NationStates Jolt Archive

Mythology International Incident - Page 2

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03-11-2005, 21:22
According to The Druidae, it's World of Mythology.

EDIT: Well, i'm done with my post. it's 3,974 characters long without counting spaces, so... um... it's big.

could you send me it so I can see what I should write about? thanks.
03-11-2005, 21:25
EDIT: Well, i'm done with my post. it's 3,974 characters long without counting spaces, so... um... it's big.

Darn, and here i am with a one thousand character long description ._.
03-11-2005, 21:27
Ermm...I can try to get one that long but i dont know if i can make it :P
03-11-2005, 21:28

Bersabia, write down as much as you can. The more detailed you are the begin with, the easier it will be to add on to it later.
03-11-2005, 21:30
Could you send me your post as well Ein, I'm having a bit of block at the moment.
03-11-2005, 21:43
Sent. Anyone else?
03-11-2005, 21:47
Yeah me too please Ein
03-11-2005, 21:52
Your a nation, tho. Sending you my info sheet before I give it to my own nations would be bad for buissness. Sorry Bersabia.
03-11-2005, 21:52
yeah go ahead, see if i can't increase my thing, better idea, why not just put up your intro on this thread so we can all see what to write?
03-11-2005, 21:55
oh right nevermind
03-11-2005, 21:57
But... but... its instanity! A nation can't copy a god's format, because the two are majorly different. Same goes for gods coppying nations, it just doesn't work.
03-11-2005, 22:02
Then could a nation that's done thier format all up, send me a copy of it?
Suffering from Block.

03-11-2005, 22:06
...wait, crap, Theao is a nation? I forgot! Dammit, now I gotta post it... *sigh*

Name: Orichaelchos
Pronunciation: Or-ih-chale-kose
Domain: Defenses (walls, armor, shields, defensive magic, anything else you can use to defend oneself), Smiths (jewelry, armor (again), tools, anything else made of metal by hand), and creating in general.
Orientation: Good/ Lawful

Orichaelchos, whose name literally translates to “Of Orichalcum” in a long forgotten language only He speaks, is an incredibly powerful god. Although He despises taking a mortal form, He has chosen to retain a heavenly body. This takes on the resemblance of a powerful Minotaur of mythic proportions. His head is a dirty skull taken from a dead cow, and his godly influence has caused twin horns to arc up out of the temples. His upper body is that of a heavily muscled man, but covered in constantly writhing archaic tattoos, while His lower body is that of a bull, with hooves and a short tail, as well as short brown fur. A belt of gray feathers adorns His thick waist, and liquid fire drips continuously from His nostril holes.

Orichaelchos is armed with a mighty double-headed warhammer made of the divine metal Orichalcum. Bands of said metal reinforce the wooden shaft, which is as tall as the god himself. Such is His strength that he can wield this gargantuan weapon with one hand if need be, and use the very cliffs of the Earth as a shield.


Orichaelchos’ greatest gift is to bestow the gold/copper alloy Orichalcum onto a mortal. This metal is impenetrable because it has been laced with the very essence of Orichaelchos. It can turn aside blades, arrows, bullets, and even magic. The only thing that can harm Orichalcum is another god.

Orichalcum can be reproduced by mortals, but it would lack the magical abilities of the true alloy. It would also incur the wrath of Him, because it is His holy armor.

Worship and invocation of Orichaelchos:

Armor in any form is holy to Orichaelchos. The more of it a person wears, the more His light shines on them. However, if the armor compromises agility too much, then the ability to shield the wearer is nullified, and His love is withdrawn.

Any object that defends anything else automatically has worth in His eyes. As such walls and other large barriers are holier than a wooden shield. The one exception to this is armor of any kind, which is doubly blessed by Him.

To ask extra blessings from Orichaelchos, an appropriate sacrifice must be made. This can be any animal with naturally occurring defenses (Armadillos, Rhinoceros, Skunks, etc…) or if the need for blessing is dire, a champion in full armor. Immolation is the preferred method of sending the sacrifices to Him, but in a pinch a simple stab will usually do the trick.

The afterlife

When a faithful worshipper of Orichaelchos dies, regardless of race or species, their soul is drawn from them and taken to His impregnable heavenly fortress, Casar Dun. There their spirit flesh is girded with Orichalcum, a weapon of the same alloy bequeathed to them, and divine powers bestowed upon their ghostly heads. Then they are placed among the vast ranks of His own legions. In the time of the end this grand host shall sally forth from Casar Dun, with Orichaelchos himself at the fore, and descend to the earth to do battle with all those who oppose Him. In this manner the fate of the gods shall be decided.

Heroes, avatars, and champions:

In time of great need for a protected nation, Orichaelchos may deem it necessary to provide an extra boon to His people. He may do this through magic, or He may do it through a physical form. There are three distinct shapes He can take, each of which will be discussed below:

Avatar: An avatar is a portion of the god himself transformed into a mortal body. It wields immense powers and is nearly unstoppable. Age does not affect an avatar, but wounds and poison can still kill it. If destroyed, the avatar returns to merge with the rest of Him.

Heroes: A hero is a mortal fathered by Orichaelchos. They are born fully grown, armed, and armored, which is quite the experience for the poor mother. Possessing the knowledge and wisdom of their divine dad, they can either become great kings or mighty warriors; one thing is assured when dealing with heroes: they always make an impact. They do not visibly age either, but usually have a lifespan of 300-700 years. They can, of course, be killed by wounding or poison.

Champions: A champion is a mortal empowered by Orichaelchos. This makes the chosen host body’s soul be stripped from their body and taken to Casar Dun, and a new, mythical one replaces it. Champions are the match of any hero or avatar, but can only last a short time (no more than a year) before the host body rots to the point of uselessness. Then the new soul is withdrawn and the body crumbles.
03-11-2005, 22:22
small note Ein: cows dont have horns

but its really cool
Relative Liberty
03-11-2005, 22:28
small note Ein: cows dont have horns

but its really cool
I think they do.
03-11-2005, 22:28
1) I know cows dont have horns, bulls do, but in this case "cow" is being used as a generalization becasue "bovine" doesnt sound right.
2) The skull did not come with horns, but Orichaechos' caused them to grow.
03-11-2005, 22:30
Do you mind if I use the same format? I know, should come up with something original, but that's just pretty simple and effective way of saying it...
03-11-2005, 22:31
Go ahead. Just don't use my information.
03-11-2005, 22:34
Go ahead. Just don't use my information.
03-11-2005, 22:38
1) I know cows dont have horns, bulls do, but in this case "cow" is being used as a generalization becasue "bovine" doesnt sound right.
2) The skull did not come with horns, but Orichaechos' caused them to grow.

ok then i thought that might be it but i wasnt sure:p
04-11-2005, 02:57
Sweet! Unstoppable defenses!
04-11-2005, 03:05
Sweet! Unstoppable defenses!

Unless an earthquake and massive fire just happen to destroy your entire town :p
04-11-2005, 03:13
My guys are gonna be way Spartan.....that might be a bad thing in the end from the sound of it. Spartans were destroyed by their own pride and lack of technology after so many years.
04-11-2005, 04:25
By going Spartan, you will:

1) Have an awesome edge on everyone else for the first few hundred years

2) Be total crap after that

So maybe you should go Spartan for a while, and then have a revolution or something. Note that if you play like the old Spartans were (defending stuff like thermopylae), you will get a huge defense bonus from Orichaelchos. That doesn't mean you would be invincible, but you would be better off than your foes.
04-11-2005, 04:28
Has someone been watching Yu-Gi-Oh recently?
04-11-2005, 04:29
Has someone been watching Yu-Gi-Oh recently?
Or playing Shadowrun? I like Shadowrun. Or even Rifts.
04-11-2005, 04:32
Haha, no... You are referring to the "Orichalcos" in Yu-Gi-Oh? No, Orichaelchos was my own deviation of Orichalcum, which is a mythic gold/copper alloy used in the construction of Atlantis.

