NationStates Jolt Archive

Guide to NS RP Terms.

05-11-2005, 18:07
I've decided to start a open dictionary for both newbs and forgetful vets on the meaning of terms used to RP in NationStates. If you know a term that isn't on the dictionary, post in the thread and I'll add it. If you see a definition that is incorrect, please post it here and I'll correct it. I'll put a selection of words to start this off.

Now, on the dictionary!

The dictionary currently contains:
7 Player Term(s)
8 RPing Term(s)
102 Military Term(s)

Section 1: Player Terms

Newbie: A inexperienced player, who often doesn't know the rules of NationStates. Shortend to newb.

Noobie: Often a experienced player, who acts like a newbie or acts stupid for a variety of reason, such as thinking he/she is funny, annoying fellow NSers, and the like. Shortened to noob or n00b.

NSer: Short for Nationstates player.

Wanker: A player who unaccuratly RPs with his nation.

Godmodder: One who godmods. See Godmoding (RPing Terms).

Numberwanker: A player who generates numbers inconsistent with their nation's population and budget.

Puppet Wanker: One who uses multiple puppets and or his/her main nation to gain an unfair advantage in RPing.

Section 2: RP Terms

RP: Short for Role Playing. A ongoing text-based story.

MT: Short for Modern Tech. Modern tech is a tech level used in RPs that uses technology of today and the near future. Commonly, it entails technology from the 1980s to 2020. Modern Tech technolgy incudes things like supersonic aircraft, limited space flight, and no energy weapons.

PMT: Post Modern Tech. Also known as PFT (Pre-Future Tech) Post Modern Tech is a tech level used in RPs that uses technology of the semi-near future. Commonly, it entails technology from 2021 to 2060, but some estimates reach 2100. If you have ever seen animes such as Ghost in the Shell or Appleseed, you are familiar with this tech level. PMT includes things like expanded space flight, cybernetics, primitive energy weapons, primitve mechs and hypersonic aircraft.

FT: Future Tech. Future Tech is a tech level used in RPs that use technology from the far future. Commonly, there is no defined date system for FT, it is more of a case by case system. If you have seen Star Trek, Starship Troopers, or Star Wars, you are familiar with FT. FT includes FTL travel, large space-going ships, advanced mechs, the almost complete disappearence of a "wet" navy, and HEAVY use of energy weapons like plasma cannons and lasers.

Fantasy Tech - Fantasy Tech is a tech level used in RPs that use magical technology and magical races such as dwarves, elves and orcs. If you have seen Lord of the Rings or Dragonheart, you are familiar with this tech level. Examples of Fantasy Tech include mages, magical creatures, and a non-magical medieval tech level.

Godmoding: Godmoding is the use of technology not of your tech level, or to control another person's roleplaying. For instance, if someone RP's his missiles hitting your plane and destorying it, that is a godmod. If his ships suddenly appear on your shores, that is a godmod. Using a starship in a MT RP, that is a godmod.

Puppet: A nation a player makes in addition to his main nation.

Ignore: When a player refuses to acknowlege another player's RP, that is called a ignore. It is often a response to a wanker or godmodder.

Section 3: Combat Terms

Land Terms

AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle. Any armored, military vehicle capable of withstanding small arms fire and designed to operate on the battlefield as a fighting unit.

MBT: Short for Main Battle Tank. A armored vehicle used for knocking out enemy tanks and land vehicles. Usually carries a large bore gun and heavy armor.Examples include the M-1 Abrams (U.S.) and the Type 95 Tank (China).

Beachhead: A friendly controlled section of a coast or beach surrounded by enemy territory.

Blitzkreig: German for "Lightning War". A war tactic used to keep an enemy off balance by using shock-tactics and quickly gain territory.

No Man's land: The land between friendly and enemy fixed postions, such as trench lines. Often racked by artillery shells and airstrikes, as well as heavily mined.

APC: Armored Personnal Carrier. A armored vehicle, usually tracked or wheeled used for carrying soldiers into battle. Usually lightly armed.

IFV: Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Essentialy a light tank used for directly supporting infantry. Can also carry a relativly small number of troops compared to most APCs.

AAV: Amphibious Assault Vehicle. A vehicle capable of crossing both land and water.

Arty: Short for artillery. Also note that artillery is typically 105mm and larger, not 155mm and larger.

API: Armor Piercing Inciendiary. A round that can pierce enemy armor and deliver a AP charge.

DCU: Desert Combat Uniform. A uniform colored with camoflauge for desert operations.

LPC: Leather Personnel Carriers - Army slang for combat boots.

Joe: Slang for a soldier

FSO: Fire Support Officer - Army commander at Brigade or Batallion level or lower in charge of all surface fires (MLRS, artillery, mortars, CAS).

FSCOORD: Fire Support CO-ORDinator - The FSO at Division level and higher.

