Darian Rebels Attack Cities Across Vietnamexico
15-10-2005, 23:29
Gordo, Vietnamexico
The Muurite village bustled with activity this early morning. People of all walks of life moved about the city's marketplace, going about their morning business. Samul walked through the bazaar, looking for something to eat from one of the many stalls. Suddenly, he heard gunshots and screams coming from the western side of the marketplace. People began running his way, and Samul followed them in a panic. The rumors of Darian attacks on villages nearby must be true, and this must be one of those attacks. The group of people ran along, now well outside the bazaar, and Samul now belived them to be safe.
Ten Darian rebels drove a Jeep through the chaotic bazaar, shooting the Muurites in their way. The Muurites ran in all directions, but they would all soon be caught. Oh no, though one of the Darians, there was a cameraman with what looked to be a live camera feed filming all of this. This was very bad. The Darian jumped off the side of the Jeep, drew his pistol-for he had been manning the turret on the Jeep-and chased down the cameraman, who dropped the camera onto the pavement. The Darian chased the cameraman down alleyways, until his prey tripped upon a abandoned bicycle. The Darian ran up to the fallen man, and pointed the pistol straight at his head, and fired three bullets, directly into his skull.
Vietnamexican News Network
"The rumors of Darian rebels attacking towns in the south have been verified as of 3 hours ago. This was a live feed by our correspondent in Grodo, the images that you are about to see may be distrubing to some audiences..."
Call to power
15-10-2005, 23:55
Message to: Vietnamexico government
from: The Peoples Technocracy of Call to Power
We wish to aid in anyway necessary to stop these cowardly attacks upon the Muurite village's and the nation of Vietnamexico
We would also like to offer refuge for any citizens needing evacuation in our nation
16-10-2005, 00:24
To: Call To Power
From: The Kingdom of Vietnamexico
The Darian forces must be stopped from eliminating the Muurite population of our nation. I am currently setting up refugee camps around the affected region (RL Belize) and I need help in suppling these. I can handle the Darian rebels, however, I have no way of controlling the Nubantia, the Darian irregulars that are hunting the Muurites. If you have any ideas on how to control these beasts please tell me.
King Horus, King of Vietnamexico
Call to power
16-10-2005, 00:43
Message to: Vietnamexico
from: CTP emergency agency
We suggest air recon operations and air strikes followed by patrols in known Nubantia zones we now highly suggest moving the Muurite population to one area so forces can be better used in there defence
The supplies requested will be sent A.S.A.P and air dropped if necessary
16-10-2005, 01:15
Vincent rasted the potato in the small fire he built on the sidewalk. He was enjoying a rare warm meal, usually he and the rest of his gang roam the countryside searching for Muurite villages to raid. He watched the potato fizzle and pop over the fire. He was excited for the food to reach his stomach, it became soft and he ate it. He heard a group of Nubantas coming up behind him and he turned around to wave at them. However, when he turned he saw that they were not wearing the yellow and red armbands of Nubanta rebels. They were wearing the green blue and red insignia of Muurite Pride, and they were all carrying AK-47s. Vincent reached for his SMG-A1, and hope that he could quickly gun down the Muurites. He aimed is gun and relased a volley, just as the Muurites sent bullets flying his way. Vincent looked at his chest and saw the pores that they had made in him, and he felt the warm blood upon is hands as he fell over and faded from life.
Raven corps
16-10-2005, 03:03
We wish to become engaged in this, for it my prove profitable to us. we await for your response
16-10-2005, 03:29
Sure, you may RP in this.
Telegram to the nations of the world:
Today, I recieved word that the Darian rebels in the south have attacked numerous Muurite orphanages. They are slaughetering these children in the most brutal manners, many of them using machettes, the weapon of choice for the Nubanta. The murder of these innocent children must be prevented, and we ask that you will take these children to your own orphanages once the humanitarian workers can get in and retreve them from this chaos filled area.
King Horus
Raven corps
16-10-2005, 03:48
Jason Zion leader of ZioCorp-( also Former CEO of Raven corps- OOC:haven't made ZioCorp yet...) Heard the new of the Rebel attack in Vietnamexico. Zion, being the kind of man he is, saw this as a prime way of selling some of his new weapons to either side. And at the same time Take land for himself.
Zion got up from his chair and walked aroundhis oak desk. And called his public relations agent.
" Hello, this is drake Massy, How may I help you to day." said the Drake ZioCorps pulic relation agent.
" Yes this is Zion. I need you to send a message to Vietnamexico-
To: Vietnamexico
From: ZioCorps
Hello, to all parties involved. We ZioCorps have seen your struggle and wish to interven. We will be on site within the next day. Upon your approval. We will set up a base to land supplies and weapons for your troops. Medical station will also be set up to help with your wounded.
upon Approval the following will be sent
- 3000 fully trained surgeans and medical M.D.'s
- 10,000 trained nurses
- 200,000 armed Security Forces
- 2000 medical and supply transports
- weapons and armor supplies
18-10-2005, 01:25
Latest Figures From Darian-Muurite Conflict
Dead: 400,000
Missing: 900,000
Wounded: 1 Million
Homeless: 3 Million
Dead: 20,000
Missing: 80,000
Wounded: 40,000
Homeless: 0
Dweladelfia prime
18-10-2005, 01:46
To Vietnamexico from the High Command of Dweladelfia Prime
King Horus, this is President Fredrick f dweladelfia Prime we are awnsering your cry for help to the IADF. We have call an emergancy meeting of legisalature to vote on weather or not to send troops. we will send you a message when we get word back from the Vote.
Speaker of the Upper House James K stands at the podium of the Upper House chambers.
"We will now move to vote on weather or not to send troops to Vietnamexico.
Clerk please unlock the voting Machine."
the Representativis vote on the bill.
Here are the resaltes from the votes from all the 6 Chambers of Leg.
Lower Senate: 55 Yays 25 Nays
Upper Senate: 40 Yays 15 Nays
Imperial Senate: 75 Yays 10 Nays
Lower House: 50 Yays 25 Nays
Upper House: 25 Yays 15 Nays
Imperial House: 34 Yays 23 Nays
Message to Vietnamexico
The Yays have it we will be sending troops.
Heres a list:
{5th Carrier Battle Group}
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
13 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Golden Eagle SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Black Bear SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Blaze SQ- 300 F-35
Spark SQ- 300 F-35
Lash SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolvarine) Air Superiority Fighter
1st Airborne Divison 10,000 Soldiers (XM8, Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, M240 Medium Machine Gun, Land warrior)
500 Tiger Main Battle Tank
100 C-45 Wild Boar
50 C-130 Gun ships
50 AV-8B Harrier II
1,000 Marines armed with AUG A1 Carbine Assault Rifles with Grendade Lanchers and Desert Eagles, Land Warrior
50 Marine Snipers armed with Tactical Operations - Tango 51, Ghillie Suit, and Desert Eagles
500 Marines armed with M249 SAW, Desert Eagles, and Land warrior
100 Marines armed with Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, Desert Eagles and Land warrior
25 C-45 Wild Boar
1 Comanders armed with Steyr AUG A1 Carbine Assault Rifles with Grendade Lanchers, Desert Eagles, and T MP 9 Submachine Gun, Land warrior.
President Fredrick
And the High Command of Dweladelfia Prime
18-10-2005, 01:46
Why hello there Rebels. It seems you have a little enthic cleansing on your hands. We are ZEN. The rebels withen the country of Zackaroth and we are willing to lend some.."aid". We wont say what we have to offer unless you want us to help you...
18-10-2005, 05:50
King Horus welcomes the Dweladelfian troops with open arms. However, he asks more for help in protecting the next generation of Muurites, who have been 25% wiped out by some projections.
Hello ZEN. We are the noble army of Daria, our goal is to eliminate the Muurite locusts from our land, and make it better for the Darians, the true owners of the land. The Muurites have exploited us for fiftey years, and we have had enough.It is time to spray the locusts from our lands, and cleanse our air once and for all. We will kill all locusts, every one. We are a tenth of the way their already. And we have killed a quarter of the children, the next generation of the locusts. We need guns, whiskey, and opium, these are the things that keep our armies going. Without it, we will be weak. A god friend would provide us these valubale things in return for...
Dweladelfia prime
18-10-2005, 15:54
Message to King Horus of Vietnamexico
Ok, we will send 50 Tiger Main Battle Tanks, 25 AV-8B Harrier II, and 5,000 1st Airborne troops.