Info here:
04-11-2005, 04:33
I was about to say that abuot Atlantis
04-11-2005, 04:35
I love the idea about Atlantis. Did you know that not only the third wall, but the interior walls, pillars, and floors of the main temple were made of Orichalcum?
04-11-2005, 05:35
Unless an earthquake and massive fire just happen to destroy your entire town :p

Very true, but you forgot something... as god of defenses, I also posses powerful defensive magic. perhaps even strong enough to route nature itself...
04-11-2005, 05:42
I am nature
04-11-2005, 05:51
This I realize ;)

EDIT: This thread is overcrowded and goes off course way too often. What do you guys say we make another tomorrow, called World of Mythology or something. The first post would be by one of the gods (or Spooty, if he is availiable) and give a short description of World of Mythology, a list of all those involved (gods and the nations that worship them), a link to this thread, and The Druidaen Laws.

Then, each god would post their info in one post each, and after the gods went the nations would post their info, also in one post each. After those things are posted, we can use the rest fo the thread for general chat like this one. What do you guys think?
Relative Liberty
04-11-2005, 07:57
Sounds good, but I have to finish my description.
04-11-2005, 08:06
Sounds good as well, thought I need a bit of help with format for the Nation post as like I've said, I'm hitting Block.
04-11-2005, 08:09
finished my God's description (4000 characters)
04-11-2005, 08:13
Thats fine with me but I also am haveing a hard time writeing a Nation description thanks to my current writers block problem....
04-11-2005, 10:54
Hey, do we post our nation info/description or do we send it to our good/wait for others?
Sorry if this was already told, but i realy am not in the mood to read all 4 pages that i left out.
04-11-2005, 12:29
By going Spartan, you will:

1) Have an awesome edge on everyone else for the first few hundred years

2) Be total crap after that

So maybe you should go Spartan for a while, and then have a revolution or something. Note that if you play like the old Spartans were (defending stuff like thermopylae), you will get a huge defense bonus from Orichaelchos. That doesn't mean you would be invincible, but you would be better off than your foes.

Yes, that's why I cleared noted that above. It might be a good thing, but after sometime it would ultimately be bad if someone became a match or superior and wiped us out before the revolution. (Which is true to life)
Nova Boozia
04-11-2005, 14:04
Excuse me, I came across the nation recruitment thread, where it said there were two empty nation slots and posted a short description of my nation. Now I know this is full, but new players are allowed on, can I join? It seams problematic because one god would get three followers and thus an instant headstart.
04-11-2005, 14:25
Im kinda stuck too with my nation description

should i send it to my god to approve when im done?
04-11-2005, 15:07
I used Einhausers basic template, but modified to display a nation not a god


[A brief description of apperance and culture]

[although Druidae said we start in Bronze age there is the possibility of having tech which is far more primative, such as i have]

[Post about the god you worship]

[What are the traditions the nation follows, are they peaceful/warlike, do they nurture their creative sides?]

[important characters, Priests Kings and champions, or any other people of the sort.]

that should work
04-11-2005, 15:11
Thank you Spooty, no my job's somewhat easier.
04-11-2005, 17:17
I have to announce my strong disagreement with the statements made here about the consequences of beeing a "Spartan" culture. Spartans were trained to be perfect soldiers, their whole society tried to create perefct soldiers and therefore Spartans were as close as "perfect soldiers" as it is/was possible.

This is certainly not the reason for their destruction, neither the cultures inability to adopt new techonology, like some people have claimed.

It was because the endless fighting that slowly sucked up their manpower and the surprise attack of Macedonians, who had an army so much bigger that Spartans stood no chance.

The reason for the collapse can barely be found from their culture but the small population and too great ambition, attempts to control the whole Greece.

Einhauser said that they were "total crap" afeter "few centuries", and I would really like to hear something to back that up. The warfare had changed actually very, very little from the Spartan days of glory to the defeat and annexation when the Macedonians came, and Spartan units that served Alexander were greatly appreciated for their abilities.

When the machineguns come to picture, then their über training and skills in phalanx fighting will come useless, but to the technology level of the 14th century, I see no reason why they shouldn't do just fine.

EDIT: And sorry for taking so much room, but I felt this to be rather important thing and if we're to create a new thread this is not perhaps disasterous.
04-11-2005, 17:32
Thanks Spooty
04-11-2005, 19:57
Hey, do we post our nation info/description or do we send it to our good/wait for others?

I would make sure you are finished with it first. Make it as long and as in-depth as possible, and then save it until we either make that new thread or make our won threads.

can I join?

Seeing as it is in The Druidaen Laws, we can't really stop you ;). Don't worry about upsetting the balance of the god's power, we could always assign you all of the gods and just have them fight over you. That way none of them gain an edge. By the way, I read your description, and I think you will fit in juts fine.

should I send it to my god when I'm done?

See my response to Wolfenbach


I said they would fail after a few centuries because of their inability to adapt to new technology. Think about it: they did not allow outsiders to come to their area of Greece (or at least strongly discouraged them) and made sure that new ideas were squashed before they could "upset the balance of power." Also, their dual kings bickered constantly, and so the people lost faith in them. As a final blow, the tactics of warfare were changing. No longer were the heavy hoplites with their shock attacks kings of the battlefield. No, now was the age of cavalry and light infantry.

P.S. I am currently refining my god info sheet so it will be even better. This one you won’t get to see just yet ;)

EDIT: I just thought of something. If we make that new thread that I suggested, we would be violating Ruler law #9 and God law #11. Plus, we would not be able to add any new players. Perhaps we had best stick to the original plan. Or maybe just make a new thread without the descriptions?
04-11-2005, 20:19
I have a Feasibility question, would it be possible to have homes under the ground, I mean I know about the problems with damp and roots but I think it would not only be neat quirk but also a logical solution to the impending danger of Predators in the forests, so is it possible/allowed?
04-11-2005, 20:22
what predators in which forests?
04-11-2005, 20:26
Well, I would assume that as long as you didnt make it impossible for other races to get down there (that would be unfair) it should work.
04-11-2005, 20:36
what predators in which forests?

well I'm guessing that there are going to be Forests where I am otherwise there's no real point in worshipping the Foresty Naturey godess :P and I assume that with a Forest comes predators, and your average halfling could only really hold it's own against a Sparrow :P

Well, I would assume that as long as you didnt make it impossible for other races to get down there (that would be unfair) it should work.

Not impossible but (I have magical godly permission) using my illusionist magic I should be able to hide some of the Burrows but a trained keen eye, knowledge of the location of Spootian villages or the ability to recognise a Halfling Barrow should make short (no pun) work of the hidden Halflings, but mostly it's a comfort thing :P
04-11-2005, 20:39
well I'm guessing that there are going to be Forests where I am otherwise there's no real point in worshipping the Foresty Naturey godess :P and I assume that with a Forest comes predators, and your average halfling could only really hold it's own against a Sparrow :P

Yeh there are going to be forests... but do your halflings not even have bows?
The other thing about worshipping Aphelia ("Foresty Naturey godess") is that she can control those "predators"...
04-11-2005, 20:42
Yeh there are going to be forests... but do your halflings not even have bows?

no, I put in my description, which I really should send as you are my "god", that the Spootians are a very peaceful race, they do have Spears for the occasional hunt and Axes for if they need wood.

The other thing about worshipping Aphelia ("Foresty Naturey godess") is that she can control those "predators"...

good point, ah well I still like the Burrow idea.
04-11-2005, 20:46
We need to get those threads going. Once every nation has theirs up, the gods can post, and boom! No more confusion.
04-11-2005, 20:46
no, I put in my description, which I really should send as you are my "god", that the Spootians are a very peaceful race, they do have Spears for the occasional hunt and Axes for if they need wood.

Ah... good to know.

You can send it to me if you want... but you don't have to, if you would rather not.

E-mail is

AIM/MSN can be seen in my profile to the right

good point, ah well I still like the Burrow idea.

Yeh... it is still a good idea - was just pointing something out.

Anyway, are the burrows like LOTR hobit burrows... or really under the ground like some modern day australian houses?
04-11-2005, 20:50
Yeh... it is still a good idea - was just pointing something out.

Anyway, are the burrows like LOTR hobit burrows... or really under the ground like some modern day australian houses?

sort of though kinda more basic, less of the wooden doors and tweed jackets and more of the mound in the middle of the forest, they are really good to disguise aswell (warning: all those who are weak to anectodes look away now) one time me and me mate were wandering through the forest, he saw a mound of Earth and attempted to climb it in order to get a better look, so he lept up got two steps in before realising that this was not a mound but infact a Hedge, a Thorn Hedge, with nettles, and a ditch underneath it, anywho we all cracked up laughing and a lovely time was had by all.
04-11-2005, 20:52
We need to get those threads going. Once every nation has theirs up, the gods can post, and boom! No more confusion.

are we no longer waiting for Druidae (who i believe has been abducted by aliens) cos i think he told us not to wait up for him, hang on....
04-11-2005, 20:54
*sigh* I wish he would come back. As of today it's been seven days, the generally accpeted week length, since he dissappeared, so he should be back today (but I doubt it).

