NationStates Jolt Archive

Rise to Power

29-10-2005, 21:06
[OOC: I’ve had this twist for my nation in mind for some time now, and while I was waiting for my involvement in Operation: Hellfire to end before coming out with it, it seems to be dead now, and so I’m moving ahead with it.]

The White House, Washington, D.C., Halberdgardia, 2200 Local Time

The night was still. As was typical of Washington weather in February, the temperatures had rapidly dropped, and a thick layer of snow coated the landscape. The President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia, Kir Kanos, stood pensively in the Oval Office, knowing that this might very well be the last time he would ever see this hallowed ground again.

Already the Oval Office was eerily empty. Kanos’ various belongings both here and at the presidential retreat at Camp David had been packed for shipping back to his estate in North Halberdgardia, about halfway between Washington, D.C. and Aurora. How quickly the end of his second six-year term had come. Indeed, he was almost relieved that he could pass on the Presidency to another. But he had never expected who that other would be.

Three Months Earlier

"Hi, folks, welcome back to HCNN. We’re still watching the polls as the numbers come in, and the very first numbers are just coming in. For those of you just joining us, our projections currently show National Libertarian Party candidate Senator Gordon Sutorius in the lead over National Conservative Party candidate Secretary of State Kenix Kil by a few million popular votes, and just a handful of electoral votes. Let’s go to our in-house political analyst, Tom Schwarzkopf, for his opinions on the candidates. Tom?"

Schwarzkopf provided an in-depth analysis about each candidate’s platform, and eventually concluded that Kil was more suited to the role of Secretary of State than President, and that Sutorius would likely keep Kil on as Secretary of State in the new administration.

"Thanks, Tom. We’ll be right back to deliver more election results after this message from our sponsors."

"Welcome back to HCNN, where we’ve got the fastest, most accurate election projections of any network out there. And despite the predicted outcome of our in-house political analyst, Tom Schwarzkopf, that Senator Sutorius would win the election, it appears that National Conservative candidate Secretary of State Kenix Kil has taken the lead by just a handful of popular and electoral votes. We go to our White House correspondent, Brad Fogarty, for news on President Kanos’ reactions to the election. Brad?"

"…and now, following some close touch-and-go moments where the lead switched back and forth between the two candidates, Kil has taken a decisive lead in the election…"

"…it could be a close tie, folks…no one knows just what to think anymore…"

"And the winner has been determined…National Conservative Party candidate Secretary of State Kenix Kil has been elected the second President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia!"

Present Day

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the Democratic Imperium, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia."

President Kenix Kil of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia removed his hand from the Bible before him, and stepped up to the podium to deliver his inaugural address.

[OOC: Parts of this speech may look familiar to some, but since the originals don’t really exist in NS, it’s technically an original speech he’s giving. For clarification, I’ve taken bits of text from two Presidents’ Inaugural Addresses, and edited them in some areas to be relevant or flow better.]

"Vice President Powell, Mr. Chief Justice, President Kanos, reverend clergy, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath which our first President took upon his ascension to this same honorable office twelve years ago. On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate the durable wisdom of our Constitution, and recall the deep commitments that unite our country. I am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.

The world is very different than it was at the day of our founding. Alliances have been forged, wars have been fought, old nations have fallen, and new ones have grown. But despite the events that have occurred between the founding of this nation and this very hour, there remains one force that threatens us, and will continue to threaten as long as we exist as a nation. For as long as whole regions of the world simmer in resentment and tyranny—prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder— violence will gather, multiply in destructive power, cross the most defended borders, and raise a mortal threat. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution on which this nation was founded. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Halberdgardians—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world. Thus it is the policy of the Democratic Imperium to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.

Freedom, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of minorities. And when the soul of a nation finally speaks, the institutions that arise may reflect customs and traditions very different from our own. Halberdgardia will not impose its own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way.

We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. We will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of oppressors.

We will encourage reform in other governments by making clear that success in our relations will require the decent treatment of their own people. The Halberdgardian belief in human dignity will guide our policies, yet rights must be more than the grudging concessions of dictators; they are secured by free dissent and the participation of the governed. In the long run, there is no justice without freedom, and there can be no human rights without human liberty.

This much we pledge—and more.

This is not primarily a task of arms, though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary. My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people against further attacks and emerging threats. In the past, and even more recently, some have unwisely chosen to test our resolve, and have found it firm.

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. We honor your friendship, we rely on your counsel, and we depend on your help. Division among free nations is a primary goal of freedom's enemies. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies' defeat.

Today, I speak anew to my fellow citizens:

You have all been asked for patience in the hard task of securing Halberdgardia, which you have granted in good measure. Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill, and would be dishonorable to abandon. Yet because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom. And as hope kindles hope, millions more will find it. By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well—a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.

A few Halberdgardians have accepted the hardest duties in this cause—in the quiet work of intelligence and diplomacy, the idealistic work of helping raise up free governments, the dangerous and necessary work of fighting our enemies. Some have shown their devotion to our country in deaths that honored their whole lives—and we will always honor their names and their sacrifice.

All Halberdgardians have witnessed this idealism, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes. You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself—and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.

Halberdgardia has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home—the unfinished work of Halberdgardian freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty.

In Halberdgardia's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. And now we will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the needs of our time. To give every Halberdgardian a stake in the promise and future of our country, we will bring the highest standards to our schools, and build an ownership society. We will widen the ownership of homes and businesses, retirement savings and health insurance—preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society. By making every citizen an agent of his or her own destiny, we will give our fellow Halberdgardians greater freedom from want and fear, and make our society more prosperous and just and equal.

In Halberdgardia's ideal of freedom, the public interest depends on private character—on integrity, and tolerance toward others, and the rule of conscience in our own lives. Self-government relies, in the end, on the governing of the self. That edifice of character is built in families, supported by communities with standards, and sustained in our national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people. Halberdgardians move forward in every generation by reaffirming all that is good and true that came before—ideals of justice and conduct that are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In Halberdgardia's ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak. Liberty for all does not mean independence from one another. Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbor and surround the lost with love. Halberdgardians, at our best, value the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even the unwanted have worth. And our country must abandon all the habits of racism, because we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time.

We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom. Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation; God moves and chooses as He wills. We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind, the hunger in dark places, the longing of the soul. When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on liberty; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner "Freedom Now"—they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the Author of Liberty.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hours of danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Halberdgardians: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what Halberdgardia will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Halberdgardia or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

May God bless you, and may He watch over the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia."

The subsequent applause was so thunderous that it was said it could be heard around the world.
Armandian Cheese
29-10-2005, 21:34
OOC: Pfff. Could have at least come up with an original speech instead of cannibalizing two others.

Still, a good post. I can't really comment; I don't have much of a nation outside of AMW.
29-10-2005, 21:42
Open Letter to President Kenix Kil:

Mr. Kil,

May I be among the first to congratulate you on your recent electoral victory. It is good to see a friend achieve success in their endeavors, no?

I do not pretend to be great orator in vein of Cicero or Churchill. Rather, I will simply annunciate that which is on the collective mind of the Imperial Commonwealth. To often nations speak of the need to preserve freedom, both domestically and in other nations, only to become so obsessed with that goal as to stamp out all that resembles a threat to freedom.

Never in our history has the Imperial Commonwealth witnessed a nation succeed in its self-professed goals of upholding international liberty. Even the Imperial Commonwealth is guilty of betraying this revolution, as it were.

One cannot, however, look only to the past when discussing matters such as these. Looking at the present day, and to the near future, there does indeed seem to exist hope for the cause of freedom.

By virtue of history, of values, of character and spirit, the Halberdgardians have proven themselves a people capable of carrying on this fight for liberty. Their government is young enough so as to have avoided as of yet the inevitable corruption of democracy, and is old enough to prevent the idealistic repression of perceived threats to liberty.

The Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer as a nation, and I as its sovereign, wish the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia all possible luck in the attainment of these ideals.

Libertas inaestimabilis res est

Good luck and Godspeed, Mr. Kil.

[signed] Alexei Saarad I

At sea, the command dreadnaught HMS Kenix Kil fired its guns in salute upon hearing of the electoral victory of the Halberdgardian former Secretary of State. Several towns and cities, primarily in old Loyalist territory, held impromptu parades. The people of Malkyer remembered the help brought to them by Kenix Kil, and remembered their debt of honor.

OOC: Yes, I did shamelessly paraphrase some of that letter.
29-10-2005, 21:42
OOC: Yay! You finally did it!

Now what do you have planned for Kanos after retirement?

HCIA job?
29-10-2005, 22:37
[OOC: Just saw your TG, and since it may be a little late to actually attend, I will respond like this.]

Open Message to Our Allies at Halberdgardia
[b]From: The Cabinet of HailandKill

Let us be yet another nation to congratulate your win to the presidency. May your country continue to flourish as it did under your former leader. I and my staff hope that our stance as close allies may continue under your new leader. I would like to congratulate the writer of that inaguration speech as my staff and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it be broadcast on HailandKill national television. May your nation and our alliance grow stronger everyday.

[Signed]President Revello
[Signed]Secretary of State/International Affairs Allen Johnson
[Signed]Various Cabinet Members, HailandKill
29-10-2005, 23:44
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: Halberdgardia

Yet again we in the international community have to suffer the pathetic charade of Halberdgardia pretending to be a so-called 'democracy'.

Is it not strange that the puppet of the pervert ex-President of your nation, Kir Kanos, Kennix Kil, is 'elected' to your nations presidency.

Worrying this is, not in that it makes your political system a complete joke, as your nation hardly has any ounce of respect in the international community, but that your nation now has an international terrorist and a well known gangster and war criminal in charge of your nation.

We in Torontia see this as nothing more than a ploy to further chain the world to your crackpot president, or shall I use the correct term, dictator, and his evil plans and plots to dominate the world and further crush people under your vile yoke of bloodthirsty imperialism.

The New Order Republic of Torontia calls on the global community of free nations to expose the electoral fraud in Halberdgardia and to help destroy the Kennix Kil dictatorship as it is a real and ever present danger to the world community of nations.

Torontia is drafting a resolution to be put forward to the global community to have measures taken against your illegal regime and then, should you refuse our compassion and kindness and the Torontian governments concern for the oppressed people of Halberdgardia, action will be taken to remove your tyrrany and to liberate the nation of Halberdgardia.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
Holy Paradise
29-10-2005, 23:46
Official Statement from President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
To: President Kennix Kil of Halberdgardia
Subj: Congratulations and tips!
Congratulations on your recent election and inauguration to the position of President of the honorable and great country of Halberdgardia. May your tenure be known as the greatest to have ever been bestowed on your land.

Being the leader of a country is no easy task(I know, as I've been the leader of Holy Paradise for about 16 years). In order to be a great leader, remember the following:

1. Stick to your guns. Never be swayed by what the media or other influences think if you are doing something they disagree with. If you believe it to be in the best interest of Halberdgardia, do it.

2. Enjoy the job. Enjoy what you do, as it shows. Great leaders always have enjoyed the position they hold, even if it affects them physically.

3. Love your citizens. Care deeply and sincerely for them. Don't give them that phony crap some leaders give. Show you want the best for them.

4. Keep your promises. A good leader make promises, a great leader keeps them. Lying will get you nowhere. Always follow through.

5. Be inspirational. Ronald Reagan once said, "A great leader doesn't just do great things, but also inspires others to do great things." Encourage your people to become involved and aspire for their dreams and goals.