MRLS: Muliple Launch Rocket System. A tracked vehicle capable of firing several large artillery rockets.

HIMARS: Highly Mobile Artillery Rocket System. A new MLRS designed for transport by smaller theater support aircraft on a wheeled chassis.

Air Terms

Supersonic: Speeds above the speed of sound.

Hypersonic: Speeds above 5 times the speed of sound

AAA: Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Artillery capable of detecting and destroying hostile aircraft and missiles. Usually has a high rate of fire.

AAM: Air to Air Missile. Missile designed and created to allow an aircraft to shoot down another.

MiG: A designation for a fighter aircraft from the Russian Mikoyen-Guerovich Company.

CAS: Close Air Support. CAS is the employment of aircraft in close proxity to friendly forces and directed by a ground controller, known now as JTACs.

TacAir: TacAir refers to any air-to-ground operations to include AI, SEAD AND CAS.

SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses - actions taken to destroy, neutralize or degrade enemy air defense systems with the intent of creating a safer environment for friendly aircraft to operate in.

JTAC: Joint Terminal Attack Controller. certified member of a military that is schooled in the art of calling in air support to aid in the ground forces scheme of maneuver.

LLTR: Low Level Transit Route. Airspace used by friendly aircraft in which they are reasonably safe from friendly surface fires.

ALARM: Advanced Long-range Anti-Radiation Missile. A air-to-ground missile.

ASRAAM: Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile. A missile designed for engaging aircraft at short range.

BVRAAM: Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile. A missile designed for engaging aircraft beyond the pilots visual range.

Vampire: Call term referring to enemy missiles inbound.

Rifle: Call term indicating launch of an air-to-surface anti-armor missile, typically used with the AGM-65 Maverick.

FSINT: Foreign Signals Intelligence. Passive means of collecting information about the enemy such as knowing the location and type of RADAR being used.

ECCM: Electronic Counter-Counter Measures. Equipment or procedures used to counteract the use of ECM measures, such as frequency-hopping, counter-jamming and encryption or authentication measures.

HLZ: Helicopter Landing Zone. Area were helicopters are designated to land and take off from.

Zoomie: Slang for Air Force perosonnal.

RAVN: Regimental Aviation (US Army helicopter units). Also the name for the officer in the TOC who represents and aides in planning rotary wing aviation support of ground forces.

JFACC: Joint Force Air Component Commander: Individual with the overall command of the air forces in the AO as per the guidance of the JFC. Typically the indidiaul with the most fixed-wing assets available.

BUFF: Big Ugly Fat Fucker. Slang term for the B-52 Stratobomber.

Wild Weasel: Term referring to any aircraft used solely for the role of SEAD.

HCGS: Helicopter Gunship, a helicopter type which carries large amounts of weapons, such as cannons, "dumb" rockets, and anti-tank missiles.

Naval Terms

SSN: Nuclear submarine. This classification can be used to refer to any nuclear powered submarine, but is more commonly used to refer specifically to nuclear powered attack submarines, as missile subs have different classifications (see SSBN and SSGN).

SSBN: Nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.

SSGN: Nuclear powered guided missile submarine.

SSK: Conventionally powered submarine (diesel-electric). Like the term SSN, this can refer to any submarine using conventional diesel-electric engines, but typically refers to attack submarines because other classifications are used for missile submarines (see SSBK and SSGK).

SSBK: Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine. Very rarely used because of the limited range and inherent threat of detection associated with diesel engines.

SSGK: Diesel-electric guided missile submarine. Scarcely used because of the inherent problems with conventional engines.

SSN: Nuclear submarine. This classification can be used to refer to any nuclear powered submarine, but is more commonly used to refer specifically to nuclear powered attack submarines, as missile subs have different classifications (see SSBN and SSGN).

SSBN: Nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.

SSGN: Nuclear powered guided missile submarine.

SSK: Conventionally powered submarine (diesel-electric). Like the term SSN, this can refer to any submarine using conventional diesel-electric engines, but typically refers to attack submarines because other classifications are used for missile submarines (see SSBK and SSGK).

SSBK: Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine. Very rarely used because of the limited range and inherent threat of detection associated with diesel engines.

SSGK: Diesel-electric guided missile submarine. Scarcely used because of the inherent problems with conventional engines.

SSCBN: Nuclear Powered Carrier Ballistic Missile Submarine. A large submarine capable of firing ballistic missiles and launching VTOL aircraft. Used in the console game Ace Combat 5: Unsung War as a launching site for massive plasma discharge missiles.