Anyway, I hope he returns, because I want to get this started, and i don't know how to.
04-11-2005, 20:56
I said they would fail after a few centuries because of their inability to adapt to new technology. Think about it: they did not allow outsiders to come to their area of Greece (or at least strongly discouraged them) and made sure that new ideas were squashed before they could "upset the balance of power." Also, their dual kings bickered constantly, and so the people lost faith in them. As a final blow, the tactics of warfare were changing. No longer were the heavy hoplites with their shock attacks kings of the battlefield. No, now was the age of cavalry and light infantry.

Yes, cavalry was coming but the Spartans lacked horses and room to use them. In Greece, you have very few steppes now do you? Regardless, hoplites WERE actually the queen of the battlefield for long, long, LONG time to come. It wasn't before the Roman Legion that outclassed it, but even in the times of Hannibal Libyan phalanxes fought very succesfully against them.

The dual king system wasn't perfect, that is true, but the bickering between the kings wasn't too much worse than the stupidity/insanity of kings that ruled alone. When you have two kings, it is less likely that they both are complete idiots.
04-11-2005, 21:01
Yes, cavalry was coming but the Spartans lacked horses and room to use them. In Greece, you have very few steppes now do you? Regardless, hoplites WERE actually the queen of the battlefield for long, long, LONG time to come. It wasn't before the Roman Legion that outclassed it, but even in the times of Hannibal Libyan phalanxes fought very succesfully against them.

The dual king system wasn't too good though, but the bickering between the kings wasn't too much worse than the stupidity/insanity of kings that ruled alone. When you have two kings, it is less likely that they both are complete idiots.

You forget that world politics were changing. Rome was in, Greecian polis were out. Whats funny about the dual king system for Sparta (properly called Lacedaemon) was that they were worse than a single king, because they always deadlocked issues.

However, this is not a debate of the values of a Spartan culture, and this is taking the thread off track.
04-11-2005, 21:14
You forget that world politics were changing. Rome was in, Greecian polis were out. Whats funny about the dual king system for Sparta (properly called Lacedaemon) was that they were worse than a single king, because they always deadlocked issues.

However, this is not a debate of the values of a Spartan culture, and this is taking the thread off track.

I was talking about the times Spartans (and I call them Spartans as the Lakeidaimon was mostly populated by the Heloots that weren't really part of the society) were strong, =times of the Peloponnesian Wars, compared to the times they got crushed, =when Macedonians crushed them.

Their military society didin't fell because it was outdated, it fell because of it took place in a small city state and there was a large nation just next to it.

But you are correct, this is not the right place for this discussion. From my part, it ends here.
04-11-2005, 21:47
I think the first step to getting this started is to have nations complete Ruler law #9, and make a thread about their soceity.
04-11-2005, 23:41
OK....but I wonder what we should go by for creating them.
04-11-2005, 23:43
OK....but I wonder what we should go by for creating them.

i'm not quite sure what you mean, do you mean that you don't know what content to put inside? Or what resources we should use?
04-11-2005, 23:48
Well that was basically what I meant. Resources, formulas and other information for how to create it. I assume no group will have the best of everything or the worst of everything and we could probably have a set up for minerals and other things, some being too hard to mine unless very advanced or whatever.
05-11-2005, 00:00
At this poins, a map would be great to have.
05-11-2005, 00:39
At this poins, a map would be great to have.

One Map as per request.
05-11-2005, 00:40
does it come any bigger?
05-11-2005, 00:42
does it come any bigger?

not without pixalation on a grand scale.
05-11-2005, 01:03
Name: The Principality of Xharn
Pronounciation Zarn
God: Arden
Alignment: Lawful Evil... (This is the alignment of nation's leaders not populace.)

The Principality use to be a human land deeply divided by clan warfare. The heads of the clans however were turned into Vampires thanks to the new Prince of the land Akarth Von Antheron. This has served to unite the land under the Vampire Noblity. The peasants live in a state of fear of there leaders but have come to find peace in worshipping Arden. The Principality seems to be a land of sharp contrasts. It seems policy is controled by the local Vampire nobility and the prince is mearly the head of state offically.

Bronze age


God: Arden
Domain: The Hearth and Honorable Dead
Servants: The Stillborn
Gender: Neutral

Arden is a benevolent god who brings safety to ones family and home, and peace to their dead. The god is in direct conflict with those who seek to uproot families and take advantage of the dead. The god’s servants are the stillborn, undead willingly brought back. Those who worship the god can expect prosperity at home, and a restful dead. The will receive little military aid, however

(Note the Common peasants worship this deity. The Vampires Lords are totally in belief of there own power and as a default they are atheist except for Duchess Aluria Mizar.)


The Principality of Xharn is due to its peasants belief in peace and the rulers belief in increasing power relies on drafted humans and Mercs to build up the Principality's feudal Legions... The Principality's leaders see expansion through force as a hopless ambition and instead use there Legions and war fleets to control trade within there borders. The Vampire lords seek to control all trade and thus power. The Principality is divided by Great houses each headed by a Vampire Duke or Duchess. The Current Great houses are: (Based on Power)

House Von Antheron (Ruling house)
House Kazar (House of the Arch Duke of Xharn)
House Krell
House Mizar

The Great houses use to be the ancient clans that battled each other for dominace. The Great houses have lesser vampire that serve as Barons and lords for the human subjects. The Dukes meet in the Capital city of Xharnia first day of the year to dicuss there goals and recieve there orders from the Prince and the Arch Duke...


The Prince: Akarth Von Antheron: This is the offical ruler of the Principalty of Xharn. He seeks to control all trade in his nation's region and make the Principality a powerful nation. He is the first Vampire of the land and is a surb Military Commander. He defeated all the other Clan lords and turned them into Vampires. He controls Great House Von Antheron.

The Arch Duke: Nym Kazar: The Arch Duke Nym Kazar is the head of the Council of the Great Houses. He also leads Great House Kazar. He is highly intelligent and very astrocratic. The humans fear him for his brutal nature when dealing with dissidents.

The Duke: Ivan Krell: Duke Ivan Krell rules Great House Krell with an iron fist. He is a large Vampire lord with impressive combat prowess. He is what the Prince calls Supreme Legion Commander.

The Duchess Aluria Mizar: Aluria Mizar controls the weakest house but she is the most human of the Vampire lords. She seeks to make the land more peaceful for the human citizens. She is gentle and has the support of the peasants due to her belief in Arden..
05-11-2005, 01:11
Regarding the map: I think that each nation should not start out with a large chunk. Since we are starting with a single city each, we should have one polis each. Now, for the uninitiated, a polis is a city and the lands immediatly around it. So I was thinking that we could put a different color dot for each player on the map, and then a cirlce of the same color around the immediate area.
05-11-2005, 01:18
Can I have the color black?
05-11-2005, 01:19
Are we gods supposed to post those "What we are about"-things here? I sent it as a telegram to my nations...
05-11-2005, 01:20
Are we gods supposed to post those "What we are about"-things here? I sent it as a telegram to my nations...

That is fine... after we figure out how to organize everything. (Maybe each nation will create their own thread) Then we can post them.
05-11-2005, 01:21
ok i'll be here all night... just need an example
05-11-2005, 01:21
Yea, it just came in to my mind as the Einhauser already posted his own...
05-11-2005, 01:22
What do you mean "what we know about?"

Oh, and I tried to work with that map, and it's just too small. I like it, but it's too small. I'm gonna go look for another.
05-11-2005, 01:25
I believe that map was created by Spooty on Druidae's vision (correct me if I am wrong). Maybe you can just create it in a art program rather than civilization.
05-11-2005, 01:25
"What we are about", the brief desrciptions of the gods. That's what I meant. But yea, I got it now. Let's wait for the national threads.
05-11-2005, 01:30
Oh man, guys, oh man, I just found the best map! If we just removed the names of the places and smoothed out a few places (which can be done easily) it will work great! Heres the link: (note: you have to zoom in to make out much detail)
05-11-2005, 01:37
Warhammer fantasy, right? Seems good to me.
05-11-2005, 01:43
Looks like WHF to me, but I wouldn't know. I'm working on "cleaning it up" now.
05-11-2005, 01:56
Was I suppose to post that info on another thread?
05-11-2005, 02:01
Not yet, but once we get organized you will.
05-11-2005, 02:41
Ein, should I post my nation's post here, or wait?
05-11-2005, 02:44
I posted here...
05-11-2005, 02:45
I would suggest saving it so that none else can start to formulate tactics against you yet, but everyone else seems to have alreayd started posting theirs, so it's up to you.

