CorpSec Corporation
01-11-2005, 01:36
The Corporate States of CorpSec Corporation
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
History of the Corporation
[to be done]
Armed Forces
Corporate Security Force
The First and Second Army
CSF are a feared army within the nation, highly trained well equiped killing machines no more so then the 1s and 2ndt army. The 1st and 2nd army is made up of the Vets and Elites from the 1st Corporate-England war in 2018, they are the force that invaded England in 2020 in the 2nd Corporate-England war.
The standard Equipment load out for the Corp Secruity Forces is the SBD (standard battle dress), a extreamly tight body suit that helps keep bones in place incase of brakes and keeps the body warm and cool depending on enviroment. On top of that is the battle armor, the armor itself is a light metrial but extremely strong it allows the wearer to stop most small arms rounds and helps from frag it also allows the user to enter areas only NBC units can go. The armor is completely seal at no cost to agility to the user as the armor has a layer of due to artificial muscle tissue that allows the user to use the armor at sometimes incressed rates.
The Helemet has a internal com system, 3 vision voice commanded eyes peices, NBC air fillter and an External voice com. The 3 visions it has are Standard (black eyes), Night Vision (green eyes) and Thermal Vision (red eyes), each able to be swtiched by voice command.
To join the Ranks of the CSF the Corporation Education programs picks at age 12 what profession you are best suited for then picks your list of School corses and if needed Collage corses then university if needed (most finish basic school corses and get draged into the workers class). Not meny people make the corses the CSF sets out, right away it is training for the army. By age 15 your expected to run the full assault corse, have a 90% accurate rating with standard arms, a 75% rating with the Corporate Assaulr rifle. More advanced Corses are picked as you go though the education program.
Total Numbers within the Corporation:-
Total CSF Numbers:- 725,000
Toatal CSF Logistical Support:- 362,500
Total CSF Battlefield force:- 362,000
Squad:- 10
Platoon:- 40 (4 squads)
Company:- 160 (4 platoons)
Regiment:- 640 (4 companies), 192 armor (4 Companies)
Brigade:- 3,200 (5 Regiments), 960 armor (5 regiments)
Division:- 6,400 (2 Brigades), 1,920 armor (2 Brigades)
Corp:- 12,800 (2 divisions), 3,840 (2 divisions)
Army:- 2 Corp's
Armor (tanks arillary) support:-
Lance:- 4
Platoon:- 12 (4 lances)
Company:- 48 (4 platoons)
Regiment:- 192 (4 Companies)
Brigade:- 960 (5 regiments)
Division:- 1,920 (2 Brigades)
Corp:- 3,840 (2 divisions)
1st Army
1st Corp, 1st Division. The Wolf Pack
1st Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
5th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops)
6th Armor Regiment, (92 battle tanks, 50 mobile Artillary, 50 Light Vheicles)
7th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
6th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
8th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
9th Artilliary Regiment. (192 Medium Artillary units)
10th Engineer Regiment, (320 CS engineers, 320 CS Troops, 192 Corporate Engineer units)
1st Corp, 2nd Division. The pure light
1st Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
2nd Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
2nd Corp, 3rd Division, White Lighters
2nd Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
2nd Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
2nd Corp, 4th Division, White Lighters
3rd Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
3rd Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
Total troops:- 17,660
Total Armor:- 10,560
Total Support:- 56,440
Total size of 1st army:- 84,660
2nd Army
1st Corp, 1st Division. Dead Cell
6th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
15th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops)
16th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
17th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
18th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
19th Artilliary Regiment. (192 Medium Artillary units)
20th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
1st Corp, 2nd Division. Fallen
4th Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
4th Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
2nd Corp, 3rd Division, White Lighters
5th Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
4th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
2nd Corp, 4th Division, White Lighters
5th Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
5th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
Total troops:- 19,200
Total Armor:- 8,256
Total Support:- 54,912
Total size of 2nd army:- 82,368
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
History of the Corporation
[to be done]
Armed Forces
Corporate Security Force
The First and Second Army
CSF are a feared army within the nation, highly trained well equiped killing machines no more so then the 1s and 2ndt army. The 1st and 2nd army is made up of the Vets and Elites from the 1st Corporate-England war in 2018, they are the force that invaded England in 2020 in the 2nd Corporate-England war.