Naval Suffixes:

N Suffix - Nuclear Powered
S Suffix - Anti Submarine
M Suffix - Minehunting/laying
E Suffix - Escort
G Suffix - Guided Missiles
B Suffix - Carries ballistic missiles
L Suffix - Light
A Suffix - Assault

Vessel Abbreviations:

CV - Aircraft Carrier, carries aircraft which are used to defend the fleet and strike enemies.
BB - Battleship, carries large bore guns used for engaging enemy positions and ships.
CA - Heavy cruiser, used as a smaller battleship
CL - Light cruiser, used as a large destroyer
DD - Destroyer, used for ASW
FF - Frigate, used for ASW and AA work
AOR - Fleet Replenishment, used for resupplying ships.
AO - Fleet Oiler, used for refueling oil-powered ships.

CBG: Carrier Battle Group, a small fleet usually headed by an Aircraft Carrier and usually centered around said vessel as well.

Space Terms

Ortillery: Orbital artillery. Ortillery is a cannon or missile launcher placed in geo-sync orbit to allow bombardment of the ground. Including but not limited to GodRod cannons, ballistic missiles launchers, and nuclear silos placed in orbit.

ASAT: Anti-Sattlelite. Weapon used to knock a sattlelite out of orbit. Included but no limited to ASAT missiles and ground based lasers.

Godrod: A nickname for a steel, tungsten, titanium, or other material rod that is launched from a orbiting cannon to a ground target, usually a fixed installation. Notoriously inaccurate due to lack of guidance systems, but powerful if a hit is scored on a target.

SSD: Short for Super Star Destroyer, a large FT spaceship hailing from the Star Wars universe, generally around 20 kilometers long with large weapon arrays and fighter bays

General Terms

Missile Spam: Releasing a insane amount of missiles or comperable weapons at a enemy target. Firing 1,000 cruise missiles at a small destroyer is an example of missile spam.

WMB: A nuclear, chemical or biological weapon.

AMW: Ampihous Warfare OR AntiMissile Warfare OR Air Mobility Wing.

1. A type of attack in which one army attacks a defended beach with armed troops.
2. Warfare conducted against missiles. Examples include the Phalanx system and space-based anti-missile lasers.
3. A wing of the airforce used for moving troops rapidly.

APW: Antipersonnal warfare. Warfare conducted against enemy personnal (soldiers). Too wide a range of example to list here.

Logistics: The process of supplying your army. Usually more than 3/4 of the manpower of a nation's army is tasked with logistics and other non-combat tasks.

LADAR: LAser Detection and Ranging. A detection method using a host of high intensity lasers to act as rangefinders.

LIDAR: LIght Detection and Ranging. A detection method using high intensity lasers, low intensity lasers, and electromagnetic light waves to act as rangefinders or spedometers.

RADAR: RAdio Detection and Ranging. Using light waves within the radio wave amplitude in order to detect objects above the surface of the Earth, and calculate range, velocity and other factors.

SONAR: SOund Navigation and Ranging. A subsurface, specifically submarine, form of detection using single sound waves in order to detect objects under the surface of the water.

IR: Infrared. Using heat in order to recognize potential targets. Most MBTs use IR rangefinders for more accurate engagement.

DF : Direction Finding:
1. a signal emitted by a system to help others locate the source or receive a time-hack.
2. the act of locating a specific emitter based upon triangulation of the energy put out.

SNAFU: Situation Normal All Fucked Up. Slang term used to indicate a poor situation.

ATPHICA: Assume The Position, Here It Comes Again. Slang term used to denote the onset of something very unpleasant.

JFC: Joint Force COmmander. Individual in highest overall command of the battle for that particular area of operations (AO). Typically the individual with the most ground forces available.

Salad Bowl: Slang term for the ribbon rack adorning the chest of soldiers in their formal uniforms.

CQ: Charge of Quarters. Typically the watch desk at a unit where there is 24hr manning

1. A single set of soldiers who exit a vehicle in a cohesive force. ie:
2. A single group of paratroopers exiting from one door.

Chalk: See Stick (2)

Sticks: Slang term used for heavily wooded area.

EDRE: Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise. Typically an exercise to test the responsiveness of quick reaction forces such as paratroop or air assault units.

GTL: Gun to Target Line. the heading used by artillery or naval gunfire crew to their target area, given in degrees instead of mils to ground and air forces to aid in deconfliction

Max Ordinance Maximum Ordnance: Term used to refer to the highest altitude an artillery or naval gunfire round will reach during its trajectory.

1. Highest hullborne platform on a ship.
2. Altitude of local cloud cover.

VLS: Vertical Launch System, system where a missile is launched at a 90 degree or near-90 degree angle.

End of guide.

Thank you for using the NS Term's dictionary. We hope you found what you were looking for. If not, check back later, we have have just what you need!


Special thanks to:

The Helghan Empire
The Fallen Races
New Crystal Isles
Space Union
Red Tide2
The Macabees

HCGS= Helicopter Gunship
The Fallen Races
05-11-2005, 18:15
New word!

