Neoman forces on the beach. The Neoman army was caught completely by suprise. Lancers, Devastators and Liberators all charged, the battle was obviously won.
OOC: Isn't that powergaming? At least have Neoman post what he does!
Civitas Americae
13-11-2005, 06:27
"Bugger, I guess we'll have to go the other way."
ETA to beachhead: 36 hours.
To the SLI Sector:
We would prefer to have the genocide stopped rather than let the UN debate it to death.
OOC: From the point of view of my army, it looks like we will win. I didnt say I WON! THE END! Neoman will post, ide like for this to go on a bit longer anyways. So fun:D
To Civitas Americae:
I am glad we could avoid a senseles battle between our two forces. I also hope you do not take our defensive action as anything but. May we work together in the future.
OOC: SLI, you and your allies ARE NOT the UN. It is, in my opinion, unfair to post as such, as it brings a political advantage you shouldn't have.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 06:55
OOC: SLI, you and your allies ARE NOT the UN. It is, in my opinion, unfair to post as such, as it brings a political advantage you shouldn't have.
OOC: Of course not!
We never were the UN. The peackeepers repeatly said that they do not represent the UN, they are just peacekeepers operating under UN's laws. They do not represent the UN, and never will. They are never mentioned in NSUN's resolutions, they are unoffical. Some of the UN peackeeping forces do not belong to the UN.
Hey, I had bad experiences with UN peackeepers. They once attacked me! (And I came up with the idea of peacekeepers.) But do not worry. I have no political advantage. After all, OOCly, I think you are spinning the war very well in your favor.
But don't worry...IMHO, we're losing. After all, we are trying to establish peace, trying to protect this nation from being taken over, when everyone is going against us. Plus, our puny peacekeepers want peace, and are not instructed to bring heavy weapons, just sidearms. They are not a threat...
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 06:57
We would prefer to have the genocide stopped rather than let the UN debate it to death.
We would prefer to have the UN debate peacefully on what to do about a genocide...rather than cause another one.
OOC: SLI: thanks for the clarification. And you're doing a good RPing job too, sometimes I actually catch myself getting pissed. I'tsagameit'sagameit'sagame LOL
I'll RP tomorrow...
The Lone Alliance
13-11-2005, 07:14
-Ocean nearing Neoma-
"Alright, change of plans, the attack is already being delt with, but they'll need someone to move the innocents out of the way, there is a UN encampment a few miles north, we'll spread out through this area and find any non-Combatants and pull them back to the UN beachead, they should keep them safe for awhile.
=Incoming Transmission to SLI Sector Ground forces=
We need your help to pull neutrals out of the line of fire. Repeat we have plans to evacuate the Civilians can you provide a neutral zone? -Lone Alliance RDF.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 07:21
=Incoming Transmission to SLI Sector Ground forces=
We need your help to pull neutrals out of the line of fire. Repeat we have plans to evacuate the Civilians can you provide a neutral zone? -Lone Alliance RDF.
OOC: Just as a note: we have no ground forces. Or sea forces. Or Air forces. I led the call to battle, but I cannot personally send soilders myself...I got myself an ongoing revolt I need to put down. Talk to the other ground forces.
To: All Nations
The Armed Republic of Kravania would like to express it's desire and policy of resolving this conflict through dialogue and the cessation of ALL hostile military and combat activities between the nation of Neoma and it's allies and the group of nations at conflict with Neoma and it's allies.
Kravania views this conflict as pointless, lacking any achievable objectives and dangerous to the continued stability and security of the world community of nations.
Kravania is willing to hold peace talks in our capital, Kravania City, and Kravania is willing to hand out any form of advice or assistance to any nation that wishes to stop this conflict and begin a process of dialogue.
Kravania supports the concept of TOTAL national sovereignty and independence for ALL nations. Kravania does not accept the policy that a nation can be attacked or it's sovereignty violated because of 'human rights violations' or a general lack of 'freedom' in the said nation.
No nation has a right to dictate how other nations treat their own people or dictate what political system should exist in the said nation.
Kravania asks for a ceasefire, to last for a period of 25 days, upon which delegations from all nations invloved in this conflict can attend.
Kravania will not give preference to any side during this conflict and is open to all ideas and possible solutions, made by any and all nations.
Kravania hopes our offer will be accepted and that this irrational and illogical conflict will be put to and end.
Supreme Leader and President for Life
Ion Antonescu
We support Ion's decleartion, and we call for a ceasefire to end this war.
13-11-2005, 07:44
Ministry of the Interior
The Government of Kahanistan regrets that it was unable to save many of the non-Coordists from genocide.
We see no further reason to maintain troops in Neoma, especially with the Kraven threat, we are trying to get all of our troops home.
We request that the leadership of Neoma be brought up on charges of genocide to be held in an international court. Furthermore, any surviving non-Coordists and political opponents of the Neoman government will be allowed to assert refugee status in Kahanistan, where they will be offered citizenship if their own government does not change its barbaric policies within three months.
Vladimir Zygonov,
Minister of the Interior
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 07:47
Ministry of the Interior
We request that the leadership of Neoma be brought up on charges of genocide to be held in an international court. Furthermore, any surviving non-Coordists and political opponents of the Neoman government will be allowed to assert refugee status in Kahanistan, where they will be offered citizenship if their own government does not change its barbaric policies within three months.
Vladimir Zygonov,
Minister of the Interior
We, of SLI Sector, will help out in leading the charges of genocide against Neoma. We hope other nations will follow the example of Kahanistan.
N Y C will follow Kahanistan's stance, and requests of Neoma an immediate end to the genocide, along with the conveyence of its leaders to an international court, at which time all fighting on our part will cease. We are also willing to accept all non-coordists and political opponents of the Neoman regieme. If necessary, we are willing to participate in peacekeeping efforts to reinstate sane rule to the state. We agree to the ceasefire, but only if Neoma STOPS the genocide.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 15:41
We call for all other nations to leave Neoma immeadily, while the paperwork is being processed in the TPP for look into the genocide. We hope this war finally ends.
If however, the invasion force against Neoma contuines, then we fear for the worst for civilans.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 16:32
Here is a link about TPP, for those who are interested:
Posted by Assatru Foreign Ministry
Contacting Neoma and N Y C allies
Diplomatic envoys from the United Socialist States of Assatru seek to contact the Neoma government and their allies and the N Y C government and their allies.
1. UN Peacekeeping forces will enter Neoma to seperate all combatants without being considered as hostile forces, and,
2. Any territory taken from Neoma will be handed back after peace talks.
Formal Records Being Kept at UN Peacekeeping HQ
RMA01 Filing: Neoma -- UN Peacekeeping Requests for Action
Neoma genocidal conflict with others -- UN Peacekeeping Current Operations
UN Peacekeeping - Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
The following is submitted to both Neoma and N Y C along with their allies to ensure that both understand that the United Socialist States of Assatru is as a peacekeeping nation.
1. The Neoma government must allow the MOA to take place in its territory.
2. The MOA is to ensure the loss of innocent life down to a minimum If Neoma and N Y C agree to the MOA, they shall abide by it. Violations shall constitute an act of aggression outside the bounds of UN peacekeeping, and shall constitute grounds for response outside of UN peacekeeping guidelines.
Declaration of Mission - UN Peacekeeping mission from the United Socialist States of Assatru known as the United Socialists States Peacekeeping Mission (USSPM)
Constitution of Mission - (see above)
Peacekeeping Goal - USSPM goals are to specifically offer civil protection to non-combatants and refugees, maintaining self-protection of force and other UN Peacekeeping forces,
Acceptance of Neutrality - USSPM is a UN Peacekeeping force. It is not partisan to Neoma or N Y C. All personnel, facilities, vehicle and property of the United Socialists States Of Assatru and its nationals are not to be targeted for hostile action.
Neutral Unless Fired Upon - USSPM shall not enter into hostilities unless fired upon, in which case it reserves the right to act with all necessary means for self-defense.
Reservation of Rights in Face of Hostilities - The United Socialist States Of Assatru reserves the right to change it political stance due to attack or hostilities shown to it over course of time, but shall likely only do so in the case of concerted aggression, unprovoked beligerence and violation of UN Resolutions covering the rules of war and humanitarian laws.
Acting Under UN Resolutions and Guidelines for Peacekeeping - USSPM shall be abiding by all applicable UN Resolutions and Guidelines on Peacekeeping.
Acting Under Invitation - USSPM is responding by invitation of the government of SLI Sector in compliance with the RMA01 filed by the SLI Sector government.
Request for Idenification of Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - Neoma and N Y C and their alliesshould agree on a demilitarized zone (DMZ) of non-combatant area for USSPM to operate within. It is requested the territorial boundaries of the DMZ be determined so that it provides the greatest humanitarian benefit yet is agreeable to both military organizations. Once demarked, the USSPM shall take to protect the inhabitants of the zone from any acts of aggression on the part of either party.
Request for Cease Fire - The United Socialist States Of Assatru calls for a cease-fire between the combating forces. If no cease fire is in effect, force protection shall be adjusted accordingly.
Posture for Peacekeeping, Civil Protection and Base Defense - USSPM shall currently only use defenses to guard civilian targets and UN Peacekeeping forces. If a directed threat manifests against UN Peacekeepers or acts of humanitarian crisis or genocide are being perpetrated, USSPM reserves the right to deploy additional forces or alter force structure in response.
Rules of Engagement - USSPM shall not fire unless fired upon, or in witness of attacks on unarmed civilian populations. Attempts shall be made to contact commanders in the field as well as military and civilian diplomatic channels. If no answer is forthcoming, or if met by hostile fire, USSPM shall engage at will.
Identification of Personnel - USSPM forces shall be wearing blue UN Peacekeeping helmets or berets as well as their Assatru National Army service uniforms at all times of duty.
Identification of Facilities and Vehicles - Facilities and vehicles shall be clearly marked with "UN" on all faces, as well as their standard military markings of United Socialist States of Assatru armed forces, and blue UN flags will be flown beside the national flag of the United Socialist States Of Assatru.
Land Base - The USSPM requests to set up a base for their soldiers and any reinforcements needed to monitor this situation. The base location will be at Neoma's choosing, and once an agreement is signed and peace is agreed too, it will be torn down.
Protection of Civilian Populations - USSPM will take action to preserve the lives and property of unarmed civil populations in the face of military attack. It shall also create refugee camps in the DMZ and provide food and medical assistance to civilians that arrive in this area.
Protection of Civil Infrastructure - USSPM shall make a best effort to protect civil infrastructure. It is requested for all parties to avoid attacks that permanently destroy civil infrastructure or create massive casualties, or great danger to a large civil populace, including highways and bridges, mass transit facilities including airports, civil and commercial terminals at ports, rail lines, power plants, facilities and infrastructure, fuel storage depots, power transmission and pipelines, water supplies, food production and storage facilities, etc. This protection does not extend to exclusively military facilities.
Protection of Sites of National, Cultural and Ecological Importance - USSPM requests a list of sites that are of significant national or cultural importance which are requested to be protected in its zone of operations. Historical sites, museums, cultural centers, religious sites and areas of ecological importance may all be protected from attack, looting, arson or poaching on a best-effort basis. Both parties are asked to provide sites.
Upholding of Criminal and Civil Law - USSPM shall act to uphold the law as per the criminal and civil codes of Neoma, especially in the face of violent crime and destruction of property, terrorism, and arson. It will not interfere with peaceful civil protests or demonstrations, but it reserves the right to intervene to preserve the peace to disburse riots and prevent acts of violence.
Request for Special Criminal Tribunal - It is requested for an international forum on civil law disputes be founded to resolve legal disputes and individual cases of legal violations held between Neoma and N Y C and their allies. Furthermore, this Special Criminal Tribunal should serve to report acts of war crimes and humanitarian law crimes, including acts of terrorism and genocide made by any parties. It would be best if both parties agreed to ensure those who committed gross violations of acts of violence against the people of Kilani or foreign nationals working for the good of Kilani were caught and punished.