With these tips, I hope you can make your nation the greatest it has ever been.
29-10-2005, 23:54
From: The Democratic Imperium of McKagan

To: The Kil Administration

With great joy we wish to congratulate the new President on his accomplishment.

Our nations have been allied for many, many years now. We have faced many challenges, and many crackpot Neo-Nazi nations who are envious of the SWC's standing in the world today.

We wish you good luck, and happy hunting in the chase for the goals you have outlined.

[Signed]President Tony Johnson
[Signed]Other Random Dudes who happened to be walking by the Presidents office at the time
30-10-2005, 00:52

The New Order Republic of Torontia invites all freedom loving nations to partake in this resolution in the noble cause of exposing the sham 'democracy' and the massive scale of electoral fraud that now sadly exists in the oppressed nation of Halberdgardia.

The recent 'election' was nothing but widescale fraud with no fair chance for the opposition to have a genuine chance of actually giving Halberdgardians a chance to choose the government and presidential candidate of their choice.

The following events, situations and occurences are evidence of the dictatorial nature of the Halberdgardian regime and show to all the complete lack of democracy in Halberdgardia:

1.) All major media outlets, (television, radio, newspapers, magazines and internet sites) were in favour of the regime candidate, Kennix Kil. The media did NOT give any fair coverage to the opposition, denied them a voice from which they should of had the right to put public their policies and programme and in MANY instances, the media gave a series of negative stories about the opposition, most of which were lies, showing how desperate the regime was in painting a flase picture of the opposition parties and candidates.

2.) The Kennix Kil regime placed a number of agents in polling booths to ensure that when the votes were counted, the ballots would be 'favourable' to the ruling regime. This blatant act of electoral fraud was most practised in the rural areas and in the southern areas of Halberdgardia, where the opposition had more support among the voters.

3.) The Halberdgardian Secret Police, HCIA, carried out many 'dirty tricks' on the opposition, including blackmail, intimidation, false stories on the opposition leaked to the government controlled media and even violence in two southern villages.

4.) Ex-President/Dictator Kir Kanos went AGAINST the rules of his nation's very own constitution and forced ALL governmental employees and civil servants to vote for his puppet candidate, Kir Kanos, and those who refused lost thier jobs.

On top of these UNDEMOCRATIC practices in the recent 'election', the Kanos/Kil dictatorship has also VIOLATED international law and attacked MANY nations.

1.) As the nations of Leafanistan and Saharistan were about to end a war between them, Halberdgardia attacked Saharistan in an attempt to destroy the peace process. They then attacked and invaded Saharistan and used WMDs on that nation, then they overthrew the democratic government of Saharistan and it's peace loving president, Musab al Zarqawi. Saharistan is now under Halberdgardian occupation.

2.) Halberdgardia made unprovoked threats and attacks on the nation of Rovonia and then annexed three of that nation's provinces.

3.) Halberdgardia made threats against the nations of Algersitan and Arabanistan, however, international pressure stoped them from attacked these to soveriegn nations.

4.) Upon the collapse of the governments of Arabanistan and Algersitan, Halberdgardia invaded and occupied these two nations. Halberdgardia gave NO chance for another government of those nations to take office.

5.) Halberdgardia supported terrorists in Monitgnac and helped destablise that nation by keeping the civil war going there for their own vile imperialistic interests.

6.) Halberdgardia has given refuge to two of Torontia's most dangerous and bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, Jack Norton and his brother David Norton. These two terrorists were responsible for a year long civil war in Torontia that killed 300,000 people and resulted in the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Torontia, Mr. Paul Kaufman. The result was that Torontia was ruled for three years by a terrorist regime that nearly destroyed Torontia and it's people.

All of the above points of evidence show that Halberdgardia, under it's current dictatorial regime, is both a burden on it's own people and a GRAVE and REAL threat to the world community of free nations.

As Torontia is a leading partner in the cause of freedom and in the international community, Torontia invites other nations to sign this noble charter and apply the follwoing actions to help ensure that democracy can grow in Halberdgardia and that Halberdgardia will be free of the evil tyranny of the Kanos/Kil dictatorship.

1.) All trade, investments, business ventures, communication and any other dealings which enrich the Halberdgardian dictatorship are STOPPED and that FULL and EFFECTVE sanctions are imposed upon Halberdgardia. Humanitarian aid will be expemt from this as the people of Halberdgardia should NOT suffer because of their tyrants.

2.) All military supplies, weapons deals, trade in military equipment be halted in order to prevent Halberdgardia from threatening the free world.

3.) A naval embargo be imposed in international waters around the soveriegn waters of Halberdgardia to make fully effective points 1 and 2 of the resolution.

4.) A diplomatic boycott of Halberdgardia as the current regime has NO legal basis for it's position in power over Halberdgardia.

5.) That Halberdgardia should hold NEW and fully FREE and FAIR elections.

6.) That Kir Kanos and Kennix Kil be prohibited from standing in these new elections.

7.) That the ruling 'National Conservative Party' dismantle it's one party status and monopoly over the government, civil service, military forces, security services and the media.

8.) That the media be made free and objective.

9.) That all points from 1 to 8 of this resolution shall be observed by a team of impartial and neutral observers.



President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
30-10-2005, 01:09
[OOC: Was that draft a secret IC message, or a message broadcast to the NS community?]
The Silver Sky
30-10-2005, 01:13
[OOC:] w00t! Torontia makes his reapperance, should be interesting!

IC: are you again!? :p

-Some Random Government Official
30-10-2005, 01:16
To: Leaders of the Worlds Nations
From: McKagan Department of State

We hope that everyone realizes the GRAVE mistruths that the NAZI regime of Torontia has began to spread around the international community are just that, NOT true.

The only election fraud is what took place in Torontia's last elections. The Norton Administration FAIRLY won the election, and out of fear for his LIFE the person was forced to leave the country. After the New Order took power (coincidentially, only a few hours before all voting rights were taken away,) Norton stated that he had VIDEO EVIDENCE of Torontian soldiers forcing citizens to vote one way, the Tanakis way.

We are hereby warning Torontia. We have taken your side before in an effort to divert war. We will NOT support your lies against a friend. Desist your threats now or we will place defensive units on standby to ensure that all Halbergardian assets are protected from Torontia's envious military.
Holy Paradise
30-10-2005, 01:25

The New Order Republic of Torontia invites all freedom loving nations to partake in this resolution in the noble cause of exposing the sham 'democracy' and the massive scale of electoral fraud that now sadly exists in the oppressed nation of Halberdgardia.

The recent 'election' was nothing but widescale fraud with no fair chance for the opposition to have a genuine chance of actually giving Halberdgardians a chance to choose the government and presidential candidate of their choice.

The following events, situations and occurences are evidence of the dictatorial nature of the Halberdgardian regime and show to all the complete lack of democracy in Halberdgardia:

1.) All major media outlets, (television, radio, newspapers, magazines and internet sites) were in favour of the regime candidate, Kennix Kil. The media did NOT give any fair coverage to the opposition, denied them a voice from which they should of had the right to put public their policies and programme and in MANY instances, the media gave a series of negative stories about the opposition, most of which were lies, showing how desperate the regime was in painting a flase picture of the opposition parties and candidates.

2.) The Kennix Kil regime placed a number of agents in polling booths to ensure that when the votes were counted, the ballots would be 'favourable' to the ruling regime. This blatant act of electoral fraud was most practised in the rural areas and in the southern areas of Halberdgardia, where the opposition had more support among the voters.

3.) The Halberdgardian Secret Police, HCIA, carried out many 'dirty tricks' on the opposition, including blackmail, intimidation, false stories on the opposition leaked to the government controlled media and even violence in two southern villages.

4.) Ex-President/Dictator Kir Kanos went AGAINST the rules of his nation's very own constitution and forced ALL governmental employees and civil servants to vote for his puppet candidate, Kir Kanos, and those who refused lost thier jobs.

On top of these UNDEMOCRATIC practices in the recent 'election', the Kanos/Kil dictatorship has also VIOLATED international law and attacked MANY nations.

1.) As the nations of Leafanistan and Saharistan were about to end a war between them, Halberdgardia attacked Saharistan in an attempt to destroy the peace process. They then attacked and invaded Saharistan and used WMDs on that nation, then they overthrew the democratic government of Saharistan and it's peace loving president, Musab al Zarqawi. Saharistan is now under Halberdgardian occupation.

2.) Halberdgardia made unprovoked threats and attacks on the nation of Rovonia and then annexed three of that nation's provinces.

3.) Halberdgardia made threats against the nations of Algersitan and Arabanistan, however, international pressure stoped them from attacked these to soveriegn nations.

4.) Upon the collapse of the governments of Arabanistan and Algersitan, Halberdgardia invaded and occupied these two nations. Halberdgardia gave NO chance for another government of those nations to take office.

5.) Halberdgardia supported terrorists in Monitgnac and helped destablise that nation by keeping the civil war going there for their own vile imperialistic interests.

6.) Halberdgardia has given refuge to two of Torontia's most dangerous and bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, Jack Norton and his brother David Norton. These two terrorists were responsible for a year long civil war in Torontia that killed 300,000 people and resulted in the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Torontia, Mr. Paul Kaufman. The result was that Torontia was ruled for three years by a terrorist regime that nearly destroyed Torontia and it's people.

All of the above points of evidence show that Halberdgardia, under it's current dictatorial regime, is both a burden on it's own people and a GRAVE and REAL threat to the world community of free nations.

As Torontia is a leading partner in the cause of freedom and in the international community, Torontia invites other nations to sign this noble charter and apply the follwoing actions to help ensure that democracy can grow in Halberdgardia and that Halberdgardia will be free of the evil tyranny of the Kanos/Kil dictatorship.

1.) All trade, investments, business ventures, communication and any other dealings which enrich the Halberdgardian dictatorship are STOPPED and that FULL and EFFECTVE sanctions are imposed upon Halberdgardia. Humanitarian aid will be expemt from this as the people of Halberdgardia should NOT suffer because of their tyrants.

2.) All military supplies, weapons deals, trade in military equipment be halted in order to prevent Halberdgardia from threatening the free world.

3.) A naval embargo be imposed in international waters around the soveriegn waters of Halberdgardia to make fully effective points 1 and 2 of the resolution.

4.) A diplomatic boycott of Halberdgardia as the current regime has NO legal basis for it's position in power over Halberdgardia.

5.) That Halberdgardia should hold NEW and fully FREE and FAIR elections.

6.) That Kir Kanos and Kennix Kil be prohibited from standing in these new elections.

7.) That the ruling 'National Conservative Party' dismantle it's one party status and monopoly over the government, civil service, military forces, security services and the media.

8.) That the media be made free and objective.

9.) That all points from 1 to 8 of this resolution shall be observed by a team of impartial and neutral observers.



President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
Official Statement of President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
To: President Tanakis of Torontia
Failure to revoke said resolution shall result in a total ass-kicking by Holy Paradise.
30-10-2005, 01:28
Official Statement of President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
To: President Tanakis of Torontia
Failure to revoke said resolution shall result in a total ass-kicking by Holy Paradise.

OOC: That works too.
30-10-2005, 01:29
[OOC: I'm retconning the murder of Peffe and the appearance of Tofov, because it seemed as though it wasn't going anywhere. Peffe is again the Sovereign Arbiter of the Sucellan Governance.]