Numberwanker: Someone who generates numbers inconsistent with their nation. (I've been accused of this before.)
05-11-2005, 18:59
Added. Thanks, TFR.
The Ctan
05-11-2005, 19:04
Modern tech is modern. It doesn't extend to 2020 or any such sillyness.
The Helghan Empire
05-11-2005, 19:14
Puppet Wanker - One who uses more than two nations - created by them - to use as puppets for RPing.

I've been accused too many times whenever a nation with Helghast or Helghan in them. Helghastnam, South Helghan, and even my friend OutpostCommand. I'm sick of it!
Remember other nations: I DON'T Puppet Wank!
05-11-2005, 19:38
Thanks, Puppent Wanker added.

The Ctan, most players agree MT ends at the 2020 tech level.
New Crystal Isles
05-11-2005, 19:48
what about the "Closed" and "open" things? (I'm sure they're to do with invite only/free for all or something like that -- but maybe it would be a good idea to include them)

And what about "AMW, "APW"? what is that?
Space Union
05-11-2005, 19:50
Newbie - Someone that is new to the forums and NS Rping but willing to learn.

N00b - Someone that blantanly godmods and doesn't follow the rules while using smilies like :mp5: :sniper: in IC posts.

Those two need fixing.
05-11-2005, 20:14
Puppet Wanker - One who uses more than two nations - created by them - to use as puppets for RPing.Puppet wanking needs a more precise definition.

Used for RP can mean a lot of things. It should specify that the person who does it does so in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage against another player (eg, I RP with one of my smaller puppets and someone with a larger country threatens me, then I use Sarzonia to threaten THEM and try to RP with both at the same time. That's an example of puppet wanking.)

I have another puppet I've used for RP, but I've tried to establish them as being separate from each other, even going so far as to have one of the puppet's characters refer to Sarzonia as a "nation of faggots" to add emphasis to the fact those countries are only linked by the fact they're run by the same player.

On another note, isn't there already a dictionary of NS terms out there?
The Helghan Empire
05-11-2005, 20:19
Combat Terms:

AA (Anti-Aircraft) - Artillery capable of detecting and destroying hostile aircraft and missiles.
AAM (Air to Air Missile) - Missiles designed and created to allow one aircraft to shoot down another.
AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle) - Any armored, military vehicle capable of withstanding small arms fire. And designed to operate on the battlefield as a fighting unit.
05-11-2005, 20:34
THE, added.

The act of godmodding and placing similes in a IC post is specific, we need a more general definition. But thanks anyways.

AMW and APW added.
The Helghan Empire
05-11-2005, 21:10
Player Terms:
TG - Telegram

RP Terms:
I.G.N.O.R.E Cannons - If a player has absolutely no interest in an RP - because of issues like godmoding - then they post this on the RP thread, and the thread is ignored.
(someone correct me because I gave it a def. of what I only know)

Fantasy Tech - Fantasy Tech is a level in wich nations use characters like vampires, witches, dragons, trolls, mages, etc. Common weapons used are magical staffs, magic, bastard swords, weapon augmentations, etc. it has no specific years.
05-11-2005, 21:20
Combat terms (?):

SD or SDN - Super-Dreadnaught, an excessively large warship of dreadnaught design typically serving as the flagship of a navy.

SSN - Nuclear submarine. This classification can be used to refer to any nuclear powered submarine, but is more commonly used to refer specifically to nuclear powered attack submarines, as missile subs have different classifications (see below).

SSBN - Nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.

SSGN - Nuclear powered guided missile submarine.

SSK - Conventionally powered submarine (diesel-electric). Like the term SSN, this can refer to any submarine using conventional diesel-electric engines, but typically refers to attack submarines because other classifications are used for missile submarines.

SSBK - Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine. Very rarely used because of the limited range and inherent threat of detection associated with diesel engines.

SSGK - Diesel-electric guided missile submarine. Scarcely used because of the inherent problems with conventional engines.
05-11-2005, 21:55
MBT - Main Battle Tank
VLS - Vertical launch system for missles, typically on ships (took me forever to figure this one out...)
SAM-Surface to Air Missle (Anti-Aircraft)
F-# Fighter Aircraft (generally)
B-# Bomber Aircraft (generally)
A-# Attack Aircraft (generally)
F/A-# Multi-Role Fighter Attack aircraft
05-11-2005, 22:03
For SSGK and SSBK, I don't see why the entry says there's an inherent threat of detection with diesel engines. Diesels are much quieter than nuclear submarines. Just say that they have to surface to snorkel every once and a while, but otherwise are quiet.
05-11-2005, 22:06
MBT - Main Battle Tank
VLS - Vertical launch system for missles, typically on ships (took me forever to figure this one out...)
SAM-Surface to Air Missle (Anti-Aircraft)
F-# Fighter Aircraft (generally)
B-# Bomber Aircraft (generally)
A-# Attack Aircraft (generally)
F/A-# Multi-Role Fighter Attack aircraft