Do you have any Idea of were these rebels may be hiding?
18-10-2005, 16:05
The rebels are roaming all over the southern provinces also known as the Muurite provinces.
Dweladelfia prime
18-10-2005, 17:32
Alright the rest of the troops are on there way.
18-10-2005, 18:12
We will deploy 3 AirWings (9 Squadrons, 144 Aircraft) of B-257s to the region, i presume that teh rebels have no Aircraft? If so we will ocmmence carpet bombing of Rebel Posistions with ONC gravity and IR guided bombs, do they have any SAM defences?
OOC: Each bomber carries upto 380 Metric tonnes of ordanance
18-10-2005, 20:21
The King will be making a speech and taking some questions regarding the situation in the Muurite provinces at 5:20 GMT.
OOC: Do not carpet bomb, that will do nothing to hurt the rebels, it will kill rebels and Muurites, who are unable to leave the provinces. Leave the bombing to me.
18-10-2005, 20:28
Statement from Security Minister (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9811http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=98112)
18-10-2005, 20:44
press conference (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9811368)
Dweladelfia prime
19-10-2005, 00:52
OOC: So the rebels are in the towns right?
19-10-2005, 00:56
OOC: they are all over the place
Dweladelfia prime
19-10-2005, 01:02
OOC: ok then........
The 1st Marine Infantry Divison is making there way through a forest looking for rebels. Suddenly... Shots rang out and the whole forest was alive with gun fire as the Marines fire back.
"All units in the area, This is the 1st Marine divison, we have come under fire by rebel troops. We need asistence."
19-10-2005, 03:03
The peacekeepers were panicing, they could not tell where they, the Nubanta were hiding. They were hiding in the bushes, they had been waiting there since they heard the soldiers moving clumsily through the forest. They fired back, a few of them took out there machettes, and ran silently up behind the platoon of soldiers.
Dweladelfia prime
20-10-2005, 14:30
"Sargent the shootings stoped."" Keep a sharp eye out soilder."
All the sudden they here a scream. One of the Marines in the back of the colum were hacked to peaces. "Return Fire!"
Dweladelfia prime
21-10-2005, 14:11
Dweladelfia prime
22-10-2005, 14:34
Dweladelfia prime
22-10-2005, 20:05
bump for Vietnamexico
26-10-2005, 01:19
Official Announcement: The Bonstocknian Government will provide 5,000 troops to help stabilize Vietnamexico, with over a million troops ready if more are needed.
Johnny was in the dorm basement mixing up the medicine as Joey looked on at his history textbook, smoking dope and listening to Hendrix. His long, unkept brown hair was in back, as through his purple-tinted glasses he looked at studying. Exams were tommarrow in World History. If Joey didn't pass, he'd flunk out, and those who flunked out were conscripted.
His girlfriend Maggie opened the door and came in, with her dirty blonde hair and a shirt that read "Support World Peace: Impeach Lord Harald." She carried a protest sign in hand, that read "Peace now!"
Joey took a puff of tea. "Maggie, what's goin down?" he said.
"Another announcement. The establishment is sendin' five thousand boys to Vietnamexico, help put down the rebellion there. Many say they'll have it up to a million if the situation gets worse over there. Care to join the protest this afternoon?"
"I got finals tommarrow, Maggie... no can do." He took another deep breath of pot.
Maggie sighed. "All right."
Johnny came up from the basement. Dark skinned and deep voiced, he said, "Got the medicine ready. Wanna have a trip?"
"Man, exams tommarrow... I flunk out and I get sent over."
"Man, you're already stonin' yourself beyond everything. Quit the dope now if you really want to do well."
"Ah man." Joey put the joint down on the table, and stared blankly at his textbook. But nothing seemed to make sense from it. He read though it, but was too stoned to let anything in.
Dweladelfia prime
26-10-2005, 18:02
This just in!
Dweladelfia Prime is sending more troops to Vietnamexico.
Troops sent:
{10th Mechanized Marine Division}
1,000 (Marines armed with AUG A1 Carbine Assault Rifles with Grenade Launchers and Desert Eagles, Land Warrior)
1,000 Marines (M249 SAW, Desert Eagles, and Land warrior)
100 M6 Bradley Linebacker
100 UH-60 Blackhawk
100 Marines armed with Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, Desert Eagles and Land warrior
{1st Marine Sharpshooter Division}
100 Marine Snipers (Tactical Operations - Tango 51, Ghillie Suit, and Desert Eagles)
26-10-2005, 18:19
OOC: This just in! Lots of Godmoders!
They include:
Dweladelfia prime
How you might ask? Well we start with Spiz...
Spizania: OMG mY gUyS lIeK tr4v3l 973403176501347 m1l3s 4nd b0mB teh R3b3lz t3Hn t3hy c0m3 b4cK. (Sorry if its offensive but its true)
Dweladelfia prime: OMG i sEnD mY gUyz t0 Vietnamexico 4nd t3hY 4rRiv3 sTr4igHt 4waY. 1 d0nT g0Tz 2 pAy oR sEnD nAvY tO tRaNsPort t3hm (gets annoying to talk like that)
You should mod your posts. Not saying im perfect but yeah...
Dweladelfia prime
26-10-2005, 18:24
OOC: This just in! Lots of Godmoders!
They include:
Dweladelfia prime
How you might ask? Well we start with Spiz...
Spizania: OMG mY gUyS lIeK tr4v3l 973403176501347 m1l3s 4nd b0mB teh R3b3lz t3Hn t3hy c0m3 b4cK. (Sorry if its offensive but its true)
Dweladelfia prime: OMG i sEnD mY gUyz t0 Vietnamexico 4nd t3hY 4rRiv3 sTr4igHt 4waY. 1 d0nT g0Tz 2 pAy oR sEnD nAvY tO tRaNsPort t3hm (gets annoying to talk like that)
You should mod your posts. Not saying im perfect but yeah...
For one who said they had to come by navy they gould of come by plane.
26-10-2005, 18:40
OOC: Will be sending troops to aid the rebels... tommorow after I sleep :)
26-10-2005, 20:09
As Tocrowkia has had rebel problems of it's own, we are sympathetic to your problems and wish to send 250,000 troops in support of your official Government to crush the rebellion.
26-10-2005, 23:05
Spizania: OMG mY gUyS lIeK tr4v3l 973403176501347 m1l3s 4nd b0mB teh R3b3lz t3Hn t3hy c0m3 b4cK
SO im not allowed to build a huge bomber aircraft, you ahve no imformation as to the planes design so before you insult me maybe you should stop to consider it and also they dont have a range of 973403176501347miles, they have a range of about 6000 km. Also why do you assume that i know textspeak just because ive built a huge plane? If your going to insult tme please spell it out so i can read it.
27-10-2005, 00:36
OOC: Quit flaming, if you want in RP if you don't then get out
Dweladelfia prime
27-10-2005, 02:46
OOC: We wernt he started it just kick him out of your rp so we can go on. It your RP ya know.
27-10-2005, 09:45
OOC: Prime if you sent all those units by plane you would be waiting longer for them to arrive and you would pay more money to transport. The other nation with the 'huge' bomber. 6k km range is not great. Its 6k km from Miami to San Francisco. You would basically have to have your nation neighbouring Vietnamexico to take your bombers to the country, bomb the rebels, and fly back.
Anyway im joining this thread to support the rebels.
27-10-2005, 10:36
133rd Infantry Division (30,000)
MNMI M45 Assault Rifle
ISA M43 Assault Rifle
Pulse Rifle
.5 Heavy Machine Gun
OICW Assault Rifle
SA-18 "Grouse"
Land Warrior 1.0 Suits
23rd Airborn Regiment (1,055)
200 Apache Longbow
Ka-60 "Kasatka"
Troops with XM-8 Rifles.
Land Warrior 1.0 Suits
24th Airborn Regiment (1,055)
Apache Longbow
Ka-60 "Kasatka"
Troops with XM-8 Rifles.