From: Peffe Tannen, Sovereign Arbiter of the Sucellan Governance & Wolfgang Rosenthal, High Chancellor of the Sucellan Governance

To: The Kil Administration

For many years have our nations been allied under the common banner of the Saharistan War Coalition. As one, we have toppled misinformed governments that sought to violate the world. It is with great joy that we receive the news of your election, and it is our wish that you hold the office, as you rightfully should, for many years to come.

May you be blessed with good health and a long life.

Peffe Tannen
Wolfgang Rosenthal
30-10-2005, 01:48
[OOC: Since everyone else is responding to Torontia's "list" as though it were public, I will too.]

From the Desk of President Revello, Presidential leader of The Republic of HailandKill
To Vader Tanakis, and allies of Halbergardia

After being alerted of this "Draft Resolution" by my Secretary of State/International Affairs, I feel that I must respond to you directly. Your slanderous list is biased against the great state of Halbergardia and your imperialistic warmongering has not gone unnoticed by myself. If you wage any open wars against Halbergardia, you will be fired upon by ourselves, in the best interests and protections of ourselves and our allies. We advise you stand down, or risk war with Halbergardia, McKagan, Holy Paradise and ourselves.

[Signed]President Revello

International Waters
HKS HailandKill, a Maiden Class submarine outfitted with the newest HailandKill/Macabee aircraft design, was doing routine patrolling as ordered. On a most boring night, the CO ordered the ship to periscope depth and raised the ESM mast. The ESM mast scanned all the low frequency channels used by HailandKill and her allies. The mast picked up a tranmission from home before sliding under the waves. The transmission read:

CO Joseph Sweeney, your are hereby ordered to patrol off the waters of Halbergardia, to do aerial and intelligence recon. The current situation stands as this: any Torontian Warship that closes to Halbergardia national waters shall be raided/attacked by the airwing under your command. You do not need to know the reasons to this order as of now. Good Luck, God Speed.

Presidential NSA Defence Department

The big, black, silent submarine turned underwater and started its journey at 14 knots, a somewhat silent speed. What she would do depended on the move of Torontia.

[OOC: Basically it says if you mess with him you mess with me. Also, I have a monitoring submarine there. Im really bored, so thats why this post is so long.]
30-10-2005, 02:12
Official Statement, Foreign Ministry of the Omzian Democratic Republic

As we watch on at the turbulent world, it is to our immense satisfaction that the great nation of Halberdgardia has chosen a new leader as their guiding mentor, and as the individual that will lead Halberdgardia into a new era of prosperity and success. Similarily, with the appointment of a skillful diplomat as a new leader of their nation, we also have our fullest confidence in the fact that Halberdgardia will continue to be a responsible member of the international conglomeration of democratic and peace-loving nations.

Thus, it is with this that we extend our warm greetings to the new leader of Halberdgardia, while conveying our enthusiasm through our great congratulation for the new President of Halberdgardia in regards to his earned victory. At the same time however, we certainly hope that with this transition to a new leadership, current relations between Halberdgardia and the Omzian Democratic Republic will prosper further and blossom into a new period of friendship and consolidation.

Office of the President
Foreign Ministry
Omzian Democratic Republic
30-10-2005, 02:18
International Waters off coast of Torontia

RMV Axl Rose moved through the waters very slowly, as if it was watching something. But it wasn't, that wasn't what the newest vessel in the Sultan-class line of SSN's did. It could, and had, destroyed vessels, but it was outfitted for something else.

Towards the rear of the ship a few sailors were gathered in a room that looked almost like another bridge to the ship. But it wasn't. This was the control room for the vessels UUV's. The ships UUV's, perhaps it's most important feature at this point, were designed to be launched, remote controlled (thus the name), guided to underwater internet/communications cables, and drill into them. There, covertly, the small unit would monitor all communications that crossed that point and send them to the vessel, and then onto the intelligence center under the main IMAF base in Saharistan.

Should war break out, RMV Axl Rose would be the Imperiums first line of defense. Not only would it complete hack-and-destroy missions as fast as mechanically possible, it held missiles that could be fired into low Earth orbit to knock communications satellites down. Meaning, the satellites used to get the messages the Tanakis regime was sending out to deeper space satellites and thus transmitted around the world, would come back to earth in glorious fireballs in some poor farmers night sky.

That was, of course, if Torontia started a war. If no war started, there was a good chance they'd never know of the vessel sitting off their coast.
30-10-2005, 03:02
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: McKagan and Hailandkill

The New Order Republic of Torontia is dissapointed that both your nations are taking the side of the corrupt dictatorship that rules Halberdgardia and not see that Torontia only wishes to act as a beacon of freedom and humanity to all nations which suffer under regimes like that of Kennix Kil.

The resolution made VERY CLEAR the evidence on the fraud that took place in Halberdgardia, why don't you take that into account?

Once again Torontia had FREE and FAIR elections when the New Order Party legally won the contest. Jack Norton is a TERRORIST who used a civil war that killed 300,000+ people in his vile attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of President Paul Kaufman.

The ONLY electoral fraud that took place in Torontia was in 2017, when Jack Norton stole the election from the real winner, President Kaufman.

It was only the brave actions of President Colonel Vader Tanakis that led to the Torontian military intervention into the government of our nation, which saved Torontia from extinction.

ALL PEOPLE in Torontia support the New Order Party and it was the sheer pressure from the people that FORCED President Tanakis to declare a won party state and to make himself President for Life.

But let us get back to Halberdgardia.

Electoral fraud has taken place and Torontia has also shown the world the bloody imperialistic history of Halberdgardia.

You accuse Torontia of imperialism and seeking war, this is NOT the case.

Torontia does NOT occupy one single nation, Halberdgardia now occupies Saharistan, Algeristan, Rovonia, Arabanistan!

Torontia has NEVER been to war with another nation, Halberdgardia has fought and attacked many nations!

Before either of you two open your mouths again, please make an effort to THINK before you speak and try and see the truth!

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
30-10-2005, 03:14
To: Tanakis Regime

Seeing as how THIS Democratic Imperium holds provinces in the same nations as Halberdgardia, we are taking your fascist comments as insults to not only an esteemed ally, but OURSELVES.

So we'll ask YOU to think about who you're talking to.

Tony Johnson, President, Democratic Imperium of McKagan
30-10-2005, 03:24
To: The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
From: The State of Amestria

We of Amestria rejoice at the peaceful transfer of power that has taken place in Halberdgardia and look forward to a future of peaceful relations. The Republic of Torontia has made many ridiculous accusations of impropriety in the recent elections. To demonstrate the lack of validity those claims possess Amestria suggests that Halberdgardia allow a delegation from Amestria’s Ministry of Peace to perform an audit of the election and investigate each one of Torontia’s accusations. The Ministry of Peace has monitored/reviewed elections in dozens of countries and possesses a great deal of international legitimacy.

-President Daniel Fitzgerald Boon of the State of Amestria
30-10-2005, 03:34
From the Desk of President Revello
To Vader Tanakis

I feel that you are the mistaken one in this current situation. You call me hasty and say that I am quick to make assumptions, when you are quicker to pin the blame on someone who has not committed a single crime.

We defend our ally as follows; As participants of the Saharistan war, you are ghastly mistaken in blaming Halbedgardia for causing hostilities. If you further examine that situation you would see only the real madman would launch over a hundred ICBMs at nations vehemontly against WMD's. Arabanistan, also, was led by a crazed leader who threatened the free populaces with WMDs and chemical weapons. In both these situations we have backed Halberdgardia, and by threatening that nation on those grounds you also offend us, and our principles.

To end this we can definatly say elections in Halberdgardia were free and not rigged, as that would violate all the country stands for. Your slanderous list stands only as an attempt to get revenge on Halberdgardia for their actions against you, the current leader of Torontia. We still openly support Halberdgardia, and an act of war against them is an act of war against us.

[Signed]President Revello
30-10-2005, 03:37
Official Statement by the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia, Yao Yang Nelson Neo

As a nation that has friendly relations with Halberdgardia, I, Yao-Yang Nelson Neo, founder of this nation and first Prime Minister, would like to congratulate Kenix Kil. And I see that once again, the so-called 'Republic' of Torontia is being a thorn in your side.

This is what I have to say to their pitiful excuse for a statement: pay no attention to them. Besides, psychotic dictatorships are no longer a major threat to international security. Have you heard of the Corporate Entente, Mr. Kil? They consist of these listed below:

Federation of Joint Conglomerates
Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation
Totalitarian Empire of Concremo
Democratic Republic of Very small island
Prix-Financier Republic of National Commonwealth

Why have you not challenged these states, Mr. Kil? Too strong for Halberdgardia? If not, please attack them...and actually, please save Concremo. The Emperor of their country did not see that the Kraven Corporation was going to stab them in the back, and are in the process of annexing them and turning Concremo into a rainforest of industrial factories. But please do impose much more harsh measurements on National Commonwealth and Very small island. Why? They were democracies that backed the corporate autocracies...the reason VSI backed the FJC was because out of cronyist interests and the PFRNC backed the FJC was because they have an undentable bond to their friends, no matter how corrupt they be.

Please help my country crush the corporatists...they have now stepped out of the shadows with their devastating private power, and will stop at nothing to gain more profits. As I have said earlier about my friend in a previous letter, Dr. Wang and the rest of the investigation team must be avenged...please help us.

His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo
The Silver Sky
30-10-2005, 03:41
OOC: Dr. Wang.....*snickers*....*burst out laughing* :p :D
30-10-2005, 03:53
OOC: What's so funny? It's a common Chinese name (actually, his entire name is Felix Dae-jung Wang, because he's half Chinese, half Korean).
The Silver Sky
30-10-2005, 04:37
OOC: It was the timing more then anything, I've been reading a less then age appropriate web comic(no nudity though), for the past few weeks, and just read todays comic. :D
30-10-2005, 04:49
What was the magazine called?
31-10-2005, 00:25
31-10-2005, 00:42
To: Tanakis Regime

Seeing as how THIS Democratic Imperium holds provinces in the same nations as Halberdgardia, we are taking your fascist comments as insults to not only an esteemed ally, but OURSELVES.

So we'll ask YOU to think about who you're talking to.

Tony Johnson, President, Democratic Imperium of McKagan

OOC: Just bumping for response...
31-10-2005, 01:08
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: McKagan

The New Order Republic of Torontia was ONLY making the case for the total independence of the lands held by Halberdgardia in the nations of Rovonia and Saharistan, which are also shared by other nations, yours included.

Torontia ONLY has unresloved issues with Halberdgardia and NO other nation at this point should consider Torontia a threat to their nations and their national interests overseas.

Torontia is of the view that once Halberdgardia gives independence for Saharistan, the government of Saharistan that was in power before the invasion, the Zarqawi government, will return to power. However other areas of Saharistan will remain under their current status with their mother nations, including the McKagan colonies in Saharistan.

Once again, Torontia urges McKagan to see the truth of our statements regarding Halberdgardia, given Torontia's long standing tradition of honesty and openess and Torontia's considerate and polite diplomatic manner.