Remember, though, you shouldn't ask me. The Druidae left Spooty in charge (I think that was the last General law)
05-11-2005, 02:51
Well, you have clearly taken much greater role than Spooty did. Druidae pointed him before knowing how much effort you'd put into this. I'd say you can consider yourself to be the temporary leader...
05-11-2005, 02:52
05-11-2005, 02:53
My tech is gonna be very varied...i can stand specific stuff. I love to use one main then have a bunch of other varients made for all manner of weaponry, defense or plain old technology.
05-11-2005, 02:54
thats fine... but remember, we are in the bronze age.
05-11-2005, 03:00
Personally, my nation is Bone/Bronze tech
05-11-2005, 03:00
Even if I am the most active and do a lot of work, Spooty was still pointed out as temporary leader. Unless he steps down, I still defer to him. I appretiate the thought, though.

Anywho, I've been working on the map since I found it, and man... its hard. Lots of little names and stuff... I think I am about half done, although I should say there is only one little group of islands, and they are already named, so any island nations will have to make due or move to the mainland.
05-11-2005, 03:05
Or Aphelia could raise an island out of the sea :p
05-11-2005, 03:09
Or Aphelia could raise an island out of the sea :p

Which would be awesome, but then someone would have to draw it on the map, which is not awesome. Trust me.

I found a second island chain, but this is so small as to be almost negligable. Its also named, so sorry again.
05-11-2005, 03:12
Just to clarify....that means no iron weaponry or steel? I think we can do brass (as our god's primary alloy is a gold/copper type of a metal). Brass is just another mixture of copper with zinc instead of tin. I wonder if we can work with some more anicent/mythical metals, adamantine (the dark blue ingot) if our god allows for that.

I think that steel would be great for defensive/offensive gods, your god bestows the knowledge of how to obtain it for yourself and you work it
05-11-2005, 03:18
Well, I believe that we should allow normal metals (gold, iron, and steel alloy) to all come into existance as they were in real life. That way noone gets an advantage at the beginning. Besides, if anyone had steel ,it would be DMG, cuz he's got the nature goddess.

Mythic metals (Blurite, Adamantium, Adamantite, Admanite, Adamantine, etc) could probably be allowed from the beginning, but would require superhuman effort to mine, work, and wield. Still, Orichalcum would be best (hehe)
05-11-2005, 03:26
Steel would come way later....and it was accidently formed early on. Well least I know with sheer power I can push iron . :)

Though I guess I could get away with aluminium by the roman timelines.
05-11-2005, 03:30
Whatever metals were availiable at the time can be used in here.

Guys, my eyes are shot, so I'm gonna go down. Ill be up to check out your posts in a few hours.
05-11-2005, 09:42
Even if I am the most active and do a lot of work, Spooty was still pointed out as temporary leader. Unless he steps down, I still defer to him. I appretiate the thought, though.

*steps down*

she's all yours

*hands over keys*

i'm going to be offline until Sunday.
05-11-2005, 10:15
I'm sorry i didn't posted my nation yet, i'll poste it on mondey, i'll be away for the weekend...
05-11-2005, 18:02
*hands over keys*

*whistles* what a beut... 1987? Hey, are those spinners?!

Seriously though, you don't have to. We can still get this working if you want to retain control.
05-11-2005, 19:44
Ein, when you could, could you contact me on MSN?
05-11-2005, 20:08
anyone have yahoo...I want to chat about my post for my nation BEFORE I do it on NS.
05-11-2005, 20:28
vc_64 = yahoo messenger ID
05-11-2005, 20:59
Still want to talk Tan?
05-11-2005, 21:17 don't respond though.
05-11-2005, 22:03
I'm back Tan.
05-11-2005, 22:48
My MSN is Other than Google Talk, that's all I use.
05-11-2005, 23:55 there any limits on timeline....(not all civilizations were in the bronze age at the same time)...alloys, crafts, ships and other stuff?

If there is any can you post the elements for alloys...crafts and other things that we are limited in?
05-11-2005, 23:56
We are limited to the bronze age...
05-11-2005, 23:57
Uh yes...I do know that, I was asking for specifics within my post.
05-11-2005, 23:58
Bronze Age (
06-11-2005, 00:04
OMG.....can you stop posting one line responses to this stuff. Yes I know about the BRONZE age type, but if you read my post I was asking for specifics, not the NS wiki one....which I have already seen. Keep in mind that I would be in the Iron age even before the rest of the regions begin if I do the middle east culture, or I could do the asian culture (which I am wanting to do).
06-11-2005, 00:34
Well, um... how about we set this to the Greek bronze age. And let's say that anything invented in any other culture up to that point can be used. That ok?

EDIT: By the way, my MSN is That's also my email.
06-11-2005, 01:25
Sure. Sounds good.
06-11-2005, 01:59
Hey Ein. Can you get on MSN IM, I want to talk to you through Theao.
06-11-2005, 02:11
I'm on

EDIT: After much fruitless searching, I have been unable to pin down a date for when the Greek bronze age ended, so we are going to just say that it ended at precisly 1,000 B.C.E. Because of this, all nations are free to use any and all technology developed in any culture worldwide, as long as it was availiable before 1,000 B.C.E.
06-11-2005, 15:29
But what abouth fantasy/mythology tehnology? If you know warhammer, than you must know abouth skaven tehnology (warp-lightning cannon, jazzils), so what abouth that?
06-11-2005, 15:31
Prefer the Ratling gun meself...It all depends on you getting warpstone or not :D
06-11-2005, 15:58
But what abouth fantasy/mythology tehnology? If you know warhammer, than you must know abouth skaven tehnology (warp-lightning cannon, jazzils), so what abouth that?

WH aint really bronze age, I think...
06-11-2005, 17:02
Definately Iron age. Just take a look at the armor and weapons.
Nova Boozia
06-11-2005, 17:41
Does any one have any idea how I'm going to fit in?
aybe I start as atheist and that could be an engine for the first part of the action, with all the gods trying to convert/destroy me so the other don't get ahead, like Einhauser suggested. Or maybe I could swap places with Otagia, he wanted to be atheist
06-11-2005, 18:16
Warhammer is actualy a mix of all ages...
Empire and dwarfs are in like 18. century, while bretonia and orcs are clearly in middle ages, and the tomb kings and lizardmen are in bronz age (egiptians and aztecs like)...

But skaven are actualy in a non-real age, so i asked...
06-11-2005, 18:20
Warhammer is actualy a mix of all ages...
Empire and dwarfs are in like 18. century, while bretonia and orcs are clearly in middle ages, and the tomb kings and lizardmen are in bronz age (egiptians and aztecs like)...

But skaven are actualy in a non-real age, so i asked...

That's actually a good point... Though Empire is at 15th century. They have regiments of swordmen, and those were rather rare in the 18th century ;)

I still think that poison cannons do not fit in the starting period...
06-11-2005, 19:02
yeah i'm stepping down from my position bestowed upon me Druidae, i'm just plain not good with responsibility, all hail Einhauser :P
06-11-2005, 19:39
But what about fantasy/mythology technology? If you know warhammer, than you must know about skaven technology (warp-lightning cannon, jazzils), so what about that?

Actually, I know nothing about Warhammer at all. I hadn’t even seen a Skaven until you posted a picture a few days ago. No, I know Warhammer 40,000.

As for those weapons, well, they don't seem fair. I mean, if you have the proverbial WMDs, everyone else would have to bow down to you.

Does any one have any idea how I'm going to fit in?
Maybe I start as atheist and that could be an engine for the first part of the action, with all the gods trying to convert/destroy me so the other don't get ahead, like Einhauser suggested. Or maybe I could swap places with Otagia, he wanted to be atheist

I had an idea a better idea. Several nations that signed up have not been active enough, which leads me to believe they do not take this seriously. I will TG them today and speak with them, and if I find out they are not dedicated, they will be removed. That way you could take one of their places.

yeah I’m stepping down from my position bestowed upon me Druidae, I’m just plain not good with responsibility, all hail Einhauser :P

Thank you Sooty. Um... I have kind of an interesting question for you, though... did The Druidae happen to tell you whether this is going to be just an RP or a new Earth?
06-11-2005, 19:42
All Hail the new manager Einhauser.