UN Force (USSPM) - 2,000 soldiers but more can be sent if approved by N Y C and Neoma. There are ten landing craft vehicles that are from the State of Victoria in the United Socialist States of Assatru, if damaged or destroyed repayment for vehicles should take place between United Socialist States Of Assatru and the said attacker.
To: All combatants
From: Assatru Foreign Ministry
We have now stated the aims of the USSPM peacekeeping mission. They will follow each guideline to the best of their ability to keep the peace as negotiations continue. They are not hostile to anyone, and wait for the request from Neoma to build a base in a decided DMZ between N Y C and their allies and Neoma and their allies. The General of the USSPM mission would like for representatives to come together to discuss all the points in the said mission statement.
General Roman Drehen and his soldiers stayed near their landing crafts. They would not leave but the violence that has taken place in the past several days was mindblowing. Having now received a message from the Assatru foreign ministry regarding what they were suppose to do, General Drehen would like to have all the representative from all the combatants agree to the USSPM mission and agree to where they should be.
A small platoon of soldiers, around 20 moved to the right and moved several meters down the beach waiting for orders from Drehen.
okay I'm ignoring all posts, you cannot say what my military does, you cannot presume that you swarm over my forces, and it will not be a dogpile...
I'm ignoring (i can add names)
I'm also about ready to leave this post, because some of the newbies aren't thinking about how war is RPed on nation states.
OOC: Thats ok, I was just having fun. You know, what this is all for in the first place. Anyways if you do ignore my posts, then my army will never had arrived and you would have been whiped out by the others. I did help the situation to a quick end by the way. If you dont ignore, then you can have your troops win on the beach because im having supply problems anyways.-You cant just fly 30,000 men in on planes and expect to find food and feul when you get there- So either way im fine with it. Hell, we could even start over, idk, whatever.
[EDIT] P.S. It would be better if my men didnt arrive because i sense a rebellion comming.
and it will not be a dogpile...
I'm ignoring (i can add names)
1 Sry, ill delete my attack posts, to the point were my taskforce is approaching the general area, but they will remain.
2. You kinda forced a dogpile upon yourself, by a combination of the following: Leaving the thread open, Commiting Genocide, and letting your enemies form a coalition against you
3. You spelled my name wrong, its Willink, not Wilink.
OOC: Also next time dont start a thread like this and leave, it prompts others to have to take over for you when other said nations invade "en mass".
"Repeat, this is Knight Leader, requesting permission to land and arm at the Argus."
" Roger, you have permission to land Knight leader"
OOC: In regards to the DMZ, I want to point out that my entire force is out at sea, I don't have anything on land. In fact, since Neoma took so long to post, the only attack I made on him was a 8 plane bombing run against his ships he didn't even respond too. So, Akron is right, try to post a little more frequently.
IC: The N Y C fleet bobbing off the Neoman coast was a scene of jubulation. The brief conflict was over, the genocide in Neoma had been forcibly halted and peacekeepers were entering the country as they spoke. From their position, they watched aircraft after aircraft take off from the N Y C carriers Azulias and Guardian , heavily laden with peacekeepers and humanitarian supplies. It had been announced earlier that day that N Y C had agreed to the peace terms, and would do everything in its power to facilitate them.
In Sdarjata, President Arellios layed a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, overlooking the pristine harbor, and solmnly reflected on all the lives that had been saved by this war, however horrible it had been, and by the peace accord. He would be very, very proud indeed to show an international tribunal the extent of Neoman crimes from secret intelligence files; justice had to be done. As he saw the sun rise over the ocean mist so did, he thought, the hope of all Neomans, Coordist or not.
SLI Sector
13-11-2005, 21:13
As per Assatru's Request for Special Criminal Tribunal, a special Criminal Tribunal has been set up in order to deterimne if genocide has indeed been committed by both parties of the war. This tribunal will be indepedent, as to make sure viewpoints do not cloud what other people think.
We ask all nations to cooperate with the investigation.
UN forces moved up the beachhead. There was hopes that the nation of Neoma would response to the set up of a military base. Also, a DMZ, can mean near the sea, or on the sea and coastal areas could be set up. Several soldiers began removing supplies from the landing craft and placed it on the beachead as more soldiers wandered around some sitting on the beach. Other doing other tasks as well.
Several transport helicopters landed on the beach. A burly, sandy haired man stepped out.
"Hello. Lt. Kharimos, N Y C peacekeeping division. We're here to help."
General Drehen looked at the arrival of the N Y C peacekeeping Lt. He smiled softly and stuck out his hand.
"I am General Drehen, I am in control of the United Nations peacekeepers donated by Assatru. You will have full control of your peacekeepers. So far, we have not received word from the government of Neoma to creating a base, and a refugee camp in the DMZ for any civilians, caught up in the fighting here or moving to the coast because they are being persecuted. However, if anyone finds any civilians. I would like it for them to be given aid and any supplies. And find out if they are Coordist or not, because even though the tribunal is going to find if genocide was committed I would not like to hand over any civilians until a full agreement has been reached."
Soldiers around about ten found a small child near the beach. She was bloody, but it did not appear if she had been wounded by fighting. A young private picked her up and carried her back to the command area, just in case other forces did not want them wandering their.
The Lt. smiled back. "We have a pretty good force. 325 peacekeepers plus 75 medics, aid workers, conflict resolvers and the like, as well as lots of humanitarian supplies. We should have a pretty good range of capabilities to deal with what we encounter between our force and yours.
What my superiors are worried anyone injured in the chaos of the last few days won't have much time to hold on. We need to get to these people immidiately! I'm personally worried with how long Neoma's taking to arrange themselves, time is of the essence.
The soldier accidently ran into the General and the Lt. The girl started crying and whimpering as the soldier looked up to see the General.
"Sorry sir, me and the boys were searching about 10 to 30 meters that way when we found this girl. She has several large cuts but she does not appear to be wounded from the fighting. We wondered if she was from the slaughtering, you know sir."
General Drehen nodded. Looking at the LT, he said, "could you see to it that a medic checks her out. And, some of the soldiers refer to the 'incident' before this whole conflict as a slaughtering hearing rumors that millions of people were killed for just worshipping their own religion. Being from a small nation they have not come to grips that something like that could occur."
As they spoke, two poles were erected by half a dozen soldiers and the Assatru flag as well as the UN flag were raised. If Neoma did not respond soon, a military base would have to built to accomadate both the N Y C peacekeepers as well as the Assatru peacekeepers and supplies.
The Lt. grabbed his radio. "This is Lt. Kharimos. Can I get a one of those counselors you guys brought who speaks Neoman over to Assatru's medical tent. they might need a translator and the girl looks pretty upset, she need calming down."
One little girl down, a million more traumatized Neomans to go, he thought grimly.
The soldier carried the little girl into the newly erected medical tent. She had what appeared to be cuts from a knife or something, and blood coating her clothing but if all the blood had been from her, then she would most likely be dead. Did she fall onto a dead body, or did a family member die or something.
Not knowing what to do, the soldier spoke softly to her, trying to calm her down. It would be better for a doctor and someone who could translate to continue checking her out for any more injuries.
- - -
General Drehen asked the Lt;
"I believe we should give the Neoman government a little while longer to figure out what they are doing. Before we act unilaterally and start assisting people found near the beachfront. We can however go no farther unless an agreement is reached with Neoma telling where the peacekeepers can or cannot go. I would like to ask you, if my soldiers do begin patrolling the beach and other areas, will your soldiers or at least some medics accompany them in case more civilians or other people are found."
"Definitely," The Lt. said briskly, "But I have an idea. We NEED to get to these people, but we can't move unless Neoma says so. But ther's nothing in the agreement saying the Neomans can't come here. is there? What if we get on the bullhorns and try to send a message across the DMZ to tell them to come towards the beachfront for assistance?"
An N Y C medic and a translator arrived at the tent. The translator softly assured the girl while the doctor had her lay down on a cot. He took out several instruments and began to examine her. she showed no fear, her eyes appeared dulled as if by dust.
"My god, she's lost a lot of blood. We have artificial blood for emergency transfusions, but it isn't here yet. I'll radio it in. In the meantime, I will stitch her wounds as best I can, but I't will only buy her a little time.
The medical supply chopper lifted off from the aircraft carrier where it had been awaiting the order to move in. Neoma hadn't authorized bases yet, so they weren't expecting any patients for a while, but a young life now hung in the balance.
Neoman side of the DMZ
The 3rd 6th and 7th armys massed on the DMZ border. The three artilery divisions behind them loaded shells and rockets, The 2nd and 3rd Air army was set into posistion.
A young General stood on top of a Large building a Bullhorn in his hands He lifted it up to his mouth
"Attention so caled Peacekeepers, the Neoman military is going to cross the DMZ to secure our territory. We have mobilized all of our military and you are asked to leave once and only once, if you refuse we will see you as a invadeing force and you wil be delt with as such. You have 2 hours."
The General turned the bull horn off and turned to his aid, "Ready the men, if they say no were going to bomb the liveing crap out of them and push them back to the sea,"
The aid looked at him "Yes sir," The aid turned and started to relay orders
OOC sorry for the spelling but im not on my computer
OOC: So do you want me to be there or not Neoma?
SLI Sector
14-11-2005, 00:13
Neoman side of the DMZ
The 3rd 6th and 7th armys massed on the DMZ border. The three artilery divisions behind them loaded shells and rockets, The 2nd and 3rd Air army was set into posistion.
A young General stood on top of a Large building a Bullhorn in his hands He lifted it up to his mouth
"Attention so caled Peacekeepers, the Neoman military is going to cross the DMZ to secure our territory. We have mobilized all of our military and you are asked to leave once and only once, if you refuse we will see you as a invadeing force and you wil be delt with as such. You have 2 hours."
The General turned the bull horn off and turned to his aid, "Ready the men, if they say no were going to bomb the liveing crap out of them and push them back to the sea,"
The aid looked at him "Yes sir," The aid turned and started to relay orders
OOC sorry for the spelling but im not on my computer
OOC: Heh. I have offered you a chance out of the mess, but it turns out you are just going to decline it and make it worse.
Then again, you shouldn't have done the genocide in the first place in order to have no mess to begin with.
Lt. Kharimos grabbed his own bullhorn and cautiosly faced the Neomans.
"We are simply a peacekeeping force. Your nation agreed to the Assatruian peace terms. It clearly stated you sill temporarily relinquish the allied forces' beachhead to serve as a base for relief operations. An attempt to remove us will signify an abandonment of the peace accord and an act of war against every member of the peacekeeping operation and the signatories of the ceasefire, whom, as you know, currently have their fleets off your coast. You are commanded by the peace accord to let us set up operations and recieve any and all injured civillians and/or refugees."
OOC: Forget it, My men were never there. That fixes that.
14-11-2005, 00:57
[ooc: I take a day off and everyone swarms Neoma. Heh. Can someone explain to me exactly what happened, how much time has passed, and the approximate positions of everyone? In the clearest possible terms, please. Pretend I'm an idiot. Ok, you don't have to pretend there. :p But can you just explain? Thanks, it would be greatly appreciated.]
SLI Sector
14-11-2005, 01:04
[ooc: I take a day off and everyone swarms Neoma. Heh. Can someone explain to me exactly what happened, how much time has passed, and the approximate positions of everyone? In the clearest possible terms, please. Pretend I'm an idiot. Ok, you don't have to pretend there. :p But can you just explain? Thanks, it would be greatly appreciated.]
The bad news is that everybody swarms Neoma.
The good news is that UN peacekeepers decided to support Neoma...the colation forces may have committed genocide itself. I led the charge, but didn't put forces in the nation. Only Ausstra has responded to the UN peackeepers call for peacekeepers. Both SLI Sector and Ausstra believes that Neoma has commited genocide, but want peace. Not war.