The standard Equipment load out for the Corp Secruity Forces is the SBD (standard battle dress), a extreamly tight body suit that helps keep bones in place incase of brakes and keeps the body warm and cool depending on enviroment. On top of that is the battle armor, the armor itself is a light metrial but extremely strong it allows the wearer to stop most small arms rounds and helps from frag it also allows the user to enter areas only NBC units can go. The armor is completely seal at no cost to agility to the user as the armor has a layer of due to artificial muscle tissue that allows the user to use the armor at sometimes incressed rates.
The Helemet has a internal com system, 3 vision voice commanded eyes peices, NBC air fillter and an External voice com. The 3 visions it has are Standard (black eyes), Night Vision (green eyes) and Thermal Vision (red eyes), each able to be swtiched by voice command.
To join the Ranks of the CSF the Corporation Education programs picks at age 12 what profession you are best suited for then picks your list of School corses and if needed Collage corses then university if needed (most finish basic school corses and get draged into the workers class). Not meny people make the corses the CSF sets out, right away it is training for the army. By age 15 your expected to run the full assault corse, have a 90% accurate rating with standard arms, a 75% rating with the Corporate Assaulr rifle. More advanced Corses are picked as you go though the education program.
Total Numbers within the Corporation:-
Total CSF Numbers:- 725,000
Toatal CSF Logistical Support:- 362,500
Total CSF Battlefield force:- 362,000
Squad:- 10
Platoon:- 40 (4 squads)
Company:- 160 (4 platoons)
Regiment:- 640 (4 companies), 192 armor (4 Companies)
Brigade:- 3,200 (5 Regiments), 960 armor (5 regiments)
Division:- 6,400 (2 Brigades), 1,920 armor (2 Brigades)
Corp:- 12,800 (2 divisions), 3,840 (2 divisions)
Army:- 2 Corp's
Armor (tanks arillary) support:-
Lance:- 4
Platoon:- 12 (4 lances)
Company:- 48 (4 platoons)
Regiment:- 192 (4 Companies)
Brigade:- 960 (5 regiments)
Division:- 1,920 (2 Brigades)
Corp:- 3,840 (2 divisions)
1st Army
1st Corp, 1st Division. The Wolf Pack
1st Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
5th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops)
6th Armor Regiment, (92 battle tanks, 50 mobile Artillary, 50 Light Vheicles)
7th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
6th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
8th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
9th Artilliary Regiment. (192 Medium Artillary units)
10th Engineer Regiment, (320 CS engineers, 320 CS Troops, 192 Corporate Engineer units)
1st Corp, 2nd Division. The pure light
1st Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
2nd Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
2nd Corp, 3rd Division, White Lighters
2nd Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
2nd Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
2nd Corp, 4th Division, White Lighters
3rd Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
3rd Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
Total troops:- 17,660
Total Armor:- 10,560
Total Support:- 56,440
Total size of 1st army:- 84,660
2nd Army
1st Corp, 1st Division. Dead Cell
6th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
15th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops)
16th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
17th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
18th Mobile Infentry Regiment, (640 CS troops, 192 Corporate IFVs)
19th Artilliary Regiment. (192 Medium Artillary units)
20th Infentry Regiment, (640 CS Troops)
1st Corp, 2nd Division. Fallen
4th Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
4th Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
2nd Corp, 3rd Division, White Lighters
5th Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS Troops)
4th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
2nd Corp, 4th Division, White Lighters
5th Armor Brigade, (1,920 Vheicles)
5th Mobile Infentry Brigade, (3,200 CS troops, 1,920 Corporate IFVs)
Total troops:- 19,200
Total Armor:- 8,256
Total Support:- 54,912
Total size of 2nd army:- 82,368