We should get the general tech levels/permittable tech/illegal(for now/without godly intervention) tech codified.
06-11-2005, 19:52
Yea, we do. I think I'll draw up another set of laws...

Now, as your new Lord and Master, I demand that changes are made! Number one: no more questions can be asked. They give me a headache. Number two: I am now chief god, and will take one nation from each of you to be mine. Number three: Nobody can post without asking me first.

Haha, just joking.
06-11-2005, 19:58
Aiiiiiiiiiii, Einhauser's drunk on power, run for the hills.
06-11-2005, 21:00
Aiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Einhauser's joking, run for the hills!
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 21:25
Hmm.... this seems to have gotten mildly out of hand in my abscence. Spooty, I thought I left you in charge? Well, anyway: Could someone summarise what has been agreed to? It'll take a while for me to read through everything. Thanks.
06-11-2005, 21:27
talk to Einhauser, he has been instrumental in keeping the idea alive.
06-11-2005, 21:36
Ein, ya see lad....the thing abouth skaven weaponry is that...they are extremly powerful, BUT, they have a weak point, they go BOOOOOOOM oftenly... :p
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 21:40
Aghhhhhhhhhhh! You all misread my rules: 5 gods and 10 nations MINIMUM. We could have 500 gods and nations if we wanted to (though it would be impossible to take care of. And each God can have more than one nation, but each nation can also have more than one god. Re-read my rules. You're making them stricter than I meant them to be.
06-11-2005, 21:44
Aghhhhhhhhhhh! You all misread my rules: 5 gods and 10 nations MINIMUM. We could have 500 gods and nations if we wanted to (though it would be impossible to take care of. And each God can have more than one nation, but each nation can also have more than one god. Re-read my rules. You're making them stricter than I meant them to be.

You might want to be a bit grateful that Ein dedicated himself to keeping this RP alive while you were gone for over a week...
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 21:52
You might want to be a bit grateful that Ein dedicated himself to keeping this RP alive while you were gone for over a week...

Good point. Thanks Einhauser. You did a very good job. But this is a bit out of control. I'll make a thread with the rules in it and where everyone can post information about their God or nation. One post per person. We'll leave this thread for comments or questions.
06-11-2005, 21:53
good idea
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 22:01
Fantasy Earth Main Thread (

Here you go.
06-11-2005, 22:04
why the bumps?
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 22:08
why the bumps?

In case I want to post something near the top
06-11-2005, 22:14
The Druidae, do you have MSN or Yahoo Messenger?
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 22:16
Yeah, I'll give it to the major players, but if we get a big game going (over 30 players) I don't want to many people having it. sorry. TG me otherwise.
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 22:38
Does anybody want to fantasy-ify my map? You'll need civ2 editor to open it.
06-11-2005, 22:39 here, if someone's interrested...
The Druidae
06-11-2005, 22:47
I have to go now, but I'll be back.
07-11-2005, 00:44
Oh, thank goodness your back! Jeez, took long enough.

EDIT: The rules don't say that there can be only 5 gods and 10 nations. In fact, if you look at The Druidaen Laws (hope you don't mind your name being used) it says that new players can be added at anytime, per your orders.
07-11-2005, 01:22
I am being a nation, if I am bringing any god wrath fro doing something wrong TG me. I'm the Moors and I picked no god so that I can get myself used to the god that picks me.
07-11-2005, 19:22
DMG, I read through your god, and I found a problem. In the last section (Heroes, avatars, and champions) where you copied my blocks of text, you missed a few "Hims" and "himselfs." I'd go back and reread the section of Heroes especially.
07-11-2005, 21:26
ah, my bad. Will fix...
The Druidae
07-11-2005, 22:20
Moorington, you can be atheist if you like, but this will probably be a MAJOR disadvantage. Or I can do something to protect you personally, but I'm not meant to act for a particular nation, so... whatever you want. You should choose your god yourself, so you really get the type you want.
07-11-2005, 22:27
Or we could form an alliance of Atheistic nations. That might work, too. Of course, that assumes we don't find Gods that suit us later, as new Gods can join too, correct?
07-11-2005, 22:39
Sorry i havent been to active this weekend, i had some thing to take care of but i posted my nation bio, just ell me if anything needs to be changed
09-11-2005, 19:13
Common, The Druidae! You're letting this die!

EDIT: Last night, as I was sitting in bed about to fall asleep, I began to ponder various things. One thing led to another, and I found myself thinking about this RP. I wondered how the gods came into being, though. Were they born? Were they just there? What? So, I got to work on a creation myth. I just now finished it, and it explains not only the origin of the gods, but also the birth and death of Otogia's dead god, as well as the history of his race, the Cryys.

Now, as a warning, I did include every god in this, so if you don’t want to be in it, just tell me. Any problems you see with your gods or the story should be posted. Now, without further adu, here it is:

In the beginning there existed only the equal and opposite forces of Life and Death. Eventually these forces changed, taking on divine form until at last the gilded goddess of Life, Garilith, and the dark god of Death, Nasbat, were created. For endless ages these two titans fought an apocalyptic battle, until finally Nasbat managed to land a crushing blow to the top of Garilith’s head. Before she collapsed, a swipe of her hand caved in his windpipe. Dying, Nasbat collapsed on the prone Garilith. Before he departed the material realm, Nasbat raped Garilith in a final act of hatred. Trapped under his body, Garilith was unable to do anything but watch herself grow fat.

After ninety eons of pregnancy, she gave birth at last. Out of her womb marched the fully-grown Spardlakon, god of soldiers and discipline, Arden, god of the hearth and honorable dead, Orichaelchos, god of defenses and smiths, and Nollij, god of wisdom and learning. Behind them ushered forth a great host, containing among its ranks the earth, moon, and stars. Unable to bear the pain any longer, Garilith took her own life. Unwilling to accept defeat, the forces of Life reformed her spirit into Aphelia, goddess of life and nature, and Death reformed into Etrikai, god of death and destruction. None of these immortals were nearly as powerful as their parents had been, so to avoid their folly they split the earth into separate kingdoms, over which one god will rule as sovereign.

Nollij, however, felt that he had been slighted and given a bad kingdom. In revenge he caused thoughts to be heard in the head of an animal of the forest. This animal clung to the newfound understanding, and spread it among its peers. Nollij shielded this new species from the other gods until the animals had become the perfect race, the Cryys. At this point Nollij revealed his project to them, and laughed when they complained of an unfair advantage. In anger, Etrikai plotted to kill Nollij in his sleep, but the other gods found out about it. Strangely, they all decided to help, such was their hatred of Nollij.

The deed was carried out, an Orichalcum blade, furnished by Orichaelchos, blessed by Etrikai, cleaned by Aphelia, inspected by Arden, and wielded by Spardlakon was thrust into Nollij’s spine, killing him instantly. After dumping his body into the ocean, which then swelled with knowledge, they cursed the Cryys to return to their animal state. However, Nollij’s blessings still clung to them, and the curse only partly worked, causing rampant mutation, but not reverting them all the way. Now, however, the Cryys were infuriated. To deal with them, the remaining gods pooled their magic together and created all of the other races, in order to keep the Cryys from going rampant.
09-11-2005, 21:48
sounds fine to me...
Relative Liberty
09-11-2005, 21:52
Whom did the gods rule over before the different races where created?
09-11-2005, 21:53
The land, sea, air, and hell, I guess
Relative Liberty
09-11-2005, 21:58
09-11-2005, 22:06
Basically, lol!

Greek gods were really bad about it to...they did other stuff and created people to be toys basically.
09-11-2005, 23:52
So, no problems? Cool, cool.