Either way, it was a success. Everybody begins to stop swarming Neoma. An international tribunal is formed to decide if Neoma did commit genocide. Peace has been restored.
The bad news is that Neoma is threatening to attack the very UN peacekeepers that are protecting Neoma.
Yep. All in a nutshell.
14-11-2005, 01:12
[ooc: So Neoma is threatening to attack the peacekeepers that are trying to protect it from the coalition? Or the coalition stopped fighting? And who is on who's side? You and Assatru are the UN peacekeepers, and Kahanistan is part of the coalition, but who else is where? What does N Y C have to do with any of this? It's still a little bit confusing. :p]
SLI Sector
14-11-2005, 01:21
The Coaltion (made out of N Y C and Kahanistan) has indeed stopped fighting. N Y C has a peacekeeping force in the DMZ, along with Assatru, and they seem to be working together to help out victims of the genocide)
[ooc: I take a day off and everyone swarms Neoma. Heh. Can someone explain to me exactly what happened, how much time has passed, and the approximate positions of everyone? In the clearest possible terms, please. Pretend I'm an idiot. Ok, you don't have to pretend there. :p But can you just explain? Thanks, it would be greatly appreciated.]
dude ive been trying to figure that out for myself
First off some invaders come, then there peace keepers, then they have bypassed my navy and army all together landed on my beaches and set up a DMZ
Lets see what else
oh yea, its a giant dog pile, people are saying that they overrun some of my fortifications stuff like that.
and yes i am threatening the peacekeepers because they are trying to set up a tribunal to charge some of neomas most high ranking people with genocide and they didn't expect them to have other plans.
14-11-2005, 01:56
[ooc: What is the DMZ? Must have missed something...]
Admiral Georgius Estar was leafing through his daily correspondence as the small Bandurian fleet set off from port. A few days had passed, and Admiral Estar, the supreme commander of the Bandurian navy, had yet to hear a report from General Samon, in council with the Neomans. While this was not unexpected—Samon was a member of the Imperial Army after all, while Estar was of the Navy—generally all correspondence to Lord Antor Sampetra passed also to the rest of the military high command.
Ah. A letter which bore Samon's seal, the 12th Legion (in ornate lettering, Legion XII). Estar smiled slightly and opened it. His frown deepened as he said, "Oh dear. It appears the Neomans are in a spot of trouble."
A few minutes later, the fleet and Samon's planes had been recalled to Banduria and the Imperial high military command was in council.
Estar sat on the right of Lord Sampetra himself, the great man at the center of the semicircular table. On Sampetra's left was Marshal Therva Ilkogar, the only female member of the Bandurian high command—commander of the Imperial air force. Sampetra was speaking.
"So Neoma has been overrun by these 'peace keepers'?"
"So it seems, General," said Estar. "Under the pretense of keeping the peace, they seem to have overrun Neoma's sovereign rights to rule their nation how they wish."
"Do they know of our intervention or mobilization?"
"I'd suspect that we're a bit too far away from Neoma for them to know something like that," said Ilkogar. "Amovsky?"
They all turned to the fourth man in the room, Lui Amovsky, Master Strategist. Amovsky had come to the Imperium many years ago and had been appointed by Emperor Lucius I as high strategist and intelligence lord to the Bandurian high command. Amovsky was said to know everything about everyone... his knowledge of nations and politics was encyclopedic. He was a shadowy figure, generally masked, wearing dark armor and a helmet... secretive and a loner. Amovsky spoke now in a harsh voice.
"According to my intelligence, they are too busy trying to save the 'victims' of Neoma's 'genocide'," said Amovsky. "Fools."
"It looks like we should send a somewhat larger fleet to deal with them. More air cover, and a larger army as well. We must teach these idealists that intervening in the sovereignty of nations—their right to rule how they wish—is not appreciated by the international community," said Sampetra.
"Can we afford a war now?" asked Ilkogar.
"Afford? We've got enough money to fight three major wars at once. Don't ask silly questions," said Sampetra, amused.
"Good. Let's just have Minister Perian issue an official condemnation, etc.," said Estar. "Meanwhile we can put together some numbers and send out a force."
Open Tranmission
Channels: All (concentrated within coordinates T minus thirty to T plus sixteen at mag 14)
The Holy Imperium of Banduria officially condemns this action of so-called 'peacekeepers' in attacking Neoma. You are violating the rights of national sovereignty that all nations deserve to rule their lands how they wish. We are sending military aid to Banduria and we will not hesitate to crush whatever stands in our way. We will drive out these corrupt and hypocritical nations that deny justice while seeking to uphold it.
In nomine Imperium Sacrum,
Charles Perian, Minister for Foreign Affairs
In the port at Dominis, one of the largest fleets Banduria has ever sent overseas was being assembled. Two carrier battle groups have already been deployed towards Neoman waters, followed by a huge fleet consisting of two Monarch-class Superdreadnaughts, four Nessie-class carriers (840 aircraft), and over 540 supporting combat ships, as well as hundreds of noncombatant ships (such as hospital and supply ships). Overhead, several hundred IF-24 'Wyvern' fighters and half that number of IB-6 'Skyfire' bombers, along with supply and tanker planes, were being sent off; also, accompanying the 12th Legion would be the 13th, 14th, and 15th Legions—400,000 troops in all—along with over 250,000 Fanatics, as well as the Marines manning the ships themselves.
The vast fleet was to be setting out that day along with a force of nearly 400 SSNs equipped with various missiles. It will undoubtedly spell the end for all resistance.
"The wrath of the Imperium has been roused, and it will be like unto the splendor of the Mighty One..."
14-11-2005, 02:16
[ooc: BTW, I realize that the UN peacekeepers were there to protect Neoma, but ICly it doesn't look like that. Especially since Neoma is now turning on them.]
Posted by Assatru Foreign Ministry
Contacting Neoma and N Y C allies
Diplomatic envoys from the United Socialist States of Assatru seek to contact the Neoma government and their allies and the N Y C government and their allies.
1. UN Peacekeeping forces will enter Neoma to seperate all combatants without being considered as hostile forces, and,
2. Any territory taken from Neoma will be handed back after peace talks.
Formal Records Being Kept at UN Peacekeeping HQ
RMA01 Filing: Neoma -- UN Peacekeeping Requests for Action
Neoma genocidal conflict with others -- UN Peacekeeping Current Operations
UN Peacekeeping - Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
The following is submitted to both Neoma and N Y C along with their allies to ensure that both understand that the United Socialist States of Assatru is as a peacekeeping nation.
1. The Neoma government must allow the MOA to take place in its territory.
2. The MOA is to ensure the loss of innocent life down to a minimum If Neoma and N Y C agree to the MOA, they shall abide by it. Violations shall constitute an act of aggression outside the bounds of UN peacekeeping, and shall constitute grounds for response outside of UN peacekeeping guidelines.
Declaration of Mission - UN Peacekeeping mission from the United Socialist States of Assatru known as the United Socialists States Peacekeeping Mission (USSPM)
Constitution of Mission - (see above)
Peacekeeping Goal - USSPM goals are to specifically offer civil protection to non-combatants and refugees, maintaining self-protection of force and other UN Peacekeeping forces,
Acceptance of Neutrality - USSPM is a UN Peacekeeping force. It is not partisan to Neoma or N Y C. All personnel, facilities, vehicle and property of the United Socialists States Of Assatru and its nationals are not to be targeted for hostile action.
Neutral Unless Fired Upon - USSPM shall not enter into hostilities unless fired upon, in which case it reserves the right to act with all necessary means for self-defense.
Reservation of Rights in Face of Hostilities - The United Socialist States Of Assatru reserves the right to change it political stance due to attack or hostilities shown to it over course of time, but shall likely only do so in the case of concerted aggression, unprovoked beligerence and violation of UN Resolutions covering the rules of war and humanitarian laws.
Acting Under UN Resolutions and Guidelines for Peacekeeping - USSPM shall be abiding by all applicable UN Resolutions and Guidelines on Peacekeeping.
Acting Under Invitation - USSPM is responding by invitation of the government of SLI Sector in compliance with the RMA01 filed by the SLI Sector government.
Request for Idenification of Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - Neoma and N Y C and their alliesshould agree on a demilitarized zone (DMZ) of non-combatant area for USSPM to operate within. It is requested the territorial boundaries of the DMZ be determined so that it provides the greatest humanitarian benefit yet is agreeable to both military organizations. Once demarked, the USSPM shall take to protect the inhabitants of the zone from any acts of aggression on the part of either party.
Request for Cease Fire - The United Socialist States Of Assatru calls for a cease-fire between the combating forces. If no cease fire is in effect, force protection shall be adjusted accordingly.
Posture for Peacekeeping, Civil Protection and Base Defense - USSPM shall currently only use defenses to guard civilian targets and UN Peacekeeping forces. If a directed threat manifests against UN Peacekeepers or acts of humanitarian crisis or genocide are being perpetrated, USSPM reserves the right to deploy additional forces or alter force structure in response.
Rules of Engagement - USSPM shall not fire unless fired upon, or in witness of attacks on unarmed civilian populations. Attempts shall be made to contact commanders in the field as well as military and civilian diplomatic channels. If no answer is forthcoming, or if met by hostile fire, USSPM shall engage at will.
Identification of Personnel - USSPM forces shall be wearing blue UN Peacekeeping helmets or berets as well as their Assatru National Army service uniforms at all times of duty.
Identification of Facilities and Vehicles - Facilities and vehicles shall be clearly marked with "UN" on all faces, as well as their standard military markings of United Socialist States of Assatru armed forces, and blue UN flags will be flown beside the national flag of the United Socialist States Of Assatru.
Land Base - The USSPM requests to set up a base for their soldiers and any reinforcements needed to monitor this situation. The base location will be at Neoma's choosing, and once an agreement is signed and peace is agreed too, it will be torn down.
Protection of Civilian Populations - USSPM will take action to preserve the lives and property of unarmed civil populations in the face of military attack. It shall also create refugee camps in the DMZ and provide food and medical assistance to civilians that arrive in this area.
Protection of Civil Infrastructure - USSPM shall make a best effort to protect civil infrastructure. It is requested for all parties to avoid attacks that permanently destroy civil infrastructure or create massive casualties, or great danger to a large civil populace, including highways and bridges, mass transit facilities including airports, civil and commercial terminals at ports, rail lines, power plants, facilities and infrastructure, fuel storage depots, power transmission and pipelines, water supplies, food production and storage facilities, etc. This protection does not extend to exclusively military facilities.
Protection of Sites of National, Cultural and Ecological Importance - USSPM requests a list of sites that are of significant national or cultural importance which are requested to be protected in its zone of operations. Historical sites, museums, cultural centers, religious sites and areas of ecological importance may all be protected from attack, looting, arson or poaching on a best-effort basis. Both parties are asked to provide sites.
Upholding of Criminal and Civil Law - USSPM shall act to uphold the law as per the criminal and civil codes of Neoma, especially in the face of violent crime and destruction of property, terrorism, and arson. It will not interfere with peaceful civil protests or demonstrations, but it reserves the right to intervene to preserve the peace to disburse riots and prevent acts of violence.
Request for Special Criminal Tribunal - It is requested for an international forum on civil law disputes be founded to resolve legal disputes and individual cases of legal violations held between Neoma and N Y C and their allies. Furthermore, this Special Criminal Tribunal should serve to report acts of war crimes and humanitarian law crimes, including acts of terrorism and genocide made by any parties. It would be best if both parties agreed to ensure those who committed gross violations of acts of violence against the people of Neoma or foreign nationals working for the good of Neoma were caught and punished.
UN Force (USSPM) - 2,000 soldiers but more can be sent if approved by N Y C and Neoma. There are ten landing craft vehicles that are from the State of Victoria in the United Socialist States of Assatru, if damaged or destroyed repayment for vehicles should take place between United Socialist States Of Assatru and the said attacker.
