GPE Military Exercises [Invite-Only]
Official Announcement of the Confederate Department of Defense
We are proud to announce that the Confederate Army has planned a set of exercised that will be held in the Imperial Territory south of Hallad. As a first part, we will use military spacecraft to insert soldiers of the 45th Trekkie Airborn, the 56th Tennessee Volunteer Mechanised Infantry, and the 12th Joseph McCarthy Armored Brigade to the training grounds. The Nine Justices Bluewater Battlegroup is on its way as well.
All Empire Members are invited to participate.
Cherry Ridge
18-10-2005, 01:59
THe Ridgian Army will be sending the Julius II Division to participate.
RightWing Conspirators
18-10-2005, 02:39
The Conservative Empire of RightWing Conspirators will be sending the 16th Division of Marine Elites "Rising Phoenix" to the exercise.
Announcement from the Dersconi Ministry of Defence
The Divine Prussian Empire will be sending the entire First Corps of the Imperial Army, as well as a few air wings in the bases already there. Also, the Sola Fide division of the Greater Prussian Imperial Guard will be present for the exersizes, to be backed up by the First Dersconi Fleet and the First Imperial Star Fleet.
HMS Imperial Justice
In the flagship of the Dersconi Stellar Navy First Fleet, Admiral Yakov Dostoyevsky looked over his fleet from the internal bridge. He had his orders from the Emperor of Greater Prussia himself, and he intended on carrying them out.
Dropships made in the Northrop-Grumman shipyards (that aren't officially part of the fleet) continued to place the different Dersconi military personnel and equipment at the designated drop-points. However, it was going to take a bit, as not all the drop ships were there, and not all the military was there. This will be a long day, Admiral Yakov thought to himself before heading off to bed.
The Dersconi First Stellar Fleet
1 DSN Imperial Justice-class Capital ship
30 ZMI Warliner-class Battleships
30 NG Scimitar Class Heavy Battleships
10 ANI Jormungand-class drone carriers
10 Arizona Nova Golem -class carriers
30 Allanean Arms Porcupine Mk II-class cruisers
50 NG BC-303 Prometheus-class Cruisers
50 Arizona Nova Vanguard-class cruisers
60 ZMI Harsh Market Conditions-class frigates
100 Arizona Nova Stahldolch - class destroyers
500 Arizona Nova Hughie Mk II class gunships.
Ready on the bridge!
“Aye-aye, Sir!” – Imperial Guard troops ran from deck to deck of the insanely huge – yet, due to the miracles of ZMI design and construction work, miraculously slightly aerodynamic – Management Buyout Class. Aboard stood Marechal Johnson – the very man who commanded the Imperial Fleet during the war on Hallad.
Today, Hallad was a true and loyal member of the Empire – or so it was hoped. Two of the Warliner-class vessels dove through the athmosphere, nose first, the wings at their stern opening slowly as they dove, the wind howling and screeching around them. The Sola Fide division would deploy from them.
In low orbit, thirty Porucpine Mk II cruisers stood ready to participate, each carrying extended orbital attack magazines loaded to the brim with seventeen and a half minutes worth of ammunition for their monstrous Deforestator main cannon.
Harsh Market Conditions class frigates encircled the Porcupines, their oversized beam cannon – in fact the entire ship would be a beam cannon – humming ominously as they charged up with lethal energy.
Dozens of smaller ships moved swiftly between those craft. Today – whatever would happen – it would be truly great.
Specs of this fleet:
1 ZMI Management Buyout class
25 ZMI Warliner-class Battleships
10 ANI Jormungand-class drone carriers
10 Arizona Nova Golem -class carriers
30 Allanean Arms Porcupine Mk II-class cruisers
60 ZMI Harsh Market Conditions-class frigates
50 Arizona Nova Vanguard-class cruisers
100 Arizona Nova Stahldolch - class destroyers
500 Arizona Nova Hughie Mk II class gunships.
RTFN Priority
To: Marechal Johnson
From: Admiral Yakov Dostoyevsky
Subj: Dinner
Greetings and Salutations, Marechal Johnson! I was wondering if you'd like to attend dinner on board the Imperial Justice one day? Please respond.
God Bless,
Admiral Yakov Dostoyevsky
Admiral of the First Imperial Stellar Fleet
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Civitas Americae
19-10-2005, 04:39
The Third Armored Division will be conducting an amphibious assault exercise, along with the Fifth Fighter Wing and the Blessed Kaiser Karl and St. Michael battlegroups (OOC: Carrier and battleship respectively). In addition, the Navy will be taking the opportunity to conduct tests (and if successful, demonstrations) of its new anti-shipping missile.
HMS Imperial Justice
"Christ, this is a logistical nightmare," Admiral Yakov commented to no one in particular. The purpose of this was to test the reaction time for a full division of the Dersconi Army -- it wasn't going too well. It was just too big. THat was the problem with Derscon -- its Special Forces were top notch, but they went out in groups no more than thirty. It's Massive Grand Divisions under the Corps were also powerful -- but they were too large to be used effectively.
I hope the General Staff fixes this problem, Admiral Yakov thinks to himself.
"Admiral Dostoyevsky?" Yakov turned around to find a lieutenant at attention, saluting. Dostoyevsky returned it and asked his purpose.
"Well, sir, we have word from Field Marshal Wellesley." The young lieutenant handed over the message and left when dismissed.
Admiral Yakov:
As I'm sure you've noted, we can't do this anymore. The sheer size of the
Grand Divisions prevents its effective usage. Please document my official
protest to the organization of the Dersconi Army, and suggest it be looked
at and revised after the excersises have completed.
--Field Marshal Wellesley
Well, that confirms it, Yakov thought to himself. Field Marshal Wellesley was probably the best known and most respected military commander in Derscon, and what he said pretty much went when it came to the Armed Forces.
Admiral Dostoyevsky put the letter aside and decided that it was time to get some sleep. Hopefully, Marechal Johnson would return his dinner invitation. If not, he'd be quite angry.
RTFN Priority
To: Admiral Yakov Dostoyevsky
From: Marechal Johnson
Subj: Dinner
Greetings, Admiral Dostoyevsky! I will be on my way using my personal Freelancer-class fighter at the time of your choosing. You will recognise it by it’s unique color scheme.
With the Lord’s Help,
Marechal Diamond Johnson,
Commander of the GPSN Earth Strike Force,
Greater Prussian Imperial Guard