Land Warrior 1.0 Suits
2nd Artillery Battery (135)
M3 Bradley
TOS-1 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
2A65 (M1987) 152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzer
27th Imperial Armored Brigade (5,190)
MNMI M1 Heavy Main Battle Tank
M1A2 Abram Main Battle Tank
T-95 Main Battle Tank
MNMI M45 Assault Rifle
Land Warrior 1.0 Suits
29th Imperial Armored Brigade (5,190)
MNMI M1 Heavy Main Battle Tank
M1A2 Abram Main Battle Tank
T-95 Main Battle Tank
MNMI M45 Assault Rifle
Land Warrior 1.0 Suits
IUMAMI 1st Fleet (46)
Coronado Class Command Ship
Spruance Class Destroyer
Gepard Class Frigate
Neustrashimy Class Frigate
John Connolly Class Aircraft Carrier (MiG-2000H LFI, MiG-28 Flounder, SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper)
Akula-II Class Attack Submarine
Yankee-II Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
AEGIS Class Cruiser
Udaloy-II Class Guided Missile Destroyer
IUMAMI 2nd Fleet (46)
Coronado Class Command Ship
Spruance Class Destroyer
Gepard Class Frigate
Neustrashimy Class Frigate
John Connolly Class Aircraft Carrier (MiG-2000H LFI, MiG-28 Flounder, SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper)
Akula-II Class Attack Submarine
Yankee-II Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
AEGIS Class Cruiser
Udaloy-II Class Guided Missile Destroyer
IUMAMI 3rd Fleet (46)
Coronado Class Command Ship
Spruance Class Destroyer
Gepard Class Frigate
Neustrashimy Class Frigate
John Connolly Class Aircraft Carrier (MiG-2000H LFI, MiG-28 Flounder, SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper)
Akula-II Class Attack Submarine
Yankee-II Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
AEGIS Class Cruiser
Udaloy-II Class Guided Missile Destroyer
IUMAMI 15th Transport Fleet (200)
IUMAMI 4th Fleet (46)
Coronado Class Command Ship
Spruance Class Destroyer
Gepard Class Frigate
Neustrashimy Class Frigate
John Connolly Class Aircraft Carrier (MiG-2000H LFI, MiG-28 Flounder, SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper)
Akula-II Class Attack Submarine
Yankee-II Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
AEGIS Class Cruiser
Udaloy-II Class Guided Missile Destroyer
IUMAMI 5th Fleet (46)
Coronado Class Command Ship
Spruance Class Destroyer
Gepard Class Frigate
Neustrashimy Class Frigate
John Connolly Class Aircraft Carrier (MiG-2000H LFI, MiG-28 Flounder, SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper)
Akula-II Class Attack Submarine
Yankee-II Class Ballistic Missile Submarine
AEGIS Class Cruiser
Udaloy-II Class Guided Missile Destroyer
15th IMATTF (38)
Apache “Longbow” Attack Chopper
SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper
Mi-13 Hind-D Attack Chopper
16th IMATTF (38)
Apache “Longbow” Attack Chopper
SKA-1 “Rude Boy” Attack Chopper
Mi-13 Hind-D Attack Chopper
15th IMATTF (18)
Ka-60 “Killer Whale” Kasatka
UH-60 Blackhawk
16th IMATTF (18)
Ka-60 “Killer Whale” Kasatka
UH-60 Blackhawk
23rd Airforce Wing (30)
AH-60 "Wraith"
MiG-30 "Fulcrum"
MiG-28 "Flounder"
53rd Air Raid Squad (14)
B-52 "Stratosphere" Bomber
B-93 "Drill" Bomber
B-16 "Crusher" Bomber
Logistics are classfied but we will release personal numbers in total.
TOTAL: 1,563,119
That will be it. Reinforcments are doubted. Troops have already left port fully armed and stocked.
27-10-2005, 17:54
27-10-2005, 22:10
Twelve Nubanta fighters, all armed with either machetties or swords, descended on the small Muurite orphanage, hoping to cause more destuction before the troops arrived. They knew that any hope of success lay in finishing off the Muurites. The Muurites now had the support of the governement, and that idiotic King Horus, the seventeen year old monarch of Vietnamexico. He, unlike the past kings, was in support of the Muurite locusts. He would have to be eliminated as soon as they took care of the Muurites, and made Muur the new homeland of the Darians.
They walked through the door of the orphanage, looking for the children, ready to end their lives, when suddenly, they heard soldiers marching outside of the biulding. They made their way out there to see a platoon of Maldaathian soldiers, on a scouting mission, they would attack the men from behind so they would never see it coming...
Dweladelfia prime
27-10-2005, 22:38
A platoon of the first airborne was marching down the street when they see the rebels:
Sargent: OPEN FIRE!
The Platoon the opens fire on the rebels with there XM8 assault rifles.
27-10-2005, 23:46
Emergency Imperial Parliament, Campris City
A large man dressed in flowing black and red robes stood at the head of the great hall. He held a piece of paper and read it aloud.
"In regards to the issue of aid for the people of Vietnamexico, the voting went as follows:
High Campris Imperial Council:
2 for, 3 against
Executive Council:
21 for, 39 against
Legislative Council:
88 for, 12 against
Final Vote: 111 for, 54 against"
The chamber remained silent, as was the protocol of the assembly.
"This news will be passed on to High Chancellor Colgev for his final descision. Parliament is ajourned." called the speaker.
Imperial Palace, Campris City
High Chancellor Colgev read the draft supplied to him by Parliament. Although Parliament now existed in Camprisia, the leader still had the right to veto any laws or descisions made by it. The chancellor thought to himself, maybe this would be chance to demonstrate Camprisian military might in a conflict. He began creating his letter to the government of Vietnamexico.
By order of High Chancellor Colgev, Camprisia will deploy 5 divisions of motorized infantry along with other military forces as yet to be decided. Please advise on the areas that need any reinforcements. Long live the Chancellor.
Orion Puzik,
Vice-Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Camprisia
28-10-2005, 08:08
They walked through the door of the orphanage, looking for the children, ready to end their lives, when suddenly, they heard soldiers marching outside of the biulding. They made their way out there to see a platoon of Maldaathian soldiers, on a scouting mission, they would attack the men from behind so they would never see it coming...
My troops havent even landed yet. My navy has only just reached your sea borders. Though now I know that your navy isnt going to stop me. :) Also do not roleplay my troops doing anything i have not already posted. And as a further side not we would use helicopters for scouting, not personel.
28-10-2005, 08:19
Vietnamexico Waters
The Armada Maldaathi had sent swam quickly into the Vietnamexico waters and began to steadily slow the powerful engines. The coast was only a few miles off, but it was in range of the transport fleet, who were travelling in the middle of a large box formation.
IUMAMI 1st Fleet
Admiral Clark sat down on the swivel chair and picked up the small radio.
"Admiral Clark of the 1st Fleet Reporting."
"Admiral Marith of the 2nd Fleet Reporting."
"Admiral Jefferson of the 3rd Fleet Reporting."
"Excellent," said Clark with a grin on his face. "We have just passed over into Viet waters as you all know and we are in range of the coast. Admiral Jefferson does your fleet detect a enemy presence in these waters?"
"...No Clark, the sonar is picking up no enemy fleet in the vicinity. Our coming to Vietmexico has gone completely undetected."
Clark nodded his head even though the 2 other Admirals were on the command ships of the other fleets.
"Allright. Alert the soldiers on your boats that we are preparing for a full-scale landing tonight. Have the transport fleets on the ready aswell, Marith."
"Roger Admiral Clark."
"Affirmative Clark."
Clark put the radio down and walked to the bridge. They were here to destroy, here to kill.
28-10-2005, 09:47
Message from The State of Amestria; Ministry of Peace
In light of the genocidal conflict and the growing humanitarian catastrophe, the State of Amestria volunteers to dispatch a peacekeeping force of 10,000 soldiers to guard orphanages and schools in conflict areas. A medical regiment will also be dispatched to aid those who have been displaced by the fighting.
28-10-2005, 10:13
Message to the Leaders of Nations involved in this Conflict
We will shoot and kill anyone who isn't of Darian decent.
28-10-2005, 11:41
OOC: Im not going to go through the landing proccess. We just presume all went well and we landed successfully. The building of the base is underway.
Vietnamexico Shores, Maldaathi Main Base
General Devins sat down and looked around himself at the commanders in the War Room.
"We have come together to discuss recon in this area. I suggest we send the IMAETF to scout the area along with a regiment of the IMATTF. Any objections say 'Nay'."
The Commanders were quiet.
"It's settled. We send out the IMAETF and IMATTF to scout the area. Dismissed."
The General and the other Majors exited the War Room.