Anyone need any myths created for their god's (or nations, with that nation's gods permission), contact me. I'd be happy to try.
11-11-2005, 14:38
The Moors are happy to present the world with the new religion, even though it is not official Moorington is letting prophets of Orchilicam (or something like that) into the city.
11-11-2005, 17:58
Where is the main thread for this?
11-11-2005, 18:03
11-11-2005, 18:14
thx, tagged it and am starting to read all the posts! Then I will post mine....but I was more refering to the MAIN the IC ones not OOC comments on IC or backgrounds. XD
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 18:18
Here you go: Fantasy Earth Main Thread (

Here are some questions that someone asked me:

1: Would it possible for my elves to have some(minimal in most cases) magick?
Your god gives you all your magic. Ask him.
2: If a god doesn't have any followers/minimal followers among a race, can he bless/curse that race?
No. But a nation can be forced to "believe" in a god, which would give them the choice of worshiping him or being punished (otherwise gods would never be able to curse anyone).
3: Can a nation refuse a god's gift if they wish?
Yes, at risk of angering said god.
4: What would be a good aprox pop for the initial village/city?
Not a clue. Any suggestions?
5: Should I add a military and physiology section to my nation post?
Definitely. Remember to keep updating your military once the game starts.

Ok, we're starting to get enough people. We have enough gods to start I think, but we need a couple more nations (we have 6). Try to recruit people if you can.
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 18:21
btw, gods should post who their followers are. Like that they can't change their minds (you can punish them for trying to).
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 18:25
Oh yeah, Otagia, do your people worship live gods or have they simply given up on religion?
11-11-2005, 18:48
I as-of-yet worship no living Gods, although I'm sure most of them have small (read: miniscule) followings amongst the Cryys. If some God comes along and suitably impresses the Maagei, they'll consider worshipping, although they loathe the Gods for the death of their Master.
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 19:06
I discussed with Theao and we thought of 15,000 for total nation population. As for towns, depends on your race and cuture. As a reference, France in the middle ages had about 1 in 10 people in towns. If someone could find bronze age references that would be helpful (or I'll do it, but I don't have time right now).

also, post in both metres and feet where neccessary.
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 19:13
Small reminder: We are starting in the bronze ages. In other words: swords suck cuz they break; everyone uses spears. Think in terms of Trojan war. Possible cultures to take examples from: Ancient Greeks, Babylon, Assyria, Ancient Egypt, Halstaat Celts, Phoenecia, Native Americans, Ganges Kingdom etc. Do not pump up your technology excessively, try to stay in that state of mind.
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 19:14
Thanks for the history Einhauser. Mind if I post it instead of one of my bumps in the Main Thread? (I told you they'd come in useful)
11-11-2005, 19:19
Druidae: I know it's annoying of me to say this, but as a mod on a couple other forums it really jumps out at me: could you use the Edit button instead of double posting when the time frame is so close together? Dankeschoen.
11-11-2005, 19:36
Thanks for the history Einhauser. Mind if I post it instead of one of my bumps in the Main Thread? (I told you they'd come in useful)

Not at all. That's what I wrote it for.
11-11-2005, 20:06
So 15k pop cap...what about us larger and older we get higher?
11-11-2005, 20:16
It's more a universal starting point as this isn't, to the best of my knowladge, involved in traditional NS world. So you're NS age/pop, isn't relevant in this situation(If I'm correct about Druidae's intentions)
The Druidae
11-11-2005, 20:23
Yeah that's good. Everyone should start even. Otherwise people would just make up a history to give themselves more population at the start.
11-11-2005, 21:21
Whatever >.>

Just know that I plan to have mass breeding! XD
11-11-2005, 21:24
Well just know that if the mass breeding is used for creating a massive army, Aphelia will resent your people.
11-11-2005, 22:04
Arming and armoring such a large force can be problematic.

...which is why its good that you have the god of defenses and smiths on your side ;). If the proper sacrifice was made, Orichaelchos may feel like bestowing the knowledge of quick-casting onto you...
11-11-2005, 22:25
Most of my people are naturally hedonists....and since their is no such thing as birth control pills or condoms their will be MANY children. Which isn't such a bad thing cause more kids are key to a growing nation, in the bronze age more kids was always good!
11-11-2005, 22:40
Most of my people are naturally hedonists....and since their is no such thing as birth control pills or condoms their will be MANY children. Which isn't such a bad thing cause more kids are key to a growing nation, in the bronze age more kids was always good! read, there were condoms as early as 1000 B.C
11-11-2005, 22:56
We are playing before that time. Iron age was 1000 BC....besides....wrong culture and location for my people.
11-11-2005, 23:01
Just pointing out that they existed, and just because they havn't been found in the part of the world you're basing your culture on, doesn't mean didn't exist.

Anyways, it's partially up to the various gods(Especially Aphelia).
11-11-2005, 23:07
Also if you read it, the thing wasn't exactly common or well known about. Nor was it as 'advanced' as ours is now. Though thats enough on that....

I'm gonna be a trading nation anyone who causes problems with trade will end up with a war I think.
11-11-2005, 23:14
Have you posted your nation yet?
Either way, depending on how act in my nation, you may get your war.
12-11-2005, 01:44
I was talking with Druidae about Mytho creatures(Dragons, Manticore, Pegasus ect). He suggested bringing it to debate here. Whether they should be captureable/trainable, or whether they could only be given from a god.

My proposal is that the 'Uber' monsters, those that require skill and/or numbers and/or speciallized tactics/weaponry, to defeat.
Examples: Dragons, Basilisk/Cockatrice and similar types/levels of creatures.
These need to be god-given.

The lesser monsters, the difficult, but easier to defeat creatures.
Examples: Pegusas, Unicorns, and similar types/levels of creatures.
These can be caught and trained, but it would be a large/major undertaking and quite difficult to do.
12-11-2005, 02:09
Wonderful....basically they will turn into FF11 level challenge mobs.


Kirin: God of Gods, Master of Gods (name means Unicorn in Japanese, but its a chinese god). Takes like 40 of the MOST skilled people to fight and take down.

Hippogryphs: Very annoying and can destroy parties of skilled fighters in seconds...

Wyrms: Take around 30-50 people to fight ONE, battle is long, bloody and slow. They are worth alot and are very valued, but some will destroy all in their way. (Bahamut (king of dragons/wyrms), most powerful dragon, can speak the humans languages, but is powerful and a leader of the scariest dragons)

I have plenty of pictures of some of our feared enemies....being an elite player myself, I know first hand how scary and shocking they are. (One screw-up can get 30+ people instantly killed) Though worst thing we have now is Jailers and Absolute Virtue....Seven gods hold down a much more POWERFUL god....kill the other gods and then you free the strongest god of them all. Like something out of Greek mythology, defeat all the demons and monsters then the guardians of the underworld including Hades pets and aids to fight the big man himself....and he plays VERY dirty.

All I know from the game is that absolute precision and skill is needed to accomplish killing the masters. After we 'defeat/kill' a god they reward us for our unity, strength and power. Usually that is in the form of a special piece of gear or a scroll to break an anicent pact. Sometimes wonderful items like hides, cloths or swords/spears and a signa proving our worth.
12-11-2005, 02:20
So I take it from your rant, that you're against adding mytho creatures?
12-11-2005, 02:44
I like the idea of mythological creatures, as long as they are very difficult to find, defeat, or tame. However, any foolhardy hero that tries to attack this god will end up dead as a doornail.
12-11-2005, 03:00
Na I am for it....but they take a long time and would need a whole thread to RP ONE fight.
12-11-2005, 03:09
So, either of you want to ammend my proposal or offer a counter-proposal for the Mytho creatures idea?
12-11-2005, 06:52
I like it - though I think it needs to be a bit more structured otherwise everyone can say that their people are going to tame <fill in uber-creature here>.

Maybe make a list of the monstors...

Also, Aphelia has her own pet "kitten" - sort of a monstor though Aphelia would be quite mad if it was attacked or killed. *wink wink*
12-11-2005, 06:56
Thanks for the idea :P. Not that I should piss off the Gods, but its just so fun and ICly plausible.
12-11-2005, 07:01
If you want, I'll come up with a list of monsters(Uber, mid, and low leveled) for tomorrow. Some may not have military usages thought. Included will be general list of powers/abilities, requirments to keep under control ect.