Torontia wishes no harm on McKagan. Just open your eyes to the evil that is Halbersgardia and then your nation can prosper and be secure in an alliance with our great nation.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
31-10-2005, 01:36
Just open your eyes to the evil that is Halbersgardia and then your nation can prosper and be secure in an alliance with our great nation.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis

We decide that this the best time to announce that Musab Al-Zarqawi and his friend Nina Meyers are to be released under the "Operation Wyrd" initiative. They are also to be transferred to the now renamed "Gauntlet Island" in Leafanistani Occupied Frozopia given weapons and forced to fight in a deadly bloodsport for entertainment. Each team will consist of 60 people, mostly condemned criminals and the like who will fight it out to earn freedom (in a sense, house arrest and $2 million US to spend), and will be assigned a theme and a base on the island. Excluding the US team which will operate off of the Amphibious Assualt ship "Clay" permanetly anchored off the coast. Each team will try to capture as many towns and hold them for the 1 week tournament session. Anyone trying to escape will be shot down.

Anyone can send people to fill such teams, but if they aren't wards of the state they will have to pay a $20,000 ammo/fuel/weapons fee.

EU (European Union) [Not yet full]
USA (United States of America) [Not yet full]
PRC (People's Republic of China) [Not yet full]
MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition) [Zarqawi, and his associates fill this team currently]

Who wants to be signed on to broadcast this? And who wants to reserve advertising space? And who specificially wants to sign on to the UAV monitoring of Musab Al-Zarqawi and his eventual death?

OOC: Yes, I've had this planned for months. Yes, I am an evil bastard, but I've been meaning to get this around, I felt this is the most awkward time to bring it up. Anywho, Toronita; want to RP the MEC team while others handle the other teams?
31-10-2005, 02:06
OOC: Bump so Torontia can see what his friend is going to be up to.

Anyone else have to resort to editing posts to subscribe?
31-10-2005, 02:20
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: McKagan

The New Order Republic of Torontia was ONLY making the case for the total independence of the lands held by Halberdgardia in the nations of Rovonia and Saharistan, which are also shared by other nations, yours included.

Torontia ONLY has unresloved issues with Halberdgardia and NO other nation at this point should consider Torontia a threat to their nations and their national interests overseas.

Torontia is of the view that once Halberdgardia gives independence for Saharistan, the government of Saharistan that was in power before the invasion, the Zarqawi government, will return to power. However other areas of Saharistan will remain under their current status with their mother nations, including the McKagan colonies in Saharistan.

Once again, Torontia urges McKagan to see the truth of our statements regarding Halberdgardia, given Torontia's long standing tradition of honesty and openess and Torontia's considerate and polite diplomatic manner.

Torontia wishes no harm on McKagan. Just open your eyes to the evil that is Halbersgardia and then your nation can prosper and be secure in an alliance with our great nation.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis



The last time a Zarqawi was in power in Saharistan he started attacking ships in international waters and nuking his own people.

Omar al Zarqawi is still locked in an Imperial prison, as he will be for life. This alone proves that most people in that family are terrorists, racists, and Neo-Nazi's.

We do not have any issues with the Tanakis regime stating it's opinion, but we DO have issues with the Tanakis regime threatening nations, especially allied ones.
31-10-2005, 02:22


The last time a Zarqawi was in power in Saharistan he started attacking ships in international waters and nuking his own people.

Omar al Zarqawi is still locked in an Imperial prison, as he will be for life. This alone proves that most people in that family are terrorists, racists, and Neo-Nazi's.

We do not have any issues with the Tanakis regime stating it's opinion, but we DO have issues with the Tanakis regime threatening nations, especially allied ones.

Public Broadcast (feel free to cite)

We wish to have Omar al Zarqawi participate in Operation Wyrd, this is chance to make money with him and pretty much ensure his death at the hands of one of the teams.
31-10-2005, 02:28
We decide that this the best time to announce that Musab Al-Zarqawi and his friend Nina Meyers are to be released under the "Operation Wyrd" initiative. They are also to be transferred to the now renamed "Gauntlet Island" in Leafanistani Occupied Frozopia given weapons and forced to fight in a deadly bloodsport for entertainment. Each team will consist of 60 people, mostly condemned criminals and the like who will fight it out to earn freedom (in a sense, house arrest and $2 million US to spend), and will be assigned a theme and a base on the island. Excluding the US team which will operate off of the Amphibious Assualt ship "Clay" permanetly anchored off the coast. Each team will try to capture as many towns and hold them for the 1 week tournament session. Anyone trying to escape will be shot down.

Anyone can send people to fill such teams, but if they aren't wards of the state they will have to pay a $20,000 ammo/fuel/weapons fee.

EU (European Union) [Not yet full]
USA (United States of America) [Not yet full]
PRC (People's Republic of China) [Not yet full]
MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition) [Zarqawi, and his associates fill this team currently]

Who wants to be signed on to broadcast this? And who wants to reserve advertising space? And who specificially wants to sign on to the UAV monitoring of Musab Al-Zarqawi and his eventual death?

OOC: Yes, I've had this planned for months. Yes, I am an evil bastard, but I've been meaning to get this around, I felt this is the most awkward time to bring it up. Anywho, Toronita; want to RP the MEC team while others handle the other teams?

Secret IC to Leafanistan

Since the capture of our little friend, Omar al Zarqawi, he has been sitting in a prison at a Military Prison in McKagan City. He is allowed (and mandated) to a certain amount of exercise per/day, but our doctors have still noted Mr. OaZ has put on an amount of weight!

We would like to enter OaZ in this little competition of yours, particularly on the US team, if that would be allowed. We will also be signing 6 other randomly selected criminals to the US team, of course, if you confirm.

Should this be allowed, we will begin the transportation planning and move the subject to a staging ground near the area.
31-10-2005, 04:13
The Oval Office, the White House, Washington, D.C., 1000 Local Time

Kenix Kil looked about his new office with a grin of satisfaction. It was immensely satisfying to know that he'd be working in this room, the same one that his predecessor had used, for the next six years. But already there was work to do. A number of new messages regarding the election had come in for him. He sat down and began typing out his responses, bringing back fond memories of some of the communiques he'd issued on behalf of his country as Secretary of State. And if there was one thing he was certainly going to do during his term, it would be to bring his experience as Secretary of State to the proverbial presidential table and enhance the President's role in the nation's foreign affairs.

Open Letter to President Kenix Kil:

Mr. Kil,

May I be among the first to congratulate you on your recent electoral victory. It is good to see a friend achieve success in their endeavors, no?

I do not pretend to be great orator in vein of Cicero or Churchill. Rather, I will simply enunciate that which is on the collective mind of the Imperial Commonwealth. Too often nations speak of the need to preserve freedom, both domestically and in other nations, only to become so obsessed with that goal as to stamp out all that resembles a threat to freedom.

Never in our history has the Imperial Commonwealth witnessed a nation succeed in its self-professed goals of upholding international liberty. Even the Imperial Commonwealth is guilty of betraying this revolution, as it were.

One cannot, however, look only to the past when discussing matters such as these. Looking at the present day, and to the near future, there does indeed seem to exist hope for the cause of freedom.

By virtue of history, of values, of character and spirit, the Halberdgardians have proven themselves a people capable of carrying on this fight for liberty. Their government is young enough so as to have avoided as of yet the inevitable corruption of democracy, and is old enough to prevent the idealistic repression of perceived threats to liberty.

The Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer as a nation, and I as its sovereign, wish the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia all possible luck in the attainment of these ideals.

Libertas inaestimabilis res est

Good luck and Godspeed, Mr. Kil.

[signed] Alexei Saarad I

At sea, the command dreadnaught HMS Kenix Kil fired its guns in salute upon hearing of the electoral victory of the Halberdgardian former Secretary of State. Several towns and cities, primarily in old Loyalist territory, held impromptu parades. The people of Malkyer remembered the help brought to them by Kenix Kil, and remembered their debt of honor.

To: Emperor Alexei Saarad I, the Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

It was heartwarming to see your kind and wise words first among all the congratulatory messages, my friend. I am truly honored and grateful to count you among my friends, and your nation among this country's allies.

I appreciate your counsel on upholding the values of liberty. The road to freedom will be a difficult one, but I believe that, together, with the help of many, it can be done. There is hope for the spread of freedom and democracy, and I look forward to bearing the responsilibity of helping spread wherever it can, just as I look forward to doing it with steadfast allies such as Malkyer at our side.

Libertas inaestimabilis res est, indeed.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Open Message to Our Allies at Halberdgardia
From: The Cabinet of HailandKill

Let us be yet another nation to congratulate your win to the Presidency. May your country continue to flourish as it did under your former leader. Both I and my staff hope that our stance as close allies may continue under your new leader. I would like to congratulate the writer of that inauguration speech, as my staff and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it be broadcast on HailandKill national television. May your nation and our alliance grow stronger everyday.

[Signed]President Revello
[Signed]Secretary of State/International Affairs Allen Johnson
[Signed]Various Cabinet Members, HailandKill

To: President Revello, Secretary of State/International Affairs Allen Johnson, Members of the Cabinet, the Republic of HailandKill
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

I would like to thank you for your kind words and well-wishing. Our nations had lost contact for some time following the Saharistan War, but I am glad to see that neither of us has forgotten the other. I look forward to establishing even stronger relations between our nations in the years to come.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Official Statement from President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
To: President Kenix Kil of Halberdgardia
Subj: Congratulations and tips!
Congratulations on your recent election and inauguration to the position of President of the honorable and great country of Halberdgardia. May your tenure be known as the greatest to have ever been bestowed on your land.

Being the leader of a country is no easy task(I know, as I've been the leader of Holy Paradise for about 16 years). In order to be a great leader, remember the following:

1. Stick to your guns. Never be swayed by what the media or other influences think if you are doing something they disagree with. If you believe it to be in the best interest of Halberdgardia, do it.

2. Enjoy the job. Enjoy what you do, as it shows. Great leaders always have enjoyed the position they hold, even if it affects them physically.

3. Love your citizens. Care deeply and sincerely for them. Don't give them that phony crap some leaders give. Show you want the best for them.

4. Keep your promises. A good leader make promises, a great leader keeps them. Lying will get you nowhere. Always follow through.

5. Be inspirational. Ronald Reagan once said, "A great leader doesn't just do great things, but also inspires others to do great things." Encourage your people to become involved and aspire for their dreams and goals.

With these tips, I hope you can make your nation the greatest it has ever been.

To: President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

Though I do not believe our nations have any contact before, I am truly grateful for your advice on leadership. While there are obviously some necessary leadership skills that must be acquired in the position of Secretary of State, I do realize that the position of Secretary of State and President are vastly different, and so I am glad that you could impart your words of wisdom to me. Perhaps our nations would benefit from pursuing further diplomatic relations. Again, thank you for your kind and wise words, and I look forward to hearing from you again in the future.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

From: The Democratic Imperium of McKagan

To: The Kil Administration

With great joy we wish to congratulate the new President on his accomplishment.

Our nations have been allied for many, many years now. We have faced many challenges, and many crackpot Neo-Nazi nations who are envious of the SWC's standing in the world today.

We wish you good luck, and happy hunting in the chase for the goals you have outlined.

[Signed]President Tony Johnson
[Signed]Other Random Dudes who happened to be walking by the Presidents office at the time

To: President Tony Johnson of the Democratic Imperium of McKagan
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

It was a joy to see your message among the mass of communiques I found on my desk when I walked into the Oval Office this morning.

For as long as I have served the government of Halberdgardia, our two nations have been the closest of friends, the strongest of allies. It is truly a gift to have such a friend among all the psychotic regimes and loose cannons of the international community.

For as long as our nations have been allies, ever since the fateful events of the Saharistan War, you and your nation have always stood by us, even when your loyalty brought condemnation by much larger nations down upon yourself. This is a quality of the best and truest of friends, and I am truly honored and grateful for all that you have done for us over the years.