IUMAMI 1st Fleet
The Imperial Maldaathi Airborn Escort Task Force and the Imperial Maldaathi Airborn Transport Task Force were fuelling up for take off while the soldiers of the Airborn regiment were suiting up. 228 soldiers were being sent (Personel in transport; Combat Troops).
OOC: Vietnamexico can you please give me the terrain around your coasts please?
28-10-2005, 12:02
to Darian rebels.
I like the way you think, if you would accept it, i would like to send 2000 armed men to your aid
what do you say?
28-10-2005, 16:46
Thats a rather small deployment.....
Dweladelfia prime
28-10-2005, 20:21
In light of the Maldaathi flleet of the coast of Vietnamexico Dweladelfia Prime is going to send:
{4th War hammer fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
1 Leviathon Class Trimarine Super Dreadnaughts
15 Battleships (Orca Class)
30 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
13 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Dolphin SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Spike SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Gold SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Pegasus SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Lancer SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
50 Stingray Class{4th War hammer fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
1 Leviathon Class Trimarine Super Dreadnaughts
15 Battleships (Orca Class)
30 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
13 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Dolphin SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Spike SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Gold SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Pegasus SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Lancer SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
{5th War hammer Fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
10 Battleships (Orca Class)
15 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
25 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
5 Nuke subs (Ohio Class)
10 Battle ships (Dreadnought Class)
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
7 Valkyrie Class Helicopter Assault Carriers
420 AH-64 Apache
Gold Knight SQ- 300 F-35
Long Board SQ- 300 F-35
Surf SQ- 100 F-35
Tomahawk SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Double Edge SQ- 100 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
50 Stingray Class
{2nd Battle Ship Flotilla}
100 Flanker Class Destroyer
50 Orca Class Heavy Battleship
75 CG-47 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
OOC: ooooo Beat that. Ugh.
29-10-2005, 02:49
Thats a rather small deployment.....
yes, I know, but for the time, it's all i can offer
29-10-2005, 04:41
In light of the Maldaathi flleet of the coast of Vietnamexico Dweladelfia Prime is going to send:
{4th War hammer fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
1 Leviathon Class Trimarine Super Dreadnaughts
15 Battleships (Orca Class)
30 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
13 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Dolphin SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Spike SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Gold SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Pegasus SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Lancer SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
50 Stingray Class{4th War hammer fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
1 Leviathon Class Trimarine Super Dreadnaughts
15 Battleships (Orca Class)
30 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
13 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Dolphin SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Spike SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Gold SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Pegasus SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Lancer SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
{5th War hammer Fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
10 Battleships (Orca Class)
15 North Carolina Class battleships
10 Carriers (Admiral Class)
25 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
5 Nuke subs (Ohio Class)
10 Battle ships (Dreadnought Class)
5,000 Tidal Wave Class
7 Valkyrie Class Helicopter Assault Carriers
420 AH-64 Apache
Gold Knight SQ- 300 F-35
Long Board SQ- 300 F-35
Surf SQ- 100 F-35
Tomahawk SQ- 200 Harrier FRS.MK 1
Double Edge SQ- 100 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
5 A-130
50 Stingray Class
{2nd Battle Ship Flotilla}
100 Flanker Class Destroyer
50 Orca Class Heavy Battleship
75 CG-47 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
OOC: ooooo Beat that. Ugh.
OOC: Um wtf. I just checked your military budget. You have Defence: $1,908,159,600,378.28. There is no way you could buy/maintain/deploy this many units. They will be second rate and un-sea worth as your budget cant stretch to fix and repair a 5400 ship fleet. Of course I could disregard this and send in my larger fleets but instead I choose to opt for the non-godmode option.
Dweladelfia prime
29-10-2005, 05:05
OOC: Um wtf. I just checked your military budget. You have Defence: $1,908,159,600,378.28. There is no way you could buy/maintain/deploy this many units. They will be second rate and un-sea worth as your budget cant stretch to fix and repair a 5400 ship fleet. Of course I could disregard this and send in my larger fleets but instead I choose to opt for the non-godmode option.
Dude shut up ok your really getting on my nerves. And I have alot more ships than that and I can to matain them just stick to the rp.
29-10-2005, 05:51
Dude shut up ok your really getting on my nerves. And I have alot more ships than that and I can to matain them just stick to the rp.
LoL your ships will be in worse predicament then I thought. Listen, if you think your ships will be in tip-top condition will fully up-to-date weapons, your a godmoder. Go ask anyone who isn't a noob if a 2trillion defence budget can maintain 3+ 5400 ships+ fleets.
29-10-2005, 09:09
-I'm interested in having some folks from the Kanuckistani Adventurers' Guild drop by to protect the innocent and hunt some genocidal guerrillas.
However, I'm a decidly future-tech, mostly non-hunam nation; I can adjust to most standards, but I'd like to know what you're willing to allow first befor I throw together a force list and make with the IC.
-Dude, if you think he's got too much quantity, should it come to a fight, just respond accordingly - ie, politly note something along the lines of: "well, with a fleet that size, you seem to have invested more heavily in quantity than in quality, atleast in comparison to my own force ballance,"(that last part being the key) and then take lighter damage than you would otherwise(but don't be insulting and/or take absurdly little damage; that's just godmod).
Continuing to complain that he 'can't have that' when he insists otherwise will just continue to derail the thread and likly result in flames.
Hell, if all else fails, compair what ratio of your overall forces(not just navy, but everything) are involved in any given fight, and use either defence budget or population to give those numbers an absolute value you can compare against each other - it's cheap and dirty and not really in the spirit of freeform RP, but it's better than arguing over the subjective, and gives you a guildline for determining the basic ballance of force.
29-10-2005, 09:35
OOC: What about my 200,000 troops that I wanted to deply, Viet?
Oh, and Dweladelfia, I'm sorry to say but I agree with Maldaathi. Your Military budget cannot support that massive fleet. Look at Tocrowkia! We spend over 17 trillion dollars on defence, and we still don't have a Naval fleet over 1,000.
29-10-2005, 09:53
back in warstench, the president is meeting with the head of defence:
"what is it you want sir?"
"have the rebels replied yet?"
"as of yet, no sir" The president sighed.
"send over the fleet, i never was one to care about invitations"
"yes, I know sir"
with that, all troops and helicopters were loaded onto the transport ships, which set sail later that afternoon.
Dweladelfia prime
29-10-2005, 16:22
OOC: What about my 200,000 troops that I wanted to deply, Viet?
Oh, and Dweladelfia, I'm sorry to say but I agree with Maldaathi. Your Military budget cannot support that massive fleet. Look at Tocrowkia! We spend over 17 trillion dollars on defence, and we still don't have a Naval fleet over 1,000.
Ok ya maybe I am over but my Pop is 1 billion, so what size fleet do you sugest?
How much USDs do you need per ship? I actuly new to the whole army creating thing here. Thanks For your help.
29-10-2005, 17:00
OOC: Not everyone spends the same percentage of their budgets on their different services, im still usign Challenger II tanks i got from Willink free to fight the Parthians in VSI while ive pumped money into my airforce and Navy
29-10-2005, 18:06
Several Flight Operators (as they were called in Maldaathi) stood on the helipads dotted around the various fleets waving the small red sticks, giving the go ahead to takeoff into the Vietnamexico. A roar could be heard across the fleets as the rotors of several dozen helicopters began the slow accent into the baby blue sky. The men positioned on the main base on Viet shores turned back to the sea to watch the black shadows raise into the sky. Several soldiers whistled as they roared over head in a deafening buzz towards the only known orphanages which happened to be close to where the Maldaathi Army had landed.
Pschycotic Pschycos
29-10-2005, 20:00
It has come to our attention that a genocidal force is present within Vietnamexico, and a help plea has been sent forth. Therefore, we shall send forth our Navy to protect the nation from those seeking to further the rebels' intents. Their approxamate ETA is 2 NS days. A list shall accompany this message.