OOC: The panel can only recommend that these officials from Neoma and their allies, and N Y C and their allies to be arrested and tried. The tribunal is looking into genocide on both parts. The UN peacekeepers of United Socialist States of Assatru and N Y C do not have the right to capture war crimes suspects. They are only there as the mission states. If Neoma wants to continue it doesn't need to accept the tribunal's findings at all. However, until a peace agreement and a the tribunal is finished the UN peacekeepers will remain. They are only allowed side arms, what kind of a threat can they be.
14-11-2005, 02:45
OOC: The panel can only recommend that these officials from Neoma and their allies, and N Y C and their allies to be arrested and tried. The tribunal is looking into genocide on both parts. The UN peacekeepers of United Socialist States of Assatru and N Y C do not have the right to capture war crimes suspects. They are only there as the mission states. If Neoma wants to continue it doesn't need to accept the tribunal's findings at all. However, until a peace agreement and a the tribunal is finished the UN peacekeepers will remain. They are only allowed side arms, what kind of a threat can they be.
[ooc: The important thing to remember is that we don't actually know that the UN peacekeepers aren't a threat, especially considering that Neoma is planning to attack them—we believe that they are actually threats to Neoma. Also there are those fleets sitting in the harbor...]
And that, my friends, is why the UN is useless. We have sat pictures of the genocide, so the coalition would really not want to waste time in having a UN tribunal find out just what we already know.
But Banduria is the most useless of all. By killing off peacekeepers armed with only pistols, he thinks that he protecting Neoma's sovereignty, when in reality, he is making a bigger target of his ally.
Genocide against a nation's people is grounds for an intervention, no matter how much you cry "sovereignty".
General Drehen was nervous but he could not show it to his troops as he looked at the Neoman army at the DMZ. He grabbed a blarehorn and shouted.
"I am General Drehen, of the UN Peacekeeping mission in Neoma and of the Assatru army here. I can understand you are angry but a peace agreement has been agreed to and peacekeepers donated to the United Nations has arrived in Neoma. We of are no threat, are mission if your leaders read the peace agreement, is to help the civilians that might have been effected by this conflict and we are to be stationed here until a peace agreement has been signed by the combatants or until the Tribunal has reached its findings. However, the UN forces here are not connected to the Tribunal in any way. We are not here to hunt down people that the Tribunal has decided are war criminals, as I repeat we are here to provide assistance to civilians. We pose no threat, as a UN resolution we can only carry sidearms, however, we patrol the DMZ that keeps the two combatants, in this case, your Neoman forces and the ships out at sea apart. I would like to come over to your encampment, unarmed, and discuss with you more, so we can end this confrontation peacefully."
Some soldiers were nervous as they looked at the weapons, the Neomans had, but they continued on their duty setting up the UN base.
Foreign minister Andrus Vanderhaus wrote in a telegram to Banduria and Neoma officials;
The United Nations peacekeeping mission led by Assatru is not a danger to you in any way. There is only 2,400 soldiers who are lightly armed who are there to protect and assist civilians. The Tribunal you are worried about first has to decide if genocide was committed. And by who? They have to decide if Neoman forces committed genocide against civilians and if the coalition committed genocide against Neomans. They are impartial and Neoma and their allies can present their evidence to this tribunal and see what the ruling is. Therefore, it is only after genocide has been acknowledged as committed to have happened by either forces that they can recommend arrests. However, UN forces cannot arrest anyone that would have to be the said nation itself or another force altogether.
Send your evidence to the Tribunal. It is too be fare and honest. Both sides will be able to present evidence. And a verdict will be decided.
SLI Sector
14-11-2005, 03:19
And that, my friends, is why the UN is useless. We have sat pictures of the genocide, so the coalition would really not want to waste time in having a UN tribunal find out just what we already know.
But Banduria is the most useless of all. By killing off peacekeepers armed with only pistols, he thinks that he protecting Neoma's sovereignty, when in reality, he is making a bigger target of his ally.
Genocide against a nation's people is grounds for an intervention, no matter how much you cry "sovereignty".
No, it is not.
Let say I have 1 billion people and you have 100 million people and is sitting right on top of a gold mine that I want.
You did something wrong.
I decide to 'intervene'...taking over your nation to free your people, by killing people, bombing hunderds of cities, and taking over territory.
Now, it is known that you did something wrong, it is undeniable.
Does that make my techinque right then? Does it means that because you did something wrong, I can do something wrong.
If you do genocide, does that mean I can do genocide to stop your genocide.
I don't think so.
This is why the UN exists. We exist to stop this sort of chaos, to bring peace and justice.
Plus, it could be that reports of genocides may be grossly extragerrted and wrong. News medias may play up stuff like that, and the killings, while wrong, may be minor. I'm not saying it happened in this instance, but it can happen. Going to war over a false rumor may be bad indeed.
The N Y C peacekeeping force commander spoke briskly to his radio. "It seems the Neomans might attack. We don't have any meanigful weaponry, so I suggest you keep the forces on standby until they calm down...or slaughter everyone on this beach."
No, it is not.
Let say I have 1 billion people and you have 100 million people and is sitting right on top of a gold mine that I want.
You did something wrong.
I decide to 'intervene'...taking over your nation to free your people, by killing people, bombing hunderds of cities, and taking over territory.
Now, it is known that you did something wrong, it is undeniable.
Does that make my techinque right then? Does it means that because you did something wrong, I can do something wrong.
If you do genocide, does that mean I can do genocide to stop your genocide.
I don't think so.
This is why the UN exists. We exist to stop this sort of chaos, to bring peace and justice.
Plus, it could be that reports of genocides may be grossly extragerrted and wrong. News medias may play up stuff like that, and the killings, while wrong, may be minor. I'm not saying it happened in this instance, but it can happen. Going to war over a false rumor may be bad indeed.
Velkyan military doctrine strongly prohibits the attacking of civilians in a operation, and it calls for quick, sugerical strikes on enemy positions and installations. Do you really think we would commit forces if we didn't have evidence of the genocide outside of news reports? At any rate, Velkya has only commited a single air sqaudron to the operation, and they are based on a Willink carrier.
And to top it off, if we were gunning for resources, we would have said that.
Assatru soldiers, wearing blue berets or helmets hoped this crisis was avoided but some of them every once in a while went to their belt to grab their gun in case anything happened.
General Drehen walked slowly over to the LT and sighed softly. He rubbed his forehead before speaking softly.
"I have asked to go to the Neoman side just in case I can sort out this mess. I believe we should have several soldiers near the medical tent just in case the shooting starts to protect the girl. Any suggestions on what the Neoman forces will do?"
No, it is not.
Let say I have 1 billion people and you have 100 million people and is sitting right on top of a gold mine that I want.
You did something wrong.
I decide to 'intervene'...taking over your nation to free your people, by killing people, bombing hunderds of cities, and taking over territory.
Now, it is known that you did something wrong, it is undeniable.
OOC-That is totally wrong, as the so called "invaders" are here to rescue the civilians, and have allready said that they will not bomb or attack civilians, only military targets, that are prohibiting that. God dammit the Un confuses me, as it threatens and threatens and half the time does nothing, as say you send peacekeepers to my nation. I refuse and shoot them, either you threaten me, do nothing, and leave, or you threaten me, i say i dont care, you attack, i retaliate,my allies attack you, war starts.
14-11-2005, 20:45
Foreign minister Andrus Vanderhaus wrote in a telegram to Banduria and Neoma officials;
The United Nations peacekeeping mission led by Assatru is not a danger to you in any way. There is only 2,400 soldiers who are lightly armed who are there to protect and assist civilians. The Tribunal you are worried about first has to decide if genocide was committed. And by who? They have to decide if Neoman forces committed genocide against civilians and if the coalition committed genocide against Neomans. They are impartial and Neoma and their allies can present their evidence to this tribunal and see what the ruling is. Therefore, it is only after genocide has been acknowledged as committed to have happened by either forces that they can recommend arrests. However, UN forces cannot arrest anyone that would have to be the said nation itself or another force altogether.
Official Message from Gen. Alonzo Samon, commander of the 12th Legion, Imperial Army
We apologize for these actions. From what was visible it appeared as though the 'peacekeepers' were threatening Neoma instead of protecting it from invasion. We will stand down our threat of attack. A small portion of our force will remain at Neoman harbors to assist Neoman forces if need be. However, we will seek retribution against the coalition for attacking Neoman sovereign territory, as well as any other nations that attempt to 'intervene' in Neoma. Any attempt to stop us will lead to the total destruction of your forces.
Alonzo Samon
BHIS Avenger, Monarch Class Superdreadnaught, 4th Fleet
...And the vast fleet split.
Continuing on the current course towards Neoma were a little over a hundred ships and about 60 submarines—a small naval task force bearing two divisions of the 14th Legion, along with a carrier holding 200 planes. The rest of the force changed direction, preparing to attack any nations that attempted to intervene. Target number one was Kahanistan.
N Y C had avoided destruction, at least, by joining the peacekeepers, which were no longer a threat of any kind to the Imperium. Kahanistan had not even issued a public apology for the destruction of a carrier. Velkya and other nations had promised or even sent some aid to the anti-Neoman coalition, but they had done nothing else yet, and were not considered threats.
However, even Kahanistan was not considered too much of a threat... as a low-ranking officer soon discovered.
The 2nd Lieutenant, tracking the surrounding area on his screens, watched wide-eyed as dozens, nay hundreds of huge shapes appeared on radar, many miles away but still approaching Kahanistani territory. "What are those?"
"Ships, looks like it anyway," said another lieutenant, coming over to see. "Data here..."
Information printed out on the feeds and the two lieutenants looked it over.
"They appear to come from ... The Kraven Corporation, Automagfreek, and a few other nations..."
"Kraven? I don't seem to recall the relations between them and Kahanistan being all too good at most times."
The first 2nd Lieutenant grinned. "Heheh, understatement? They're at war. Kahanistan is member of an alliance designed specifically to destroy Kraven."
"Wait. Which one is the Imperium siding with?"
"Neither, we're neutral, and would rather not enter an alliance war of such magnitude... as far as I know."
"We should probably let the High Command know about this, it could be important..."
And High Command learned. The vast fleet halted there, in the middle of the sea, as it waited for orders from the Imperium's shores. Once again, and somewhat to Banduria's dissatisfaction, the death sentence would be carried someone else. Soon, new orders would come—either advising the fleet to return home, or to continue to a new target.
Or perhaps, something else.
For what Pres. Arellios hoped was the last time, he once again worked long into the night on the Neoman issue. The peacekeepers' situation was tense, and one bad move could easily restart the war, which would draw whole groups of nations that had allied themselves with the coalition or the Neomans into conflict.
It was almost 4 in the morning when a message from the foreign minestry pinged onto his computer. It was a transcript of the Bandurian message to Assatru. He read the last two lines with great concern:
However, we will seek retribution against the coalition for attacking Neoman sovereign territory, as well as any other nations that attempt to 'intervene' in Neoma. Any attempt to stop us will lead to the total destruction of your forces.
So, it seemed the dicision to keep the N Y C forces off the coast was a wise one. They might attack Kahanistan, Willink, Velkya, N Y C and any other coalition member at any moment.
And we were so close to peace, he thought sadly, But if Banduria thinks it can overcome the fleets of several nations at once, they have another thing coming!
At the peacekeepers' camp on the beach, the commander's radio crackled: "Evacuate immidiately to the ships. The Bandurians plan to attack the coalition!"
14-11-2005, 21:15
[ooc: N Y C, I'm confused. Have you contributed your forces to the peacekeepers? If so, I'm not attacking you. Also, how many ships do you have, and what types?]
The smaller fleet and submarines approached Neoman harbors, but it approached in peace. For once. The Imperial fleet had strict orders not to attack any peacekeepers, and it didn't seem as though there were any members of the coalition left to attack Neoma. At least, the attacks appeared to have ceased.