All subject to Druidae's approval of course.
12-11-2005, 07:03
Yeh that would be nice.
12-11-2005, 07:06
Mind if I come up with some unique ones, too? No real specific statistics, of course, I can't operate that way when designing critters for some reason, but they'll have plenty of background and descriptions. That and a few critters relating to the Mythos we've got going already would be cool. Possibly Nollij related.
12-11-2005, 07:09
We'll see what Druidae says. But for now, go ahead.
12-11-2005, 07:24
Kay. What world is the same without various analogues to normal animals? I'm not doing anything extreme like, say, a dragon or such, more of wolf-equivalents.
12-11-2005, 07:38
Ala Dire wolves and similar species?
12-11-2005, 15:49
My proposal is that the 'Uber' monsters, those that require skill and/or numbers and/or speciallized tactics/weaponry, to defeat.
Examples: Dragons, Basilisk/Cockatrice and similar types/levels of creatures.
These need to be god-given.

God given to Heroes only?
12-11-2005, 20:24
God given to Heroes only?
Given by God/dess to Hero or Nation, at Deities' discretion.

Weaknesses should have to be researched/given by god/figured out.

Level One Creatures:
Can be captured/tamed without godly assistance(still difficult thought).
Barghest: Monsterous Dog with huge teeth/claws.
Boobrie: Guards Lakes/Rivers/Salt wells.
Gagana: Bird with iron beak and copper claws.
Makara: Half-animal/fish.
Moddey Dhoo: Black dog, prevents people from slacking of guard duty/swearing.
Tikbalang: Misleads travellers, by providing phantom lights.

Level Two Creatures
Needs godly assistance to capture and/or tame.
Cerberus: Massive three headed dog
Firebird: Source of light, can heal the sick/blind.
Gargoyle: Stone, multi-shaped entities.
Hippogriff: Half-horse/Griffin. Need a Griffin to get.
Ogre: Large, dull, powerful humanoid.
Pegasus: Winged horse.
Sphinx: Winged lion with human(female) head/chest.
Troll: Oger with regenerative properties.
Wyvern: Smaller, non-fire breathing dragon.

Level Three Creatures
Can only be given by God/dess.
Basilisk Species One: All vegetation burns at it's approach.
Basilisk Species Two: Can kill with a glance.
Chimera: Head of a lion, body of a goat, tail of a dragon.
Dragon: Winged, fire-breathing lizard, various colours.
Fenrir: Monsterously strong wolf.
Griffin: Lion body, with eagle head, wings and forepaws.
Hydra: Seven headed dragon(no fire), loss of head spawns two new ones.
Kraken: Sea monster(essentially giant octopus/squid).
Manticore: Body of Lion, humanish head, spiked tail with poisonous darts.
Phoenix: Immortal bird. Only one exists at a time.
Roc: Massive bird.
Unicorn: Horned horse.
12-11-2005, 20:42
looks good
12-11-2005, 20:55

Wow...sooo many more I could do to. These are only a taste of the enemies we fight.

First is Adamantoise
Second is Roc
Third is a legendary Wyrm
Fourth is Hippogriff
Fifth is Diablos (master of dreams)
Six is a behemoth
Seventh is Fenrir (guardian of the moon)
Eight is a Manticore
Ninth is a Kraken
Tenth is a Wyrm
12-11-2005, 21:09
ugh... would you mind editing it so that those are links to the pictures rather than actual images... they will take too long to load especially for those who don't have high speed
12-11-2005, 21:14
what game is that from?
12-11-2005, 21:21
I think it's a FF game.
Also for all but three(Adamantoise, Diablos, and Behemoth) all are already listed.
12-11-2005, 21:46
FFXI, those were in game pictures of the enemys.
12-11-2005, 22:54
Here are the changes/ comments I have on the first list of mythological creatures.

Lvl 1:

I have never heard of any of these creatures, and that, I find, is amazing. Did you make them up?

Lvl 2:

Cerberus – There is only one Cerberus, and it is in a very specific part of Greek mythology, so I don’t think this is a good idea. Besides, if Cerberus left his post, Hell would cease to function.

Pegasus – Like Cerberus, there is only one, and it also has a very specific role, so I don’t like this one either.

Sphinx – See above.

Wyvern – Wyverns, although lacking forearms, are about twice the size of the largest dragon, and by far more dangerous. I suggest these be classified as lvl 3.

Lvl 3:

Basilisk - The basilisk does not use fire to kill, it just glances. It is also deadly poisonous.

Chimera – The chimera’s tail is that of a snake, not a dragon. In some versions the tail is actually the head and neck of a snake.

Fenrir – There is only one Fenrir, and it is being used by Norse mythology, so I think it has no place here.
12-11-2005, 23:07
Here are the changes/ comments I have on the first list of mythological creatures.

Lvl 1:

I have never heard of any of these creatures, and that, I find, is amazing. Did you make them up? No, all genuine mythological creatures.

Lvl 2:

Cerberus – There is only one Cerberus, and it is in a very specific part of Greek mythology, so I don’t think this is a good idea. Besides, if Cerberus left his post, Hell would cease to function. Fair enought

Pegasus – Like Cerberus, there is only one, and it also has a very specific role, so I don’t like this one either. There are winged horses in more than greek mythology.

Sphinx – See above. Like wise with Pegasus, there are multiple sphinx in various mythologies

Wyvern – Wyverns, although lacking forearms, are about twice the size of the largest dragon, and by far more dangerous. I suggest these be classified as lvl 3. Here our sources differe, as mine have Wyvern as smaller versions of dragons, sans fire.

Lvl 3:

Basilisk - The basilisk does not use fire to kill, it just glances. It is also deadly poisonous. Again, there are two different species, and the first species doesn't use fire, but still burns all vegitation.

Chimera – The chimera’s tail is that of a snake, not a dragon. In some versions the tail is actually the head and neck of a snake. Again sources differ

Fenrir – There is only one Fenrir, and it is being used by Norse mythology, so I think it has no place here. As with Cerberus, fair enought.
Replies in quote/bold.
12-11-2005, 23:11
Cerberus: Considering this isn't greek mythology and Cerberus isn't guarding the gates of hell, than we can use him as a monstor. Also, I am pretty sure that there is just on

Pegasus & Sphinx: See Above

Wyvern: Actually Wyvern's are often considered to be smaller than dragons (also they can't breathe fire) so that would make them weaker and less dangerous than the common dragon.

Basilisk: Yes basilisks are supposed to kill through a single glance.

Chimera: It is said that Chimeras had the body of a goat, the head of a lion, and the hindquarters (tail) of a snaker or dragon.

Fenrir: Correct, Fenrir is a monstorous wolf said to be the son of Loki.

I would like to point out that since this RP is not linked to the real world or the mythical world in anyway, we can use any monstors in anyway that we like.
13-11-2005, 00:00
In regards to Pegasus, Cerberus, Fenrir, and the Sphinx: I just think it is wrong to include a creature that is so throroughly entrenched in any particular mythology. At the very least come up with new names for them and change the description a bit.

I have never, ever heard that the Wyverns are smaller than dragons. It is true that they have no front arms or fire, but they are ferocious. They have been known to prey on elephants in some myths.

Regarding lvl 1 montsers: I'd like to see those source documents.

As far as I know, a victim of the basilisk does not burn, he simply dies. I guess the same thing could happen to plant life, but I never heard that.
13-11-2005, 00:05
I guess there is no harm in changing the names (as for Pegasus, it is just a winged horse that shows up in many myths in different cultures - including here on NS - in an RP I am in, my characters have a winged horse.)

As for Wyverns... Read the first paragraph of the wiki description (
13-11-2005, 00:25
Occasionally, it is said to be smaller than a dragon

I read it, and it seems to confirm my point.
13-11-2005, 00:48
I read it, and it seems to confirm my point.

umm... no. The first paragraph says "it is said to be smaller than a dragon"

where does it comfirm your point?
13-11-2005, 00:56
Right in the first paragrah, the part that I quoted.
13-11-2005, 00:58
my bad, didn't see your quote. All that is saying is that in some mythology it is smaller and in some it is larger.

Again though, I would like to reiterate that because we are creating these monstors and what they are capable of, we are able to decide how powerful or big they are. We don't have to follow currently mythology or established acceptance.
13-11-2005, 01:04
In regards to Pegasus, Cerberus, Fenrir, and the Sphinx: I just think it is wrong to include a creature that is so throroughly entrenched in any particular mythology. At the very least come up with new names for them and change the description a bit.

I have never, ever heard that the Wyverns are smaller than dragons. It is true that they have no front arms or fire, but they are ferocious. They have been known to prey on elephants in some myths.

Regarding lvl 1 montsers: I'd like to see those source documents.

As far as I know, a victim of the basilisk does not burn, he simply dies. I guess the same thing could happen to plant life, but I never heard that.
Paragraph 1: We'll leave that descision to Druidae if he want's it changed, them kept and ect.