Signed into effectivness by His Excellency Shogun Himura Kenshin
10/29 A.C. 410
List of Ships
7th Fleet
3 Island SDN carriers
5 Arkhangel Battlecarriers/Dreadnaughts
12 Zimmermann Battleships
26 Aegis CIWS Defense Platforms/Cruisers
Special Attachment: 5 Pices Battlesubs
8th Fleet
2 Honor SDN
4 Island SDN carriers
8 Arkhangel Battlecarriers/Dreadnaughts
20 Zimmermann Battleships
30 Aegis CIWS Defense Platforms/Cruisers
Special Attachment: 8 Pices Battlesubs
9th Fleet
20 Lionfish Fastattack Subs
5 Shark Boomers
11th Fleet
25 Lionfish Fastattack Subs
13th Fleet
15 Pices Battlesubs
As dawn broke over the Imperial Port of Neo-Nagasaki, a V-22 Ossprey roared across the sky, circling in to land. Aboard it were two men, Rear-Admiral Gene Starwin, commanding officer of the 8th Fleet, and Grande Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto III, head of the Imperial Navy. As they flew in, Yamamoto surveyed the fleets as they prepared to shove off. As they came in over the 8th Fleet, something caught the admiral's eye.
"Who approved additions to G Dock and H Dock?" he exclaimed angrily.
Looking over his shoulder out the window, Admiral Starwin replied, "sir, that's not part of the dock, that's the new superdreadnaught that was just commisioned, ICS Honor, I believe."
"Are you...are you serious?" Yamamoto stammard, taken aback at the size of the ships. "Excellent, these two shall be the pride of the fleet. Honor is the new flagship, then?"
"Aye, sir. It is."
"Good, then let's land and shove off."
The Tilt-rotor landed on the stern decking of the superdreadnaught Honor amid hundreds of sailors scurrying about preparing the ship for combat. Around the ship, yells, shouts, and horns echoed across the waters of the port from other ships in the contingent. A few hours later, due to the active state they were kept in, the ships of the armada were ready to sail. With powerful engines throbbing in the warm air, they exited the harbor gates three abreast, and formed up into their separate fleets in the open waters, steaming to protect the shores of Vietnamexico.
(OOC: Brief descriptions of ships availible on my NS wiki page, a link is below in my signiture.)
29-10-2005, 20:03
It has come to our attention that a genocidal force is present within Vietnamexico, and a help plea has been sent forth. Therefore, we shall send forth our Navy to protect the nation from those seeking to further the rebels' intents. Their approxamate ETA is 2 NS days. A list shall accompany this message.
Signed into effectivness by His Excellency Shogun Himura Kenshin
10/29 A.C. 410
List of Ships
7th Fleet
3 Island SDN carriers
5 Arkhangel Battlecarriers/Dreadnaughts
12 Zimmermann Battleships
26 Aegis CIWS Defense Platforms/Cruisers
Special Attachment: 5 Pices Battlesubs
8th Fleet
2 Honor SDN
4 Island SDN carriers
8 Arkhangel Battlecarriers/Dreadnaughts
20 Zimmermann Battleships
30 Aegis CIWS Defense Platforms/Cruisers
Special Attachment: 8 Pices Battlesubs
9th Fleet
20 Lionfish Fastattack Subs
5 Shark Boomers
11th Fleet
25 Lionfish Fastattack Subs
13th Fleet
15 Pices Battlesubs
As dawn broke over the Imperial Port of Neo-Nagasaki, a V-22 Ossprey roared across the sky, circling in to land. Aboard it were two men, Rear-Admiral Gene Starwin, commanding officer of the 8th Fleet, and Grande Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto III, head of the Imperial Navy. As they flew in, Yamamoto surveyed the fleets as they prepared to shove off. As they came in over the 8th Fleet, something caught the admiral's eye.
"Who approved additions to G Dock and H Dock?" he exclaimed angrily.
Looking over his shoulder out the window, Admiral Starwin replied, "sir, that's not part of the dock, that's the new superdreadnaught that was just commisioned, ICS Honor, I believe."
"Are you...are you serious?" Yamamoto stammard, taken aback at the size of the ships. "Excellent, these two shall be the pride of the fleet. Honor is the new flagship, then?"
"Aye, sir. It is."
"Good, then let's land and shove off."
The Tilt-rotor landed on the stern decking of the superdreadnaught Honor amid hundreds of sailors scurrying about preparing the ship for combat. Around the ship, yells, shouts, and horns echoed across the waters of the port from other ships in the contingent. A few hours later, due to the active state they were kept in, the ships of the armada were ready to sail. With powerful engines throbbing in the warm air, they exited the harbor gates three abreast, and formed up into their separate fleets in the open waters, steaming to protect the shores of Vietnamexico.
(OOC: Brief descriptions of ships availible on my NS wiki page, a link is below in my signiture.)
no im just joking. At least its a realistic fleet. Good job. Will your fleet be sent to where mine is or somewhere else?
Pschycotic Pschycos
29-10-2005, 20:23
OOC: HAHA, had me worried there for a minute. Would've destroyed days of work in German Class. They'll be sent to intercept yours, hopefully between yours and the coast, but just a general intercept if not. Unfortunatly, no amount of fluid time will allow me to speed this up, so it'll probably be about an hour or so in RL till we come in aircraft range (ours). Ill do you a favor and work with the others to try to get their fleets to a more realistic size.
Dweladelfia prime, when you see this, send me a TG, I'll help you trim it down a little.
29-10-2005, 20:26
OOC: Maaldathi, until i can scrape togther enough carrier based tankers, the B-257 raid is off, however im going ot deploy some forces anyway.
The Confederacy of Spizania has been alerted by our fellow IADF members Vietnamexico and Dwedelfia Prime of the Genocidal maniacs known as the Darian rebels and we are alarmed that these monsters are being supported by a foreign power, thus we are deploying elements of the Navy and of our foreign legion, under the command of Admiral Manchuso and General Konion Hellion, two of the confederacy's greatest commander's to asssit our allies ot drive off the rebels.
6 Spartan Classs SuperBattlecruisers
1 Argentine Class Galleon
1 Indestructable Class carrier and Air Wings
2 Model Class Carriers and Air Wings
2 Elusive Class Battleships
12 Paramount ADVs
7 Seydlitz class Cruisers
14 Ocean Class Helicopter Assault Transports
3 Manstein Class Destroyers
1st Foreign Legion Paratrooper Division (Arabanistan) - 10000 Men
4th Mechanised Division - 10000 Men, 500 Warrior IIs, 150 Scythe I MBTs, assorted other vehicles
5th Marine Division - 10000 Men, 50 RoLu-17 Galicia Attack Helicopter, 75 Consul I MBTs, 150 Scythe I MBTs, Assorted other Vehicles (ELITE FORCES)
OOC: The Ships deployed constitute the bulk of my regular Navy
@ - IADF members, TG me about this we will need to cooperate
Dweladelfia prime
29-10-2005, 22:47
OOC: Sorry wont let me send you a tellagram. Are you a member of the NS draft Room?
29-10-2005, 23:10
OOC: Yes i am
Dweladelfia prime
29-10-2005, 23:46
OOC: Ok good if PP is to you can both help me. The thread that has my army is called Dweladelfian Army its in the other inovations.
Pschycotic Pschycos
30-10-2005, 00:46
OOC: No, I'm not. Set up a thread at IADF. We can do this there.
Dweladelfia prime
30-10-2005, 01:00
OOC: Ok ya its on the IADF, same title.
30-10-2005, 05:37
OOC:You guys realise it doesn't take this many ships to do damage to 3 50 ship fleets.
IC: Emperor Kuroi Lukav has decided to send a further 2 fleets to aid and assist the 3 original IUNAMI Fleets now that landing has been completed. Ships will leave port today.
30-10-2005, 14:54
Pschycotic Pschycos
30-10-2005, 18:20
As dawn broke over the imperial fleets, they began to come within their own aircraft range. In the light twilight before the sun broke the horizon, flashing lights illuminated the carrier decks as elevators came into service, ferrying
F-14Z fighter/bombers to flight decks. Attached to their six hardpoints were a combination of 3 Harpoon anti-shipping missiles tipped with the highly flammable White Phosphorous warhead and 3 Firebird ATA missile, upgraded Phoenix missiles. As the first rays of the sun broke across the water, the carriers were illuminated with a new light, that of jet wash. On 8th Fleet's 3 Island SDN carriers, 12 jets were attached to the catapults. As the sun made its prescence known, the catapults were fired, launching the jets skyward. Around them, the other Islands and Arkhangel carriers sent forth their fighters until the skys surrounding the 8th, as well as the 7th, became filled with the contrails of the jets streaking skyward. Once the airborne armada was formed, numbering nearly 500 hundred strong, they spread out and streaked for the Maldaathi forces. At 125 miles out, they would unleash they're payloads, capitol ships taking priority.