I'll take the VLS and MBT, but the aicraft designations are U.S.A.F. ones, and I can't take those.
05-11-2005, 22:06
I've heard rumers of hydrogen fuel cell subs? Is that true and if so what would the classification be?
05-11-2005, 22:07
but the aicraft designations are U.S.A.F. ones, and I can't take those.

fair enough
05-11-2005, 22:07
Keep this related to the guide, not sub disscussion. Someone will post it, don't worry.
The Helghan Empire
05-11-2005, 22:08
Combat Terms:
Beachhead - The landing site on enemy territory after having crossed a large expansion of water.
Blitzkrieg - German term: Lightning War. A tactic used to keep an enemy off balance by using shock-tactics.
No Man's land - Describing the land between the friendly and enemy lines.
05-11-2005, 22:17
I've heard rumers of hydrogen fuel cell subs? Is that true and if so what would the classification be?

It dosen't matter until an NS player actually uses one and makes up a designation for it. You could be the first, maybe.

A new term that should be added:

Logistics: The process of supplying your army. Usually more than 3/4 of the manpower of an army is tasked with logistics and other non-combat tasks.
Red Tide2
05-11-2005, 22:21
SSCBN:Nuclear Powered Carrier Ballistic Missile Submarine. A good example of this would be the Scinfaxi from Ace Combat 5. Usually only capable of carrying VTOL aircraft and only a few at a time. Extremely large and noisy.
05-11-2005, 22:23
Are terms like LADAR, LIDAR, RADAR, IR, SONAR, etc. taken as "prerequisites" and knowledge one must have in order to start RPing, and thus not necessary to be explained, or do we need to explain them?
05-11-2005, 22:28
If you want to find definitions for them, that's fine. This is a community project.
05-11-2005, 22:31
You should note that Wanker doesn't mean someone who misses out detail. I would say that I am a wanker, as are alot of other roleplayers I know and respect. A wanker is more someone who doesn't roleplay their nation realistically.

Again these Naval terms are NATO, however, most use them anyway,
Naval Terms
N Suffix - Nuclear Powered
S Suffix - Anti Submarine [On carrier only][can be reffered to as Super]
M Suffix - Minehunting/laying
E Suffix - Escort
G Suffix - Guided Missiles
B Suffix - Carries ballistic missiles
L Suffix - Light
A Suffix - Assault

Vessel Types
CV - Aircraft Carrier, carries aircraft
BB - Battleship, usually uses guns
CA - Heavy cruiser: if with missiles, both heavy and light cruiser are shortened to CG.
CL - Light cruiser
DD - Destroyer
FF - Frigate
SS - Diesel Submarine
AOR - Fleet Replenishment
AO - Fleet Oiler

RADAR - RAdio Detection And Ranging
IR - Infrared
SONAR - Sound Navigation and Ranging
LIDAR - Light Navigation and Ranging
LADAR - Laser Detection and Ranging
ICCM - Intercontinental Cruise Missile
SLBM - Submarine Lauched Ballistic Missile
ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Dumb Weaponry - Weapons with no guidance systems, eg bombs
MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction

Oh, and add Challenger II, T80
and Leopard 2A6 to the MBT section.

[I'd advise putting anything below this in size 1]

05-11-2005, 22:37
You should note that Wanker doesn't mean someone who misses out detail. I would say that I am a wanker, as are alot of other roleplayers I know and respect. A wanker is more someone who doesn't roleplay their nation realistically.

Naval Terms
N Suffix - Nuclear Powered
S Suffix - Anti Submarine [On carrier only][can be reffered to as Super]
M Suffix - Minehunting/laying
E Suffix - Escort
G Suffix - Guided Missiles
B Suffix - Carries ballistic missiles
L Suffix - Light
A Suffix - Assault

Vessel Types
CV - Aircraft Carrier, carries aircraft
BB - Battleship, usually uses guns
CA - Heavy cruiser: if with missiles, both heavy and light cruiser are shortened to CG.
CL - Light cruiser
DD - Destroyer
FF - Frigate
SS - Diesel Submarine
AOR - Fleet Replenishment
AO - Fleet Oiler

RADAR - RAdio Detection And Ranging
IR - Infrared
SONAR - Sound Navigation and Ranging
LIDAR - Light Navigation and Ranging
LADAR - Laser Detection and Ranging

Added. Welcome back.
05-11-2005, 22:40
Thanks. I also added NATO phonetic up there.
05-11-2005, 22:40
If you want to find definitions for them, that's fine. This is a community project.
Looks like Hogsweat beat me to it anyway, ah well.
The Macabees
05-11-2005, 22:41
LADAR: LAser Detection and Ranging. A detection method using a host of high intensity lasers to act as rangefinders.

LIDAR: LIght Detection and Ranging. A detection method using high intensity lasers, low intensity lasers, and electromagnetic light waves to act as rangefinders or spedometers.