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:
Can be captured/tamed without godly assistance(still difficult thought).
Barghest: or
Boobrie: or
Makara: or
Moddey Dhoo: or
Tikbalang: or

Paragraph 4: (paragraph 4) (paragraph 13) (paragraph 3)
13-11-2005, 01:05
Very true. However, there does need to be some regulation. this system of only allowing some monsters to be summoned isnt it, though. Look at this list ( of monsters! its huge! And it isnt even complete.
13-11-2005, 01:09
Or this list

ooc: posted at end of last page in case people missed it.
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 18:53
Maybe every monster in the wikipedia list exist, just are hard to find (unless otherwise stated). How would that work?

btw: about the wyverns, I've heard at least five different versions of them. hmmm... and I see they're not in the wikipedia list. Shall we make our own list then?
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 18:57
Maybe every monster in the wikipedia list exist, just are hard to find (unless otherwise stated). How would that work?

btw: about the wyverns, I've heard at least five different versions of them. hmmm... and I see they're not in the wikipedia list. Shall we make our own list then?

no one has posted any new nations since friday! bad
13-11-2005, 19:03
I did post a possible list earlier(The level 1-3 monsters) if you want to use that.
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 19:10
Yeah, I saw that, but we need something much more extensive. Something possibly longer than the wikkipedia list.
13-11-2005, 19:18
You could go with the D&D 2nd edition monster list I also posted.
13-11-2005, 19:35
Having a huge bestiary like that would be more of a curse than a blessing. You would never be able to find anything, you know? Plus, if you can only use monsters from there, how can you create your own?

I have found a solution to this problem. As I lay in bed last night, my thoughts began to stray to NS (as they often do). I realized that if I applied my incredible intellect I should be able to find something, and I did.

My suggestion is to create a standard bestiary containing the most common forms of fantasy creatures. This list would include: Drakes, Dragons, Unicorns, Griffins, Minotaur, Wyverns, Chimeras, Cyclops, Giants, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Manticores, Kraken, Werewolves, Centaurs, Hydras, Nymphs, Merfolk, Wyrms, Lindwyrms, Bassilisks, Satyrs, Gargoyles, Sea Serpants, Amphitheres, and any other creature that is commonly used in fantasy.

Each creature would have the following: Name, physical description, variations, territory, weapons, prey, and any other notable info. From this list we would be able to conjure up any of those creatures.

What’s that you say? What about powers? Well, I struggled over that problem for nearly an hour, and the only solution I can think of is to strip the powers from the creatures. I propose we make them animals. They do not speak, they have no magic, and they do not think like a human. Anything a creature can do must be explained by a biological occurrence.

For example, look at the Dragon’s firebreath. This can be explained by saying that twin venom sacks in the roof of the mouth forcibly spray a stream of the two different chemicals through holes in the front fangs. When these two venoms collide in mid air, they burst into a sticky, napalm-like inferno.

If a nation wants to add a new animal (or create their own), they must write up a document listing all of the afore-mentioned information. This they then submit to their god, who makes any changes he sees fit, and then passes it on to a council of gods. If the council decides the animal will work, it is added to the bestiary and everyone can call on it.

This brings me to my second point: we need a council. I propose we create a separate thread (the bestiary would be a separate thread as well) where only the gods can post. Here we would debate the various issues of our RP.

So, what do you guys think?
13-11-2005, 19:36
nymphs aren't monstors
13-11-2005, 19:41
Oh yes, I forgot to say something. The Orcs, Goblins, Nymphs, and Merfolk are seperate civilizations you could encounter during your exploration. They could raidm build, form alliences, etc... but would be controlled by noone. Basically they are just a plot driver if things go stale.
13-11-2005, 19:42
eh, I would be a bit concerned about that... having civilizations that anybody can make do what they want.

Either we can't have them or they have to be controlled by somebody.
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 19:43
I agree with you that we should have a limited list of common magical creatures, but why not give them magical powers? Dragons could magicaly breathe fire, trolls would regenerate, and unicorns would have healing powers.

We can make another thread if you like, but we should get the game going first. (come on, only 4 more nations)

That's why I'm using creatures and not monsters DMG

What's the difference between a Drake and a Dragon?

We can get new players to play as orcs and similar, all the ones which could organize into at least tribes.
13-11-2005, 19:44
They wouldnt be just willie-nilly. Their use would be maintained at minimil. However, maybe a god should do it. The Druidae doesnt have any nations to care for; he should do it.

EDIT: If we give them magical powers, we would have to create a huge classification system that would be a waste of time. We would have to heavily govern the hunting, taming, and fighting of these monsters, which is a pointless and risky exercise.

A Drake is smaller, has a single "sail" on its back instead of wings, walks on all fours, and does not breathe fire.
13-11-2005, 19:46
That's why I'm using creatures and not monsters DMG

What is this in reference to?

They wouldnt be just willie-nilly. Their use would be maintained at minimil. However, maybe a god should do it. The Druidae doesnt have any nations to care for; he should do it.

That would work
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 19:46
Yeah, I could do it, but lets see if we can get people to play as them first.

I still don't see why they couldn't have magic.

Nymphs aren't monstors
13-11-2005, 19:48
(I am actually Spooty)

I come with a proposal, we use the Warhammer Fourth Edition Beast list, it is quite a short list and has a clear level of power, just a proposal feel free to ignore/support.
13-11-2005, 19:50
Nymphs aren't monstors

I was talking to Einhauser...
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 19:50
Yeah we could use that, could you get us a link to it?

I actually liked the idea of using the DnD bestiary despite it being a bit extensive.

I know, DMG, it wasn't a reproach.
13-11-2005, 19:54
Yeah we could use that, could you get us a link to it?

I actually liked the idea of using the DnD bestiary despite it being a bit extensive.

I know, DMG, it wasn't a reproach.
Thanks, and while extensive, it is also alphabetical, making it easier(somewhat) to find what you want.
13-11-2005, 19:54
I dislike the idea. We should only use common ones, not ones invented for a particular universe. Thats why I don't like the idea of using WH bestiarys.

If you want them to be magic, The Druidae, you write the stupid rules. I refuse to spend my efforts of a big fat waste of time.
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 20:23
I don't see why there especially needs to be special rules, if you have a dragon in battle, just say it goes around frying people and biting their heads off until it eventualy gets a lance in its chest. What's wrong with that?

What's the point of having a mythological world if you can't have mythological creatures?
13-11-2005, 21:32
how about we start this...
The Druidae
13-11-2005, 21:57
I thought six nations was a bit few, but if everyone agrees, let's go.
13-11-2005, 22:07
I'm game
13-11-2005, 22:09
Yeah; lets go :D
13-11-2005, 22:14
I'm ready whenever you guys are.
13-11-2005, 22:16
Who wants to make the main page?
13-11-2005, 22:43
The Druidae or Einhauser should

edit: we need a good map still, with everyones locations plotted
13-11-2005, 22:47
The Druidae is in charge, so he makes it.

EDIT: I wont be on for the rest of today, so I cant post.
Nova Boozia
14-11-2005, 08:30
Im ready to start, and another thing, will nations/armies with a lot of tamed monsters have an advantage over those without?
14-11-2005, 12:19
Im ready to start.

If we use common monsters/creatures will each god have one customised monster/creature that they can use/send to their nations on very special occassions. These monsters/creatures would be more powerful than the common mosters but all the same level as each other. Or am i complicating things more than they already are?
14-11-2005, 21:12
Im ready to start, and another thing, will nations/armies with a lot of tamed monsters have an advantage over those without?

They should...only natural a miliartistic nation beat a nation of pacifists.
14-11-2005, 21:14
Im ready to start.

If we use common monsters/creatures will each god have one customised monster/creature that they can use/send to their nations on very special occassions. These monsters/creatures would be more powerful than the common mosters but all the same level as each other. Or am i complicating things more than they already are?

(remember I'm Spooty)

I'm with this guy, if we do decide to use Creatures.
14-11-2005, 21:24 where is our two founders?
The Druidae
14-11-2005, 21:25
Ok, I have a map, can anyone skilled with computers tell me how to post it (my school doesn't offer a computing class :( )

Other than that: I officialy proclaim midnight the day after I get the map up the official start to the game. I will at the same occasion put up a god only thread. The puny mortals can create their own.