Though he would've liked to be on the bridge to see off the air forces, GA Yamamoto was down in the CIC of the ICS Honor, the flagship for the task force. The eerie blue light played of the long lines and scars on his face, making him look like some sort of maniac. "So, what type of plan are we looking for?"
"Well, sir, what are goal is at this time is to get the fleets between Maldathi forces and the coastline. That way, we can sever supply lines to forces already on the beach," Admiral Starwin replied. He and his staff had been working on a plan all throughout the cruise.
"Great," Yamamoto said. "How in hell are we going to do this?"
"The air element that just departed is the first branch of the plan." Beneath Starwin, an electronic table turned on, showing a display of the plan. "They'll weaken the force slightly. Next, the 9th and 11th will pull forward and attempt to eliminate any ships that might block our path." The display changed to show it. "At the same time, we'll rely on the main batteries of our ships to do the same job, pulling focus of the subs, in this manner, they won't be able to concentrate on one front."
"Looks good. How long till we can pull this off?"
"9th and 11th will be in range in 6 hours, and we'll be right behind them, ready to pull in and open fire."
"All right," the grande admiral declared. "We have a plan. Now let's get working!"
"Oh, one more thing. We got word from HQ this morning. 14th and 15th are being dispatched as well. They each have 10 DD(X) destroyers. They'll be in range to help in about a day."
(OOC: I know it's not neccessary, but you can never go wrong with overkill.)
Dweladelfia prime
30-10-2005, 18:24
The Empire is sending more troops to stop enamy advance.
{1st Mechanized infantry Divison}
2,000 Soldiers (XM8, Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, M240 Medium Machine Gun, Land warrior)
100 Transport Trucks
{2nd Mechanized infantry Divison}
2,000 Soldiers (XM8, Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, M240 Medium Machine Gun, Land warrior)
100 Transport Trucks
50 UH-60 Blackhawk
{1st Transport Divison}
100 C-45 Wild Boar
{5th Tank Divison}
200 Behemoth II Heavy Battle Tank
150 ST-37K1 Next Generation Battle Tank
100 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank
{2nd Helacopter Wing}
100 Mi-28 Havocâ
{4th Transport Divison}
100 Barracuda Class Transport Zeppelin
{7th Mechanized Marine Divison}
1,000 (Marines armed with AUG A1 Carbine Assault Rifles with Grendade Lanchers and Desert Eagles, Land Warrior)
1,000 Marines (M249 SAW, Desert Eagles, and Land warrior)
100 M6 Bradley Linebacker
100 UH-60 Blackhawk
100 Marines armed with Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, Desert Eagles and Land warrior
{1st Marine Transport Divison}
75 C-45 Wild Boar
They will be arrriveing on the transport Divisons.
We are also going to send Air Force to help Distroy enamy the fleet.
Rapire SQ- 100 F-22 Raptor- 4 Ponderie Class Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier
Longsword SQ- 100 F-22 Raptor- 4 Ponderie Class Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier
Pike SQ- 100 F-22 Raptor- 4 Ponderie Class Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier
SpearHead SQ- 100 F-22 Raptor- 4 Ponderie Class Zeppelin Aircraft Carrier
Dweladelfia prime
31-10-2005, 03:26
31-10-2005, 10:23
31-10-2005, 23:29
Joey continued smoking, despite knowledge that his exams were the next day. The test day was merely a blur of fear, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. The letter came the next day. Two actually. One read "We regretfully inform you that you have failed the end of the years exams, and will not be able to continue at the University."
The other read, "You have been inducted to serve in the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Bonstock. Please report to Recruitment Center Charlie 502 at 7240 Westmoreland Street, Fallen Church, Bonstock, at 0800 hours tommarrow."
The newspaper read, "First Bonstocknian Troops Arrive in Vietnamexico," next to a picture of soldiers marching off a C-17 at an unidentified airbase.
Maggie walked in on Joey as he was sitting, smoking a cigarette. "Maggie..." Joey said.
"I know," she said. "You gotta get out of here. Flee to Zecro. They're socialist there. They wont send you off to war."
"The Zecran border is three thousand miles from here. Besides, I got to go. Our country..."
"Do you really believe any of that propaganda our capitalist government has drilled into our heads?" Maggie snapped back. "You'll die in some country none of us have ever heard of until yesturday. Or even if you do make it, you'll go, see your comrades killed, see you fighting a proxy war for a bunch of guys in business suits and the politicians who represent them."
"I got no choice," Joey said back. He got out of his seat, and walked to the door, throwing his cigarette into the ashtray.
Maggie came up to him, and embraced him. "Don't become one of them," she said.
Joey kissed her forehead, and looked on her with somber eyes. "I've got to go now," he said, and he left.
He reported to the recruiting center, got his long hair shaved close, but the razors could not shave the somber look from his face. The bus picked him up, in his green army fatigues, and, with a crowded load of a hundred others, the long ride to the training center began. The recruiting sergeant gave him his assignment, "2nd Platoon, Delta Company, 784th Infantry Regiment." Joey stared out the window. His mind kept repeating, 2nd Platoon, Delta Company, 784th Infantry Regiment... 2nd Platoon, Delta Company, 784th Infantry Regiment.... Between thoughts of this, Maggie's words would slip into his mind, Don't become one of them...
ooc: Bonstocknian Forces in Vietnamexico, so far:
Ground Forces:
1st Brigade, 6th Airborne Division
1st Battalion Landing Team, 3rd Brigade, 1st Marine Division
576th Engineer Brigade
407th Airbase Construction Battalion (Bonstocknian Air Force)
Air Forces:
2nd Squadron, 765th Fighter Wing (A-10)
12th Airlift Wing (C-17)
45th Airlift Wing (C-17)
105th Airlift Wing (C-17)
654th Air Refueling Wing (KC-10)
(All Airlift/Air Refueling Wings are currently deploying or supplying Bonstocknian forces on the ground; a wing consists of 72 aircraft in three equal squadrons)
Naval Forces:
6 Aircraft Carrier battlegroups
Pschycotic Pschycos
31-10-2005, 23:57
For the air force, everything was proceeding according to plan. After about 1 hours flying, they began to come to the zero-barrier at which they would release their payloads, which had been extended to 50 miles out. A few minutes later, a voice crackled into each of the pilots' headsets via satellite uplink, "Alpha Flight, this is Gamma Base. You are cleared to your targets. Proceed immediately." With this, the 500 craft split apart into a wider formation to prevent midair collisions and dropped their payloads. Missile after missile dropped off of hardpoints, falling through the ocean air until the afterburners kicked on, sending each one carreening for a Maldaathi ship. As they travelled, they descended still further until they were right above sea level, hitting their top speed of Mach 3.5. Targets were locked via live satellite uplink from each plane to the missile. A backup would send data right to the missile should its parent plane be shot down. As the missiles shot off, the voice came back to their headsets, "good work Alpha Flight, you are cleared to return to base." Without hesitating, being so close to enemy forces, the flight wheeled about and headed back for the fleets, which were still roughly 75 miles and one day out.
01-11-2005, 08:18
finnaly the army had arrived. they set up camp 10 kilometres away from the city, and prepared for the bloodbath which meant nothing but money to there heartless president
Dweladelfia prime
01-11-2005, 15:42
"All right this is serpant Leader all Squadron leaders check in."
"Serpant 1 standing by"
"Serpant 2 standing by"
"Serpant 3 standing by"
"Serpant 4 standing by"
"Serpant 5 standing by"
"Allright all fighters prepare to engage targets."
"FOX 3!"
With that all the F-99Ns dive down to engage the enamy ships.
The Dweladelfian Fleet as finally arived.
This is the dweladelfian Fleet commanded by Admiral George F.
{1st War hammer Fleet}
1 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught
15 Battleships (Orca Class)
17 North Carolina Class battleships
5 Carriers (Admiral Class)
8 Nuke subs (Ohio Class)
5 Battle ships (Dreadnought Class)
20 Frigates (Tri-Maran Class)
Renegade SQ- 300 F-35
Beta SQ- 300 F-35
Fighting Eagle SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Serpent SQ- 300 F-99 (Wolverine) Air Superiority Fighter
Whirlpool SQ- 500 Harrier FRS.MK
"Maldaathi fleet stand down or by distroyed."