RADAR: RAdio Detection and Ranging. Using light waves within the radio wave amplitude in order to detect objects above the surface of the Earth, and calculate range, velocity and other factors.

SONAR: SOund Navigation and Ranging. A subsurface, specifically submarine, form of detection using single sound waves in order to detect objects under the surface of the water.

IR: Infrared. Using heat in order to recognize potential targets. Most MBTs use IR rangefinders for more accurate engagement.
The Macabees
05-11-2005, 22:43
As for the carriers, something more accurate would be;

CV: A conventional aircraft carrier.
CVN: Aircraft Carrier, nuclear propulsion.
05-11-2005, 22:43
^^ Mac has better explanations than I - except for the CVs, as you can have CVGN, CVAN, etc etc. Just put the suffixes and then the vessel types.. anyway, I leave to play sh3 now.I might think of some later.

edit: food for thought
APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier
Mig - Plane of the Mikoyen-Guerovich Company

FAS - military techology website
Globalsecurity - Military techonlogy website
05-11-2005, 22:59
Added. I'll post the links later.
05-11-2005, 23:05
Or, down to basics—explaining the confusion about air forces and navies—

Fighter- a plane designed primarily for air-to-air combat;
Bomber- a plane designed to destroy ground targets;
Attacker- a plane designed for attacking targets in general;
Stealth plane- a plane that is difficult to detect on RADAR or other detection systems and thus more valuable for recon and scouting;
Multirole- planes that combine two or more of these capabilities.

Superdreadnaught- [explained].
Battleship- a large type of warship. Obsolete in some navies, due to the presence of SDs; larger than a cruiser.
Cruiser- a large warship capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously, larger than a destroyer.
Destroyer- a fast, maneuverable warship originally designed primarily to escort larger ships, smaller than a cruiser.
Frigate- smaller ships than destroyers, variously armed.
Carrier- a vast ship designed to deploy and recover aircraft, generally unarmed.
05-11-2005, 23:07
smilie rape - excesive use of smilies as in :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :headbang: :headbang:
The Macabees
05-11-2005, 23:09
AAV - Amphibious Assault Vehicle

note - TacAir and CAS are not the same thing.
CAS Close Air Support is the employment of aircraft in close proxity to friendly forces and directed by a ground controller, known now as JTACs. TacAir refers to any air-to-ground operations to include AI, SEAD AND CAS.

AI Air Interdiction - attacks on enemy ground forces out of close proximity of friendlies, engaging them before their firepower can be brought to bear upon the battle by direct or indirect fire means.

SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses - actions taken to destroy, neutralize or degrade enemy air defense systems with the intent of creating a safer environment for friendly aircraft to operate in.

JTAC - Joint Terminal Attack Controller - certified member of a military that is schooled in the art of calling in air support to aid in the ground forces scheme of maneuver.

FFA - same thing as an FFZ

LLTR - Low Level Transit Route - airspace used by friendly aircraft in which they are reasonably safe from friendly surface fires.

ALARM - Advanced Long-range Anti-Radiation Missile

ASRAAM - Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile

BVRAAM - Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile

Arty - short term for artillery. Also note that artillery is typically 105mm and larger, not 155mm and larger.

API - Armor Piercing Inciendiary

Vampire - term referring to enemy missiles inbound

Rifle - pilot radio call indicating launch of air-to-surface anti-armor missile, typically used with the AGM-65 Maverick

FSINT - Foreign Signals Intelligence - passive means of collecting information about the enemy such as knowing the location and type of RADAR being used by its electromagnetic signature

ECCM - Electronic Counter-Counter Measures - Equipment or procedures used to counteract the use of ECM measures, such as frequency-hopping, counter-jamming and encryption or authentication measures.

DCU - Desert Combat Uniform - self explanatory

DF - Direction Finding - either:
1. a signal emitted by a system to help others locate the source or receive a time-hack
2. the act of locating a specific emitter based upon triangulation of the energy put out

HLZ - Helicopter Landing Zone

LPC - Leather Personnel Carriers - sarcastic grunt term for combat boots

Joe - any generic Army person

Zoomie/desk jockey - any generic Air Force Person

SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fucked Up - slang term used to indicate a poor situation

ATPHICA - Assume The Position, Here It Comes Again - slang term used to denote the onset of something very unpleasant

RAVN - Regimental Aviation (US Army helicopter units) - also the name for the officer in the TOC who represents and aides in planning rotary wing aviation support of ground forces.

JFC - Joint Force COmmander - Individual in highest overall command of the battle for that particular area of operations (AO). Typically the individual with the preponderance (most) of ground forces available.

JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander - Individual with the overall command of the air forces in the AO as per the guidance of the JFC. Typically the indidiaul with the preponderance (most) of fixed-wing assets available

FSO Fire Support Officer - Army commander at Brigade or Batallion level or lower in charge of all surface fires (MLRS, artillery, mortars, CAS) If it blows up on the ground, he needs to know about it.