The people of Halberdgardia are forever indebted to the people of McKagan for their selfless deeds. May God bless you and watch over you and the people of McKagan forever.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

From: Peffe Tannen, Sovereign Arbiter of the Sucellan Governance & Wolfgang Rosenthal, High Chancellor of the Sucellan Governance

To: The Kil Administration

For many years have our nations been allied under the common banner of the Saharistan War Coalition. As one, we have toppled misinformed governments that sought to violate the world. It is with great joy that we receive the news of your election, and it is our wish that you hold the office, as you rightfully should, for many years to come.

May you be blessed with good health and a long life.

Peffe Tannen
Wolfgang Rosenthal

To: Sovereign Arbiter Peffe Tannen, High Chancellor Wolfgang Rosenthal, the Sucellan Governance of Tannenmille
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

To see a message from yet another loyal ally of the Saharistan War Coalition is a great joy to me.

Ever since your selfless assistance for us in that fateful conflict in Saharistan, the people of Halberdgardia have admired the people of Tannenmille and its government for their voice of reason and fair and just policies. The people of Halberdgardia mourned deeply when the late Aven Tannen passed away, not just because he was a fine world leader, but also because they feel a common bond with the Tannenmillian people.

Even after you ascended to the office of Sovereign Arbiter, Peffe, I was honored to meet with you in person and witness your coronation ceremony. I still believe that you will bring a new age of peace and prosperity to Tannenmille, and that you will be blessed with a rule worthy of the most honorable mention in the annals of history. I can only hope that this indeed comes to pass.

May God bless and watch over you and the people of Tannenmille forever.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Official Statement, Foreign Ministry of the Omzian Democratic Republic

As we watch on at the turbulent world, it is to our immense satisfaction that the great nation of Halberdgardia has chosen a new leader as their guiding mentor, and as the individual that will lead Halberdgardia into a new era of prosperity and success. Similarily, with the appointment of a skillful diplomat as a new leader of their nation, we also have our fullest confidence in the fact that Halberdgardia will continue to be a responsible member of the international conglomeration of democratic and peace-loving nations.

Thus, it is with this that we extend our warm greetings to the new leader of Halberdgardia, while conveying our enthusiasm through our great congratulation for the new President of Halberdgardia in regards to his earned victory. At the same time however, we certainly hope that with this transition to a new leadership, current relations between Halberdgardia and the Omzian Democratic Republic will prosper further and blossom into a new period of friendship and consolidation.

Office of the President
Foreign Ministry
Omzian Democratic Republic

To: The Offices of the President and Foreign Ministry of the Omzian Democratic Republic
From: Kenix Kil, the President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

To have the kind words of the Omzian Democratic Republic among the congratulatory communiques is truly an honor.

Indeed, for while our nations have not yet had much contact outside of the "Concert of Unsung Heroes," which I was truly grateful to be able to attend, already the people of Halberdgardia admire the Omzian people. All too often, freedom, democracy, and basic human rights are trampled upon in this world. To have the support of a true friend of these principles is an immense honor for which I am grateful beyond description.

I pledge to continue to improve Halberdgardian-Omzian relations during my term, and I look forward to working with the government of the Omzian Democratic Republic in the future.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

To: The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
From: The State of Amestria

We of Amestria rejoice at the peaceful transfer of power that has taken place in Halberdgardia and look forward to a future of peaceful relations. The Republic of Torontia has made many ridiculous accusations of impropriety in the recent elections. To demonstrate the lack of validity those claims possess, Amestria suggests that Halberdgardia allow a delegation from Amestria’s Ministry of Peace to perform an audit of the election and investigate each one of Torontia’s accusations. The Ministry of Peace has monitored/reviewed elections in dozens of countries and possesses a great deal of international legitimacy.

-President Daniel Fitzgerald Boon of the State of Amestria

To: President Daniel Fitzgerald Boon of the State of Amestria
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

While we have had little or no contact with the State of Amestria in the past, we still welcome your kind words. I, too, look forward to peaceful relations with the State of Amestria, and hope that we can become strong friends in the future. As for the auditors from the Ministry of Peace, I welcome them. I know that my victory in the election was completely legitimate, thus I have nothing to fear from third-party auditors.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Official Statement by the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia, Yao Yang Nelson Neo

As a nation that has friendly relations with Halberdgardia, I, Yao-Yang Nelson Neo, founder of this nation and first Prime Minister, would like to congratulate Kenix Kil. And I see that once again, the so-called 'Republic' of Torontia is being a thorn in your side.

This is what I have to say to their pitiful excuse for a statement: pay no attention to them. Besides, psychotic dictatorships are no longer a major threat to international security. Have you heard of the Corporate Entente, Mr. Kil? They consist of these listed below:

Federation of Joint Conglomerates
Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation
Totalitarian Empire of Concremo
Democratic Republic of Very small island
Prix-Financier Republic of National Commonwealth

Why have you not challenged these states, Mr. Kil? Too strong for Halberdgardia? If not, please attack them...and actually, please save Concremo. The Emperor of their country did not see that the Kraven Corporation was going to stab them in the back, and are in the process of annexing them and turning Concremo into a rainforest of industrial factories. But please do impose much more harsh measurements on National Commonwealth and Very small island. Why? They were democracies that backed the corporate autocracies...the reason VSI backed the FJC was because out of cronyist interests and the PFRNC backed the FJC was because they have an undentable bond to their friends, no matter how corrupt they be.

Please help my country crush the corporatists...they have now stepped out of the shadows with their devastating private power, and will stop at nothing to gain more profits. As I have said earlier about my friend in a previous letter, Dr. Wang and the rest of the investigation team must be avenged...please help us.

His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo

To: Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

I appreciate your comments of friendship and congratulations. Now, regarding your request.

I have indeed heard of the Corporate Entente, as you brought it to my attention while I was Secretary of State in the Kanos Administration. While we were militarily involved in the OMP/Gholgoth War during that time, and thus could not spare the military forces to intervene, we are now no longer bound by that conflict. We will begin to investigate the conflict, as well as possible approaches to intervention to oppose the Corporate Entente.

However, despite your dismissal of Torontia as simply "a thorn in [our] side," they are, in fact, a more immediate threat to this nation than the Corporate Entente. I cannot, in good conscience, and will not, disregard the safety of the people of Halberdgardia in favor of opposing an organization simply because of ideology. Therefore, when the more immediate Torontian threat is resolved, we will then begin to plan for dealing with the Corporate Entente.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

To: "President for Life" Vader Tanakis of the New Order Republic of Torontia
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Rebuttal

Does your depravity know no bounds? Yet again you persist in your irrational, pathological hatred against this nation. It obviously matters not to you who occupies the Office of the Presidency, but simply that Halberdgardia exists. Let me, therefore, dissect your attacks against me and render them utterly impotent.

Yet again we in the international community have to suffer the pathetic charade of Halberdgardia pretending to be a so-called 'democracy'.

You speak of a charade that never existed in the first place. In fact, I would think your description far more accurate of your own regime, especially as the HCIA has real, factual evidence of blatant voting fraud in the election that brought you yourself to power. Obviously you do not find it in the least bit ironic that you are attempting to paint us as a tyrannical nation when you have named yourself "President for Life."

Is it not strange that the puppet of the pervert ex-President of your nation, Kir Kanos, Kennix Kil, is 'elected' to your nations presidency.

It is not strange in the slightest. I was elected to be the Conservative candidate, and the people of Halberdgardia voted for me over Senator Gordon Sutorius, an excellent and honorable statesman and orator, in a close victory. It was not a landslide, which might have been indicative of fraud, but rather an election with rather typical results.

Worrying this is, not in that it makes your political system a complete joke, as your nation hardly has any ounce of respect in the international community, but that your nation now has an international terrorist and a well known gangster and war criminal in charge of your nation.

Perhaps it is our supposed "utter lack of respect in the international community" that has garnered us alliances with well-respected world superpowers such as the Incorporated States of Sarzonia and the Empire of the Golden Throne of The Macabees, favorable relations with the Omzian Democratic Republic and the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia, and entrance into organizations such as the International Allied Defense Federation?

Surely you do not believe that an "international terrorist," "well-known gangster," and "war criminal" could achieve such things? If you do, you are clearly more far gone than I previously thought.

We in Torontia see this as nothing more than a ploy to further chain the world to your crackpot president, or shall I use the correct term, dictator, and his evil plans and plots to dominate the world and further crush people under your vile yoke of bloodthirsty imperialism.

On the contrary, had you actually bothered to listen to my inaugural speech, I intend to make the world as free as possible. Freedom is not achieved through greed-inspired imperialism, but it can be achieved when it has the people of a country in mind and they are granted equal rights, as we have done in Saharistan, Rovonia, Algeristan, and Arabanistan.

The New Order Republic of Torontia calls on the global community of free nations to expose the electoral fraud in Halberdgardia and to help destroy the Kennix Kil dictatorship as it is a real and ever present danger to the world community of nations.

Torontia is drafting a resolution to be put forward to the global community to have measures taken against your illegal regime and then, should you refuse our compassion and kindness and the Torontian governments concern for the oppressed people of Halberdgardia, action will be taken to remove your tyrrany and to liberate the nation of Halberdgardia.

Time and time again, you appeal to the international community for help, yet no one comes. Have you ever wondered why? Let me tell you.

It is because you hold an indefensible position: you spread the message of hypocrisy. You slander this nation and its leaders in every way you can think of, yet there is no basis for such insults. You wax rhapsodic about the oppression we allegedly spead, yet the only oppressor to be seen is you. The international community sees you for what you are, "President" Tanakis: a pathological liar and crazed, iron-fisted dictator who is unfit to hold any position of power.

The New Order Republic of Torontia invites all freedom loving nations to partake in this resolution in the noble cause of exposing the sham 'democracy' and the massive scale of electoral fraud that now sadly exists in the oppressed nation of Halberdgardia.

If you are truly appealing to all freedom-loving nations, you are appealing to, among others, the very nation that you threaten. Perhaps you would yield better results if you simply appealed to other psychotic dictators right off the bat than continuing with your pathetic charade: acting as though you are a free democratic society when you are anything but.

The recent 'election' was nothing but widescale fraud with no fair chance for the opposition to have a genuine chance of actually giving Halberdgardians a chance to choose the government and presidential candidate of their choice.

As the Amestrian Ministry of Peace's auditors will soon verify, there was no fraud. And contrary to your claims, Senator Sutorius was, in fact, well-represented across all mediums of communication across Halberdgardia. The people had a fair choice, and they chose me.

1.) All major media outlets, (television, radio, newspapers, magazines and internet sites) were in favour of the regime candidate, Kennix Kil. The media did NOT give any fair coverage to the opposition, denied them a voice from which they should of had the right to put public their policies and programme and in MANY instances, the media gave a series of negative stories about the opposition, most of which were lies, showing how desperate the regime was in painting a flase picture of the opposition parties and candidates.

Only in your fantasies would such a scenario occur in Halberdgardia. But these accusation sound familiar. Why is that? Ah, yes, they sound familiar because they are the exact same forms of repression and voter-influencing that occurred in the fradulent election that brought you back into power.

2.) The Kenix Kil regime placed a number of agents in polling booths to ensure that when the votes were counted, the ballots would be 'favourable' to the ruling regime. This blatant act of electoral fraud was most practised in the rural areas and in the southern areas of Halberdgardia, where the opposition had more support among the voters.