Dweladelfia prime
01-11-2005, 22:19
Pschycotic Pschycos
02-11-2005, 00:33
finnaly the army had arrived. they set up camp 10 kilometres away from the city, and prepared for the bloodbath which meant nothing but money to there heartless president
Ummm....where did you come from? You need to:
A) post mobilization
B) post getting INTO the nation
C) Give opponent retaliation time
D) Read the stickies
You're gonna be labled n00b if you don't.
02-11-2005, 01:19
sorry everyone, i forgot about this thread, can i get an update
02-11-2005, 01:27
sorry everyone, i forgot about this thread, can i get an update
Well, there's this....
-I'm interested in having some folks from the Kanuckistani Adventurers' Guild drop by to protect the innocent and hunt some genocidal guerrillas.
However, I'm a decidly future-tech, mostly non-hunam nation; I can adjust to most standards, but I'd like to know what you're willing to allow first befor I throw together a force list and make with the IC.
But aside from that, a whole bunch of forgine armies and navies've started turning up and I think they've started shooting at each other.
Atleast one guy supporting the genocidal rebels has sent a fleet, claims to have established a base on your shore, and I think he's launched airstrikes on orphinages or something.
You really should read through it; it's gotten pretty crazy, IMO.
Oh, and http://forums.jolt.co.uk/subscription.php?do=viewsubscription is great for keeping track of what threads you're in and which are active.
Dweladelfia prime
02-11-2005, 14:50
Pschycotic Pschycos
03-11-2005, 01:48
Where the heck is Maldaathi?
Dweladelfia prime
03-11-2005, 04:49
I dont know..........
03-11-2005, 06:17
Pato looked at the bottom of the bag of opium that he had just consumed. The leaders of the Nubanta gave all the fighters a rifle, a bag of wheat and one bag of opium. He joined up once the recuriters came to his village today, for he hated the Muurites, they threw aciud on his brother's face when he was a young boy, and now his brother could only see out of one eye. Pato walked into the small wooden hut that he and his wife lived in.
"Why you do this to me, you know that all the Nubanta do are rape and kill, that is against the family teaching. Your fathers have always been against the meaness to the Muurites and now you go and--"
"My fathers never watched Muurites throw acid on their brother's face. The Nubanta are good people, and we will take our revenge on the Muurites. A good Darian women stands behind her man, why don't you."
"Get outta this house, I's a widow, I don't know you. "Get out!" Pato stepped out of the house, and made his way to the center of the village, were the group of trucks were preparing to leave, to head off to a far better future.
Corpral Julian Pierce strod down the perimeter of the refugee camp. He was worried and he did not know why. For some reason he felt as though something was not right. He clicked his bolt-action rifle so he could fire as soon as the Nubanta came at him. He felt that that time was to be soon. HE hoped that the Bonstockian forces would come soon to aid him, this was the few quiet imes at the camp, and it would not be quiet for long.
03-11-2005, 08:14
Ummm....where did you come from? You need to:
A) post mobilization
B) post getting INTO the nation
C) Give opponent retaliation time
D) Read the stickies
You're gonna be labled n00b if you don't.
i said I set sail like a week ago, Nobody said a thing about stopping me in any way, so i presumed I landed
Pschycotic Pschycos
03-11-2005, 13:48
Yes, but your offer to send troops was not confirmed. Therefore, you can't send without permission. Also, you MUST post arriving in the country, giving the opponent time to counter-attack, and you must also work your way to a city, RPing setting up a base. Why do you think I'm still waiting for Maldaathi? RP etiquette. This is stuff you have to learn.
03-11-2005, 14:48
OOC: sorry guys for dropping off the planet. The reason? I dropped off the planet. I saw Mars! Post will be soon!
04-11-2005, 01:55
OOC/IC: The Warstench troops are denied entry into the nation by the King himself
04-11-2005, 02:32
*OOCly pokes Vietnamexico regarding his enquiry*
Pschycotic Pschycos
04-11-2005, 13:49
Okay, we're waiting M. Watch out for the holes in the sidewalk next time.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2005, 16:29
Burning Star Alliances
04-11-2005, 17:39
The Dictatorship of Burning Star Alliances,
We are a nation devoted to space exploration, therefore think yourselfs lucky we have taken pitty upon you, we may be a small nation but due to this devotion we have accumulated some of the greatest minds in the world and therefore have some of the highest grade weapons and armour in the world, you would be fools not to take up on this offer.
We wish to aid Vienamexico with their problem rebels, for the moment we shall only be willing to send a small force of specials, however they will be of our usual universal standard of training and with our highest grade weapons and armour.
We are willing to send; in aid of the Muurite peoples:
5th Expeditionary Force of Burning Star IV
17th Intergalactic Guards of Burning Star XXIII
9th Airbourne Force of Burning Star XXIII
Please inform The Burning Stars on your landscape and climate so we can determine what the best course of action is.
The President of The Burning Star Alliances
Pschycotic Pschycos
04-11-2005, 18:47
OOC: I'm pretty sure this is a PMT roleplay. Of course, check with Vietnamexico.
In general, if you RP future tech, look for FT roleplays.
04-11-2005, 22:26
The Confederate battlefleet raced at flank speed, 400 miles behind that of Psychic Phychotica, its carriers preparing for teh first strike upon the enemy.
At Olympia airbase 32 Adapted KC-130 Tankers took off and headed for a long range rendevous with the Psychotica fleet, five hours later 8 B-257s of the 91st Heavy Bomb group took ot the sky and followed, there vast bomb bays full with 200 Shockhound I Avenger Antishipping missiles apeice, the Maldaathi fleet could not possibel stop them all, what lived afterwards would be obliterated easily by the combined allied fleets.
Burning Star Alliances
05-11-2005, 10:36
OOC: I'm pretty sure this is a PMT roleplay. Of course, check with Vietnamexico.
In general, if you RP future tech, look for FT roleplays.
If you are talking to me, I presume so;
I'm not a future tech RP, they are just the names for my units, I dedicate my nation to space exploration, therefore when ever a new planet or sun is spotted by a telescope, a new army is created, eventually to pioneer this planet or galaxy when the technology is found, i use modern weapons eg. P90SMG and armour eg. the Russian T-90 MBT, so nothing is future tech, however my troops are prepared and trained for intergalatic combat and tactics as we would believe them to be simply because of the dedication.
With this aspect hopefully understood, I await your response to my troop deployment once again.
Dweladelfia prime
06-11-2005, 00:52
06-11-2005, 02:15
Joey's bus got off at the stop, Fort Evremonde, in Northern Bonstock. Joey marched off, along with what seemed to be millions of others. A sergeant came up to him. "Where's your unit, son?" he said.
"2nd Platoon, Delta Company, 784th Infantry Regiment."
"Over there..." the sergeant replied. Another man called out to the crowd.
"784th Infantry Regiment, fall in."
Joey walked towards him, falling in with the rest. He was quickly taken in, and given to the drill sergeants. Delta Company, 784th Infantry, with its two-hundred-fifty-odd soldiers, mostly 18-year-old boys who either didn't have the money or grades to get into college and get a student deferment, marched off to the barracks. They reached the barracks, led by a captain an his lieutenants. Once they entered, the captain called out from the front of the room.
"Greetings, gentlemen, and welcome to the 784th and the Bonstocknian Army. My name is Captain William Kaine. I want you first of all to remember these things. First of all, we're going to be training quickly, as we've been earmarked for deployment to Vietnamexico to intervene in their civil war. Second of all, what ever you learned about rules of engagement, forget it right now. There are no civilians and no soldiers. Only those trying to kill you and those that aren't. And if they aren't and you think they are, then they're better off dead, because you stay alive."
Stay alive... Joey thought. That was all he really wanted to do. Stay alive.
Drills for the next few weeks were brutal. Kaine led them though 16 hours a day of constant marching, running, push ups, firing practices. But even that would not be enough training. Three weeks in, Captain Kaine adressed the company. "Boys, the Battalion staff has just handed me an order. High Command has cut our training short, and is attaching our regiment to the Bonstocknian 2nd Infantry Division to be sent to Vietnamexico. We're moving out tommarrow."
Vietnamexico, thought Joey. Until just a few weeks ago, he had never heard of that country. He still couldn't even place it on a map. He took a picture out of his boot. It was a picture of Maggie, who he'd left behind. He took a good look at it, and set it down.