FSCOORD Fire Support CO-ORDinator - FSO at Division level and higher

HIMARS Highly Mobile Artillery Rocket System - new MLRS designed for transport by smaller theater support aircraft on a wheeled chassis, typically the FMTV - Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles

Deck - other than highest hull-borne platform on a ship, this also refers to the altitude of the local clouds ie. we have a low deck with the clouds only at 1500ft.

Salad Bowl - another term for the ribbon rack adorning the chest of soldiers in their formal uniforms

CQ Charge of Quarters - typically the watch desk at a unit where there is 24hr manning

Stick - also a single set of soldiers who will exit a vehicle in a cohesive force. ie:
-A single group of paratroopers exiting from one door(also known as a chalk)
-Sticks - the bush, undergrowth ie: head out into the sticks - go out into the woods

EDRE - Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise - typically an exercise to test the responsiveness of quick reaction forces such as paratroop or air assault units.

BUFF Big Ugly Fat Fucker - derogatory (but usually well received) term for B-52s

Bone a B-1B bomber

Wild Weasel term referring to any aircraft used solely for the role of SEAD (supression of enemy air defenses).

GTL Gun to Target Line - the heading used by artillery or naval gunfire crew to their target area, given in degrees instead of mils to ground and air forces to aid in deconfliction

Max Ord Maximum Ordnance - term used to refer to the highest altitude an artillery or naval gunfire round will reach during its trajectory
05-11-2005, 23:22
Oh, and add to the Godmodding entry:

- Unrealistic stats, such as a 6 billion man army, a plane that can fly at Mach 12 and fire 70 missiles and reload them all in mid-air, or a nuclear weapon that can create a 400-teraton explosion.

- Changing your stats mid-RP. As in, suddenly putting a mountain where there never was a mountain before, or replacing all the F-14s with B-29s as soon as the dogfight is over.

- Overusing stealth or EMP; there is no such thing as a "stealth troop", "stealth bomber", or "stealth missile launcher", unless you've already RPed developing them. Also, it doesn't mean "invisible"; stealth things are just planes, submarines, vehicles etc. that are harder to detect on RADAR than regular weapons. Also, EMP isn't magic either. It can knock out RADAR and deflect missiles, but if the missiles are guided by something else, it won't do much.

- Very Fast Troops. If you're 3000 km from the enemy target, your air armada can't get there in 5 minutes. Likewise, unless all of your military funding goes into transports, you won't be able to take 4 million troops across the ocean at once, let alone 400,000.

...On second thought, just copy in the link to the thread. I can't find it atm.
05-11-2005, 23:54
The definition is as general as possible.
06-11-2005, 00:35
CAP - Combat Aerospace Patrol
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
06-11-2005, 00:48
SSD: short for Super Star Destroyer, used in Future Tech RP's with Star Wars Tech

is that a good word for you?
06-11-2005, 00:50
- Overusing stealth or EMP; there is no such thing as a "stealth troop", "stealth bomber", or "stealth missile launcher"

Hoho, oh yes there is! (
The Macabees
06-11-2005, 00:51
Hoho, oh yes there is! (

06-11-2005, 01:09
Hoho, oh yes there is! (
26-11-2005, 03:36
SSD: short for Super Star Destroyer, used in Future Tech RP's with Star Wars Tech

is that a good word for you?


Yes, the dictionary is back!
26-11-2005, 04:17
I'd like to add a couple:

PMT could also stand for "Progressive Modern Tech."

CBG= "Carrier Battle Group"

HCGS= " Helicopter Gunship"

VLS= "Vertical Launch System"
26-11-2005, 04:21

Give me an example of progressive modern tech, please.
26-11-2005, 04:25

Give me an example of progressive modern tech, please.

Progressive Modern Tech might consist of the use of AI technology. More than robots, less than Borg-type tech.
Also, advanced versions of standard weapons, such as AK-47-AII's. Hyper-customized, quasi-futuristic designed, etc.

Overall, I'd say just about 50-75 years ahead of current state-of-the-art....
26-11-2005, 04:37
Progressive Modern Tech might consist of the use of AI technology. More than robots, less than Borg-type tech.
Also, advanced versions of standard weapons, such as AK-47-AII's. Hyper-customized, quasi-futuristic designed, etc.

Overall, I'd say just about 50-75 years ahead of current state-of-the-art....

That's the textbook definition of Post-Modern tech. Progressive Modern Tech and Post-Modern Tech are two words with the same definition.
Red Tide2
26-11-2005, 05:51
I have some terms that are usually used in nuclear warfare for you:

C3: Command, Control, and Communication. These refer to centers of control, command, and communication. Including, but not limited to, Capitols, major VIP bunkers, large communication network structures, supply depot, sattelites, etc. Considered a Counterforce target(see below).