The fleet halted 120km from Neoman waters as the reports of the N Y Cian mobilization arrived from outlying recon planes and other forces, waiting for a confirmation as it sent off a transmission to the ships.
>>> Greetings from the fleet of the Holy Imperium. If you are serving solely as peacekeepers, we will not attack you. If you are still on the coalition with intent to attack or invade Neoma, consider your hours left on this world numbered. Whom are you with? <<<
OOC: Banduria: I did contribute to the peacekeeping force on the beachhead. However, the two fleets I sent are still just off the coast, because I expected renewed violence. So, judging only by your message to Assatru, one would presume that you were planning to attack us.
I don't really know anything about naval warfare, so I don't know exactly what the make-up of my fleet would be.
We and our allies mean NO HARM to the people of Neoma, and wish only to continue our peacekeeping operations. We implore you to not draw the many nations now involved in this conflict into open war; the results could be disasterous. There are no occupying troops in Neoma, only peacekeepers with light weapons. Our only demand is a permanent halt to the genocide and the conveyence of Neoman leaders to an international court. If you attack any nation who is a member of this coalition, we will all respond likewise; don't make us do that! Don't restart this war! Millions of lives hang in the balance!
14-11-2005, 21:38
[ooc: No, we will only attack nations that are actually a threat to Neoma or the Imperium, and with your latest message you've proven that you aren't. So you're safe for now.
As for the ships...let me tell you a bit of a secret, I didn't know anything either, and I didn't really want to ask for help. I looked up everything I needed to know on Wikipedia (, however, which gave me most of my current knowledge. Or you can just ask one of the major naval RPers here for help, I'm sure many people would be glad to help you.
Could you just give me a rough estimate of how many ships you have in total, how many submarines and planes etc.?]
>>> Transmission to N Y C and peacekeeping forces:
If you mean no harm to Neoma or its sovereignty, then we will not harm you. However, if you choose to attack the Imperium for its retribution against other nations with the intent to invade or 'liberate' Neoma, we urge you to beware, as the consequences will be very grave.
We will not attack anyone who does not appear as a threat to us or Neoma, so simply take care to avoid that. <<<
>>> Heavily Encrypted Transmission to Neoma:
We have a small fleet of approximately 120 ships and 60 submarines waiting for orders, kindly inform us where the best place will be to dock and monitor possible enemy activity. <<<
Neoman Side of the DMZ
The Young General looked at his aid, "Send a squad over the DMZ full battle gear," He held a piece of paper with writing on it "Tell them to give this to these so called peacekeepers. The aid ran off and got a squad together.
The squad walked comely over the DMZ the message clutched in the Sgt. hand. The DMZ was barren nobody but them was there, no civilians, no military troops, no nothing. He looked at the invaders side, he tried not to get angry but these people defiled the holy land where he was born from. But he had a mission to do. He was almost half way across.
Transmitted from the decks of the carrier Azulias:
No member of this coalition wishes to see any Neoman except the perpetrators of the genocide interfered with. We are only here to see that the leaders who commited these awful acts are brought to justice, and that their actions won't be repeated. No invasion of Neoma will be carried out, however, N Y C stands in solidarity with the coalition. If you carry out your rediculous retribution against these nations, of whom all but one haven't participated in combat, N Y C will defend. However, there is no reason to do such a thing, if you let us do our peacekeeping mission and arrest the genocidaires we and our allies will have no issue with you. Think carefully, a war here could be extremely destructive. If you abstain, there is nothing to worry about."
OOC: Neoma, the people on the other side are PEACEKEEPERS, not soldiers. They aren't occupying anything.
14-11-2005, 21:53
>>> Very well, then. While the only nation that has attacked Neoma directly is Kahanistan—to which retribution will anyway be coming in the form of the reported attack by Kraven, Automagfreek, Axis Nova and their allies—we have no reason to attack the remainder of the coalition forces. However, our fleet will remain in Neoman waters to ensure that indeed these promises are carried out and that no invasion of Neoma results. <<<
The peacekeepers were worridly packing up their belongings when the message came that Banduria had called off its threat to everyone in the coalition except Kahanistan, whose situation was unrelated. N Y C was too embroiled to help.
However, a new development had occured. A squad was trying to cross the DMZ. From the top of the fortifications, a Lt. called out:
"Neomans, what brings you here? If you have a message, tell your superiors we must be allowed into Neoma to make sure the genocide doesn't restart and everyone is cared for. We will then immidiately bring down this wall, you will regain our beach and we will have acess to your people. These are the ceasefire terms you agreed to!"
OOC: Neoma, could you post soon? Pwetty pwetty pwease wif a cherwy on top?:)
SLI Sector
15-11-2005, 01:55
OOC-That is totally wrong, as the so called "invaders" are here to rescue the civilians, and have allready said that they will not bomb or attack civilians, only military targets, that are prohibiting that. God dammit the Un confuses me, as it threatens and threatens and half the time does nothing, as say you send peacekeepers to my nation. I refuse and shoot them, either you threaten me, do nothing, and leave, or you threaten me, i say i dont care, you attack, i retaliate,my allies attack you, war starts.
OOC: There is more to the world than: "Hey, somebody evil is there. Let go and shoot and overthrow that evil nation!"
I'm sorry if I invoke an idea that can rasie up emotions, but it seems to suit my opposition: the Iraq War.
In it, the U.S. wanted to overthrow an evil nation. Some nations believed it was evil. Those same nations were also against the idea of war, for whatever reasons. One of the arugments was that the U.S. were violating international law by invading nations it does not like...
Could you be breaking international law?
Also, just because you said your armies are not allowed to kill civilans doesn't mean that civilan calsauties won't occur. All wars have 'collateral damage', no matter how minor. Neoma can still call you to account on this 'colleteral damage' done by your bombings...and said you have committed genocide. Even if you didn't mean it.
Let stop this argument and focus on the tribunal. No matter how it rules, I shall respect its ruling.
Main Entry: geno·cide
Pronunciation: 'jen-&-"sId
Function: noun
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group —compare HOMICIDE —geno·cid·al /"jen-&-'sId-&l/ adjective
The only casualties in this war have been as a result of bombing runs against ships manned and operated by the Neoman navy. Clearly, SLI, what happened was not genocide.
BTW, tribunal members, now might be a good time to start reading the thread so you are all more informed when the trial starts.
/not your overlord;)
SLI Sector
15-11-2005, 02:04
IC; If we use the same defination, then it means that the elimantion of Non-Corrdists can also be defined as not genocide.
OOC: And, can't we let Neoma lie its way out of this one?
IC: We ask Neoma and its allies to present evidence against the charges of genocide by the Colation, to present to the tribunal, as well as charges, if any, that the Colation has committed genocide against your people.
IC; If we use the same defination, then it means that the elimantion of Non-Corrdists can also be defined as not genocide.
OOC: And, can't we let Neoma lie its way out of this one?
IC: We ask Neoma and its allies to present evidence against the charges of genocide by the Colation, to present to the tribunal, as well as charges, if any, that the Colation has committed genocide against your people.
My response ( the other thread.
15-11-2005, 09:07
The fleet commander wired a letter to the UN peacekeepers...
Kahanistan Republic Navy
The Kahanistan fleet and the approximately 4,000 survivors of the Republic Guard brigade will be withdrawn. However, we have at least one battleship aground and the flagship itself is seriously damaged, as well as one cruiser and two destroyers sunk. The surviving crews of those ships have mostly been located and we are in the process of withdrawing.
However, with hostile forces approaching Kahanistan, I am at a loss as to how we will get back. Nine damaged ships are no match for the Kraven fleet alone, let alone the Freekish forces our intelligence satellites picked up.
We request aid in locating any other survivors of the invasion force and repatriating them.
Vice Admiral Katrina Dolgova,
Kahanistan Republic Navy
The peacekeepers were worriedly packing up their belongings when the message came that Banduria had called off its threat to everyone in the coalition except Kahanistan, whose situation was unrelated. N Y C was too embroiled to help.
However, a new development had occured. A squad was trying to cross the DMZ. From the top of the fortifications, a Lt. called out:
"Neomans, what brings you here? If you have a message, tell your superiors we must be allowed into Neoma to make sure the genocide doesn't restart and everyone is cared for. We will then immidiately bring down this wall, you will regain our beach and we will have acess to your people. These are the ceasefire terms you agreed to!"
ooc: Where did i agree to any cease fire?
Ic The Squad ignored the invaders comments and still walked toward the wall when they got close, The Sgt. Bent down and picked up a brick that was left from the walls construction. He tied the message to the piece of paper and hurled it over the wall. Then the squad began to walk back to the Neomans side of the DMZ.
The message was written Neoman A form of latin, German, and English Translated it wrote
You have forced this on us. If you decide to leave you will be accoumpanied by Neoman forces and no harm will come to you.
Suddenly there was a terrible noise as two company's of tanks crews revved there engines as hard as they could.
Suddenly all the Neomans along the walls stood and Screamed as loud as they could.
A last message was blasted on the bullhorn: "Neoma, if you touch these peacekeepers and restart the genocide you will have every nation off your coast on you before you can bling. Listen to reason, you cannnot take on all off us, just stop this madness!"
And yet, doubting that the Neomans would stop acting insane, he whispered for his troops to get into the helicopters.
Notice to all nations involved
Neoma will be crossing the DMZ in a few hours, Our entire military has bee mobilized and will partake in this final offensive to push all Non-Neomans off of the coast.
Any Non Neomans that are found will be eradicated, no prisoners, no mercy.
50 million men amassed on the DMZ border as 20 million men claimed aboard there various aircraft, and 55 million men were aboard there ships that were parked in the ocean awaiting to see if the foreigners would start something they almost hoped they would.
Grand Ruler Varlen sat quietly on his throne, he had been contemplating his nuclear capabilities all day. He was almost sure that if he launched he could defend his country by the massive amounts of anti-missile defenses that surrounded the island.
OCC: I'm posting as Ataroa, not N Y C, Jolt's weird...
The peacekeepers of N Y C stared mournfully out of the windows of the transport helicopters as they darted out to sea; every attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully had failed, and soon the warmongering Neomans would retake the small scrap of beach they felt was woth fighting for even though it would be returned to them in a few weeks.
Before he left, the commander had skaken hands with the Assatru commander and said he hoped they would leave too;the Neomans would take no prisoners when they crossed the DMZ.
Back at the fleet, the soldiers wearily prepared for airial assaults and naval landings, all the while wondering about the violence, soon in coming, they had tried to avert. The only thing they took solace in was the fact that most of the world was behind them, and several nations had fleets nearby, awaiting the assualt they had recently been informed they would have to make.
At about that time, an encrypted message appeared at the recieving centers in nations around the world.
The attempt to bring peacekeepers into Neoma has failed. They have threatened to slaughter any peacekeepers left on the beach, and will doubtless start the genocide again. It is imperative now to defeat the Neoman army to let peacekeeping operation continue and to stop the genocide. We request all nations willing to help to send whatever help they can to the area: this will show other such nations once and for all that genocide WILL NOT be permitted by the world commmunity!
The attempt to bring peacekeepers into Neoma has failed. They have threatened to slaughter any peacekeepers left on the beach, and will doubtless start the genocide again. It is imperative now to defeat the Neoman army to let peacekeeping operation continue and to stop the genocide. We request all nations willing to help to send whatever help they can to the area: this will show other such nations once and for all that genocide WILL NOT be permitted by the world commmunity!
Encrypted message to N Y C
This situation has taken a turn for the worst. Along with the current task force Willink has here, the whole 3rd fleet has been mobilized and is being sent to the region, consisting of 12 carriers, 16 Super-Heavy cruisers(armed with 14 inch guns) 28 Destroyers, 18 Nuclear attack subs, and 34 Frigates and smaller vessels.
General Drehen sighed softly, the Neomans were stupid and suicidal. These peacekeepers had come in peace and they wanted to kill them for god knows what.