Just before dawn, the bugles sounded, and the men of Delta Company woke up and fell out. With newly issued camo fatigues, helmets, flak jackets, and rucksacks full of gear, they made their way solemnly and in order onto the giant grey C-17 transports. If the training had done one thing, it had taught the men to march in order, and take orders without flinching. That was what the Bonstocknian soldier's job was.
It was only after the transports took off that Joey realized he'd forgotten to take Maggie's picture along with him.
Pschycotic Pschycos
06-11-2005, 04:14
As Spizania's air forces approached, 8th Fleet sent out 3 KC-17 modified tankers from its SDN carriers to rendevous with them and refuel them.
(OOC: M., we NEED your next reply.)
07-11-2005, 02:00
The night dragged on, and finally, Pato was off duty, he went of to his tent as the Dewlfdalian soldier took his place on the perimeter. Pato= reached his tent, and he turned on the small bunsin burner, and set a can of beans on top of it. He had not eaten for two days, for he like the rest of the soldiers, had been givng their rations to the hundred odd orphans that came in on Friday, it was now Sunday, and Pato was famished. He dicided to relax and he took off his flak jacket, fatigue shirt, boots, and laid his gun on the tent wall, and sprawled out onto his sleepin mat. He waited for the beans to cook, when suddenly, he heard a crack from the east portion of the camp. He jumped back into his boots, and he grabbed his gun. He ran toward the skirmish clad in nothing but his fatigue pants, and a sleeve-less undershirt. The sound of the gunfire and the explosions were waking up many a soldier, some of them in underwear only, carrying their guns sheppishly.
OOC: Someone RP as the Nubanta fighters that are assaulting the camp, which is placed within the jungle in order to hid it from the Nubanta.
07-11-2005, 20:57
The KC_130s refueled, as did the B-257s, however there would be circling o fhte fleet by the loaded bombers, witha near full fuel load they could launch there missiles now, they woudl have to circle as they awaited confirmation.
Burning Star Alliances
09-11-2005, 18:58
Will King Horus please answer me.
Or I may be forced to join the rebels, or take my services elsewhere.
09-11-2005, 19:16
OOC: JOining ht erebels would be bad for you, but would be a good ting for the RP as the IADF have such overwhelming firepower, and this is less than 10% of what the alliance could easily bring to bear on the rebels, so the more countries support the rebels, the better.
Dweladelfia prime
09-11-2005, 19:18
OOC: Ok were is whats is face the one with the fleet of the coast?
09-11-2005, 23:15
Will King Horus please answer me.
Or I may be forced to join the rebels, or take my services elsewhere.
OOC: YEah sure, but as long as you work hard at your posting unlike the other newbie that came
09-11-2005, 23:17
*OOCly pokes Vietnamexico regarding his enquiry*
Would you mind RPing as a Darain citizen protecting Muurites
13-11-2005, 23:00
Pschycotic Pschycos
14-11-2005, 23:34
I think that this is dead.
15-11-2005, 05:00
well, post as the Nubanta attacking the refugee camp, I need someone to respond to that
19-11-2005, 20:24
20-11-2005, 03:52
Helicopters swarmed over the jungle base camp where the Bonstocknians had taken up positions. Joey, with a squad of soldiers with M-16s, had taken up a position in a machine gun bunker.
Another soldier turned to him as he looked out the bunker. "Joey, what do you think you're gonna do after the war?"
Joey looked over puzzled for a second, then shrugged. "I dunno, Albert. What about you?"
"I'm gonna go to college, maybe become a doctor or lawyer or something. But you gotta have something."
"I failed out of college. I dunno what I'm gonna do." Suddenly a plop was heard on the ground right next to him. Albert dove down, and picked a small object off the floor which had just flown in, and threw it out. The object, a live grenade, exploded outside in a brilliant flash. Joey gasped. "Damn," he said, breathing heavily. "You just saved my life."
"Don't mention it," Albert responded.
Joey thought back for a second. The two had met at boot camp, and become fast friends. Little Albert, fresh out of high school and still dreaming of going home on a GI bill, getting a degree, and marrying some girl he kept talking about. Joey trusted Albert, and likewise. They endured the same rotten C-rations together, sat together as mortar shells blew up around them at night, and listened to the same career minded officers who wouldn't flinch at sending them to die if it would boost the enemy body count for their superiors to see.
That night, Captain Kaine came into the barracks where Albert, Joey, and the others were just about to go to sleep. "Orders from Battalion. Our company is going to assault an enemy held village at 0600 hours by vertical envelopment. You are to fall in by 0400 hours by the runway with combat gear. That is all."
A sergeant handed around dossiers to everyone describing the village that was to be assaulted. It was unfortunate for the sake of the Bonstocknians that the village was not Nubanta military base at all. It was just an isolated Nubantan civilian village. Some Nubantan militant had tipped off the Bonstocknians that it held an enemy training base, and High Command, desperate to see some results to legitimize the conflict before the Bonstocknian Senate voted whether or not to continue troop deployments, took the bait.
That morning, the soldiers neatly lined up behind a formation of about twenty Blackhawk helicopters. Captain Kaine spoke to them. "Our company has been chosen as the lead in this assault. Remember, the target is an enemy facility. All people there are enemy combatants. Kill every last one of them. Fall in!"
The soldiers got into the helicopters. Albert seemed a little more put off then his usual calm and enthusiastic attitude. Seeing him sitting and shaking in the helicopter, Joey said, "Is something the matter?"
"I dunno," Albert responded. "I just got a bad feeling about this one."
21-11-2005, 04:55
OOC: the Nubanta is the name of the militia, not the name of the people. The name of the people is the Darians
Pato and the other Vietnamexicans were sick of the fresh Bonstockian recruits. Their claims that this was a bullshit war, that the fight was for others not them, and that this assault on the Darian village was unjust. This village was a breeding ground for the Nubanta. Whenever he heard the Bonstockians talking about how they could not wait to get back to their home, Pato wished he could show them pictures of the orphanage battle, when Pato and the rest of his platoon stopped the Nubanta from killing Muurite orphans with their blood-stained machetes.
A fat man next to Pato nudged him, "Hey, man, you want a chew, I gotta feeling that this is going to be a dirty one."
"Yeah, sure, gimme some of that." replied pato as he took the proferred can from the fat man's chubby hand, "Thanks Dickerson." Dickerson was the joker of the platoon, he always tried to ligthen the situation.
Pato and the rest of the Vietnamexican soldiers were at the head of the attack, with Bonstockian unit, Delta or something of the sort. They were currently in the fields surrounding the village, which were suprisingly fallow. That fact made Pato uneasy, and for good reason. A few yards from him, a mine went off. Pato was blown back by the force of the explosion. His ears were ringing, and on the dirt next to him he felt the warm sensation of blood, not his, but someone else's.
24-11-2005, 18:12
The helicopters flew over the village. A few rockets were fired into houses, but not much happened until the big troopships were directly over.
Joey and Albert watched as the lead helicopter hovered over the town square, and was shot by an RPG at point blank range. It exploded in a giant fireball that instantly killed 14 Bonstocknian servicemen.
Joey's helicopter hurriedly landed. Mortar shells and RPGs were blasting everywhere, and Kalashnikovs barked and sputtered from alleyways. "Everybody out!" the pilot said to the soldiers. Albert and Joey got out first, and ran for cover. Barely a second had they gotten out when a mortar bomb burst into the chopper's rotors. Another mortar landed nearby, leaving a gaping hole in the dirt.
"Let's get in!" Albert said. Joey and Albert dove into the trench, and ducked down, firing their M-4 carbines in the general direction of the enemy. They watched, dreadingly, as more helicopters brought in more troops overhead. Smoke rose from every building in the down, and the monotonous cries of wounded men were puntuated by the constant stutter of automatic weapons and the regular explosions. It would be at least an hour and fifty Bonstocknian lives later before the firefight ended.
Dweladelfia prime
24-11-2005, 18:46
OOC: Is Bonstock an enamy?
25-11-2005, 05:09
OOC: Is Bonstock an enamy?
ooc: we're enemies of the rebels, and with the Vietnamexico government... our government has "ties" to the Vietnamexicans...
Dweladelfia prime
25-11-2005, 05:14
ooc: we're enemies of the rebels, and with the Vietnamexico government... our government has "ties" to the Vietnamexicans...
Ok so your an ally.
25-11-2005, 20:41
OOC: No he is a friend