For once you manage to insert some truth in your accusations. It is true that Senator Sutorius did have more support in the the rural areas of Halberdgardia, due to his promise of increased government subsidization of the agricultural sector. Unfortunately for you, that is the only true statement in the entire point. As for accusations of agents in the polling booths, that also sounds familiar. Let me check the documented photographic evidence of fraud Jack Norton provided to the HCIA. Ah, yes, Torontian agents were indeed in the polling booths during that election.

3.) The Halberdgardian Secret Police, HCIA, carried out many 'dirty tricks' on the opposition, including blackmail, intimidation, false stories on the opposition leaked to the government controlled media and even violence in two southern villages.

Please. The HCIA is anything but the secret police. Let me spell out the acronym for you: Halberdgardian Central Intelligence Agency. Nothing in that acronym, or, more tellingly, the HCIA's actions, would suggest for a moment that they are the secret police of Halberdgardia. And just for clarification, there is no secret police in Halberdgardia. We have nothing to hide, so there is no need.

4.) Ex-President/Dictator Kir Kanos went AGAINST the rules of his nation's very own constitution and forced ALL governmental employees and civil servants to vote for his puppet candidate, Kir Kanos, and those who refused lost thier jobs.

This is one of the most patently false accusations I have ever heard come from your filthy mouth, and you be ashamed that you ever uttered it. Not only was President Kanos busying himself with wrapping up his term during the elections, but nearly all the employees of the Kanos Administration still retain their jobs, despite the fact that nearly half of them voted for Senator Sutorius.

On top of these UNDEMOCRATIC practices in the recent 'election', the Kanos/Kil dictatorship has also VIOLATED international law and attacked MANY nations.

1.) As the nations of Leafanistan and Saharistan were about to end a war between them, Halberdgardia attacked Saharistan in an attempt to destroy the peace process. They then attacked and invaded Saharistan and used WMDs on that nation, then they overthrew the democratic government of Saharistan and it's peace loving president, Musab al Zarqawi. Saharistan is now under Halberdgardian occupation.

Yet again you attempt to play the "violation of international law" card. One would think that you would have at least tried to expand your repetoire of accusations by now.

And yet again, you try to twist the truth to fit your own purposes. Anyone who wishes to get an accurate retelling of the conflict can view this account of the Saharistan War (, written by a team of internationally-respected historians who had unparalleled access to a variety of materials from the period.

2.) Halberdgardia made unprovoked threats and attacks on the nation of Rovonia and then annexed three of that nation's provinces.

Rovonia provoked us first, and we only attacked after evidence of Rovonian collaboration with the terrorist group Global Jihad, which has long sought to destroy Halberdgardia and perpetrated heinous terrorists attacks against Saharistan War Coalition members in Saharistan, was discovered. And we annexed one province for the safety of the people and to rebuild it. Later, the communist leader of Rovonia gave Halberdgardia permanent control of that province in exchange for a mutual defense pact.

3.) Halberdgardia made threats against the nations of Algersitan and Arabanistan, however, international pressure stoped them from attacked these to soveriegn nations.

4.) Upon the collapse of the governments of Arabanistan and Algersitan, Halberdgardia invaded and occupied these two nations. Halberdgardia gave NO chance for another government of those nations to take office.

On the contrary, both Algeristan and Arabanistan threatened Halberdgardia first. While neither nation went to war against us, they still attempted to slander us, much like you are attempting to do now. We occupied both of those countries to prevent a new radical Islamic regime from swooping in and taking advantage of the anarchy that would come from the collapse of the original government. We came to give the people freedom.

5.) Halberdgardia supported terrorists in Monitgnac and helped destablise that nation by keeping the civil war going there for their own vile imperialistic interests.

I have never heard of the country of Monitgnac before, and our records show that it has long since collapsed.

6.) Halberdgardia has given refuge to two of Torontia's most dangerous and bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, Jack Norton and his brother David Norton. These two terrorists were responsible for a year long civil war in Torontia that killed 300,000 people and resulted in the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Torontia, Mr. Paul Kaufman. The result was that Torontia was ruled for three years by a terrorist regime that nearly destroyed Torontia and it's people.

I should point out that it was you yourself that approved our request to bring the Norton brothers out of the country, and that they were taken out of the country in a peaceful manner. And while it is true that Jack Norton led a violent revolution, he did so only to remove your so-called "democratically-elected president" from power, which was about one of the best things to ever happen to your country.

All of the above points of evidence show that Halberdgardia, under it's current dictatorial regime, is both a burden on it's own people and a GRAVE and REAL threat to the world community of free nations.

As Torontia is a leading partner in the cause of freedom and in the international community, Torontia invites other nations to sign this noble charter and apply the follwoing actions to help ensure that democracy can grow in Halberdgardia and that Halberdgardia will be free of the evil tyranny of the Kanos/Kil dictatorship.

The only cause you are partner to is that of tyranny and repression. If you were a true friend of democracy and freedom, we would have no conflict.

1.) All trade, investments, business ventures, communication and any other dealings which enrich the Halberdgardian dictatorship are STOPPED and that FULL and EFFECTVE sanctions are imposed upon Halberdgardia. Humanitarian aid will be expemt from this as the people of Halberdgardia should NOT suffer because of their tyrants.

As no one we trade with will actually go through with this plan, we are not worried. We welcome your humanitarian aid, however, should you actually choose to send it. It will go towards helping our homeless and those below the poverty line.

2.) All military supplies, weapons deals, trade in military equipment be halted in order to prevent Halberdgardia from threatening the free world.

Too late. Our manufacturing base is more than strong enough to support our military, even should we close off nearly all or all trade with the outside world.

3.) A naval embargo be imposed in international waters around the soveriegn waters of Halberdgardia to make fully effective points 1 and 2 of the resolution.

If any Torontian vessel so much as approaches sovereign Halberdgardian waters with a hostile intent, it will be annihilated. That is a promise.

4.) A diplomatic boycott of Halberdgardia as the current regime has NO legal basis for it's position in power over Halberdgardia.

Being fairly elected is not a legal basis? News to me.

5.) That Halberdgardia should hold NEW and fully FREE and FAIR elections.

It was done in the last election, and that should be good enough for you.

]6.) That Kir Kanos and Kennix Kil be prohibited from standing in these new elections.

President Kanos has already served his second six-year term, so he is ineligible for re-election, as per the terms of our Constitution.

7.) That the ruling 'National Conservative Party' dismantle it's one party status and monopoly over the government, civil service, military forces, security services and the media.

There is no one-party system in Halberdgardia, unlike your own oppressive system. Had you bothered to look up commonly-available information, you would see that there are over a dozen relatively large political parties in Halberdgardia. Sadly for you, there is no monopoly in Halberdgardia like the one in your nation.

8.) That the media be made free and objective.

It has always been this way, again unlike the state-sponsored propaganda you pass off as media.

9.) That all points from 1 to 8 of this resolution shall be observed by a team of impartial and neutral observers.

Handpicked by you, no doubt, thereby rendering them anything but impartial and neutral.


Whereupon said invasion force will suffer the hellfire of the combined militaries of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia and her allies. Tread softly, for you are on dangerous ground.

The forces of freedom are marching on, and you are on the wrong side.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
31-10-2005, 04:24
We decide that this the best time to announce that Musab Al-Zarqawi and his friend Nina Meyers are to be released under the "Operation Wyrd" initiative. They are also to be transferred to the now renamed "Gauntlet Island" in Leafanistani Occupied Frozopia given weapons and forced to fight in a deadly bloodsport for entertainment. Each team will consist of 60 people, mostly condemned criminals and the like who will fight it out to earn freedom (in a sense, house arrest and $2 million US to spend), and will be assigned a theme and a base on the island. Excluding the US team which will operate off of the Amphibious Assualt ship "Clay" permanetly anchored off the coast. Each team will try to capture as many towns and hold them for the 1 week tournament session. Anyone trying to escape will be shot down.

Anyone can send people to fill such teams, but if they aren't wards of the state they will have to pay a $20,000 ammo/fuel/weapons fee.

EU (European Union) [Not yet full]
USA (United States of America) [Not yet full]
PRC (People's Republic of China) [Not yet full]
MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition) [Zarqawi, and his associates fill this team currently]

Who wants to be signed on to broadcast this? And who wants to reserve advertising space? And who specificially wants to sign on to the UAV monitoring of Musab Al-Zarqawi and his eventual death?

OOC: Yes, I've had this planned for months. Yes, I am an evil bastard, but I've been meaning to get this around, I felt this is the most awkward time to bring it up. Anywho, Toronita; want to RP the MEC team while others handle the other teams?

[OOC: That last post was undoubtedly the largest single post I've ever typed all in one sitting.]

Encrypted Transmission to Supervisors of Operation Wyrd

We have three things we'd like to propose for this operation:

1.) Drop a tactical nuke on the participants at a random time, thereby ensuring the deaths of the participants, particularly the al Zaraqwis


2.) Deploy one or more Spectral Operatives to wreak havoc among the participants


3.) Deploy a team of crack Special Forces soldiers to ruthlessly hunt down and kill the participants, particularly the al Zaraqwis, in the most gruesome fashions they can improvise.

Let us know what you think.

End Encrypted Transmission
31-10-2005, 04:51
To: President Daniel Fitzgerald Boon of the State of Amestria
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

While we have had little or no contact with the State of Amestria in the past, we still welcome your kind words. I, too, look forward to peaceful relations with the State of Amestria, and hope that we can become strong friends in the future. As for the auditors from the Ministry of Peace, I welcome them. I know that my victory in the election was completely legitimate, thus I have nothing to fear from third-party auditors.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

To: The Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
From: The State of Amestria

The auditors are on there way and upon arrival will begin a detailed examination of the election and the Halberdgardian political system. Your government can expect the completion of the audit in one month’s time.

-President Daniel Fitzgerald Boon of the State of Amestria
31-10-2005, 05:00
[OOC: I'm gonna assume that was sent to me as well. I know it probably wasn't, but I want to add feedback to that too, considering I also have plans for the RP]

Message to Hal, Operation Supervisors

While the suggestions made so far are, entirely, hilarious to even think of, we have one better.

Would it not be fun to, while doing any/or of the other suggested items, unleash various chemical warfare units over the battlefield(s)?

For instance, the sex bomb shells and various zombie viruses?

Towards the end of the operation we would like to schedule an IMAF air raid as well, to create "Rivers of fire" for the participants to deal with.

We are also commiting multiple CODEX teams to the area at this time, and they may more may not (depending on Leafanistans wishes) be deployed to the island in order to practice live fire techniques at detaining muslim extremists! IE, Omar al Zarqawi goes to sleep in a house, and wakes up in the side of a mountain! Great training chances are everywhere!

End Message

A few hours before that message was sent, in the early morning hours of McKagan City, an armored COV-8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle pulled up to massive front steps at the McKagan Military Prison. It was raining, and foggy, as it routinely was in this city.

As the medium sized scout car stopped and sat in the drenching rain for a few moments, it seemed as if it was lost in the literal maze of McKagan City's identical streets. Then, suddenly, one of the doors on the front of the building opened. The lights in that room came on, and 4 soldiers, all in identical urban camoflauge walked out. In the center of them, a short man, clean and shaved. The only signs of his religious extremism is his headpeice.