Killiton and Megaton: The measure, pound for pound, of the explosive force of a weapon(usually nuclear) in comparison with 1 pound or ton of TNT. 1 Killiton=1,000 tons of TNT, 1 Megaton=1,000,000 tons of TNT.

Tactical Nuclear Warhead: A rather vague term for any nuclear weapon designed for use against enemy troop, aircraft, and/or ship formations. Killitonnage can be as high as 500 killitons to as little as 100 tons.

Strategic Nuclear Warhead: A rather vague term for any nuclear weapon designed for use against Counterforce and Countervalue Targets(see below) usually mounted on ICBMs or strategic bombers. Killitonnage can be 10 killitons upwards.

Counterforce: A target that is part of the enemies C3 system, conventional military, Anti-Ballistic Missile system, and strategic WMD system. Usually includes 'hard' targets, such as Missile Silos and underground bunkers, but can also include 'soft' targets, such as army/naval/airforce bases and capitol cities.

Countervalue: A target that is part of the enemies industrial and transportation systems. Usually 'soft' targets, like industrial complexes, powerplants, road networks, and, of course, cities.

Soft Target: A target that has NOT been hardened to withstand a NEARBY(no target can withstand a direct hit) nuclear explosion.

Hard Target: A target that has been hardened to withstand a NEARBY(no target can withstand a direct) nuclear explosion.

Airburst: Where a nuclear warhead is detonated high enough that the fireball does not touch the ground, but below 30 KM. Maximizes thermal and blast effects, with little to no fallout. EMP effects will only affect the area that is already destroyed.

Surfaceburst: Where a nuclear warhead is detonated so that the fireball touches the surface(can be either water or ground). Thermal and blast effects reduced somewhat, fallout downwind and in the immediate area is high. Fireball will vaporise the surface forming a crater(assuming detonation occurs on the ground). EMP effects are same as Airburst.

Subsurfaceburst: Where a nuclear warhead is detonated underground. Fireball will cause cratering and, depending on depth and yield of weapon, the fireball may or may not penetrate the surface. If penetration occurs, blast and thermal effects are reduced, but fallout in the immediate area and moderate distance downwind is EXTREME. If penetration does not occur, none of these effects will occur. Eitherway, EMP effects are nonexistent.

High-Altitude Burst: Where a warhead is detonated at or above 30,000 meters(30 kilometers). Blast and thermal effects are little to nonexistant, while fallout effects are nonexistant completely. EMP effects, however, are powerful enough to damage or destroy electronics on surface within a thousand, to ten thousand miles(depending on yield) and sattelite equipment will be damaged or destroyed at even greater distances.
The Cosmic Balance
26-11-2005, 06:43
First, I will add an item to the glossary:

Hectotonne (HT) - The equivalent of 100 tonnes of TNT; this is usually used to measure the yield of so-called "micronukes". Thus, a 0.5 KT device could also be spoken of as a device with a yield of 5 HT.

Now, a question: Why do people persist in defining MT as everything developed and deployed through the year 2020? If I want to set an RP in the contemporary era, involving events and technologies that could happen today, what is that, if not MT?

It ticks me off just a little to think that I could start a scenario based on today's headlines and have some j_ck_ss show up to the party with stuff that's still on the drawing boards. Folks, a 15-year technology advantage is overwhelming: if two armies, navies, or air forces fight and one has equipment that's 15 years older than the other, the older force will be history in a matter of days, if not hours.

By defining MT as "everything through 2020", you force all so-called MT nations to push all of their hardware up to that level in order to survive. And when you do that, you can no longer RP the sorts of things that happen in the news today, with the technology available today. And when you do that, well, you take away a lot of the potential of II.
26-11-2005, 06:57
Based on the above definition, Allemande hereby announces that it no longer considers itself to be MT. Henceforth, Allemande will simply describe its Tech Level as "Contemporary", which means that we have everything that is available today, but nothing newer - and that we will completely ignore any technology that is not in existance today, should it be used in a thread we create.

That may leave us unable to RP against anybody (at least in a military scenario), but if that is the case, so be it. There are plenty of things that Allemande can do besides engage in military RP's (such as finish the trial of Torontian President Jack Kaufmann or resume our space program).

The same goes for Allemande's other MT puppets (Ayaddha, Ayoddha, Ayuddha, Ba'allallilah, Ba'allullilah, Ayad, Qu'ur and Qu'um, Qu'umah, and Yekrut). The Red Temple is, of course, PMT and is therefore unaffected by this (although as a PMT nation, it's effective tech level is that of the years 2025-2030); in similar fashion, although Narodna Odbrana is technically Contemporary (like Allemande), it has the ability to RP in other eras and so is also unaffected by this definition of MT.

My other puppets are all outside the range of technologies described as MT at the outset of this thread, and so need not issue such a declaration.