Writing on a piece of paper in his tent;
Neoman forces it seems you under the command or a suicidal maniac, and hopefully some soldiers see logic in peace. However, if you don't then you will be destroyed and blood will fill your cities. We have found two children, apparently escaping the massacre your forces inflicted upon them. You will never have these children as long as you are blood thirsty savages.
UN peacekeeping commander
Roman Drehen
With that he walked out of his tent. Every tent, and equipment that couldn't be taken back on the ships were boobytrapped except for the General's tent so they could read the message. Hopefully the timers would go off before Neoman forces entered, but if the booby traps inflicted casualties, Drehen was unconcerned. He got on the ship carrying the two young children, and the 2,000 peacekeepers departed from the beach.
OOC: If Neoman forces try entering tents, and taking supplies that belong to Assatru, because they have been booby trapped expect numerous casualties.
16-11-2005, 17:13
The Confederacy of Spizania deplores the action of Neoma and is deploying in sympathy with our old ally willink the third armada, which had been scheduled for deployment to our new colonies, this battlegroup consists of two Spartan Class SuperBattleCruisers, One Praetor Class Bombardment Vessel, 8 Menachem Begin Class Gun Cruisers, 8 Seydlitz Class Cruisers, 12 Manstein Class Destroyers, Three Rommel Class Battleships, 8 Ocean Class Assault Transports and one Model Class Carrier. These forces will be carrying crack units of the Confederate Army, these will help bring Neoma to jsutice, or destroy it trying.
16-11-2005, 17:44
The Imperial fleet had blockaded the harbor. The 120 ships and 60 submarines [ooc: listed below] were a mighty barrier between any invading force and Neoma; they could probably hold the harbor against a force twice as large. The Imperial Legions and land forces had already been deployed to Neoman bases and were awaiting orders; however, when news of the Spizanian and Willinkian mobilization came the fleet formed into position, prepared to defend Neoma against any oncoming assault...
As the enemy fleets approached, a message was transmitted from the Monarch-class Superdreadnaught-turned-flagship, Monolith.
>>> Greetings from the fleet of the Imperial Navy! If you come in peace, with no intent to invade or violate the sovereignty of Neoma, you will go unharmed. Otherwise, say your prayers to whatever false idol you godless heathens worship, for your hours are numbered. Make your choice, and quickly. <<<
16-11-2005, 18:15
[ooc: Forgot to add my list of ships... :headbang:
Anyway, what I've got:
1 Monarch-class Superdreadnaught
2 Nessie-class carriers
5 Demon-class battleships
22 Nightbane-class cruisers
10 Wavefire-class guided missile cruisers
45 Chaos-class destroyers
35 Severance-class frigates
40 Lernea-class SSGNs
20 Dominis-class SSBNs
210 IF-19 'Wolverine' naval fighters
110 IA-71 'Skyfire' fighter bombers
100 IF-24 'Wyvern' air superiority/strike fighters
2 divisions of the 12th Imperial Legion (50,000 Legionnaires)
90,000 Fanatics (reserve supply)
Assorted supply and hospital ships, transports etc.]
From the N Y C fleet, a wooshing sound was heard as 45 Night Diamond class bombers took off from the aircraft carriers. The N Y C government did not wish to destroy much more of Neoma, or whatever of it the government hadn't destroyed in their blood thirsty rage. Instead, they were mostly boud for "targets of opportunity"; Power plants, bridges, railroad routes, dockyards... By the time the bombers were done, it was hoped, Neoma's army would be divided and unable to move.
The Assembled Willink fleet continued to sit near Neoma. Some 26 Destroyers are currently being transfered from space union waters, were they assisted in defending against the Doomingsland attack. The fleet sat idily, while awaiting anything. A message was picked up by a Destroyer, and sent to the flagship of the area, the Super-battlecruiser WNF-Price. It was transmitted to the whole fleet. " Wow, what a crappy attempt at making fun of us. [say your prayers to whatever false idol you godless heathens worship], how nice. The fleet began to prepare a defensive formation, with the Destroyers surrounding the twelve carriers, and the Smaller ships taking up postions in the rear and around other defensive units. The radio frequency of the message (im assuming its radio) was documented, and saved for future use. A reply message was sent from a destroyer, The WNF- Boston. It simply said "No".
16-11-2005, 21:57
With the advanced detection systems on the Imperial fleet, even the most stealth actions could be easily detected, and the bombers were no exception. The Imperial Naval Airforce noted N Y C's air mobilization with the massive carrier RADARs, as well as the direction of the bombers. There was little doubt that they were headed towards Neoma, and with heavy bombers like those the likelihood of them being there to pick up peacekeepers was very low. Determined to stop the bombers before they could cause any damage, a contingent consisting of sixty of the IF-24 'Wyvern' fighters and thirty IA-71 'Skyfire' fighter bombers took off from the first carrier and rapidly ascended to 55,000 feet, approaching speeds of Mach 3. Without fighter support, the enemy bombers were doomed. As though reinforcing this, the fighters unleashed a total of 180 Striker LRAAMs—three each—at the bombers as they winged upwards into formation, preparing to destroy whatever bombers remained with long-to-medium-range AAMs. The missiles streaked like fire across the sky at Mach 4+, fast enough to avoid being destroyed by gunfire or lasers but not fast enough to make maneuverability impossible. The RADAR- and IR-guided missiles shot towards their targets like myriad arrows of flame.
16-11-2005, 22:06
The Assembled Willink fleet continued to sit near Neoma. Some 26 Destroyers are currently being transfered from space union waters, were they assisted in defending against the Doomingsland attack. The fleet sat idily, while awaiting anything. A message was picked up by a Destroyer, and sent to the flagship of the area, the Super-battlecruiser WNF-Price. It was transmitted to the whole fleet. " Wow, what a crappy attempt at making fun of us. [say your prayers to whatever false idol you godless heathens worship], how nice. The fleet began to prepare a defensive formation, with the Destroyers surrounding the twelve carriers, and the Smaller ships taking up postions in the rear and around other defensive units. The radio frequency of the message (im assuming its radio) was documented, and saved for future use. A reply message was sent from a destroyer, The WNF- Boston. It simply said "No".
The message in conjunction with the defensive formation of the Willink fleet prompted the Imperial answer of forming up into a diamond position, the Superdreadnaught and Carriers in the center, surrounded by cruisers, frigates, and destroyers.
A final transmission was sent from an unidentified vessel to the fleet.
>>> You had your chance to escape. A pity you didn't take it. Fools. <<<
The forty Lernea-class SSGNs readied their guided torpedoes. These torpedoes were of special Bandurian make, frequently used with great effect against enemy fleets. Once fired, they would travel along the seafloor—out of most SONAR range—until they reached their targets. Then the missiles would pivot and an auxiliary engine would kick in, propelling them upwards into the belly of their target. With top speeds of 2600 mi/h, they could bring destruction swiftly...
Each one fired three such torpedoes, a total of 120. They traveled along the seafloor towards their targets. Thirty-six were destined for the submarines. Another 36, for carriers. The final 48 were aimed at the cruisers. The destruction would not be traced back to the Imperial fleet, seeming to have erupted out of the middle of the sea...
And each submarine still carried twenty-one more such torpedoes...
OCC: Shoot, I forgot to add fighters!
IC: The N Y C fighter jets, small enough to fool most observers at a radar screen, circled around the bombers. Anti-missile systems stood at the ready, as apprehensive pilots swiveled in their chairs. A few seconds later, alarms flashed as the projectiles were detected spinning through the air. The anti-missile missiles fired from the N Y C fighters. In a few heartpounding seconds, they would know wether or not the mission could make it.
16-11-2005, 22:10
The speed of the missiles was so great that even anti-missile missiles took little toll, and with four missiles per bomber, destruction was assured. A few missiles were knocked out of the sky and spiraled downwards in columns of flame towards the sea, but the vast majority kept on moving, mere seconds separating them from their targets now.
The bombers moved rapidly to get out of the way, but not enough. 17 bombers exploded into balls of searing flame, their crews screaming as thet were roasted alive. With a grim, calculating mind, it was noticed by the other airmen that the debris were falling right into the center of the city they were flying over. There would, they thought, be fires raging soon... Having just over half the force left, they angled to continue on to their targets. They wouldn't be defeated that easily.
16-11-2005, 22:30
The Argentine class Galleon Repulse and its escorts detached themselves from the 1st Fleet off VSI and raced at flank speed for Neoma
MEan whiel several thousand miles ahead the 3rd Battlegroup advanced at full speed in a defensive posture, a full half of the fleets fighters in the air, SAM crews on 2 hour rotations and missiles already armed and in the tubes, they were an estimated 8 hours from misslie range.
This was about to get very hot, very quickly.
OOC- I developed this quite a while ago(2 Rl months), not a on the spot godmod-like idea.
Willink Deep water Unmanned sonar systems scanned most of the ocean surrounding the willink fleet. After they would pick up a signature, they would release a massive underwater net, which was interlinked between each system. (the whole thing it dropped off from a Transport vessel, and surrounds the fleet while sitting from torpedeo attacks and enemy subs.)
At each intersection of the net was a large underwater disrupting system, which would unlease an underwater radar jamming pulse, an underwater Sonar jamming pulse, and a system would finally explode with the force of several depth charges when an unpaportianal disturbance to the surrounding water is detected. An Automatic message was sent from the lead System to all ships within the fleet defense postion, and the ships were ordered to turn to the north and mantain a slow speed to stay within the the net, but to avoid any incoming torpedoes.
16-11-2005, 22:37
[ooc: By the way, I should have explained, these are proximity warheads, so if the planes are flying in close formation the missiles will destroy more than just one each. Otherwise, your losses stand.]
The next phase of attack began swiftly. Most of the bombers had escaped unscathed, and fighters had been detected on RADAR accompanying them. The IF-24s were about to show their fearsome power now, however. Targeting every single bomber remaining, they launched volleys of Firestars, small bulletlike projectiles of alloyed tungsten, diamond, vanadium, and other metals. Fired at hypersonic speeds, they were hard enough to break through and disable anything, and were guided as well with RADAR implants. Many were targeted on the fuselage, to explode the plane; more on the wings to disable it. Volleys of 20 Firestars per fighter were fired, aimed straight on the enemy planes.
Besides this, the planes had now reached range to cut the enemy planes to pieces with MRAAMs. Volleys of 6 missiles per plane streaked across the sky—540 in all—targeting all of the planes, and shooting across the sky at Mach 7+, propelled by RAMjet engines. The Imperial air force was turning up the heat now. Not a single N Y C plane would escape this alive.
16-11-2005, 22:49
Just above the seafloor, the torpedoes began feeling the pressure of the RADAR and SONAR jamming as the net swept over them. Some were thrown off course, but most continued towards their targets.
However—more importantly—the Bandurian submarines had fired a small amount of torpedoes ahead of the "real" first volley. Perhaps deliberately, perhaps by a communication error... perhaps simply following the old adage of seeing what happens to the first man before you throw the rest of them out. The volley of torpedoes just disintegrated, but as it did so it destroyed the vast majority of the charges, while creating an explosion that would mask what followed.
Exactly twice the initial number of torpedoes was released from the SSGNs hard on the heels of the first volley, under thirty seconds later. This time it was 72 for the submarines, 72 for the carriers, and 96 for the cruisers...and with the net gone, there was little chance of resistance or hope for the Willikian fleet.
[ooc: Do I understand the system correctly here?]
Mostly, but the whole system dosnt explode at once, only one intersection, which breaks it off from the rest of then net and floats upward.
OOC: Maybe it's just me being ignorant, but a lot of what you are using sounds sort of farfetched Banduria.
IC: The bombers were well spaced out, but this was one hard to avoid assault. More N Y C planes were joining them from other ships, the situation was tense. Thinking quickly, the wing leader ordered everyone to climb. Even supersonic missiles were bound by the laws of gravity, and most fell away from the rising aircraft, although two did fail and was blown to bits.
"It's working,thought the wing commander, This chase is leading them right under our antiaircraft guns. The time to pull away was approaching, and when they did, the overconfidant Bandurians would be torn to bits. As for those that weren't, well, there were some new supersonic fighters begging to be tested...
Far, far below, beneath the waves, 55 Hydra class remote subs were gliding through undersea canyons, their hulls packed filled with explosives. A homage to the suicidal subs that had liberated the port of Isla del Bosque Grande from the Bubenic fleet a few years ago, these tiny things had enough punch to blast a hole in the most armored of ships. Just a few more minutes, and the Bandurian fleet would cast a shadow down to the depths, shading darkly the stealthy craft.
16-11-2005, 22:59
Mostly, but the whole system dosnt explode at once, only one intersection, which breaks it off from the rest of then net and floats upward.
Ah, that was what I was wondering about. Edited.
16-11-2005, 23:05
OOC: Maybe it's just me being ignorant, but a lot of what you are using sounds sort of farfetched Banduria.
[ooc: It's not all that farfetched. Besides, from the height that we're firing these things—and their RADAR and IR guidance—they'd basically just follow your planes unless you went above about 80,000 feet or managed to get more than 40 miles away from the Bandurian air forces within a few minutes, and there are few bombers I know of that can do that. Especially considering that these are hypersonic missiles (Mach 5+, or 3800 mi/h and faster) which will reach your planes in what appears like no time whatsoever...]
The sixty SSNs noted the presence of foreign submarines after firing their second volley after the Willikian fleet. Not wanting to take any chances, they fired more torpedoes towards the submarines, 110 in total, aimed at destroying them utterly and whatever crews were in them.
It was enough that they weren't Neoman or other friendly forces; the Imperium was a bit paranoid that way.
More and more N Y C planes fel out of the sky. The advanced force, it seemed, had little time left to act. In the last few minutes they had, the bomb laden aircraft dived for the center of the city they were flying over. One thing was assured, they'd go out with a bang.
Every sub was in place know, forming a vast circle around BAndurian naval forces. 5..4..3..2..1..
16-11-2005, 23:21
Determined not to let the last N Y C plane cause destruction, rather than firing missiles a few IF-24s in the lead—mainly those that had already been hit—packed with explosives, shot forwards at their top speeds on a desperate kamikaze mission, descending and then dropping sharply towards the last bombers. Their fuselage began to burn as they passed Mach 4. The explosions, when they crashed into the bombers, were tremendous, lighting up the sky in brilliant flashes of yellow and orange. But they could not hit everything.....
16-11-2005, 23:24
More and more N Y C planes fel out of the sky. The advanced force, it seemed, had little time left to act. In the last few minutes they had, the bomb laden aircraft dived for the center of the city they were flying over. One thing was assured, they'd go out with a bang.
Every sub was in place know, forming a vast circle around BAndurian naval forces. 5..4..3..2..1..
The sixty SSNs noted the presence of foreign submarines after firing their second volley after the Willikian fleet. Not wanting to take any chances, they fired more torpedoes towards the submarines, 110 in total, aimed at destroying them utterly and whatever crews were in them.
It was enough that they weren't Neoman or other friendly forces; the Imperium was a bit paranoid that way.
Did you miss that? My own subs have gathered your presence and are firing at you...
From the lead SDN, the Admiral radioed frantically for backup forces, as soon as possible. The vast naval fleet stationed outside Bandurian waters, designed solely for this purpose—reinforced and now consisting of upwards of 600 combat ships and 400 submarines, four Superdreadnaughts, six carriers, plus four legions of the Imperial Army—began moving towards Neoma at more than 27 knots. It would reach Neoman waters within 6-8 hours. Meanwhile, the small fleet and their air forces were to hold all combat until reinforcements arrived.
And so 10 planes, lit up with a light not seen naturally before or since, crashed firmly in the center of the Neoman city. Who knew what damage they might have caused. From a vantage point, someone would have seen many a city block aflame.
16-11-2005, 23:29
As reports of N Y C's destruction of part of a Neoman city came in, the Admiral groaned.
"Damn it, our interceptors weren't working. They'll pay for this in blood..."
He then began to issue orders. Cruise missiles fitted with conventional warheads, hundreds of them, were fired from the SDN and the battleships; in addition, the 24" and 21" guns on the Monolith began a barrage of shells towards the N Y C fleets. The destroyers too began launching missiles and firing their guns, as did the missile frigates. Every single ship in N Y C's fleets was targeted with at least four missiles, not to mention the shells... The battle was on at last...
Did you miss that? My own subs have gathered your presence and are firing at you...
OOC- Exaclty were the hell are your subs, my fleet is some 50 nautical km from his, which is still 160km from the coast.
New Sans
16-11-2005, 23:31
Official Government Release
It has come to our attention that violence is occurring off the coast of Neoma. The fact that a tribunal was created to see if there was even a reason for military intervention, and then the blatant disregard of the tribunal in the mobilization of forces against Neoma is an insult to our nation and every other nation of this tribunal. We ask that at least until the tribunal is completed that military action against the nation of Neoma is halted.
High Councilman Mĕane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
My LMF-3 Sqaudron is at your command, Willink, send them where you need them.
16-11-2005, 23:35
OOC- Exaclty were the hell are your subs, my fleet is some 50 nautical km from his, which is still 160km from the coast.
My subs are near my fleet, which is about 70 km off the Neoman coast, forming a blockade against you people.... the torpedoes they're firing are long range ones, with more than 600 km range... I think we're fine there.
"May I remind you,"the N Y C representative said coldly over the phone to a diplomat in New Sans, "That the Neomans almost KILLED 5000 peacekeepers? Furthermore, they refused to stop the genocide. We will temporarily halt all operations if every other nation does the same. Good luck convincing Neoma and Banduria to do the same!"
16-11-2005, 23:36
Official Government Release
It has come to our attention that violence is occurring off the coast of Neoma. The fact that a tribunal was created to see if there was even a reason for military intervention, and then the blatant disregard of the tribunal in the mobilization of forces against Neoma is an insult to our nation and every other nation of this tribunal. We ask that at least until the tribunal is completed that military action against the nation of Neoma is halted.
High Councilman M?ane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
There is no military action being taken against Neoma. Action has been taken against a Bandurian fleet sent to defend Neoma from any nations that might seek to take action against it.
Lord Antor Sampetra
Supreme Commander and Field Marshal of the Imperial Armed Forces
New Sans
16-11-2005, 23:46
There is no military action being taken against Neoma. Action has been taken against a Bandurian fleet sent to defend Neoma from any nations that might seek to take action against it.
Lord Antor Sampetra
Supreme Commander and Field Marshal of the Imperial Armed Forces
None the less an action against one of our allies would be treated as an action against us, and we view this situation the same way.
High Councilman Mĕane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
New Sans
16-11-2005, 23:52
"May I remind you,"the N Y C representative said coldly over the phone to a diplomat in New Sans, "That the Neomans almost KILLED 5000 peacekeepers? Furthermore, they refused to stop the genocide. We will temporarily halt all operations if every other nation does the same. Good luck convincing Neoma and Banduria to do the same!"
Did you secure agreement of Neoma to deploy those peacekeepers there? Because otherwise what did you expect when you are going to deploy foreign TROOPS into a nation without it's consent. If you present no reason to be attacked we are sure that Neoma and Banduria would be sensible enough not to attack you.
High Councilman Mĕane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
17-11-2005, 00:23
None the less an action against one of our allies would be treated as an action against us, and we view this situation the same way.
High Councilman M?ane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
We will try to convince N Y C and Willink to end this mobilization against Neoma, but as they have sent—according to the latest reports—bombers and submarines to attack the Imperial fleet, as well as mobilizing more forces, we have little hope of peace as a final outcome.
Lord Antor Sampetra
Supreme Commander and Field Marshal of the Imperial Armed Forces
17-11-2005, 00:26
Did you secure agreement of Neoma to deploy those peacekeepers there? Because otherwise what did you expect when you are going to deploy foreign TROOPS into a nation without it's consent. If you present no reason to be attacked we are sure that Neoma and Banduria would be sensible enough not to attack you.
High Councilman M?ane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
Exactly. As the nation of N Y C sent out bombers believed to be for the purpose of attacking and destroying strategic locations within Neoma, which would be an act of terrorism and not of peacekeeping, we were forced to neutralize hostile forces. We are here solely to defend our allies.
Lord Antor Sampetra
Supreme Commander and Field Marshal of the Imperial Armed Forces
SLI Sector
17-11-2005, 04:11
Official Government Release
It has come to our attention that violence is occurring off the coast of Neoma. The fact that a tribunal was created to see if there was even a reason for military intervention, and then the blatant disregard of the tribunal in the mobilization of forces against Neoma is an insult to our nation and every other nation of this tribunal. We ask that at least until the tribunal is completed that military action against the nation of Neoma is halted.
High Councilman Mĕane
The People’s Republic of New Sans
We support High Councilman Mĕane's statement.
However, we express a private fear that the war between both forces will contiune. We hope this does not happen.
18-11-2005, 18:54
"Sir we are in missile range,"
"Signal ThreeTac, come ot combat stations, slow to one half, missile launchrs to begin snap count, set at stage 3"
"All Hands battle stations"
The fleet slowed and rearranged itself, its ADV pickets formed into a screen and fighters were launched from the carriers
2000 miles behgind the Repulse raced on all engines its escort strugling to keep.
18-11-2005, 19:02
"Sir, RADAR reports show fighters inbound..."
"Damn!" The admiral swore heavily. "Distance?"
"Within missile range."
"Ready all SAM batteries and concentrate our main barrage on the N Y C fleet."
"Yes, sir."
More missiles and 24" and 27" shells rained down on the N Y C fleet as SAM turrets aboard the Monolith and the other ships powered up, along with flak and AAA cannons, aiming to destroy the planes long before they got in range to harm the Imperial or Neoman possessions.
OOC: Banduria, I said I was GROUNDING my forces... I'm not flying any planes.
18-11-2005, 22:39
[I'm not talking about your planes...]
18-11-2005, 22:53
OOC: I assume hes seeing my aircraft
oh...BTW, I can't post again till Mon...
"Sir we are in missile range,"
"Signal ThreeTac, come ot combat stations, slow to one half, missile launchrs to begin snap count, set at stage 3"
"All Hands battle stations"
The fleet slowed and rearranged itself, its ADV pickets formed into a screen and fighters were launched from the carriers
2000 miles behgind the Repulse raced on all engines its escort strugling to keep.
Air raid sirens went off all around the coast as the Spizania fighters came close and closer.
The massive amounts of SAM sites began to power up and began targeting the Spizania fighters.
"Sir we are ready to fire on your command." The major sighed a little "No not yet, lets see if they decide to attack if they do, i want those planes in flames."
19-11-2005, 15:02
"Sir, we are being painted ofr SAM fire!"
"This is Raven Leader, Glorious we are being targeted, request instructions"
"Raven Lead, maintain course and speed for the moment, try and locate the SAM sites and patch the data through to the Praetor"
19-11-2005, 16:14
On board the Monolith
The deck of the vast Super Dreadnaught was a hive of activity. SAM and AA turrets were powering up everywhere as missiles and more and more 24" and 27" shells were launched towards the N Y C fleet in a near-constant barrage. With some hope the enemy fleet would be wiped out by the time the Willinkian and Spizanian ships and planes arrived, warning them of the fate to befall them if they attacked as well....
The admiral in charge radioed to the rest of the Imperial fleet, approaching now from the south. Still five hours away. He shook his head in disgust and prepared to launch the next barrage of shells at the enemy fleet.
"Sir, we are being painted ofr SAM fire!"
"This is Raven Leader, Glorious we are being targeted, request instructions"
"Raven Lead, maintain course and speed for the moment, try and locate the SAM sites and patch the data through to the Praetor"
"SCRAMBLE ALL JETS, SCRAMBLE ALL JETS!" The message repeated over and over again. All over the Air base pilots ran to there jets.
The alert fighters took off, 30 total but another 200 would come as back up.
The jets formed up in the typical wing formation, and hit there afterburners, and sped to intercept the Spizania fighters.
19-11-2005, 20:13
"This Raven Lead, we have 30 plus fighters airbourne, more taking off, request back up"
Teh Glorious carrier spaces had been crammed with twice the usual operational number fighters, (It was carrying 200 fighters before Raven Wing took off) all of which shot off the catapults one after another, joining the Ravens in the air, 200 Lu-45s turned and faced the enemy.
"This is Raven Lead to unidentified aircraft, identify yourself or we will open fire"
The Admiral turned to the Captain of the Praetor, Flagship of the third fleet, "Go to stage two on the snap count"
ooc: I'm still guessing your trying to find my SAM sites
"We are the Neoman Alert fighters, You are entering Neoman air space, Turn back now and we will not be forced to attack, if you do not, we will shoot you down"
To show that he meant business the lead pilot flicked on his tracking radar.
19-11-2005, 20:55
The tracking radar alarm went off in the Cockpit of Raven 8, a rookie, she called for help and recieved it when, the 11 other members of Raven squadron activated thier tracking RADARs and targetted the plane that had targetted her
"Neoman aircraft, we also mean business, if you expect us to blink, you just made your biggest and possibly last mistake"
Random Kingdom
19-11-2005, 21:06
Cornia J. Eyrie
Re: "All Non-Coordists Eradicated in Neoma"
Termina 21, 2112
Whilst we as a nation have no reason to enter this conflict of faiths, the nation of Neoma has violated the RK BRODP by denying its citizens freedom of religion, and by entering conflict without just reason, so trade has been outlawed. All now stagnant cargoes, and some aid, will be gradually rerouted to the nations fighting against Neoma.
Aztor III
I second this notice and add that this decision was carried out by the public of Random Kingdom, and not just the Representatives, as enforced by constitution.
"FIRE!" The Lead pilot screamed, He launched a missile and a burst from his 50cal. and pulled the stick up hard trying to gain some altitude. the other 29 planes launched missles then they broke from formation and assumed there dogfighting positions.
19-11-2005, 21:40
"INBOUND MISSILES!" screamed Raven Two
"This is Raven Eight, mass firing!, Ejecting!" she screamed as he plane launched all her missiles and ejected just seconds before her Hak was blow from the sky by no less than four of the inbound missiles, the other Twenty sx inflicted fifteen more kills among the two hundred aircraft, only one pillot was lost. The remaining 11 members of Raven Squadron fired two individally targetted missiles each, when added to the twelve fired by Raven 8 resulted in a wave of 34 AMRAAMs headed at the 30 Fighters of the Neoman Vanguard
"Teh Fighters have been fired upon!" shouted ht efighter controller
"Alll batteries go to stage one! Do we have the locations of the airfields from which the strike was launched?"
"Yes Sir"
"Fifty Cruise missiles at the buildings on each base, wipe them out!"
"Call the Repulse, tell her we need her NOW!, Prep the Falcons on the Oceans!"
Launchers on the fleets ships launched the required missiles, as the Crews on hte Ocean Class Assault Transports readied each ships commpliment of 25 VTOL fighters
SLI Sector
19-11-2005, 21:40
Cornia J. Eyrie
Re: "All Non-Coordists Eradicated in Neoma"
Termina 21, 2112
Whilst we as a nation have no reason to enter this conflict of faiths, the nation of Neoma has violated the RK BRODP by denying its citizens freedom of religion, and by entering conflict without just reason, so trade has been outlawed. All now stagnant cargoes, and some aid, will be gradually rerouted to the nations fighting against Neoma.
Note that there is no confirmation that Neoma actually did the crime he was accused of. There is a war trial going on that will decide if Neoma did the crime. Until then, SLI Sector asks for all people involved in the war to stop fighting, and wait until the verdict of the Special Military Tribunal is sent.
19-11-2005, 21:52
"Enemy fighters inbound, change course by six..."
The IF-24s and IA-71s in the air turned towards the Spizanian fighters as the Neoman missiles streaked across the sky, adding their own barrage. The 50 or so IF-24s remaining fired a total of 200 MRAAMs targeted across the wave of enemy fighters. Maintaining lock, they fired, and then with stealth and countermeasures readied winged off from formation, disappearing from enemy RADAR, LADAR, and LIDAR screens.
The IA-71s were differently tasked. As the cruise missiles sped towards SAM sites, they dropped a wave of their own missiles, specifically designed for anti-missile work, 2 targeted on each incoming missile. The missiles dropped from the clouds and sped towards the cruise missiles at hypersonic speeds, aiming to eliminate them before they could do any damage....
19-11-2005, 21:57
Confederate Aircraft have been fired upon, the Confederacy is at war, if you wish the hostilities ot end, force Neoma to deliver a full apology.
About ahlf of the cruise missiles to each site were destroyed, however that left 25 missiles per Airfield.
48 More Lu-45s fell to the Bandurian barrage, they massed fired their msisiles, sending 480 AMRAAMs at the offending Bandurian fighters.
OOC: With the kind of RADAR i have on my ships, which should still be in range, you aint going to be able to hide.
"INBOUND MISSILES!" screamed Raven Two
"This is Raven Eight, mass firing!, Ejecting!" she screamed as he plane launched all her missiles and ejected just seconds before her Hak was blow from the sky by no less than four of the inbound missiles, the other Twenty sx inflicted fifteen more kills among the two hundred aircraft, only one pillot was lost. The remaining 11 members of Raven Squadron fired two individally targetted missiles each, when added to the twelve fired by Raven 8 resulted in a wave of 34 AMRAAMs headed at the 30 Fighters of the Neoman Vanguard
"Teh Fighters have been fired upon!" shouted ht efighter controller
"Alll batteries go to stage one! Do we have the locations of the airfields from which the strike was launched?"
"Yes Sir"
"Fifty Cruise missiles at the buildings on each base, wipe them out!"
"Call the Repulse, tell her we need her NOW!, Prep the Falcons on the Oceans!"
Launchers on the fleets ships launched the required missiles, as the Crews on hte Ocean Class Assault Transports readied each ships commpliment of 25 VTOL fighters
Alert Fighters
"Launch counter measures!" The Lead pilot Yelled as he broke off and climed as his flares erupted in a super bright flash of heat.
But even though the counter measures were fired 10 of his men went down, only 1 died.
The lead pilot was joined by the rest of the Alert fighters, they climed to about 2000 feet and dived upon the enemy, They locked on and fired another set of missiles.
Main fighter group
From there cockpits, they could see the alert fighters dive and fire their missiles, "Alright lets help them!' The pilots locked on and fired.
"Okay Fire the SAMs, targets are the cruse missiles, take them down!"
All the near by SAM sites that could hit the crusemissles launched. Over 292 missiles now sped toward the Cruse missiles.
19-11-2005, 22:37
48 More Lu-45s fell to the Bandurian barrage, they massed fired their msisiles, sending 480 AMRAAMs at the offending Bandurian fighters.
"Missiles inbound, do you copy?"
"Copied, prepare evasive maneuvers and countermeasures."
As the missiles flew in, the IA-71s launched more anti-missile missiles at the incoming AAMs. Next, lasers activated, destroying dozens of missiles as 30mm and 40mm cannons atop the IF-24s fired wildly into the oncoming tide. The planes also threw out chaff and flares. Nonetheless, some of the missiles still hit, bringing down 17 IF-24s and 6 IA-71s.
However, the Imperial fighters decided to perform another little maneuver. Switching on active radar cancellation, they vanished from enemy RADAR screens and began diving downwards, as though hit. To the enemy, it would appear as though they had been hit and were going down. All of the fighters did this, swinging low towards the ground, where they were joined by more IF-19s launched from the carriers. Keeping low with all stealth and cloaking measures activated, they made their way towards the formation of Spizanian planes.
Accelerating to Mach 3, they suddenly switched off all stealth devices and sped near-vertically up more than 60,000 feet, loosing a hail of AAMs at the formation at right angles as they flew straight up. They finally slowed down high in the air, leveling out and awaiting the enemy's next move...
19-11-2005, 23:26
OOC: Neoma i need ot know how many airfield there were to be launched from
The volley of AAMs had little effect, the remaining fighters ahd their countermeasureas adn Lunatic arrays online, only three more Lu-45s fell, sending 30 missiles at the Bandurians
We believe that furthering of this confrontation will only get our and your pilots killed, we propose a truce without repurcussion, we would withdraw to 400km from the Neoman coast
20-11-2005, 04:12
>>> To: Spizanian, Willikian, and N Y C forces:
We will agree to this cease-fire if you and your allies stand down your attacks against Neoma. Otherwise your last hour is at hand. A much larger Imperial fleet is on the way now to Neoma and if you choose not to draw your forces back from Neoma, and remove all 'peacekeepers', you will never leave Neoman waters alive. <<<
20-11-2005, 14:31
The Spizanian fighters began to fall back as the fleet took up station jsut outside the 400km boundary, new fighters would be delivered by the routine supply convoy once in finally arrived, teh Repulse and her escort joned her there, and htere were rumours that the Carriers Liberty, Victorious and Sol Invictus and Three refurbished Iowa-Class Battleships had been detached from there respective battlegroups with there escorts and were now rushing to join up with the fleet, the Spizanian fleet hoped that the ceasefire woudl succeed but if it did not, they would give one hell of a fight.
N Y C forces retreated to the nautical border for the second time in as many weeks. It was still a tense situation, but the Neomans wouldn't dare try to restart the genocide now. They now knew what would happen. As it was, soon they would be found guilty of genocide, and then N Y C would be vindicated.
Not all was good however. Several ships were heavily damaged, and two had actually sunk. The most imperiled were sent to the nearest free port for repairs. On the ships, medical wings were brimming with sailors injured by rocket attacks. It would be a long night.
SLI Sector
21-11-2005, 01:48
N Y C forces retreated to the nautical border for the second time in as many weeks. It was still a tense situation, but the Neomans wouldn't dare try to restart the genocide now. They now knew what would happen. As it was, soon they would be found guilty of genocide, and then N Y C would be vindicated.
OOC: Speaking of getting vindicatied when/if Neoma was found guilty of genocide, you're due at that military tribunal to deliver the evidence. Please send a reprensative over there quickly.
21-11-2005, 01:48
[N Y C, just letting you know, I've been firing cruise missiles and 27" shells at your fleet since you crashed those bombers into Neoma... you can't say they all missed...]
>>> To: Spizanian, Willikian, and N Y C forces:
We will agree to this cease-fire if you and your allies stand down your attacks against Neoma. Otherwise your last hour is at hand. A much larger Imperial fleet is on the way now to Neoma and if you choose not to draw your forces back from Neoma, and remove all 'peacekeepers', you will never leave Neoman waters alive. <<<
OOC-I agree
Didnt respond to your torpedo attacks because i felt that the tech itself was a bit-far feched ,and after discussing it with several older nations, which said that it was=
A- Impossible for a torpedo to travel 600km unless it was the size of a small Bus.
B. Nearly Impossible to travel along the sea-floor, as either- 1. The pressure would crush the propeller, along with the torp, or 2. It would fall into a ridge, as the ocean is not flat, and crash.
C. The pop-up manuver would cause severe complictions on the sea-floor, relating to the fact that the pressure on the outer shell area were the change occurs would be nearly unbearable.
21-11-2005, 03:06
The enemy had retreated.
A sudden silence reigned over the Imperial fleet as workers checked to see that all were safe. In the crossfire, several ships had been damaged, but most were unharmed. The silence would be the time for the fleet to regroup and prepare for another assault.
The air forces had been less fortunate. Many planes had been damaged or destroyed during the battle, and they had retreated to the carriers, refueling and being repaired. A cease-fired had been effected, but for how long nobody knew.
The fleet waited....