Walking down the long flight of steps, similiar to those made popular by various Rocky movies, the men finally reached the rear of the APC, at which point it's rear door dropped down. The front two soldiers took up positions on the sides of the vehicle, the other two helped the man inside while still scouting to make sure the low chance of someone actually knowing what was going on actualy forming into an attack never happened. As the man sat down on the right side of the forward part of the APC's soldier section, the soldiers filed in and raised the door.

The man? Omar al Zarqawi. The soldiers? CODEX Red Team. Red Team wasn't like the rest of the elite CODEX teams. Red Team was tasked not with destroying foreign Navy SEALS, but with escorting generals, and other VIP's around dangerous areas.

The Scout Car sat for only a moment before moving out. Down the somewhat narrow streets (in the business sector), the unit moved at a fairly quick pace. Slowing only at intersections. From there, the unit moved down a steep hill and reached the flat coastal roads. Still two lane, it too a right and went up the cliffs, over the ocean, and towards the military airstrip.

On the airstrip was one of the medium sized Rose Class Transport Planes. Despite it's rough look, it was actually a fairly comfy ride for people. The MCIA regularly used them, as they were EXTREMLY stealthy and survivable.

The APC stopped. The hatch opened and, again, two men filed out to cover the other two who transported OaZ to the door. After rushing him up steps and him turning forward to be secured in an armored passenger section with other agents and soldiers, a squad of men, dressed the same as the CODEX team, left the plane and took the APC away, towards one of the large vehicle garages that sat down the runway.

Moving down the taxy lanes, the plane gained speed and launched. Aboard were OaZ, CODEX Red Team, and 4 IMAF Security Officers and 2 MCIA agents.

A few moments after the plane launched, of course, 6 Su-82 Air Superiority Fighters were launched. They took up various flank positions around, above, and below the plane at predetermined distances apart to avoid forming a large blip on radar. Climbing to an extreme height, OaZ was in motion towards the only Air Force Base in Frozopia the McKagan Army Engineers had repaired after the intense bombardment during the war.
31-10-2005, 05:04
Encrypted Message to Overseers of Operation Wyrd
From: S.A. Tannen & H.C. Rosenthal
Encryption Key: 443432401-emeraldcassette.Echo
Decryption Key: *************************

We have a suggestion for this game: Sprinkler systems rigged up to spray the experimental Riven neurotoxin gas into the arenas at the discretion of yourselves. This could be used to ensure the death of the Zarqawi leaders if they somehow manage to defeat their enemies. Riven gas is a very potent agent and will likely kill all participants active at the time of its release.

Regardless of your decision regarding Riven, the Sucellan Governance will be able to "donate" the criminals needed for the European Union team.

31-10-2005, 06:19

From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: President Kennix Kil of Halberdgardia

Im sure you are now used to the tone of diplomacy that the government of the New Order Republic of Torontia has put forward with regards to the administration of Halberdgardia.

However, like all politicians, I like you have to say one thing and do another for purposes of realpolitik.

Unknown to you or any other nation, the Torontian National Intelligence Service (NIS) has given me several reports over the last few months of widescale anger and dissent amongst my own people.

For some reason totally unknown to me or the government and cabinet, the people of Torontia are NOT that happy with the New Order system and now speak the language of evil in that they talk of 'all out change' in the way Torontia is governed.

In order to keep the people of Torontia behind me as opposed to being against me, I need to distract them with make believe enemies and Halberdgardia happens to be one of those enemies.

You have accused me of insanity many times over, yet you are mistaken there. Populist, demagouge, rabble rouser I may be, but not a madman.

My rather frank and insulting style to those I pick on is only to appeal to my own people, to keep them in fear of enemies from abroad and then to have those who oppose me in Torontia lined up with these foreign enemies and thus they lose public support as they are seen as unpatriotic and thus the New Order gets the upper hand once again.

The only way one can rule a nation is via manipulating your people, telling them half truths or lies and keeping them in constant fear.

There has never been any other way in human history to do otherwise.

If I did not pick diplomatic 'fights' with other nations, my people would lose their focus and their patriotism would wane to the extent of an uprising or revolution taking place in our nation.

The collapse of the New Order would only ever spell disaster for our nation and the global community of nations.

Mr. President Kil, Torontia has NEVER had and NEVER will, as long as Im President, any intention of going to war with your nation.

On that you have my word and as Im a devout Christian who follows the teachings of the Bible and I have always ruled my nation in the same merciful way that Jesus did for our ancestors.

Given that you are a devout Christian too, it seems that you and me are more or less identical in ever way imagined, like brothers.

My words are of honesty in that I only seek to inform you of our NON-HOSTILE intentions towards your nation, regardless of what I say in public, which only ever has propaganda value for my own people to watch on their T.V. screens.

Your nation has MANY allies and is strong and secure, Torontia only ever wants to attain the status that your nation has and to be a respected, somewhat feared power in global politics.

If I were the madman you paint me to be, I would have destroyed this nation years ago in a war that I started but would not have won. Notice how I have these diplomatic incidents yet never get to the stage of all out war.

It's all part and parcel of my propaganda.

Maybe the HCIA have already highlighted this characteristic of my government to you?

Given that Torontia would never go to war with you, one on the basis that Im a man of peace and two on the more logical basis that your nation is alone more powerful than mine, added that you have many powerful allies;

Torontia would like to start a secret de-escalation of the bad relations that currently stand between us. It's not much to ask, not like an all out alliance, just a gradual toning down of hostilities and then that leaves open where we can go from there.

My main reason for this is that around 5 LARGE nations have imposed severe sanctions on Torontia and many other nations are soon to follow when they accused me of using 'offensive' language in my diplomatic comminques and a threat I made to execute homosexuals in my nation after my security forces rounded up sodomite suspects in a major sweep to cleanse my nation of impurity.

Some nations have talked of 'regime change' for Torontia.

Im sure that your government and cabinet are wise enough to know that however low an opinion you have of the New Order, you know that it is the best system on offer for Torontia and that anything else would lead to a bloodbath or worse, a chance for the forces of the gangsters in Global Jihad to take advantage!

Torontia now grows sick of nations turning us away as if we were the plague. Torontia aims to reach out to others to build bridges in the global community of nations. My offer to your nation is but one step in that direction.

However Torontia may be attacked by some who claim that I am 'rude and insulting' when communicating with them. Others want to force homosexuality on to Torontia and thus seek to destory the wide range of freedoms that exist in our nation.

In order to see out this storm, Torontia needs less enemies and more friends.

I pray that you have an open mind on this offer and ask that you at leat understand, maybe forgive, why I treated your nation in the way I did.

Ill admit that I used fraud in the polls and I will tell you that I personally would not care if fraud happened in your nation either, it's your election not mine.

But as you say you won in a free and fair manner, congratulations, at least you did what I could not do in an elections, why do you think I abolised them.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
31-10-2005, 09:15
OOC: Hal, here's the fall of Concremo thread ( TG him or Kraven for permission to RP. And since the RP I am entangled in is closed, you can't post in it. Instead, invade VSI or National Commonwealth or SkyCapt, a Corporate Entente sympathizer. Plus, while I know of the Hellfire conflict, I don't know what does 'OMP' stand for...can you please tell me what it means?

TO: President Kenix Kil of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
FROM: USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs Joshua Lin
RE: Save Concremo from Corporate Annexation

Dear President Kenix Kil,

Even though I know Neo has giving you his congratulations, I still would like to do so. It was a good fight there, Kil, good job at that! Now, back to the subject's title: As my country's leader has informed earlier, Concremo is in the process of annexation. From what my nation's intelligence agencies can tell, the right-hand man of the Emperor who supposedly 'betrayed' him was not the original one at all: he was a duplicate, and the original person was killed and body has not been recovered. While my people and myself abhor Concremo because they backed Stryker and were friends of the Kraven Corporation, we view them as the lesser of the two evils. At least the Emperor and his cronies, while totalitarian, were rational and not evil. Most Concremians only can dream about the liberties your nation has. Perhaps you should make their dream come true as your nation did in Saharistan, Rovonia and Arabanistan.

His Excellency,
USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joshua Lin
31-10-2005, 12:02
An Official Letter from the Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia

Dear President Kil,

Allow me to retract my statement about the New Order Republic being a 'thorn in your side'. It seems that Torontia and the Corporate Entente have a lot more in common than either of us have expected. At 7:55 a.m. today (Western Southeast Asian Time,) President-for-Life Vader Tanakis, noticed the similarities between his government and the Kraven Corporation, and pledged support for the Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation (

But we will not help Saint Fedski and all the other supporters of the Holy Empire of Xirnium. Why? Because Xirnium is a theocracy that worships a corrupt, autocratic nutcase. Do you now agree that the Corporate Entente is a threat to both the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia and the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia? I don't take you as a fool.

His Leadership,
Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia
Yao Yang Nelson Neo

P.S. I forgot to add the Eternal Empire of Yurka and the Underground Weapons Company of Raven Corps. Please note that they are also members, and have a devastating arsenal of weapons. Be on the alert.
31-10-2005, 17:27
Personal Royal Telegram to President Kennix Kil of Halberdgardia

Dear Sir,

I would like to offer my congratulations regarding your recent election to the position of President of Halberdgardia, and I wish to reaffirm the commitment of my Government towards a mutually beneficial diplomatic relation between our two respective nations. I would also like to express my approval of the general sentiment of your inaugural address, although you will forgive me if I am somewhat cynical with regards to the likelihood of your most worthy cause making any considerable difference in such a hostile geopolitical climate.

Regardless, our two nations have stood side-by-side for a great number of years, and I have no hesitation in saying that I am sure that this state of affairs shall continue for a great many years longer. We offer every assistance in dealing with the New Order Republic of Torontia, whose bizarre and somewhat hypocriful stance is most confusing and definately a sign that there is somewhat more to their stance than meets the eye. We must always be wary to guard against nations such as these.

Yours Sincerely,

His Majesty Imperator Sarius I of Praetonia
31-10-2005, 22:34
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: Halberdgardia

The New Order Republic of Torontia will state to your nation and the international community that we have made a GRAVE MISTAKE regarding the allegations we made regarding electoral fraud in Halberdgardia.

There was NO fraud in the recent elections in Halberdgardia and Torontia now officially proclaims it's diplomatic recognition of the administration of President Kennix Kil as the legitimate executive power in Halberdgardia.

Torontia has TORN UP the 'Resolution' we made regarding our past accusation and Torontia seeks NO harm on the nation of Halberdgardia.

Torontia APOLOGISES for it's past conflict and diplomatic remarks regarding the government of Halberdgardia and hopes that this era of darkness that clouded our view of your nation is now a thing of the past.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
Holy Paradise
31-10-2005, 22:56
From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: Halberdgardia

The New Order Republic of Torontia will state to your nation and the international community that we have made a GRAVE MISTAKE regarding the allegations we made regarding electoral fraud in Halberdgardia.

There was NO fraud in the recent elections in Halberdgardia and Torontia now officially proclaims it's diplomatic recognition of the administration of President Kennix Kil as the legitimate executive power in Halberdgardia.

Torontia has TORN UP the 'Resolution' we made regarding our past accusation and Torontia seeks NO harm on the nation of Halberdgardia.

Torontia APOLOGISES for it's past conflict and diplomatic remarks regarding the government of Halberdgardia and hopes that this era of darkness that clouded our view of your nation is now a thing of the past.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
Official Statement of President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
To: President Tanakis of Torontia
Subj:Intercepted message
My country's intelligence has found out about your message to Halberdgardia, and withdraws all threats upon your nation. I am glad this was solved peacefully.
31-10-2005, 23:16
The Su-82's pulled up and allowed the K-77 Rose Transport Plane to drop to it's landing approach. The flight had been uneventful. Partially because of the Macabee built long range Air to Air missiles, a small fighter compliment had been assigned to escort the unit.

Driver Air Force Base was the new designation for a huge complex being set up on top of a Tropan City base in Frozopia. The base had been destroyed during the Submarine Attacks of the war, but now the Engineers had built it up with a large runway and a few hangars. After a while it would become the main Governmental HQ for all McKagan operations in the nation, at least until Tropan City, the City that officials had determined would be the capital of the province, was linked back up to the rest of the outside world; since the nation had been decapitated at it's very infrastructure during the war.

Regardless of all the history and politics involving such a simple (at least in outside appearance) government flight, the K-77 was on it's final decent. Sitting down on the runway in nearly a perfect landing, the plane continued until it reached it's stoping point at the end of the taxy network. There, another APC, identical to the one in McKagan City, pulled up to the step-truck that the plane was pulling up to from the other direction.

CODEX Red Team quickly moved down the steps and checked the predesignated sniper positions on top of surrounding buildings. They were all filled, and all acted as if nothing was unusual. Finally, after no hesitation, OaZ was moved down the steps and into the secure APC. The COV-8 vehicle moved off down the massive expanse and towards the parking garage of the command bunker/skyscraper.

As it approached, the doors opened and the vehicle moved in. The outdoor guards talked into their headsets, obviously letting the other men in the security unit know, for the minute the doors shut behind the APC, the snipers disappeared from the rooftops to their COV-2's and removed themselves from the airstrip, probably moving to their regular positions closer to the peremeter of the base.

At the same time this happened, a Be-23 Archimede's Lever Heavy Lift transport plane landed. At this point a convoy of 5 ton Transport trucks moved onto the runway. Stopping at the rear of the plane, they began to load the prisoners onto the trucks. Their destination was the secured holding building on the far side of the compound, where they would be held until the Operation: Wyrd planners contacted someone to talk about transportation to the Amphibious assault ship.

[OOC: Leafanistan, the number of prisoners is un-precise. If no one else wants to RP the American team, i'll provide them all, if someone else wants to, I'll provide the difference. I suggest setting up another thread for this whole thing, although this is just to get the presence of OaZ RP'd out.]
01-11-2005, 01:23
01-11-2005, 01:38
Encrypted Transmission

To: Vader Tanakis, President-for-Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Diplomatic Relations

I appreciate your frankness in your recent communique to me. I believe that I have now begun to understand you, Mr. Tanakis, and I believe that it is only fair to answer truthfulness with truthfulness. Therefore, I will tell you, rather frankly, what is necessary for you to do in order to normalize relations with us. I say this not to be coercive, but rather to be fair, both to the people of my nation and yours. I will keep in mind your ideological beliefs.

The system of realpolitik, in my opinion, is not necessarily inherently evil. Indeed, even in Halberdgardia, it is necessary on occasion. However, as with all things, it is undoubtedly dangerous when taken to the extreme. Thus, I first suggest that you begin to reduce your reliance on realpolitik in governing Torontia. The less you keep from your people, and the less you manipulate them, the more they will trust and respect you as a leader. This will go quite a way towards reducing the dissent among your citizens. Your belief that the only way to rule is to manipulate the people is misguided. While it is true that this is one way to rule a people, it is not the only way, and I encourage you to look past the repression of others as a tactic of rule. Many democracies have had extremely successful existences, and even other systems such as constitutional monarchies have worked well too. The key is in the defense of the rights of the people. It matters not what system of government exists in a nation, so long as the rights and freedoms of the people are defended by the government.

Now, for our specific requests in exchange for normalization of relations:

You will step forward and publicly admit that there was fraud in the election that brought you to power and verify that the evidence presented to the international community by Jack Norton was indeed authentic.
You will retract your allegations of fraud in our own election, and affirm that this was a slanderous attack.
You will issue a public apology for all diplomatic attacks you have made upon this nation, both under the Kanos Administration, and my Administration.
You will begin to reform your government, beginning with the abolishing of the secret police. This measure will further increase the trust of your people by assuring them that repressive tactics will not be utilized to secure your rule.
You will begin to push for reform in the rights of the people, allowing for all the basic rights laid down in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America.
You will begin to push for reform in the treatment of homosexuals. While the government may continue to express its dislike for homosexuals, these people should not be denied their basic human rights on account of it.
Should you comply with the first three requests within a reasonable time frame, we can begin the process of normalizing relations. The others will, necessarily, take place over a longer period of time. We are willing to assist you in this endeavor, and we urge you not to push for reform too quickly, for we have see all too often that states that push for quick, radical reform often end up reversing them shortly thereafter.

Through these steps, you will begin the long journey towards acceptance in the international community, as well as with this nation.

I hope that you take my advice to heart, and I know that if you truly mean what you have said, you will do your best to follow this advice.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

End Encrypted Transmission

Kil sighed after sending the message off to Tanakis. He was still somewhat suspicious of Tanakis and his sudden change of heart, but only time would tell if he meant to truly improve his nation's standing in the eyes of the international community, or if he was just looking for a chance to stab Halberdgardia in the back. If he does the latter, Kil thought, our wrath will be fierce indeed.
01-11-2005, 04:31
Personal Royal Telegram to President Kennix Kil of Halberdgardia

Dear Sir,

I would like to offer my congratulations regarding your recent election to the position of President of Halberdgardia, and I wish to reaffirm the commitment of my Government towards a mutually beneficial diplomatic relation between our two respective nations. I would also like to express my approval of the general sentiment of your inaugural address, although you will forgive me if I am somewhat cynical with regards to the likelihood of your most worthy cause making any considerable difference in such a hostile geopolitical climate.

Regardless, our two nations have stood side-by-side for a great number of years, and I have no hesitation in saying that I am sure that this state of affairs shall continue for a great many years longer. We offer every assistance in dealing with the New Order Republic of Torontia, whose bizarre and somewhat hypocriful stance is most confusing and definately a sign that there is somewhat more to their stance than meets the eye. We must always be wary to guard against nations such as these.

Yours Sincerely,

His Majesty Imperator Sarius I of Praetonia

To: His Majesty Imperator Sarius I of the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Election

It is truly an honor to receive a congratulatory message from the Imperator of Praetonia himself, and I am most grateful for the sentiment. I am also most grateful for the assistance you have pledged to us regarding Torontia; however, I believe that we are close to reaching a peaceful diplomatic solution. Should this change, I will inform you immediately.

I too wish to reaffirm our wish for the strengthening of Halberdgardian-Praetonian relations. Both President Kanos and I have always admired the ideals for which Praetonia stands, seeing Praetonia itself as a shining beacon of democracy and freedom in a world ever-increasingly cloaked in the darkness of oppression and tyranny. Perhaps some day our nations will formalize the favorable relations we already have. I look forward to that day.

May our two nations continue to stand together in unity in the defense of freedom, and may Praetonia continue to thrive.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

Encrypted Transmission

To: Joshua Lin, USNSEA Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yao Yang Nelson Neo, Prime Minister of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeastasia
From: Kenix Kil, President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia
Re: Corporate Entente

With the Torontian situation appearing to be coming to a peaceful conclusion, we may finally be able to devote more significant time and resources to the Corporate Entente situation. We will give the situation in Concremo, particuarly, precedence. While I cannot declare war on SkyCapt, as they have been a loyal friend of Halberdgardia in the past, before their changes towards corporatism, perhaps an assault on VSI or NC might be possible. I will inform you of my decision after the HCIA has presented me with their own intelligence, and I have deliberated on the matter with my military staff. Additional time may be required in order to garner support from Halberdgardian allies, who will bring their own powerful militaries into the fray as well. In the meantime, however, I counsel patience. Continue to hold down the front, and I will do all that I can to get help on the way.

Kenix Kil
President of the Democratic Imperium of Halberdgardia

End Encrypted Transmission
01-11-2005, 05:20

From: The New Order Republic of Torontia

To: President Kennix Kil of Halberdgardia

I am very pleased at the openess and honesty of your last letter to me, Mr. President Kil.

Im glad that you do indeed understand my prediciment and my use of realpolitik in dealing with the affiars of state.

Torontia has ALREADY made a statement RETRACTING our claims of the 'fraud' in your last Presidential elections and the said statement also added Torontia to the list of nations that have now reconised the new executive authority of your government over Halberdgardia.

Torontia will SOON announce to the world community of nations, our apologies for past remarks and a public statement by my government that REMOVES your nation of the list of nations we consider hostile to Torontia.

This deals with the fist two of the three conditions you want us to implement with regards to our future course.

On the subject of the Torontian elections of August 2020 that brought myself to power, I will admit to you again that in order to do what was best for my nation and my people, I had to intervene in the election to save the nation from further ruin by the gang of terrorists led by the Norton brothers.

However a public admission of this I cannot do.

You yourself warned me of any rash or sudden changes that could lead to instability, well for me to admit to fraud in my election would do just that and spell the end for the New Order in Torontia.

Besides what is done is done, the past can never be relived and it is best not to reopen old wounds.

Im sure you can understand this point of view, even if you disagree with it.

Even the closest of allies disagree on certain issues and this is one area we will have to disagree with you on.

Torontia does NOT wish to alter your nation's political system and in kind we hope you have the same outlook to ours.

I know from your past history as Secretary of State and from your inuguration speech that you consider democracy to be universal as a concept, but again I disagree.

Torontia works best under strong leadership as the New Order may give NO freedoms to the people of our nation, they live under WONDERFUL economic conditions as the New Order stands for stability and no toleration of so-called trades unions and industrial action. Torontia is perfect for the growth of businesses and we our very proud of the fact that in economics, Torontia is a FREE MARKET economy and has NO welfare state whatsoever, leading to balanced budgets and NO national debt, a status most nations would die for!

For us we had to choose political freedom or a strong economy and a strong state and we choose the latter, it's the Torontian way.

Torontia will REMAIN a one-party state under the New Order Party and my Presidency is for life as stated in the New Order Constitution.

However, due to international pressure and demographics, Torontia may revoke the anti-homosexuality laws, as they have now become unworkable.

39 million men homosexual, according to my very own census that I ordered to be published.

Torontian anti-homosexuality laws give the death penalty for homosexuality, yet if I were to execute all 39 million people, the genocide would result in a world wide war with Torontia having NO allies to back us up.

At first we thought of exile for the homosexuals, but transporting 39 million people abroad, not only is impossible in terms of logistics, but would result in an economic crash as Torontia could not cope with the loss of so many people.

Given that homosexuality is genetic from birth and thus cannot be got rid of via chruch sessions or medical procedure, Torontia will have to accept the fact that we will have to tolerate homosexuality as a normal human condition.

Torontia will keep it's dictatorial status, but with a much more pragmatic approach and a desire to forge alliances with other nations. Torontia only aims for global superpower status and continued economic growth, thus we need to be part of the international community.

I hope this letter clarifies ANY queries you have and should you need further information regarding these or other matters, do NOT hesitate to contact me at any time.

President for Life of the New Order Republic of Torontia

Colonel Vader Tanakis
02-11-2005, 09:04
OOC: Um Hal, how are you supposed to know what the Prime Minister requested you to attack SkyCapt since it was in OOC? :confused: